Codecs to parse JSON Schema Documents using io-ts
npm i @kmudrick/json-schema-io-ts-codecs
Use in code:
import * as E from "fp-ts/lib/Either";
import { jsonSchema7Decoder } from "@kmudrick/json-schema-io-ts-codecs/dist/cjs";
import { JSONSchema7 } from "json-schema";
const schema: unknown = {
foo: {
description: "This is a Foo",
type: "object",
required: ["barType", "fooId"],
properties: {
fooUpdatedTimestamp: {
description: "Time last updated",
type: "string",
format: "date-time",
readOnly: true,
example: "1994-11-05T08:15:30Z",
fooId: {
description: "The unique id of the Foo",
maxLength: 13,
minLength: 1,
pattern: "^[0-9]*$",
example: "10000673458",
barType: {
description: "The Bar type of the Foo",
type: "string",
maxLength: 500,
example: "BazBat",
const result = jsonSchema7Decoder.decode(schema);
if (E.isRight(result)) {
const value: JSONSchema7 = result.right;
console.log(`Valid JSONSchema7: ${JSON.stringify(value)}`);
} else {
console.log(`invalid: ${result.left}`);