The Hyperswitch React Native SDK allows you to build delightful payment experiences in your native Android and iOS apps using React Native. We provide powerful and customizable UI screens and elements that can be used out-of-the-box to collect your users' payment details.
Getting started
Get started with our 📚 integration guides
Simplified Security: We make it simple for you to collect sensitive data such as credit card numbers and remain PCI compliant. This means the sensitive data is sent directly to Hyperswitch instead of passing through your server.
Apple Pay: We provide a seamless integration with Apple Pay
Payment methods: Accepting more payment methods helps your business expand its global reach and improve checkout conversion.
UnifiedCheckout: Learn how to integrate UnifiedCheckout, our new pre-built payments UI for mobile apps. UnifiedCheckout lets you accept cards, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and much more out of the box and also supports saving & reusing payment methods. UnifiedCheckout currently accepts the following payment methods: Card, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Afterpay/Clearpay, Klarna, Stripe.
yarn add @juspay-tech/react-native-hyperswitch
npm install @juspay-tech/react-native-hyperswitch
Peer Dependencies
Install the following dependencies
yarn add react-native-code-push
yarn add react-native-gesture-handler
yarn add react-native-inappbrowser-reborn
yarn add react-native-pager-view
yarn add react-native-reanimated
yarn add react-native-safe-area-context
yarn add react-native-screens
yarn add react-native-svg
yarn add @sentry/react-native
Optional Peer Dependencies
Install the following dependencies to use additional features
yarn add react-native-hyperswitch-paypal
yarn add react-native-hyperswitch-kount
yarn add react-native-klarna-inapp-sdk
Android Only
In the Android Folder inside strings.xml file(android/app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml) add the below line
<string name="CodePushDeploymentKey">HyperswitchRNDemo</string>
In the Android Folder inside settings.gradle file add the following line
project(':react-native-code-push').projectDir = new File(