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@jsonquerylang/jsonquery - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 4.0.0 to 4.1.0



@@ -1,15 +0,15 @@

const E = (t) => Array.isArray(t), I = (t) => typeof t == "string";
function m(t) {
const A = (t) => Array.isArray(t), L = (t) => t && typeof t == "object" && !A(t), W = (t) => typeof t == "string";
function p(t) {
return (...e) => {
const n = => $(c)), r = n[0], s = n[1];
return n.length === 1 ? (c) => t(r(c)) : n.length === 2 ? (c) => t(r(c), s(c)) : (c) => t( => x(c)));
const n = => m(c)), r = n[0], s = n[1];
return n.length === 1 ? (c) => t(r(c)) : n.length === 2 ? (c) => t(r(c), s(c)) : (c) => t($) => $(c)));
const k = {
const x = {
pipe: (...t) => {
const e = => $(n));
const e = => m(n));
return (n) => e.reduce((r, s) => s(r), n);
object: (t) => {
const e = Object.keys(t).map((n) => [n, $(t[n])]);
const e = Object.keys(t).map((n) => [n, m(t[n])]);
return (n) => {

@@ -23,3 +23,3 @@ const r = {};

array: (...t) => {
const e = => $(n));
const e = => m(n));
return (n) => => r(n));

@@ -42,30 +42,62 @@ },

map: (t) => {
const e = $(t);
const e = m(t);
return (n) =>;
mapObject: (t) => {
const e = m(t);
return (n) => {
const r = {};
for (const s of Object.keys(n)) {
const c = e({ key: s, value: n[s] });
r[c.key] = c.value;
return r;
mapKeys: (t) => {
const e = m(t);
return (n) => {
const r = {};
for (const s of Object.keys(n)) {
const c = e(s);
r[c] = n[s];
return r;
mapValues: (t) => {
const e = m(t);
return (n) => {
const r = {};
for (const s of Object.keys(n))
r[s] = e(n[s]);
return r;
filter: (t) => {
const e = $(t);
return (n) => n.filter(e);
const e = m(t);
return (n) => n.filter((r) => E(e(r)));
sort: (t = ["get"], e) => {
const n = $(t), r = e === "desc" ? -1 : 1;
function s(c, x) {
const w = n(c), y = n(x);
return w > y ? r : w < y ? -r : 0;
const n = m(t), r = e === "desc" ? -1 : 1;
function s(c, $) {
const k = n(c), O = n($);
return k > O ? r : k < O ? -r : 0;
return (c) => c.slice().sort(s);
reverse: () => (t) => t.toReversed(),
pick: (...t) => {
const e =
([r, ...s]) => [s[s.length - 1], k.get(...s)]
([r, ...s]) => [s[s.length - 1], x.get(...s)]
), n = (r, s) => {
const c = {};
for (const [x, w] of s)
c[x] = w(r);
for (const [$, k] of s)
c[$] = k(r);
return c;
return (r) => E(r) ? => n(s, e)) : n(r, e);
return (r) => A(r) ? => n(s, e)) : n(r, e);
groupBy: (t) => {
const e = $(t);
const e = m(t);
return (n) => {

@@ -81,3 +113,3 @@ const r = {};

keyBy: (t) => {
const e = $(t);
const e = m(t);
return (n) => {

@@ -87,3 +119,3 @@ const r = {};

const c = e(s);
r[c] = r[c] ?? s;
c in r || (r[c] = s);

@@ -94,4 +126,9 @@ return r;

flatten: () => (t) => t.flat(),
join: (t = "") => (e) => e.join(t),
split: p(
(t, e) => e !== void 0 ? t.split(e) : t.trim().split(/\s+/)
substring: (t, e) => (n) => n.slice(Math.max(t, 0), e),
uniq: () => (t) => [ Set(t)],
uniqBy: (t) => (e) => Object.values(k.groupBy(t)(e)).map((n) => n[0]),
uniqBy: (t) => (e) => Object.values(x.keyBy(t)(e)),
limit: (t) => (e) => e.slice(0, Math.max(t, 0)),

@@ -103,50 +140,57 @@ size: () => (t) => t.length,

sum: () => (t) => t.reduce((e, n) => e + n),
average: () => (t) => k.sum()(t) / t.length,
average: () => (t) => x.sum()(t) / t.length,
min: () => (t) => Math.min(...t),
max: () => (t) => Math.max(...t),
and: p((t, e) => !!(t && e)),
or: p((t, e) => !!(t || e)),
not: p((t) => !t),
exists: (t) => {
const e = t.slice(1), n = e.pop(), r = x.get(...e);
return (s) => {
const c = r(s);
return !!c &&, n);
if: (t, e, n) => {
const r = m(t), s = m(e), c = m(n);
return ($) => E(r($)) ? s($) : c($);
in: (t, e) => {
const n = $(t), r = $(e);
const n = m(t), r = m(e);
return (s) => r(s).includes(n(s));
"not in": (t, e) => {
const n =, e);
const n =, e);
return (r) => !n(r);
regex: (t, e, n) => {
const r = new RegExp(e, n), s = $(t);
const r = new RegExp(e, n), s = m(t);
return (c) => r.test(s(c));
and: m((t, e) => !!(t && e)),
or: m((t, e) => !!(t || e)),
not: m((t) => !t),
exists: (t) => {
const e = t.slice(1), n = e.pop(), r = k.get(...e);
return (s) => {
const c = r(s);
return !!c &&, n);
if: (t, e, n) => {
const r = $(t), s = $(e), c = $(n);
return (x) => r(x) ? s(x) : c(x);
eq: m((t, e) => t === e),
gt: m((t, e) => t > e),
gte: m((t, e) => t >= e),
lt: m((t, e) => t < e),
lte: m((t, e) => t <= e),
ne: m((t, e) => t !== e),
add: m((t, e) => t + e),
subtract: m((t, e) => t - e),
multiply: m((t, e) => t * e),
divide: m((t, e) => t / e),
pow: m((t, e) => t ** e),
mod: m((t, e) => t % e),
abs: m(Math.abs),
round: m((t, e = 0) => +`${Math.round(+`${t}e${e}`)}e${-e}`)
}, S = [];
function $(t, e) {
S.unshift({ ...k, ...S[0], ...e == null ? void 0 : e.functions });
eq: p((t, e) => t === e),
gt: p((t, e) => t > e),
gte: p((t, e) => t >= e),
lt: p((t, e) => t < e),
lte: p((t, e) => t <= e),
ne: p((t, e) => t !== e),
add: p((t, e) => t + e),
subtract: p((t, e) => t - e),
multiply: p((t, e) => t * e),
divide: p((t, e) => t / e),
pow: p((t, e) => t ** e),
mod: p((t, e) => t % e),
abs: p(Math.abs),
round: p((t, e = 0) => +`${Math.round(+`${t}e${e}`)}e${-e}`),
number: p((t) => {
const e = Number(t);
return Number.isNaN(Number(t)) ? null : e;
string: p(String)
}, E = (t) => t !== null && t !== 0 && t !== !1, v = [];
function m(t, e) {
v.unshift({ ...x, ...v[0], ...e == null ? void 0 : e.functions });
try {
const n = E(t) ? R(t, S[0]) : () => t;
const n = A(t) ? J(t, v[0]) : L(t) ? P(
`Function notation ["object", {...}] expected but got ${JSON.stringify(t)}`
) : () => t;
return (r) => {

@@ -160,12 +204,13 @@ try {

} finally {
function R(t, e) {
function J(t, e) {
const [n, ...r] = t, s = e[n];
if (!s)
throw new Error(`Unknown function '${n}'`);
return s(...r);
return s || P(`Unknown function '${n}'`), s(...r);
const P = {
function P(t) {
throw new Error(t);
const R = {
and: "and",

@@ -187,104 +232,104 @@ or: "or",

"not in": "not in"
}, L = /^[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z\d_$]*$/, W = /^[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z\d_$]*/, F = /^"(?:[^"\\]|\\.)*"/, U = /^-?(?:0|[1-9]\d*)(?:\.\d+)?(?:[eE][+-]?\d+)?/, J = /^(0|[1-9][0-9]*)/, M = /^(true|false|null)/, T = /^[ \n\t\r]+/;
function z(t, e) {
const n = () => {
const u = r();
if (h(), t[o] === "|") {
const g = [u];
for (; t[o] === "|"; )
o++, h(), g.push(r());
return ["pipe", ...g];
}, M = /^[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z\d_$]*$/, T = /^[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z\d_$]*/, U = /^"(?:[^"\\]|\\.)*"/, z = /^-?(?:0|[1-9]\d*)(?:\.\d+)?(?:[eE][+-]?\d+)?/, B = /^(0|[1-9][0-9]*)/, K = /^(true|false|null)/, Z = /^[ \n\t\r]+/;
function D(t, e) {
const n = { ...R, ...e == null ? void 0 : e.operators }, r = Object.keys(n).sort((o, a) => a.length - o.length), s = () => {
const o = c();
if (g(), t[u] === "|") {
const a = [o];
for (; t[u] === "|"; )
u++, g(), a.push(c());
return ["pipe", ...a];
return u;
}, r = () => {
const u = { ...P, ...e == null ? void 0 : e.operators }, g = s();
for (const j of Object.keys(u).sort((N, v) => v.length - N.length)) {
const N = u[j];
if (t.substring(o, o + N.length) === N) {
o += N.length, h();
const v = s();
return [j, g, v];
return o;
}, c = () => {
const o = $();
for (const a of r) {
const y = n[a];
if (t.substring(u, u + y.length) === y) {
u += y.length, g();
const F = $();
return [a, o, F];
return g;
}, s = () => {
if (t[o] === "(") {
const u = n();
return p(")"), u;
return o;
}, $ = () => {
if (t[u] === "(") {
const o = s();
return d(")"), o;
return c();
}, c = () => {
const u = [];
if (t[o] === ".") {
for (; t[o] === "."; )
o++, u.push(
a() ?? i() ?? f() ?? b("Property expected")
return k();
}, k = () => {
if (t[u] === ".") {
const o = [];
for (; t[u] === "."; )
u++, o.push(
l() ?? f() ?? j() ?? _("Property expected")
return ["get", ...u];
return ["get", ...o];
return x();
}, x = () => {
const u = o, g = i();
if (h(), !g || t[o] !== "(")
return o = u, w();
o++, !(e != null && e.functions[g]) && !k[g] && b(`Unknown function '${g}'`), h();
const j = t[o] !== ")" ? [n()] : [];
for (; o < t.length && t[o] !== ")"; )
h(), p(","), j.push(n());
return p(")"), [g, ...j];
}, w = () => {
if (t[o] === "{") {
o++, h();
const u = {};
let g = !0;
for (; o < t.length && t[o] !== "}"; ) {
g ? g = !1 : (p(","), h());
const j = a() ?? i() ?? f() ?? b("Key expected");
h(), p(":"), u[j] = n();
return O();
}, O = () => {
const o = u, a = f();
if (g(), !a || t[u] !== "(")
return u = o, h();
u++, !(e != null && e.functions[a]) && !x[a] && _(`Unknown function '${a}'`), g();
const y = t[u] !== ")" ? [s()] : [];
for (; u < t.length && t[u] !== ")"; )
g(), d(","), y.push(s());
return d(")"), [a, ...y];
}, h = () => {
if (t[u] === "{") {
u++, g();
const o = {};
let a = !0;
for (; u < t.length && t[u] !== "}"; ) {
a ? a = !1 : (d(","), g());
const y = l() ?? f() ?? j() ?? _("Key expected");
g(), d(":"), o[y] = s();
return p("}"), ["object", u];
return d("}"), ["object", o];
return y();
}, y = () => {
if (t[o] === "[") {
o++, h();
const u = [];
let g = !0;
for (; o < t.length && t[o] !== "]"; )
g ? g = !1 : (p(","), h()), u.push(n());
return p("]"), ["array", ...u];
return i();
}, i = () => {
if (t[u] === "[") {
u++, g();
const o = [];
let a = !0;
for (; u < t.length && t[u] !== "]"; )
a ? a = !1 : (d(","), g()), o.push(s());
return d("]"), ["array", ...o];
return a() ?? l() ?? O();
}, a = () => d(F, JSON.parse), i = () => d(W, (u) => u), l = () => d(U, JSON.parse), f = () => d(J, JSON.parse), O = () => {
const u = d(M, JSON.parse);
if (u !== void 0)
return u;
b("Value expected");
}, _ = () => {
h(), o < t.length && b(`Unexpected part '${t.substring(o)}'`);
}, d = (u, g) => {
const j = t.substring(o).match(u);
if (j)
return o += j[0].length, g(j[0]);
}, h = () => d(T, (u) => u), p = (u) => {
t[o] !== u && b(`Character '${u}' expected`), o++;
}, b = (u, g = o) => {
throw new SyntaxError(`${u} (pos: ${g})`);
return l() ?? N() ?? w();
}, l = () => b(U, JSON.parse), f = () => b(T, (o) => o), N = () => b(z, JSON.parse), j = () => b(B, JSON.parse), w = () => {
const o = b(K, JSON.parse);
if (o !== void 0)
return o;
_("Value expected");
}, S = () => {
g(), u < t.length && _(`Unexpected part '${t.substring(u)}'`);
}, b = (o, a) => {
const y = t.substring(u).match(o);
if (y)
return u += y[0].length, a(y[0]);
}, g = () => b(Z, (o) => o), d = (o) => {
t[u] !== o && _(`Character '${o}' expected`), u++;
}, _ = (o, a = u) => {
throw new SyntaxError(`${o} (pos: ${a})`);
let o = 0;
const A = n();
return _(), A;
let u = 0;
const I = s();
return S(), I;
const B = 40, Z = " ", D = (t, e) => {
const n = (e == null ? void 0 : e.indentation) ?? Z, r = (a, i) => E(a) ? s(a, i) : JSON.stringify(a), s = (a, i) => {
var h;
const [l, ...f] = a;
const C = 40, V = " ", G = (t, e) => {
const n = (e == null ? void 0 : e.indentation) ?? V, r = (h, i) => A(h) ? s(h, i) : JSON.stringify(h), s = (h, i) => {
var S;
const [l, ...f] = h;
if (l === "get" && f.length > 0)
return x(f);
return $(f);
if (l === "pipe") {
const p = => r(b, i + n));
return y(p, ["", " | ", ""], ["", `
const b = => r(g, i + n));
return O(b, ["", " | ", ""], ["", `
${i + n}| `, ""]);

@@ -295,5 +340,5 @@ }

if (l === "array") {
const p = => r(b, i));
return y(
const b = => r(g, i));
return O(
["[", ", ", "]"],

@@ -306,20 +351,20 @@ [`[

const O = ((h = e == null ? void 0 : e.operators) == null ? void 0 : h[l]) ?? P[l];
if (O && f.length === 2) {
const [p, b] = f, o = r(p, i), A = r(b, i);
return `(${o} ${O} ${A})`;
const N = ((S = e == null ? void 0 : e.operators) == null ? void 0 : S[l]) ?? R[l];
if (N && f.length === 2) {
const [b, g] = f, d = r(b, i), _ = r(g, i);
return `(${d} ${N} ${_})`;
const _ = f.length === 1 ? i : i + n, d = => r(p, _));
return f.length === 1 && d[0][0] === "(" ? `${l}${d}` : y(
const j = f.length === 1 ? i : i + n, w = => r(b, j));
return f.length === 1 && w[0][0] === "(" ? `${l}${w[0]}` : O(
[`${l}(`, ", ", ")"],
f.length === 1 ? [`${l}(`, `,
${i}`, ")"] : [`${l}(
${_}`, `,
${_}`, `
${j}`, `,
${j}`, `
}, c = (a, i) => {
const l = i + n, f = Object.entries(a).map(([O, _]) => `${w(O)}: ${r(_, l)}`);
return y(
}, c = (h, i) => {
const l = i + n, f = Object.entries(h).map(([N, j]) => `${k(N)}: ${r(j, l)}`);
return O(

@@ -332,15 +377,15 @@ ["{ ", ", ", " }"],

}, x = (a) => => `.${w(i)}`).join(""), w = (a) => L.test(a) ? a : JSON.stringify(a), y = (a, [i, l, f], [O, _, d]) => i.length + a.reduce((p, b) => p + b.length + l.length, 0) - l.length + f.length <= ((e == null ? void 0 : e.maxLineLength) ?? B) ? i + a.join(l) + f : O + a.join(_) + d;
}, $ = (h) => => `.${k(i)}`).join(""), k = (h) => M.test(h) ? h : JSON.stringify(h), O = (h, [i, l, f], [N, j, w]) => i.length + h.reduce((b, g) => b + g.length + l.length, 0) - l.length + f.length <= ((e == null ? void 0 : e.maxLineLength) ?? C) ? i + h.join(l) + f : N + h.join(j) + w;
return r(t, "");
function K(t, e, n) {
return $(I(e) ? z(e, n) : e, n)(t);
function H(t, e, n) {
return m(W(e) ? D(e, n) : e, n)(t);
export {
m as buildFunction,
$ as compile,
K as jsonquery,
z as parse,
D as stringify
p as buildFunction,
m as compile,
H as jsonquery,
D as parse,
G as stringify

@@ -31,2 +31,6 @@ export type JSONQueryPipe = JSONQuery[];

export type Getter = [key: string, Fun];
export interface Entry<T> {
key: string;
value: T;
"name": "@jsonquerylang/jsonquery",
"version": "4.0.0",
"version": "4.1.0",
"description": "A small, flexible, and expandable JSON query language",

@@ -56,11 +56,11 @@ "keywords": [

"devDependencies": {
"@biomejs/biome": "1.9.3",
"@vitest/coverage-v8": "2.1.2",
"@biomejs/biome": "1.9.4",
"@vitest/coverage-v8": "2.1.4",
"ajv": "8.17.1",
"npm-run-all": "4.1.5",
"semantic-release": "24.1.2",
"semantic-release": "24.2.0",
"typescript": "5.6.3",
"vite": "5.4.8",
"vitest": "2.1.2"
"vite": "5.4.11",
"vitest": "2.1.4"

@@ -13,4 +13,4 @@ # JSON Query

- Small: just `3.0 kB` when minified and gzipped! The JSON query engine without parse/stringify is only `1.4 kB`.
- Feature rich (40+ powerful functions)
- Small: just `3.3 kB` when minified and gzipped! The JSON query engine without parse/stringify is only `1.7 kB`.
- Feature rich (50+ powerful functions and operators)
- Easy to interoperate with thanks to the intermediate JSON format.

@@ -42,2 +42,4 @@ - Expressive

Install the JavaScript library via [npm](

@@ -47,2 +49,4 @@ npm install @jsonquerylang/jsonquery

A Python implementation can be found here:
## Usage

@@ -67,3 +71,3 @@

// sort them by age, and pick just the name and age out of the objects.
const names = jsonquery(data, `
const output = jsonquery(data, `

@@ -74,3 +78,3 @@ | filter(.city == "New York")

// names = [
// output = [
// { "name": "Chris", "age": 23 },

@@ -81,6 +85,6 @@ // { "name": "Sarah", "age": 31 },

// The same query can be written in JSON format.
// The functions `parse` and `stringify` can be used
// The same query can be written in JSON format instead of the text format.
// Note that the functions `parse` and `stringify` can be used
// to convert from text format to JSON format and vice versa.
jsonquery(shoppingCart, [
jsonquery(data, [

@@ -87,0 +91,0 @@ ["get", "friends"],

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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