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@justeattakeaway/pie-spinner - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.1.0 to 0.2.0



@@ -5,2 +5,6 @@ import type { CSSResult } from 'lit';

export declare type AriaProps = {
label?: string;

@@ -10,2 +14,5 @@ * @tagname pie-spinner

export declare class PieSpinner extends LitElement implements SpinnerProps {
aria?: AriaProps;
size?: SpinnerProps['size'];
variant?: SpinnerProps['variant'];
render(): TemplateResult<1>;

@@ -15,5 +22,21 @@ static styles: CSSResult;

export declare const sizes: readonly ["xs", "s", "m", "l", "xl"];
export declare interface SpinnerProps {
* The ARIA labels used for the spinner component.
aria?: AriaProps;
* What size the spinner should be.
size?: typeof sizes[number];
* What style variant the spinner should be such as brand, secondary or inverse.
variant?: typeof variants[number];
export declare const variants: readonly ["brand", "secondary", "inverse"];
export { }



@@ -1,15 +0,65 @@

import { unsafeCSS as t, LitElement as o, html as i } from "lit";
function l(e, s) {
customElements.get(e) ? console.warn(`PIE Web Component: "${e}" has already been defined. Please ensure the component is only being defined once in your application.`) : customElements.define(e, s);
import { unsafeCSS as f, LitElement as u, html as v, nothing as m } from "lit";
import { property as c } from "lit/decorators.js";
const b = (r, e, o) => function(s, i) {
const t = `#${i}`;
Object.defineProperty(s, i, {
get() {
return this[t];
set(l) {
const h = this[t];
e.includes(l) ? this[t] = l : (console.error(
`<${r}> Invalid value "${l}" provided for property "${i}".`,
`Must be one of: ${e.join(" | ")}.`,
`Falling back to default value: "${o}"`
), this[t] = o), this.requestUpdate(i, h);
function z(r, e) {
customElements.get(r) ? console.warn(`PIE Web Component: "${r}" has already been defined. Please ensure the component is only being defined once in your application.`) : customElements.define(r, e);
const r = "", d = "pie-spinner";
class n extends o {
const y = `*,*:before,*:after{box-sizing:border-box}@keyframes rotate360{0%{transform:rotate(0)}to{transform:rotate(360deg)}}.c-spinner{--spinner-size: 24px;--spinner-left-color: hsl(var(--spinner-base-color-h), var(--spinner-base-color-s), var(--spinner-base-color-l), 1);--spinner-right-color: hsl(var(--spinner-base-color-h), var(--spinner-base-color-s), var(--spinner-base-color-l), .35);block-size:var(--spinner-size);inline-size:var(--spinner-size);border-radius:var(--dt-radius-rounded-e);border-width:calc(var(--spinner-size) / 8);border-style:solid;border-color:var(--spinner-left-color) var(--spinner-right-color) var(--spinner-right-color) var(--spinner-left-color);will-change:transform;animation:rotate360 1.15s linear infinite;--spinner-base-color-h: var(--dt-color-content-brand-h);--spinner-base-color-s: var(--dt-color-content-brand-s);--spinner-base-color-l: var(--dt-color-content-brand-l)}.c-spinner[variant=secondary]{--spinner-base-color-h: var(--dt-color-content-interactive-secondary-h);--spinner-base-color-s: var(--dt-color-content-interactive-secondary-s);--spinner-base-color-l: var(--dt-color-content-interactive-secondary-l)}.c-spinner[variant=inverse]{--spinner-base-color-h: var(--dt-color-content-inverse-h);--spinner-base-color-s: var(--dt-color-content-inverse-s);--spinner-base-color-l: var(--dt-color-content-inverse-l)}.c-spinner[size=xs]{--spinner-size: 16px}.c-spinner[size=s]{--spinner-size: 20px}.c-spinner[size=l]{--spinner-size: 32px}.c-spinner[size=xl]{--spinner-size: 48px}.c-spinner-label{position:absolute;display:block;height:1px;width:1px;overflow:hidden;padding:1px;white-space:nowrap}
`, x = ["xs", "s", "m", "l", "xl"], g = ["brand", "secondary", "inverse"];
var P = Object.defineProperty, $ = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor, p = (r, e, o, n) => {
for (var s = n > 1 ? void 0 : n ? $(e, o) : e, i = r.length - 1, t; i >= 0; i--)
(t = r[i]) && (s = (n ? t(e, o, s) : t(s)) || s);
return n && s && P(e, o, s), s;
const d = "pie-spinner";
class a extends u {
constructor() {
super(...arguments), this.size = "m", this.variant = "brand";
render() {
return i`<h1 data-test-id="pie-spinner">Hello world!</h1>`;
const { variant: e, size: o, aria: n } = this;
return v`
${n != null && n.label ? v`<span class="c-spinner-label">${n.label}</span>` : m}
n.styles = t(r);
l(d, n);
a.styles = f(y);
c({ type: Object })
], a.prototype, "aria", 2);
b(d, x, "m")
], a.prototype, "size", 2);
b(d, g, "brand")
], a.prototype, "variant", 2);
z(d, a);
export {
n as PieSpinner
a as PieSpinner,
x as sizes,
g as variants

@@ -6,2 +6,6 @@ import type { CSSResult } from 'lit';

export declare type AriaProps = {
label?: string;
export declare const PieSpinner: ReactWebComponent<PieSpinner_2, {}>;

@@ -13,2 +17,5 @@

declare class PieSpinner_2 extends LitElement implements SpinnerProps {
aria?: AriaProps;
size?: SpinnerProps['size'];
variant?: SpinnerProps['variant'];
render(): TemplateResult<1>;

@@ -18,5 +25,21 @@ static styles: CSSResult;

export declare const sizes: readonly ["xs", "s", "m", "l", "xl"];
export declare interface SpinnerProps {
* The ARIA labels used for the spinner component.
aria?: AriaProps;
* What size the spinner should be.
size?: typeof sizes[number];
* What style variant the spinner should be such as brand, secondary or inverse.
variant?: typeof variants[number];
export declare const variants: readonly ["brand", "secondary", "inverse"];
export { }



@@ -1,4 +0,6 @@

import * as S from "react";
import { PieSpinner as g } from "./index.js";
import * as g from "react";
import { PieSpinner as E } from "./index.js";
import { sizes as k, variants as A } from "./index.js";
import "lit";
import "lit/decorators.js";

@@ -9,20 +11,22 @@ * @license

const M = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(["children", "localName", "ref", "style", "className"]), E = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), P = (p, a, d, m, h) => {
const i = h == null ? void 0 : h[a];
i === void 0 || d === m ? d == null && a in HTMLElement.prototype ? p.removeAttribute(a) : p[a] = d : ((s, t, u) => {
let o = E.get(s);
o === void 0 && E.set(s, o = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map());
let r = o.get(t);
u !== void 0 ? r === void 0 ? (o.set(t, r = { handleEvent: u }), s.addEventListener(t, r)) : r.handleEvent = u : r !== void 0 && (o.delete(t), s.removeEventListener(t, r));
})(p, i, d);
const S = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(["children", "localName", "ref", "style", "className"]), w = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), b = (t, n, c, d, m) => {
const o = m == null ? void 0 : m[n];
o === void 0 || c === d ? c == null && n in HTMLElement.prototype ? t.removeAttribute(n) : t[n] = c : ((r, i, h) => {
let a = w.get(r);
a === void 0 && w.set(r, a = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map());
let l = a.get(i);
h !== void 0 ? l === void 0 ? (a.set(i, l = { handleEvent: h }), r.addEventListener(i, l)) : l.handleEvent = h : l !== void 0 && (a.delete(i), r.removeEventListener(i, l));
})(t, o, c);
}, M = (t, n) => {
typeof t == "function" ? t(n) : t.current = n;
function b(p = window.React, a, d, m, h) {
let i, s, t;
if (a === void 0) {
const l = p;
({ tagName: s, elementClass: t, events: m, displayName: h } = l), i = l.react;
function P(t = window.React, n, c, d, m) {
let o, r, i;
if (n === void 0) {
const p = t;
({ tagName: r, elementClass: i, events: d, displayName: m } = p), o = p.react;
} else
i = p, t = d, s = a;
const u = i.Component, o = i.createElement, r = new Set(Object.keys(m ?? {}));
class f extends u {
o = t, i = c, r = n;
const h = o.Component, a = o.createElement, l = new Set(Object.keys(d ?? {}));
class f extends h {
constructor() {

@@ -33,7 +37,8 @@ super(...arguments), this.o = null;

if (this.o !== null)
for (const v in this.i)
P(this.o, v, this.props[v], e ? e[v] : void 0, m);
for (const u in this.i)
b(this.o, u, this.props[u], e ? e[u] : void 0, d);
componentDidMount() {
var e;
this.t(), (e = this.o) === null || e === void 0 || e.removeAttribute("defer-hydration");

@@ -44,22 +49,20 @@ componentDidUpdate(e) {

render() {
const { _$Gl: e, ...v } = this.props;
this.h !== e && (this.u = (n) => {
e !== null && ((c, w) => {
typeof c == "function" ? c(w) : c.current = w;
})(e, n), this.o = n, this.h = e;
const { _$Gl: e, ...u } = this.props;
this.h !== e && (this.u = (s) => {
e !== null && M(e, s), this.o = s, this.h = e;
}), this.i = {};
const y = { ref: this.u };
for (const [n, c] of Object.entries(v))
M.has(n) ? y[n === "className" ? "class" : n] = c : r.has(n) || n in t.prototype ? this.i[n] = c : y[n] = c;
return o(s, y);
const v = { ref: this.u };
for (const [s, y] of Object.entries(u))
S.has(s) ? v[s === "className" ? "class" : s] = y : l.has(s) || s in i.prototype ? this.i[s] = y : v[s] = y;
return v.suppressHydrationWarning = !0, a(r, v);
f.displayName = h ??;
const N = i.forwardRef((l, e) => o(f, { ...l, _$Gl: e }, l == null ? void 0 : l.children));
f.displayName = m ??;
const N = o.forwardRef((p, e) => a(f, { ...p, _$Gl: e }, p == null ? void 0 : p.children));
return N.displayName = f.displayName, N;
const R = b({
const R = P({
displayName: "PieSpinner",
elementClass: g,
react: S,
elementClass: E,
react: g,
tagName: "pie-spinner",

@@ -69,3 +72,5 @@ events: {}

export {
R as PieSpinner
R as PieSpinner,
k as sizes,
A as variants
"name": "@justeattakeaway/pie-spinner",
"description": "PIE Design System Spinner built using Web Components",
"version": "0.1.0",
"version": "0.2.0",
"type": "module",

@@ -6,0 +6,0 @@ "main": "dist/index.js",

@@ -63,3 +63,5 @@ <p align="center">

| - | - | - | - |
| size | `String` | `m` | Size of the spinner, one of `sizes` – `xs`, `s`, `m`, `l`, `xl` |
| variant | `String` | `brand` | Variant of the spinner, one of `variants` – `brand`, `secondary`, `inverse` |
| aria | `Object` | `undefined` | An object representing the aria attributes such as label;

@@ -66,0 +68,0 @@ In your markup or JSX, you can then use these to set the properties for the `pie-spinner` component:

@@ -1,3 +0,21 @@

// TODO - please remove the eslint disable comment below when you add props to this interface
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-interface
export interface SpinnerProps {}
export const sizes = ['xs', 's', 'm', 'l', 'xl'] as const;
export const variants = ['brand', 'secondary', 'inverse'] as const;
export type AriaProps = {
label?: string;
export interface SpinnerProps {
* The ARIA labels used for the spinner component.
aria?: AriaProps;
* What size the spinner should be.
size?: typeof sizes[number];
* What style variant the spinner should be such as brand, secondary or inverse.
variant?: typeof variants[number];

@@ -1,6 +0,13 @@

import { LitElement, html, unsafeCSS } from 'lit';
import { defineCustomElement } from '@justeattakeaway/pie-webc-core';
import {
LitElement, html, nothing, unsafeCSS,
} from 'lit';
import { property } from 'lit/decorators.js';
import { validPropertyValues, defineCustomElement } from '@justeattakeaway/pie-webc-core';
import styles from './spinner.scss?inline';
import { SpinnerProps } from './defs';
import {
type AriaProps,
} from './defs';

@@ -16,4 +23,26 @@ // Valid values available to consumers

export class PieSpinner extends LitElement implements SpinnerProps {
@property({ type: Object })
public aria?: AriaProps;
@validPropertyValues(componentSelector, sizes, 'm')
public size?: SpinnerProps['size'] = 'm';
@validPropertyValues(componentSelector, variants, 'brand')
public variant?: SpinnerProps['variant'] = 'brand';
render () {
return html`<h1 data-test-id="pie-spinner">Hello world!</h1>`;
const { variant, size, aria } = this;
return html`
${aria?.label ? html`<span class="c-spinner-label">${aria.label}</span>` : nothing}

@@ -20,0 +49,0 @@

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