Gravity is a Angular library that provides you essentials
UI components, styles and a CDK to simplify component creation.
Install the library in your project using NPM:
npm i @lakea/gravity @lakea/assets
Import global styles to styles.scss
of your project
@import 'node_modules/@lakea/gravity/styles/normalize';
@import 'node_modules/@lakea/gravity/styles/global';
To apply global styles (typography, headings, scroll, etc...) to your application, you need to add the fallowing
classes to html and body tag:
<html class="gr-scroll">
<body class="gr-body gr-typo gr-headings">...</body>
To use the default lib font (Work Sans), add the following file to angular.json
styles option:
"styles": ["node_modules/@lakea/assets/fonts/worksans/worksans.css"]
We provide the font by @lakea/assets package, but you can import using the common way: Read more
If you want to use a different font, import another font and set a new font style via css var:
:root {
--gr-font-primary: 'YOUR_CUSTOM_FONT', sans-serif;
Add this config to you angular.json
assets option:
"assets": [
"glob": "**/*",
"input": "node_modules/lakea-assets/images",
"output": "assets/images"
It copies favicons, icons, illustrations, fonts and Lakea logos to project assets