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@justinribeiro/share-to-mastodon - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.0.0 to 2.0.0



"name": "@justinribeiro/share-to-mastodon",
"version": "1.0.0",
"version": "2.0.0",
"description": "A small web component that uses a internal mini-modal to allow setting of a target Mastodon instance from the user to allow sharing.",

@@ -13,11 +13,10 @@ "author": "Justin Ribeiro <>",

"module": "share-to-mastodon.js",
"type": "module",
"files": [
"scripts": {
"start": "es-dev-server --app-index demo/index.html --node-resolve --open --watch",
"start": "wds --app-index demo/index.html --node-resolve --open --watch",
"lint:eslint": "eslint --ext .js,.html . --ignore-path .gitignore",

@@ -29,8 +28,9 @@ "format:eslint": "eslint --ext .js,.html . --fix --ignore-path .gitignore",

"format": "npm run format:eslint && npm run format:prettier",
"test": "karma start --coverage",
"test:watch": "karma start --auto-watch=true --single-run=false",
"prepublishOnly": "yarn rollup -c"
"test": "wtr --coverage",
"test:watch": "wtr --coverage --watch",
"build": "rm -rf ./dist && yarn rollup -c && cp ./share-to-mastodon.js ./dist && yarn make-test-badges && cp ./package.json ./dist && cp ./ ./dist",
"make-test-badges": "yarn istanbul-badges-readme"
"dependencies": {
"lit": "^2.0.0-rc.1"
"lit": "^2.5.0"

@@ -41,2 +41,7 @@ "devDependencies": {

"@open-wc/testing-karma": "^3.0.0",
"@rollup/plugin-node-resolve": "^15.0.1",
"@web/dev-server": "^0.1.35",
"@web/rollup-plugin-copy": "^0.3.0",
"@web/rollup-plugin-html": "^1.11.0",
"@web/test-runner": "^0.15.0",
"deepmerge": "^3.2.0",

@@ -46,9 +51,14 @@ "es-dev-server": "^1.23.0",

"eslint-config-prettier": "^6.11.0",
"eslint-plugin-lit": "^1.7.2",
"husky": "^1.0.0",
"istanbul-badges-readme": "^1.4.0",
"lint-staged": "^8.0.0",
"prettier": "^2.0.4",
"rollup": "^2.22.2",
"rollup": "^3.9.0",
"rollup-plugin-filesize": "^9.0.2",
"rollup-plugin-minify-html-literals": "^1.2.6",
"rollup-plugin-node-resolve": "^5.2.0",
"rollup-plugin-terser": "^6.1.0"
"rollup-plugin-summary": "^2.0.0",
"rollup-plugin-terser": "^7.0.2",
"sinon": "^15.0.1"

@@ -58,2 +68,3 @@ "eslintConfig": {


@@ -60,0 +71,0 @@ ]

@@ -1,5 +0,7 @@

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# \<share-to-mastodon>
> a small web component that uses a internal mini-modal to allow setting of a target Mastodon instance from the user to allow sharing.
> a small web component that uses a web platform `<dialog>` to allow setting of a target Mastodon instance from the user to allow sharing.

@@ -9,4 +11,4 @@ ## Features

1. Allows user to define their instance or select from a datalist that is present or custom set (the power of `input type=url list` and `datalist`! yeah web platform)
2. Will remember that for the domain
3. Does zero tracking of anything
2. Will remember the selected instance if selected by the user _per the installed domain_ (no cross-domain sharing)
3. No User Tracking: it's all local, let's keep it real people
4. Lots of custom css props, every string can be overridden

@@ -16,6 +18,5 @@

This web component is built with ES modules in mind and is
available on NPM:
This web component is built with ES modules in mind and is available on NPM:
Install code-block:
Install share-to-mastodon:

@@ -36,8 +37,12 @@ ```sh

If you want the paste-and-go version, you can simply load it via CDN:
Via JS Deliver ESM Run:
<script type="module" src="">
<script type="module">
import @justinribeiro/share-to-mastodon from '';
Example running in JSFiddle:
## A Basic Example

@@ -101,16 +106,12 @@

| `customInstanceList` | `customInstanceList` | `array` | [{"label":"Mastodon.Social","link":""},{"label":"Mastodon.Online","link":""},{"label":"","link":""},{"label":"","link":""}] | An array of Mastodon instances you would like auto-populated within the<br />url datalist |
| `message` | `message` | `string` | "Check out the amazing content I just discovered!" | The message you'd like to share within the target Mastodon input that<br />opens on the share page. |
| `modalMessage` | `modalMessage` | `string` | "Select or set which instance you'd like to share to." | The string that is displayed above the input field on the mini-modal |
| `modalSaveAsDefault` | `modalSaveAsDefault` | `string` | "Remember My Instance (locally only)" | The string that is used as the label for the checkbox default save<br />option |
| `modalShareButton` | `modalShareButton` | `string` | "Share" | The string that is display on as the action button to share on the<br />mini-modal |
| `targetInstance` | `targetInstance` | `string` | "" | The target Mastodon instance, usually set by the user within the<br />mini-modal that display on first share |
| `url` | `url` | `string` | "href" | The url of the thing you are sharing within the target Mastodon input that<br />opens on the share page. |
| `customInstanceList` | `customInstanceList` | `array` | [{"label":"Mastodon.Social","link":""},{"label":"Mastodon.Online","link":""},{"label":"","link":""},{"label":"","link":""}] | An array of Mastodon instances you would like auto-populated within the url datalist |
| `message` | `message` | `string` | "Check out the amazing content I just discovered!" | The message you'd like to share within the target Mastodon input that opens on the share page. |
| `modalTitle` | `modalTitle` | `string` | "Share To Mastodon" | The string that is displayed as the dialog title |
| `modalMessage` | `modalMessage` | `string` | "Select or set which instance you'd like to share to." | The string that is displayed above the input field on the dialog |
| `modalSaveAsDefault` | `modalSaveAsDefault` | `string` | "Remember My Instance (locally only)" | The string that is used as the label for the checkbox default save option |
| `modalShareButton` | `modalShareButton` | `string` | "Share" | The string that is displayed on the action button to submit the form in the dialog |
| `modalCancelButton` | `modalCancelButton` | `string` | "Cancel" | The string that is displayed on the cancel button to close the dialog |
| `targetInstance` | `targetInstance` | `string` | "" | The target Mastodon instance, usually set by the user within the dialog that display on first share |
| `url` | `url` | `string` | "href" | The url of the thing you are sharing within the target Mastodon input that opens on the share page. |
## Methods
| Method | Type | Description |
| `cancel` | `(): void` | Close the modal share helper |
## Slots

@@ -127,5 +128,6 @@

| `--wc-stm-color` | "black" | the host text color, default #000 |
| `--wc-stm-dialog-background-color` | "white" | the mini-dialogs background color |
| `--wc-stm-dialog-border-radius` | "0.5rem" | this mini-dialogs border radius |
| `--wc-stm-dialog-padding` | "1rem" | the mini-dialogs inner padding |
| `--wc-stm-dialog-border-color` | "transparent" | the dialog border color |
| `--wc-stm-dialog-background-color` | "white" | the dialog background color |
| `--wc-stm-dialog-border-radius` | "0.5rem" | this dialogs border radius |
| `--wc-stm-dialog-padding` | "1rem" | the dialogs inner padding |
| `--wc-stm-font-family` | "sans-serif" | the host font family, default sans-serif |

@@ -148,1 +150,5 @@ | `--wc-stm-form-button-background-color` | "#eee" | |

| `--wc-stm-link-text-decoration` | "underline" | the link text decoration if no slot structures overwrite |
| `--wc-stm-form-submit-background-color` | "#8686fd" | |
| `--wc-stm-form-cancel-background-color` | "#eeeeee" | |
| `--wc-stm-form-submit-color` | "inherit" | |
| `--wc-stm-form-cancel-color` | "inherit" | |

@@ -1,3 +0,301 @@

import { ShareToMastodon } from './src/ShareToMastodon.js';
/* eslint-disable lit/no-invalid-html */
import { html, css, LitElement } from 'lit';
* share-to-mastodon - a small web component that uses a internal mini-modal to
* allow setting of a target Mastodon instance from the user to allow sharing.
* @slot default - The text or what ever you want the link to be
* @cssprop [--wc-stm-color=black] - the host text color, default #000
* @cssprop [--wc-stm-font-family=sans-serif] - the host font family, default sans-serif
* @cssprop [--wc-stm-link-text-decoration=underline] - the link text decoration if no slot structures overwrite
* @cssprop [--wc-stm-link-color-initial=blue] - the link text color if no slot structures overwrite
* @cssprop [--wc-stm-link-color-active=red] - the link text color active
* @cssprop [--wc-stm-link-color-visited=purple] - the link text color visited
* @cssprop [--wc-stm-dialog-padding=1rem] - the mini-dialogs inner padding
* @cssprop [--wc-stm-dialog-background-color=white] - the dialogs background color
* @cssprop [--wc-stm-dialog-border-color=transparent] - the dialogs border color
* @cssprop [--wc-stm-dialog-border-radius=0.5rem] - this dialogs border radius
* @cssprop [--wc-stm-title-margin-top-bottom=0.5rem] - the mini-dialogs title margin for the H2
* @cssprop [--wc-stm-form-input-padding=0.5rem]
* @cssprop [--wc-stm-form-input-border-radius=0.25rem]
* @cssprop [--wc-stm-form-input-border=1px solid #ccc]
* @cssprop [--wc-stm-form-input-font-size=1em]
* @cssprop [--wc-stm-form-button-border]
* @cssprop [--wc-stm-form-button-border-radius=0.25rem]
* @cssprop [--wc-stm-form-button-background-color=#eee]
* @cssprop [--wc-stm-form-button-padding=0.5rem 0]
* @cssprop [--wc-stm-form-button-font-size=1em]
* @cssprop [--wc-stm-form-button-color=inherit]
* @cssprop [--wc-stm-form-submit-background-color=#ccc]
* @cssprop [--wc-stm-form-cancel-background-color=#eee]
* @cssprop [--wc-stm-form-submit-color=inherit]
* @cssprop [--wc-stm-form-cancel-color=inherit]
* @extends {LitElement}
export class ShareToMastodon extends LitElement {
static get styles() {
return css`
:host {
will-change: transform, opacity;
color: var(--wc-stm-color, #000);
font-family: var(--wc-stm-font-family, sans-serif);
a {
text-decoration: var(--wc-stm-link-text-decoration, underline);
color: var(--wc-stm-link-color-initial, blue);
a:active {
color: var(--wc-stm-link-color-active, red);
a:visited {
color: var(--wc-stm-link-color-visited, purple);
#title {
margin: var(--wc-stm-title-margin-top-bottom, 0.5rem) 0;
#url {
padding: var(--wc-stm-form-input-padding, 0.5rem);
border-radius: var(--wc-stm-form-input-border-radius, 0.25rem);
border: var(--wc-stm-form-input-border, 1px solid #ccc);
font-size: var(--wc-stm-form-input-font-size, 1em);
#save {
padding: var(--wc-stm-form-input-padding, 0.5rem);
dialog {
background-color: var(--wc-stm-dialog-background-color, #fff);
border-radius: var(--wc-stm-dialog-border-radius, 0.5rem);
border-color: var(--wc-stm-dialog-border-color, transparent);
form {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
form > p,
form > div {
margin: 0;
padding: var(--wc-stm-form-input-padding, 1rem 0);
#actions {
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
gap: 0.5rem;
#actions > button {
border: var(--wc-stm-form-button-border);
border-radius: var(--wc-stm-form-button-border-radius, 0.25rem);
padding: var(--wc-stm-form-button-padding, 0.5rem 0);
font-size: var(--wc-stm-form-button-font-size, 1em);
width: calc(50% - 0.5rem);
#actions > button:hover {
border: var(--wc-stm-form-button-border);
border-radius: var(--wc-stm-form-button-border-radius, 0.25rem);
background-color: var(
color: var(--wc-stm-form-button-color-hover, inherit);
#submitButton {
background-color: var(--wc-stm-form-submit-background-color, #8686fd);
color: var(--wc-stm-submit-button-color, inherit);
#cancelButton {
background-color: var(--wc-stm-form-cancel-background-color, #eeeeee);
color: var(--wc-stm-cancel-button-color, inherit);
static get properties() {
return {
* The dialog modal title. Also used for screen readers.
* @attr
modalTitle: { type: String },
* The message you'd like to share within the target Mastodon input that
* opens on the share page.
* @attr
message: { type: String },
* The url of the thing you are sharing within the target Mastodon input that
* opens on the share page.
* @attr
url: { type: String },
* The target Mastodon instance, usually set by the user within the
* mini-modal that display on first share
* @property
targetInstance: { type: String },
* The string that is displayed above the input field on the mini-modal
* @attr
modalMessage: { type: String },
* The string that is displayed on the action button to share.
* @attr
modalShareButton: { type: String },
* The string that is used as the label for the checkbox default save
* option
modalSaveAsDefault: { type: String },
* The string that is displayed on the action button to cancel the dialog.
modalShareCancel: { type: String },
* An array of Mastodon instances you would like auto-populated within the
* url datalist
* @example [{ label: 'Mastodon.Social', link: '' }]
* @property
customInstanceList: { type: Array },
constructor() {
this.message = 'Check out the amazing content I just discovered!';
this.url = window.location.href;
this.targetInstance = '';
this.modalTitle = 'Share to Mastodon';
this.modalMessage = "Select or set which instance you'd like to share to.";
this.modalShareButton = 'Share';
this.modalShareCancel = 'Cancel';
this.modalSaveAsDefault = 'Remember My Instance (locally only)';
this.customInstanceList = [
{ label: 'Mastodon.Social', link: '' },
{ label: 'Mastodon.Online', link: '' },
{ label: '', link: '' },
{ label: '', link: '' },
firstUpdated() {
this.targetInstance = localStorage.getItem('wc-share-to-mastodon') || '';
this.shadowRoot.querySelector('#url').value = this.targetInstance;
const form = this.shadowRoot.querySelector('form');
form.addEventListener('submit', this.__formSubmitHandler.bind(this));
disconnectedCallback() {
const form = this.shadowRoot.querySelector('form');
form.removeEventListener('submit', this.__formSubmitHandler.bind(this));
* Handle the form submit and send the user to their share destination
* @param {Event} event
__formSubmitHandler(event) {
const instance = this.shadowRoot.querySelector('#url').value;
if (this.shadowRoot.querySelector('#save').checked) {
this.targetInstance = instance;
* This _always_ opens the modal, primarily because I don't want to burden the
* "what happens if they improperly type the url" problem, which would then
* always target based on a bad string
* @param {Event} event
__hasInstanceSet(event) {
const checkLocalStorage = localStorage.getItem('wc-share-to-mastodon');
if (checkLocalStorage) {
this.shadowRoot.querySelector('input').value = checkLocalStorage;
__close() {
render() {
return html`
<dialog aria-labelledby="title">
<h2 id="title">${this.modalTitle}</h2>
<label for="url">${this.modalMessage}</label>
<datalist id="defaultInstances">
i => html`
<option value="${}" label="${i.label}"></option>
<input type="checkbox" id="save" name="save" />
<label for="save">${this.modalSaveAsDefault}</label>
<div id="actions">
<button id="submitButton">${this.modalShareButton}</button>
<button type="button" id="cancelButton" @click="${this.__close}">
window.customElements.define('share-to-mastodon', ShareToMastodon);
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