iTunes Music Library Tracks
This module loops through iTunes Music Library XML and spits out a stream of JSON objects for each track (or playlist).
There are similar npm modules that do this, however when trying to utilise them in an electon application they all failed in one way or another.
I created my module using minimal dependencies so that it works without issue.
$ npm install @johnpaulvaughan/itunes-music-library-tracks --save
Code Example
Supply the module with a path to your xml file. It returns a node readStream of tracks.
It throws an error if something goes wrong.
let getItunesTracks = require('@johnpaulvaughan/itunes-music-library-tracks').getItunesTracks;
let validXMLpath = 'C:\\Users\\JohnPaulVaughan\\Music\\iTunes\\iTunes Music Library.xml'
let trackStream = getItunesTracks(validXMLpath)
trackStream.on('data', function(track) {
trackStream.on('error', function(err) {
trackStream.on('end', () => {
console.log('finished parsing xml stream')
There are two methods that work in a similsr fashion
- getItunesTracks for track info
- getItunesPlaylists for playlist info