13.1.0 (2023-02-03)
Bug Fixes
- (minor) Commentary does not need to load Button eagerly (99bcbac)
- a few minor load time optimizations (8855d80)
- add font-display: swap to patternfly font-face (08374d0)
- add meta viewport to index.ejs (bb5b057)
- add side-effect: false (5120700)
- auto-toggle the sidebar closed after user clicks to select an entry in the sidebar (4641c4f)
- bump madwizard 2.5.2 -> 2.5.3 to pick up choice string expansion fix (f5e5341)
- bump to madwizard 2.4.11 to pick up missing Profile export (cfdcae1)
- clicking run on guidebook code block can cause all code block text to disappear (2a07e0c)
- command history is erratic for first tab (36cb9b4)
- css load time optimizations (611feb1)
- CurrentContext/Namespace widgets can be lazily loaded (5e1c1ba)
- fetching notebooks with url imports fails in browser (3a8cfa0)
- helm ls -> click results in error (ce62c44)
- improve support for redirecting Buffer/binary output to files (26f88f0)
- kubernetes resource Annotations tab can show just
(4b9e4f0) - Kui component may mount client notebooks multiple times (a67564d)
- linked Commentary does not update until a tab switch (f0fe460)
- minor load time tweaks around use of patternfly/react-table (dc0326d)
- optimize load time by avoiding loading patternfly and plugin-client-common index.js (e10829a)
- playground does not update when switching tab n->m->n i.e. returning to a tab (9ff3371)
- plugin-electron-components is missing stated needle dependence (0c78655)
- popover close button should have padding (58e8049)
- proper fix for onTabReady polling hack (dddb0dc)
- remove right-border on brand (e.g. "Kui |" -> "Kui") (2ebe980)
- TabContent may execute initial command prior to first mount (09ab467)
- packages/builder: on linux and windows, Electron app and CLI launcher can collide (9e6ec18), closes #7320
- packages/builder: regression: Notebooks menu does not appear in production builds (13ce4c1), closes #7938
- packages/core: click to edit command line with redirect, and the input edit is missing the redirect part (629a2af), closes #8090
- packages/core: pipeStages splits command with >> incorrectly (124c177), closes #7413
- packages/proxy: signedCookie not a function (9e89138)
- plugins/plugin-bash-like:
command stores newline in session storage (92c17b4) - plugins/plugin-bash-like: cd against TrieVFS may fail due to trailing slash discrepancies (a9769bc)
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: export command enforces parameters incorrectly (315144a), closes #7791
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: pty/shell commands fail if cwd is a virtual directory (022455f)
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: edit button ignores context and kubeconfig options (fb6ad44)
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: kubectl get pod/nginx has buggy drilldown (fe9338f)
- ls against command directories does not always list directories of commands (2800646)
- ls in vfs directories is not normalized (dfdacc5)
- plugin-client-notebook and plugin-client-alternate have old commandContext setting (658bc89), closes #7318
- plugin-kubectl still pulls in prior xterm deps (df7ec42)
- port use of deprecated new-window event to setWindowOpenHandler (8e53126)
- remove a few uses of electron/remote (2a2489a)
- remove kubeui command prefix (e2539cb), closes #7314
- shim
over portable-url
npm (757674a) - skip sidecar button tooltip if tooltipText==buttonLabel (7eb4cec)
- tray menu may not appear in popup window mode (fb67cf5)
- tweak stylings of sequence diagram view (aa37ad7)
- UpdateChecker may call setState before mount (c6c400f)
- use
snippet inlining, and stop inlining in webpack build (for now) (913e919) - use defer script loading (832a414)
- packages/core: after opening window from headless, console output stops (ea55810), closes #7291
- packages/core: CommentaryResponse can fail when checking maybeKuiLink (5c7f8af), closes #8101
- packages/core: core command line parser does not handle octal escape (6b1eaff)
- packages/core: core repl pipe-stage splitter fails for \ line continuations (706be6c)
- packages/core: don't add \n for headless stderr printer (8a4337a), closes #7297
- packages/core: Error on load when running in safari (bfbe56d), closes #8129
- packages/core: Events api created and typedoc documentation generated (531461d)
- packages/core: headless printer prints everything as JSON if the command line contains, anywhere, a -v (b929eba)
- packages/core: kui "whitescreens" if underlying working directory is removed (9a4cf16), closes #8160
- packages/core: Util and Themes APIs added and updated documentation (b175698)
- packages/proxy: Docker builds broken after recent update to node:12-bullseye-slim update (a1b74a4), closes #8083
- packages/webpack: improve process shim for browser-based builds (c255b23)
- packages/webpack: improve webpack watching scripts for dockerized runs (129aeaa)
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: ls and tab completion may offer duplicates (54875cf)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: "quiet" markdown kui command execution links show the internal "quiet" part (a3dc8cc), closes #7698
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Ansi component does not properly render underlined text (cdcd2e9)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: avoid link-like hover effect for product name in header (b331d0b), closes #7709
- plugins/plugin-client-common: avoid loading "loading icon" in electron clients (9f6d85b), closes #8169
- plugins/plugin-client-common: BottomStrip splits min height 6rem -> 7rem (763c4c8)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Change block rerun action button from Retry icon to Play icon (1e74b8f), closes #7696
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Click to select error block, and left border stays red (098aa6c), closes #8088
- plugins/plugin-client-common: commentary doesn't suport intrapage links (6488a89)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: commentary editor does not shrink as window width (45ded76)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Commentary text sometimes renders with a monospace font (b232a24), closes #8109
- plugins/plugin-client-common: defer loading of monaco when rendering sidecar (c0c1988), closes #8064
- plugins/plugin-client-common: disable minisplit (b32a940)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: editing a commentary link can fail with uncaught decodeURIComponent error (02c9e48)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: hideReplayOutput doesn't always work as expected (db6eeef), closes #7711
- plugins/plugin-client-common: improve block rerun UI (1739fd2), closes #8025
- plugins/plugin-client-common: improve coloring for progress stepper in some themes (310604e)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: improve padding in sequence diagram (323c533)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: in bottom strip, show split header when the split is focused (662b984)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: In dark themes, Hints can have low contrast (b491530)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: increase spacing around new section break UI (5893119), closes #7691
- plugins/plugin-client-common: initial tooltip render may be placed oddly (ded0d34), closes #8081
- plugins/plugin-client-common: kubectl Status cell can be empty with splits (44061f7), closes #7726
- plugins/plugin-client-common: KWizard may fail with enableNext null pointer exception (f9bc7f8)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: leftover debugging in Block/index.tsx (f9f9f53), closes #8041
- plugins/plugin-client-common: leftover debugging in Editor component (6d484a5), closes #8037
- plugins/plugin-client-common: leftover debugging in ScrollableTerminal (58f324a)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Loading for proxied clients is now centered (85bd034), closes #8034
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Logs/Terminal container selector cannot be interacted with (9e1af35), closes #7707
- plugins/plugin-client-common: minor UI tweaks for progress stepper (5d06667), closes #8113
- plugins/plugin-client-common: multi-notebook replays result in incorrect status stripe (b4f9dce), closes #8167
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Multiple bug fixes for re-executed blocks (82d148f), closes /github.com/kubernetes-sigs/kui/issues/8025#issuecomment-928008189 #8025
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Notebook layout for 2-split was inconsistent with 3-split (6870e49)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Notebooks default to read only mode (baf8823)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: odd scroll to bottom behavior (6632e46), closes #8174
- plugins/plugin-client-common: ProgressStepper UI has low contrast in light-background splits (ba11c79)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: readonly client property should only apply to replayed notebooks (00555ab), closes #7787
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Small tweaks for LabelList variant UI (b3171da), closes #8118
- plugins/plugin-client-common: snapshot doesn't preserve cancelled or empty block (2300d65)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Wizard/Footer can throw null pointer exception (0b9474d)
component has empty links, and clicks bubble up (f35d261)<Ansi/>
component should use normal white-space wrapping for links (2b202d2)- <Ask/> descriptions can have odd prefix whitespace (8575a9d)
- <Playground/> may not execute correct command line (1ba1046)
- <ProfileExplorer/> edit button does not restart terminal with desired guidebook (b8ae00a)
- add a browser replacement for require('readline') (f7df9da)
- allow clients to build with client-provided webpack-bundle-analyzer (dcf8f24)
- Ansi component can result in react key warning (8eb3ecf)
- AskingTerminal can drop chunks coming from madwizard over raw stdout (2f06f3c)
- AskingTerminal does not reset allotment sizes when restarting guidebook (e194acf)
- babel is called twice in top-level compile scripts (3b7b25c)
- block border may show up in guidebooks (75efe2f)
- blue in sidecars has low contrast (6d4510f)
- Bound state for volumes should have a green traffic light color (528f0e0)
- bump electron 22.0.0 -> 22.0.1 (cd85eb5)
- bump electron 22.0.1 -> 22.0.2 (3ee16b8)
- bump guidebook store and madwizard; pick up fixes for imagePullSecret (06fd6e1)
- bump guidebook store to pick up cgroup v2 fix (00cc3d1)
- bump madwizard -> 4.7.0 to pick up removal of dependence on readline (9e8d6b3)
- bump madwizard 4.0.1->4.0.2 to pick up interactive bug fix (bd778a5)
- bump madwizard 4.0.2 -> 4.0.3 to pick up ray job stop fix (04fe533)
- bump madwizard 5.0.3 to pick up support for recognizing madwizard-internal shell.execs (ce4c5d7)
- bump madwizard 5.0.4 to pick up expanded handle-by-client exec (c9abb91)
- bump store 1.11.2 -> 1.11.3 to pick up improvements to exposition (e5d8a25)
- bump to madwizard 5.0.5 to pick up shell exec updates (2df6554)
- cmd+w fails to close window with only one tab (37c7e8c)
- core and plugin-client-common express unused deps on needle (02bcd46)
- CurrentContext/Namespace widgets stuck Loading in Popup windows (481c652)
- development bin/kubectl-kui should not set NODE_OPTIONS (4de36e3)
- electron builds should not include .log directory (20c4a07)
- flip plugin-madwizard to public npm (e1ff5ab)
- guidebook store env var not properly passed through (c114730)
- import just the lib/decode.js from entities (1de0837)
- improve echo support in browser w.r.t. env vars (e2bf5be)
- improve export behavior in browser (754de5e)
- improve layout on phones (64a4b1b)
- improved debug output and error handling in tray menu code (f78cc36)
- improved fix for externalizing electron/remote (a39168b), closes #9265 #9265
- improvements for phones in landscape mode (a866148)
- in-browser, maximized guidebook blocks do not render in second+ splits (7b3cc29)
- increase default height of popup window (d8a111d)
- InputStripe may call setState prior to mount (16ac9a7)
- kui-pty-rebuild does not correctly rebuild with node-pty 0.11.0 (a77942a)
- kui-webpack-watch always launches proxy and headless watcher (2991826)
- make sure to import node:readline, and get rid of npm readline dep (09f5c8d)
- make tray popup window a bit wider (dda1723)
- minor tweak to markdown playground to use a hint at the top (fac5c93)
- move from html-entities to entities (c0ee019)
- on phones, hide StatusStripe and TopTabStripe in landscape (b8c7b7c)
- on windows, tray menu causes popup shell window (bd9e3fd)
- override default user agent background-color for buttons (8921c9c)
- plan command does not work, due to registration as /madwizard/plan (58a637f)
- Playground should have a min height in non-maximized blocks (05ecfc4)
- Playground Terminal may not fill vertical space (420ffa4)
- PlaygroundTerminal should skip responses (a6dd65f)
- plugin-kubectl-tray-menu had incorrect package name (b29abbd)
- plugin-madwizard should not load notebook vfs in headless (561ff4a)
- plugin-madwizard's Terminal component does not pull in base xterm.scss (f82249d)
- prescan for /kui/client guidebooks doesn't handle nesting (ed390d1)
- prescan for offline clients may fail to register commands (358f350)
- prescan of client guidebooks should follow symlinks (8885dd2)
- race condition in vfs mounting can result in ENOENT (8a338cf)
- reduce ridiculous padding in kui--18px mode (b2e891e)
- regressions for preloads in headless mode (3d55061)
- remove ancient non-KUI_HEADLESS_WEBPACK support (0dbbc3e)
- remove ancient pretty printers for ancient usage model (1df7cba)
- remove dependence of at-guidebooks/store (e3a4679)
- remove electron/remote dep from core (cef337e)
- remove markdown button coloring css rule (72a485e)
- remove needle dependence from plugin-madwizard (340cce9)
- remove unused ansi-to-html dep in core (e92f17d)
- restore support for echo in non-proxy browser clients (99085bc)
- ScrollableTerminal may error if command completion races with terminal clear (4bec34d)
- second popup window does now execute desired command line (a7039f2)
- Sidebar css color and height regression (3932737)
- Sidebar does not update active nav item ui on click (93318b9)
- Sidebar should not auto-close if Client requested that the Sidebar stay open (ecc5402)
- small optimization for Ask's use of Markdown (2d73fe3)
- terminal link support was handling only the first link in a string (de58bd5)
- tone down the tooltips a bit (1cc19e2)
- tray menu does not appear (6cb379d)
- update MadeWithKui to accept a position prop for the popover (94c195e)
- update to madwizard 5 to pick up support for shell.exec richer return types (1103695)
- update to new phrasing of 'prior choice' (f840c84)
- webpack should regenerate prescan when watching (b95f1af)
- webpack watcher did not trigger a rebuild on rerun of prescan (8fc2190)
- xterm is not sized to viewport (2671fc0)
- zoom.css is imported in headless mode (92ee357)
- packages/core: strip off chrome args for second electron instance (15fad9b)
- packages/core: strip off chrome args for second electron instance (v2) (045a409)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: <keys> tag may have poor color contrast (e9846b1)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Accordion font size discrepancy in guidebooks (ba177a2)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: add a few more heuristics to the snippet inliner (f46d4b6)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: add missing i18n for "Success" in markdown tips (7519844)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: add support for Caution tips in markdown (4f33ebf)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: add support for iterating the subtask hoisting algo (897b2af)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: allow code block id to be optional (842becc)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: another minor refinement to collapsed wizard title (cf78811)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: another small tweak to tooltips (7b26931)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: auto-detect architecture for guidebook choices (8c7f7f6)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: avoid awkward wrapping in wizard progress bar status text (6c8fddd)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: avoid infinite loop in snippet inliner (d6482db)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: avoid infinite loop of code block validation (a379c1d)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: avoid super-tall action buttons in code blocks (1655b04)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: clean up Guide header (6ae3aee)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: clicking on link to another guidebook quietly fails (ca091df)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: code block action tooltips not attached to innermost element (a09c7a8)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: dependence tree can place nodes in prior sibling (6dfc1c6)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: don't constrain content width for maximized splits (6cb2f99)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: don't show wizard footer for single-step wizards (9608750)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: graph validation logic does not obey optional bit (bb52f6b)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Guide can have blank steps (8e42ab1)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: guide command should add a title (1860b52)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Guide does not properly format links (261ce25)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: guide validator has false positives (0f0b7b7)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: guide wizard should start at first non-complete step (1f08479)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: guidebook dependence tree can have wrong Option x index (fc543d9)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: guidebooks cannot have wizards in second+ splits (6aeac4d)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Imports checkmarks are too tall (5eecf19)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Imports tree can have duplicate Prerequisites content (c66e7a8)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: improve guide command handling of wizard description (f0df144)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: improve Missing titles in guide steps (e5246f5)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: improve spacing and typography in our Wizard wrapper (496d0b1)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: improve tooltip for table Status cells (f253749)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: improved display of subtree status in guidebook tree view (c2dea3c)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: improved hoisting of subtasks (9e8e831)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: in narrower windows, use top-bottom split (375ad64)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: increase default expansion depth for Imports component (b805981)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Input component has leftover debugging output (61ba995)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: leverage patternfly's no-cancel support for Wizards (d2e9b1e)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: markdown tip open does not survive round-trip (68e26a6)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: minor react tweak to sidecar badge to avoid potential false re-renders (89372a1)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: nested choices in wizards were not presented as such (a36274d)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: non-pty output can have extra whitespace at top (ba5b425)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: optimize population of platform/arch/etc. choice detection (5c7728d)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: performance work on guidebook choice changing (b509f7c)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: progress bar in wizard header has poor layout (4a26075)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: pty output can have extra blank vertical space (b19e221)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: purple text can have low contrast in PatternFly4 Light (5b21228)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: regression in playground maximization (d25015d)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: remove extra margin-top in wizard header description (27a7ac5)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: remove leftover debugging printf (7b89068)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: remove leftover debugging printf (829b864)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: remove wizard right-margin (a1e05cf)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Search component may emit console errors (e08f7ac)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: secondary markdown tabs do display well (76930f4)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: sidecar delete button from right split executes command in left split (f6dc8d0)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: small adjustments to markdown h1 icon size and position (199604c)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: snippet inliner does not properly handle certain recursion (22cf299)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: snippet inliner fails when rerouting links (e02cf46)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: split header tooltips have odd spacing (9acb9fb)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: status badge for Succeeeded shows up yellow (226ce0d)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: StatusStripe widgets may have extra left padding (bbce2a7)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: support for tips in guidebook wizard steps (596d7b2)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Switching to and from Terminal tab causes reset of terminal (c3101ae)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Tooltip component can present empty tooltip (f9850d8)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: tooltips often have low contrast against surrounding elements (b66d997)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: use brighter tooltip (1299d32)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: use inner scrolling for guide wizard body (5b627e4)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: with left and right strips, opening sidebar causes funky layout (dbed98d)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Wizard Cancel button is visible again (f58403b)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: wizard header minimize can result in cropped text (cabefc2)
- plugins/plugin-electron-components: Search should lazily load patternfly component (f6758ce)
- plugins/plugin-electron-components: UpdateChecker initial delay is 0ms (51c857a)
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: does not get from namespace (d5b8fbf)
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: Added a Knative Serving Example 1 guidebook (294ed45)
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: Adding Autoscaling using Go guidebook (89f2856)
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: Adding Traffic Management guidebook (2d4f517)
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: delete button does not pass through --kubeconfig (49e67e8)
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: deployments are red even though the pods may be yellow (78704b0)
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: Fixing guidebook layouts and validation code (e5e96c6)
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: improved handling of token timeout in tray menu (f416160)
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: improved support for HTTPS_PROXY vs kubectl commands (84e1e26)
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: in split screen mode, PVC and PV tables horizontally overflow (c9d1fef)
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: Job summary may show undefined/1 (07fef7e)
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: minor refinements to tray menu (d0d1295)
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: oc get on cluster-scoped resources fail (3ca819e)
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: regression in events drilldown (3488475), closes #9001
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: Show Events may show events from prior versions of resource (16f249d)
oc get projects
fails (960b179)- allow electron-main plugins to incorporate template pngs into the webpack build (21355fa)
- Ctrl/Cmd+W in windows opened to be non-kui does nothing (f12330d)
- dim colors in xterm output can have low contrast (27c03b5)
- disable escape handler for sidebar (b6d19ed)
- electron builder tries to notarize non-darwin targets (27f47ae)
- headless-to-ui transition can emit innocuous but scary "electron not defined" (7b4f8ec)
- if productName contains spaces, headless bundle files have spaces (ba06ca5)
- kubernetes Terminal tab does not respond to font zooming (25d227e)
- markdown tabs should not unmount on exit (29ce03d)
- monaco-editor cursor color now has low contrast (6e4ef16)
- remove integration of unstable knative guidebooks (058bbbe)
- tooltip for theme switcher is annoying and not helping (ac19411)
- packages/core: ctrl/cmd+w can result in null pointer exception (eb6252f)
- packages/core: regression due to title work, new windows may result in null pointer exception (c4c9d85)
- packages/webpack: cast support in headless webpack config is wrong (3c32e3d)
- packages/webpack: headless webpack builds fail with asciinema casts (4d3fdf0)
- packages/webpack: use of native modules in main can cause renderer webpack build to fail (2c0bda1), closes #71
- test regressions in xterm (c8e218e), closes #8925
- when opening a second window, desired window dimensions ignored (6b9de72)
- plugins/plugin-bash-like:
vfs fslice
fails with uncaught exception for ENOENT (1b86951) - plugins/plugin-bash-like: xterm alt buffer mode often not full screen (6389546)
- xterm scrollbars are not visible (ff22321)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: fix buggy "display: span" (61a46fa)
- switch to using
when notiarizing on macOS (9318d1f) - packages/core: another missing catch in headless-to-ui transition (801983c)
- a few fixes for building on windows (19731e2)
- a few small fixes to enhance typescript strict type checking (7108946)
- extend kui-shell/webpack to work around fullySpecified modules (9318742)
- guide command should not open a new tab when in popup mode (6be84d4)
- remove Save as Guidebook menu option (30b8672)
- xterm copy-out logic is erratic with line wrapping (6f3c1bc)
- Xterm UI may miss whitespace (766053e)
- packages/core: headless-to-ui transition can result in errors in getAppPath (4ebec4d)
- packages/core: second windows should not be stuck with env vars from initial window (5c2bc1b)
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: "dim" PTY text is too dim (c823d03)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: adopt jq syntax for guidebook json filters (f4c8314)
- zooming fonts in the playground notebook do not increase height of tab bar (38c6b7f)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: another setState on unmounted Markdown component (d72b14d)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Ansi.tsx renders all dim text in gray (8be22c2)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: code block component can call setState after unmounting (7d75472)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: code blocks in tips in guide are misformatted (2f7781e)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: cursor in monaco editor can have low contrast (f87e825)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: fix for nested tabs squishing (091ba5b)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Guide should not auto-advance on render (570907d)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: hack workaround for buggy propTypes in react-markdown (4d7f571)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Improve legitability of Options in dependence tree (8e02f4e)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: improved error handling in Imports component (6787bfa)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: improved fix for CodeBlock setState after unmount (7c28bca)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: improved handling of wizard step titles with colons (ca207ee)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: make Left split a bit wider (74f9d0e)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Markdown component can call setState after unmounting (a4edb85)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: markdown tabs in dark themes can have low contrast (62e904c)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: nested import that is a wizard that has imports (8c4dc9d)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: pty output paragraphs have too much spacing (4a7978c)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: ScrollableTerminal may emit react setState errors (3559acb)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: small tweaks to colors in dependence UI (ec6ce49)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: tab renaming is broken (ffa8f6f)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: tiles in guide should have width:100% (e00a711)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: tips in guide have too many newlines (d109c0b)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: topmatter imports in content from guide command mis-rendered (c8ad627)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: two fixes for setState during render (c442a31)
- a few tweaks to avoid loading the Markdown component on initial page load (cb0f509)
- plugins/plugin-s3: don't prefetch minio npm (81f8f2c)
- wide content in left or right strip does not horizontally overflow (8d82b4b)
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: Quickstart and Hello World Service Guidebooks (72083c8)
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: Removed knative-getting-started.md in favor of knative-quickstart.md (28afc84)
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: summary cells with
value appear empty (0b51762) - more base0E color contrast fixes (e533109)
- packages/builder: make sure to build win32 electron last (e0a51cd)
- packages/test: tests may fail because active prompt is not in view (c61f9a5)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: adjust font size of wizard collapsed header (c72f08d)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: block border of active block in focused split is gray (290b6d2)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: bug in loading guidebook sample output via URL (c8a4cbb)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: clean out leftover debug messages (5124d46)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: code blocks indented beyond normal tab indentation parsed incorrectly (a72d599)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Deployment-to-Pods drilldown should be consistent in UI (bdf6eb5)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: empty pty responses can leave odd extra space in output (6ae062f)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: ExpandableSections in guidebooks can have extraneous margins (8614a15)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: font size and color regressions in table events footer (be1d5db)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: GitHubIcon fails to compile if client has no homepage (5ef6493)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: hide except on hover play button for validated code blocks (776b4ef)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: in dark themes, links in tips have low contrast (5d4ac24)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: in guidebooks, left strip has inconsistent font size (00fd4be)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: incorrectly named
method (5018c85) - plugins/plugin-client-common: increase saturation of blue, yellow, red markdown tips (5a7ad58)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: markdown tab/tip content does not preserve indentation (c1e7981)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: markdown tips need to be case insensitive (5a05197)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: markdown with non-tab/tip indentation formats poorly (7cd9a9e)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: mis-parsing of tips after tips in tabs (b45c9a4)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Missing React
property on table cells (94433f7) - plugins/plugin-client-common: monaco line number gutter can look weird (7a98130)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: move wizard progress into wizard description/header area (50890cd)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: only a few table columns are sortable (ee25305)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: plain markdown blockquotes show our injected topmatter (44104df)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: recursive snippet inlining via absolute paths can fail (32c06a9)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: show input index ui when using a left strip split (1ab48ad)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Sidebar footer is no longer at the bottom (f4bb908)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: sidebar nav expansions not persisted (bc5f206)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: sidecar should not offer drilldown buttons in offline clients (0570733)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: snippet inliner fails for lines with trailing whitespace (9a64b19)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: snippet inliner fails in reroute links (29393ce)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: snippet inliner recursion sometimes fails (15d16d8)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: table columns with a single value need not be sortable (c62f7e6)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: table status column can yield odd vertical alignment (222762c)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: table sticky headers are transparent (13a6f8d)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: top tab overflow buttons can have low contrast (ccf6a65)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: tweak code block option color (3a7b425)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: tweaks to "mini progress" ui in wizard (09cefc6)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: use a left-right split for drilldown even with left strip (81353a5)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: use narrower left strip (25327a7)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: use sepia tone also for validated blocks (5201968)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: welcome notebook has a bogus sample output (64a2f07)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: when showing replayed output, use prefetched drilldowns always (43780e8)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: with narrower windows, content disappears (8ea9743)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: with sidebar open, drilling down can lead to bad split layout (3d10fbe)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: wizard mini progress UI lacks hover effect (2349c40)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: wizard parser fails if step header preceded by comment (a5d401d)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: wizard progress "Remaining tasks" should be "Completed tasks" (6c64926)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: wizard steps with no code blocks have blank area (6975eb5)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: workarounds for odd table tooltip positioning (dfc4be0)
- plugins/plugin-kubectl:
oc login
requires a Kui reload for changes to take effect (78a3fba) - plugins/plugin-kubectl: another fix for oc login requiring Kui restart (6c66769)
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: hide Tier and Application column in narrow windows (83ffc32)
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: Updated Knative Quickstart quidebook (e1813fb)
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: use markdown kube icon, rather than hard-coded svg content (7ae94d3)
- plugins/plugin-patternfly4-themes: magenta and purple colors in patternfly4 dark have low contrast (8397bb4)
- creating split can cause funky layout (768bb2e)
- fixes for inverted colors in dark themes (43425a8)
- Light theme does not get expected sepia filter for finished blocks (752150f)
- more color contrast fixes for wizard (1bf1ea6)
- several UI tweaks to popover rendering (f65d5d3)
- sigh, npm 8.3.1 (node 16.14.0) broke our colors override (0a6be71)
- update base tsconfig to avoid specifying webdriverio types (39f1cf2)
- UpdateChecker component does not display popover content (20f89a2)
- windows node-pty hangs (a2aaf66)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: a few small spacing tweaks to Guidebooks (a8935bf)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: another tweak for right-alignment of markdown (33a7707)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: avoid pre-wrap in guidebook paragraphs (f388c5b)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: blank heading lines in markdown cause internal exception (a679005)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: code block run button should not be visible in offline clients (4234d3e)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: code blocks with validate: true do not validate (cf78662)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: don't hue-rotate markdown tips/expandable sections (aae4cd7)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: escape in playground cancels editor (571c7bb)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: external links in markdown broken (a2c0a54)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: fontawesome; fix for multiple icons per paragraph (c03d8ae)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: guidebooks render poorly in big windows with large fonts (98d8e42)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: if client does not define notebooks, Sidebar crashes on Escape (dee5598)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: in some browsers, hovering in wizard mini step oddly moves elements (ed7ee67)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: markdown "note" tips should be blue (ec30f40)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: markdown expandable section left-border color not consistent (262724f)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: markdown expandable sections can have double margins (1d53a7d)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: markdown icons test has timing-related failures (5c0c150)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: markdown mark tags sometimes confused with tabbed (405201c)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: markdown material-icons do not preserve trailing whitespace (d573767)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: markdown tables can have odd ellipsis (567f85f)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: markdown tabs may drop/misplace text near tab title (c27b709)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: markdown tip parsing may not recognize elements after "bug" (7bccaa5)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: minor fix to avoid
float: undefined
(9f11850) - plugins/plugin-client-common: mis-parsing of wizard headers (7777e6a)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: more nav width tweaks (21e9e1f)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: opening a guidebook from sidebar shows internal command execution (6c06b2d)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: recursive snippet inlining does not properly handle base path (14b702b)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: reduce saturation of tip headers (401d0a7)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: regression in tooltip font size (3e76327)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: replay against files with relative image links fail to load image (6eea6d1)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: replay filepaths with spaces (e7936dc)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: saving code block responses is broken (1310475)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: sigh more tweaks to wizard nav width (24e0290)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: snippet inclusion does not support full urls or recursive inclusion (b643a12)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: snippet inliner image link rewriter does not handle two links on one line (904e91a)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: text after colon lost for wizard header (24c7d55)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: tip-after-tip in markdown fails to render second tip (a72df25)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: top tab labels can overflow into surrounding tabs (35a9aa5)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: use inner scrolling of nav for sidebar (f93f302)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: use standard patternfly tables for markdown tables (81a985e)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: when including snippets, ignore trailing newlines (e4b1a28)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: wizard behaves poorly when empty (5ef51f1)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: wizard description overlay can be misplaced (a47d2c8)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: wizard nav can be too wide (5b10af1)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: wizard nav can still be too thin (155ab4a)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Wizard nav items use too-aggressive word breaking (5cbd4ea)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: wizards are mis-parsed for sections immediately following tip (85383e0)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: wizards with emtpy 1st section have empty header UI (14119d2)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: wizards with left splits and headers not possible (b95fe66)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: wizards with no title render as "undefined" in the UI (6287e3c)
- Plugins/plugin-client-common: saving guidebook fails with subset of responses (9f3486c)
- plugins/plugin-client-default: don't show ? icon in default client (f03e7de)
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: Adding first draft of Knative Traffic Splitting guidebook (1cbc6bf)
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: broken link to knative.dev (31dd18c)
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: Creating first Trigger guidebook (931235d)
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: Eventing Components guidebook (7c14e57)
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: First draft of Knative Eventing guidebook (70bfbf3)
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: First Pass Clean Up Guidebook (7d729bd)
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: missing wizard title in knative guidebook (3f81e1b)
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: What's Next guidebook (e430595)
- plugins/plugin-patternfly4-themes: improve "warning" color in guidebooks for pf4-light theme (16ca126)
- add missing electron/remote dependencies (9426b24)
- color contrast fixes for Sidebar and Wizard header (cc76957)
- fetchfile controller refuses any in-browser fetch, even if CORS would allow it (3551607)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: yet more tweaks to wizard nav width (ad08c79)
- dockerized proxy installs incorrect version of node-pty (f1d53bb)
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: another fix for windows replay of notebooks (56bb848)
- plugins/plugin-client-common:
watch ls
does not watch (a74884d) - plugins/plugin-client-common: block quotes in markdown tip sections have too much indentation (ac8b6a2)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: blockquotes with language do not render with monaco inside of a markdown tip (63b5e93)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: code blocks may fail with double semicolons (45b2eb3)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: commentary --replace fails to reset split layout completely (3192925)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: commentary editor does not respond to making window narrower (d02fdc5)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: DescriptionList ui poorly formats cells with long content (fe2a26d)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: don't hide productName in "lightweight" themes (6c3d3e9)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: expandable sections should have contrast to content (2102b37)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: improved support for quoted input to commentary command (527faef)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: markdown block links don't work in browser (137d471)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: markdown code block edits not durable (e180bde)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: new tab/new split button size does not match the rest of kui (1b9bde7)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: notebook content may not wrap as expected (fcefbf6)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: noTopTabs support can show to active nav items (d2c8286)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: regression in margin around commentary editor (36a83ef)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: regression in sidecar tab font size (21a7145)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: remove some unneeded and inconsistent margins and padding in repl blocks (4d46f92)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: restore card header padding (7435504)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: sidebar hamburger icon can have low contrast in some themes (fa0fc41)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: some command output is 16px with extra padding (11366f3)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: work around mkdocs {target=} syntax (123c3f1)
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: improve content of kubectl Events summary (1f33956)
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: improved failsafe when determining the CLI to use (7e791e1)
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: kubectl get --sort-by via the "direct" client may fail (f9d12c6)
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: kubectl get events tables in split terminals do not show Last Seen column (ba4f4b3)
- build:electron:all build target does not build headless bundles (826b602)
- commentary --readonly for offline clients results in editable tabs (1ee8e24)
- font size for kube context/namespace selectors is too large (08de38a)
- multi-notebook replay does not properly handle tab titles (8a6b2d7)
- tip without title parsing improvements (d31c2f6), closes #8417
- Util.findFile behaves poorly on windows versus /kui (82429f5)
- packages/core: more fixes for core redirect handling versus /dev (afad742)
- plugins/plugin-bash-like:
pty executions do not exit with code 1 (8e0ed87) - plugins/plugin-bash-like: cd /tmp && ... does not handle streaming (b78ba53)
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: pty output should be pre-wrap, i think (12627fc)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: a few tweaks/fixes to the Progress Step ui (6c00df8)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: another small tweak to markdown tips in inverted color splits (8fcc592)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: code block component does not handle line comments (7f5f74e)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: code block status and timer can overlap (933f47e)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: code blocks in markdown without language aren't white-space: pre (e284095)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: code blocks may have Sample Output that expands to show nothing (4dd9a2e)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: commentary command fails in offline mode against /kui vfs (74f9242)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: don't use inverted colors for SourceRef component (0b211f0)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: improve padding-background for code snippets in markdown (9edf062)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: improved color contrast for markdown in inverted color splits (f306caf)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: improved support for tabs in tips in markdown (a8f1291)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: improvements for markdown tip parsing (2367202)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: in code block response rendering, concat contiguous pty responses (c7f1d08)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: major improvements for nested tabs and tips in markdown (d733711)
- plugins/plugin-core-support: restore multi-replay support (1d3b955)
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: logs tab may fail badly with Null pointer (6811513)
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: remove unused old namespace mode (8680b75)
- notebooks loaded from kui vfs do not display sample output (6fc193e)
- rendering improvements for playground (883b522)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: markdown "tip" parsing does not handle e.g. links in title (6cc3b7f)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: markdown links to other markdowns do not work (648479e)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: markdown tips inside of markdown tabbed (0cbd52c)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: minor tweak to markdown tip color (15c8bd7)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: stop using blue and a grayscale filter on StatusStripe (589bba7)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: when re-running CodeBlocks, streaming output piles up (4b9bfa7)
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: Summary tab may not render as expected (d148112)
cd /tmp && echo -n hi
does not work (40664e4)- improved error handling for MixedResponse (332feb7)
- several regressions for white-space: pre and font-size in non-commentary output (fb90c57)
- packages/core: avoid kui handling of redirects to /dev (5cfb3da)
- packages/core: avoid redirect handling in core for semicolon invokes (62d71d6)
- packages/core: Capabilities API added and documentation updated (31be8fc)
- packages/core: pipe stage splitter can mis-parse multi-line commands (c5dfbb5)
- packages/core: repl semicolon parser does not exclude semicolons from constituents (555d803)
- packages/core: Settings API added and updated documentation (ed7c2ad)
- packages/proxy: proxy does not properly run in external clients (168fb3f)
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: bracket-expansion against TrieVFS does not work (bcfbd88)
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: don't bother mounting LocalFS when inBrowser && !hasProxy (3cdd0d4)
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: kubectl prereq fails (78d360d)
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: ls may report duplicates (ed9ff7f)
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: multi-part streaming responses can disappear and reappear (d78cc7c)
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: pty output may not be visible in markdown codeblocks (02d05e2)
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: regression in ls for CommandFS (d02ce8b)
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: TrieVFS fixes for ls -d (20b91ac)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: a few lazy react component optimizations (15f069a)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: another fix for low-contrast theme selector (958948c)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: avoid font-weight shifting in top tabs (1974f81)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Broken in-page Markdown links (f7d6ed5)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: center spinner in markdown code blocks (470fbfb)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: closing a split may can kui to crash (1af9219)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: code block status updates do not handle 404s (ba38fc6)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Code Blocks versus &; (0176673)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: don't show BlockBorder for finished code blocks (ceee361)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: enable wrappingIndent option of monaco-editor (7764c92)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: export can fail if command line ends with semicolon (ddedd2e)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: fix for react errors in Markdown and StatusStripe (a8f141d)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: fix for regression in initial state of ProgressStep UI (44feafb)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: fix for small regression in paragraph margin (324ce50)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: further improve consistency of font size and max-width in markdown (5dba313)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: improve border UI around Tabs inside Markdown (64e2dd5)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: improve padding in markdown tab content (c0c3e41)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: improve spacing around markdown tips (c6e4bef)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: improve spacing around ProgressStep, hint bg for tips (e3784a3)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: improved color blocking of pty output in markdown (62a4938)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: improved color contrast for tooltips (8e6b581)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: improved handling of width changes for Editors (9c993bb)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Inputv2 does not show errors for multi-part responses that contain an error (300a147)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: markdown expandable section parsing fix (a451bee)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: minor ProgressSteps can become non-minor (fe2f4f2)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: minor sequence diagram/waterfall UI tweaks (03d9d5b)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: move back to 14px for markdown (6774f76)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: nested tabs and tips (29f2f35)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: optimize monaco-editor load time by excluding unused features (8f35f9f)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: regression in boldface in status stripe "Now playing" message (a3b31d8)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: regression in color contrast of Dropdown (f3e8a6b)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: remark-tip does not handle consecutive tips (3eebfbc)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: remark-tip support for warn/etc. (3034240)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: remove debug printf (d61ffcb)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: remove leftover debug from Markdown.tsx (1276902)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: restore anchors for code block (fe324c6)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: restore default patternfly font size for markdown Text (33487fd)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: second breadcrumb inside of markdown has odd margin-top (7e80939)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: splicing in codeblock responses was ignoring line prefix (6fcac36)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: spurious console errors on unmount (a7cb96b)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: stop using larger font-size for paragraphs in markdown (ecc7b73)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: use
npm for — etc. decoding (74b4380) - plugins/plugin-client-common: use brighter color for comments in code editor (f824659)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: when monaco-editor scrolls, odd box-shadow appears at the top (d6f3303), closes #8295
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: for now, send kubectl ... $(...) command lines to pty (374fa5b)
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: kube apply can respond with
--response ...
(2ded8f5) - plugins/plugin-kubectl: kubectl delete does not handle some shell syntax (45a9f85)
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: minor fix to recognize 409 class errors for helm install (87ad7c4)
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: workaround for kubectl commands versus single quotes (a7ebc40)
- improve error handling of redirect handler vs error responses (094b400)
- multi-line input is partially broken (3255e2b), closes #8274
- pty xterm causes tab to scroll to bottom, even if output is not from last block (ad85ece)
- some error handling paths do not propagate exit code (70f8c86)
- plugins/plugin-client-default: remove Screenshot component (c849168)
- plugins/plugin-core-support: ReadOnly clients cannot toggle edit mode (668d0e5)
- plugins/plugin-core-support: up does not properly handle codeengine token expiration (8a67e7d), closes #7800
- plugins/plugin-kubectl:
kubectl get all
fails with resource type error (02d7946) - plugins/plugin-kubectl: click-drilling down from cluster-scoped resources can yield
-n undefined
in the command execution (dbb3e40) - plugins/plugin-kubectl: CurrentContext and CurrentNamespace widgets can emit console errors (63db72a), closes #8155
- Added OS menu option to toggle edit mode (742fd7a)
- improved replaying StatusModels in an offline notebook (784f06f)
- packages/webpack: update headless webpack config to new IgnorePlugin schema enforcement (2e07307), closes #8032
- plugins/plugin-client-common: "lightweight" themes do not properly display inverted splits (4638a80), closes #7958
- plugins/plugin-client-common: double clicking on Commentary enters edit mode, even for readOnly clients (b643a7f), closes #7977
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Editor component does not respond to sidecar resizing (1c5efd0), closes #8007
- plugins/plugin-client-common: fix for regression in status stripe widget padding (36ef718), closes #7913
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Hint component can generate invalid dom nesting warning (dec65a0), closes #7963
- plugins/plugin-client-common: hover effect for block action buttons has low contrast (b66aa94), closes #7954
- plugins/plugin-client-common: If Tab is closed soon after it is created, console errors can appear (05552d1), closes #7965
- plugins/plugin-client-common: improvements to hover and click behavior for block action buttons (b73e002), closes #7971
- plugins/plugin-client-common: in browser mode, tab offline may result in react loading error (f568494), closes #7967
- plugins/plugin-client-common: In sidecar, hover effect for buttons can have low contrast in certain themes. (3e0e7e2), closes #8019
- plugins/plugin-client-common: links in hints in sidecar have low contrast in light themes (f4fc21f), closes #7981
- plugins/plugin-client-common: monaco folding overlay is not always very visible (fd45b0d), closes #8022
- plugins/plugin-client-common: regression: sidecar tabs lack underline (928395b), closes #7934
- plugins/plugin-client-common: remove debugging leftover (823b0ba)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: remove leftover debug printf from Editor (dd33fb8)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: remove leftover debug printf in SimpleEditor (4e49a7f)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: SequenceDiagram bars sometimes lack left-offset (1f522ac)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: SequenceDiagram can bomb (b3ce77a), closes #7946
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Sequential execution fails if first split has nothing executable (43da899), closes #7976
- plugins/plugin-client-common: sidecar tab overflow buttons have low contrast (840e16b), closes #8017
- plugins/plugin-client-common: some dark themes can have anomaly with Card bg versus repl bg (4c7459b), closes #7918
- plugins/plugin-client-common: speed up initial page loads by deferring monaco loading (0128e48), closes #8176
- plugins/plugin-client-common: TabContainer and TabContent double render on startup (d4c1f06), closes #7929
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Theme switching from StatusStripe widget should be quiet (be0b1fe), closes #7961
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: Adding logs tab to some Kubernetes resources (85bc6a6)
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: CurrentContext does not respond to new contexts (2a1440a), closes #7741
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: Deployment Summary Ready shows "undefined/N" if there are no pods ready yet (75fb260)
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: in browser clients, switching kui tabs can yield stale kube responses (011478f), closes #7737
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: involved object button shows up in the wrong place (a56e1db), closes #8013
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: k delete via API does not properly handle proxy errors (2b46bfc), closes #8004
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: kubectl create ns failures do not display as errors in Kui (efd0db0)
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: kubectl direct get may pass through kubeproxy 404s to user (0fbde1b), closes #7731
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: kubectl watchers stop receiving push notifications when context is changed (0050a62)
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: Kubernetes Context widget does not always correctly show "This is your current context" (9848dc4), closes #7996
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: oc login does not switch kube proxy in browser clients (8ca795f), closes #7742
- plugins/plugin-patternfly4-themes: inverted colors have incorrect repl-background color (5cf5062)
- plugins/plugin-proxy-support: ProxyOfflineIndicator state does not survive unmount/remount (312dcb2), closes #7969
- plugins/plugin-s3: leftover debugging in plugin-s3 (3ca96bb), closes #7767
- plugins/plugin-s3: ls -d on s3 bind mount returns the underlying directory, not the bind directory (9dd42bb), closes #7780
- plugins/plugin-s3: rm -rf fails for s3 buckets with incomplete uploads (3e33206), closes #8026
- Carbon Gray10 theme has poor contrast for hints (930fd57), closes #7956
- Commentary Editor in patternfly4 light theme has low contrast (b74fc6b), closes #7925
- Commentary Hints have low contrast in PatternFly4 Dark (15532e4), closes #7952
- invoking a non-popup window from headless kui will have incorrect uuid for splits (f068b39)
- Revamp notebook styling a bit (c4bc1e1), closes #7922
- sidecar contrast issues (eba7d1b), closes #7993
- packages/core: don't debug-emit the entire prescan model in headless mode (9d97816)
- packages/core: headless.ts blindly removes -v from everywhere on the command line (dc13b5c)
- packages/core: in browser mode, kui can get stuck on proxy/nginx co-hosting mode (9390a6b), closes #7167
- packages/core: in headless mode, command errors do not result in a non-zero exit code (027ee78), closes #7299
- packages/core: in headless mode, don't bother loading the history model (5f38f20)
- packages/core: the pipeStages splitting logic should not remove quotes and backslash escapes (1cd235b), closes #7199
- packages/core: the second popup window does not use the size desired by the controller (882e9cb)
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: improve support for async-mounted VFS (afb8574)
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: in browser clients, console may contain "globby is not a function" error (8675304), closes #7168
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: in headless mode, don't bother trying to memoize user's alias and env (e4ff10d)
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: rm vfs should pass through string responses from the VFS provider (99cab07), closes #7207
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: vfs emits duplicate messages to console.error (fbafb3d)
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: vfs ls fails for files named as a number (cda8f07)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: bump to pick up string-similarity-coloring@1.0.5 (97613a7), closes #7181
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Custom Popup clients cannot specify noSettings and noHelp properties (b50d5d2)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: enhance live grammy (551b297), closes #7173
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Experimental tag is not centered (e1fd930), closes #7131
- plugins/plugin-client-common: grammy command should enforce UI (5c26730)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: histogram animate is slow with large data (54c93cf), closes #7193
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Histogram animation can still be laggy with a great many bars (ae8d41b), closes #7205
- plugins/plugin-client-common: histograms with a small number of bars can have overlapping bars (80197f2), closes #7209
- plugins/plugin-client-common: in popup mode, drilldowns may not be visible (c59f6d7)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: in popup mode, terminal does not scroll to the bottom after command execution (c9ea936)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: table drilldowns in popup act oddly (9b01347)
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: avoid loading view-utilization plugin in headless mode (8cc760a)
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: client can't modify the styles of CurrentNamespace and CurrentContext widget via classname (4a1c145)
- cannot invoke grammy from headless mode (4e73be4)
- commands can register evaluator option so core/repl will not redirect output (d622221)
- ignore needsUI constraint if user is asking for help (339313d)
- invalid OWNER_ALIASES (c85e4a7)
- LivePaginatedTable implements WatchPusher's update incorrectly (a997e1e), closes #7203
- update UpdateChecker to point to new kubernetes-sigs/kui repo (24e604b)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: improve the error handling of grammy (0918b71), closes #7201
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: don't retry file fetches so many times in headless mode (ab23935)
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: lazily load jsonpath npm (f8e9100)
- LivePaginatedTable.setBody can be very slow (82acb4f), closes #7191
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: child process spawn errors from non-pty execs may be uncaught (5b3739f), closes #7185
- plugins/plugin-client-common: bars in Histogram view may slightly overlap (5180715), closes #7157
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Bump to string-similiarity-coloring@1.0.6 to improve consistency of coloring across data sets (5818dab), closes #7183
- plugins/plugin-client-common: grammy command can create an unbounded number of parallel network requests (12966cf), closes #7151
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Histogram's inline label could be off for short bars (82a3b38), closes #7146
- plugins/plugin-client-common: improve the error-handling of grammy parsing histogram data (8758f8d), closes #7177
- plugins/plugin-client-common: in splits, spinner is not centered (08c5b3c), closes #7129
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Live Histogram view consumes lots of CPU (eda3167), closes #7175
- plugins/plugin-client-common: opening monaco-editor component causes 1px of vertical scrolling at the root level (e63782e), closes #7113
- plugins/plugin-client-common: reduce animations in SequenceDiagram (3c469bd), closes #7133
- plugins/plugin-client-common: sidecar toolbar text can overflow (048bd81), closes #7114
- plugins/plugin-client-common: spinner spacing regression (605afa9), closes #7155
- plugins/plugin-client-common: watched histograms do not register changes to files (253f708), closes #7197
- plugins/plugin-core-support:
watch ls
does not update the header (dedbddc), closes #7123 - plugins/plugin-core-support: watch command can result in an infinite backup of asyncs (8647a78), closes #7152
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: clicking a namespace row will issue command with --ns undefined (7b33c3d), closes #7149
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: improve cpu consumption of CLI-based watching (afd0890), closes #7135 #7135
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: k get resourcequota fails badly if your cluster has no quotas (2259a48), closes #7143
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: kubectl CLI invocations should retry on TLS handshake timeout? (884f9a9), closes #7141
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: kubectl logs command does not support drilldowns (2c0d466), closes #7187
- plugins/plugin-proxy-executor: proxy-executor may fail poorly if the xhr has no response field (951ebbc), closes #7170
- LivePaginatedTable may drop updates (4f8f510), closes #7137
- restore pure headless operation (77fe65b)
- packages/proxy: kui-build-docker-with-proxy has several bugs (eeb21dc), closes #7085
- packages/proxy: oc does not work in kui-build-docker-with-proxy image (b0460b8), closes #7088
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: change fslice's default bytes from 1MB to 4KB (224875c), closes #7021
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: delegates.ls in VFS could amortize some of the remote fetch latency (78b1dc4), closes #7007
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: ls | grep does not properly escape dots and stars in the grep (1a3ccee), closes #6990
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: ls | grep or ls | wc do not work (5fecfaa), closes #6984
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: ls ~ fails (dace62c), closes #7008
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: ls does not show mounts, but tab completion does (fd14881), closes #6997
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: remove
in plugin-bash-like (7ed98d9), closes #7063 - plugins/plugin-client-common: "lost connection to your cluster" alert takes up the full window height (71f2236), closes #7018
- plugins/plugin-client-common:
open index.html
can smash kui's stylesheets (2b38e9b), closes #7101 - plugins/plugin-client-common: header inference logic does not copy over hide-in-sidecar hints (34b11ed), closes #7053
- plugins/plugin-client-common: improve SequenceDiagram layout of gap, status, and duration columns (9341ec7), closes #7028
- plugins/plugin-client-common: in browser clients, the prompt may not be initially focused (76a4419), closes #7056
- plugins/plugin-client-common: ls does not render markdown cells properly (1083962), closes #7000
- plugins/plugin-client-common: make popover-select widget narrower (82d27d1), closes #7046
- plugins/plugin-client-common: offline notebooks have unnecessary buttons (09d0af6), closes #7076
- plugins/plugin-client-common: SequenceDiagram should use MB/sec rather than MBps (7dd4ddf), closes #7111
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: allow clients to define a default kubectl CLI (1c8341d), closes #7051
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: CLI-based kubectl watcher does not restart in the case of preamture exit of the pty process (32b0386), closes #7105
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: get-watch doesn't update the watcher status when limit is reached (9c58a1c), closes #7107
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: kubectl Logs tab does not handle Idle state (ec3e216), closes #7103
- ctrl+c then clear results in wrong command being executed (b153110), closes #6979
- kui fails to show numeric namespace for kubectl config commands (f424b5e), closes #7032
- kui may try to open files of unbounded size in monaco-editor (00197a5), closes #7091
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: Kui should fall back to Kubectl CLI when kubernetes direct accesss fails (82d842f), closes #7050
kubectl create ns 1
fails with status/direct (e3d4a9c), closes #7016- missing some theme alignment rules for pf-t-dark (60486a2), closes #7036
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Tab Completion view color codes partial completions if no slashes (78010a8), closes #6993
- plugins/plugin-core-support: notebook vfs.fstat returns too many matches (7730566), closes #6998
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: kubectl watch commands that are sent to the CLI don't watch (d4ea65b), closes #7025
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: Kui fetches wrong content when command line specifies --context or --kubeconfig (7d7d273), closes #7023
- plugins/plugin-proxy-support: kui proxy may send duplicate messages back to client (223a405), closes #7019
- cd and ls don't always work against vfs (fb35ffc), closes #6997
- ls does not show mounts, but tab completion does (8e5a053), closes #6997
- packages/core: improved support for ls versus backslash on windows (83ddba2), closes #6353
- packages/core: menu.ts assumes the client defines a list of notebooks (3a593b7), closes #6962
- packages/test: test selector for ACTIVATION_TITLE expects it to be clickable (8c8d76e), closes #6887
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: internal: ls should always use
(765f9a0), closes #6971 - plugins/plugin-bash-like: ls command does not pass some options to the VFS impl (714ef7a), closes #6969
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: ls command fails with backslashes on windows (8b8c2c1), closes #6353
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: some improvements to interactive xterm performance (ed6ff18), closes #6905
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: tab completion sometimes adds double trailing slashes (4344319), closes #6973
- plugins/plugin-client-common: blocks with Processing commands cannot be removed (626c419), closes #6954
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Increase entryDelay for table tooltips (4e3739a), closes #6870
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Markdown kuiexec drilldowns do not work if Markdown isn't passed a REPL controller (90652f3), closes #6977
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Markdown links should have a tooltip (9a1f2d9), closes #6939
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Markdown lists may lack bullets/numbers (3db9eaa), closes #6947
- plugins/plugin-client-common: numeric responses may not be displayed (93603cf), closes #6982
- plugins/plugin-client-common: on windows, table breadcrumb has vertical scrollbars (b2fda10), closes #6878
- plugins/plugin-client-common: redirectToPlainSplitIfNeeded may favor smaller terminals (58f9ab0), closes #6930
- plugins/plugin-client-common: restore Table sorting (b590e6e), closes #6729
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Sidecar sticks to a short height when switching from Yaml -> Summary -> Yaml tab (79e7df3), closes #6913
- plugins/plugin-client-common: sometimes both the block action buttons and the timestamp are visible at the same time (a3ece2b), closes #5936
- plugins/plugin-client-common: table clicks fail when the maximum number of splits is reached (d2c6146), closes #6938
- plugins/plugin-client-common: The pause watching icon should be grey (a0de73a), closes #6931
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Tooltips for kuiexec markdown links have incorrect tooltip content (e147fca), closes #6958
- plugins/plugin-client-common: tweak sidecar button spacing a bit (9bdf8a6), closes #6873
- plugins/plugin-client-common: when there're 3 splits, clicking table in the first split will create the 4th split (b894b27), closes #6932
- plugins/plugin-kubectl:
oc login
does not invalidate the kubectl proxy (3105e9a), closes #6955 - change new split keyboard shortcut from cltrOrMeta+U -> +Y (9cac19d), closes #6876
- Markdown misparses certain links (fd3b98e), closes #6944
- plugins/plugin-client-common: when there're 3 splits, clicking table cells in the first split fail (77dfb54), closes #6937
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: fetchFileString aggressively calls toString on all objects (027b279), closes #6941
- UpdateChecker does not render tables, lists, or relative image refs properly (3e6ba75), closes #6918
- plugins/plugin-client-common: spinner is off-center by 1px (e8cea91), closes #6885
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Table header seems to float in front of dropdowns (8a2b54b), closes #6880
- plugins/plugin-iter8: remove use of patternfly's Touchspin (c8f9351), closes #6875
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: kubectl watch commands without resource names won't show Added updates (64442b3), closes #6630
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: kubernetes test input pod.yaml has a container named "name" (6ac5210), closes #6907
- kubectl get -f --watch doesn't watch (e45e8ee), closes #6588
- packages/webpack: webpack.config.js blindly ignores certain directories (e44ae46), closes #6626
- plugins/plugin-client-common: improve platform compatibility of Home and End keys (da7393f), closes #3267
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: multikind table isn't unified correctly when some rows are offline (dd02cde), closes #6865
- kubectl direct streaming fails to register a stream.on('error') (fd9fbf6), closes #6616
- kubectl kustomize can have bogus output (8bf8ebe), closes #6114
- ls clicks that do another ls should not open a split (fc0873b), closes #6565
- the x in the offline badge is sometimes low contrast, especially in dark themes (c60157c), closes #6784
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: further improve error handling in proxy (3bc78a7), closes #6608
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: improve error handling of proxy (9d4441c), closes #6608
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: reloading browser when streaming events may cause websocket channel to crash (035c320), closes #6608
- plugins/plugin-client-common:
kubectl get -f
does not render well when in a minisplit (d9f6548), closes #6750 - plugins/plugin-client-common: a few more small tweaks to welcome notebook (27773cb), closes #6829
- plugins/plugin-client-common: age field in event footer is underlined (c733449), closes #6739
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Block borders aren't quite right (7050a02), closes #6808
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Drilldown from table isn't always fully in view (ba1222c), closes #6555
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Dropdown hover effect in PatternFly4 Dark has no contrast (35eefb4), closes #6744
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Events in tables-as-grid wrap when not needed (fd46054), closes #6600
- plugins/plugin-client-common: events table doesn't handle long messages and narrow viewports (ea90a34), closes #6831
- plugins/plugin-client-common: first-time edits of commentary may cause editor to lose focus (81b55e0), closes #6545
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Grids in minisplits have horizontal overflow (d2483fd), closes #6781
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Improve rendering of Source Reference UI (278b28f), closes #6582
- plugins/plugin-client-common: isWidthConstrained is always true for nSplits > 1 (7d832f2), closes #6782
- plugins/plugin-client-common: kubectl unified tables have a NAME column (all caps) (419f35d), closes #6820
- plugins/plugin-client-common: live tables may never show "Last Updated" footer message (477fa04), closes #6845
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Markdown component does not properly handle local relative image paths (deb7b47), closes #6547
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Markdown handling of consecutive img tags only shows first (1578e58), closes #6602
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Markdown image does not properly handle align attribute (5c382f8), closes #6551
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Markdown renderer does not handle image height attribute (4d49eb9), closes #6613
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Markdown renderer does not handle img tags with http src (fe12530), closes #6818
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Markdown renderer does not properly render tables (69d45a9), closes #6563 #4364
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Markdown rendering of images does not support percentage width or height (6e75c40), closes #6822
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Markdown: validateDomNesting console error (97b2c17), closes #6577
- plugins/plugin-client-common: new PatternFly TopTabStripe impl changes colors when a NavResponse is displayed (d2d6a53), closes #6553
- plugins/plugin-client-common: new patternfly-based TopTabStripe behaves poorly with narrower windows (fc97ab8), closes #6549
- plugins/plugin-client-common: onclick handlers for ls should respond only to clicking on text (8477386), closes #6567
- plugins/plugin-client-common: PatternFly's CodeSnippet rendering issues (48f30fa), closes #6542 #6544
- plugins/plugin-client-common: popover has odd spacing and overflow (12d2508), closes #6809
- plugins/plugin-client-common: pty output in the first block does not render (9ec3996), closes #6758
- plugins/plugin-client-common: remove block border and refine input border for minisplits (7b5ce5b), closes #6801
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Rendering of markdown files could be improved (23d6e75), closes #6557
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Rendering of markdown incorrectly inherits white-space:nowrap from repl (d66b8b2), closes #6575
- plugins/plugin-client-common: sidecar top tabs may not have the proper sidecar header color (dee76ed), closes #6841
- plugins/plugin-client-common: some grid cells display with no background color (3d4a41d), closes #6794
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Table header background color can be incorrect (3249d89), closes #6810
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Table onclick handlers applied to every cell (d5a9c3a), closes #6792
- plugins/plugin-client-common: tables with inferred headers never allow for grid presentation (a384783), closes #6763
- plugins/plugin-client-common: With full-width blocks, PatternFly Tables have odd column spacing (4062489), closes #6766
- Plugins/plugin-client-common: replayed notebooks don't always open scrolled to top (6d71638), closes #6824
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: direct watcher improperly formats event url (d9717ff), closes #6593
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: event watcher doesn't render well in minisplit (56176de), closes #6772
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: k api-resources | grep events has odd error message (338ae2f), closes #6838
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: kubectl direct streaming fails to register a stream.on('error') (44a6038), closes #6616
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: kubectl direct watcher does not properly filter events and resource updates (be9e308), closes #6599
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: make sure to pick the last specified label selector (7d44bcb), closes #6840
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: replace Sidecar Events Mode with a toolbar button to show events table in REPL (ccc47d0), closes #6847
- ctrl+L in the first block makes the prompt inactive (232e5e1), closes #6597
- in minisplits, blocks that contain pty output may have excess whitespace (d9299ae), closes #6759
- In narrower windows, there is too much content in the StatusStripe (453bc86), closes #6570
- In PatternFly4 Light and Garbon Gray90 themes, new tab/new split buttons lack hover effect (8fa95fc), closes #6804
- in screenshot alert, the icon and title text are misaligned (ff57573), closes #6770
- kubectl direct/get does not specify that get tables have the
property (31361ec), closes #6778 - README images render with odd spacing on github (0351e9f), closes #6606
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: Switching from kubectl logs tab to another tab causes uncaught exception (d3f6770), closes #6585
- remove TreeResponse and PatternFly Tree Component (e539a53), closes #6581 #6328
- Screenshot alert is not visible in narrower windows (d94da68), closes #6843
- plugins/plugin-git: git branch command fails if the underlying git command decides to paginate (45af52b), closes #6535
- use Dropdown component for RadioTable impl (244b16a), closes #6539
- packages/builder: electron builder uses the top-level package.json version instead of client version when building electron dists (80ebfa5), closes #6488
- packages/builder: remove jq dependence from electron builder (0300577), closes #6725
- packages/core: first-time users may not see Themes widget (12f62a4), closes #6528
- packages/core: For some users, the Themes selector may not be shown (b6c2a69), closes #6519
- packages/webpack: webpack 5 has deprecated [hash] (0a575f2), closes #6447
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: browser clients do not correctly signal that a kui proxy connection has been severed (6bb6545), closes #6692
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: For browser clients, Kui should share the websocket across Kui tabs (03aed68), closes #6453
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: improve efficiency of fetching file data (38c41ea), closes #6659
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: leftover debugging in pty/server "done with stdiochannel" (3ff62af), closes #6651
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: pty/client has remnants of global sidecar (3ae2681), closes #6694
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: wide shell output may not properly line wrap (18ab6a1), closes #6530
- plugins/plugin-client-common: block action buttons and timestamp may both be visible (6e63cb7), closes #5936
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Experimental badge has low contrast in PatternFly4 Light theme (7c0bfff), closes #6715
- plugins/plugin-client-common: in patternfly-based components, the CurrentContext widget has poor alignment (c6f873c), closes #6494
- plugins/plugin-client-common: kubectl help sometimes does not line wrap properly (b66928b), closes #6425
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Leftover console logs in ScrollableTerminal (4f4af0d), closes #6755
- plugins/plugin-client-common: markdown spacing regressions with h3 and h4 (d674931), closes #6736
- plugins/plugin-client-common: minor Output alignment regression (91442ad), closes #6438
- plugins/plugin-client-common: monaco editor always consumes mouse wheel scrolling events (bed75eb), closes #6480
- plugins/plugin-client-common: new tabs don't receive focus for 2 seconds (1705870), closes #6668
- plugins/plugin-client-common: PatternFly NavResponse does not unexpand (d1f9dc9), closes #6669
- plugins/plugin-client-common: patternfly Tree component does not load patternfly base (c38961b), closes #6502
- plugins/plugin-client-common: React warnings in console due to new Modal spi (57f0cf6), closes #6696
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Remove superfluous padding around source ref items (b821a2b), closes #6731
- plugins/plugin-client-common: repl context will overflow when scrollback has over 100 inputs (9c84721), closes #6646
- plugins/plugin-client-common: show table click result in a new split (fd1b3a1), closes #6477
- plugins/plugin-client-common: sidecar maximization is a bit off when in a split (f103379), closes #6531
- plugins/plugin-client-common: sometimes response is not scrolled into view properly (a2fae6a), closes #6479
- plugins/plugin-client-common: status stripe "dropdown" menus can have poor color contrast (fda4ee6), closes #6706
- plugins/plugin-client-common: tab completion can be flakey (145d1a5), closes #6649
- plugins/plugin-client-common: tab completion does not render well in minisplits (8eb0fbc), closes #6752
- plugins/plugin-client-common: tab-completion font-family regression (13b3d49), closes #6751
- plugins/plugin-client-common: table and nav content are not left-aligned with breadcrumb (a8b8015), closes #6741
- plugins/plugin-client-common: table sorting may result in bad drilldown onclicks (17d75c3), closes #6524
- plugins/plugin-client-common: width-constrained NavResponse UI should spend more space on content (309c6ff), closes #6742
- plugins/plugin-client-test: Add missing SpaceFiller to plugin-client-test (a0f77ee), closes #6687
- plugins/plugin-electron-components: UpdateChecker should ignore prereleases (29cba1d), closes #6655
- plugins/plugin-git: kui's git branch command fails if the underlying git command decides to paginate (47e1616), closes #6535
- plugins/plugin-iter8: fix for typing errors in plugin-iter8 (bf20b03), closes #6432
- plugins/plugin-kubectl:
k get all
with direct/get doesn't fail back to the old impl of get (bdc3446), closes #6643 - plugins/plugin-kubectl:
k get all
with direct/get doesn't fail back to the old impl of get (a2c0c2b), closes #6643 - plugins/plugin-kubectl: direct operations fail if err.message is not JSON (c5dc825), closes #6653
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: direct tables in splits are not hiding columns correctly (5cc6cfc), closes #6484
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: direct/watch may update rows in a wrong order (c0e5e17), closes #6642
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: events watching returns an empty table with just a streaming events footer (fbeae76), closes #2771
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: get without kind doesn't fail back to the old get impl (e85af25), closes #6719
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: get-direct does not support field-selectors (85b849c), closes #6473
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: heterogeneous apply tables lack a breadcrumb (ee0bd2b), closes #6512
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: heterogeneous get unifies table incorrectly when some resources have label (a5dab2e), closes #6672 #6676
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: k logs has bad error message (d1afe30), closes #6740
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: kubectl delete poller may get stuck Green (c1d7662), closes #6436
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: kubectl direct status watcher can get stuck (2346ce2), closes #6514
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: kubectl get events -o wide shows incorrect Last Seen column (b24990b), closes #6796
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: kubectl get-all-namespaces test is unreliable (a0e44a3), closes #6561
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: kubectl proxy manager may create a new proxy too often (72d9d5d), closes #6462
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: kubectl sourceRef fetching is expensive (f6539c5), closes #6662
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: kubernetes namespace list does not update after namespace deletion (c28c800), closes #6521
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: show SourceRef when creating heterogeneous resources (adb21c5), closes #6640
- plugins/plugin-patternfly4-themes: improve Card background color in PF4 Dark theme (1ca7f51), closes #6780
- plugins/plugin-patternfly4-themes: PatternFly4-Dark theme lacks some box shadow effects (d7eedff)
- multiple contrast and padding issues with Dropdowns (910a566), closes #7913
- small tweaks to StatusVisualizer spacing (99dec6d)
- packages/builder: electron build may result in double launches of kui as kubectl plugin (be2196b), closes #7834
- packages/core: expandHomeDir API should protect against path.slice not being defined (e004042), closes #7815
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: head command does not work as expected in headless mode (3503e63), closes #7894
- plugins/plugin-client-common: don't show block borders for not-focused finished blocks (214636f), closes #7905
- plugins/plugin-client-common: improve rendering of "core" themes (3e9d8d2), closes #7907
- plugins/plugin-client-common: link status should not show "yellow", only green or red (e42bd01), closes #7839
- plugins/plugin-client-common: React dev warning for Input (cf923c1), closes #7911
- plugins/plugin-client-common: stop clicks in StatusVisualizer bottom strip from focusing the split (de4e271)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Tooltip contrast issues (9e52b0a), closes #8105
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Unable to close or untoggle bottom strip splits (c40db04), closes #8183 #8184
- plugins/plugin-client-common: welcome notebook has double Kubernetes prereq checks (0dfdb05)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: when switching tabs, no prompt is active (7c97e91), closes #8208
- plugins/plugin-client-common: when switching themes, there is blank space after the theme switch command line (4e56e26), closes #7908
- plugins/plugin-core-support:
up --fix
executes Authorization steps in poor order (593ca94) - plugins/plugin-core-support:
command uses alphabetical ordering (e2559cd) - plugins/plugin-core-support:
output does not clarify which service is being presented (b8fabd3) - plugins/plugin-core-support: IBM CodeEngine "up" ordering incorrect (15e9acc)
- plugins/plugin-core-support: up checks kubeconfig before verifying kubectl is installed (5707d3d)
- plugins/plugin-core-support: update ibmcloud CLI download links (b783857)
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: direct watcher may fail when using custom columns (f2eb624)
- a few more patternfly theme tweaks (cb17ea5), closes #7900
- a few tweaks for monaco editor selection color and CodeSnippet monaco defaults (ec2f940), closes #8076
- can't switch to tab whose CWD has been removed (cc5690f), closes #8173
- improve color contrast of links in inverted splits (6f07d9d), closes #8086
- notebooks do not open scrolled to top (d8e697b), closes #8152 #8151
- Read only and offline only clients cannot toggle edit mode (b235b7a)
- redirect to a file also echos the output to the kui terminal (7bc6ce2), closes #8089
- webpack build script does not allow overriding of bundle output directory (b0e2b7c)
- packages/builder: seticon.sh script does not work for external clients (c7b7d06), closes #7863
- plugins/plugin-client-common: leftover debug in SimpleEditor (386c98f), closes #7851 #7681
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Linkified blocks can result in React console error (c40a13d), closes #7836
- plugins/plugin-client-common: new CodeSnippet impl should better size height to fit (fd93f58), closes #7828
- plugins/plugin-client-common: reduce min-width for SequenceDiagram bars (b9694e0), closes #7876
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Table event footer should define font color (0eaf6ce), closes #7822
- plugins/plugin-client-common: tooltip for kui block links says "External Link" (da67e73), closes #7832
- plugins/plugin-client-common: weird blue right border in popup mode (dc6da1c), closes #8073
- plugins/plugin-client-common: when proxy disconnects, all terminal state is lost (ba84805), closes #8030
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: fetch-file always uses json: true, even when fetching yaml (77ea3a5)
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: kubectl logs does not support getting logs from deployment (33c2047), closes #7843
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: make sure to send helm to pty when needed (168f655)
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: sort-by does not work for "direct" kubectl client (95a3437), closes #7868
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: static jsonpath imports seems to be causing problems (fe7706d), closes #7874
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: tables-as-grid display bogus Status in tooltip if table has a durationColumnIndex (f54aef6), closes #7872
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: work around jsonpath npm's inability to handle dashes in query strings (d04e513), closes #7870
- plugins/plugin-s3: ibm s3 tmp and bin bind mounts do not handle switching instances within a region (d471b04), closes #8051
- plugins/plugin-s3: ibmcloud s3 /bin bind mount not showing up (01a509d), closes #7887
- plugins/plugin-s3: improved error handling in pipe impl of plugin-s3 vfs (d4a92f6)
- plugins/plugin-s3: null pointer exception in plugin-s3/ibm init (30ac915)
- fixes for font rendering regressions due to #7818 (4a1420f), closes #7817
- fslice vfs error handling regression (694102c)
- improve rendering of commentary in notebooks (19bf0aa), closes #7826
- improved markdown expandable section colors (52b7e38)
- in browser clients, ~ may not always be expanded properly to the user's home dir (0c597fd), closes #7858
- kubectl apply -f does not support multi-file applies (c6285d1), closes #7841
- Markdown component can emit console error "invalid dom nesting" with nested <p> (b0cf102), closes #7856
- new Hint and CodeSnippet UIs do not need a wrapping Card (dee7a62), closes #7830
- react components result in invalid updates on unmounted components errors (db66434), closes #7854
- StatusStripe in light themes has low contrast (d99f33b), closes #7927
- UI cleanups for notebooks (b1e2d79), closes #7824
- plugins/plugin-core-support: up checks CodeEngine project credentials before ensuring CodeEngine project (395416e), closes #7808
- plugins/plugin-s3: leftover debug in s3 vfs (738bc67), closes #7806
- plugins/plugin-s3: optimize s3 init a bit (e459703), closes #7812
- plugins/plugin-s3: s3 bind mounts don't behave correctly with clicks in ls output (e2e2fc2), closes #7764
- plugins/plugin-s3: s3 tmp/bin mounts are not geo-specific (d6838d7), closes #7729
- plugins/plugin-s3: wildcard cp between s3 regions/providers fails (4f85557), closes #7782
is not always treated as an append to the given file (e14f1eb)
- sequential execution ignores errors and in progress (209f6ce)
- packages/builder: recompile node-pty prebuilt for linux against ubuntu 18 (f69c894), closes #7682
- packages/proxy: docker+proxy build fails (37e5d6a), closes #7639
- packages/proxy: dockerized kui may fail with permissions denied on the nginx directories (2bcf8bd), closes #7658
- packages/proxy: nginx+kui docker container should run nginx on non-privileged port (b24416c), closes #7643
- packages/webpack: headless-webpack.config.js still specifies node-pty-prebuilt-multiarch (5ab7f24), closes #7672
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: unable to set variable to command output (16498d4)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: after clicking split Clear button, that split's input should have focus (a5f9a71), closes #7585
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Block UI has transient orange outline on focus (1b19c1e), closes #7596
- plugins/plugin-client-common: clearing the terminal has two bugs (f93301f), closes #7648
- plugins/plugin-client-common: clicking on split blank space does not focus active block (9fc51cc), closes #7618
- plugins/plugin-client-common: FancyPipeline errors out when rerunning snapshot blocks saved before pipestage was introduced (fac446b)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: fullscreen pty apps like vi are a bit too tall (48fe911), closes #7598
- plugins/plugin-client-common: icons in dropdown in sidecar toolbar are too small (259b4e2)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: initial prompt not focused test (586d034), closes #7637
- plugins/plugin-client-common: remove the "press ctrl+d to close this split" placeholder text (4042ef4), closes #7587
- plugins/plugin-client-common: rerunning a block when there is an active block seems to insert a new block (a9163e5)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: sidecar editor buttons have no padding (2e54a8f), closes #7616
- plugins/plugin-client-common: tests unstable after focus fix (e8a92fe), closes #7645
- plugins/plugin-client-default: CurrentContext/Namespace in plugin-client-default don't exit Loading state (8193d21), closes #7665
- plugins/plugin-git: CurrentGitBranch widget errors onLoad for browser clients (1ff62a2), closes #7631
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: CurrentContext/CurrentNamespace widgets show nothing while loading (088bb68), closes #7629
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: in browser clients, CurrentContext/Namespace widgets may get stuck (4f2857f), closes #7656
- plugins/plugin-s3: ibm provider for plugin-s3 does not recognize eu-gb region (5381760), closes #7674
- plugins/plugin-s3: ibm s3 provider fails with cross-region endpoints (291ee71), closes #7685
- plugins/plugin-s3: s3 plugin executes a large number of pty commands on startup (584b649), closes #7650
- plugins/plugin-s3: s3 vfs not mounted in time in headless mode (7508548), closes #7694
- plugins/plugin-s3: S3Mounts widget has high overhead on startup (3d17850), closes #7576
- plugins/plugin-s3: up command does not respect --cos-instance choice for ibm cloud (967dd1f), closes #7677
- CurrentContext and CurrentNamespace widgets double-fetch onLoad (599c974), closes #7624
- CurrentContext and CurrentNamespace widgets double-fetch onLoad (081fab1), closes #7624
- history commands in bottom-input mode show history of Primary Tab instead of Split (454b893)
- in "lightweight" themes, split header buttons overflow (e059fb8), closes #7620
- ls should not use Markdown for cells (slow) (51c3807), closes #7667
- S3Mounts widget does not properly format ansi control codes from errors (563573b), closes #7569
- sidecar toolbar buttons use different tooltip style than split close/clear buttons (fa29a99), closes #7568
- split close button is not tab navigable (a4b02b0)
- StatusStripe text can oddly overflow (38166c6)
- plugins/plugin-s3: ibm s3 provider registers too late (a6c5499), closes #7560
- electron builder fails for clients that want to use webpack to build headless bundles (b7562ad), closes #7557
- width of vi not correct after closing splits (d6a3b92), closes #7600
- packages/builder: electron builder specifies macos deps as both dep and optionalDep (9c262b7), closes #7554
- packages/builder: headless.zip is not copied into the electron builds (929f174), closes #7508
- packages/builder: macOS sign+notarize does not sign the kubectl-kui launcher (0c240ef), closes #7449
- packages/core: bottomInput clients that use splits do not properly preserve command history (194c1fb), closes #7522
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: new tab in browser-based clients may result in multiple new sessions (268d3b4), closes #7465
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: race conditions with establishing client-kuiproxy connection (8d1cf51), closes #7516
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Close button in confirm dialog does not work (71ce582)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: content does not always reliably scroll into view after command execution (207fe96), closes #7524
- plugins/plugin-client-common: In Popup mode, clicking Help button will show the welcome notebook in a new window (18a974c)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: input cursor will move to the end after tab-completes (671a20f)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: new tab and new split tooltips suggest incorrect keyboard shortcuts inBrowser (2cfe8c7), closes #7515
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Popover and Dropdowns require double-click to close (dcf914b)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: sidecar drilldown can result in react warning in console (2169165), closes #7539
- plugins/plugin-client-common: sidecar Kebab menu has nested <button> (8bcf21d)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: sidecar screenshot button is visible even inBrowser (860981a)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: sidecar toolbar buttons are not vertically centered (6c4f2f0), closes #7488
- plugins/plugin-client-common: split close button lacks tooltip (6b01e3b), closes #7549
- plugins/plugin-client-common: split headers have low contrast in dark themes (f51407b), closes #7538
- plugins/plugin-client-common: StatusStripe widgets may have double borders (affc1ba), closes #7544
- plugins/plugin-client-common: when rerunning blocks, output always scrolls to bottom (4e360a9), closes #7527
- plugins/plugin-client-default: compilation error (64169e8)
- Bottom Input clients do not support splits (303db45), closes #7512
- plugins/plugin-electron-components: UpdateChecker does not render the changelog as markdown (60d744b), closes #7497
- 3-way split should probably have equal-height (b4d76d3)
- in browser+proxy mode, initial directory is / but $HOME shows the correct value (648a2fe), closes #7467
- in electron mode, ctrl/cmd+w should always close kui tab (caada90)
- PTY jobs are not resizable (f6138cc), closes #7473
- vi doesn't take up the full dimensions of the viewport (51006a1), closes #7482
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: getDirect try/catch does not handle errors with no code (3425008), closes #7239
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: tab-state transition optimization (4408def)
- using / for division is deprecated for sass (acddea5)
- packages/builder: macOS signing logic does not sign native modules (6afc7b0), closes #7354 #7355
- packages/core: command override registration does not handle lazily loaded plugins (b36aaf0), closes #7357
- packages/core: core parses pipeStages incorrectly when encountering '{' (cdf7ab1), closes #7368
- packages/core: File->Save does not properly handle backslash paths (926b152)
- packages/core: plugin scanner can fail to detect preload in client defintion plugin (d213456), closes #7326
- packages/webpack: not possible to build development webpack bundles with kui-build-webpack (b7db124), closes #7328
- packages/webpack: webpack config has bogus entry for zlib fallback (3d52e56), closes #7332
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: bash-like headless use of spawn unnecessarily sets the shell option (3271a76), closes #7338
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: doExecWithStdoutViaPty emits internal stack traces in headless mode (37e23f2), closes #7334
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: in headless, kui commands can't execute other kui commands that expect stdin (6ce7cc2), closes #7322
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: on windows ls with no arguments results in Cannot read property 'replace' of undefined (1ed964c)
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: restore shell spawning for cases that need it (99d99ab), closes #7338
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: stop resolve to absolute path in fstat and fslice (f9460a3)
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: VFS mount promise may fire before the mounting is actually done (e610e0f), closes #7346
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Add sass mixins for Grid cells and Card Footer (0218ed3), closes #7410
- plugins/plugin-client-common: clicking on YAML tab incorrectly shows "You are in edit mode" even if you aren't (2bc5328), closes #7426 #7385
- plugins/plugin-client-common: FancyPipeline renders prefix incorrectly (7498abe)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Output.tsx streaming to UI can be very slow (37fdc9f), closes #7350
- plugins/plugin-client-common: RadioTable UI component can fail badly for models with no (optional!) nameIdx attr (c457b92), closes #7352
- plugins/plugin-client-common: regression in Commentary margin (8a8f26f), closes #7348
- plugins/plugin-client-common: SequenceDiagram bars have odd transparent 1px border (309880b), closes #7397
- plugins/plugin-client-common: sourceRef's color isn't right in PatternFly Dark (a145a4e)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: the first time PTY output appears, Kui flashes briefly (b660030)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: watchable blocks when replaced by rerun/reexec are not aborted (08ed634)
- plugins/plugin-core-support: watch --until should poll one more time after the until condition is reached (ef2e4b3)
- plugins/plugin-core-support: watch command relinquishes poll look too early (c5a7f40), closes #7390
- plugins/plugin-electron-components: use github api to get the latest release (63ae5bb)
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: --kubeconfig path in commands are not always expanded (58fb976)
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: "get ingress" failed with resource type not found (6861563)
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: direct get fails when user specifies fully/partially qualified name of a crd (e4cb26d)
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: kubectl create --dry-run | kubectl apply -f - does not work (1f28a79), closes #7443
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: plugin-kubectl should expose Secret type (0bffccb), closes #7441
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: redirection of output on a get resource command is ignored (8cdd9c7)
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: regular namespace list includes a number of openshift namespaces (b96278d)
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: tab state manager shoud not log "command not found" errors for systems without kubectl (4b64fab)
- plugins/plugin-patternfly4-themes: slightly darken terminal background color (d666baa), closes #6708
- plugins/plugin-patternfly4-themes: StatusStripe dropdowns have low contrast in PatternFly4 Dark theme (c49729c), closes #6717
- Improve debuggability of s3 vfs mounting (3989653), closes #6423
- in patternfly-based themes, CurrentContext DropDown renders poorly (f1a3faf), closes #6496
- kubectl contexts table has odd CURRENT column (f6d0a98), closes #6523
- kubectl Terminal tab test is flakey (5e28860), closes #6636
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: new kubectl direct logic does not properly handle ECONNREFUSED (96eefdb), closes #6476
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: plugin-kubectl's fetch-file, when using electron, does not have error handling (b45a818), closes #6426
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: use PaginatedTable instead of RadioTable for
and get namespaces
commands (20f0737), closes #6517 - compilation failures due perhaps to typescript 4.1.3 upgrade?? (d06824b), closes #6432
- kubectl watcher should auto-terminate, if given a bound up front (1a94094), closes #6417
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: ls -l should show size column in splits (e7b060f), closes #6193
- plugins/plugin-bashlike: when an XtermResponse is not an error, it has no
field (bdd87ef), closes #6177 - plugins/plugin-client-common: adjust TopTabStripe for lightweight ui themes (00ee896), closes #6204
- plugins/plugin-client-common: after Electron 10 update, ls output can render poorly (1b7010b), closes #6147
- plugins/plugin-client-common: as sequence diagram nRows grows, rows shrink, but fonts do not (eac0220), closes #6420
- Clean up the way patternfly fonts are incorporated into themes (2ba49e9), closes #6375
- DIffEditor should render inline when in terminal split (b86b127), closes #6366
- drilldown from an undeployed application in tree will issue a kubectl get with 404 (309a9a0), closes #6331
- s3 job watcher sometimes fails due to startup issues (96c7fea), closes #6411
- s3 job watcher sometimes fails due to startup issues (8851d50), closes #6411
- SequenceDiagram bar widths are pretty buggy (6d1c458), closes #6408
- UpdateChecker popover can be too height (8f87488), closes #6413
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: ls on s3 vfs directory can fail (b8dfb77), closes #6316
- plugins/plugin-client-common: a few minor UI glitches in Block css (a25c72c), closes #6335
- plugins/plugin-client-common: blocks with no input or output shouldn't have a background color (42b5b01), closes #6367
- plugins/plugin-client-common: core themes should use fixed tab names (3400431), closes #6208
- plugins/plugin-client-common: core themes should use fixed tab names (f93fe2b), closes #6208
- plugins/plugin-client-common: DiffEditor does not respond to resize events (7f88934), closes #6365
- plugins/plugin-client-common: DropdownWidget does not obey
property (e534cbc), closes #6393 - plugins/plugin-client-common: events in tree should stay scrolled to the bottom as events come in (c5efedd), closes #6164
- plugins/plugin-client-common: externalize PatternFly TreeView component to SPI (486a02e), closes #6134
- plugins/plugin-client-common: height of TreeView events should match that of sidecar header (bba1ccd), closes #6174
- plugins/plugin-client-common: in carbon-based dark themes, the SourceRef expando text is not visible (0b462f5), closes #6197
- plugins/plugin-client-common: in lightweight presentation mode, lighten up sidecar a bit (c73c080), closes #6202 #6201
- plugins/plugin-client-common: in minisplits, no margin between active block and previous response (e20c115), closes #6333
- plugins/plugin-client-common: in PatternFly Light theme, status stripe hovers and borders are not visible (8bfc9a1), closes #6324
- plugins/plugin-client-common: inverted color context in mini splits can have low contrast (2541d74), closes #6383
- plugins/plugin-client-common: LeftNav UIs can be too wide (5dae64c), closes #6302
- plugins/plugin-client-common: lightweight ui has a few remaining "heavy" elements (afef54a), closes #6195
- plugins/plugin-client-common: lightweight ui: minisplits should not have the opacity filter (96860f3), closes #6198
- plugins/plugin-client-common: pack table rows more densely in lightweight UI themes (bcb3f23), closes #6217
- plugins/plugin-client-common: patternfly popover close button has odd spacing (e7c21fd), closes #6345
- plugins/plugin-client-common: PatternFly themes are still using a carbon icon for Split (4c05d28), closes #6322
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Popup mode client has a few status stripe rendering issues (57bb8b2), closes #6357
- plugins/plugin-client-common: processing block disappears in minisplits (907a9d5), closes #6310
- plugins/plugin-client-common: red and green overlays in diff views are hard to see (1843bff), closes #6363
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Rendering glitches in carbon fonts for status stripe DropdownWidgets (1ee18a6), closes #6359
- plugins/plugin-client-common: sequence diagram does not display well with lightweight ui (e746cc6), closes #6189
- plugins/plugin-client-common: sidecar toolbar text is not always vertically centered (cbceee3), closes #6305
- plugins/plugin-client-common: small regression in top tab stripe height (0b07d35), closes #6211
- plugins/plugin-client-common: TabCompletion UI can fail (cc3fb6d), closes #6130
- plugins/plugin-client-common: TopTabStripe for Lightweight UI themes could be a bit lighter-weight (8d0e144), closes #6398
- plugins/plugin-client-common: TreeView badges have poor contrast in patternfly themes (8e0db86), closes #6149
- plugins/plugin-client-common: typo "soild" in Tree.scss (1a64ccd), closes #6172
- plugins/plugin-core-themes: In Light theme, inverted splits don't render well (db6ae59), closes #6220
- plugins/plugin-core-themes: Sidecar header and body may lack contrast (b09391e), closes #6306
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: kubectl kustomize does not handle ~ home directory expansion (f124b1d), closes #6115
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: kubernetes CurrentContext widget may display as empty (640263c), closes #6392
- chart colors for patternfly themes aren't in a diverging series (cc2e177), closes #6161
- default chart colors should not use blue-red diverging spectrum (918ab9c), closes #6191
- in patternfly4 light theme, the status stripe hovers background color are not visible (a0e79d5), closes #6361
- refine tree label categoriazation of kubectl (1973a43), closes #6185
- tree should support leaf node drilling down (006b881), closes #6293
- tweak the toolbar text and button label of
k get -f
tree (ad476c5), closes #6303 - update kubectl/notebooks/deploy-applications for the Mode Toolbar change (164244e), closes #6385
- packages/core: kubectl-kui popup can fail when setting allowRendererProcessReuse (c74e787), closes #6260
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: ls -l does not show stat data (d82a32c), closes #6287
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: Size column in ls output has odd text alignment (bf050e4), closes #6294
- plugins/plugin-client-common:
in minisplit has tall rows (00b5e41), closes #6289 - plugins/plugin-client-common: double whitespace may be removed from completed inputs (fc0c0db), closes #6279
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Experimental badge too tall for lightweight UI themes. (57b1f51), closes #6284
- plugins/plugin-client-common: font size issues with lightweight ui in tree view (575ced0), closes #6228 #6229
- plugins/plugin-client-common: for lightweight ui themes, also show block duration in highlight color (da3a3a7), closes #6222
- plugins/plugin-client-common: in lightweight themes, hover on sequence diagram rows may result in errant border-top (679498f), closes #6251
- plugins/plugin-client-common: in lightweight ui themes, markdown content has odd font spacing (b114221), closes #6249
- plugins/plugin-client-common: inline sidecar should not have a min-width (11a0cfb), closes #6270
- plugins/plugin-client-common: input element is not distinct enough in lightweight ui themes with splits (01b3e40), closes #6247
- plugins/plugin-client-common: ls ; ls has excessive vertical whitespace (1b41c59), closes #6291
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Popup mode input stripe does not have reliable auto-focus behavior (ac3935e), closes #6266
- plugins/plugin-client-common: prompt focus may not be restored when switching tabs (5e81db9), closes #6239
- plugins/plugin-client-common: refine input UI for lightweight ui themes (c479cdb), closes #6296
- plugins/plugin-client-common: SequenceDiagram can overflow 100% width (d631fd9), closes #6159
- plugins/plugin-client-common: SequenceDiagram may emit spurious console errors (c0ba218), closes #6166
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Tree Component tweaks (2f21e22), closes #6158 #6157
- plugins/plugin-client-common: update spinner to avoid console error messages (caea507), closes #6146
- plugins/plugin-client-default: Don't use OpenWhisk status stripe widget in popup mode (6a35183), closes #6268
- plugins/plugin-core-support: Simplify themes table (ae46d5e), closes #6341
- plugins/plugin-ibmcloud: ibmcloud cos bind fails to resolve endpoint aliases (ef981ff), closes #6253
- plugins/plugin-iter8: minor install command edit in notebook (0691c4d)
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: "logs dashC follow via table" test is unreliable after electron 10 update (72c50ab), closes #6152
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: helm test can fail due to helm release name exceeding 63 characters (a9903ea), closes #6377
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: the Deploy Applications notebook has some typos (817f9b7), closes #6256
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: unlabeled resources shouldn’t have badge for children's count (4e1fea6), closes #6243
- plugins/plugin-kubectl-flow-views:
tekton flow
command fails (21600cc), closes #6272 - plugins/plugin-patternfly4-themes: patternfly light theme can have low contrast (947dce0), closes #6336
- plugins/plugin-patternfly4-themes: patternfly light's green color has low contrast (602606d), closes #6339
- Plugins/plugin-patternfly4-themes: in patternfly themes, hovering over tree node has poor background color (dae92df), closes #6320
- plugins/plugin-s3: CodeEngine s3 job provider can be optimized a bit (5de4cb3), closes #6169
- plugins/plugin-s3: scale-out gzip not quite right (81ffac0), closes #6298
- @patternfly/react-core breaks the indentation of TreeView (f5c5253), closes #6224
- block timestamp in Light theme/lightweight ui has low contrast (6ae08fd), closes #6226
- events in tree are presented out of temporal order (b3ba61e), closes #6168
- keyboard history navigation does not work in Popup clients (89197ba), closes #6262
- port gunzip and gzip to use new job controller (b5b8528), closes #6277
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: typos in Tree Toolbar text (0d9a6be), closes #6514
- plugins/plugin-kubectl-flow-views:
tekton flow
command does not support previewing a remote url (214820f), closes #6274 - plugins/plugin-s3: ls against s3 vfs does not properly handle brace expansion (037dac8), closes #6258
- monaco diff view colors are not themed (eed2527), closes #6232
- PatternFly 2012.14 breaks the indentation of TreeView (f052d71), closes #6224
- Switching Carbon tabs can cause content to scroll off-viewport (51a2aad), closes #6014
- Tree view badges can have low contrast (9be1ae5), closes #6245
- UI glitches of Tree (fc5af7a), closes #6138
- packages/builder: cross-platform builds of electron clients may not package the correct node-pty binary (5c3571d), closes #6091
- packages/core: edit+save may save with bogus file name (e379099), closes #6005 #6006
- packages/core: intercept window.location for electron app (ba448b4), closes #2881
- packages/core: will-navigate handler is too aggressive (3f5dba7), closes #6085
- packages/core: will-navigate handler is too aggressive #6085 (513a5f6)
- packages/webpack: webpack builds may have fonts in the wrong place (94ca684), closes #6036
- plugins-client-common: bump carbon-components-react to 7.22 (8b98791), closes #6011
- plugins/plugin-client-common: "No events in the past hour" in sidecar has different bg color than other tabs (ffba806), closes #6075
- plugins/plugin-client-common: a few more patternfly navigation styling issues (5511c1f), closes #6049
- plugins/plugin-client-common: clicking the editor in carbon accordion will change the accordion label (ce3fe02), closes #6107
- plugins/plugin-client-common: custom repl-prompt is misaligned with repl-output (d12b203), closes #6046
- plugins/plugin-client-common: editor doesn't grab focus for edit command (9870267), closes #6090
- plugins/plugin-client-common: If a command is issued in a mini split, the next block (in the mini split) is not focused (a35e5c2), closes #6067
- plugins/plugin-client-common: in dark themes, the inter-split gutter is not visible (288eeae), closes #6022
- plugins/plugin-client-common: in some cases, Editor may present "you are in edit mode" for readOnly instantiations (e3e7c16), closes #6116
- plugins/plugin-client-common: In some themes, grid inner text color can have low contrast. (01f8698), closes #6032
- plugins/plugin-client-common: PatternFly assumes a 16px body font size, whereas the rest of Kui assumes 14px (fa65b57), closes #6041
- plugins/plugin-client-common: PatternFly LeftNav view has excessive padding (959d059), closes #6038
- plugins/plugin-client-common: RadioTable has small font size (19f758a), closes #6102
- plugins/plugin-client-common: removing previous blocks will cause errant rendering to edit command result (6594e8c), closes #6093
- plugins/plugin-client-common: rendering of blockquotes in markdown is inconsistent (edcc8d1), closes #6043
- plugins/plugin-client-common: sidecar editor too-aggressively focuses (8077cec), closes #6104
- plugins/plugin-client-default: Don't show CWD status stripe widget in Popup mode (52159d7), closes #6018
- plugins/plugin-client-default: don't show UpdateChecker in popup mode (67fd5a6), closes #6016
- plugins/plugin-core-support: Notebook vfs has leftover debugging printf (b1417d3), closes #6119
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: isReplicaSet needs to be updated to handle "apps/v1" apiVersion (6887a0d), closes #6003
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: kubectl Deployment summary does not handle
fields (0f65c3c), closes #6028 - plugins/plugin-kubectl: kui semi-ignores --dry-run for kubectl apply (90c329f), closes #6106
- plugins/plugin-openwhisk: OpenWhisk Trace tab does not work in offline notebooks (de8ae02), closes #6121
- plugins/plugins-client-common: Carbon Accordion spi should have more contrast (c0de84d), closes #6111
- A few more themes tweaks are needed (03be3eb), closes #6034
- block focus regressions (881fa17), closes #6072
- don't show "Created a split" when clicking on the New Split button (80192d5), closes #6001
- packages/core: Remove autoHideMenuBar:true for linux and windows (6baedc4), closes #5888
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: ls on windows behaves poorly (e92947e), closes #5898
- plugins/plugin-client-common: "Drilled down to..." text is not aligned with the Input area (fd139d2), closes #5854
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Action button hover hysteresis/delay effect not working (fac75dc), closes #5806
- plugins/plugin-client-common: active pty output doesn't have repl-context (6b0929e), closes #5960
- plugins/plugin-client-common: ClipboardTransfer emits errors when pasting non-json text (6ff85c4), closes #5836
- plugins/plugin-client-common: CodeSnippet component renders with zero contrast in dark themes (10e40a9), closes #5886
- plugins/plugin-client-common: deleting and re-creating a split results double commands (dde6eaa), closes #5876
- plugins/plugin-client-common: disable Timeline option for Tables (e88ebb3), closes #5864
- plugins/plugin-client-common: editing commentary gives a one-line monaco (5f14268), closes #5874
- plugins/plugin-client-common: hovering over error block turns red to blue (3dbddae), closes #5979
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Input timestamp should also hide when block is focused (6e1ca6d), closes #5809
- plugins/plugin-client-common: isReplay bit on Blocks is not set for snapshots (c6d1633), closes #5868
- plugins/plugin-client-common: linux can show unneeded scrollbars in tables (4d49a23), closes #5884
- plugins/plugin-client-common: markdown code has incorrect color in a split with inverse color (c8c10af), closes #5902
- plugins/plugin-client-common: markdown inline code in table cells shows with scrollbars on linux and windows (1ff88b9), closes #5890
- plugins/plugin-client-common: remove clicks from NotebookImpl (45f0be5), closes #5856
- plugins/plugin-client-common: sidecar markdown code snippet has poor color (765f166), closes #5995
- RadioTable should have option to not echo the onSelect command (77d5050), closes #5991
- plugins/plugin-client-common: blockquotes in commentary don't render well (9be35fa), closes #5931
- plugins/plugin-client-common: commentary editor can overflow with long lines (3475287), closes #5981
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Commentary markdown does not support kuiexec (4663389), closes #5911
- plugins/plugin-client-common: do not show the command rerun and remove button for offline kui (309162f), closes #5917
- plugins/plugin-client-common: double clicking on Commentary in minisplit often has the editor completely off screen (c3504a0), closes #5897
- plugins/plugin-client-common: empty pty response yields blank line (711bd05), closes #5928
- plugins/plugin-client-common: enhance minisplit by updating the background color of scrollback and dark card (fd15c5e), closes #5989
- plugins/plugin-client-common: error blocks are not indented properly (d137614), closes #5938
- plugins/plugin-client-common: some small tweaks to Commentary headers would help (b012f8d), closes #5893
- plugins/plugin-client-common: tab switching can be slow on windows (09f9b7d), closes #5907
- plugins/plugin-client-common: update the commentary in settings notebook to store the texts as command (bbb8f6d), closes #5992
- tweak the input background and border to enhance the readability of notebooks (3928768), closes #5982
- plugins/plugin-client-common: group the notebooks together in the ls -l table (1a783f3), closes #5977
- plugins/plugin-client-common: remove leftover debugging in Scalar/index (82b8e50), closes #5945
- plugins/plugin-client-common: restore hiding of In[1] in minisplit (8d5c93f), closes #5985
- plugins/plugin-client-common: saving a snapshot can fail with "cannot read property uuid of undefined" (85fe1f3), closes #5913
- plugins/plugin-client-common: sorting widgets in table header are wrapping (e3520dc), closes #5976
- plugins/plugin-client-common: the alert showing lost connection has incorrect height (1758758), closes #5905
- plugins/plugin-client-common: update welcome.json to describe kui, not just notebooks (96330c4), closes #5878
- plugins/plugin-client-common: welcome.json could use some wordsmithing (e373ab4), closes #5895
- plugins/plugin-client-common: when replaying notebooks, tab should be scrolled to top (6567412), closes #5860
- plugins/plugin-client-common): regression validateDOMNesting(...: <pre> cannot appear as a descendant of <p> (1a2cccf), closes #5900
- plugins/plugin-client-notebook: github button in notebook client does not have hover effect (a4fa6f0), closes #5941
- plugins/plugin-client-notebook: notebook client no longer needs to set an initialTabTitle (ba2ddbf), closes #5919
- plugins/plugin-client-notebook: notebook client's version widget has a hard-wired version (19264ce), closes #5942
- plugins/plugin-core-support: notebook vfs uses win32 join when it should be using posix join (7278d8a), closes #5903
- plugins/plugin-ibmcloud: further refinements are needed for ibmcloud cos credentials validation (881e757), closes #5962
- plugins/plugin-ibmcloud: ibmcloud cos initialization bug (d327322), closes #5968
- plugins/plugin-ibmcloud: ibmcloud cos validate misbehaves in reexecuted notebooks (8aadb37), closes #5974
- plugins/plugin-s3: improve s3 parallelization notebook (4160fe5), closes #5957
- a few more improvements to s3 onboarding (9f821ef), closes #5947
- add Kui version and github link to client-notebook (7b2562a), closes #5918
- improve discovery of ibmcloud s3 credentials (96d5bc0), closes #5926
- improve error reporting from APIs (edff6f1), closes #5950
- improve existing notebooks for v1 (1af5cc2), closes #5858
- ls comand is not snapshotable (f04ca78), closes #5241
- Notebook title "Kui Setting" should be "Kui Settings" (b14b130), closes #5870
- preferReExecute is lost when re-saving a notebook (87c6c6f), closes #5954
- plugins/plugin-s3: plugin-s3 has an out-of-date notebook (6a8a33a), closes #5909
- plugins/plugin-s3: using s3 notebook has an ECONNREFUSED (3ecf735), closes #5952
- re-saving a notebook via File/Save application menu does not preserve notebook title (7fb8b43), closes #5777
- plugins/plugin-electron-components: Update available fires when older legacy dist tags are released (a15b83b), closes #5823
- plugins/plugin-electron-components: UpdateChecker emits console errors when running tests (a2a99c3), closes #5838
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: k8s table should display status Propagated and Subscribed as green (0787b4b), closes #5818
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: kubectl table should show PropagationFailed status as offline (a44b70c), closes #5821
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: update jobs notebook to latest SequenceDiagram (8e70862), closes #5862
- plugins/plugin-patternfly4-themes: switching from PatternFly4 Dark to PF4 Light and back to PF4 Dark results in poor colors (bba1af4), closes #5816
- plugins/plugin-proxy-support: ProxyOfflineIndicator widget does not clean up on unount (97c6b27), closes #5849
- blocks can still disappear if table row is clicked while the enclosing block is focused (2173af1), closes #5814
- snapshot and replay of table clicks for Notebook v1 (1a87dbf), closes #5821
- store the commentary text result to the command when editing is done (5a3f5e8), closes #5916 #5672
- Update AnimalApp to fix a bug with running in browser+proxy dev mode (4f1e8dd), closes #5803
- packages/proxy: kui-build-proxy-with-docker fails if dist/webpack directory does not exist (689b015), closes #5728
- plugin-client-common: show the last input block in minisplit (7997ef0), closes #5756
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: in browser client-server configs, env is lost in
(fec17e8), closes #5659 - plugins/plugin-bash-like: when clicking directory in ls -l output, response is an ls (not ls -l) of that clicked directory (57508c5), closes #5796
- plugins/plugin-client-common: After reordering blocks, saving notebook does not reflect new block order. (e9a0edb), closes #5738
- plugins/plugin-client-common: colored squares in status column of tables have odd alignment (3e78540), closes #5766
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Commentary editor is 5px tall when presented in mini split (53074d1), closes #5744
- plugins/plugin-client-common: creating a split with a 3-way split configuration results in radical shuffling (9452b5a), closes #5794
- plugins/plugin-client-common: don't decorate code elements in top tab (531e8b8), closes #5778
- plugins/plugin-client-common: don't offer Grid option for 1-row tables (a2a6f8d), closes #5474
- plugins/plugin-client-common: focus a block upon moving or pasting it (43c3d9a), closes #5751
- plugins/plugin-client-common: improve look of
snippets in Commentary (493e004), closes #5768 - plugins/plugin-client-common: increase contrast of unfocused left-stripes for blocks (ab21295), closes #5754
- plugins/plugin-client-common: markdown with <a> inside <h1> renders with odd font size (b5e3007), closes #5724
- plugins/plugin-client-common: monaco highlight color used by SourceRef has low contrast (385f35e), closes #5713
- plugins/plugin-client-common: presented elsewhere text is not vertically centered in block (766d355), closes #5760
- plugins/plugin-client-common: selecting text in prior Input causes selection to be lost and Input to enter edit mode (4d977d2), closes #5792
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: kubectl status table does not register onclickIdempotent (6ae296c), closes #5788
- improve vfs cp to handle disparate source (e55e528), closes #5786
- plugins/plugin-client-common: clicking on table or radio table may cause block to disappear (1f2d489), closes #5783
- plugins/plugin-client-common: RadioTable should scroll the selected row into view on render (6eb45db), closes #5781
- don't show the
command for clicking files in ls
table (03ef269), closes #5748 - remove up/down actions buttons (3c8a8a1), closes #5774
- plugins/plugin-client-common: re-snapshoting a notebook can fail (4caff9c), closes #5736
- plugins/plugin-client-common: SourceRef viewer should hide liner numbers but show folding (5f74a46), closes #5719
- plugins/plugin-client-common: status stripe "blue" color probably needs to be toned done (137442f), closes #5772
- plugins/plugin-client-common: table cells with no onclick handler still issue a kui command (4d8bf37), closes #5721
- plugins/plugin-client-common: table is misaligned with command input (50dc430), closes #5734
- plugins/plugin-client-common: there is still too much whitespace after no-response commands (268f159), closes #5742
- plugins/plugin-core-support: clicks in replayed table are erratic (c48b4ca), closes #5758
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: Update list-resources notebook to use splits (1f54515), closes #5770
- for replayed notebooks, don’t show timestamp (951abc5), closes #5763
- packages/core: command history model should revert to eliding back-to-back duplicates (d5a761f), closes #5701
- packages/core: electron Notebooks menu should open new tab, not new window (28ca9cf), closes #5677
- plugin-client-common: RadioTable onSelect changes do not always result in status stripe updates (3549b7a), closes #5644
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: server-side of proxy does not handle message fragmentation in the downstream direction (e502158), closes #5631
- plugins/plugin-client-common: a few small refinements to "editing" UI for Inputs (001236a), closes #5656 #5658
- plugins/plugin-client-common: clicking the split button may cause the current processing block to disappear (aa2b40c), closes #5703
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Commentary editor can easily overflow when editing in minisplit (eb14074), closes #5675
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Commentary editor should be full width always (e0a164a), closes #5688
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Commentary is always full width (1920fb9), closes #5705
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Do not focus Block when user expands SourceRef (6642514), closes #5711
- plugins/plugin-client-common: don't show
and PresentedElseWhere response in MiniSplit (a16767a), closes #5690 - plugins/plugin-client-common: Editing Commentary should require double click (efaded3), closes #5686
- plugins/plugin-client-common: empty blocks have excessive height (12c39b0), closes #5707
- plugins/plugin-client-common: improved focus behavior of terminals (f5a3dd0), closes #5615
- plugins/plugin-client-common: input probably needs to word-wrap while in minisplits (cde272d), closes #5696
- plugins/plugin-client-common: input spinner is not visible in minisplits (76eec59), closes #5684
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Lots of little layout issues, e.g. SimpleEditor is not fully width in minisplits (5a9a1c6), closes #5679 #5680
- plugins/plugin-client-common: never show "ok" (d1b337a), closes #5697
- plugins/plugin-client-common: on switching tabs, active prompt isn't always focused (5b28dd2), closes #5637
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Output-only blocks probably don't need a re-execute button (251a81c), closes #5662
- plugins/plugin-client-common: remove active prompts in an offline notebook (dd2b53f), closes #5620
- plugins/plugin-client-common: StatusStripe widgets can emit react error when switching to notebook tab (485fcdf), closes #5639
- plugins/plugin-client-common: while editing Commentary, adding ``` causes a bad error (097b1b0), closes #5682
- plugins/plugin-core-support: reduce overhead of serialized notebooks (08fd0d6), closes #5633
- plugins/plugin-core-support: snapshot and replay commands don't expand ~ (3a2c7b9), closes #5740
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: kubectl delete ns m1 m2 m3 m4 results in a one-row table (97a33a4), closes #5694
- Plugins/plugin-kubectl: Logs tab may become stale when switching away/back (fcfdaba), closes #6024
- plugins/plugin-patternfly4-themes: in patternfly light theme, minisplit block border is not visible (7c5b0a9), closes #6065
- plugins/plugin-patternfly4-themes: sidecar header does not have proper contrast in patternfly themes (a5ccbc2), closes #6030
- plugins/plugin-s3: improve globbing in s3 rm commands (48ef3bd), closes #5709
- plugins/plugin-s3: ls /s3 fails poorly with wildcards (2a45124), closes #5691
- plugins/plugin-se: CodeEngine.ts uses invalid option (6ba634e), closes #6237
- "created split" message should disappear when corresponding split is closed (f8486f8), closes #5629
- packages/core: backslashes not always properly parsed (61b118f), closes #5287
- packages/core: change menu title Notebook -> Notebooks (05b882b), closes #5499
- packages/core: improve parsing of semicolons (921cfd8), closes #5315
- packages/core: main process leaks subscriptions to Electron IPC events (d281470), closes #5567
- packages/core: new tabs may be inoperable (35968b4), closes #5548
- packages/core: Unrecognized Content-Security-Policy javascript error (505a7a0), closes #5610
- plugins-plugin-ibmcloud: ibmcloud ce job list -h does not present help (799d71d), closes #5386
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: use standard table UI for ls -l output (8996f85), closes #5479
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Whem moving blocks, the moved block is not longer focused after the move (fc13198), closes #5612
- RadioTables are not replayable (d0dd00e), closes #5599
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: tab completion completes with notebook title rather than notebook file name (38862f8), closes #5561
- plugins/plugin-client-common: add support for titles in commentary (fbe367c), closes #5434
- plugins/plugin-client-common: avoid inner scrolling in Commentary cards (d3ea558), closes #5517
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Block Action buttons have poor contrast in dark themes (f52511e), closes #5590
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Block Actions should be top-aligned in output-only blocks (55ce899), closes #5595
- plugins/plugin-client-common: block left-border is not centered with In[1] text in minisplits (4df61cc), closes #5585
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Commentary blocks are not focusable in minisplits (1286b0d), closes #5594
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Commentary paragraphs have no separation (6b77a13), closes #5531
- plugins/plugin-client-common: custom tab titles may have monospace font (b34b5a4), closes #5527
- plugins/plugin-client-common: don't show "2 rows" table header for short tables (2350115), closes #5581
- plugins/plugin-client-common: experiment tag has wrong color contrast in dark themes (22bfb77), closes #5389
- plugins/plugin-client-common: h2 in Notebooks have double underline (40a4bd1), closes #5574
- plugins/plugin-client-common: minor spacing improvements for Commentary and Notebooks (c473181), closes #5503
- plugins/plugin-client-common: regression in columnar alignment of Input and Output (cf1a836), closes #5507
- plugins/plugin-client-common: SequenceDiagram bars are too narrow (a0ed13a), closes #5544
- plugins/plugin-client-common: SequenceDiagram can have NaNs in the UI (ac476a6), closes #5559
- plugins/plugin-client-common: SequenceDiagram UI refinements (5d8c3f7), closes #5557
- plugins/plugin-client-common: SourceRef does not respond to all tab layout changes (d3e8b32), closes #5552
- plugins/plugin-client-common: StatusStripe is blank for second+ tabs (0002dfb), closes #5546
- plugins/plugin-client-common: table bottom toolbar buttons lack padding (79f0abe), closes #5554
- plugins/plugin-client-common: update welcome.json notebook to improve listing of available notebooks (c6f89f4), closes #5583
- plugins/plugin-core-support: notebook VFS does not properly handle globs for ls enumeration (8cee899), closes #5578
- plugins/plugin-patternfly4-themes: inverted splits don't render correctly in Patternfly Light theme (f4de80a), closes #5592
- improve the replayability of terminal splitting (67811cd), closes #5564
- improved support for replaying splits (8039a9d), closes #5535
- notebook replay should scroll to top, and not display welcome message on every tab (7ade801), closes #5515 #5516
- pty output has different indentation than kui command output (30b10a3), closes #5542
- replay --freshen does not support multi-split notebooks (afd070c), closes #5571 #5572
- Plugins/plugin-core-support: support for shallow recording of notebooks (605b0e3), closes #5529
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: regenerate kubernetes notebooks to show new Source Reference feature (8324567), closes #5520
- restore status stripe to default behavior on terminal clear (128ec92), closes #5495
- vfs fixes for multi-source copying and for s3 globbing (893902e), closes #5511
- packages/core: i18n treats 0 parameter as undefined (01ff6c7), closes #5188
- packages/core: repl exec should invoke commands separated by semicolon (016b3b0), closes #5260
- plugins-client-common: the experimental tag should use sans serif (143464a), closes #5363
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: ls columns should adjust to filenames presented (f07a5df), closes #5312
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: ls should measure gridTemplateColumns more intelligently (0b06e60), closes #5353
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: optimize pty/client to remove logic that accumulates output (49f1003), closes #5200
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: PTY error messages may not reach users in all case (f5831e9), closes #5328
- plugins/plugin-client-common: always place table events in the Card footer (b667b28), closes #5210
- plugins/plugin-client-common: buggy header UI in dark themes in minisplits (55aef48), closes #5266
- plugins/plugin-client-common: clicking on pod delete button can cause command to be executed in minisplit (37f9019), closes #5247
- plugins/plugin-client-common: clicking to focus on a split does not always cause full focus effect (bc59bcf), closes #5263
- plugins/plugin-client-common: close tabs doesn't produce the correct tab content (6090887), closes #5220
- plugins/plugin-client-common: CSS no longer is reactive to narrow window (4eb0a11), closes #5290
- plugins/plugin-client-common: defer loading of both icon sets (7d343b8), closes #5444
- plugins/plugin-client-common: don't line-wrap input elements in MiniSplits (c929f5e), closes #5348
- plugins/plugin-client-common: don't use fixed maxHeight for Terminal tables (0e23e22), closes #5206
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Events drilldown from watch table does not always work (09aee73), closes #5204
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Events footer in minisplit tables lacks horizontal padding (f22b1f7), closes #5196
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Events should also be placed in table footer (not tbody) when sidecar is open or 2-way terminal split (1391b1d), closes #5198
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Experimental badge should take up less space in minisplits (268aeb3), closes #5373
- plugins/plugin-client-common: for now, switch interval chart to duration chart (ea21221), closes #5340
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Grid regression: grid colors not right (d1aa46d), closes #5285
- plugins/plugin-client-common: improve behavior of up arrow for first command in MiniSplits (ed199d4), closes #5297
- plugins/plugin-client-common: improve display of empty watch tables (4cc16be), closes #5176
- plugins/plugin-client-common: improve display of tables in side-by-side terminal splits (5a32255), closes #5201
- plugins/plugin-client-common: improve layout of In[1] with sidecar open (263d59a), closes #5482
- plugins/plugin-client-common: improve rendering of output only blocks (664a8da), closes #5467
- plugins/plugin-client-common: improve row hover effect for SequenceDiagram (89dbe2a), closes #5426
- plugins/plugin-client-common: improve spacing of Event footer content (d63a6f1), closes #5178
- plugins/plugin-client-common: in plain Terminals, tables should not inner scroll (15fcbba), closes #5221
- plugins/plugin-client-common: inconsistent top padding above Cards (1e1037f), closes #5299
- plugins/plugin-client-common: increase density of SequenceDiagram (ae29488), closes #5344
- plugins/plugin-client-common: kubectl watch is broken for server versions >= 1.17 (2d595b7), closes #5360
- plugins/plugin-client-common: long input lines should line wrap (8804bb1), closes #5338
- plugins/plugin-client-common: minor improvements for ls -l output (1b59c94), closes #5216
- plugins/plugin-client-common: multi-line paste executes commands out of order (8f39c80), closes #5295
- plugins/plugin-client-common: only highlight the Active block in the focused split (feffad4), closes #5261
- plugins/plugin-client-common: place event footer outside of table scroll region for minisplits (e4872b2), closes #5179
- plugins/plugin-client-common: present more than 2 footer lines in watch tables (3e7a78f), closes #5213
- plugins/plugin-client-common: pty commands fail in minisplits (475ea74), closes #5267
- plugins/plugin-client-common: RadioTables in minisplits inner-scroll away the header row (5296dcd), closes #5165
- plugins/plugin-client-common: reduce contrast of block left bars (7c8d371), closes #5275
- plugins/plugin-client-common: refine Timeline a bit more (4b12eec), closes #5409
- plugins/plugin-client-common: regression in table width with sidecar open (5938806), closes #5194
- plugins/plugin-client-common: restore history navigation behavior in minisplits (26f49e8), closes #5375
- plugins/plugin-client-common: reverse-i-search incorrectly changes match as i type (135d429), closes #5403
- plugins/plugin-client-common: selected row in RadioTables in dark themes has low contrast (f2c5834), closes #5161
- plugins/plugin-client-common: SequenceDiagram bars may extend beyond the 100% line (34d03bc), closes #5465
- plugins/plugin-client-common: sidecar badges may not be flush-right (5b54665), closes #5175
- plugins/plugin-client-common: status column can be invisible in split tables (c352103), closes #5244
- plugins/plugin-client-common: switching table from Table to Timeline and back to Table does not work (c924d67), closes #5430
- plugins/plugin-client-common: tab completion UI does not render on separate line from input (61b169b), closes #5307
- plugins/plugin-client-common: table screenshots include a gray stripe at the top (11a9fc3), closes #5410
- plugins/plugin-client-common: TableCell view can fail when given empty duration cells (04251be), closes #5332
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Terminal focus changes unexpectedly (866451c), closes #5170
- plugins/plugin-client-common: threshold for auto-grid is too low (9cb76ee), closes #5424
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Timeline may not render properly (d66d728), closes #5383
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Timeline should use stdev-based heat map (5dd7427), closes #5395
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Timeline tooltip for cold starts has incorrect concurrency count (bb54cb8), closes #5390
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Timeline view renders poorly in MiniSplit (07cd000), closes #5379
- plugins/plugin-client-common: two MiniSplits with open sidecar are too short (9e21ab9), closes #5171
- plugins/plugin-client-common: update SequenceDiagram view to display the duration of each interval (0cf1fcf), closes #5470
- plugins/plugin-client-common: watch tables might not be maximized in minisplits (63420b2), closes #5218
- plugins/plugin-client-commong: show RadioTable selected row in the table body and header breadcrumb (811c21e), closes #5239
- plugins/plugin-git: CurrentGitBranch excessively reports errors to the console (aa53c0a), closes #5291
- plugins/plugin-ibmcloud: ibmcloud ce job list does not support name filters (5daa930), closes #5450
- plugins/plugin-ibmcloud: ibmcloud ce job run can emit unprocessed ansi control characters (3539acf), closes #5334
- plugins/plugin-ibmcloud: improve error handling of ibmcloud list commands (6cbdb88), closes #5250
- plugins/plugin-ibmcloud: k get jobrun is always directed to codeengine CRD (7f3b6c8), closes #5377
- plugins/plugin-iter8: avoid collisions with global css rules (8fff7b4), closes #5432
- plugins/plugin-iter8: iter8 create experiment combo boxes have misplaced svg (dfc6cfb), closes #5419
- plugins/plugin-iter8: Removed execSync from iter8 plugin (1899a78), closes #5408
- plugins/plugin-kubectl:
oc get namespaces
doesn't produce a RadioTable (6ea6131), closes #5227 - plugins/plugin-kubectl: add Summary impl for kubernetes Jobs (b0f3809), closes #5481
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: add traffic light colors for OOMKilled and UnexpectedAdmissionError (4262409), closes #5345
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: certain filepath options to kubectl were not tilde-expanded (9e7f858), closes #5415
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: Fail should be TrafficLight.Red and Succeeded should be TrafficLight.Green (54737b6), closes #5351
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: kubectl get -f can show undefined in table title (eb34d1c), closes #5469
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: kubectl watcher needs to pass through kubeconfig in its call to kubectl version (a5d83a3), closes #5368
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: kubernetes contexts table renders poorly (e2ed7d8), closes #5230
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: Kui may invoke kubectl with duplicate command line options (39c9d31), closes #5330
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: leftover debug printfs in table-watch (407855a), closes #5317
- Editor component does not respond to tab layout changes (9756336), closes #5231 #5232
- grid colors are sometimes off (e66f56f), closes #5422
- JS console may contain xtermjs error messages when sidecar is minimized (a568528), closes #5454
- multiple command history regressions (cbba96c), closes #5283
- snapshot command fails at
k get -o yaml
(fe53fb0), closes #5458 - snapshot command throws errors when capturing watch responses (600f049), closes #5452
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: drilldown command of resources in watch --all-namespace table doesn't have '-o yaml' (1e4f558), closes #5208
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: event footer watching should also support named resources (e3a842b), closes #5180
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: events in table appear to be in random order (034dc06), closes #5212
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: header-only tables improperly parsed (f56841b), closes #5382
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: kubectl Logs/Events/Terminal tabs do not reflow on sidecar maximize (6dbcbe8), closes #5417
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: kubectl tab completion does not let me tab-complete some filepaths (e42daa7), closes #5413
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: Pod summary impl fails for pods with no containerStatuses (66b21b5), closes #5192
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: wordsmithing to list-resources notebook (7255a98), closes #5504
- (plugins/plugin-kubectl): kubectl get pod -w --all-namespaces behaves oddly (12e578a), closes #5169
- packages/core: bump the version of linter and code formatter (ff2d925), closes #5054
- plugins/plugin-client-common: "No resources" in watch pane can occlude watch pane title (e4fd93a), closes #5064
- plugins/plugin-client-common: a few more rem/em font-size issues (133b347), closes #5058
- plugins/plugin-client-common: borders in top tab stripe are too light (3908695), closes #5051
- plugins/plugin-client-common: clearing Terminal does not abort watchers (34adb50), closes #5116
- plugins/plugin-client-common: clicking 'remove' of a watchable response doesn't abort the underlying pty job (7eb69fb), closes #5090
- plugins/plugin-client-common: decrease height of table footer (5863622), closes #5072
- plugins/plugin-client-common: editor component does not respond to font zooming (7b7e0f3), closes #5120
- plugins/plugin-client-common: eliminate react "titleInHeader" console warnings (8cf3797), closes #5078
- plugins/plugin-client-common: improve top tab bottom UI (8ff4151), closes #5056
- plugins/plugin-client-common: input may not receive focus on tab switch (7676792), closes #5102
- plugins/plugin-client-common: layout regressions from table screenshot PRs (8004ee3), closes #5159
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Light tables should use Carbon compact (2309ec3), closes #5059
- plugins/plugin-client-common: one-row tables needn't offer column sorting UI (5184fa1), closes #5050
- plugins/plugin-client-common: RadioTable screenshots lack box shadow (b0e0f2e), closes #5142
- plugins/plugin-client-common: RadioTables can have gratuituous line wrapping (9c39682), closes #5139
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Tables should have a max-height and use inner scrolling for overflow (642ef14), closes #5153
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Tables with identical column names render incorrectly (161dba2), closes #5129
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Terminal Block -> Screenshot of table does not capture box shadow (ed812f3), closes #5142
- plugins/plugin-client-common: watch pane grid cells too large (225f937), closes #5070
- plugins/plugin-client-default: default client should not use Search component inBrowser (afb6b48), closes #5074
- plugins/plugin-client-default: improve debug logging of client properties (4daba1f), closes #5088
- plugins/plugin-core-support: cmd+w does not close window (e9765f3), closes #5084
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: CurrentNamespace/Context widgets not live (93ac829), closes #5144
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: kubectl apply -f may not abort the event watcher (c8df222), closes #5149
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: nil and negative timestamps display as "0ms ago" (641a599), closes #5136
- plugins/plugin-patternfly4-themes: sidecar tables illegible in patternfly4-light theme (b125959), closes #5157
- CurrentContext and CurrentNamespace widgets may have stale data inBrowser (ab77c20), closes #5097
- multiple issues with tab switching versus status stripe widgets (8c8a6ec), closes #5101
- npm run proxy failed if the project is not named as 'kui' (a6d77d5), closes #5111
- plugins/plugin-core-support: sidecar "window" buttons are too large (33415d2), closes #5094
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: kubectl apply/create/delete tables still have ALLCAPS headers (90d72ce), closes #5068
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: oc get ns does not present a RadioTable (9e28eec), closes #5106
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: tolerate helm 3.0 and 3.1 help custom ascii art tables (79f8640), closes #5085
- kubectl help misformats helm help tables (ff36755), closes #5080
- packages/builder: headless build should not rebuild node-pty (e96ece7), closes #5011
- plugins/plugin-carbon-themes: regression in status stripe borders for carbon themes (c039a57), closes #5009
- plugins/plugin-client-common:
string appears at the end of MixResponse (75606c5), closes #5046 - plugins/plugin-client-common: disableTableTitle also disables title of watch panes (053cfb6), closes #5036
- plugins/plugin-client-common: double watch panes may open up (7fb70f1), closes #5034
- plugins/plugin-client-common: font size issues with LeftNavSidecar (e17fc15), closes #5048
- plugins/plugin-client-common: leftover debug printfs in table sorting (9889b49), closes #5030
- plugins/plugin-core-support: remove old "window" commands (5a2645e), closes #5038
- Card component does not render well in dark themes (d96def0), closes #4996
- clients should be able to enable watcher auto pinning without enabling splitTerminals (bcade13), closes #5002
- Confirm dialog color contrast issues (da14c25), closes #4995
- increase contrast in watch pane (246ecd2), closes #5000 #5001
- move default loadingDone icon into plugin-client-common (39994bc), closes #5026
- move patternfly alignment out of patternfly themes plugin (6adbfd6), closes #4988
- reduce custom CSS rules for table UI (56f69cb), closes #5024
- still see name-related breadcrumbs and short-name header with feature flag sidecarName 'heroText' (1a8be9f), closes #5013
- packages/webpack: allow imports of markdown and image assets (c006958), closes #4983
- plugins/plugin-client-common: <Markdown/> component misparses certain markdown source (52034ee), closes #4941
- plugins/plugin-client-common: carbon breadcrumbs may not have proper hover effect (c8cd2d1), closes #4962
- plugins/plugin-client-common: improve Terminal screenshots by adding padding (a9b7b26), closes #4981
- plugins/plugin-client-common: make Close a top-level button in watch panes (3c14da5), closes #4945
- plugins/plugin-client-common: poor alignment of sidecar toolbar elements (2307a46), closes #4970
- plugins/plugin-client-common: reverse-i-search does not properly report no matches (c16dad3), closes #4943
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Screenshot modal never goes away (bbd1c98), closes #4979
- plugins/plugin-client-common: spurious warning in the console re: Tag (93982de), closes #4959
- plugins/plugin-client-common: UpdateNotification widget has invisible background color (c0c1d82), closes #4968
- plugins/plugin-client-common: WatchPane has incorrect padding (e74bd7b), closes #5015
- xterm alt buffer mode behaves oddly for clients that do not enable splitTerminals (f1bc709), closes #5003
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: changing ns via oc does not update ns widget, in browser clients (5eaa625), closes #4953
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: oc logs does not work (f0808a2), closes #4965
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: singleton breadcrumbs in kubectl help should not be clickable (7815464), closes #4961
- plugins/plugin-patternfly-themes: update theme alignment to patternfly v4 (3784b96), closes #4948
- plugins/plugin-proxy-support: improved display of ProxyOffline state (23b3206), closes #4955
- avoid hard-coded use of /tmp in kubectl edit (8e4cb70), closes #4928
- support for using patternfly components with non-patternfly themes (f88ef97), closes #4934
- packages/builder: fixes for building kui on windows (7b636cc), closes #4920
- packages/builder: remove duplicate removeComments field in tsconfig (00f73f9), closes #4856
- packages/core: add missing readline dependence (47ef972), closes #4836
- packages/core: eliminate races and buggy fallback in prescan loader (3527827), closes #4847
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: in Popup mode, active PTY is not themed, has flashing effect (d583e68), closes #4889
- plugins/plugin-client-common: add error icon for error blocks (5d9aeea), closes #4907
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Carbon RadioTable can have odd row-hover effect (0aedb27), closes #4780
- plugins/plugin-client-common: clicking the remove button of a repl block results in an error white screen (49bfbcc), closes #4855
- plugins/plugin-client-common: in Popup mode, use > rather than / for prompt in bottom input (1360bed), closes #4887
- plugins/plugin-client-common: kubectl edit saves can result in unstyled notification (5dc658e), closes #4930
- plugins/plugin-client-common: LeftNavSidecar content section can take over full width (7252ad4), closes #4831
- plugins/plugin-client-common: missed i18n strings in Dropdown menus (7490b34), closes #4850
- plugins/plugin-client-common: opening TopNavSidecar results in react Warning in console (d627272), closes #3802
- plugins/plugin-client-common: reduce verbosity of logging in Eval.tsx (03876db), closes #4829
- plugins/plugin-client-common: regression: non-empty repl output has 'ok' at the end (103a0f9), closes #4924
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Screenshot results in a react console error (725aae5), closes #4826
- plugins/plugin-client-common: split button errors are not reported to the user (fc4e2a2), closes #4876
- plugins/plugin-client-common: status cells of live tables do not always blink (c94b05e), closes #4903
- plugins/plugin-client-common: table container should only be width:100% for table not display-as-grid (8f327cd), closes #4871
- plugins/plugin-client-common: top tab buttons should be owned by the top tab stripe (9a45c43), closes #4690
- plugins/plugin-core-support: UpdateChecker always reports that an update is available (7bcf6ea), closes #4918
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: kubectl explain subfields (8fee2bc), closes #4921
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: windows powershell fails to get default namespace (a5fb2e1), closes #4912
- don't blink yellow forever for kubectl events (a59ee86), closes #4869
- empty watch tables/grids should show 'No resources' (c0bfe99), closes #4884
- erratic scroll region behavior (be0e2a0), closes #4898
- improve hover effect for status stripe buttons (50ced8f), closes #4896
- page-content p should not use text-align: justify (2646f4b), closes #4908
- plugins/plugin-core-support: UpdateChecker tooltip should show available version (fa4f290), closes #4905
- remove augmentModuleLoadPath API (47dfcdf), closes #4839
- summary tab is not read-only for kubectl edit command (9f7ff82), closes #4809
- update AnimalApp dependences (b51e8db), closes #4835
- Update kubectl-kui location on macOS to Kui.app/Contents/Resources (91d16b4)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: sidecar does not resopnd to Escape reliably (cc27c4b), closes #4774 #4804
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: kubectl apply edit-last-applied freezes in kui (24a67da), closes #4808
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: kubectl apply set-last-applied does not work (9553907), closes #4844
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: kubectl watch tables may lack namespace breadcrumb (a0616c2), closes #4870
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: oc get projects does not allow user selection (3749371), closes #4805
- plugins/plugn-client-common: TopTabStripe stays blue after command execution completes (68f5841), closes #4883
- avoid using kui-custom command for switching kubectl namespace (43863f2), closes #4806
- pexecs serviced by now-removed splits fail (f6176a1), closes #4875
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Input can appear blank when processing (d6b6326), closes #4778
- plugins/plugin-client-common: LeftNavSidecar does not always reflect updated content (0f2e1e1), closes #4727 #4732
- plugins/plugin-client-common: long RadioTables should offer indication as to selectability of rows (02c9ea6), closes #4793
- plugins/plugin-client-common: stop using Carbon's TooltipIcon for DropDown (be04d20), closes #4767
- plugins/plugin-client-common: TabCompletion can throw a console error (4f877aa), closes #4785
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Terminal screenshot odd w.r.t. auto-focus (4b1c7d8), closes #4739
- plugins/plugin-client-common: TopNavSidecar tabs easily overflow with narrower windows (a555cd4), closes #4735
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: automatically abort idle PTYs (2638a65), closes #4742
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: get-namespace table sometimes doens't show the correct selected namespace (af66aa4), closes #4812
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: ImagePullBackoff should be considered a "red" state (198100d), closes #4734
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: kubectl logs -l with no matches yields internal error (ed0374f), closes #4811
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: Logs tab should have a default tail limit (d4cf08c), closes #4810 #4818
- about should show breadcrumbs (99dc401), closes #4730
- kubectl edit apply twice does not work (1976134), closes #4797
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: Terminal tab test incorrectly verifies k exec output (20ab362), closes #4802
- Input element throws react error (e6bb21b), closes #4765
- sidecar toolbar can't due justice to longer error messages (e67e0c9), closes #4789
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: status shows as Containercreating when it should be ContainerCreating (2c4a3b6), closes #4798
- allow user to disable table title by feature flags, and disable table pagination (5450512), closes #4640 #4655
- avoid excessive status stripe overheads when replaying Notebooks (58de9c0), closes #5635
- avoiding reopening the Welcome to Kui tab even after the user has closed it (6b0faff), closes #5673
- plugins/plugin-carbon-tables: pagination overflows when sidecar is open (87e6717), closes #3861
- plugins/plugin-client-common: dropdown in sidecar theming and spacing tweaks (1a48af3), closes #4680
- plugins/plugin-client-common: improve visibility of sidecar scrollbars (827d75a), closes #4667
- plugins/plugin-client-common: increase font size of status stripe (2fab637), closes #4698
- plugins/plugin-client-common: input element changes height with i-search and bottomInput (abf9890), closes #4685
- plugins/plugin-client-common: LeftNav sidecar nav column width inconsistency (17e403f), closes #4688
- plugins/plugin-client-common: LeftNavSidecar font size and layout issues (d9914f1), closes #4718 #4719
- plugins/plugin-client-common: move screenshot button out of status stripe (0ef900b), closes #4556
- plugins/plugin-client-common: PatternFly DropDown rendering glitches (8efedd8), closes #4649 #4651
- plugins/plugin-client-common: refine Loading component (7a07ad3), closes #4702
- plugins/plugin-client-common: reverse the dependency of Card and DropDown (00b8ecf), closes #4641
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Screenshot button should not be offered inBrowser (d1c2cfb), closes #4636
- plugins/plugin-client-common: session init done message messes up Terminal scrolling (7e80ac1), closes #4683
- plugins/plugin-client-common: sidecar toolbar text incorrectly aligned (ddd7460), closes #4659
- plugins/plugin-client-common: WatchPane has non-zero height even when empty (67a7070), closes #4629
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: auto-pause logs when user scrolls (94b85e6), closes #4668
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: ExecIntoPod's terminal is not theme-aligned (067cda3), closes #4722
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: helm help parsed usage incorrectly (b222da2), closes #4692
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: improve kubectl tab completion (734f9e5), closes #4704
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: k edit deploy has mysterious Pod tab (914df36), closes #4703
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: kubectl api-resources table should hide APIGROUP column with open sidecar (ee347fa), closes #4728
- avoid recomputing tabs when switching back and forth (cf5e41f), closes #4666
- container filter of logs tab shows accumulated logs from previous selection (08903b4), closes #4644 #4658
- improve error reporting for kubectl apply (fe21671), closes #4605
- place namespace breadcrumb first (5d3b2e4), closes #4699
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: remove kubectl edit cancel button (83179e8), closes #4695
- logs tab toolbar doesn't signify when pods are 404 (135e1be), closes #4646
- reduce No log data followed by log data behavior in kube logs (e1c0624), closes #4624
- sidecar container selection kebab has different color with its menu (639617a), closes #4676
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: i18n for No log data message (589a4cd), closes #4656
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: k edit -h does not open in sidecar (b6f68f8), closes #4661
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: kubectl logs tab has bad interleaving and cpu issues (1c7cf17), closes #4664 #4665
- control+w should not close window on linux and windows (f80c3e4), closes #4638
- improve accessibility of table in grid form (0ade4f7), closes #4601
- kubectl api-resources has duplicate rows and odd pagination behavior (e740270), closes #4626
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: remove Conditions tab (eac3705), closes #4606
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: remove Show Logs registration (382c685), closes #4603
- replace Containers with Logs tab (00e8786), closes #4603
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: add back configurable shell (b7fda6c)
- plugins/plugin-carbon-themers: bottom input can have poor color contrast (9a675f5), closes #4543
- plugins/plugin-carbon-themes: WatchPane has blueish cast (9130cd1), closes #4577
- plugins/plugin-client-common: don't use text-02 for finished Inputs (eb3e549), closes #4600
- plugins/plugin-client-common: DropDown theme alignment issues (ef75baf), closes #4618
- plugins/plugin-client-common: improved fix for sidecar not showing updates (19153a7), closes #4524
- plugins/plugin-client-common: more DropDown theming fixes (7d874a6), closes #4618
- plugins/plugin-client-common: RadioTable in some dark themes has poor contrast for sub-text (a94b8c2), closes #4541
- plugins/plugin-client-common: RadioTable should use @badge-only mixin (3c327cc), closes #4552
- plugins/plugin-client-common: reverse-i-search text too small (e488662), closes #4616
- plugins/plugin-client-default: disable cluster utilization status stripe widget (353cbfd), closes #4613
- improve color contrast of charts in light themes (9a60197), closes #4597
- kubectl top node should show % text (f861b76), closes #4598
- plugins/plugin-client-common: carbon breadcrumb secondary text color (23711f6), closes #4575
- plugins/plugin-client-common: PatternFly RadioTable impl lacks header and proper column alignment (a432728), closes #4528
- plugins/plugin-client-common: RadioTable UI improvements for PatternFly (1489310), closes #4539
- plugins/plugin-client-common: tweaks to WatchPane layout and typogrpahy (a716bdc), closes #4549
- plugins/plugin-client-common: WatchPane spacing fixes (b3bd998), closes #4547
- plugins/plugin-client-common: with reverse-i-search many errors in console on key press (794a2d0), closes #4564
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: inconsistent capitalization of breadcrumbs (963b166), closes #4607
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: k get events -w bombs (20c2caf), closes #4557
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: kubectl create secret hangs yellow (e11dbb8), closes #4571
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: kubectl describe -h has old bold text (b31d066), closes #4568
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: kubectl get --all-namespaces --watch does not update (663a972), closes #4581
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: kubectl Show Events query not precise enough (eda6b38), closes #4572
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: revert to editor-based Summary tab (3ecd638), closes #4594
- clicking on container name in details sidecar should add -c to logs command (61c7c08), closes #4498
- improve alignment of icons (221d0f9), closes #4555
- improve alignment of Terminal timestamp (c361f85), closes #4587
- PaginatedTable fails at distinguishing the rowKeys of
k get --all-namespaces
table (6658729), closes #4579 - patternfly Navigation missing theme alignment (047f292), closes #4399
- productName in carbon theme shouldn't have hover effect (3159cd9), closes #4592
- some UI elements missing from editor UI (797f527), closes #4582
- TopNavSidecar does not always show updates (251e5c4), closes #4524
- packages/core: pry-client fails when an external kui client doesn't have invisible-global-input in index.html (b835ffb), closes #4505
- plugin-kubectl: k get pods --all-namespaces has a title with "default" as the namespace (2f95129), closes #4466
- plugin-kubectl: kubectl get error-type -w doesn't fail fast (4ccb733), closes #4491
- plugin/plugin-client-common: improvements for patternfly icons (8941dd0), closes #4471
- plugins/plugi-patternfly4-themes: add missing sans 500 font-weight (56c2f76), closes #4389
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: avoid using login shell for PTYs (a0ec1a4), closes #1247 #1425
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: fix url regex (a97b249)
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: PTY performance tweaks by removing !important css (3e1f8e7), closes #4412
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: small visual glitch in PTY, blocks oddly shift sometimes (bb2119e), closes #4406
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: update plugin-bash-like dependencies (48f8d59), closes #4400
- plugins/plugin-carbon-themes: missing import of medium font weight (cd13b65), closes #4320
- plugins/plugin-client-common: avoid patternfly breadcrumb wrap when used in sidecar (00ee158), closes #4431
- plugins/plugin-client-common: breadcrumb fonts can be too large, and double zoom (2e1ce11), closes #4519
- plugins/plugin-client-common: components choice does not reset to default on theme switch (1434f8b), closes #4423
- plugins/plugin-client-common: don't use a bright color for terminal prompt (0d97d98), closes #4427
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Eval component throws console errors (2c52dfb), closes #4462
- plugins/plugin-client-common: improve color contrast of green badges in sidecar (f65be60), closes #4370
- plugins/plugin-client-common: improved rendering of markdown links (3cbe638), closes #4448
- plugins/plugin-client-common: in narrow windows, TabContent window buttons collide with sidecar window buttons (d377254), closes #4459
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Markdown can fail for headings with nested links (995b129), closes #4468
- plugins/plugin-client-common: move leftover carbon scss import for CodeSnippet spi (f8513ef), closes #4483
- plugins/plugin-client-common: override carbon's -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased (c114252), closes #4414
- plugins/plugin-client-common: radio table font size and zooming issues (6a9d4e7), closes #4521
- plugins/plugin-client-common: remove radio support from PaginatedTable (5bf052e), closes #4515
- plugins/plugin-client-common: sidecar breadcrumb font too small (506b6a4), closes #4499
- optimize kubectl watch load on apiserver (3f7a32f), closes #4494
- plugins/plugin-client-common: remove use of carbon <Content/> from LeftNavSidecar (b0fcd3e), closes #4464
- plugins/plugin-client-common: sidecar toolbar button svgs are not themed (327d01d), closes #4372
- plugins/plugin-client-common: sidecar window buttons oddly shift when sidecar is maximized (bbf7ecd), closes #4374
- plugins/plugin-client-common: some status stripe icons are not vertically centered (595eec7), closes #4404
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Table paginator does not allow traversal to last page (1916d9d), closes #4358
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: add missing test for get with not found (3e77689), closes #4492
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: cache kind canonicalization lookup (e351a5f), closes #4489
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: kubectl get table with mix of existing and non-existing (8d98d15), closes #4492
- clicking on certain links in kubectl help result in odd behavior (035894b), closes #4473
- hitting escape on initial page load toggles open empty sidecar (8fbdce5), closes #4487
- improve contrast of cyan in Patternfly4 Light theme (3267e89), closes #4480
- plugins/plugin-patternfly4-themes: darken status stripe (17d7dbc), closes #4402
- plugins/plugin-patternfly4-themes: patternfly link hover effect color has low contrast (c8f4a99), closes #4475
- improve handling of narrower windows (7a32591), closes #4181
- js and ts files do not get syntax coloring (d66e71f), closes #4450
- make inBrowserOk the default (2a3c811), closes #4275
- pty/client performance tweaks (d86458c), closes #4397
- remove unsed fields from client.json (a55b1f1), closes #4296
- use 30/70 split for LeftNavSidecar (9a43d0b), closes #4454 #4455
- plugins/plugin-client-common: remove background color from tables in light themes (87651e0), closes #4421
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Table loads before breadcrumbs, oddly (cb8a97d), closes #4385
- plugins/plugin-client-default: remove unused fields from name.json (6f99959), closes #4294
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: CurrentContext widget shows "default" for openshift clusters (59712c0), closes #4347
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: kubectl explain Overview tab not formatted as expected (ffa9183), closes #4304
- plugins/plugin-patternfly4-themes: improve contrast of active tab color (afbbd05), closes #4429
- plugins/plugin-patternfly4-themes: overpass-mono font has odd line height (75c7a01), closes #4392
- plugins/plugin-patternfly4-themes: patternfly4 dark does not show background color for selected nav menu (1467f83), closes #4439
- Plugins/plugin-patternfly4-themes: improve color contrast of blue, yellow, and green (a296e9c), closes #4394
- ibmcloud plugin list does not list unofficial plugins (303fa00), closes #4339
- multiple kubectl help/usage bugs (ebba36e), closes #4342
- multiple tab completion bugs (5513712), closes #4281
- prompt text alignment issues (75a3efe), closes #4368
- PTY behaves oddly when switching tabs (700cdda), closes #2579
- remove config.d/version.json in favor of using the version field from package.json (1e296c7), closes #4300
- remove invalid bodyCss fields in config.d/style.json (99a92ab), closes #4307
- remove limits.json from client config.d (3ae2201), closes #4292
- remove unused fields from config.d/style.json (ab7278a), closes #4298
- sidecar views do not respect tab-specificity (5a1cae2), closes #4362
- update ibmcloud plugin compilation to use client version (99d160e), closes #4359
- packages/core: another undefined use of Electron (ba679d3), closes #4187
- packages/core: broken open external link support (cd5b21c), closes #4197
- packages/core: console error when launching production electron builds (b0319ae), closes #4187
- packages/proxy: proxy docker container needs style-src: 'unsafe-inline' (89c33e2), closes #4261
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: remove leftover debug in client.ts (adbe87e), closes #4224
- plugins/plugin-carbon-themes: optimize loading of plex fonts (aa833b1), closes #3831
- plugins/plugin-client-common: links in LeftNavSidecar should not have horizontal padding (233aae6), closes #4337
- plugins/plugin-client-common: escape key should not toggle open closed sidecar (bfa96ed), closes #4218
- plugins/plugin-client-common: topTabNames property does not always obey theme (c79f9f8), closes #4314
- Plugins/plugin-client-common: Tab.tsx throws console error for new users (14d8895), closes #4318
- plugins/plugin-client-default: remove unused tables.json (56082b9), closes #4290
- plugins/plugin-ibmcloud: certain ibmcloud commands do not function with "ibmcloud" in defaultContext (1d87981), closes #4335
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: kubectl edit should support editing a list of resources (4cd4d43), closes #4555
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: update deprecated import of uuid (5de8d4d), closes #4316
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: we shouldn't render namespace widget when the namespace is empty in kube config (98a9406), closes #4274
- simplify handling of opengraph META (ff3c0de), closes #4288
- packages/builder: remove leftover debugging output from kubectl powershell script (de50054), closes #4248
- packages/builder: win32 electron build breakage (af894d6), closes #4246
- plugins/plugin-carbon-themes: popup > prompt not visible in carbon gray 10 theme (469b6c0), closes #4267
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Breadcrumbs in Sidecar can clip at higher font zoom levels (3b381d7), closes #4230
- plugins/plugin-client-common: ctrl+l does not clear screen in popup mode (33fcd82), closes #4269
- plugins/plugin-client-common: in popup mode, make sure repl is visible after command execution (0134952), closes #4183
- plugins/plugin-client-common: prompt can oddly shift to left with large font sizes (10c91f0), closes #4231
- plugins/plugin-core-support: Terminal accordion svgs don't font zoom (80caabd), closes #4240
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: avoid use of /s regexp (9468304), closes #4259
prompt text has poor vertical alignment (9a796b3), closes #4237
- a few more tweaks to prompt (7bf658a), closes #4250
- add support for hiding elements at higher zoom levels (7d2a7e0), closes #4232
- eliminate complex nesting of NavResponse model (e849ae7), closes #4205
- reverse-i-search text should be monospace (4c0bd05), closes #4254
- sidecar Toolbar component renders empty if there is no Toolbar content (14c27ba), closes #4229
- plugins/plugin-client-common: escape key close both Confirm and the Sidecar (f9739ec), closes #4215
- plugins/plugin-client-common: escape should not toggle sidecar visibility in popup mode (2d9b36b), closes #4211
- plugins/plugin-client-common: repeated ctrl+r does not continue active reverse-i-search (4e292cc), closes #4216
- plugins/plugin-client-common: sidecar history should respect PWD (b122cc1), closes #4202
- plugins/plugin-client-common: with narrow windows, hide sidecar resize thumb (a7c72e8), closes #4179
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: firefox does not support the /s flag to RegExp (5b661a6), closes #4206
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: kubectl explain -h should render as usage in sidecar (8e00c3f), closes #4211
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: kubectl top nodes can present "NaN" (30df3dd), closes #4189
- plugins/plugin-proxy-support: fixed env for proxy executor (c8de22b)
- font zooming issues (5442532), closes #4176 #4177
- the colors of status badges: Error, ImagePullBackOff and ErrImagePull are incorrect (fd206f6), closes #4171
- plugins/plugin-carbon-themes: carbon themes have dead css rules (4d6fce6), closes #4096
- plugins/plugin-client-common: captured screenshots sometimes have residual sepia tones (97172c6), closes #4170
- plugins/plugin-client-common: combine top toolbar and header of PaginatedTable UI (3e1a1a7), closes #4131
- plugins/plugin-client-common: table bottom toolbar missing grid buttons, poor alignment and height (44e1018), closes #4133
- plugins/plugin-client-default: add missing newline in about text (4fcc9d7), closes #4168
- ensure kubectl Delete toolbar button appears at far right (9eb3079), closes #4116
- headless build script has outdated use of jq (f892e53), closes #4163
- plugins/plugin-client-common: tooltips can render below other UI elements (6dd4808), closes #4159
- lighten up the PaginatedTable UI (eccf23b), closes #4155
- plugins/plugin-client-common: captured screenshots can show hover effect (d48370b), closes #4153
- plugins/plugin-client-common: TopNavSidecar renders poorly with narrower windows (4be1068), closes #4095
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: ensure Show Owner button appears near end of toolbar buttons (224c586), closes #4124
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: kubectl api-resources table shows 'unknown' in title (0461710), closes #4145
- table status grid layout seems buggy (7da6ff3), closes #4143
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: kubectl watch tables can be misparsed (cb3e1c2), closes #4139
- proxy still runs http-allocate-cert even if NO_DOCKER is set (5267e52), closes #4137
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: in kube namespace table, selected namespace should float to top (f0e597f), closes #4129
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: more refinements to Form layout heuristics (e92327d), closes #4118
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: remove leftover debugging printf in kubectl help (39ab52f), closes #4083
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: watch table doesn't have breadcrumbs title (43fbe6a), closes #4135
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: watcher table disappears when kui is launched as kubectl plugin (167eabc), closes #4120 #4123
- breadcrumb in TopNavSidecar isn't zoomable (2642f39), closes #4091
- broken ico icons (d018404), closes #3947
- improve color contrast of wskflow (fa8630b), closes #4071
- integrate "production" kubectl-kui scripts into electron tarball (f22720d), closes #4045
- STATUS cell not centered when sidecar is open (4fb507a), closes #4059
- status stripe refinements (1394043), closes #4069 #4069
- plugins/plugin-carbon-themes: poor color contrast in carbon gray 10 sidecar (1d79239), closes #4053
- plugins/plugin-client-common: badge/STATUS column is always monospace (b53e8f9), closes #4056
- plugins/plugin-client-common: css regression of sidecar-header in popup mode (6112f94), closes #4061
- plugins/plugin-client-common: input element clips with larger font sizes (c62678b), closes #4026
- CurrentGitBranch fails if branch name parses as a number (a3d8127), closes #4004
- Form component sometimes has too-small TextInputs (21d841d), closes #4036
- helm on its own should render in sidecar (4b82517), closes #4010
- improve contrast of table Pagination component in light themes (41246c3), closes #4038
- when sidecar is open, only show status badge, not status text (3214db2), closes #4058
- packages/builder: kui-babel might not transpile subdirectories (558f72f), closes #3995
- packages/core: leftover debugging output in core/repl/exec (7a8b6b8), closes #3997
- plugin-client-common: PaginatedTable clicks on page N+1 activate handlers on first page (f5f6045), closes #3999
- plugins/plugin-client-common: improve Screenshot UI (bc2102a), closes #3734
- plugins/plugin-client-common: yellow badges in sidecar have low contrast (325d23f), closes #4050
- improve Form layout (2003622), closes #4034
- plugins/plugin-client-common: improve consistency of button hover effects (2e96c8c), closes #3986
- plugins/plugin-client-common: live tables too thin when sidecar is open (ccd41f0), closes #4029 #4031
- plugins/plugin-core-support: about shows wrong breadcrumbs (aa05182), closes #3972
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: kubectl describe (--help) fails (10b8e8a), closes #4012
- improve contrast of top tab stripe versus sidecar title stripe (ee9eb63), closes #3956
- improve kubectl breadcrumb detection (6cacfe6), closes #4099
- improve presentation with narrow windows (cb23c63), closes #3954
- improved color contrast in bottom stripe light themes (on hover) (58681b8), closes #4081
- kubectl summary form clipping (7ea65e8), closes #4093
- kubectl summary Form TextInputs can be cropped (3becaf9), closes #4077
- pass argvNoOptions and ParsedOptions to FunctionThatProducesContent (aaa3c42), closes #3962
- Popup client should place InputStripe inside of StatusStripe (a09138d), closes #3949
- remove use of inline styling in Form.tsx (23121b2), closes #4112
- tables overflow horizontally when sidecar is open (2d6bc95), closes #4016
- tekton Step nodes show with hashed background (8428d72), closes #4114
- packages/builder: kui-compile does not work in external clients (3ef193a), closes #3993
- packages/core: eliminate spurious console error messages (30e5ad7), closes #3906
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: pty output with non-zero exit code results in wall of red text (4b6fe8e), closes #3939
- plugins/plugin-carbon-tables: improve radio button UI (fdca8bc), closes #3869
- plugins/plugin-carbon-tables: PaginatedTable always paginates (7101c92), closes #3903
- plugins/plugin-carbon-tables: Pagination border-top color theme alignment (6d67b3a), closes #3879
- plugins/plugin-carbon-tables: prevent horizontal scrollbars on paginated table container (5d622c0), closes #3931
- plugins/plugin-carbon-tables: sidecar table shows 20 rows at maximum even without pagination (0a2191d), closes #3890
- plugins/plugin-carbon-themes: improve contrast of blue colors in sidecar (e788692), closes #3885
- plugins/plugin-client-common: active PTY easily loses focus (8ca12e8), closes #3945
- plugins/plugin-client-common: closing first tab can close entire window (6ef836d), closes #3896
- plugins/plugin-client-common: horizontal scrollbar can flash on and off (3c26eca), closes #3937
- plugins/plugin-client-common: improve Markdown styling of ul (e60d592), closes #3865
- plugins/plugin-client-common: LeftNavSidecar does not support font zooming (7008857), closes #4001
- plugins/plugin-client-common: reduce size of sidecar window buttons (79336ad), closes #4074
- plugins/plugin-client-common: shorten top tabs (da02499), closes #3872
- plugins/plugin-client-common: small tweaks to h3 headers in Markdown content (3eee334), closes #3918
- plugins/plugin-client-common: SplitPane layout issues with electron 7 (b81b75d), closes #3914
- plugins/plugin-client-default: cwd+w should close popup windows (dfad325), closes #3895
- plugins/plugin-client-default: load Popup.tsx via React.lazy (f77c2a3), closes #3908
- plugins/plugin-client-default: Popup's placeholder text modification should only listen to commands from user (5bf83fd), closes #3910
- plugins/plugin-git: CurrentGitBranch widget can produce spurious console error messages (705de4e), closes #3941
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: oc describe fails (4f4de4e), closes #4008
- plugins/plugin-sidecar: when nameHash is displayed, TopNavSidecar doesn't render the dehashed name (ef887f4), closes #3969
- multiple fixes for screenshot toast notification UI (8725e0b), closes #3933
- pass argvNoOptions and ParsedOptions to button function (3d86375), closes #3977
- plugins/plugin-client-default: Popup LeftNav content has too much padding (194f975), closes #3912
- plugins/plugin-core-support: each time about opens, another Configure menu is added (6f1dac2), closes #3934
- plugins/plugin-sidecar: don't focus on LeftNavSidecar tabs on click (8ea3507), closes #3964
- plugins/plugin-sidecar: improve text contrast of LeftNavSidecar links (5990f80), closes #3929
- plugins/plugin-wskflow: bump jquery to 3.5.0 (6ace265), closes #4399
- plugins/plugni-client-common: improve contrast of Toolbar tooltips (a167f3b), closes #4108
- a few more color contrast issues with inverted sidecar themes (f0f36d5), closes #3874
- a few small tweaks for "short" tables in sidenav (6609e6d), closes #3923
- cmd+w doesn't closes the window when there's only 1 tab (f2868a9), closes #3884
- core defaultContext logic assumes existence if @kui-shell/client (a8a32cf), closes #3849
- disable pagination and use word-break in sidecar sidecar carbon-tables (8d4ff4f), closes #3882
- paginated tables always take up full width (f0fe792), closes #3859
- plugin-client-command/default are publishing tsbuildinfo (0ad3f2a), closes #3846
- TabContent constructor sometimes calls this.setState (5a72470), closes #3844
- table model should not allow raw HTML Node (39c87ce), closes #3785
- packages/core: avoid using webview theme preinjection (cb5455e), closes #3809
- packages/core: bootIntoSandbox doesn't call domReady correctly (cbb7186), closes #3847
- packages/core: eliminate static dependence on client config (328f505), closes #3817
- packages/core: set inBrowser for bootIntoSandbox flows (61ef43f), closes #3840
- packges/core: bootIntoSandbox should call assertInSandbox (ccf47a4), closes #3856
- plugin-sidecar: React doesn't re-instantiate PaginatedTable for tabs located in the same LeftNav (283a525), closes #3837 #3839
- plugins/plugin-carbon-tables: isSelected should not be of type string (8a13f02), closes #3791
- plugins/plugin-carbon-tables: LivePaginatedTable does not properly update header (106e722), closes #3795
- plugins/plugin-carbon-themes: color contrast issues in carbon gray 10 (0211b54), closes #3775
- plugins/plugin-carbon-themes: reduce load time burden of ibm-plex fonts (49c1f60), closes #3831
- plugins/plugin-client-common: active+processing tab is not properly colored (56bc759), closes #3827
- plugins/plugin-client-common: clear console should restore active prompt value (23afefd), closes #3797
- plugins/plugin-client-common: improve focus preservation of active prompt (1ef2153), closes #3805
- plugins/plugin-client-common: inBrowser, prompt should be basename (f47d03c), closes #3815
- plugins/plugin-client-common: re-implement "sidecar-visible" attribute of Terminal (6d280ab), closes #3833
- plugins/plugin-client-common: stop using value prop for uncontrolled input element (fdbfaff), closes #3778
- plugins/plugin-client-common: top tabs disappear with narrower windows (4184247), closes #3842
- plugins/plugin-core-support: clicking on rows of theme table results in onccuous console error message (942e800), closes #3779
- plugins/plugin-sandbox: incorrect package.json name (a9d2243), closes #3854
- a few more color contrast issues with inverted sidecars (0776df7), closes #3835
- eliminate use of custom <tab> tag (00e2728), closes #3777
- LeftNavSidecar fails silently for MMR with plain text mode (56e3053), closes #3823
- plugins/plugin-client-common: improve error handling of Scalar.tsx (53cd8e5), closes #3781
- plugins/plugin-sidecar: eliminate the warning message in the javascript console when LeftNavSidecar opens (4418e04), closes #3821
- some code is dependent on the existence of static config files (cdc6487), closes #3813
- packages/builder: kui-compile still points to old theme/css (a72a339), closes #3520
- packages/builder: remove old local-proxy.html file (7ecd156), closes #3573
- packages/builder: remove outdated builder examples (31a96f5), closes #3568
- packages/builder: remove outdated plugin-sample (8af1712), closes #1361
- packages/core: add Partial around our use of YargsParser.Configuration (e77fac9), closes #3499
- packages/core: cell onclick should be on inner (45d2975), closes #3518
- packages/core: disable period meter updates (eda6113), closes #3503
- packages/core: further improvements to status stripe bootstrapping (360280e), closes #3538
- packages/core: in-repl inputs should remain disabled in bottom input mode (d72f03a), closes #3522
- packages/core: incorrect sidecar content may be presented (a808976), closes #3589
- packages/core: MMR rendering is glitchy (5ce89aa), closes #3589
- packages/core: onclicks in sidecar tables result in odd behavior (b6f4aa3), closes #3571
- packages/core: override carbon's line-height:1 (28a3918), closes #3524
- packages/core: preloader reports error if plugin has partial preload (f01e93f), closes #3505
- packages/core: repl input has ellision but odd scrolling with open sidecar (b456763), closes #3539
- packages/core: status stripe fragments should be hidden until data arrives (5792746), closes #3538
- packages/core: status stripe icons not always vertically aligned (e505550), closes #3489
- packages/core: table updates should (sometimes) scroll into view (62e9a46), closes #3510
- packages/core: update bottom input UI to avoid large right-pad (c313224), closes #3541
- packages/core: webview-based theme injection can result in errors (e7a18a1), closes #3590
- plugins/plugin-client-default: improve table layout for radio tables (75e1e70), closes #3596
- plugins/plugin-core-support: clicking on theme name should not change theme (71f7fd2), closes #3804
- carbon themes should pull in plex fonts (dbf623e), closes #3533
- configure.js sometimes failed at loading client definition assets during webpack-build (ac0690b), closes #3527
- eliminate the the use of symlink of adding css files to build stage (dad4987), closes #3567
- exclude all but woff2 fonts for electron builds (bf28c49), closes #3550
- improved fixes for status bar (05f5f7d), closes #3538 #3543
- plugin-client-default should have dependency of plugin-client-common (41fe2f5), closes #3583
- reverse-i-search does not always terminate with current completion (e05d905), closes #3799
- packages/webpack: build-docker regression on non-mac platforms (a3eb001), closes #3565
- plugins/plugin-carbon-themes: carbon themes should import ibm-plex.css (629bb32), closes #3512
- plugins/plugin-carbon-themes: sidecar table contrast issue fix in carbon gray10 (f329537)
- remove SFMono font hacks (c386581), closes #3556
- status stripe UI fixes to work better across themes (2aa107f), closes #3507
- travis failed at npm publish to @dev on master merge request (3f9e8df), closes #3535
- webpack build tarCopy falsefully excludes a theme directory (3800794), closes #3516
- packages/core: about can render with low contrast text (0cda927), closes #3477
- packages/core: allow specifying yargs Configuration in options.flags (f9d24bd), closes #3469
- packages/core: avoid double scanning for plugins (551c648), closes #3424
- packages/core: fix memory leak in table push notification (d36a53b), closes #3467
- packages/core: improved fix for command lookup versus n-ary opts (6350762), closes #3427
- packages/core: in 10.15, SFMono fonts are in a new location (be81008), closes #3432
- packages/core: ls grid layout tweaks (273947f), closes #3480
- packages/core: missing tooltip on sidecar maximize/minimize buttons (864c79e), closes #2883
- packages/core: restore CommandStringContent as one of FunctionThatProducesContent types (1e32b93), closes #3687
- packages/test: runMochaLayersv2.sh should export WEBPACK_CLIENT_URL (14fcdc9), closes #3407
- packages/webpack: don't ignore fsevents entirely in webpack (eec4843), closes #3402
- packages/webpack: store generated webpack bundles under contextRoot (7aa074d), closes #3418
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: another fix for nested pty execution, in electron (5274532), closes #3493
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: clean up nested PTY execution path (5cb3cc0), closes #3493
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: default to powershell not cmd on windows (e7d50e2), closes #3442
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: ls versus tab switching (79473fa), closes #3485
- don't default to ls -l (5a5b426), closes #3473
- improve job capture to tabs (e014e36), closes #3363
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: export with no args error handling (d3e62b3), closes #2894
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: fix memory leak in pty/client (afeb29e), closes #3465
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: multiple PTYs per tab (5a62dc8), closes #3453
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: pty should not use yaml heuristics when in alt buffer mode (de048d5), closes #3459
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: speed up date formatting in ls (1e54a17), closes #3461
- Plugins/plugin-carbon-tables: Pagination UI can overflow offscreen (28ff7ff), closes #3773
- plugins/plugin-carbon-themes: carbon themes do not fully apply (1659157), closes #3740
- plugins/plugin-client-common: clean up screenshot notification UI (9ddec1a), closes #3699
- plugins/plugin-client-common: improve error handling of hackFocus (a16b680), closes #3769
- plugins/plugin-client-common: improve Scalar renderer error handling (c42fd6a), closes #3765
- plugins/plugin-client-common: improved fix for status stripe icon spacing (fe9eab2), closes #3724
- plugins/plugin-client-common: keyboard shortcuts for TopTabStripe aren't working (24d074f), closes #3643
- plugins/plugin-client-common: misaligned svgs in paginated table (7a201c2), closes #3702
- plugins/plugin-client-common: odd border-left in prompt for light themes (a9f8af3), closes #3752
- plugins/plugin-client-common: remove old min-width-date-like css class (b075b7b), closes #3767
- plugins/plugin-client-common: screenshot notification never goes away (9a8ad4f), closes #3705
- plugins/plugin-client-common: status stripe left-pad missing (58d0613), closes #3724
- plugins/plugin-client-common: streaming output does not scroll terminal (63891d6), closes #3760
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Tab uses strings rather than numbers for Close16 dimensions (786447c), closes #3771
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Tab.tsx does not render "processing" state (1ae0ab5), closes #3646
- plugins/plugin-client-common: text-selection is not working in repl (5672e02), closes #3738 #3739 #3741
- plugins/plugin-client-common: When command completes, TopTab doesn't change the process state (f8139ac), closes #3707
- plugins/plugin-core-support: remove old unused css (e04536f), closes #3748
- plugins/plugin-core-support: repl screenshot button does not capture streaming output (a4aa544), closes #3606
- plugins/plugin-core-support: tab completion of "interior" text is buggy (b13cdb7), closes #3605
- plugins/plugin-editor: Editor component should be readOnly for non-files (b537d5c), closes #3641
- plugins/plugin-proxy-support: proxy offline indicicator shows up in electron clients (783b304), closes #3747
- plugins/plugin-sidecar: don't focus on TopNavSidecar tabs on click (856afbd), closes #3714
- plugins/plugin-sidecar: implement support for Badges as functions (4c1d7e0), closes #3789
- plugins/plugin-sidecar: lazily load monaco-editor (03892a5), closes #3746
- plugins/plugin-sidecar: LeftNavSidecar appears too wide (2d0c30b), closes #3677
- plugins/plugin-sidecar: LeftNavSidecar should not minimize on Escape (dd9eaff), closes #3776
- plugins/plugin-sidecar: poor hover colors for not-selected tabs (f927c9e), closes #3763
- plugins/plugin-sidecar: regressions about defaultMode and order (b146efb), closes #3710 #3709
- plugins/plugin-sidecar: sidecar un-minimize bug after click-minimize (9910929), closes #3758
- improve contextRoot support for webpack (7b48781), closes #3413
- improve watch push API typing (b9fe949), closes #3457
- more inverted sidecar fixes (5316c66), closes #3756
- pick a winner if more than one tab completion enumerator has offerings (fbd6696), closes #3736
- port filesystem tab completion to tab completion API (df4ee2f), closes #3446 #2403 #3447
- reducing flashing effect for PTY command not found errors (f160337), closes #3449
- reimplement ls using filesystem APIs (7eec254), closes #2702 #1304
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: fix windows git bash pty regression (654d320), closes #3442
- update strip-ansi to the latest (a725ffc), closes #3438
- packages/core: add missing marked dependence in packages/core (a1eac24), closes #2997
- packages/core: add ParsedOptions to light Commands api (15e0bec), closes #3224
- packages/core: allow for lighter-weight imports of Commands API (b36c98c), closes #3222
- packages/core: command lookup does not correctly handling n-ary options (a7e45fb), closes #3427
- packages/core: i18n module should support numeric parmaeters (26f18f8), closes #3384
- packages/core: plugin assembler has a path separator assumption (4214641), closes #3326
- packages/core: sidecar header shouldn't display createdOn in old subtext position (57e7d24), closes #3383
- packages/core: sidecar markdown should not have padding for ``` blocks (43da4c9), closes #3393
- packages/core: toolbar text anchor text has low contrast (4e96060), closes #3395
- packages/webpack: electron packager versus node-pty binaries (5397577), closes #3381
- plugins/plugin-editor: pin monac-editor-webpack-plugin dep (dffb4aa), closes #3387
- add 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*' to webpack dev server config (fdb18c1), closes #3324
- another attempt to not-modify a package-lock.json (70ea4ea), closes #3205
- another fix for codecov (0b10599), closes #3217
- collect codecov for plugin assembler (7a0a48c), closes #3284
- electron cross-builds for win32 on linux hosts do not avoid asar (f4adf00), closes #3336
- fixup paths for codecov (ceddddd), closes #3217
- improve npm release stage (a0745ae), closes #3208
- improve windows build support (cacd68b), closes #3332
- incorrect nodejs "engine" spec (d091aeb), closes #3320
- kui session is noop in electron mode (80f8690), closes #3330
- kui-watch-webpack should just watch webpack, not build (ece3623), closes #3377
- optimize webpack bundle loading (e2f473a), closes #3359
- overlapping clien-to-proxy requests can lead to parse errors (ebcf5ed), closes #3314
- port over carbon-gray90 (IBM-Dark) updates to clients/alternate (dfc4ae5), closes #3183
- propagate statusCode back from the proxy (275240a), closes #3318
- packages/builder: improve color contrast of about in Dark theme (2e1b2f8), closes #3301
- packages/builder: support cross-builds of electron clients (27b5b8f), closes #3304
- packages/core: CommandOptions type not exported (d9a58d6), closes #3230
- packages/core: current selection versus MetadataBearingByReference (4c78a34), closes #3228
- packages/core: duplicate version badges (6842318), closes #3232
- packages/core: name click handlers are sticky (bba60e9), closes #3242
- packages/core: no sidecar title wrapping with namehash (e85b9ee), closes #3238
- packages/core: remove old EntitySpec support (e45fb7b), closes #3268
- packages/core: remove some old table formatting code (d95df43), closes #3282
- packages/core: remove unused parts of Response data type (2eecec1), closes #3272
- plugins/plugin-core-support: getting started text is stretched in non-English (1413a26)
- plugins/plugin-editor: remove leftover use of old
API (be6c50c), closes #3310 - reduce expense of preloader on webapp init (00b87c0), closes #3286
- remove package-lock from publishers/s3 (4a9d7a1), closes #3205
- travis doesn't push macOS build to the cos bucket (4ef695c), closes #3265
- packages/builder: electron builder versus external clients (cbc1d37), closes #3119
- packages/core: add TableStyle and Cell to exported table-models API (fa67b80), closes #3149
- packages/core: adjust REPL tables to be a bit more standard (e2b8d17), closes #3036
- packages/core: avoid "custom" in the sidecar "kind" display (b9ddcd1), closes #3059 #3061
- packages/core: broken clickable resource names for CLIs that don't have a kui plugin (3c0f8ae), closes #2888
- packages/core: drilldown versus back button race condition (3405b37), closes #3114
- packages/core: eliminate repl/exec -> spawn-electron import path (10d0e77), closes #3014
- packages/core: fix for low-level bug in resolver.resolve (c84c03b), closes #3050
- packages/core: inconsistent horizontal padding in popup tables (3c52c19), closes #3048
- packages/core: isHTML fails if input is null (eecdbac), closes #3019
- packages/core: kui hangs if prescan references non-existent plugin (aff7c8c), closes #3018
- packages/core: MultiModalResponse can have duplicate tabs (69d5c4d), closes #3088
- packages/core: multimodalresponse does not display buttons (8c4e31a), closes #3098
- packages/core: poor popup table cell spacing (1d34eeb), closes #3026
- packages/core: popup kind displays CUSTOM for tables (71e6279), closes #3052
- packages/core: remove debugging printf from core popup (13fe320), closes #3073
- packages/core: remove electron-context-menu dependence (87f72c0), closes #3064 #3014
- packages/core: remove leftover console.trace (5ecf90a), closes #3003
- packages/core: remove use of "open" npm (9501948), closes #3090
- packages/core: spinner color should follow brand palette (37488dd), closes #2987
- plugins/plugin-core-support: command
returns console error (0a6c140), closes #2893 - plugins/plugin-editor: fix sidecar editor tooltip contrast issue (3b612a2)
- plugins/plugin-k8s: fix helm get notes in sidecar (04c245e)
- improve plugin install (67e007c), closes #3057
- remove CSP from clients/base (73274f2), closes #3069
- packages/core: update sidecar tables to match #3037 (4329e24), closes #3045
- plugins/plugin-editor: syntax coloring not always active (2f565bf), closes #3043
- plugins/plugin-k8s: clicking Previous Log Tab in browser issues _kubectl command in REPL (de8356b), closes #3040
- plugins/plugin-manager: minor alignment issue with ora checkmarks (6932f9b), closes #3032
- plugins/plugin-manager: plugin install fails if symlink does not exist (2df4027), closes #3062
- about contexts tab is non-functional (c0b61b6), closes #2890
- allow KUI_COMMAND_CONTEXT env var to override default theme setting (817f99d), closes #3009
- remove k8s command prefix for kube commands (3c53806), closes #3008
- revert to webpack 4.40 (141a407), closes #3005
- some long-standing issues with table display in headless mode (841d5d3), closes #3034
- use carbon gray10 as default theme for clients/base (b5d277d), closes #3054
- plugins/plugin-k8s: latest and previous logs labels are translated but not externalized (15cd56f), closes #3038
- plugins/plugin-manager: use ora for plugin remove (3da0e44), closes #3029 #3028
- update pack.sh to work better in travis (ce8d5f6), closes #2985
- packages/core: improve rendering of popup mode (3501a51), closes #2983
- packages/core: improve sidecar button behavior (80c00fe), closes #3165 #3166
- packages/core: improve support for pretty-printed names in MMR (e7ee814), closes #3136
- packages/core: mimic-dom should mimic sessionStorage (52b3aaa), closes #2981
- packages/core: mmr couldn't show up when the sidecar is minimized (91cd2cc), closes #3164
- packages/core: mmr show does not pass through full resource on all paths (63c89ea), closes #3181
- packages/core: on repl.exec error, emit errors to debug channel (64347ee), closes #3178
- packages/core: onclickSilence not completely silent for MultiModalResponse (4480e3f), closes #3162
- packages/core: process clientRequired plugins before clientHosted plugins (fcc3bd0), closes #3191
- packages/core: sidecar auto-close on delete versus metadata bearing (0a45fe0), closes #3244
- packages/core: sidecar basic function should not require plugins (07aa3e3), closes #3172
- packages/test: nameHash waitUntil does not use waitTimeout (5c996f4), closes #3246
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: open should not use kedit (2548998), closes #3199
- plugins/plugin-editor: editor does not use metadata.name (7578ec2), closes #3240
- clients/base should not have hard-wired kui-packs deps (22b9936), closes #2972
- clients/base should symlink default/theme rather than hard copy (bfd2cf3), closes #3152
- eliminate assumptions that "default" is the default kube namespace (4eb392d), closes #4764
- improve error handling in bin/pack.sh (dc754c4), closes #2979
- improve the discoverability of repl-block action buttons (470da34), closes #5604
- in clients/base preinstall, make sure to run
npm ci
at the top level (d8b324c), closes #2977 - kubectl edit in sidecar doesn't show success message when a resource is applied (cc59503), closes #4691
- kubectl Logs tab should use an xterm (9aa0176), closes #4750 #4747
- mkclient.sh failed with tsc error (bb6b706), closes #3146
- new tab command can hang if title is provided (a6c25c6), closes #5624
- output only Actions should also render on hover (cdbd105), closes #5652
- Red error text contrast issue in Carbon 90 theme (86a86ed), closes #FF767 #3096
- regression due to introduced cycle dependendence (d1799b0), closes #3422
- remove screenshot strings out of core-support i18n resource file (65fccb8), closes #3715
- setup-webhook bug with webbify path (0a1a2c6), closes #3193
- sidecar back/forward should be ordered by visitation rather than insertion (fba613a), closes #4746
- sidecar shouldn't be opened automatically when replay (8d4cf8c), closes #5730
- split screen terminals sometimes incorrect handle exit (d63cde7), closes #4860
- Support for nested tabs in markdown, and code blocks in tabs (0a22bf8)
- switching splits does not participate in tab state (6eb8db4), closes #5272
- tab new command should respond with ElsewhereCommentary response (19a7e1d), closes #5602
- terminal clearing versus splits results in non-replayable splits (8f9dc23), closes #5626
- the Logs/Terminal retry button should be visible on any exit code (3366327), closes #4769
- tomorrow night theme should use blue for table names (0e3315d), closes #3102
- TopNavSidecar doesn't return to the previous selected Tab when back button is hit (32acee5), closes #4745
- TopNavSidecar tabs should auto-pause and auto-focus when switching (2b00dd9), closes #4741 #4748
- Travis: some layers needlessly re-run switch-client (fe25978), closes #6466
- upgrade @patternfly/react-core to latest (0331533), closes #4937
- packages/builder: carbon gray 10 popup input font color too dark (b7b39e3), closes #2930
- packages/builder: linux packaging issues (cb9da09), closes #2968
- packages/core: commands for plugin didn't handle no-usage case (9ffa5d9), closes #2949
- packages/core: Commands.Registrar.synonym should have the options as optional (0882ab2), closes #2909
- packages/core: debug rather than console.error on plugin scanner retry (27f41e0), closes #2958
- packages/core: kui hangs with command registered as subtree without usage (0fc14d4), closes #2954
- packages/core: preloader should support absolute paths in prescan.json (1630564), closes #2970
- update kui-base dependencies to 5.0.0 (f7d429d), closes #2928
- user-installed plugins cannot always REPL.qexec other plugins (c17c1e6), closes #2963
- wrong colors (Gray90 and Red50) in Carbon-90 theme (e319783), closes #3157
- packages/core: in popup mode, sidecar screenshot and close button too small (5fa0d97), closes #2932
- packages/core: mmr/show has leftover debug output (197efa8), closes #3112
- packages/core: popup spinner is tiny (8e813f6), closes #2947
- packages/core: radio table height changes when selected row changes (8ca0acd), closes #3110
- packages/core: remove debugging from mmr/show (1481241), closes #3128
- packages/core: REPL UI should emit "ok" for multimodalresponse (1015520), closes #3100
- packages/core: sidecar plain text handler should not use normal-text css class (de82cf4), closes #2907
- packages/core: tighten up inter-block vertical spacing (aed2c42), closes #3108
- packages/core: undefined window title in popup mode (b2538a1), closes #2943
- packages/core: use tighter row spacing for Light tables (aed2ca9), closes #3104
- packages/test: runMochaLayers versus external clients (89578dc), closes #3106
- plugins/plugin-apache-composer: let.js demo versus safari (dea7610), closes #2820
- plugins/plugin-core-support: tab completion versus cursor motion (d428a3e), closes #3087
- plugins/plugin-editor: remove use of fragile semi-global in editor init (560396e), closes #3415
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: improve kubectl top node display with open sidecar (6f99581), closes #4737
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: new kubectl event watching logic may drop events (d46f591), closes #6451
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: Remove unused css from plugin-kubectl (4d65051), closes #6902
- plugins/plugin-manager: improve docs strings for plugin-manager commands (7b5ab7d), closes #2926
- drilldown bugs in openwhisk trace view (9185585), closes #2874
- improve CodeSnippet rendering in Markdown (9df43d0), closes #3863
- improve Terminal horizontal alignment for carbon themes (fe7c8bb), closes #3891
- repl scrollbars overlap with repl content (69a265e)
- restore support for quiet table clicks (b8d4e51), closes #3894
- return an NavResponse without links results in blank page (e684344), closes #3927
- sidecar screenshot captures blank canvas (ce38178), closes #3679
- stop loading the entire carbon-components.min.css (5ecba14), closes #3744
- tables should be full-width when sidecar is open (4e1e015), closes #3952
- text selection in active xterms for light themes is not visible (ace9ec9), closes #4087
- vi will block buttom-input cross-tab (c6b3f0b), closes #3173
- webpack builds for production a bit broken (26999c8), closes #3405
- plugins/plugin-openwhisk: missing wsk prefix to auth switch (9867189), closes #2872
- plugins/plugin-sidecar: change ReactMarkdown CodeSnippet from single to multiline style if the characters exceed 40 (efe45f5), closes #3877
- plugins/plugin-wskflow: improve "is deployed" to be more k8s metadata-like (f5af9d0), closes #3248
- plugins/plugin-wskflow: wskflow's dynamic import of jquery and ELK (6f2b4ed), closes #3397
- plugins/plugins-wskflow: race in wskflow with edge labels (ed9b750), closes #3401
- electron publish breakage (5f3d847), closes #2865
- lingering reference to packages/app in push-cos.js (77b88b0), closes #2870
- setup-webhook out of date (f6ffcd1), closes #2843
- use more standard TopTabStripe UI (c390dff), closes #3867
- with two radio tables open, only one seems to have selection at a time (7f5006b), closes #3871
- bump typescript 4.8.4 -> 4.9.4 (89e6301)
- clean up directory structure (70d19e9), closes #4301
- kui client cleanup (b4c3984), closes #3974
- load-time tuning (1a9b10e), closes #8070
- port notebooks to markdown (a64295d)
- remove plugin-{ibmcloud,s3,skeleton,openwhisk} (f38ab8a), closes #6589
- remove unmaintained
code in plugin-core-support (ca1aedd) - remove unused/untested iter8 components (82e3513)
- update to react 18 (277095f)
API should allow window creation from URL (f66d4f9)- add <SimpleMarkdown/> component and
commentary --simple
to allow for fastpath (8c6fc3d) - Add colorful status message to kubernetes sidecar (981afa6)
- add KuiHeader mixin (935f30c)
- add support for ansi terminal link extension (d913321)
- add textual guidebook playground (185eb06)
- allow clients to specify window width in config.d (eebde2b)
- allow clients, via config.d/styles.json, to specify any electron BrowserWindowConstructorOptions (4395326)
- allow controllers to add class to top-level tabs (929d295)
- allow controllers to control the color of the status stripe (708570c), closes #5490
- allow controllers to specify a desired window title (9c29f5d)
- allow quick testing of fully offline clients (b6c0231)
- bump to electron 22 (5a77cc5)
- bump to xtermjs 5.0.0 (b2804ba)
- Containers kube tab (15003b3)
- createWindow API should accept options for the new window (55cc109)
- electron tray menu for plugin-kubectl (b8c84ed)
- improve helm drilldown view (7c8cdea)
- improve support for running madwizard Playground in an offline browser (a829f94)
- improve support for showing Playground over a given filepath (c3ce6aa)
- improved support for passing through window titles for new windows (670d429)
- integrate plugin-madwizard (78b1e3b)
- Job api should allow passing through desired kill signal (2e38f63)
- madwizard playground (4b6b257)
- remove histogram support from table views (54c9c34)
- remove knative guidebooks from repo (bc6a380)
- separate tray menu into new plugin-kubectl-tray-menu (cefe54b)
- update Annotations and Labels tabs to use editor view for json values (4e4fa91)
- packages/core: new-window main api should accept a desired window widthxheight (051b567)
- packages/webpack: add support for asciinema "cast" files (d83b01e)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: allow markdown images to point to client images (e973fcb)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: kubectl labels ui should be more easily copy/pasteable (f01c002)
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: add "Show Pods" drilldown from Jobs (e5339e4)
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: add Workloads, Networking, Storage to tray menu (57a3cab)
- pass createWindow to electron-main plugins (bbc291d)
- packages/core: export tellRendererToExecute API from
(431a560) - allow clients to disable new tab or new split via <Kui/> props (6bfcbab)
- plugins/plugin-s3: allow dynamic enabling of s3 plugin (f5f3642)
- allow clients to request that the hamburger menu not be shown (1f2aa6e)
- allow clients to specify that some, or all node_modules should persist in electron builds (1ec9cae)
- allow guidebooks to selectively include fields from source material (09e0b67)
- loadbook content loader should support env vars on path to file (0e8413f)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: add
language tag support for markdown code blocks (c00667f) - allow plugin-s3 to be selectively disabled (5744c2c)
- export
to allow for consistent wrappering of "commentary" responses (1f703c2) - export SplitInjector from plugin-client-common (5c5b0b4)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: add
command as shorthand for commentary -f
(2eaa32b) - plugins/plugin-client-common: add progress bar to guide header (21b6086)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: add support for {% include %} syntax in markdown (04db4d4)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: add support for markdown language in curly braces (cc5108b)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: add two tree reductions to guidebook dependence tree (a1ee911)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: allow inlining of snippets inside of tabs (f429dca)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: allow tabs to be renamed (4c1645e)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: automate selection of platform choices (bde516c)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: extract description for guidebook choices (d7788dd)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: infer Wizard from guidebook DAG (d16c30d)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: refinements to wizard header guidebook spacing (432ead3)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: some groundwork for for running choice-free guidebooks (7117486)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: support for imports in markdown (afc10a7)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: update Guide to show step validation (938d88a)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: use Tile UI for choices (7c0e4e6)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: when renaming a tab, Enter should blur input (f269ef1)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: wizard footer should allow for extra buttons (e59a6be)
- remove bottom strip support and replace with right strip support (27d06a1)
- remove split position button from split header (ecaf5ef)
- support for multiple s3 profiles (5434230)
- use dominator tree in formation of code block dependence graph (58ac0bc)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: add gray markdown tips (0499e67)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: add Progress UI to Wizard component (20dc3e0)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: add support for :badge-warning-optional: style of markdown (c8fdbe1)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: add support for "inline/inline-end" tips (292c441)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: allow guidebooks to disable global progress bar (51c5b44)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: allow snippet base path to be specified in topmatter (f781a35)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: allow splits created in guidebook to be closed (c6a5a94)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: allow topmatter wizard steps to define a step description (3573e31)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: allow wizard header to be collapsed (e8b9c2c)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: allow wizard steps to be specified in topmatter (d75cb02)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: assign code blocks an ordinal execution order (c685b94)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: improve tooltips for SequenceDiagram bars (89081f7)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: improved layout for grid watchers (e5dd107)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: increase font size of markdown icons inside of h1 (e653147)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: initial support for code block ordering (adc8beb)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: more clearly distinguish optional and already-executed code blocks (300cfdb)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: shift a few more components to use Tooltip (f96640d)
- add guidebook code block cleanup support (70723ed)
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: improved display of kubernetes jobs via
kubectl dashboard jobs
(ad21df4) - allow for guidebooks to have a "normal" split with a terminal (dfb70f3)
- allow guidebooks to capture prefetched row drilldown content (15cecd8)
- GitHubIcon status stripe component (3e47d01)
- improve consistency of input element coloring between guidebooks and plain terminals (d5bac1d)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: show code block Run in offline clients with sample output (8922214)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: support for "question" tips in markdown (f4a10a0)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Tables should display as full width in guidebooks (953d86a)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: wizard mini progress should use our Spinner component (ae30ae7)
component should automate more of guidebook mounting (58ed18b)- allow markdown guidebooks to define code block metadata in topmatter (13758b1)
- initial support for material-... icons in markdown (2b030d7)
- initial support for snippets (hash include) in markdown (2053a79)
- inline markdown snippet inclusions at build time (276b676)
- support for optional code blocks in wizards (5e014fd)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: allow wizards with normal kui splits (47a644c)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: support for markdown
and <kbd>
syntax (80d0c04) - escape to toggle Sidebar visibility (6e94df5)
- extend markdown tab syntax to be presented as a Wizard UI (173e436)
- kubernetes dashboard guidebook (052cf65)
- update markdown tip parser to handle "todo" and "bug" (408a372)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: add support for
syntax in markdown (f8037f4) - plugins/plugin-client-common: Add support for expandable sections in markdown (a330222)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: add support for placeholder text in markdown splits (8c73b31)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: add Timer to code block (c576516)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: allow markdown code blocks to validate prior executions (80a67a2)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: allow markdown to link to markdown tabs (45ceec9)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: allow markdown to specify a mapping of content to terminal splits (21d252a)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: allow notebooks to create a second+ default-positioned split (d9a729d)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: be smarter about enabling line numbers in monaco-editor (51fb118)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: MadeWithKui widget (d841cd1)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: noTopTabs, allowing clients to use the sidebar instead of top tabs (4d17b77)
- plugins/plugin-core-support: initial
support for proxy-less browser setups (bb1a73c) - plugins/plugin-kubectl: CurrentContext/Namespace widgets shouldn't echo the switch commands (82ca7a0)
- allow commentary edit and preview to be decoupled into separate views (ce57915)
- externalize code block responses in serialized form (4596e49)
- MixedResponse only supported string arrays; update to support number arrays (66002c3)
- replay notebook from url (d515f6d)
- support for maximized blocks in markdown notebooks (fe7ede5)
- support for replacing all current content in a tab with given commentary (3caef81)
- Use patternfly Sidebar to display guidebooks (d2333e4)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: display code block status in code block (608cb62)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: initial remark-tabbed markdown extension (91f7c80)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: support execution of markdown code blocks! (3704a2c)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: support for validate: $body (cbf7cdc)
- table watchers should be able to provide incremental progress (f7e4697)
- Update tables and SequenceDiagram to support queueing delays (726c601), closes #7944
- Use Patternfly Text components for text styling (e7a13e4)
- vfs pipe support (915070c)
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: add doExecPipe api (27e887a)
- add prereq check to the welcome and kubernetes notebooks (42a9198)
- add support for left strip positioning of terminal splits (a8dc71f), closes #8202
- allow controllers to pass through cwd for pty execution (2c53240)
- packages/core: resolve command lines with slashes (d6c637a)
- allow
command to open multiple notebooks (a12ad93), closes #8162 - allow kubectl "direct" client to work with --context (009af3f)
- allow table controllers to specify drilldownTo property on a per-cell basis (38d88d4)
- refine colorings of SequenceDiagram view (3ff09bc)
- packages/proxy: add curl, sed, and git to the kuishell/kui image (e61d749)
- packages/proxy: add iter8ctl to the docker base image (625f352), closes #8000
- packages/proxy: dockerized kui hard-wires ContentSecurityPolicy (efd20b2), closes #8055
- packages/proxy: pass through KUI_ env vars from proxy container to user (cb0c729), closes #8120
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: allow
to pass through "rest" arguments (4aac7b0) - plugins/plugin-client-common: Add support for minor steps to ProgressStepper (5b53174), closes #8103
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Animation with a spin effect for in-progress states of ProgressStepper (8a20187)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: clean up In[1] and other aspects of Input UI (aa71e9d), closes #7898
- plugins/plugin-client-common: optimize by delaying the loading of background tabs (33a3ddb)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: StatusStripe widgets should be able to specify the Popover positioning (586c4e1), closes #7941
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Support a "progress stepper" UI in the Markdown component (f9a166e), closes #8091
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Update CodeSnippet to use new Language.shell support (90427c9)
command (e5612c1), closes #7669- Improve support for inverted color schemes (72e096a), closes #7918
- plugins/plugin-client-common: top-level tabs are not allowed to be closed or added in a readonly client (a535f33)
- plugins/plugin-core-support: add iter8ctl to Iter's up (1443ddf)
- plugins/plugin-core-support: add minimum version check to IBM CodeEngine prereq checker (c533a4b), closes #8216
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: add an "internal" kube namespace from Rancher (2c793cd)
- plugins/plugin-s3: add support for public ibmcloud s3 (COS) buckets (755f5c4), closes #7896
- plugins/plugin-s3: super cp should support -P for inter-region copies (5381eb3), closes #7903
- add a client option to show the block execution buttons sequentially (55d90e0)
- Add ability to swap the order of splits (0658c5f), closes #7975
- add client option
to hide output when replaying notebook (73fe91d) - add readonly and executable client options for replaying notebooks (f5f7072)
- Add support for "slash tmp" to s3 mounts (512edd4), closes #7721
- Add support to Kui proxy for pre-shared-key authorization (2412a72), closes #7772
- add webpack-analyzer-plugin to kui-shell/webpack (b689b61)
- bottom strip UI and StatusModel UI (0721ec5), closes #8123
- enable splits for popup mode (0b95d9c), closes #7542
- link the accomplishment of a block to commentary (a8c4f2c)
- muti-line input (60576a4)
- port up --fix to use Listr (d484042), closes #7797 #7798
- s3 plugin (177457f), closes #7536
- section blocks (8e79cf4)
- SplitHeader should have a clear button (7d4456b)
- support for Description List UIs (81050b1), closes #8058
- Table model should allow controller to specify the number of footer events to display (797eee7), closes #7878
- toggling edit mode using CLI command (47735d0)
- up command should use a real progress tracker (38e264a), closes #7795
- update Iter8 notebooks (69d1ec0)
- use PatternFly LabelGroup for kubernetes Labels tab (b405eca), closes #8116
- when inlining guidebook snippets, rewrite relative image links (b403164)
- When replaying a notebook, prior output should have an ExpandableSection wrapper (5ed76ae), closes #7846
- packages/webpack: when building a headless bundle set via webpack, also create a zip file (dfad5b4), closes #7427
- plugins/plugin-carbon-themes: use plex fonts via google font CDN (3c03b17), closes #8048
- plugins/plugin-client-common: ability to close a split via UI gesture (b205f7e), closes #7530
- plugins/plugin-client-common: add support for <br> in Markdown (3761805), closes #7715
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Allow Grid provider to specify css attributes for cell UI (202c523), closes #7408
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Editor component should default to a fold depth of 2 (b0ca4e7), closes #8008
- plugins/plugin-core-support: up command should offer to check for a valid kubeconfig (b146a2c), closes #8053
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: Add Annotations and Labels tabs for kube resources (6809b87), closes #8009
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: Provide search capability on pod details Logs tab (5c339e9), closes #5570
- plugins/plugin-s3: minioConfig of plugin-s3 does not properly export subdirs (6472295), closes #7753
- plugins/plugin-s3: plugin-s3/ibm should export findCredentialsForInstance (5ac9ea8), closes #7793
- plugins/plugin-s3: when copying to a public s3 bucket, use the bucket url, not the generic one (e902ef6), closes #8046
- Update AnimalApp to show the use of a notebook hosted in the client plugin (e97a2bb), closes #7578
- plugins/plugin-client-common: add Select description and isDisabled props (e0d1c37), closes #7044
- plugins/plugin-client-common: SequenceDiagram should offer more information about input files (b3c361e), closes #7037
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: allow for pinning a Kubernetes Context or Namespace to a tab (a7873cd)
- allow table drilldown to a new window (96d1d0e)
- packages/builder: add support for macOS signing and notarization to electron builders (47ba4a0), closes #7336
- packages/builder: Allow custom clients to inject custom launchers into electron builds (d477f35)
- packages/core: allow controllers to stream to stderr (691007a), closes #7293
- packages/core: allow headless tasks to pop up windows and still continue (7853a36), closes #7289
- packages/core: Allow static web page forms of Kui to set a CSP page header (8705fd3), closes #7330
- packages/core: export prettyPrintBytes function (5a3296f), closes #7364
- packages/core: improve display of pipes vs quotes and backslash escape (d951f54), closes #7195
- packages/core: restore support for opening a popup window from headless mode (27b6d2f)
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: support bash command tail against vfs (b5877c6), closes #7109
- plugins/plugin-client-common: allow Clients to chose not to show the StatusStripe (b3bac1c), closes #7359
- plugins/plugin-client-common: enable monaco-editor word wrapping (24e43f6), closes #7311
- plugins/plugin-client-common: export the command line rendering component (eb8333e), closes #7365
- plugins/plugin-client-common: grammy should assign bar colors based on categories (e679517), closes #7165
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Improve sass mixins (cd4143d), closes #7361
- plugins/plugin-core-support: watch poller should support --until option to stop watcher (4472d91)
- cache files when watching a command (77623cb), closes #7163
- core/repl handles redirecting command output to files in VFS (51889c1)
- improve streaming ansi support from controllers to UI (0d41c82)
- improved support for commentary-from-file (2efc70e), closes #7074
- SequenceDiagram shows row's message in the throughput column (7d6cc9a)
- use webpack to build headless bundles (e7c0d76)
- plugins/plugin-client-common: improve rendering of long pipeline command lines (01d1ccd), closes #7125
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: Namespace Summary should summarize namespace resourecequota, if existing (009583e), closes #7144
- show placeholder text to explain that ctrl+d closes split (065990d), closes #7060
- view table as histogram (503c10a), closes #7138
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Processing command line should line wrap (23f3f75), closes #7127
- update core watch command to return watchable table (aa0cf29), closes #7119
- plugins/plugin-core-support: replay --close-current-tab (a6134b2), closes #5929
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: plugin-kubectl should export
(f825935), closes #7117 - group namespaces by internal/regular in CurrentNamespace (be2d98f), closes #7058
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: CLI-based kubectl polling does not allow for flexible overrides of the command prefix (1e3d60f), closes #7042
- add Kubernetes Dashboard Notebook (9f62b63), closes #5617 #6915 #6917
- add typeahead to kubernetes context and namespace select widget (ff9d273), closes #7034
- use Select Component for Kubernetes Context and Namespace status stripe widgets (0e1c25e), closes #6920
- plugins/plugin-client-common: for emacs users, it'd be nice if ctrl+backspace would delete prior "word" (122eb88), closes #6579
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Shift-enter or CmdCtrl+S to save within Commentary (4cf496a), closes #6827
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: Enhance kubectl direct get to support custom columns (4762dd8), closes #7014
- cd command handles VFS mounts (b66a2fb), closes #6988
- head command against vfs (03e3f8a), closes #7012
- packages/core: Allow clients to define the contents of the Notebooks menu. (7462c1a)
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: tab-complete VFS mounts (009a00d), closes #6989
- Expand kubectl direct watching to support heterogeneous use cases (8df1ad3), closes #6504
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Allow user to specify CWD as prompt (2b2e7a9), closes #6405
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Allow users to opt in to default meta-click behavior (13ea5b0), closes #6406
- plugins/plugin-client-common: empty tables use PatternFly's "empty state" UI (f7ccdf1), closes #6867
- plugins/plugin-client-common: increase density of table content in minisplits (8d6513f), closes #6790
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Tab completion should keep offering completions as I type (67e44d3), closes #6472
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Table clickables should have better tooltip (1eeaa01), closes #6805
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: add explain fastpaths for *.v1.apps (0b0e82a), closes #6862
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: Add simple kubectl delete to the list of direct optimizations (d4fb765), closes #6468
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: apply/delete -f can use new direct/status watcher for homogeneous use cases (08e471e), closes #6498
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: flesh out explain fastpath for more apps/v1 types (6f68a98), closes #6854
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: Port kubectl pollers to use push, for homogeneous deletes (82448d7), closes #6481 #6486
- add delta summary to Tree (95a0b4a), closes #6329
- add events to sidecar tree (dd4d552), closes #6140
- Add simple kubectl create namespace to the list of direct optimizations (2aaaac6), closes #6470
- add unit support of TreeResponse as one of the contents in MultiModalResponse (85ea2d5), closes #6132
- Allow command registrants to specify no semicolon expansion (dbcaf87), closes #6396
- arm64/aarch64 support (9891c8e), closes #6015
- clicking changed files in the
git status widget
should show git diff
result in a DiffEditor (3a199c7), closes #6348 - experimental parallelized cp aginst s3 vfs (6a07aa3), closes #6213
- Extend kubectl optimizations to table watching (9a2bc74), closes #6449
- Improve support for designing light themes (b6c859f), closes #6372
- in
kubectl get -f
tree, use Monaco DiffEditor show the preview of dry-run changes (99266e8), closes #6181 #6154 - initial support for using a kubectl proxy (47b26be), closes #6440
- inline sidecar (2c3afeb), closes #6007
- Kui implementation of
(2cb3f98), closes #6379 - lightweight ui options for core themes (cf96867), closes #6187
- Meta-click on table entries should open the drilldown in a different split (fb89c29), closes #6403
- Move in OpenWhisk plugin from the external repo (b9c5867), closes #6109
- port experimental scale-out grep to use new job controller (45ce460), closes #6280
- Refine Update Checker widget UI (5c97479), closes #6343
- update CurrentContext widget to use Dropdown (9520e5d), closes #6354
- use a Popover UI for git branch status stripe widget (6bbf348), closes #6325
- use Accordion for SourceRef (1b11736), closes #6097
- use Monaco DiffEditor
kubectl diff
(3157393) - use new Dropdown status stripe for CurrentNamespace widget (0f7648c), closes #6351
- UX: Use Dropdown for theme switcher (6cc6a47), closes #6347
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: kubectl get -f can use Tree to present structured result (f94a22f), closes #6136
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: popeye dashboard (6dd4d01), closes #6949
- execute the command in url query when the browser app is loaded (b0b95cf), closes #5879
- Feature: improve support for parallelization across VFS operations (e05d7e0), closes #5831
- introduce reexec for rerunning commands (fe80525), closes #6026
- Make a notebook about making notebooks (0d67947), closes #6040
- pause and resume watchable jobs (5d3f719), closes #1747
- preserve changes of table view state in Notebook (a2efb8a), closes #5399
- packages/core: Add File->Save as Notebook (10181a4), closes #5715
- packages/core: allow controller to opt in/out recording table row onclicks when snapshot (cc83ce7), closes #5565
- plugins/plugin-client-common: allow clients to specify initial tab title (e8e365f), closes #5539
- plugins/plugin-client-common: allow users to insert command before a repl block (e935092), closes #5576
- plugins/plugin-client-common: allow users to reorder blocks by MoveUp and MoveDown buttons (f7f6918), closes #5589
- plugins/plugin-client-common: block-level copy/paste (a72cf8d), closes #5752
- plugins/plugin-client-common: edit a commentary response using SimpleEditor (6d828c1), closes #5664
- plugins/plugin-client-common: error messages should format as markdown (63ca4a7), closes #5943
- plugins/plugin-client-common: improve action button UI for output-only blocks (9cb99ad), closes #5660
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Improve Commentary editing UI by adding real Done button (1f544b5), closes #5667
- plugins/plugin-client-common: SourceRef should be default-expanded in Notebooks? (8ee26e8), closes #5866
- plugins/plugin-client-common: split command should allow user to specify splice index (75857e9), closes #5746
- plugins/plugin-client-common: User should be able to tab navigate through blocks (54d3759), closes #5717
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: add Secret explain and Summary fastpaths (90bbd89), closes #6868
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: Namespace Summary impl (2d69d67), closes #5790
- ability to register an onClose handler when opening a tab (58a36c3), closes #5670
- add a prefer-re-execution option to snapshot (af7b98b), closes #5622
- add capability to click to edit/rerun a command (4296933), closes #5654
- background new tabs (be9f986), closes #5550
- custom tab titles (fd780df), closes #5525
- initial support for capturing input files and showing them in the UI (5744bf4), closes #5513
- mount all s3 providers (c3f5fc5), closes #5731
- notebook client (4b64133), closes #5501
- save/restore pty command output (2c291a9), closes #5314
- show buttons of related resources in sidecar footer (e10f7f2), closes #6856
- support replaying in new tab (04a2c67), closes #5509
- TopTab buttons should have improved tooltips (5282612), closes #6806
- update ls to allow for presenting content from more limited VFS's such as tutorials (a1ff1a4), closes #5497
- packages/core: add Notebook to Electron Menu (99e499c), closes #5493
- plugins/plugin-client-common: allow easier rerunning of command from terminal (c5384e0), closes #4570
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Improve notebook-style ui (791160e), closes #5472
- plugins/plugin-client-common: improve presentation of sidecar-destined responses (02b91e3), closes #5463
- plugins/plugin-client-common: last updated indicator in table footer (5f91f75), closes #6783
- plugins/plugin-client-common: Output-only blocks should offer a Copy action button (da4f85d), closes #5646
- plugins/plugin-core-support: conditional opening of tabs (35648b8), closes #5619
- plugins/plugin-iter8: added new iter8 plugin (82989ab), closes #5400
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: add explain fastpath for events (a16e75f), closes #6836
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: add status column to kube deployment table (1d35040), closes #5476
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: Add Summary impl for Events (74f4e55), closes #6839
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: initial labs for listing k8s resources and creating jobs (2e9d002), closes #5475
- add CommentaryReponse to snapshot/replay the response of commentary command (7d13a93), closes #5439
- add sequence diagram to table with timestamp columns (e9028ee), closes #5336
- add support for copying out of remote storage (c4ed5b8), closes #5322
- allow command registrations to express their experimental nature (eb9f147), closes #5282
- allow for limiting the number of kubectl table rows (62588f2), closes #5358
- allow table model to specify a gridable column index (f4ba8e6), closes #5278
- auto gridify large table (bd22fa2), closes #5305
- cold start delays (83abd14), closes #5356
- commentary command to add comments to REPL (c304fd3), closes #5428
- generalized kuberctl get with limit (d40ee07), closes #5361
- initial popeye support (9d62eeb), closes #5265
- initial typeahead for commands (7ba313a), closes #5437
- initial/minimal snapshot/replay support (bb7ae0f), closes #5280
- pass command line comments to commentary command (a020db5), closes #5459
- Timeline view for kubernetes Jobs (b623e4e), closes #5370
- tutorial VFS (6f2330e), closes #5441
- plugins/plugin-bash-like: tab completion for s3 buckets (fc3a311), closes #5326
- plugins/plugin-client-common: History navigation in minisplits should navigate In/Out pairs (93eb2a4), closes #5270
- shift Block UI to use a Notebook style of presentation (dc0ee4b), closes #5258
- plugins/plugin-client-common: show table row count in card header (deadcfa), closes #5137
- plugins/plugin-client-common: use inner scrolling for RadioTables in main Terminals (952f72a), closes #5133
- plugins/plugin-git: git branch should respond with RadioTable (59a9213), closes #5256
- add a command to return the Card Component in Terminal (d8d13ab), closes #4973
- add alert command to display Alert component in Terminal (495d3bb), closes #4957
- add capability to show welcome widget to new users in Terminal (0c33e6e), closes #4990 #5007
- packages/core: offer sandbox-friendly bootstrap endpoint (1e969dc), closes #3825
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: kubectl events tab (2d71f24), closes #4706
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: namespace onclick should drill down to sidecar (e74f66d), closes #4714
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: optimize rendering of kubectl Summary tab (7c6480d), closes #4725
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: Terminal tab for Pod kubernetes resources (c47e432), closes #4639
- <Kui> should allow for custom Input elements (193a108), closes #4672
- a new model NavResponse supporting side navigation menu (41940eb), closes #3659
- add button to WatchPane to show table back in terminal (dc22591), closes #4530
- add development-time kubectl-kui kubectl plugin wrapper (076879f), closes #4032
- add history to sidecar views (b1e5543), closes #3960
- add ibm-plex.css in plugin-carbon-themes (ac0a5b5), closes #3512
- add isSelected and Divider to log container selection menu (59bdaa5), closes #4647
- add krew support (f87cb6c), closes #4199
- add labels to summary mode (95f731d), closes #4041 #4040
- add Patternfly Breadcrumb support (91e0504), closes #4381
- add Patternfly Navigation for LeftNavSidecar (a4a7a97), closes #4387
- add plugin-skeleton for new contributors to prototype code (8145c99), closes #4323
- add Retry button to sidecar toolbar when log streaming stopped abnormally (47872f4), closes #4755
- add Show Owner Reference button for kube resources (80ea40f), closes #4106
- add Stop Watching capability to WatchPane (09043c1), closes #4554
- add support for <Kui noPromptContext/> and <Kui prompt=">"/> (a92063d), closes #4653
- allow client to override styles by sass (8cee5db), closes #3579
- allow clients to modify the session lifecycle UI by providing custom strings (3c78fd3), closes #5019
- allow plugins to define themes (216f41c), closes #3420
- allow plugins to use subdirectories (e7cc3e3), closes #3389
- allow subclasses of InputProvider to specify their own State (c3fc88e), closes #4756
- badge registration should pass Tab context to badge renderer (e4a26d4), closes #3345
- bottom input (c6d2af0), closes #3729
- carbon tables (237e9a5), closes #3632
- clicking on events in watch table should drill down to events (c6dc99f), closes #5173
- command history should be tab-specific (1b987e0), closes #1299
- core should export getAuthValue (fac6e2e), closes #3347
- core should export unparse utility (3d84ba2), closes #3349
- editor's persister/fetcher API should expose tab context (70f633a), closes #3351
- expose headless CLI test constructor (5b21169), closes #3355
- extend status stripe API to support "meters" (6623471), closes #3496
- improve kubectl edit experience (4c4a1c9), closes #4783
- improve rendering of kubectl subcommand help (e36ed29), closes #4824
- improve repl-block selection (305b36f), closes #5587
- improve the split layout progression (d3f2d6c), closes #6747 #6743
- introduce plugin-client-default meant for hosting a client definition (688a991), closes #3463
- inverse splits (38d2895), closes #5537
- kubectl apply view-last-applied (6d601ef), closes #4822
- left-navigation sidecar (f88329e), closes #3635
- line highlights on editor save, used for k edit apply errors (3efa6a5), closes #4795
- Make PatternFly4 Light the default theme (7d31c17), closes #6773
- MiniSplits (70b8441), closes #5112
- new client-alternate for bottom-input mode and custom css (d25f7a0), closes #3608
- pty should allow for streaming consumption of output (1886e58), closes #3451
- refine kubectl contexts table; add support for RadioTable row titles (11bb074), closes #5131
- resizable sidecar (0b8a22e), closes #2484
- support ReactElement as MultiModalResponse modes (a20e289), closes #3793
- use Carbon Components UIShell for TopTabStripe (8d7619d), closes #3819
- packages/builder: kui-compile should allow specifying a tsconfig (c0eb201), closes #3353
- packages/core: allow commands to tailor yargs-parser narg setting (e34e612), closes #3471
- packages/core: allow push table updates to provide headers (090acce), closes #3454
- packages/core: improved cancel via ctrl+c (7ee6db6), closes #3275 #3581
- packages/core: plugin scanner should also scan "client" directory (d94a5b5), closes #3482
- packages/core: set theme in advance (for electron) (58f1420), closes #3391
- packages/webpack: allow clients to request classname preservation in webpack builds (3d9fd32), closes #3575
- packages/webpack: allow plugins to specify webpack externals (74d2920), closes #3399
- plugins/plugin-client-common: accordion blocks in Terminal (eb2f285), closes #3726
- plugins/plugin-core-support: switch tabs via keyboard shortcuts (4f2bb76), closes #1242
- status stripe (d485ab3), closes #3475 #1859
- support for events in crud table footer (0b90ead), closes #5125
- support for events in table footer (51669af), closes #5115
- support generating es6 modules (c1ed680), closes #2431
- packages/core: support updating Table from push notifications (6bfb255), closes #3295
- plugins/plugin-client-common: add support for Tags in StatusStripe (d112c86), closes #4951
- plugins/plugin-client-common: improve accessibility of "red" error grid cells (8921292), closes #4938
- plugins/plugin-client-common: improved SequenceDiagram view (1e2fb41), closes #5342
- plugins/plugin-client-common: support client option for hero names in sidecar (d4f6984), closes #4909
- plugins/plugin-client-common: use Cards to wrap kube tables and grids (6698013), closes #5032
- plugins/plugin-ibmcloud: initial CodeEngine support (677faca), closes #5302 #5303
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: improve the performance of kubectl explain for common cases (d016971), closes #6700
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: initial
kubectl job list
improvement for visualizing Job execution (06030b0), closes #5397 - plugins/plugin-kubectl: static get -f should show sourceRef (fb0fc40), closes #6680
- plugins/plugin-s3: support for inter-s3 copying (7cce673), closes #5234
- add support for command string modes that specify contentType (31c6940), closes #3299
- add support for Toolbar Buttons (f55b8c6), closes #4103 #4105
- add windows support for running kui as a kubectl plugin (a8015e1), closes #4235
- allow <Kui/> users to provide custom views for session init (1f35894), closes #4596
- allow themes to dictate Kui client properties (2b41873), closes #4409
- allow users to select container in kubectl Logs (f4304c5), closes #4627
- commands should be able to separate resource model fetch from view transformation functions (e903bc7), closes #4437
- decrease default size of popup window (a210ac4), closes #4192 #4193
- Dropdown spi and use in Terminal Block (327917b), closes #4589 #4556
- enhance table UI (519beb1), closes #4023
- for popup windows, show command as placeholder text in input stripe (a897042), closes #3899
- ibmcloud plugin (aa0f72f), closes #4353
- improve pagination and toolbar UIs of PaginatedTable (08062e9), closes #1456
- initial odo catalog list enhancements (8534267), closes #4485
- kubectl edit via kui's editor (414e813), closes #762
- kubectl tables should show official kind in title (06eec95), closes #4127
- Kui client should support self-bootstrapping of Kui (3bbf8e8), closes #4277
- only enable WatchPane based on a feature flag (eb80d0e), closes #4678 #4604
- patternfly4 dark theme (3dff5a5), closes #4419
- patternfly4 themes (5f58f71), closes #4364
- pin a watchable terminal response in a split pane (662f413), closes #4865 #4573 #4885 #4894
- Popup client (063c363), closes #3886
- proxy nginx should support serving gzip_static content (f592fc7), closes #4252
- RadioTable and port of the themes table to use it (79a3e8e), closes #4507
- react helpers (f6bea1f)
- refine NavResponse and add NavLinks support in LeftNavSidecar (f1d8d98), closes #3902
- remove plugin-manager (5f79d57), closes #4333
- render kubectl summary tab using forms (d88436e), closes #4014
- resize the popup window (41bf5cf), closes #4161
- restore opengraph properties on index.ejs (6e57007), closes #5530
- revive "app" and "tier" columns from deprecated kubectl tree view (cd642d9), closes #6591
- s3 plugin, and vfs (970ba6e), closes #5319
- separate out themes into a new settings Notebook (5180759), closes #5605
- show resource version in toolbar text (1a6e335), closes #4790
- snapshot freshening (d5c8991), closes #5522
- SPI for icons (3d034e3), closes #4441 #4364
- split screen Terminal (3a6b422), closes #4814 #4821
- StatusStripe should respond to font zooming (26ba443), closes #4242
- target kubectl logs and kubectl exec to Logs and Terminal tabs (409e632), closes #4762
- top tab buttons (ff8cfba), closes #4434
- update checker (a7908d2), closes #4537
- Update default loadingDone to use Card component (e1b4c61), closes #4986
- watcher panel for open-ended watch jobs (6dfe7df), closes #4503
- packages/core: addendum to #3124 (9962ec6), closes #3123
- packages/core: allow command-line overrides of default mmr mode (d9a774e), closes #3234
- packages/core: default click behavior for tables should not echo to repl (48618b7), closes #3154
- packages/core: expose name onclick to mmr (314fbb5), closes #3236
- plugins/plugin-carbon-tables: adjust DataTable style based on kui table model TableStyle spec (694fba1), closes #3921
- plugins/plugin-client-common: add styling for blockquotes in Markdown (b3fa5c6), closes #3925
- plugins/plugin-client-default: enhance about.json model with kube-specific entries (0ae86ef), closes #4020
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: add Show Node button for kubectl pods (04e29d2), closes #4214
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: enhance odo project list as RadioTable (62272e6), closes #4517
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: improve odo usage experience (639ca32), closes #4345
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: optimizing Node summary impl (8ac11b9), closes #4833
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: port kubectl contexts table to RadioTable (3cb4dcb), closes #4513
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: Show Previous option for Logs tab (2307d2f), closes #4864
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: update get -f to use direct/status and show a table (16bdbb6), closes #6566 #6532
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: use
oc proxy
when talking to openshift clusters (c07e5a0), closes #7048 - add plugin-manager to kui-base client (5b9d92d), closes #2992
- enable plugin-manager for electron clients (4814cb9), closes #2935
- extend MultiModalResponse to support functions that produce content (b940c63), closes #3022
- introduce new MultiModalResponse API (67e9c8a), closes #2899
- kui-base including core and plugin-core-support only (7df5fd7), closes #2919
- plugin install should offer a spinner (05db532), closes #3024
- port kubectl get ns to RadioTable (be0eabf), closes #4510 #4511
- remove openwhisk plugins (fb4274d), closes #3201
- simplified co-hosting of client and proxy in a container (00af4b4), closes #4213
- packages/core: mode registrations should be overridable (60d613b), closes #3175
- packages/core: pass a PreloadRegistrar to plugin preloaders (54d727a), closes #3189
- packages/core: position popup windows more intelligently (92dd574), closes #4185
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: add support for kustomize apply/delete/create (b95cbdb), closes #4203
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: ReplicaSet should have Pods tab (42cd286), closes #4110
- allow plugins to pre-register high-level Modes (96c5097), closes #3123
- client test (4c16985), closes #3130
- switch to Carbon Gray 10 as default theme in plugin-default-client (c56e2f5), closes #4101
- packages/builder: add removeComments:true to tsconfig-base.json (2e14274), closes #2975
- packages/core: improve API for providing sidecar entity content (4613d1c), closes #2911
- packages/core: MultiModalResponse should support modeless responses (7983d6f), closes #3082
- packages/core: plugin commands table should support command prefix (9064dcf), closes #3070
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: configmap summary should show data (50c7e10), closes #4025
- plugins/plugin-kubectl: restore Show Logs button for kubectl (6b17dbd), closes #4089
- plugins/plugin-manager: plugin install should pull commandContext from package.json (67a5683), closes #3083
- publish kui-base electron distributions (ab56847), closes #2939
- refine sidecar minimization (ead3b41), closes #3958
- plugins/plugin-manager: plugin install should return list of new commands (9ee3739), closes #2945
- revive plugin-manager (b78fed5), closes #2921
- spi for CodeSnippet (105cf2b), closes #4478
- use breadcrumbs for TopNavSidecar naming (5a4611e), closes #4043 #3657 #4044
- use webpack to build html template (c4ad57a), closes #3544
- get rid of test/testv2 distinction (use testv2 impls) (3f34fee)
- removes support for viewing as histogram, and all of the patternfly/victory charting deps
- typescript 4.9 is more rigorous about enforcing certain generic types. this identified issues with some types in plugin-kubectl :(
- KubeItems is now parametric over KubeItems<KubeStatusType, ItemType>
- KubePartial is the same, now
will now pull in react v18.- we now pre-allocate execUUID on when the block is first mounted (these are known as Active blocks, because they have an active input). Previously, we relied on kui core/repl/exec to allocate upon run. This leads to a race condition, where command handlers expect to be able to communicate with the views based on an execUUID... but the views may not be mounted before the command handlers start... An example of this was the PTY. pty/client in plugin-bash-like sends pty streaming output ... the Output component (in plugin-client-common) is supposed to be the receiver, but it only listens after it is mounted). With this PR, we pre-allocate the execUUID, and mount the Output block even on Active blocks.
- this removes some of the exported pretty printers from kui-shell/core
- this removes all support for running kui from non-webpack headless
- with this PR, the aws s3 mount points are of the form
and /s3/aws/myOtherProfile
. Any logic that was hard-coding an expectation that /s3/aws/mybucket
would work must now specify the profile explicitly e.g. /s3/aws/default/mybucket
Also, neither the aws config/credentials nor the aws
CLI support encoding the endpoint url in a config file. See https://github.com/aws/aws-cli/issues/1270
Lacking this support, for now, this PR assumes that, if needed, a profile's endpoint_url
is a config key with that name in the config
file, e.g.
- this PR will thus break builds that assumed "my product.js"
- this removes the
code base - plugins/plugin-client-common: the Button spi is now conformant to PatternFly's Button. size="small" -> isSmall
- removal of split position button from split header
This PR also makes the split header buttons slightly larger.
- any clients that relied on old test impls
- this removes the iter8 commands
- removes support for JSON notebooks
- This PR is a breaking change to the new tab event model: it is now an array, rather than a singleton.
- this alters the loading cycle in a way that may break sensitive tests, mostly by making certain actions a bit more asynchronous
- this PR removes plugins from the repo
- plugins/plugin-core-support: removes window commands
also make quit and exit for electron only
- removes plugin-manager
- removes support for inBrowserOk
- removes plugin-editor, now in plugin-client-common
- this PR removes plugins/plugin-client-default
- this moves plugin-sidecar and plugin-carbon-tables into plugin-client-common
- packages/core: remove old EntitySpec support
- this moves the openwhisk plugins to a new repo: https://github.com/kui-shell/oui