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@koopjs/geoservice-utils - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 2.2.3 to 3.0.0



import joi from 'joi';
import { IEnvelope, IPoint, IPolyline, IPolygon } from '@esri/arcgis-rest-types';
import { GeometryFilter } from './common-types';
export declare const spatialReferenceSchema: joi.ObjectSchema<any>;
export declare const filterSchema: joi.AlternativesSchema<any>;
type GeometryFilter = IEnvelope | IPoint | IPolyline | IPolygon | number[] | string;
export declare function isArcgisObject(input: GeometryFilter): boolean;
export declare function isSinglePointArray(input: GeometryFilter): boolean;
export declare function isEnvelopeArray(input: GeometryFilter): boolean;
export {};
export declare function isSinglePointArray(input: GeometryFilter | string): boolean;
export declare function isEnvelopeArray(input: GeometryFilter | string): boolean;
export declare const wgsWkt: any;
export declare const wgsExtentEnvelope: {
ymin: any;
ymax: any;
xmin: any;
xmax: any;
"use strict";
var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) {
if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(m, k);
if (!desc || ("get" in desc ? !m.__esModule : desc.writable || desc.configurable)) {
desc = { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } };
Object.defineProperty(o, k2, desc);
}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {
if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
o[k2] = m[k];
var __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) {
Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v });
}) : function(o, v) {
o["default"] = v;
var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {
if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;
var result = {};
if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" &&, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k);
__setModuleDefault(result, mod);
return result;
var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {

@@ -6,4 +29,13 @@ return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod };

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.isEnvelopeArray = exports.isSinglePointArray = exports.isArcgisObject = exports.filterSchema = void 0;
exports.wgsExtentEnvelope = exports.wgsWkt = exports.isEnvelopeArray = exports.isSinglePointArray = exports.filterSchema = exports.spatialReferenceSchema = void 0;
const joi_1 = __importDefault(require("joi"));
const esriProjCodes = __importStar(require("@esri/proj-codes"));
exports.spatialReferenceSchema = joi_1.default.object({
wkid: joi_1.default.number().strict().integer().optional(),
latestWkid: joi_1.default.number().strict().integer().optional(),
vcsWkid: joi_1.default.number().strict().integer().optional(),
latestVcsWkid: joi_1.default.number().strict().integer().optional(),
wkt: joi_1.default.string().optional(),
.or('wkid', 'latestWkid', 'vcsWkid', 'latestVcsWkid', 'wkt');
const envelopeSchema = joi_1.default

@@ -15,8 +47,3 @@ .object({

xmax: joi_1.default.number().strict().required(),
spatialReference: joi_1.default
wkid: joi_1.default.number().strict().required(),
spatialReference: exports.spatialReferenceSchema.optional()

@@ -96,16 +123,2 @@ .unknown(true);

function passesValidation(schema, input) {
const { error } = schema.validate(input);
return !error;
function isArcgisObject(input) {
return (passesValidation(envelopeSchema, input) ||
passesValidation(pointSchema, input) ||
passesValidation(lineStringSchema, input) ||
passesValidation(polygonSchema, input) ||
passesValidation(multiPointSchema, input) ||
passesValidation(multiLineStringSchema, input) ||
passesValidation(multipolygonSchema, input));
exports.isArcgisObject = isArcgisObject;
function isSinglePointArray(input) {

@@ -121,2 +134,10 @@ const { error } = pointArraySchema.validate(input);

exports.isEnvelopeArray = isEnvelopeArray;
const wgs = esriProjCodes.lookup(4326);
exports.wgsWkt = wgs.wkt;
exports.wgsExtentEnvelope = {
ymin: wgs.extent.slat,
ymax: wgs.extent.nlat,
xmin: wgs.extent.llon,
xmax: wgs.extent.rlon

@@ -1,17 +0,15 @@

import { IEnvelope, IPoint, IPolyline, IPolygon, ISpatialReference, SpatialRelationship } from '@esri/arcgis-rest-types';
import { LineString, MultiLineString, MultiPoint, MultiPolygon, Point, Polygon } from 'geojson';
type Geometry = Point | MultiPoint | LineString | MultiLineString | Polygon | MultiPolygon;
type GeometryFilter = IEnvelope | IPoint | IPolyline | IPolygon | number[];
type ArcgisSpatialReference = string | number | ISpatialReference;
import { ISpatialReference, SpatialRelationship } from '@esri/arcgis-rest-types';
import { ArcgisSpatialReference, Geometry, GeometryFilter } from './common-types';
export interface IStandardizedGeometryFilter {
geometry: Geometry;
spatialReference?: ArcgisSpatialReference;
spatialReference?: ISpatialReference;
relation: string;
export declare function standardizeGeometryFilter<T extends ArcgisSpatialReference>(params: {
export declare function standardizeGeometryFilter(params: IStandardizedGeometryFilterParams): IStandardizedGeometryFilter;
interface IStandardizedGeometryFilterParams {
geometry: GeometryFilter | string;
inSR?: T;
reprojectionSR?: T;
inSR?: ArcgisSpatialReference;
reprojectionSR?: ArcgisSpatialReference;
spatialRel?: SpatialRelationship;
}): IStandardizedGeometryFilter;
export {};

@@ -31,31 +31,155 @@ "use strict";

const _ = __importStar(require("lodash"));
const joi_1 = __importDefault(require("joi"));
const wkt_parser_1 = __importDefault(require("wkt-parser"));
const esriProjCodes = __importStar(require("@esri/proj-codes"));
const arcgis_1 = require("@terraformer/arcgis");
const bbox_polygon_1 = __importDefault(require("@turf/bbox-polygon"));
const transform_spatial_reference_to_wkt_1 = require("./transform-spatial-reference-to-wkt");
const project_coordinates_1 = require("./project-coordinates");
const helpers_1 = require("./helpers");
const clip_to_envelope_1 = require("./clip-to-envelope");
const traverse_coordinates_1 = require("./traverse-coordinates");
const inputSpatialReferenceSchema = joi_1.default.any()
.when(joi_1.default.number(), {
then: joi_1.default.number().strict().integer(),
otherwise: helpers_1.spatialReferenceSchema,
function standardizeGeometryFilter(params) {
const { geometry, inSR, reprojectionSR, spatialRel } = params;
const filter = (_.isString(geometry) ? parseString(geometry) : geometry);
const spatialReference = extractGeometryFilterSpatialReference(filter) || inSR || reprojectionSR;
const filterCrsWkt = spatialReference && (0, transform_spatial_reference_to_wkt_1.transformSpatialReferenceToWkt)(spatialReference);
const targetCrsWkt = reprojectionSR && (0, transform_spatial_reference_to_wkt_1.transformSpatialReferenceToWkt)(reprojectionSR);
const geojsonGeometry = transformGeometryToGeojson(filter);
const projectedGeometry = shouldReproject(filterCrsWkt, targetCrsWkt)
? reproject(geojsonGeometry, filterCrsWkt, targetCrsWkt)
: geojsonGeometry;
exports.standardizeGeometryFilter = standardizeGeometryFilter;
class StandardizedGeometryFilter {
static build(params) {
const { geometry, relation, spatialReference } = new StandardizedGeometryFilter(params);
return { geometry, relation, spatialReference };
constructor(params) {
const { geometry, inSR, reprojectionSR, spatialRel } = params;
this.filter = _.isString(geometry) ? parseString(geometry) : geometry;
this.relation = spatialRel || 'esriSpatialRelIntersects';
this.filterSpatialReference = this.extractSR('inSR', this.filter?.spatialReference || inSR);
this.reprojectionSpatialReference = this.extractSR('reprojectionSR', reprojectionSR);
this.geometry = this.transformGeometry();
this.spatialReference = packageSpatialReference(this.filterSpatialReference);
if (this.shouldClipOutOfBoundsFilter()) {
this.geometry.coordinates = (0, clip_to_envelope_1.clipToEnvelope)(this.geometry.coordinates, helpers_1.wgsExtentEnvelope);
if (reprojectionSR && this.validateReproject()) {
this.geometry.coordinates = (0, project_coordinates_1.projectCoordinates)(this.geometry.coordinates, this.filterSpatialReference.wkt, this.reprojectionSpatialReference.wkt);
this.spatialReference = packageSpatialReference(this.reprojectionSpatialReference);
validateFilterShape() {
const { error } = helpers_1.filterSchema.validate(this.filter);
if (error) {
throw new Error(`Unsupported geometry filter format: ${JSON.stringify(this.filter)}; must be a spatial reference ID or object`);
return this;
extractSR(srSource, spatialReference) {
if (!spatialReference) {
const { error } = inputSpatialReferenceSchema.validate(spatialReference);
if (error) {
throw new Error(`Unsupported ${srSource} format; must be a spatial reference ID or object`);
if (Number.isInteger(spatialReference) ||
getSrid(spatialReference)) {
return getSpatialReferenceFromCode(spatialReference);
if (spatialReference.wkt) {
return spatialReference;
validateReproject() {
if (!this.filterSpatialReference) {
throw new Error('Unknown geometry filter spatial reference; unable to reproject');
if (!this.filterSpatialReference.wkt) {
throw new Error(`Unknown geometry filter spatial reference WKT; unable to reproject`);
if (!this.reprojectionSpatialReference) {
throw new Error(`Unknown reprojection spatial reference; unable to reproject`);
if (!this.reprojectionSpatialReference.wkt) {
throw new Error(`Unknown reprojection spatial reference WKT; unable to reproject`);
return true;
shouldClipOutOfBoundsFilter() {
return this.filterSpatialReference?.wkt === helpers_1.wgsWkt && this.hasOOBCoords();
hasOOBCoords() {
const extent = helpers_1.wgsExtentEnvelope;
const predicate = (coords) => {
const [lon, lat] = coords;
return (lon > extent.xmax ||
lon < extent.xmin ||
lat > extent.ymax ||
lat < extent.ymin);
return (0, traverse_coordinates_1.someCoordinates)(this.geometry.coordinates, predicate);
transformGeometry() {
if ((0, helpers_1.isSinglePointArray)(this.filter)) {
return {
type: 'Point',
if ((0, helpers_1.isEnvelopeArray)(this.filter)) {
return (0, bbox_polygon_1.default)(this.filter).geometry;
return (0, arcgis_1.arcgisToGeoJSON)(this.filter);
function packageSpatialReference(spatialReference) {
if (!spatialReference) {
const { wkid, wkt } = spatialReference;
return { wkid, wkt };
function getSpatialReferenceFromCode(sr) {
const srid = Number.isInteger(sr) ? sr : getSrid(sr);
const spatialReferenceDefinition = esriProjCodes.lookup(srid);
if (!spatialReferenceDefinition) {
console.warn(`Unknown spatial reference: ${srid}; ignoring`);
const extentEnvelope = getSpatialReferenceExtent(spatialReferenceDefinition);
return {
geometry: projectedGeometry,
spatialReference: reprojectionSR || spatialReference,
relation: spatialRel || 'esriSpatialRelIntersects',
wkid: spatialReferenceDefinition.wkid,
wkt: spatialReferenceDefinition.wkt,
extent: extentEnvelope,
exports.standardizeGeometryFilter = standardizeGeometryFilter;
function validateFilter(filter) {
const { error } = helpers_1.filterSchema.validate(filter);
if (error) {
throw new Error(`Unsupported geometry filter format: ${JSON.stringify(filter)}`);
function getSrid(sr) {
return sr.wkid || sr.latestWkid || sr.vcsWkid || sr.latestVcsWkid;
function getSpatialReferenceExtent(spatialReferenceDefinition) {
const { extent } = spatialReferenceDefinition;
if (!extent) {
const { llon, slat, rlon, nlat } = extent;
return { xmin: llon, ymin: slat, xmax: rlon, ymax: nlat };
function weakValidateWkt(wkt) {
try {
(0, wkt_parser_1.default)(wkt);
catch (error) {
throw new Error(`Spatial reference WKT is unparseable: "${wkt}"`);
function parseString(param) {

@@ -69,27 +193,2 @@ try {

function extractGeometryFilterSpatialReference(filter) {
if ((0, helpers_1.isArcgisObject)(filter)) {
return filter.spatialReference;
function transformGeometryToGeojson(input) {
if ((0, helpers_1.isSinglePointArray)(input)) {
return {
type: 'Point',
if ((0, helpers_1.isEnvelopeArray)(input)) {
const { geometry } = (0, bbox_polygon_1.default)(input);
return geometry;
return (0, arcgis_1.arcgisToGeoJSON)(input);
function shouldReproject(fromSr, toSr) {
return toSr && toSr !== fromSr;
function reproject(geometry, fromSr, toSr) {
const coordinates = (0, project_coordinates_1.projectCoordinates)(geometry.coordinates, fromSr, toSr);
return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, geometry), { coordinates });

@@ -1,4 +0,2 @@

import { Position } from 'geojson';
type Coordinates = Position | Position[] | Position[][] | Position[][][];
export declare function projectCoordinates(coordinates: Coordinates, fromSR?: string, toSR?: string): Coordinates;
export {};
import { Coordinates } from './common-types';
export declare function projectCoordinates(coordinates: Coordinates, fromSR: string, toSR: string): Coordinates;

@@ -32,23 +32,30 @@ "use strict";

const _ = __importStar(require("lodash"));
const traverse_coordinates_1 = require("./traverse-coordinates");
const helpers_1 = require("./helpers");
const WGS_MIN_LAT = helpers_1.wgsExtentEnvelope.ymin;
const WGS_MAX_LAT = helpers_1.wgsExtentEnvelope.ymax;
function projectCoordinates(coordinates, fromSR, toSR) {
if (!toSR || fromSR === toSR) {
return coordinates;
return recursiveCoordinatesReproject(coordinates, fromSR, toSR);
const reproject = (coords) => {
if (shouldReproject(coords)) {
const [, lat] = coords;
if (shouldConstrainSourceX(fromSR, lat)) {
coords[1] = constrainX(lat);
return (0, proj4_1.default)(fromSR, toSR, coords);
return coords;
return (0, traverse_coordinates_1.transformCoordinates)(coordinates, reproject);
exports.projectCoordinates = projectCoordinates;
function recursiveCoordinatesReproject(coordinates, fromSr, toSr) {
if (Array.isArray(coordinates[0])) {
return => {
return recursiveCoordinatesReproject(coords, fromSr, toSr);
if (shouldReproject(coordinates)) {
return (0, proj4_1.default)(fromSr, toSr, coordinates);
return coordinates;
// Prevent error in event of null or undefined coordinates
function shouldReproject(coordinates) {
return _.isNumber(coordinates[0]) && _.isNumber(coordinates[1]);
return coordinates && _.isNumber(coordinates[0]) && _.isNumber(coordinates[1]);
function shouldConstrainSourceX(fromSR, x) {
return fromSR === helpers_1.wgsWkt && (x === WGS_MIN_LAT || x === WGS_MAX_LAT);
function constrainX(x) {
return x === WGS_MAX_LAT ? WGS_MAX_LAT - 1e-8 : WGS_MIN_LAT + 1e-8;
"name": "@koopjs/geoservice-utils",
"version": "2.2.3",
"version": "3.0.0",
"description": "A set of utilities for working with Geoservice requests and parameters.",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "main": "dist/index.js",

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Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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