🔥 Kerosene-styles
yarn add @kablamo/kerosene-styles
npm install @kablamo/kerosene-styles
Available SCSS
@import '~@kablamo/kablamo-styles/scss/mixins/media.scss';
Available Functions
mq(width, type)
Returns a media query based on a width, defined by a breakpoint, as well as the min or max type.
Example Usage
@include mq('desktop', max) {
display: none;
Associated breakpoints
$breakpoints: (
"phone": 400px,
"phone-wide": 480px,
"phablet": 560px,
"tablet-small": 640px,
"tablet": 768px,
"tablet-wide": 1024px,
"desktop": 1248px,
"desktop-wide": 1440px
aspect-ratio(width, height)
Maintains the given ratio for the element it is included in.
Example Usage
@include aspect-ratio(16,9)