Kite Gulp Tasks
A collection of gulp tasks which can be shared between
JavaScript and Typescript projects.
Via NPM:
npm install --save-dev kite-gulp-tasks
Two files need to be created in the base of your project.
gulpfile.js which is the main gulpfile. This passes the config
to the child gulp processes.
gulpfile.config.js is a config file for the gulp tasks.
It should take the format:
const _buildDir = 'dist';
const _srcDir = _buildDir + '/src';
const config = {
preWatchTasks: [
watchTasks: [
buildTasksDev: [
buildTasksDist: [
cdnUrl: process.env.CDN_BASE_URL,
clientEntryPoint: _srcDir + '/client/kite.client.window.js',
dir: {
build: _buildDir,
src: _srcDir,
test: _buildDir + '/test',
coverageOutput: 'coverage',
sourceMaps: 'sourcemaps',
filesToBuild: [
filesToWatch: [
jestConfig: {
moduleFileExtensions: [
transform: {
'\\.ts$': '<rootDir>/node_modules/ts-jest/preprocessor.js'
collectCoverageFrom: ["**/*.{js,ts,tsx,jsx}", "!**/node_modules/**", "!**/vendor/**"],
testRegex: '.*spec.ts$'
jestOptions: {
runInBand: true,
bail: true
bsConfig: {
svgConfig: {
svgPath: './assets/images/*.svg',
inHtmlPath: './index.html',
outputFileName: 'kite.js',
tsConfig: 'tsconfig.json',
webpackConfig: 'webpack.config.js',
module.exports = config;
Running tasks
The name of the tasks match to the filename in the
gulp project.
e.g The task in can be run using the
gulp watch
Or gulp.unit-tests.js can be run with
gulp unit-tests
Development and testing
To develop Kite-Gulp-Tasks, you should test within your project.
You can either link locally following npm's guides or fetch the kite-gulp-tasks
package from GitHub, where you have pushed your changes in a branch.
To fetch from GitHub in package.json
"dependencies": {
"kite-gulp-tasks": "${YOUR_COMMIT_SHA}"
is the hash (SHA-1) of the commit you want to test.
You can then run npm install
to get that commit's version of Kite-Gulp-Tasks.