A node project dedicated to finding ALL LabJack devices that are able to be connected to. Uses LabJack-nodejs for LJM's scanning functionality as well as some special node additions.
Takes an optional parameter of a list of connected device objects.
Returns an array,
- containing device types (T7/Digit/etc.) as objects, which includes an array
- which contain discovered devices as objects grouped by device serial number, which contains an array of
- which are objects describing how each discovered device is available
findAllDevices return example and format:
"deviceType": 7,
// Integer device type
"deviceTypeString": "LJM_dtT7",
// The LJM device type
"deviceTypeName": "T7",
// A human-readable device type - never indicates device subclass
// A list of devices, grouped by serial number
"deviceType": 7,
// Integer device type
"deviceTypeString": "LJM_dtT7",
// The LJM device type
"deviceTypeName": "T7",
// A human-readable device type - never indicates device subclass
"serialNumber": 470010103,
// Integer serial number
"acquiredRequiredData": true,
// true if data was collected successfully, false if not
"isMockDevice": true,
// True if mock device, false if real device
"productType": "T7-Pro",
// Human-readable device class / subclass name, e.g. "T7" or "T7-Pro"
"modelType": "T7-Pro",
// Same as productType
"isActive": false,
// true if user has connected to this device, false if not
// Array of objects for each connection this device has
"dt": 7,
// Legacy, (non-canonical) integer LJM device type
"ct": 3,
// Legacy, (non-canonical) integer LJM connection type
"connectionType": 3,
// Integer LJM connection type
"str": "LJM_ctETHERNET",
// String LJM connection type
"name": "Ethernet",
// Human-readable connection type name
"ipAddress": "",
// Human-readable IP address string. Meaningless if USB.
"safeIP": "192_168_1_207",
// ipAddress with underscores (_) instead of periods (.)
"verified": true,
// true if the device could be opened directly, false if not
"isActive": false,
// true if connection was previously opened by the user before scan, false if not
"foundByAttribute": false,
// true if found through checking device attributes, false if found in by scan
"insertionMethod": "scan",
// "attribute" foundByAttribute is true, "scan" if foundByAttribute is false
// Another connection, e.g. for USB, WiFi, etc.
// The following attributes are controlled by ljswitchboard-ljm_device_curator
// etc.
// Another device of the same class with a different serial number
// Another device class, e.g. Digits