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@lancedb/lancedb - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.5.0 to 0.5.1




@@ -51,3 +51,3 @@ {

"noUnusedLabels": "error",
"noUnusedVariables": "error",
"noUnusedVariables": "warn",
"useIsNan": "error",

@@ -105,3 +105,9 @@ "useValidForDirection": "error",

"include": ["**/*.ts", "**/*.tsx", "**/*.mts", "**/*.cts"],
"include": [
"linter": {

@@ -108,0 +114,0 @@ "rules": {


/// <reference types="node" />
import { Table as ArrowTable, type Float, Schema } from "apache-arrow";
import { Table as ArrowTable, Binary, DataType, FixedSizeBinary, FixedSizeList, Float, Int, LargeBinary, List, Null, Schema, Struct, Utf8 } from "apache-arrow";
import { type EmbeddingFunction } from "./embedding/embedding_function";
import { EmbeddingFunctionConfig } from "./embedding/registry";
export * from "apache-arrow";
export declare function isArrowTable(value: object): value is ArrowTable;
export declare function isDataType(value: unknown): value is DataType;
export declare function isNull(value: unknown): value is Null;
export declare function isInt(value: unknown): value is Int;
export declare function isFloat(value: unknown): value is Float;
export declare function isBinary(value: unknown): value is Binary;
export declare function isLargeBinary(value: unknown): value is LargeBinary;
export declare function isUtf8(value: unknown): value is Utf8;
export declare function isLargeUtf8(value: unknown): value is Utf8;
export declare function isBool(value: unknown): value is Utf8;
export declare function isDecimal(value: unknown): value is Utf8;
export declare function isDate(value: unknown): value is Utf8;
export declare function isTime(value: unknown): value is Utf8;
export declare function isTimestamp(value: unknown): value is Utf8;
export declare function isInterval(value: unknown): value is Utf8;
export declare function isDuration(value: unknown): value is Utf8;
export declare function isList(value: unknown): value is List;
export declare function isStruct(value: unknown): value is Struct;
export declare function isUnion(value: unknown): value is Struct;
export declare function isFixedSizeBinary(value: unknown): value is FixedSizeBinary;
export declare function isFixedSizeList(value: unknown): value is FixedSizeList;
/** Data type accepted by NodeJS SDK */

@@ -120,7 +143,7 @@ export type Data = Record<string, unknown>[] | ArrowTable;

export declare function makeArrowTable(data: Array<Record<string, unknown>>, options?: Partial<MakeArrowTableOptions>): ArrowTable;
export declare function makeArrowTable(data: Array<Record<string, unknown>>, options?: Partial<MakeArrowTableOptions>, metadata?: Map<string, string>): ArrowTable;
* Create an empty Arrow table with the provided schema
export declare function makeEmptyTable(schema: Schema): ArrowTable;
export declare function makeEmptyTable(schema: Schema, metadata?: Map<string, string>): ArrowTable;

@@ -144,3 +167,5 @@ * Convert an Array of records into an Arrow Table, optionally applying an

export declare function convertToTable<T>(data: Array<Record<string, unknown>>, embeddings?: EmbeddingFunction<T>, makeTableOptions?: Partial<MakeArrowTableOptions>): Promise<ArrowTable>;
export declare function convertToTable(data: Array<Record<string, unknown>>, embeddings?: EmbeddingFunctionConfig, makeTableOptions?: Partial<MakeArrowTableOptions>): Promise<ArrowTable>;
/** Creates the Arrow Type for a Vector column with dimension `dim` */
export declare function newVectorType<T extends Float>(dim: number, innerType: T): FixedSizeList<T>;

@@ -153,3 +178,3 @@ * Serialize an Array of records into a buffer using the Arrow IPC File serialization

export declare function fromRecordsToBuffer<T>(data: Array<Record<string, unknown>>, embeddings?: EmbeddingFunction<T>, schema?: Schema): Promise<Buffer>;
export declare function fromRecordsToBuffer(data: Array<Record<string, unknown>>, embeddings?: EmbeddingFunctionConfig, schema?: Schema): Promise<Buffer>;

@@ -162,3 +187,3 @@ * Serialize an Array of records into a buffer using the Arrow IPC Stream serialization

export declare function fromRecordsToStreamBuffer<T>(data: Array<Record<string, unknown>>, embeddings?: EmbeddingFunction<T>, schema?: Schema): Promise<Buffer>;
export declare function fromRecordsToStreamBuffer(data: Array<Record<string, unknown>>, embeddings?: EmbeddingFunctionConfig, schema?: Schema): Promise<Buffer>;

@@ -172,3 +197,3 @@ * Serialize an Arrow Table into a buffer using the Arrow IPC File serialization

export declare function fromTableToBuffer<T>(table: ArrowTable, embeddings?: EmbeddingFunction<T>, schema?: Schema): Promise<Buffer>;
export declare function fromTableToBuffer(table: ArrowTable, embeddings?: EmbeddingFunctionConfig, schema?: Schema): Promise<Buffer>;

@@ -182,3 +207,3 @@ * Serialize an Arrow Table into a buffer using the Arrow IPC File serialization

export declare function fromDataToBuffer<T>(data: Data, embeddings?: EmbeddingFunction<T>, schema?: Schema): Promise<Buffer>;
export declare function fromDataToBuffer(data: Data, embeddings?: EmbeddingFunctionConfig, schema?: Schema): Promise<Buffer>;

@@ -192,3 +217,3 @@ * Serialize an Arrow Table into a buffer using the Arrow IPC Stream serialization

export declare function fromTableToStreamBuffer<T>(table: ArrowTable, embeddings?: EmbeddingFunction<T>, schema?: Schema): Promise<Buffer>;
export declare function fromTableToStreamBuffer(table: ArrowTable, embeddings?: EmbeddingFunctionConfig, schema?: Schema): Promise<Buffer>;

@@ -195,0 +220,0 @@ * Create an empty table with the given schema

@@ -15,6 +15,129 @@ "use strict";

// limitations under the License.
var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) {
if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(m, k);
if (!desc || ("get" in desc ? !m.__esModule : desc.writable || desc.configurable)) {
desc = { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } };
Object.defineProperty(o, k2, desc);
}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {
if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
o[k2] = m[k];
var __exportStar = (this && this.__exportStar) || function(m, exports) {
for (var p in m) if (p !== "default" && !, p)) __createBinding(exports, m, p);
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.createEmptyTable = exports.fromTableToStreamBuffer = exports.fromDataToBuffer = exports.fromTableToBuffer = exports.fromRecordsToStreamBuffer = exports.fromRecordsToBuffer = exports.convertToTable = exports.makeEmptyTable = exports.makeArrowTable = exports.MakeArrowTableOptions = exports.VectorColumnOptions = void 0;
exports.createEmptyTable = exports.fromTableToStreamBuffer = exports.fromDataToBuffer = exports.fromTableToBuffer = exports.fromRecordsToStreamBuffer = exports.fromRecordsToBuffer = exports.newVectorType = exports.convertToTable = exports.makeEmptyTable = exports.makeArrowTable = exports.MakeArrowTableOptions = exports.VectorColumnOptions = exports.isFixedSizeList = exports.isFixedSizeBinary = exports.isUnion = exports.isStruct = exports.isList = exports.isDuration = exports.isInterval = exports.isTimestamp = exports.isTime = exports.isDate = exports.isDecimal = exports.isBool = exports.isLargeUtf8 = exports.isUtf8 = exports.isLargeBinary = exports.isBinary = exports.isFloat = exports.isInt = exports.isNull = exports.isDataType = exports.isArrowTable = void 0;
const apache_arrow_1 = require("apache-arrow");
const registry_1 = require("./embedding/registry");
const sanitize_1 = require("./sanitize");
__exportStar(require("apache-arrow"), exports);
function isArrowTable(value) {
if (value instanceof apache_arrow_1.Table)
return true;
return "schema" in value && "batches" in value;
exports.isArrowTable = isArrowTable;
function isDataType(value) {
return (value instanceof apache_arrow_1.DataType ||
apache_arrow_1.DataType.isNull(value) ||
apache_arrow_1.DataType.isInt(value) ||
apache_arrow_1.DataType.isFloat(value) ||
apache_arrow_1.DataType.isBinary(value) ||
apache_arrow_1.DataType.isLargeBinary(value) ||
apache_arrow_1.DataType.isUtf8(value) ||
apache_arrow_1.DataType.isLargeUtf8(value) ||
apache_arrow_1.DataType.isBool(value) ||
apache_arrow_1.DataType.isDecimal(value) ||
apache_arrow_1.DataType.isDate(value) ||
apache_arrow_1.DataType.isTime(value) ||
apache_arrow_1.DataType.isTimestamp(value) ||
apache_arrow_1.DataType.isInterval(value) ||
apache_arrow_1.DataType.isDuration(value) ||
apache_arrow_1.DataType.isList(value) ||
apache_arrow_1.DataType.isStruct(value) ||
apache_arrow_1.DataType.isUnion(value) ||
apache_arrow_1.DataType.isFixedSizeBinary(value) ||
apache_arrow_1.DataType.isFixedSizeList(value) ||
apache_arrow_1.DataType.isMap(value) ||
exports.isDataType = isDataType;
function isNull(value) {
return value instanceof apache_arrow_1.Null || apache_arrow_1.DataType.isNull(value);
exports.isNull = isNull;
function isInt(value) {
return value instanceof apache_arrow_1.Int || apache_arrow_1.DataType.isInt(value);
exports.isInt = isInt;
function isFloat(value) {
return value instanceof apache_arrow_1.Float || apache_arrow_1.DataType.isFloat(value);
exports.isFloat = isFloat;
function isBinary(value) {
return value instanceof apache_arrow_1.Binary || apache_arrow_1.DataType.isBinary(value);
exports.isBinary = isBinary;
function isLargeBinary(value) {
return value instanceof apache_arrow_1.LargeBinary || apache_arrow_1.DataType.isLargeBinary(value);
exports.isLargeBinary = isLargeBinary;
function isUtf8(value) {
return value instanceof apache_arrow_1.Utf8 || apache_arrow_1.DataType.isUtf8(value);
exports.isUtf8 = isUtf8;
function isLargeUtf8(value) {
return value instanceof apache_arrow_1.Utf8 || apache_arrow_1.DataType.isLargeUtf8(value);
exports.isLargeUtf8 = isLargeUtf8;
function isBool(value) {
return value instanceof apache_arrow_1.Utf8 || apache_arrow_1.DataType.isBool(value);
exports.isBool = isBool;
function isDecimal(value) {
return value instanceof apache_arrow_1.Utf8 || apache_arrow_1.DataType.isDecimal(value);
exports.isDecimal = isDecimal;
function isDate(value) {
return value instanceof apache_arrow_1.Utf8 || apache_arrow_1.DataType.isDate(value);
exports.isDate = isDate;
function isTime(value) {
return value instanceof apache_arrow_1.Utf8 || apache_arrow_1.DataType.isTime(value);
exports.isTime = isTime;
function isTimestamp(value) {
return value instanceof apache_arrow_1.Utf8 || apache_arrow_1.DataType.isTimestamp(value);
exports.isTimestamp = isTimestamp;
function isInterval(value) {
return value instanceof apache_arrow_1.Utf8 || apache_arrow_1.DataType.isInterval(value);
exports.isInterval = isInterval;
function isDuration(value) {
return value instanceof apache_arrow_1.Utf8 || apache_arrow_1.DataType.isDuration(value);
exports.isDuration = isDuration;
function isList(value) {
return value instanceof apache_arrow_1.List || apache_arrow_1.DataType.isList(value);
exports.isList = isList;
function isStruct(value) {
return value instanceof apache_arrow_1.Struct || apache_arrow_1.DataType.isStruct(value);
exports.isStruct = isStruct;
function isUnion(value) {
return value instanceof apache_arrow_1.Struct || apache_arrow_1.DataType.isUnion(value);
exports.isUnion = isUnion;
function isFixedSizeBinary(value) {
return value instanceof apache_arrow_1.FixedSizeBinary || apache_arrow_1.DataType.isFixedSizeBinary(value);
exports.isFixedSizeBinary = isFixedSizeBinary;
function isFixedSizeList(value) {
return value instanceof apache_arrow_1.FixedSizeList || apache_arrow_1.DataType.isFixedSizeList(value);
exports.isFixedSizeList = isFixedSizeList;

@@ -172,3 +295,3 @@ * Options to control how a column should be converted to a vector array

function makeArrowTable(data, options) {
function makeArrowTable(data, options, metadata) {
if (data.length === 0 &&

@@ -251,10 +374,27 @@ (options?.schema === undefined || options?.schema === null)) {

const firstTable = new apache_arrow_1.Table(columns);
const batchesFixed =
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
(batch) => new apache_arrow_1.RecordBatch(opt.schema,;
return new apache_arrow_1.Table(opt.schema, batchesFixed);
const batchesFixed = => new apache_arrow_1.RecordBatch(opt.schema,;
let schema;
if (metadata !== undefined) {
let schemaMetadata = opt.schema.metadata;
if (schemaMetadata.size === 0) {
schemaMetadata = metadata;
else {
for (const [key, entry] of schemaMetadata.entries()) {
schemaMetadata.set(key, entry);
schema = new apache_arrow_1.Schema(opt.schema.fields, schemaMetadata);
else {
schema = opt.schema;
return new apache_arrow_1.Table(schema, batchesFixed);
else {
return new apache_arrow_1.Table(columns);
const tbl = new apache_arrow_1.Table(columns);
if (metadata !== undefined) {
// biome-ignore lint/suspicious/noExplicitAny: <explanation>
tbl.schema.metadata = metadata;
return tbl;

@@ -265,4 +405,4 @@ exports.makeArrowTable = makeArrowTable;

function makeEmptyTable(schema) {
return makeArrowTable([], { schema });
function makeEmptyTable(schema, metadata) {
return makeArrowTable([], { schema }, metadata);

@@ -329,5 +469,48 @@ exports.makeEmptyTable = makeEmptyTable;

/** Helper function to apply embeddings from metadata to an input table */
async function applyEmbeddingsFromMetadata(table, schema) {
const registry = (0, registry_1.getRegistry)();
const functions = registry.parseFunctions(schema.metadata);
const columns = Object.fromEntries( => [,
for (const functionEntry of functions.values()) {
const sourceColumn = columns[functionEntry.sourceColumn];
const destColumn = functionEntry.vectorColumn ?? "vector";
if (sourceColumn === undefined) {
throw new Error(`Cannot apply embedding function because the source column '${functionEntry.sourceColumn}' was not present in the data`);
if (columns[destColumn] !== undefined) {
throw new Error(`Attempt to apply embeddings to table failed because column ${destColumn} already existed`);
if (table.batches.length > 1) {
throw new Error("Internal error: `makeArrowTable` unexpectedly created a table with more than one batch");
const values = sourceColumn.toArray();
const vectors = await functionEntry.function.computeSourceEmbeddings(values);
if (vectors.length !== values.length) {
throw new Error("Embedding function did not return an embedding for each input element");
let destType;
const dtype = schema.fields.find((f) => === destColumn).type;
if (isFixedSizeList(dtype)) {
destType = (0, sanitize_1.sanitizeType)(dtype);
else {
throw new Error("Expected FixedSizeList as datatype for vector field, instead got: " +
const vector = makeVector(vectors, destType);
columns[destColumn] = vector;
const newTable = new apache_arrow_1.Table(columns);
return alignTable(newTable, schema);
/** Helper function to apply embeddings to an input table */
async function applyEmbeddings(table, embeddings, schema) {
if (embeddings == null) {
if (schema?.metadata.has("embedding_functions")) {
return applyEmbeddingsFromMetadata(table, schema);
else if (embeddings == null || embeddings === undefined) {
return table;

@@ -347,4 +530,4 @@ }

const sourceColumn = newColumns[embeddings.sourceColumn];
const destColumn = embeddings.destColumn ?? "vector";
const innerDestType = embeddings.embeddingDataType ?? new apache_arrow_1.Float32();
const destColumn = embeddings.vectorColumn ?? "vector";
const innerDestType = embeddings.function.embeddingDataType() ?? new apache_arrow_1.Float32();
if (sourceColumn === undefined) {

@@ -360,4 +543,5 @@ throw new Error(`Cannot apply embedding function because the source column '${embeddings.sourceColumn}' was not present in the data`);

if (embeddings.embeddingDimension !== undefined) {
const destType = newVectorType(embeddings.embeddingDimension, innerDestType);
const dimensions = embeddings.function.ndims();
if (dimensions !== undefined) {
const destType = newVectorType(dimensions, innerDestType);
newColumns[destColumn] = makeVector([], destType);

@@ -386,3 +570,3 @@ }

const values = sourceColumn.toArray();
const vectors = await embeddings.embed(values);
const vectors = await embeddings.function.computeSourceEmbeddings(values);
if (vectors.length !== values.length) {

@@ -430,5 +614,6 @@ throw new Error("Embedding function did not return an embedding for each input element");

// otherwise we often get schema mismatches because the stored data always has schema with nullable elements
const children = new apache_arrow_1.Field("item", innerType, true);
const children = new apache_arrow_1.Field("item", (0, sanitize_1.sanitizeType)(innerType), true);
return new apache_arrow_1.FixedSizeList(dim, children);
exports.newVectorType = newVectorType;

@@ -495,8 +680,8 @@ * Serialize an Array of records into a buffer using the Arrow IPC File serialization

if (data instanceof apache_arrow_1.Table) {
if (isArrowTable(data)) {
return fromTableToBuffer(data, embeddings, schema);
else {
const table = await convertToTable(data);
return fromTableToBuffer(table, embeddings, schema);
const table = await convertToTable(data, embeddings, { schema });
return fromTableToBuffer(table);

@@ -561,6 +746,18 @@ }

// if they are not, we throw an error
for (const field of schema.fields) {
if (field.type instanceof apache_arrow_1.FixedSizeList) {
for (let field of schema.fields) {
if (isFixedSizeList(field.type)) {
field = (0, sanitize_1.sanitizeField)(field);
if (data.length !== 0 && data?.[0]?.[] === undefined) {
if (schema.metadata.has("embedding_functions")) {
const embeddings = JSON.parse(schema.metadata.get("embedding_functions"));
if (
// biome-ignore lint/suspicious/noExplicitAny: we don't know the type of `f`
embeddings.find((f) => f["vectorColumn"] === ===
undefined) {
else {

@@ -567,0 +764,0 @@ else {

@@ -1,2 +0,3 @@

import { Table as ArrowTable, Schema } from "apache-arrow";
import { Table as ArrowTable, Schema } from "./arrow";
import { EmbeddingFunctionConfig } from "./embedding/registry";
import { ConnectionOptions, Connection as LanceDbConnection } from "./native";

@@ -42,2 +43,4 @@ import { Table } from "./table";

storageOptions?: Record<string, string>;
schema?: Schema;
embeddingFunction?: EmbeddingFunctionConfig;

@@ -44,0 +47,0 @@ export interface OpenTableOptions {

@@ -17,4 +17,4 @@ "use strict";

exports.Connection = exports.connect = void 0;
const apache_arrow_1 = require("apache-arrow");
const arrow_1 = require("./arrow");
const registry_1 = require("./embedding/registry");
const native_1 = require("./native");

@@ -113,9 +113,9 @@ const table_1 = require("./table");

let table;
if (data instanceof apache_arrow_1.Table) {
if ((0, arrow_1.isArrowTable)(data)) {
table = data;
else {
table = (0, arrow_1.makeArrowTable)(data);
table = (0, arrow_1.makeArrowTable)(data, options);
const buf = await (0, arrow_1.fromTableToBuffer)(table);
const buf = await (0, arrow_1.fromTableToBuffer)(table, options?.embeddingFunction, options?.schema);
const innerTable = await this.inner.createTable(name, buf, mode, cleanseStorageOptions(options?.storageOptions));

@@ -135,3 +135,9 @@ return new table_1.Table(innerTable);

const table = (0, arrow_1.makeEmptyTable)(schema);
let metadata = undefined;
if (options?.embeddingFunction !== undefined) {
const embeddingFunction = options.embeddingFunction;
const registry = (0, registry_1.getRegistry)();
metadata = registry.getTableMetadata([embeddingFunction]);
const table = (0, arrow_1.makeEmptyTable)(schema, metadata);
const buf = await (0, arrow_1.fromTableToBuffer)(table);

@@ -138,0 +144,0 @@ const innerTable = await this.inner.createEmptyTable(name, buf, mode, cleanseStorageOptions(options?.storageOptions));

@@ -1,45 +0,71 @@

import { type Float } from "apache-arrow";
import "reflect-metadata";
import { DataType, Float } from "../arrow";
* Options for a given embedding function
export interface FunctionOptions {
[key: string]: any;
* An embedding function that automatically creates vector representation for a given column.
export interface EmbeddingFunction<T> {
export declare abstract class EmbeddingFunction<T = any, M extends FunctionOptions = FunctionOptions> {
* The name of the column that will be used as input for the Embedding Function.
sourceColumn: string;
* The data type of the embedding
* Convert the embedding function to a JSON object
* It is used to serialize the embedding function to the schema
* It's important that any object returned by this method contains all the necessary
* information to recreate the embedding function
* The embedding function should return `number`. This will be converted into
* an Arrow float array. By default this will be Float32 but this property can
* be used to control the conversion.
embeddingDataType?: Float;
* The dimension of the embedding
* It should return the same object that was passed to the constructor
* If it does not, the embedding function will not be able to be recreated, or could be recreated incorrectly
* This is optional, normally this can be determined by looking at the results of
* `embed`. If this is not specified, and there is an attempt to apply the embedding
* to an empty table, then that process will fail.
* @example
* ```ts
* class MyEmbeddingFunction extends EmbeddingFunction {
* constructor(options: {model: string, timeout: number}) {
* super();
* this.model = options.model;
* this.timeout = options.timeout;
* }
* toJSON() {
* return {
* model: this.model,
* timeout: this.timeout,
* };
* }
* ```
embeddingDimension?: number;
abstract toJSON(): Partial<M>;
* The name of the column that will contain the embedding
* sourceField is used in combination with `LanceSchema` to provide a declarative data model
* By default this is "vector"
* @param optionsOrDatatype - The options for the field or the datatype
* @see {@link lancedb.LanceSchema}
destColumn?: string;
sourceField(optionsOrDatatype: Partial<FieldOptions> | DataType): [DataType, Map<string, EmbeddingFunction>];
* Should the source column be excluded from the resulting table
* vectorField is used in combination with `LanceSchema` to provide a declarative data model
* By default the source column is included. Set this to true and
* only the embedding will be stored.
* @param options - The options for the field
* @see {@link lancedb.LanceSchema}
excludeSource?: boolean;
vectorField(options?: Partial<FieldOptions>): [DataType, Map<string, EmbeddingFunction>];
/** The number of dimensions of the embeddings */
ndims(): number | undefined;
/** The datatype of the embeddings */
abstract embeddingDataType(): Float;
* Creates a vector representation for the given values.
embed: (data: T[]) => Promise<number[][]>;
abstract computeSourceEmbeddings(data: T[]): Promise<number[][] | Float32Array[] | Float64Array[]>;
Compute the embeddings for a single query
computeQueryEmbeddings(data: T): Promise<number[] | Float32Array | Float64Array>;
/** Test if the input seems to be an embedding function */
export declare function isEmbeddingFunction<T>(value: unknown): value is EmbeddingFunction<T>;
export interface FieldOptions<T extends DataType = DataType> {
datatype: T;
dims?: number;
"use strict";
// Copyright 2023 Lance Developers.
// Copyright 2024 Lance Developers.

@@ -16,13 +16,74 @@ // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.isEmbeddingFunction = void 0;
/** Test if the input seems to be an embedding function */
function isEmbeddingFunction(value) {
if (typeof value !== "object" || value === null) {
return false;
exports.EmbeddingFunction = void 0;
const arrow_1 = require("../arrow");
const sanitize_1 = require("../sanitize");
* An embedding function that automatically creates vector representation for a given column.
class EmbeddingFunction {
* sourceField is used in combination with `LanceSchema` to provide a declarative data model
* @param optionsOrDatatype - The options for the field or the datatype
* @see {@link lancedb.LanceSchema}
sourceField(optionsOrDatatype) {
let datatype = (0, arrow_1.isDataType)(optionsOrDatatype)
? optionsOrDatatype
: optionsOrDatatype?.datatype;
if (!datatype) {
throw new Error("Datatype is required");
datatype = (0, sanitize_1.sanitizeType)(datatype);
const metadata = new Map();
metadata.set("source_column_for", this);
return [datatype, metadata];
if (!("sourceColumn" in value) || !("embed" in value)) {
return false;
* vectorField is used in combination with `LanceSchema` to provide a declarative data model
* @param options - The options for the field
* @see {@link lancedb.LanceSchema}
vectorField(options) {
let dtype;
const dims = this.ndims() ?? options?.dims;
if (!options?.datatype) {
if (dims === undefined) {
throw new Error("ndims is required for vector field");
dtype = new arrow_1.FixedSizeList(dims, new arrow_1.Field("item", new arrow_1.Float32(), true));
else {
if ((0, arrow_1.isFixedSizeList)(options.datatype)) {
dtype = options.datatype;
else if ((0, arrow_1.isFloat)(options.datatype)) {
if (dims === undefined) {
throw new Error("ndims is required for vector field");
dtype = (0, arrow_1.newVectorType)(dims, options.datatype);
else {
throw new Error("Expected FixedSizeList or Float as datatype for vector field");
const metadata = new Map();
metadata.set("vector_column_for", this);
return [dtype, metadata];
return (typeof value.sourceColumn === "string" && typeof value.embed === "function");
/** The number of dimensions of the embeddings */
ndims() {
return undefined;
Compute the embeddings for a single query
async computeQueryEmbeddings(data) {
return this.computeSourceEmbeddings([data]).then((embeddings) => embeddings[0]);
exports.isEmbeddingFunction = isEmbeddingFunction;
exports.EmbeddingFunction = EmbeddingFunction;

@@ -1,2 +0,28 @@

export { EmbeddingFunction, isEmbeddingFunction } from "./embedding_function";
export { OpenAIEmbeddingFunction } from "./openai";
import { Schema } from "../arrow";
import { EmbeddingFunction } from "./embedding_function";
export { EmbeddingFunction } from "./embedding_function";
export * from "./openai";
export * from "./registry";
* Create a schema with embedding functions.
* @param fields
* @returns Schema
* @example
* ```ts
* class MyEmbeddingFunction extends EmbeddingFunction {
* // ...
* }
* const func = new MyEmbeddingFunction();
* const schema = LanceSchema({
* id: new Int32(),
* text: func.sourceField(new Utf8()),
* vector: func.vectorField(),
* // optional: specify the datatype and/or dimensions
* vector2: func.vectorField({ datatype: new Float32(), dims: 3}),
* });
* const table = await db.createTable("my_table", data, { schema });
* ```
export declare function LanceSchema(fields: Record<string, [object, Map<string, EmbeddingFunction>] | object>): Schema;
"use strict";
// Copyright 2023 Lance Developers.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) {
if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(m, k);
if (!desc || ("get" in desc ? !m.__esModule : desc.writable || desc.configurable)) {
desc = { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } };
Object.defineProperty(o, k2, desc);
}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {
if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
o[k2] = m[k];
var __exportStar = (this && this.__exportStar) || function(m, exports) {
for (var p in m) if (p !== "default" && !, p)) __createBinding(exports, m, p);
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.OpenAIEmbeddingFunction = exports.isEmbeddingFunction = void 0;
exports.LanceSchema = exports.EmbeddingFunction = void 0;
const arrow_1 = require("../arrow");
const arrow_2 = require("../arrow");
const sanitize_1 = require("../sanitize");
const registry_1 = require("./registry");
var embedding_function_1 = require("./embedding_function");
Object.defineProperty(exports, "isEmbeddingFunction", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return embedding_function_1.isEmbeddingFunction; } });
var openai_1 = require("./openai");
Object.defineProperty(exports, "OpenAIEmbeddingFunction", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return openai_1.OpenAIEmbeddingFunction; } });
Object.defineProperty(exports, "EmbeddingFunction", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return embedding_function_1.EmbeddingFunction; } });
// We need to explicitly export '*' so that the `register` decorator actually registers the class.
__exportStar(require("./openai"), exports);
__exportStar(require("./registry"), exports);
* Create a schema with embedding functions.
* @param fields
* @returns Schema
* @example
* ```ts
* class MyEmbeddingFunction extends EmbeddingFunction {
* // ...
* }
* const func = new MyEmbeddingFunction();
* const schema = LanceSchema({
* id: new Int32(),
* text: func.sourceField(new Utf8()),
* vector: func.vectorField(),
* // optional: specify the datatype and/or dimensions
* vector2: func.vectorField({ datatype: new Float32(), dims: 3}),
* });
* const table = await db.createTable("my_table", data, { schema });
* ```
function LanceSchema(fields) {
const arrowFields = [];
const embeddingFunctions = new Map();
Object.entries(fields).forEach(([key, value]) => {
if ((0, arrow_2.isDataType)(value)) {
arrowFields.push(new arrow_1.Field(key, (0, sanitize_1.sanitizeType)(value), true));
else {
const [dtype, metadata] = value;
arrowFields.push(new arrow_1.Field(key, (0, sanitize_1.sanitizeType)(dtype), true));
parseEmbeddingFunctions(embeddingFunctions, key, metadata);
const registry = (0, registry_1.getRegistry)();
const metadata = registry.getTableMetadata(Array.from(embeddingFunctions.values()));
const schema = new arrow_1.Schema(arrowFields, metadata);
return schema;
exports.LanceSchema = LanceSchema;
function parseEmbeddingFunctions(embeddingFunctions, key, metadata) {
if (metadata.has("source_column_for")) {
const embedFunction = metadata.get("source_column_for");
const current = embeddingFunctions.get(embedFunction);
if (current !== undefined) {
embeddingFunctions.set(embedFunction, {
sourceColumn: key,
else {
embeddingFunctions.set(embedFunction, {
sourceColumn: key,
function: embedFunction,
else if (metadata.has("vector_column_for")) {
const embedFunction = metadata.get("vector_column_for");
const current = embeddingFunctions.get(embedFunction);
if (current !== undefined) {
embeddingFunctions.set(embedFunction, {
vectorColumn: key,
else {
embeddingFunctions.set(embedFunction, {
vectorColumn: key,
function: embedFunction,

@@ -1,8 +0,17 @@

import { type EmbeddingFunction } from "./embedding_function";
export declare class OpenAIEmbeddingFunction implements EmbeddingFunction<string> {
private readonly _openai;
private readonly _modelName;
constructor(sourceColumn: string, openAIKey: string, modelName?: string);
embed(data: string[]): Promise<number[][]>;
sourceColumn: string;
import { Float } from "../arrow";
import { EmbeddingFunction } from "./embedding_function";
export type OpenAIOptions = {
apiKey?: string;
model?: string;
export declare class OpenAIEmbeddingFunction extends EmbeddingFunction<string, OpenAIOptions> {
constructor(options?: OpenAIOptions);
toJSON(): {
model: string;
ndims(): number;
embeddingDataType(): Float;
computeSourceEmbeddings(data: string[]): Promise<number[][]>;
computeQueryEmbeddings(data: string): Promise<number[]>;

@@ -15,8 +15,26 @@ "use strict";

// limitations under the License.
var __decorate = (this && this.__decorate) || function (decorators, target, key, desc) {
var c = arguments.length, r = c < 3 ? target : desc === null ? desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) : desc, d;
if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.decorate === "function") r = Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc);
else for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (d = decorators[i]) r = (c < 3 ? d(r) : c > 3 ? d(target, key, r) : d(target, key)) || r;
return c > 3 && r && Object.defineProperty(target, key, r), r;
var __metadata = (this && this.__metadata) || function (k, v) {
if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.metadata === "function") return Reflect.metadata(k, v);
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.OpenAIEmbeddingFunction = void 0;
class OpenAIEmbeddingFunction {
constructor(sourceColumn, openAIKey, modelName = "text-embedding-ada-002") {
const arrow_1 = require("../arrow");
const embedding_function_1 = require("./embedding_function");
const registry_1 = require("./registry");
let OpenAIEmbeddingFunction = class OpenAIEmbeddingFunction extends embedding_function_1.EmbeddingFunction {
constructor(options = { model: "text-embedding-ada-002" }) {
const openAIKey = options?.apiKey ?? process.env.OPENAI_API_KEY;
if (!openAIKey) {
throw new Error("OpenAI API key is required");
const modelName = options?.model ?? "text-embedding-ada-002";

@@ -34,12 +52,31 @@ * @type {import("openai").default}

this.sourceColumn = sourceColumn;
const configuration = {
apiKey: openAIKey,
this._openai = new Openai(configuration);
this._modelName = modelName;
this.#openai = new Openai(configuration);
this.#modelName = modelName;
async embed(data) {
const response = await this._openai.embeddings.create({
model: this._modelName,
toJSON() {
return {
model: this.#modelName,
ndims() {
switch (this.#modelName) {
case "text-embedding-ada-002":
return 1536;
case "text-embedding-3-large":
return 3072;
case "text-embedding-3-small":
return 1536;
return null;
embeddingDataType() {
return new arrow_1.Float32();
async computeSourceEmbeddings(data) {
const response = await this.#openai.embeddings.create({
model: this.#modelName,
input: data,

@@ -53,4 +90,17 @@ });

async computeQueryEmbeddings(data) {
if (typeof data !== "string") {
throw new Error("Data must be a string");
const response = await this.#openai.embeddings.create({
model: this.#modelName,
input: data,
exports.OpenAIEmbeddingFunction = OpenAIEmbeddingFunction;
exports.OpenAIEmbeddingFunction = OpenAIEmbeddingFunction = __decorate([
(0, registry_1.register)("openai"),
__metadata("design:paramtypes", [Object])
], OpenAIEmbeddingFunction);

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import { Table as ArrowTable, RecordBatch } from "apache-arrow";
import { Table as ArrowTable, RecordBatch } from "./arrow";
import { RecordBatchIterator as NativeBatchIterator, Query as NativeQuery, Table as NativeTable, VectorQuery as NativeVectorQuery } from "./native";

@@ -3,0 +3,0 @@ export declare class RecordBatchIterator implements AsyncIterator<RecordBatch> {

@@ -17,3 +17,3 @@ "use strict";

exports.Query = exports.VectorQuery = exports.QueryBase = exports.RecordBatchIterator = void 0;
const apache_arrow_1 = require("apache-arrow");
const arrow_1 = require("./arrow");
class RecordBatchIterator {

@@ -38,3 +38,3 @@ promisedInner;

const tbl = (0, apache_arrow_1.tableFromIPC)(n);
const tbl = (0, arrow_1.tableFromIPC)(n);
if (tbl.batches.length != 1) {

@@ -153,3 +153,3 @@ throw new Error("Expected only one batch");

return new apache_arrow_1.Table(batches);
return new arrow_1.Table(batches);

@@ -156,0 +156,0 @@ /** Collect the results as an array of objects. */

@@ -1,2 +0,23 @@

import { Schema } from "apache-arrow";
import type { TKeys } from "apache-arrow/type";
import { DataType, Date_, Decimal, DenseUnion, Dictionary, Duration, Field, FixedSizeBinary, FixedSizeList, Float, Int, Interval, List, Map_, Schema, SparseUnion, Struct, Time, Timestamp, TimestampMicrosecond, TimestampMillisecond, TimestampNanosecond, TimestampSecond, Type, Union } from "./arrow";
export declare function sanitizeMetadata(metadataLike?: unknown): Map<string, string> | undefined;
export declare function sanitizeInt(typeLike: object): Int<Type.Int | Type.Int8 | Type.Int16 | Type.Int32 | Type.Int64 | Type.Uint8 | Type.Uint16 | Type.Uint32 | Type.Uint64>;
export declare function sanitizeFloat(typeLike: object): Float<Type.Float | Type.Float16 | Type.Float32 | Type.Float64>;
export declare function sanitizeDecimal(typeLike: object): Decimal;
export declare function sanitizeDate(typeLike: object): Date_<import("apache-arrow/type").Dates>;
export declare function sanitizeTime(typeLike: object): Time<Type.Time | Type.TimeSecond | Type.TimeMillisecond | Type.TimeMicrosecond | Type.TimeNanosecond>;
export declare function sanitizeTimestamp(typeLike: object): Timestamp<Type.Timestamp | Type.TimestampSecond | Type.TimestampMillisecond | Type.TimestampMicrosecond | Type.TimestampNanosecond>;
export declare function sanitizeTypedTimestamp(typeLike: object, Datatype: typeof TimestampNanosecond | typeof TimestampMicrosecond | typeof TimestampMillisecond | typeof TimestampSecond): TimestampSecond | TimestampMillisecond | TimestampMicrosecond | TimestampNanosecond;
export declare function sanitizeInterval(typeLike: object): Interval<Type.Interval | Type.IntervalDayTime | Type.IntervalYearMonth>;
export declare function sanitizeList(typeLike: object): List<any>;
export declare function sanitizeStruct(typeLike: object): Struct<any>;
export declare function sanitizeUnion(typeLike: object): Union<Type.Union | Type.DenseUnion | Type.SparseUnion>;
export declare function sanitizeTypedUnion(typeLike: object, UnionType: typeof DenseUnion | typeof SparseUnion): SparseUnion | DenseUnion;
export declare function sanitizeFixedSizeBinary(typeLike: object): FixedSizeBinary;
export declare function sanitizeFixedSizeList(typeLike: object): FixedSizeList<any>;
export declare function sanitizeMap(typeLike: object): Map_<any, any>;
export declare function sanitizeDuration(typeLike: object): Duration<Type.Duration | Type.DurationSecond | Type.DurationMillisecond | Type.DurationMicrosecond | Type.DurationNanosecond>;
export declare function sanitizeDictionary(typeLike: object): Dictionary<DataType<any, any>, TKeys>;
export declare function sanitizeType(typeLike: unknown): DataType<any>;
export declare function sanitizeField(fieldLike: unknown): Field;

@@ -3,0 +24,0 @@ * Convert something schemaLike into a Schema instance

@@ -16,11 +16,4 @@ "use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.sanitizeSchema = void 0;
// The utilities in this file help sanitize data from the user's arrow
// library into the types expected by vectordb's arrow library. Node
// generally allows for mulitple versions of the same library (and sometimes
// even multiple copies of the same version) to be installed at the same
// time. However, arrow-js uses instanceof which expected that the input
// comes from the exact same library instance. This is not always the case
// and so we must sanitize the input to ensure that it is compatible.
const apache_arrow_1 = require("apache-arrow");
exports.sanitizeSchema = exports.sanitizeField = exports.sanitizeType = exports.sanitizeDictionary = exports.sanitizeDuration = exports.sanitizeMap = exports.sanitizeFixedSizeList = exports.sanitizeFixedSizeBinary = exports.sanitizeTypedUnion = exports.sanitizeUnion = exports.sanitizeStruct = exports.sanitizeList = exports.sanitizeInterval = exports.sanitizeTypedTimestamp = exports.sanitizeTimestamp = exports.sanitizeTime = exports.sanitizeDate = exports.sanitizeDecimal = exports.sanitizeFloat = exports.sanitizeInt = exports.sanitizeMetadata = void 0;
const arrow_1 = require("./arrow");
function sanitizeMetadata(metadataLike) {

@@ -40,2 +33,3 @@ if (metadataLike === undefined || metadataLike === null) {

exports.sanitizeMetadata = sanitizeMetadata;
function sanitizeInt(typeLike) {

@@ -48,4 +42,5 @@ if (!("bitWidth" in typeLike) ||

return new apache_arrow_1.Int(typeLike.isSigned, typeLike.bitWidth);
return new arrow_1.Int(typeLike.isSigned, typeLike.bitWidth);
exports.sanitizeInt = sanitizeInt;
function sanitizeFloat(typeLike) {

@@ -55,4 +50,5 @@ if (!("precision" in typeLike) || typeof typeLike.precision !== "number") {

return new apache_arrow_1.Float(typeLike.precision);
return new arrow_1.Float(typeLike.precision);
exports.sanitizeFloat = sanitizeFloat;
function sanitizeDecimal(typeLike) {

@@ -67,4 +63,5 @@ if (!("scale" in typeLike) ||

return new apache_arrow_1.Decimal(typeLike.scale, typeLike.precision, typeLike.bitWidth);
return new arrow_1.Decimal(typeLike.scale, typeLike.precision, typeLike.bitWidth);
exports.sanitizeDecimal = sanitizeDecimal;
function sanitizeDate(typeLike) {

@@ -74,4 +71,5 @@ if (!("unit" in typeLike) || typeof typeLike.unit !== "number") {

return new apache_arrow_1.Date_(typeLike.unit);
return new arrow_1.Date_(typeLike.unit);
exports.sanitizeDate = sanitizeDate;
function sanitizeTime(typeLike) {

@@ -84,4 +82,5 @@ if (!("unit" in typeLike) ||

return new apache_arrow_1.Time(typeLike.unit, typeLike.bitWidth);
return new arrow_1.Time(typeLike.unit, typeLike.bitWidth);
exports.sanitizeTime = sanitizeTime;
function sanitizeTimestamp(typeLike) {

@@ -95,4 +94,5 @@ if (!("unit" in typeLike) || typeof typeLike.unit !== "number") {

return new apache_arrow_1.Timestamp(typeLike.unit, timezone);
return new arrow_1.Timestamp(typeLike.unit, timezone);
exports.sanitizeTimestamp = sanitizeTimestamp;
function sanitizeTypedTimestamp(typeLike,

@@ -107,2 +107,3 @@ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention

exports.sanitizeTypedTimestamp = sanitizeTypedTimestamp;
function sanitizeInterval(typeLike) {

@@ -112,4 +113,5 @@ if (!("unit" in typeLike) || typeof typeLike.unit !== "number") {

return new apache_arrow_1.Interval(typeLike.unit);
return new arrow_1.Interval(typeLike.unit);
exports.sanitizeInterval = sanitizeInterval;
function sanitizeList(typeLike) {

@@ -122,4 +124,5 @@ if (!("children" in typeLike) || !Array.isArray(typeLike.children)) {

return new apache_arrow_1.List(sanitizeField(typeLike.children[0]));
return new arrow_1.List(sanitizeField(typeLike.children[0]));
exports.sanitizeList = sanitizeList;
function sanitizeStruct(typeLike) {

@@ -129,4 +132,5 @@ if (!("children" in typeLike) || !Array.isArray(typeLike.children)) {

return new apache_arrow_1.Struct( => sanitizeField(child)));
return new arrow_1.Struct( => sanitizeField(child)));
exports.sanitizeStruct = sanitizeStruct;
function sanitizeUnion(typeLike) {

@@ -141,6 +145,7 @@ if (!("typeIds" in typeLike) ||

return new apache_arrow_1.Union(typeLike.mode,
return new arrow_1.Union(typeLike.mode,
// biome-ignore lint/suspicious/noExplicitAny: skip
typeLike.typeIds, => sanitizeField(child)));
exports.sanitizeUnion = sanitizeUnion;
function sanitizeTypedUnion(typeLike,

@@ -157,2 +162,3 @@ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention

exports.sanitizeTypedUnion = sanitizeTypedUnion;
function sanitizeFixedSizeBinary(typeLike) {

@@ -162,4 +168,5 @@ if (!("byteWidth" in typeLike) || typeof typeLike.byteWidth !== "number") {

return new apache_arrow_1.FixedSizeBinary(typeLike.byteWidth);
return new arrow_1.FixedSizeBinary(typeLike.byteWidth);
exports.sanitizeFixedSizeBinary = sanitizeFixedSizeBinary;
function sanitizeFixedSizeList(typeLike) {

@@ -175,4 +182,5 @@ if (!("listSize" in typeLike) || typeof typeLike.listSize !== "number") {

return new apache_arrow_1.FixedSizeList(typeLike.listSize, sanitizeField(typeLike.children[0]));
return new arrow_1.FixedSizeList(typeLike.listSize, sanitizeField(typeLike.children[0]));
exports.sanitizeFixedSizeList = sanitizeFixedSizeList;
function sanitizeMap(typeLike) {

@@ -185,6 +193,7 @@ if (!("children" in typeLike) || !Array.isArray(typeLike.children)) {

return new apache_arrow_1.Map_(
return new arrow_1.Map_(
// biome-ignore lint/suspicious/noExplicitAny: skip => sanitizeField(field)), typeLike.keysSorted);
exports.sanitizeMap = sanitizeMap;
function sanitizeDuration(typeLike) {

@@ -194,4 +203,5 @@ if (!("unit" in typeLike) || typeof typeLike.unit !== "number") {

return new apache_arrow_1.Duration(typeLike.unit);
return new arrow_1.Duration(typeLike.unit);
exports.sanitizeDuration = sanitizeDuration;
function sanitizeDictionary(typeLike) {

@@ -210,4 +220,5 @@ if (!("id" in typeLike) || typeof !== "number") {

return new apache_arrow_1.Dictionary(sanitizeType(typeLike.dictionary), sanitizeType(typeLike.indices),, typeLike.isOrdered);
return new arrow_1.Dictionary(sanitizeType(typeLike.dictionary), sanitizeType(typeLike.indices),, typeLike.isOrdered);
exports.sanitizeDictionary = sanitizeDictionary;
// biome-ignore lint/suspicious/noExplicitAny: skip

@@ -232,100 +243,100 @@ function sanitizeType(typeLike) {

switch (typeId) {
case apache_arrow_1.Type.NONE:
case arrow_1.Type.NONE:
throw Error("Received a Type with a typeId of NONE");
case apache_arrow_1.Type.Null:
return new apache_arrow_1.Null();
case apache_arrow_1.Type.Int:
case arrow_1.Type.Null:
return new arrow_1.Null();
case arrow_1.Type.Int:
return sanitizeInt(typeLike);
case apache_arrow_1.Type.Float:
case arrow_1.Type.Float:
return sanitizeFloat(typeLike);
case apache_arrow_1.Type.Binary:
return new apache_arrow_1.Binary();
case apache_arrow_1.Type.Utf8:
return new apache_arrow_1.Utf8();
case apache_arrow_1.Type.Bool:
return new apache_arrow_1.Bool();
case apache_arrow_1.Type.Decimal:
case arrow_1.Type.Binary:
return new arrow_1.Binary();
case arrow_1.Type.Utf8:
return new arrow_1.Utf8();
case arrow_1.Type.Bool:
return new arrow_1.Bool();
case arrow_1.Type.Decimal:
return sanitizeDecimal(typeLike);
case apache_arrow_1.Type.Date:
case arrow_1.Type.Date:
return sanitizeDate(typeLike);
case apache_arrow_1.Type.Time:
case arrow_1.Type.Time:
return sanitizeTime(typeLike);
case apache_arrow_1.Type.Timestamp:
case arrow_1.Type.Timestamp:
return sanitizeTimestamp(typeLike);
case apache_arrow_1.Type.Interval:
case arrow_1.Type.Interval:
return sanitizeInterval(typeLike);
case apache_arrow_1.Type.List:
case arrow_1.Type.List:
return sanitizeList(typeLike);
case apache_arrow_1.Type.Struct:
case arrow_1.Type.Struct:
return sanitizeStruct(typeLike);
case apache_arrow_1.Type.Union:
case arrow_1.Type.Union:
return sanitizeUnion(typeLike);
case apache_arrow_1.Type.FixedSizeBinary:
case arrow_1.Type.FixedSizeBinary:
return sanitizeFixedSizeBinary(typeLike);
case apache_arrow_1.Type.FixedSizeList:
case arrow_1.Type.FixedSizeList:
return sanitizeFixedSizeList(typeLike);
case apache_arrow_1.Type.Map:
case arrow_1.Type.Map:
return sanitizeMap(typeLike);
case apache_arrow_1.Type.Duration:
case arrow_1.Type.Duration:
return sanitizeDuration(typeLike);
case apache_arrow_1.Type.Dictionary:
case arrow_1.Type.Dictionary:
return sanitizeDictionary(typeLike);
case apache_arrow_1.Type.Int8:
return new apache_arrow_1.Int8();
case apache_arrow_1.Type.Int16:
return new apache_arrow_1.Int16();
case apache_arrow_1.Type.Int32:
return new apache_arrow_1.Int32();
case apache_arrow_1.Type.Int64:
return new apache_arrow_1.Int64();
case apache_arrow_1.Type.Uint8:
return new apache_arrow_1.Uint8();
case apache_arrow_1.Type.Uint16:
return new apache_arrow_1.Uint16();
case apache_arrow_1.Type.Uint32:
return new apache_arrow_1.Uint32();
case apache_arrow_1.Type.Uint64:
return new apache_arrow_1.Uint64();
case apache_arrow_1.Type.Float16:
return new apache_arrow_1.Float16();
case apache_arrow_1.Type.Float32:
return new apache_arrow_1.Float32();
case apache_arrow_1.Type.Float64:
return new apache_arrow_1.Float64();
case apache_arrow_1.Type.DateMillisecond:
return new apache_arrow_1.DateMillisecond();
case apache_arrow_1.Type.DateDay:
return new apache_arrow_1.DateDay();
case apache_arrow_1.Type.TimeNanosecond:
return new apache_arrow_1.TimeNanosecond();
case apache_arrow_1.Type.TimeMicrosecond:
return new apache_arrow_1.TimeMicrosecond();
case apache_arrow_1.Type.TimeMillisecond:
return new apache_arrow_1.TimeMillisecond();
case apache_arrow_1.Type.TimeSecond:
return new apache_arrow_1.TimeSecond();
case apache_arrow_1.Type.TimestampNanosecond:
return sanitizeTypedTimestamp(typeLike, apache_arrow_1.TimestampNanosecond);
case apache_arrow_1.Type.TimestampMicrosecond:
return sanitizeTypedTimestamp(typeLike, apache_arrow_1.TimestampMicrosecond);
case apache_arrow_1.Type.TimestampMillisecond:
return sanitizeTypedTimestamp(typeLike, apache_arrow_1.TimestampMillisecond);
case apache_arrow_1.Type.TimestampSecond:
return sanitizeTypedTimestamp(typeLike, apache_arrow_1.TimestampSecond);
case apache_arrow_1.Type.DenseUnion:
return sanitizeTypedUnion(typeLike, apache_arrow_1.DenseUnion);
case apache_arrow_1.Type.SparseUnion:
return sanitizeTypedUnion(typeLike, apache_arrow_1.SparseUnion);
case apache_arrow_1.Type.IntervalDayTime:
return new apache_arrow_1.IntervalDayTime();
case apache_arrow_1.Type.IntervalYearMonth:
return new apache_arrow_1.IntervalYearMonth();
case apache_arrow_1.Type.DurationNanosecond:
return new apache_arrow_1.DurationNanosecond();
case apache_arrow_1.Type.DurationMicrosecond:
return new apache_arrow_1.DurationMicrosecond();
case apache_arrow_1.Type.DurationMillisecond:
return new apache_arrow_1.DurationMillisecond();
case apache_arrow_1.Type.DurationSecond:
return new apache_arrow_1.DurationSecond();
case arrow_1.Type.Int8:
return new arrow_1.Int8();
case arrow_1.Type.Int16:
return new arrow_1.Int16();
case arrow_1.Type.Int32:
return new arrow_1.Int32();
case arrow_1.Type.Int64:
return new arrow_1.Int64();
case arrow_1.Type.Uint8:
return new arrow_1.Uint8();
case arrow_1.Type.Uint16:
return new arrow_1.Uint16();
case arrow_1.Type.Uint32:
return new arrow_1.Uint32();
case arrow_1.Type.Uint64:
return new arrow_1.Uint64();
case arrow_1.Type.Float16:
return new arrow_1.Float16();
case arrow_1.Type.Float32:
return new arrow_1.Float32();
case arrow_1.Type.Float64:
return new arrow_1.Float64();
case arrow_1.Type.DateMillisecond:
return new arrow_1.DateMillisecond();
case arrow_1.Type.DateDay:
return new arrow_1.DateDay();
case arrow_1.Type.TimeNanosecond:
return new arrow_1.TimeNanosecond();
case arrow_1.Type.TimeMicrosecond:
return new arrow_1.TimeMicrosecond();
case arrow_1.Type.TimeMillisecond:
return new arrow_1.TimeMillisecond();
case arrow_1.Type.TimeSecond:
return new arrow_1.TimeSecond();
case arrow_1.Type.TimestampNanosecond:
return sanitizeTypedTimestamp(typeLike, arrow_1.TimestampNanosecond);
case arrow_1.Type.TimestampMicrosecond:
return sanitizeTypedTimestamp(typeLike, arrow_1.TimestampMicrosecond);
case arrow_1.Type.TimestampMillisecond:
return sanitizeTypedTimestamp(typeLike, arrow_1.TimestampMillisecond);
case arrow_1.Type.TimestampSecond:
return sanitizeTypedTimestamp(typeLike, arrow_1.TimestampSecond);
case arrow_1.Type.DenseUnion:
return sanitizeTypedUnion(typeLike, arrow_1.DenseUnion);
case arrow_1.Type.SparseUnion:
return sanitizeTypedUnion(typeLike, arrow_1.SparseUnion);
case arrow_1.Type.IntervalDayTime:
return new arrow_1.IntervalDayTime();
case arrow_1.Type.IntervalYearMonth:
return new arrow_1.IntervalYearMonth();
case arrow_1.Type.DurationNanosecond:
return new arrow_1.DurationNanosecond();
case arrow_1.Type.DurationMicrosecond:
return new arrow_1.DurationMicrosecond();
case arrow_1.Type.DurationMillisecond:
return new arrow_1.DurationMillisecond();
case arrow_1.Type.DurationSecond:
return new arrow_1.DurationSecond();

@@ -335,4 +346,5 @@ throw new Error("Unrecoginized type id in schema: " + typeId);

exports.sanitizeType = sanitizeType;
function sanitizeField(fieldLike) {
if (fieldLike instanceof apache_arrow_1.Field) {
if (fieldLike instanceof arrow_1.Field) {
return fieldLike;

@@ -361,4 +373,5 @@ }

return new apache_arrow_1.Field(name, type, nullable, metadata);
return new arrow_1.Field(name, type, nullable, metadata);
exports.sanitizeField = sanitizeField;

@@ -372,3 +385,3 @@ * Convert something schemaLike into a Schema instance

function sanitizeSchema(schemaLike) {
if (schemaLike instanceof apache_arrow_1.Schema) {
if (schemaLike instanceof arrow_1.Schema) {
return schemaLike;

@@ -390,4 +403,4 @@ }

const sanitizedFields = => sanitizeField(field));
return new apache_arrow_1.Schema(sanitizedFields, metadata);
return new arrow_1.Schema(sanitizedFields, metadata);
exports.sanitizeSchema = sanitizeSchema;

@@ -1,3 +0,2 @@

import { Schema } from "apache-arrow";
import { Data } from "./arrow";
import { Data, Schema } from "./arrow";
import { IndexOptions } from "./indices";

@@ -4,0 +3,0 @@ import { AddColumnsSql, ColumnAlteration, IndexConfig, OptimizeStats, Table as _NativeTable } from "./native";

@@ -17,4 +17,4 @@ "use strict";

exports.Table = void 0;
const apache_arrow_1 = require("apache-arrow");
const arrow_1 = require("./arrow");
const registry_1 = require("./embedding/registry");
const query_1 = require("./query");

@@ -60,3 +60,3 @@ /**

const schemaBuf = await this.inner.schema();
const tbl = (0, apache_arrow_1.tableFromIPC)(schemaBuf);
const tbl = (0, arrow_1.tableFromIPC)(schemaBuf);
return tbl.schema;

@@ -70,3 +70,6 @@ }

const mode = options?.mode ?? "append";
const buffer = await (0, arrow_1.fromDataToBuffer)(data);
const schema = await this.schema();
const registry = (0, registry_1.getRegistry)();
const functions = registry.parseFunctions(schema.metadata);
const buffer = await (0, arrow_1.fromDataToBuffer)(data, functions.values().next().value);
await this.inner.add(buffer, mode);

@@ -73,0 +76,0 @@ }

@@ -20,6 +20,10 @@ // Copyright 2023 Lance Developers.

type Float,

@@ -38,4 +42,96 @@ RecordBatchFileWriter,

import { type EmbeddingFunction } from "./embedding/embedding_function";
import { sanitizeSchema } from "./sanitize";
import { EmbeddingFunctionConfig, getRegistry } from "./embedding/registry";
import { sanitizeField, sanitizeSchema, sanitizeType } from "./sanitize";
export * from "apache-arrow";
export function isArrowTable(value: object): value is ArrowTable {
if (value instanceof ArrowTable) return true;
return "schema" in value && "batches" in value;
export function isDataType(value: unknown): value is DataType {
return (
value instanceof DataType ||
DataType.isNull(value) ||
DataType.isInt(value) ||
DataType.isFloat(value) ||
DataType.isBinary(value) ||
DataType.isLargeBinary(value) ||
DataType.isUtf8(value) ||
DataType.isLargeUtf8(value) ||
DataType.isBool(value) ||
DataType.isDecimal(value) ||
DataType.isDate(value) ||
DataType.isTime(value) ||
DataType.isTimestamp(value) ||
DataType.isInterval(value) ||
DataType.isDuration(value) ||
DataType.isList(value) ||
DataType.isStruct(value) ||
DataType.isUnion(value) ||
DataType.isFixedSizeBinary(value) ||
DataType.isFixedSizeList(value) ||
DataType.isMap(value) ||
export function isNull(value: unknown): value is Null {
return value instanceof Null || DataType.isNull(value);
export function isInt(value: unknown): value is Int {
return value instanceof Int || DataType.isInt(value);
export function isFloat(value: unknown): value is Float {
return value instanceof Float || DataType.isFloat(value);
export function isBinary(value: unknown): value is Binary {
return value instanceof Binary || DataType.isBinary(value);
export function isLargeBinary(value: unknown): value is LargeBinary {
return value instanceof LargeBinary || DataType.isLargeBinary(value);
export function isUtf8(value: unknown): value is Utf8 {
return value instanceof Utf8 || DataType.isUtf8(value);
export function isLargeUtf8(value: unknown): value is Utf8 {
return value instanceof Utf8 || DataType.isLargeUtf8(value);
export function isBool(value: unknown): value is Utf8 {
return value instanceof Utf8 || DataType.isBool(value);
export function isDecimal(value: unknown): value is Utf8 {
return value instanceof Utf8 || DataType.isDecimal(value);
export function isDate(value: unknown): value is Utf8 {
return value instanceof Utf8 || DataType.isDate(value);
export function isTime(value: unknown): value is Utf8 {
return value instanceof Utf8 || DataType.isTime(value);
export function isTimestamp(value: unknown): value is Utf8 {
return value instanceof Utf8 || DataType.isTimestamp(value);
export function isInterval(value: unknown): value is Utf8 {
return value instanceof Utf8 || DataType.isInterval(value);
export function isDuration(value: unknown): value is Utf8 {
return value instanceof Utf8 || DataType.isDuration(value);
export function isList(value: unknown): value is List {
return value instanceof List || DataType.isList(value);
export function isStruct(value: unknown): value is Struct {
return value instanceof Struct || DataType.isStruct(value);
export function isUnion(value: unknown): value is Struct {
return value instanceof Struct || DataType.isUnion(value);
export function isFixedSizeBinary(value: unknown): value is FixedSizeBinary {
return value instanceof FixedSizeBinary || DataType.isFixedSizeBinary(value);
export function isFixedSizeList(value: unknown): value is FixedSizeList {
return value instanceof FixedSizeList || DataType.isFixedSizeList(value);
/** Data type accepted by NodeJS SDK */

@@ -203,2 +299,3 @@ export type Data = Record<string, unknown>[] | ArrowTable;

options?: Partial<MakeArrowTableOptions>,
metadata?: Map<string, string>,
): ArrowTable {

@@ -296,9 +393,27 @@ if (

const batchesFixed =
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
(batch) => new RecordBatch(opt.schema!,,
return new ArrowTable(opt.schema, batchesFixed);
} else {
return new ArrowTable(columns);
let schema: Schema;
if (metadata !== undefined) {
let schemaMetadata = opt.schema.metadata;
if (schemaMetadata.size === 0) {
schemaMetadata = metadata;
} else {
for (const [key, entry] of schemaMetadata.entries()) {
schemaMetadata.set(key, entry);
schema = new Schema(opt.schema.fields, schemaMetadata);
} else {
schema = opt.schema;
return new ArrowTable(schema, batchesFixed);
const tbl = new ArrowTable(columns);
if (metadata !== undefined) {
// biome-ignore lint/suspicious/noExplicitAny: <explanation>
(<any>tbl.schema).metadata = metadata;
return tbl;

@@ -309,4 +424,7 @@

export function makeEmptyTable(schema: Schema): ArrowTable {
return makeArrowTable([], { schema });
export function makeEmptyTable(
schema: Schema,
metadata?: Map<string, string>,
): ArrowTable {
return makeArrowTable([], { schema }, metadata);

@@ -383,9 +501,71 @@

/** Helper function to apply embeddings from metadata to an input table */
async function applyEmbeddingsFromMetadata(
table: ArrowTable,
schema: Schema,
): Promise<ArrowTable> {
const registry = getRegistry();
const functions = registry.parseFunctions(schema.metadata);
const columns = Object.fromEntries( => [,
for (const functionEntry of functions.values()) {
const sourceColumn = columns[functionEntry.sourceColumn];
const destColumn = functionEntry.vectorColumn ?? "vector";
if (sourceColumn === undefined) {
throw new Error(
`Cannot apply embedding function because the source column '${functionEntry.sourceColumn}' was not present in the data`,
if (columns[destColumn] !== undefined) {
throw new Error(
`Attempt to apply embeddings to table failed because column ${destColumn} already existed`,
if (table.batches.length > 1) {
throw new Error(
"Internal error: `makeArrowTable` unexpectedly created a table with more than one batch",
const values = sourceColumn.toArray();
const vectors =
await functionEntry.function.computeSourceEmbeddings(values);
if (vectors.length !== values.length) {
throw new Error(
"Embedding function did not return an embedding for each input element",
let destType: DataType;
const dtype = schema.fields.find((f) => === destColumn)!.type;
if (isFixedSizeList(dtype)) {
destType = sanitizeType(dtype);
} else {
throw new Error(
"Expected FixedSizeList as datatype for vector field, instead got: " +
const vector = makeVector(vectors, destType);
columns[destColumn] = vector;
const newTable = new ArrowTable(columns);
return alignTable(newTable, schema);
/** Helper function to apply embeddings to an input table */
async function applyEmbeddings<T>(
table: ArrowTable,
embeddings?: EmbeddingFunction<T>,
embeddings?: EmbeddingFunctionConfig,
schema?: Schema,
): Promise<ArrowTable> {
if (embeddings == null) {
if (schema?.metadata.has("embedding_functions")) {
return applyEmbeddingsFromMetadata(table, schema!);
} else if (embeddings == null || embeddings === undefined) {
return table;

@@ -408,4 +588,5 @@ }

const sourceColumn = newColumns[embeddings.sourceColumn];
const destColumn = embeddings.destColumn ?? "vector";
const innerDestType = embeddings.embeddingDataType ?? new Float32();
const destColumn = embeddings.vectorColumn ?? "vector";
const innerDestType =
embeddings.function.embeddingDataType() ?? new Float32();
if (sourceColumn === undefined) {

@@ -424,7 +605,5 @@ throw new Error(

if (embeddings.embeddingDimension !== undefined) {
const destType = newVectorType(
const dimensions = embeddings.function.ndims();
if (dimensions !== undefined) {
const destType = newVectorType(dimensions, innerDestType);
newColumns[destColumn] = makeVector([], destType);

@@ -457,3 +636,5 @@ } else if (schema != null) {

const values = sourceColumn.toArray();
const vectors = await embeddings.embed(values as T[]);
const vectors = await embeddings.function.computeSourceEmbeddings(
values as T[],
if (vectors.length !== values.length) {

@@ -498,5 +679,5 @@ throw new Error(

export async function convertToTable<T>(
export async function convertToTable(
data: Array<Record<string, unknown>>,
embeddings?: EmbeddingFunction<T>,
embeddings?: EmbeddingFunctionConfig,
makeTableOptions?: Partial<MakeArrowTableOptions>,

@@ -509,3 +690,3 @@ ): Promise<ArrowTable> {

/** Creates the Arrow Type for a Vector column with dimension `dim` */
function newVectorType<T extends Float>(
export function newVectorType<T extends Float>(
dim: number,

@@ -516,3 +697,3 @@ innerType: T,

// otherwise we often get schema mismatches because the stored data always has schema with nullable elements
const children = new Field<T>("item", innerType, true);
const children = new Field("item", <T>sanitizeType(innerType), true);
return new FixedSizeList(dim, children);

@@ -528,5 +709,5 @@ }

export async function fromRecordsToBuffer<T>(
export async function fromRecordsToBuffer(
data: Array<Record<string, unknown>>,
embeddings?: EmbeddingFunction<T>,
embeddings?: EmbeddingFunctionConfig,
schema?: Schema,

@@ -549,5 +730,5 @@ ): Promise<Buffer> {

export async function fromRecordsToStreamBuffer<T>(
export async function fromRecordsToStreamBuffer(
data: Array<Record<string, unknown>>,
embeddings?: EmbeddingFunction<T>,
embeddings?: EmbeddingFunctionConfig,
schema?: Schema,

@@ -571,5 +752,5 @@ ): Promise<Buffer> {

export async function fromTableToBuffer<T>(
export async function fromTableToBuffer(
table: ArrowTable,
embeddings?: EmbeddingFunction<T>,
embeddings?: EmbeddingFunctionConfig,
schema?: Schema,

@@ -593,5 +774,5 @@ ): Promise<Buffer> {

export async function fromDataToBuffer<T>(
export async function fromDataToBuffer(
data: Data,
embeddings?: EmbeddingFunction<T>,
embeddings?: EmbeddingFunctionConfig,
schema?: Schema,

@@ -602,7 +783,7 @@ ): Promise<Buffer> {

if (data instanceof ArrowTable) {
if (isArrowTable(data)) {
return fromTableToBuffer(data, embeddings, schema);
} else {
const table = await convertToTable(data);
return fromTableToBuffer(table, embeddings, schema);
const table = await convertToTable(data, embeddings, { schema });
return fromTableToBuffer(table);

@@ -619,5 +800,5 @@ }

export async function fromTableToStreamBuffer<T>(
export async function fromTableToStreamBuffer(
table: ArrowTable,
embeddings?: EmbeddingFunction<T>,
embeddings?: EmbeddingFunctionConfig,
schema?: Schema,

@@ -685,6 +866,21 @@ ): Promise<Buffer> {

// if they are not, we throw an error
for (const field of schema.fields) {
if (field.type instanceof FixedSizeList) {
for (let field of schema.fields) {
if (isFixedSizeList(field.type)) {
field = sanitizeField(field);
if (data.length !== 0 && data?.[0]?.[] === undefined) {
if (schema.metadata.has("embedding_functions")) {
const embeddings = JSON.parse(
if (
// biome-ignore lint/suspicious/noExplicitAny: we don't know the type of `f`
embeddings.find((f: any) => f["vectorColumn"] === ===
) {
} else {
} else {

@@ -691,0 +887,0 @@ fields.push(field);

@@ -15,4 +15,10 @@ // Copyright 2024 Lance Developers.

import { Table as ArrowTable, Schema } from "apache-arrow";
import { fromTableToBuffer, makeArrowTable, makeEmptyTable } from "./arrow";
import { Table as ArrowTable, Schema } from "./arrow";
import {
} from "./arrow";
import { EmbeddingFunctionConfig, getRegistry } from "./embedding/registry";
import { ConnectionOptions, Connection as LanceDbConnection } from "./native";

@@ -69,2 +75,4 @@ import { Table } from "./table";

storageOptions?: Record<string, string>;
schema?: Schema;
embeddingFunction?: EmbeddingFunctionConfig;

@@ -179,2 +187,3 @@

return new Table(innerTable);

@@ -202,8 +211,13 @@ }

let table: ArrowTable;
if (data instanceof ArrowTable) {
if (isArrowTable(data)) {
table = data;
} else {
table = makeArrowTable(data);
table = makeArrowTable(data, options);
const buf = await fromTableToBuffer(table);
const buf = await fromTableToBuffer(
const innerTable = await this.inner.createTable(

@@ -215,2 +229,3 @@ name,

return new Table(innerTable);

@@ -235,4 +250,10 @@ }

let metadata: Map<string, string> | undefined = undefined;
if (options?.embeddingFunction !== undefined) {
const embeddingFunction = options.embeddingFunction;
const registry = getRegistry();
metadata = registry.getTableMetadata([embeddingFunction]);
const table = makeEmptyTable(schema);
const table = makeEmptyTable(schema, metadata);
const buf = await fromTableToBuffer(table);

@@ -239,0 +260,0 @@ const innerTable = await this.inner.createEmptyTable(

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

// Copyright 2023 Lance Developers.
// Copyright 2024 Lance Developers.

@@ -15,65 +15,149 @@ // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");

import { type Float } from "apache-arrow";
import "reflect-metadata";
import {
} from "../arrow";
import { sanitizeType } from "../sanitize";
* Options for a given embedding function
export interface FunctionOptions {
// biome-ignore lint/suspicious/noExplicitAny: options can be anything
[key: string]: any;
* An embedding function that automatically creates vector representation for a given column.
export interface EmbeddingFunction<T> {
export abstract class EmbeddingFunction<
// biome-ignore lint/suspicious/noExplicitAny: we don't know what the implementor will do
T = any,
M extends FunctionOptions = FunctionOptions,
> {
* The name of the column that will be used as input for the Embedding Function.
sourceColumn: string;
* The data type of the embedding
* Convert the embedding function to a JSON object
* It is used to serialize the embedding function to the schema
* It's important that any object returned by this method contains all the necessary
* information to recreate the embedding function
* The embedding function should return `number`. This will be converted into
* an Arrow float array. By default this will be Float32 but this property can
* be used to control the conversion.
embeddingDataType?: Float;
* The dimension of the embedding
* It should return the same object that was passed to the constructor
* If it does not, the embedding function will not be able to be recreated, or could be recreated incorrectly
* This is optional, normally this can be determined by looking at the results of
* `embed`. If this is not specified, and there is an attempt to apply the embedding
* to an empty table, then that process will fail.
* @example
* ```ts
* class MyEmbeddingFunction extends EmbeddingFunction {
* constructor(options: {model: string, timeout: number}) {
* super();
* this.model = options.model;
* this.timeout = options.timeout;
* }
* toJSON() {
* return {
* model: this.model,
* timeout: this.timeout,
* };
* }
* ```
embeddingDimension?: number;
abstract toJSON(): Partial<M>;
* The name of the column that will contain the embedding
* sourceField is used in combination with `LanceSchema` to provide a declarative data model
* By default this is "vector"
* @param optionsOrDatatype - The options for the field or the datatype
* @see {@link lancedb.LanceSchema}
destColumn?: string;
optionsOrDatatype: Partial<FieldOptions> | DataType,
): [DataType, Map<string, EmbeddingFunction>] {
let datatype = isDataType(optionsOrDatatype)
? optionsOrDatatype
: optionsOrDatatype?.datatype;
if (!datatype) {
throw new Error("Datatype is required");
datatype = sanitizeType(datatype);
const metadata = new Map<string, EmbeddingFunction>();
metadata.set("source_column_for", this);
return [datatype, metadata];
* Should the source column be excluded from the resulting table
* vectorField is used in combination with `LanceSchema` to provide a declarative data model
* By default the source column is included. Set this to true and
* only the embedding will be stored.
* @param options - The options for the field
* @see {@link lancedb.LanceSchema}
excludeSource?: boolean;
options?: Partial<FieldOptions>,
): [DataType, Map<string, EmbeddingFunction>] {
let dtype: DataType;
const dims = this.ndims() ?? options?.dims;
if (!options?.datatype) {
if (dims === undefined) {
throw new Error("ndims is required for vector field");
dtype = new FixedSizeList(dims, new Field("item", new Float32(), true));
} else {
if (isFixedSizeList(options.datatype)) {
dtype = options.datatype;
} else if (isFloat(options.datatype)) {
if (dims === undefined) {
throw new Error("ndims is required for vector field");
dtype = newVectorType(dims, options.datatype);
} else {
throw new Error(
"Expected FixedSizeList or Float as datatype for vector field",
const metadata = new Map<string, EmbeddingFunction>();
metadata.set("vector_column_for", this);
return [dtype, metadata];
/** The number of dimensions of the embeddings */
ndims(): number | undefined {
return undefined;
/** The datatype of the embeddings */
abstract embeddingDataType(): Float;
* Creates a vector representation for the given values.
embed: (data: T[]) => Promise<number[][]>;
abstract computeSourceEmbeddings(
data: T[],
): Promise<number[][] | Float32Array[] | Float64Array[]>;
/** Test if the input seems to be an embedding function */
export function isEmbeddingFunction<T>(
value: unknown,
): value is EmbeddingFunction<T> {
if (typeof value !== "object" || value === null) {
return false;
Compute the embeddings for a single query
async computeQueryEmbeddings(
data: T,
): Promise<number[] | Float32Array | Float64Array> {
return this.computeSourceEmbeddings([data]).then(
(embeddings) => embeddings[0],
if (!("sourceColumn" in value) || !("embed" in value)) {
return false;
return (
typeof value.sourceColumn === "string" && typeof value.embed === "function"
export interface FieldOptions<T extends DataType = DataType> {
datatype: T;
dims?: number;

@@ -1,2 +0,113 @@

export { EmbeddingFunction, isEmbeddingFunction } from "./embedding_function";
export { OpenAIEmbeddingFunction } from "./openai";
// Copyright 2023 Lance Developers.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import { DataType, Field, Schema } from "../arrow";
import { isDataType } from "../arrow";
import { sanitizeType } from "../sanitize";
import { EmbeddingFunction } from "./embedding_function";
import { EmbeddingFunctionConfig, getRegistry } from "./registry";
export { EmbeddingFunction } from "./embedding_function";
// We need to explicitly export '*' so that the `register` decorator actually registers the class.
export * from "./openai";
export * from "./registry";
* Create a schema with embedding functions.
* @param fields
* @returns Schema
* @example
* ```ts
* class MyEmbeddingFunction extends EmbeddingFunction {
* // ...
* }
* const func = new MyEmbeddingFunction();
* const schema = LanceSchema({
* id: new Int32(),
* text: func.sourceField(new Utf8()),
* vector: func.vectorField(),
* // optional: specify the datatype and/or dimensions
* vector2: func.vectorField({ datatype: new Float32(), dims: 3}),
* });
* const table = await db.createTable("my_table", data, { schema });
* ```
export function LanceSchema(
fields: Record<string, [object, Map<string, EmbeddingFunction>] | object>,
): Schema {
const arrowFields: Field[] = [];
const embeddingFunctions = new Map<
Object.entries(fields).forEach(([key, value]) => {
if (isDataType(value)) {
arrowFields.push(new Field(key, sanitizeType(value), true));
} else {
const [dtype, metadata] = value as [
Map<string, EmbeddingFunction>,
arrowFields.push(new Field(key, sanitizeType(dtype), true));
parseEmbeddingFunctions(embeddingFunctions, key, metadata);
const registry = getRegistry();
const metadata = registry.getTableMetadata(
Array.from(embeddingFunctions.values()) as EmbeddingFunctionConfig[],
const schema = new Schema(arrowFields, metadata);
return schema;
function parseEmbeddingFunctions(
embeddingFunctions: Map<EmbeddingFunction, Partial<EmbeddingFunctionConfig>>,
key: string,
metadata: Map<string, EmbeddingFunction>,
): void {
if (metadata.has("source_column_for")) {
const embedFunction = metadata.get("source_column_for")!;
const current = embeddingFunctions.get(embedFunction);
if (current !== undefined) {
embeddingFunctions.set(embedFunction, {
sourceColumn: key,
} else {
embeddingFunctions.set(embedFunction, {
sourceColumn: key,
function: embedFunction,
} else if (metadata.has("vector_column_for")) {
const embedFunction = metadata.get("vector_column_for")!;
const current = embeddingFunctions.get(embedFunction);
if (current !== undefined) {
embeddingFunctions.set(embedFunction, {
vectorColumn: key,
} else {
embeddingFunctions.set(embedFunction, {
vectorColumn: key,
function: embedFunction,

@@ -16,13 +16,27 @@ // Copyright 2023 Lance Developers.

import type OpenAI from "openai";
import { type EmbeddingFunction } from "./embedding_function";
import { Float, Float32 } from "../arrow";
import { EmbeddingFunction } from "./embedding_function";
import { register } from "./registry";
export class OpenAIEmbeddingFunction implements EmbeddingFunction<string> {
private readonly _openai: OpenAI;
private readonly _modelName: string;
export type OpenAIOptions = {
apiKey?: string;
model?: string;
sourceColumn: string,
openAIKey: string,
modelName: string = "text-embedding-ada-002",
) {
export class OpenAIEmbeddingFunction extends EmbeddingFunction<
> {
#openai: OpenAI;
#modelName: string;
constructor(options: OpenAIOptions = { model: "text-embedding-ada-002" }) {
const openAIKey = options?.apiKey ?? process.env.OPENAI_API_KEY;
if (!openAIKey) {
throw new Error("OpenAI API key is required");
const modelName = options?.model ?? "text-embedding-ada-002";

@@ -40,3 +54,2 @@ * @type {import("openai").default}

this.sourceColumn = sourceColumn;
const configuration = {

@@ -46,9 +59,32 @@ apiKey: openAIKey,

this._openai = new Openai(configuration);
this._modelName = modelName;
this.#openai = new Openai(configuration);
this.#modelName = modelName;
async embed(data: string[]): Promise<number[][]> {
const response = await this._openai.embeddings.create({
model: this._modelName,
toJSON() {
return {
model: this.#modelName,
ndims(): number {
switch (this.#modelName) {
case "text-embedding-ada-002":
return 1536;
case "text-embedding-3-large":
return 3072;
case "text-embedding-3-small":
return 1536;
return null as never;
embeddingDataType(): Float {
return new Float32();
async computeSourceEmbeddings(data: string[]): Promise<number[][]> {
const response = await this.#openai.embeddings.create({
model: this.#modelName,
input: data,

@@ -64,3 +100,13 @@ });

sourceColumn: string;
async computeQueryEmbeddings(data: string): Promise<number[]> {
if (typeof data !== "string") {
throw new Error("Data must be a string");
const response = await this.#openai.embeddings.create({
model: this.#modelName,
input: data,

@@ -15,3 +15,3 @@ // Copyright 2024 Lance Developers.

import { Table as ArrowTable, RecordBatch, tableFromIPC } from "apache-arrow";
import { Table as ArrowTable, RecordBatch, tableFromIPC } from "./arrow";
import { type IvfPqOptions } from "./indices";

@@ -174,2 +174,3 @@ import {

const tbl = await this.toArrow();
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-return

@@ -176,0 +177,0 @@ return tbl.toArray();

@@ -23,2 +23,3 @@ // Copyright 2023 LanceDB Developers.

import type { IntBitWidth, TKeys, TimeBitWidth } from "apache-arrow/type";
import {

@@ -79,6 +80,5 @@ Binary,

} from "apache-arrow";
import type { IntBitWidth, TKeys, TimeBitWidth } from "apache-arrow/type";
} from "./arrow";
function sanitizeMetadata(
export function sanitizeMetadata(
metadataLike?: unknown,

@@ -102,3 +102,3 @@ ): Map<string, string> | undefined {

function sanitizeInt(typeLike: object) {
export function sanitizeInt(typeLike: object) {
if (

@@ -117,3 +117,3 @@ !("bitWidth" in typeLike) ||

function sanitizeFloat(typeLike: object) {
export function sanitizeFloat(typeLike: object) {
if (!("precision" in typeLike) || typeof typeLike.precision !== "number") {

@@ -125,3 +125,3 @@ throw Error("Expected a Float Type to have a `precision` property");

function sanitizeDecimal(typeLike: object) {
export function sanitizeDecimal(typeLike: object) {
if (

@@ -142,3 +142,3 @@ !("scale" in typeLike) ||

function sanitizeDate(typeLike: object) {
export function sanitizeDate(typeLike: object) {
if (!("unit" in typeLike) || typeof typeLike.unit !== "number") {

@@ -150,3 +150,3 @@ throw Error("Expected a Date type to have a `unit` property");

function sanitizeTime(typeLike: object) {
export function sanitizeTime(typeLike: object) {
if (

@@ -165,3 +165,3 @@ !("unit" in typeLike) ||

function sanitizeTimestamp(typeLike: object) {
export function sanitizeTimestamp(typeLike: object) {
if (!("unit" in typeLike) || typeof typeLike.unit !== "number") {

@@ -177,3 +177,3 @@ throw Error("Expected a Timestamp type to have a `unit` property");

function sanitizeTypedTimestamp(
export function sanitizeTypedTimestamp(
typeLike: object,

@@ -194,3 +194,3 @@ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention

function sanitizeInterval(typeLike: object) {
export function sanitizeInterval(typeLike: object) {
if (!("unit" in typeLike) || typeof typeLike.unit !== "number") {

@@ -202,3 +202,3 @@ throw Error("Expected an Interval type to have a `unit` property");

function sanitizeList(typeLike: object) {
export function sanitizeList(typeLike: object) {
if (!("children" in typeLike) || !Array.isArray(typeLike.children)) {

@@ -215,3 +215,3 @@ throw Error(

function sanitizeStruct(typeLike: object) {
export function sanitizeStruct(typeLike: object) {
if (!("children" in typeLike) || !Array.isArray(typeLike.children)) {

@@ -225,3 +225,3 @@ throw Error(

function sanitizeUnion(typeLike: object) {
export function sanitizeUnion(typeLike: object) {
if (

@@ -250,3 +250,3 @@ !("typeIds" in typeLike) ||

function sanitizeTypedUnion(
export function sanitizeTypedUnion(
typeLike: object,

@@ -273,3 +273,3 @@ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention

function sanitizeFixedSizeBinary(typeLike: object) {
export function sanitizeFixedSizeBinary(typeLike: object) {
if (!("byteWidth" in typeLike) || typeof typeLike.byteWidth !== "number") {

@@ -283,3 +283,3 @@ throw Error(

function sanitizeFixedSizeList(typeLike: object) {
export function sanitizeFixedSizeList(typeLike: object) {
if (!("listSize" in typeLike) || typeof typeLike.listSize !== "number") {

@@ -302,3 +302,3 @@ throw Error("Expected a FixedSizeList type to have a `listSize` property");

function sanitizeMap(typeLike: object) {
export function sanitizeMap(typeLike: object) {
if (!("children" in typeLike) || !Array.isArray(typeLike.children)) {

@@ -320,3 +320,3 @@ throw Error(

function sanitizeDuration(typeLike: object) {
export function sanitizeDuration(typeLike: object) {
if (!("unit" in typeLike) || typeof typeLike.unit !== "number") {

@@ -328,3 +328,3 @@ throw Error("Expected a Duration type to have a `unit` property");

function sanitizeDictionary(typeLike: object) {
export function sanitizeDictionary(typeLike: object) {
if (!("id" in typeLike) || typeof !== "number") {

@@ -351,3 +351,3 @@ throw Error("Expected a Dictionary type to have an `id` property");

// biome-ignore lint/suspicious/noExplicitAny: skip
function sanitizeType(typeLike: unknown): DataType<any> {
export function sanitizeType(typeLike: unknown): DataType<any> {
if (typeof typeLike !== "object" || typeLike === null) {

@@ -472,3 +472,3 @@ throw Error("Expected a Type but object was null/undefined");

function sanitizeField(fieldLike: unknown): Field {
export function sanitizeField(fieldLike: unknown): Field {
if (fieldLike instanceof Field) {

@@ -475,0 +475,0 @@ return fieldLike;

@@ -15,4 +15,5 @@ // Copyright 2024 Lance Developers.

import { Schema, tableFromIPC } from "apache-arrow";
import { Data, fromDataToBuffer } from "./arrow";
import { Data, Schema, fromDataToBuffer, tableFromIPC } from "./arrow";
import { getRegistry } from "./embedding/registry";
import { IndexOptions } from "./indices";

@@ -126,4 +127,10 @@ import {

const mode = options?.mode ?? "append";
const schema = await this.schema();
const registry = getRegistry();
const functions = registry.parseFunctions(schema.metadata);
const buffer = await fromDataToBuffer(data);
const buffer = await fromDataToBuffer(
await this.inner.add(buffer, mode);

@@ -130,0 +137,0 @@ }

/// <reference types="node" />
import { Table as ArrowTable, type Float, Schema } from "apache-arrow";
import { Table as ArrowTable, Binary, DataType, FixedSizeBinary, FixedSizeList, Float, Int, LargeBinary, List, Null, Schema, Struct, Utf8 } from "apache-arrow";
import { type EmbeddingFunction } from "./embedding/embedding_function";
import { EmbeddingFunctionConfig } from "./embedding/registry";
export * from "apache-arrow";
export declare function isArrowTable(value: object): value is ArrowTable;
export declare function isDataType(value: unknown): value is DataType;
export declare function isNull(value: unknown): value is Null;
export declare function isInt(value: unknown): value is Int;
export declare function isFloat(value: unknown): value is Float;
export declare function isBinary(value: unknown): value is Binary;
export declare function isLargeBinary(value: unknown): value is LargeBinary;
export declare function isUtf8(value: unknown): value is Utf8;
export declare function isLargeUtf8(value: unknown): value is Utf8;
export declare function isBool(value: unknown): value is Utf8;
export declare function isDecimal(value: unknown): value is Utf8;
export declare function isDate(value: unknown): value is Utf8;
export declare function isTime(value: unknown): value is Utf8;
export declare function isTimestamp(value: unknown): value is Utf8;
export declare function isInterval(value: unknown): value is Utf8;
export declare function isDuration(value: unknown): value is Utf8;
export declare function isList(value: unknown): value is List;
export declare function isStruct(value: unknown): value is Struct;
export declare function isUnion(value: unknown): value is Struct;
export declare function isFixedSizeBinary(value: unknown): value is FixedSizeBinary;
export declare function isFixedSizeList(value: unknown): value is FixedSizeList;
/** Data type accepted by NodeJS SDK */

@@ -120,7 +143,7 @@ export type Data = Record<string, unknown>[] | ArrowTable;

export declare function makeArrowTable(data: Array<Record<string, unknown>>, options?: Partial<MakeArrowTableOptions>): ArrowTable;
export declare function makeArrowTable(data: Array<Record<string, unknown>>, options?: Partial<MakeArrowTableOptions>, metadata?: Map<string, string>): ArrowTable;
* Create an empty Arrow table with the provided schema
export declare function makeEmptyTable(schema: Schema): ArrowTable;
export declare function makeEmptyTable(schema: Schema, metadata?: Map<string, string>): ArrowTable;

@@ -144,3 +167,5 @@ * Convert an Array of records into an Arrow Table, optionally applying an

export declare function convertToTable<T>(data: Array<Record<string, unknown>>, embeddings?: EmbeddingFunction<T>, makeTableOptions?: Partial<MakeArrowTableOptions>): Promise<ArrowTable>;
export declare function convertToTable(data: Array<Record<string, unknown>>, embeddings?: EmbeddingFunctionConfig, makeTableOptions?: Partial<MakeArrowTableOptions>): Promise<ArrowTable>;
/** Creates the Arrow Type for a Vector column with dimension `dim` */
export declare function newVectorType<T extends Float>(dim: number, innerType: T): FixedSizeList<T>;

@@ -153,3 +178,3 @@ * Serialize an Array of records into a buffer using the Arrow IPC File serialization

export declare function fromRecordsToBuffer<T>(data: Array<Record<string, unknown>>, embeddings?: EmbeddingFunction<T>, schema?: Schema): Promise<Buffer>;
export declare function fromRecordsToBuffer(data: Array<Record<string, unknown>>, embeddings?: EmbeddingFunctionConfig, schema?: Schema): Promise<Buffer>;

@@ -162,3 +187,3 @@ * Serialize an Array of records into a buffer using the Arrow IPC Stream serialization

export declare function fromRecordsToStreamBuffer<T>(data: Array<Record<string, unknown>>, embeddings?: EmbeddingFunction<T>, schema?: Schema): Promise<Buffer>;
export declare function fromRecordsToStreamBuffer(data: Array<Record<string, unknown>>, embeddings?: EmbeddingFunctionConfig, schema?: Schema): Promise<Buffer>;

@@ -172,3 +197,3 @@ * Serialize an Arrow Table into a buffer using the Arrow IPC File serialization

export declare function fromTableToBuffer<T>(table: ArrowTable, embeddings?: EmbeddingFunction<T>, schema?: Schema): Promise<Buffer>;
export declare function fromTableToBuffer(table: ArrowTable, embeddings?: EmbeddingFunctionConfig, schema?: Schema): Promise<Buffer>;

@@ -182,3 +207,3 @@ * Serialize an Arrow Table into a buffer using the Arrow IPC File serialization

export declare function fromDataToBuffer<T>(data: Data, embeddings?: EmbeddingFunction<T>, schema?: Schema): Promise<Buffer>;
export declare function fromDataToBuffer(data: Data, embeddings?: EmbeddingFunctionConfig, schema?: Schema): Promise<Buffer>;

@@ -192,3 +217,3 @@ * Serialize an Arrow Table into a buffer using the Arrow IPC Stream serialization

export declare function fromTableToStreamBuffer<T>(table: ArrowTable, embeddings?: EmbeddingFunction<T>, schema?: Schema): Promise<Buffer>;
export declare function fromTableToStreamBuffer(table: ArrowTable, embeddings?: EmbeddingFunctionConfig, schema?: Schema): Promise<Buffer>;

@@ -195,0 +220,0 @@ * Create an empty table with the given schema

@@ -15,6 +15,129 @@ "use strict";

// limitations under the License.
var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) {
if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(m, k);
if (!desc || ("get" in desc ? !m.__esModule : desc.writable || desc.configurable)) {
desc = { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } };
Object.defineProperty(o, k2, desc);
}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {
if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
o[k2] = m[k];
var __exportStar = (this && this.__exportStar) || function(m, exports) {
for (var p in m) if (p !== "default" && !, p)) __createBinding(exports, m, p);
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.createEmptyTable = exports.fromTableToStreamBuffer = exports.fromDataToBuffer = exports.fromTableToBuffer = exports.fromRecordsToStreamBuffer = exports.fromRecordsToBuffer = exports.convertToTable = exports.makeEmptyTable = exports.makeArrowTable = exports.MakeArrowTableOptions = exports.VectorColumnOptions = void 0;
exports.createEmptyTable = exports.fromTableToStreamBuffer = exports.fromDataToBuffer = exports.fromTableToBuffer = exports.fromRecordsToStreamBuffer = exports.fromRecordsToBuffer = exports.newVectorType = exports.convertToTable = exports.makeEmptyTable = exports.makeArrowTable = exports.MakeArrowTableOptions = exports.VectorColumnOptions = exports.isFixedSizeList = exports.isFixedSizeBinary = exports.isUnion = exports.isStruct = exports.isList = exports.isDuration = exports.isInterval = exports.isTimestamp = exports.isTime = exports.isDate = exports.isDecimal = exports.isBool = exports.isLargeUtf8 = exports.isUtf8 = exports.isLargeBinary = exports.isBinary = exports.isFloat = exports.isInt = exports.isNull = exports.isDataType = exports.isArrowTable = void 0;
const apache_arrow_1 = require("apache-arrow");
const registry_1 = require("./embedding/registry");
const sanitize_1 = require("./sanitize");
__exportStar(require("apache-arrow"), exports);
function isArrowTable(value) {
if (value instanceof apache_arrow_1.Table)
return true;
return "schema" in value && "batches" in value;
exports.isArrowTable = isArrowTable;
function isDataType(value) {
return (value instanceof apache_arrow_1.DataType ||
apache_arrow_1.DataType.isNull(value) ||
apache_arrow_1.DataType.isInt(value) ||
apache_arrow_1.DataType.isFloat(value) ||
apache_arrow_1.DataType.isBinary(value) ||
apache_arrow_1.DataType.isLargeBinary(value) ||
apache_arrow_1.DataType.isUtf8(value) ||
apache_arrow_1.DataType.isLargeUtf8(value) ||
apache_arrow_1.DataType.isBool(value) ||
apache_arrow_1.DataType.isDecimal(value) ||
apache_arrow_1.DataType.isDate(value) ||
apache_arrow_1.DataType.isTime(value) ||
apache_arrow_1.DataType.isTimestamp(value) ||
apache_arrow_1.DataType.isInterval(value) ||
apache_arrow_1.DataType.isDuration(value) ||
apache_arrow_1.DataType.isList(value) ||
apache_arrow_1.DataType.isStruct(value) ||
apache_arrow_1.DataType.isUnion(value) ||
apache_arrow_1.DataType.isFixedSizeBinary(value) ||
apache_arrow_1.DataType.isFixedSizeList(value) ||
apache_arrow_1.DataType.isMap(value) ||
exports.isDataType = isDataType;
function isNull(value) {
return value instanceof apache_arrow_1.Null || apache_arrow_1.DataType.isNull(value);
exports.isNull = isNull;
function isInt(value) {
return value instanceof apache_arrow_1.Int || apache_arrow_1.DataType.isInt(value);
exports.isInt = isInt;
function isFloat(value) {
return value instanceof apache_arrow_1.Float || apache_arrow_1.DataType.isFloat(value);
exports.isFloat = isFloat;
function isBinary(value) {
return value instanceof apache_arrow_1.Binary || apache_arrow_1.DataType.isBinary(value);
exports.isBinary = isBinary;
function isLargeBinary(value) {
return value instanceof apache_arrow_1.LargeBinary || apache_arrow_1.DataType.isLargeBinary(value);
exports.isLargeBinary = isLargeBinary;
function isUtf8(value) {
return value instanceof apache_arrow_1.Utf8 || apache_arrow_1.DataType.isUtf8(value);
exports.isUtf8 = isUtf8;
function isLargeUtf8(value) {
return value instanceof apache_arrow_1.Utf8 || apache_arrow_1.DataType.isLargeUtf8(value);
exports.isLargeUtf8 = isLargeUtf8;
function isBool(value) {
return value instanceof apache_arrow_1.Utf8 || apache_arrow_1.DataType.isBool(value);
exports.isBool = isBool;
function isDecimal(value) {
return value instanceof apache_arrow_1.Utf8 || apache_arrow_1.DataType.isDecimal(value);
exports.isDecimal = isDecimal;
function isDate(value) {
return value instanceof apache_arrow_1.Utf8 || apache_arrow_1.DataType.isDate(value);
exports.isDate = isDate;
function isTime(value) {
return value instanceof apache_arrow_1.Utf8 || apache_arrow_1.DataType.isTime(value);
exports.isTime = isTime;
function isTimestamp(value) {
return value instanceof apache_arrow_1.Utf8 || apache_arrow_1.DataType.isTimestamp(value);
exports.isTimestamp = isTimestamp;
function isInterval(value) {
return value instanceof apache_arrow_1.Utf8 || apache_arrow_1.DataType.isInterval(value);
exports.isInterval = isInterval;
function isDuration(value) {
return value instanceof apache_arrow_1.Utf8 || apache_arrow_1.DataType.isDuration(value);
exports.isDuration = isDuration;
function isList(value) {
return value instanceof apache_arrow_1.List || apache_arrow_1.DataType.isList(value);
exports.isList = isList;
function isStruct(value) {
return value instanceof apache_arrow_1.Struct || apache_arrow_1.DataType.isStruct(value);
exports.isStruct = isStruct;
function isUnion(value) {
return value instanceof apache_arrow_1.Struct || apache_arrow_1.DataType.isUnion(value);
exports.isUnion = isUnion;
function isFixedSizeBinary(value) {
return value instanceof apache_arrow_1.FixedSizeBinary || apache_arrow_1.DataType.isFixedSizeBinary(value);
exports.isFixedSizeBinary = isFixedSizeBinary;
function isFixedSizeList(value) {
return value instanceof apache_arrow_1.FixedSizeList || apache_arrow_1.DataType.isFixedSizeList(value);
exports.isFixedSizeList = isFixedSizeList;

@@ -172,3 +295,3 @@ * Options to control how a column should be converted to a vector array

function makeArrowTable(data, options) {
function makeArrowTable(data, options, metadata) {
if (data.length === 0 &&

@@ -251,10 +374,27 @@ (options?.schema === undefined || options?.schema === null)) {

const firstTable = new apache_arrow_1.Table(columns);
const batchesFixed =
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
(batch) => new apache_arrow_1.RecordBatch(opt.schema,;
return new apache_arrow_1.Table(opt.schema, batchesFixed);
const batchesFixed = => new apache_arrow_1.RecordBatch(opt.schema,;
let schema;
if (metadata !== undefined) {
let schemaMetadata = opt.schema.metadata;
if (schemaMetadata.size === 0) {
schemaMetadata = metadata;
else {
for (const [key, entry] of schemaMetadata.entries()) {
schemaMetadata.set(key, entry);
schema = new apache_arrow_1.Schema(opt.schema.fields, schemaMetadata);
else {
schema = opt.schema;
return new apache_arrow_1.Table(schema, batchesFixed);
else {
return new apache_arrow_1.Table(columns);
const tbl = new apache_arrow_1.Table(columns);
if (metadata !== undefined) {
// biome-ignore lint/suspicious/noExplicitAny: <explanation>
tbl.schema.metadata = metadata;
return tbl;

@@ -265,4 +405,4 @@ exports.makeArrowTable = makeArrowTable;

function makeEmptyTable(schema) {
return makeArrowTable([], { schema });
function makeEmptyTable(schema, metadata) {
return makeArrowTable([], { schema }, metadata);

@@ -329,5 +469,48 @@ exports.makeEmptyTable = makeEmptyTable;

/** Helper function to apply embeddings from metadata to an input table */
async function applyEmbeddingsFromMetadata(table, schema) {
const registry = (0, registry_1.getRegistry)();
const functions = registry.parseFunctions(schema.metadata);
const columns = Object.fromEntries( => [,
for (const functionEntry of functions.values()) {
const sourceColumn = columns[functionEntry.sourceColumn];
const destColumn = functionEntry.vectorColumn ?? "vector";
if (sourceColumn === undefined) {
throw new Error(`Cannot apply embedding function because the source column '${functionEntry.sourceColumn}' was not present in the data`);
if (columns[destColumn] !== undefined) {
throw new Error(`Attempt to apply embeddings to table failed because column ${destColumn} already existed`);
if (table.batches.length > 1) {
throw new Error("Internal error: `makeArrowTable` unexpectedly created a table with more than one batch");
const values = sourceColumn.toArray();
const vectors = await functionEntry.function.computeSourceEmbeddings(values);
if (vectors.length !== values.length) {
throw new Error("Embedding function did not return an embedding for each input element");
let destType;
const dtype = schema.fields.find((f) => === destColumn).type;
if (isFixedSizeList(dtype)) {
destType = (0, sanitize_1.sanitizeType)(dtype);
else {
throw new Error("Expected FixedSizeList as datatype for vector field, instead got: " +
const vector = makeVector(vectors, destType);
columns[destColumn] = vector;
const newTable = new apache_arrow_1.Table(columns);
return alignTable(newTable, schema);
/** Helper function to apply embeddings to an input table */
async function applyEmbeddings(table, embeddings, schema) {
if (embeddings == null) {
if (schema?.metadata.has("embedding_functions")) {
return applyEmbeddingsFromMetadata(table, schema);
else if (embeddings == null || embeddings === undefined) {
return table;

@@ -347,4 +530,4 @@ }

const sourceColumn = newColumns[embeddings.sourceColumn];
const destColumn = embeddings.destColumn ?? "vector";
const innerDestType = embeddings.embeddingDataType ?? new apache_arrow_1.Float32();
const destColumn = embeddings.vectorColumn ?? "vector";
const innerDestType = embeddings.function.embeddingDataType() ?? new apache_arrow_1.Float32();
if (sourceColumn === undefined) {

@@ -360,4 +543,5 @@ throw new Error(`Cannot apply embedding function because the source column '${embeddings.sourceColumn}' was not present in the data`);

if (embeddings.embeddingDimension !== undefined) {
const destType = newVectorType(embeddings.embeddingDimension, innerDestType);
const dimensions = embeddings.function.ndims();
if (dimensions !== undefined) {
const destType = newVectorType(dimensions, innerDestType);
newColumns[destColumn] = makeVector([], destType);

@@ -386,3 +570,3 @@ }

const values = sourceColumn.toArray();
const vectors = await embeddings.embed(values);
const vectors = await embeddings.function.computeSourceEmbeddings(values);
if (vectors.length !== values.length) {

@@ -430,5 +614,6 @@ throw new Error("Embedding function did not return an embedding for each input element");

// otherwise we often get schema mismatches because the stored data always has schema with nullable elements
const children = new apache_arrow_1.Field("item", innerType, true);
const children = new apache_arrow_1.Field("item", (0, sanitize_1.sanitizeType)(innerType), true);
return new apache_arrow_1.FixedSizeList(dim, children);
exports.newVectorType = newVectorType;

@@ -495,8 +680,8 @@ * Serialize an Array of records into a buffer using the Arrow IPC File serialization

if (data instanceof apache_arrow_1.Table) {
if (isArrowTable(data)) {
return fromTableToBuffer(data, embeddings, schema);
else {
const table = await convertToTable(data);
return fromTableToBuffer(table, embeddings, schema);
const table = await convertToTable(data, embeddings, { schema });
return fromTableToBuffer(table);

@@ -561,6 +746,18 @@ }

// if they are not, we throw an error
for (const field of schema.fields) {
if (field.type instanceof apache_arrow_1.FixedSizeList) {
for (let field of schema.fields) {
if (isFixedSizeList(field.type)) {
field = (0, sanitize_1.sanitizeField)(field);
if (data.length !== 0 && data?.[0]?.[] === undefined) {
if (schema.metadata.has("embedding_functions")) {
const embeddings = JSON.parse(schema.metadata.get("embedding_functions"));
if (
// biome-ignore lint/suspicious/noExplicitAny: we don't know the type of `f`
embeddings.find((f) => f["vectorColumn"] === ===
undefined) {
else {

@@ -567,0 +764,0 @@ else {

@@ -1,2 +0,3 @@

import { Table as ArrowTable, Schema } from "apache-arrow";
import { Table as ArrowTable, Schema } from "./arrow";
import { EmbeddingFunctionConfig } from "./embedding/registry";
import { ConnectionOptions, Connection as LanceDbConnection } from "./native";

@@ -42,2 +43,4 @@ import { Table } from "./table";

storageOptions?: Record<string, string>;
schema?: Schema;
embeddingFunction?: EmbeddingFunctionConfig;

@@ -44,0 +47,0 @@ export interface OpenTableOptions {

@@ -17,4 +17,4 @@ "use strict";

exports.Connection = exports.connect = void 0;
const apache_arrow_1 = require("apache-arrow");
const arrow_1 = require("./arrow");
const registry_1 = require("./embedding/registry");
const native_1 = require("./native");

@@ -113,9 +113,9 @@ const table_1 = require("./table");

let table;
if (data instanceof apache_arrow_1.Table) {
if ((0, arrow_1.isArrowTable)(data)) {
table = data;
else {
table = (0, arrow_1.makeArrowTable)(data);
table = (0, arrow_1.makeArrowTable)(data, options);
const buf = await (0, arrow_1.fromTableToBuffer)(table);
const buf = await (0, arrow_1.fromTableToBuffer)(table, options?.embeddingFunction, options?.schema);
const innerTable = await this.inner.createTable(name, buf, mode, cleanseStorageOptions(options?.storageOptions));

@@ -135,3 +135,9 @@ return new table_1.Table(innerTable);

const table = (0, arrow_1.makeEmptyTable)(schema);
let metadata = undefined;
if (options?.embeddingFunction !== undefined) {
const embeddingFunction = options.embeddingFunction;
const registry = (0, registry_1.getRegistry)();
metadata = registry.getTableMetadata([embeddingFunction]);
const table = (0, arrow_1.makeEmptyTable)(schema, metadata);
const buf = await (0, arrow_1.fromTableToBuffer)(table);

@@ -138,0 +144,0 @@ const innerTable = await this.inner.createEmptyTable(name, buf, mode, cleanseStorageOptions(options?.storageOptions));

@@ -1,45 +0,71 @@

import { type Float } from "apache-arrow";
import "reflect-metadata";
import { DataType, Float } from "../arrow";
* Options for a given embedding function
export interface FunctionOptions {
[key: string]: any;
* An embedding function that automatically creates vector representation for a given column.
export interface EmbeddingFunction<T> {
export declare abstract class EmbeddingFunction<T = any, M extends FunctionOptions = FunctionOptions> {
* The name of the column that will be used as input for the Embedding Function.
sourceColumn: string;
* The data type of the embedding
* Convert the embedding function to a JSON object
* It is used to serialize the embedding function to the schema
* It's important that any object returned by this method contains all the necessary
* information to recreate the embedding function
* The embedding function should return `number`. This will be converted into
* an Arrow float array. By default this will be Float32 but this property can
* be used to control the conversion.
embeddingDataType?: Float;
* The dimension of the embedding
* It should return the same object that was passed to the constructor
* If it does not, the embedding function will not be able to be recreated, or could be recreated incorrectly
* This is optional, normally this can be determined by looking at the results of
* `embed`. If this is not specified, and there is an attempt to apply the embedding
* to an empty table, then that process will fail.
* @example
* ```ts
* class MyEmbeddingFunction extends EmbeddingFunction {
* constructor(options: {model: string, timeout: number}) {
* super();
* this.model = options.model;
* this.timeout = options.timeout;
* }
* toJSON() {
* return {
* model: this.model,
* timeout: this.timeout,
* };
* }
* ```
embeddingDimension?: number;
abstract toJSON(): Partial<M>;
* The name of the column that will contain the embedding
* sourceField is used in combination with `LanceSchema` to provide a declarative data model
* By default this is "vector"
* @param optionsOrDatatype - The options for the field or the datatype
* @see {@link lancedb.LanceSchema}
destColumn?: string;
sourceField(optionsOrDatatype: Partial<FieldOptions> | DataType): [DataType, Map<string, EmbeddingFunction>];
* Should the source column be excluded from the resulting table
* vectorField is used in combination with `LanceSchema` to provide a declarative data model
* By default the source column is included. Set this to true and
* only the embedding will be stored.
* @param options - The options for the field
* @see {@link lancedb.LanceSchema}
excludeSource?: boolean;
vectorField(options?: Partial<FieldOptions>): [DataType, Map<string, EmbeddingFunction>];
/** The number of dimensions of the embeddings */
ndims(): number | undefined;
/** The datatype of the embeddings */
abstract embeddingDataType(): Float;
* Creates a vector representation for the given values.
embed: (data: T[]) => Promise<number[][]>;
abstract computeSourceEmbeddings(data: T[]): Promise<number[][] | Float32Array[] | Float64Array[]>;
Compute the embeddings for a single query
computeQueryEmbeddings(data: T): Promise<number[] | Float32Array | Float64Array>;
/** Test if the input seems to be an embedding function */
export declare function isEmbeddingFunction<T>(value: unknown): value is EmbeddingFunction<T>;
export interface FieldOptions<T extends DataType = DataType> {
datatype: T;
dims?: number;
"use strict";
// Copyright 2023 Lance Developers.
// Copyright 2024 Lance Developers.

@@ -16,13 +16,74 @@ // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.isEmbeddingFunction = void 0;
/** Test if the input seems to be an embedding function */
function isEmbeddingFunction(value) {
if (typeof value !== "object" || value === null) {
return false;
exports.EmbeddingFunction = void 0;
const arrow_1 = require("../arrow");
const sanitize_1 = require("../sanitize");
* An embedding function that automatically creates vector representation for a given column.
class EmbeddingFunction {
* sourceField is used in combination with `LanceSchema` to provide a declarative data model
* @param optionsOrDatatype - The options for the field or the datatype
* @see {@link lancedb.LanceSchema}
sourceField(optionsOrDatatype) {
let datatype = (0, arrow_1.isDataType)(optionsOrDatatype)
? optionsOrDatatype
: optionsOrDatatype?.datatype;
if (!datatype) {
throw new Error("Datatype is required");
datatype = (0, sanitize_1.sanitizeType)(datatype);
const metadata = new Map();
metadata.set("source_column_for", this);
return [datatype, metadata];
if (!("sourceColumn" in value) || !("embed" in value)) {
return false;
* vectorField is used in combination with `LanceSchema` to provide a declarative data model
* @param options - The options for the field
* @see {@link lancedb.LanceSchema}
vectorField(options) {
let dtype;
const dims = this.ndims() ?? options?.dims;
if (!options?.datatype) {
if (dims === undefined) {
throw new Error("ndims is required for vector field");
dtype = new arrow_1.FixedSizeList(dims, new arrow_1.Field("item", new arrow_1.Float32(), true));
else {
if ((0, arrow_1.isFixedSizeList)(options.datatype)) {
dtype = options.datatype;
else if ((0, arrow_1.isFloat)(options.datatype)) {
if (dims === undefined) {
throw new Error("ndims is required for vector field");
dtype = (0, arrow_1.newVectorType)(dims, options.datatype);
else {
throw new Error("Expected FixedSizeList or Float as datatype for vector field");
const metadata = new Map();
metadata.set("vector_column_for", this);
return [dtype, metadata];
return (typeof value.sourceColumn === "string" && typeof value.embed === "function");
/** The number of dimensions of the embeddings */
ndims() {
return undefined;
Compute the embeddings for a single query
async computeQueryEmbeddings(data) {
return this.computeSourceEmbeddings([data]).then((embeddings) => embeddings[0]);
exports.isEmbeddingFunction = isEmbeddingFunction;
exports.EmbeddingFunction = EmbeddingFunction;

@@ -1,2 +0,28 @@

export { EmbeddingFunction, isEmbeddingFunction } from "./embedding_function";
export { OpenAIEmbeddingFunction } from "./openai";
import { Schema } from "../arrow";
import { EmbeddingFunction } from "./embedding_function";
export { EmbeddingFunction } from "./embedding_function";
export * from "./openai";
export * from "./registry";
* Create a schema with embedding functions.
* @param fields
* @returns Schema
* @example
* ```ts
* class MyEmbeddingFunction extends EmbeddingFunction {
* // ...
* }
* const func = new MyEmbeddingFunction();
* const schema = LanceSchema({
* id: new Int32(),
* text: func.sourceField(new Utf8()),
* vector: func.vectorField(),
* // optional: specify the datatype and/or dimensions
* vector2: func.vectorField({ datatype: new Float32(), dims: 3}),
* });
* const table = await db.createTable("my_table", data, { schema });
* ```
export declare function LanceSchema(fields: Record<string, [object, Map<string, EmbeddingFunction>] | object>): Schema;
"use strict";
// Copyright 2023 Lance Developers.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) {
if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(m, k);
if (!desc || ("get" in desc ? !m.__esModule : desc.writable || desc.configurable)) {
desc = { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } };
Object.defineProperty(o, k2, desc);
}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {
if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
o[k2] = m[k];
var __exportStar = (this && this.__exportStar) || function(m, exports) {
for (var p in m) if (p !== "default" && !, p)) __createBinding(exports, m, p);
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.OpenAIEmbeddingFunction = exports.isEmbeddingFunction = void 0;
exports.LanceSchema = exports.EmbeddingFunction = void 0;
const arrow_1 = require("../arrow");
const arrow_2 = require("../arrow");
const sanitize_1 = require("../sanitize");
const registry_1 = require("./registry");
var embedding_function_1 = require("./embedding_function");
Object.defineProperty(exports, "isEmbeddingFunction", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return embedding_function_1.isEmbeddingFunction; } });
var openai_1 = require("./openai");
Object.defineProperty(exports, "OpenAIEmbeddingFunction", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return openai_1.OpenAIEmbeddingFunction; } });
Object.defineProperty(exports, "EmbeddingFunction", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return embedding_function_1.EmbeddingFunction; } });
// We need to explicitly export '*' so that the `register` decorator actually registers the class.
__exportStar(require("./openai"), exports);
__exportStar(require("./registry"), exports);
* Create a schema with embedding functions.
* @param fields
* @returns Schema
* @example
* ```ts
* class MyEmbeddingFunction extends EmbeddingFunction {
* // ...
* }
* const func = new MyEmbeddingFunction();
* const schema = LanceSchema({
* id: new Int32(),
* text: func.sourceField(new Utf8()),
* vector: func.vectorField(),
* // optional: specify the datatype and/or dimensions
* vector2: func.vectorField({ datatype: new Float32(), dims: 3}),
* });
* const table = await db.createTable("my_table", data, { schema });
* ```
function LanceSchema(fields) {
const arrowFields = [];
const embeddingFunctions = new Map();
Object.entries(fields).forEach(([key, value]) => {
if ((0, arrow_2.isDataType)(value)) {
arrowFields.push(new arrow_1.Field(key, (0, sanitize_1.sanitizeType)(value), true));
else {
const [dtype, metadata] = value;
arrowFields.push(new arrow_1.Field(key, (0, sanitize_1.sanitizeType)(dtype), true));
parseEmbeddingFunctions(embeddingFunctions, key, metadata);
const registry = (0, registry_1.getRegistry)();
const metadata = registry.getTableMetadata(Array.from(embeddingFunctions.values()));
const schema = new arrow_1.Schema(arrowFields, metadata);
return schema;
exports.LanceSchema = LanceSchema;
function parseEmbeddingFunctions(embeddingFunctions, key, metadata) {
if (metadata.has("source_column_for")) {
const embedFunction = metadata.get("source_column_for");
const current = embeddingFunctions.get(embedFunction);
if (current !== undefined) {
embeddingFunctions.set(embedFunction, {
sourceColumn: key,
else {
embeddingFunctions.set(embedFunction, {
sourceColumn: key,
function: embedFunction,
else if (metadata.has("vector_column_for")) {
const embedFunction = metadata.get("vector_column_for");
const current = embeddingFunctions.get(embedFunction);
if (current !== undefined) {
embeddingFunctions.set(embedFunction, {
vectorColumn: key,
else {
embeddingFunctions.set(embedFunction, {
vectorColumn: key,
function: embedFunction,

@@ -1,8 +0,17 @@

import { type EmbeddingFunction } from "./embedding_function";
export declare class OpenAIEmbeddingFunction implements EmbeddingFunction<string> {
private readonly _openai;
private readonly _modelName;
constructor(sourceColumn: string, openAIKey: string, modelName?: string);
embed(data: string[]): Promise<number[][]>;
sourceColumn: string;
import { Float } from "../arrow";
import { EmbeddingFunction } from "./embedding_function";
export type OpenAIOptions = {
apiKey?: string;
model?: string;
export declare class OpenAIEmbeddingFunction extends EmbeddingFunction<string, OpenAIOptions> {
constructor(options?: OpenAIOptions);
toJSON(): {
model: string;
ndims(): number;
embeddingDataType(): Float;
computeSourceEmbeddings(data: string[]): Promise<number[][]>;
computeQueryEmbeddings(data: string): Promise<number[]>;

@@ -15,8 +15,26 @@ "use strict";

// limitations under the License.
var __decorate = (this && this.__decorate) || function (decorators, target, key, desc) {
var c = arguments.length, r = c < 3 ? target : desc === null ? desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) : desc, d;
if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.decorate === "function") r = Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc);
else for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (d = decorators[i]) r = (c < 3 ? d(r) : c > 3 ? d(target, key, r) : d(target, key)) || r;
return c > 3 && r && Object.defineProperty(target, key, r), r;
var __metadata = (this && this.__metadata) || function (k, v) {
if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.metadata === "function") return Reflect.metadata(k, v);
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.OpenAIEmbeddingFunction = void 0;
class OpenAIEmbeddingFunction {
constructor(sourceColumn, openAIKey, modelName = "text-embedding-ada-002") {
const arrow_1 = require("../arrow");
const embedding_function_1 = require("./embedding_function");
const registry_1 = require("./registry");
let OpenAIEmbeddingFunction = class OpenAIEmbeddingFunction extends embedding_function_1.EmbeddingFunction {
constructor(options = { model: "text-embedding-ada-002" }) {
const openAIKey = options?.apiKey ?? process.env.OPENAI_API_KEY;
if (!openAIKey) {
throw new Error("OpenAI API key is required");
const modelName = options?.model ?? "text-embedding-ada-002";

@@ -34,12 +52,31 @@ * @type {import("openai").default}

this.sourceColumn = sourceColumn;
const configuration = {
apiKey: openAIKey,
this._openai = new Openai(configuration);
this._modelName = modelName;
this.#openai = new Openai(configuration);
this.#modelName = modelName;
async embed(data) {
const response = await this._openai.embeddings.create({
model: this._modelName,
toJSON() {
return {
model: this.#modelName,
ndims() {
switch (this.#modelName) {
case "text-embedding-ada-002":
return 1536;
case "text-embedding-3-large":
return 3072;
case "text-embedding-3-small":
return 1536;
return null;
embeddingDataType() {
return new arrow_1.Float32();
async computeSourceEmbeddings(data) {
const response = await this.#openai.embeddings.create({
model: this.#modelName,
input: data,

@@ -53,4 +90,17 @@ });

async computeQueryEmbeddings(data) {
if (typeof data !== "string") {
throw new Error("Data must be a string");
const response = await this.#openai.embeddings.create({
model: this.#modelName,
input: data,
exports.OpenAIEmbeddingFunction = OpenAIEmbeddingFunction;
exports.OpenAIEmbeddingFunction = OpenAIEmbeddingFunction = __decorate([
(0, registry_1.register)("openai"),
__metadata("design:paramtypes", [Object])
], OpenAIEmbeddingFunction);

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import { Table as ArrowTable, RecordBatch } from "apache-arrow";
import { Table as ArrowTable, RecordBatch } from "./arrow";
import { RecordBatchIterator as NativeBatchIterator, Query as NativeQuery, Table as NativeTable, VectorQuery as NativeVectorQuery } from "./native";

@@ -3,0 +3,0 @@ export declare class RecordBatchIterator implements AsyncIterator<RecordBatch> {

@@ -17,3 +17,3 @@ "use strict";

exports.Query = exports.VectorQuery = exports.QueryBase = exports.RecordBatchIterator = void 0;
const apache_arrow_1 = require("apache-arrow");
const arrow_1 = require("./arrow");
class RecordBatchIterator {

@@ -38,3 +38,3 @@ promisedInner;

const tbl = (0, apache_arrow_1.tableFromIPC)(n);
const tbl = (0, arrow_1.tableFromIPC)(n);
if (tbl.batches.length != 1) {

@@ -153,3 +153,3 @@ throw new Error("Expected only one batch");

return new apache_arrow_1.Table(batches);
return new arrow_1.Table(batches);

@@ -156,0 +156,0 @@ /** Collect the results as an array of objects. */

@@ -1,2 +0,23 @@

import { Schema } from "apache-arrow";
import type { TKeys } from "apache-arrow/type";
import { DataType, Date_, Decimal, DenseUnion, Dictionary, Duration, Field, FixedSizeBinary, FixedSizeList, Float, Int, Interval, List, Map_, Schema, SparseUnion, Struct, Time, Timestamp, TimestampMicrosecond, TimestampMillisecond, TimestampNanosecond, TimestampSecond, Type, Union } from "./arrow";
export declare function sanitizeMetadata(metadataLike?: unknown): Map<string, string> | undefined;
export declare function sanitizeInt(typeLike: object): Int<Type.Int | Type.Int8 | Type.Int16 | Type.Int32 | Type.Int64 | Type.Uint8 | Type.Uint16 | Type.Uint32 | Type.Uint64>;
export declare function sanitizeFloat(typeLike: object): Float<Type.Float | Type.Float16 | Type.Float32 | Type.Float64>;
export declare function sanitizeDecimal(typeLike: object): Decimal;
export declare function sanitizeDate(typeLike: object): Date_<import("apache-arrow/type").Dates>;
export declare function sanitizeTime(typeLike: object): Time<Type.Time | Type.TimeSecond | Type.TimeMillisecond | Type.TimeMicrosecond | Type.TimeNanosecond>;
export declare function sanitizeTimestamp(typeLike: object): Timestamp<Type.Timestamp | Type.TimestampSecond | Type.TimestampMillisecond | Type.TimestampMicrosecond | Type.TimestampNanosecond>;
export declare function sanitizeTypedTimestamp(typeLike: object, Datatype: typeof TimestampNanosecond | typeof TimestampMicrosecond | typeof TimestampMillisecond | typeof TimestampSecond): TimestampSecond | TimestampMillisecond | TimestampMicrosecond | TimestampNanosecond;
export declare function sanitizeInterval(typeLike: object): Interval<Type.Interval | Type.IntervalDayTime | Type.IntervalYearMonth>;
export declare function sanitizeList(typeLike: object): List<any>;
export declare function sanitizeStruct(typeLike: object): Struct<any>;
export declare function sanitizeUnion(typeLike: object): Union<Type.Union | Type.DenseUnion | Type.SparseUnion>;
export declare function sanitizeTypedUnion(typeLike: object, UnionType: typeof DenseUnion | typeof SparseUnion): SparseUnion | DenseUnion;
export declare function sanitizeFixedSizeBinary(typeLike: object): FixedSizeBinary;
export declare function sanitizeFixedSizeList(typeLike: object): FixedSizeList<any>;
export declare function sanitizeMap(typeLike: object): Map_<any, any>;
export declare function sanitizeDuration(typeLike: object): Duration<Type.Duration | Type.DurationSecond | Type.DurationMillisecond | Type.DurationMicrosecond | Type.DurationNanosecond>;
export declare function sanitizeDictionary(typeLike: object): Dictionary<DataType<any, any>, TKeys>;
export declare function sanitizeType(typeLike: unknown): DataType<any>;
export declare function sanitizeField(fieldLike: unknown): Field;

@@ -3,0 +24,0 @@ * Convert something schemaLike into a Schema instance

@@ -16,11 +16,4 @@ "use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.sanitizeSchema = void 0;
// The utilities in this file help sanitize data from the user's arrow
// library into the types expected by vectordb's arrow library. Node
// generally allows for mulitple versions of the same library (and sometimes
// even multiple copies of the same version) to be installed at the same
// time. However, arrow-js uses instanceof which expected that the input
// comes from the exact same library instance. This is not always the case
// and so we must sanitize the input to ensure that it is compatible.
const apache_arrow_1 = require("apache-arrow");
exports.sanitizeSchema = exports.sanitizeField = exports.sanitizeType = exports.sanitizeDictionary = exports.sanitizeDuration = exports.sanitizeMap = exports.sanitizeFixedSizeList = exports.sanitizeFixedSizeBinary = exports.sanitizeTypedUnion = exports.sanitizeUnion = exports.sanitizeStruct = exports.sanitizeList = exports.sanitizeInterval = exports.sanitizeTypedTimestamp = exports.sanitizeTimestamp = exports.sanitizeTime = exports.sanitizeDate = exports.sanitizeDecimal = exports.sanitizeFloat = exports.sanitizeInt = exports.sanitizeMetadata = void 0;
const arrow_1 = require("./arrow");
function sanitizeMetadata(metadataLike) {

@@ -40,2 +33,3 @@ if (metadataLike === undefined || metadataLike === null) {

exports.sanitizeMetadata = sanitizeMetadata;
function sanitizeInt(typeLike) {

@@ -48,4 +42,5 @@ if (!("bitWidth" in typeLike) ||

return new apache_arrow_1.Int(typeLike.isSigned, typeLike.bitWidth);
return new arrow_1.Int(typeLike.isSigned, typeLike.bitWidth);
exports.sanitizeInt = sanitizeInt;
function sanitizeFloat(typeLike) {

@@ -55,4 +50,5 @@ if (!("precision" in typeLike) || typeof typeLike.precision !== "number") {

return new apache_arrow_1.Float(typeLike.precision);
return new arrow_1.Float(typeLike.precision);
exports.sanitizeFloat = sanitizeFloat;
function sanitizeDecimal(typeLike) {

@@ -67,4 +63,5 @@ if (!("scale" in typeLike) ||

return new apache_arrow_1.Decimal(typeLike.scale, typeLike.precision, typeLike.bitWidth);
return new arrow_1.Decimal(typeLike.scale, typeLike.precision, typeLike.bitWidth);
exports.sanitizeDecimal = sanitizeDecimal;
function sanitizeDate(typeLike) {

@@ -74,4 +71,5 @@ if (!("unit" in typeLike) || typeof typeLike.unit !== "number") {

return new apache_arrow_1.Date_(typeLike.unit);
return new arrow_1.Date_(typeLike.unit);
exports.sanitizeDate = sanitizeDate;
function sanitizeTime(typeLike) {

@@ -84,4 +82,5 @@ if (!("unit" in typeLike) ||

return new apache_arrow_1.Time(typeLike.unit, typeLike.bitWidth);
return new arrow_1.Time(typeLike.unit, typeLike.bitWidth);
exports.sanitizeTime = sanitizeTime;
function sanitizeTimestamp(typeLike) {

@@ -95,4 +94,5 @@ if (!("unit" in typeLike) || typeof typeLike.unit !== "number") {

return new apache_arrow_1.Timestamp(typeLike.unit, timezone);
return new arrow_1.Timestamp(typeLike.unit, timezone);
exports.sanitizeTimestamp = sanitizeTimestamp;
function sanitizeTypedTimestamp(typeLike,

@@ -107,2 +107,3 @@ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention

exports.sanitizeTypedTimestamp = sanitizeTypedTimestamp;
function sanitizeInterval(typeLike) {

@@ -112,4 +113,5 @@ if (!("unit" in typeLike) || typeof typeLike.unit !== "number") {

return new apache_arrow_1.Interval(typeLike.unit);
return new arrow_1.Interval(typeLike.unit);
exports.sanitizeInterval = sanitizeInterval;
function sanitizeList(typeLike) {

@@ -122,4 +124,5 @@ if (!("children" in typeLike) || !Array.isArray(typeLike.children)) {

return new apache_arrow_1.List(sanitizeField(typeLike.children[0]));
return new arrow_1.List(sanitizeField(typeLike.children[0]));
exports.sanitizeList = sanitizeList;
function sanitizeStruct(typeLike) {

@@ -129,4 +132,5 @@ if (!("children" in typeLike) || !Array.isArray(typeLike.children)) {

return new apache_arrow_1.Struct( => sanitizeField(child)));
return new arrow_1.Struct( => sanitizeField(child)));
exports.sanitizeStruct = sanitizeStruct;
function sanitizeUnion(typeLike) {

@@ -141,6 +145,7 @@ if (!("typeIds" in typeLike) ||

return new apache_arrow_1.Union(typeLike.mode,
return new arrow_1.Union(typeLike.mode,
// biome-ignore lint/suspicious/noExplicitAny: skip
typeLike.typeIds, => sanitizeField(child)));
exports.sanitizeUnion = sanitizeUnion;
function sanitizeTypedUnion(typeLike,

@@ -157,2 +162,3 @@ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention

exports.sanitizeTypedUnion = sanitizeTypedUnion;
function sanitizeFixedSizeBinary(typeLike) {

@@ -162,4 +168,5 @@ if (!("byteWidth" in typeLike) || typeof typeLike.byteWidth !== "number") {

return new apache_arrow_1.FixedSizeBinary(typeLike.byteWidth);
return new arrow_1.FixedSizeBinary(typeLike.byteWidth);
exports.sanitizeFixedSizeBinary = sanitizeFixedSizeBinary;
function sanitizeFixedSizeList(typeLike) {

@@ -175,4 +182,5 @@ if (!("listSize" in typeLike) || typeof typeLike.listSize !== "number") {

return new apache_arrow_1.FixedSizeList(typeLike.listSize, sanitizeField(typeLike.children[0]));
return new arrow_1.FixedSizeList(typeLike.listSize, sanitizeField(typeLike.children[0]));
exports.sanitizeFixedSizeList = sanitizeFixedSizeList;
function sanitizeMap(typeLike) {

@@ -185,6 +193,7 @@ if (!("children" in typeLike) || !Array.isArray(typeLike.children)) {

return new apache_arrow_1.Map_(
return new arrow_1.Map_(
// biome-ignore lint/suspicious/noExplicitAny: skip => sanitizeField(field)), typeLike.keysSorted);
exports.sanitizeMap = sanitizeMap;
function sanitizeDuration(typeLike) {

@@ -194,4 +203,5 @@ if (!("unit" in typeLike) || typeof typeLike.unit !== "number") {

return new apache_arrow_1.Duration(typeLike.unit);
return new arrow_1.Duration(typeLike.unit);
exports.sanitizeDuration = sanitizeDuration;
function sanitizeDictionary(typeLike) {

@@ -210,4 +220,5 @@ if (!("id" in typeLike) || typeof !== "number") {

return new apache_arrow_1.Dictionary(sanitizeType(typeLike.dictionary), sanitizeType(typeLike.indices),, typeLike.isOrdered);
return new arrow_1.Dictionary(sanitizeType(typeLike.dictionary), sanitizeType(typeLike.indices),, typeLike.isOrdered);
exports.sanitizeDictionary = sanitizeDictionary;
// biome-ignore lint/suspicious/noExplicitAny: skip

@@ -232,100 +243,100 @@ function sanitizeType(typeLike) {

switch (typeId) {
case apache_arrow_1.Type.NONE:
case arrow_1.Type.NONE:
throw Error("Received a Type with a typeId of NONE");
case apache_arrow_1.Type.Null:
return new apache_arrow_1.Null();
case apache_arrow_1.Type.Int:
case arrow_1.Type.Null:
return new arrow_1.Null();
case arrow_1.Type.Int:
return sanitizeInt(typeLike);
case apache_arrow_1.Type.Float:
case arrow_1.Type.Float:
return sanitizeFloat(typeLike);
case apache_arrow_1.Type.Binary:
return new apache_arrow_1.Binary();
case apache_arrow_1.Type.Utf8:
return new apache_arrow_1.Utf8();
case apache_arrow_1.Type.Bool:
return new apache_arrow_1.Bool();
case apache_arrow_1.Type.Decimal:
case arrow_1.Type.Binary:
return new arrow_1.Binary();
case arrow_1.Type.Utf8:
return new arrow_1.Utf8();
case arrow_1.Type.Bool:
return new arrow_1.Bool();
case arrow_1.Type.Decimal:
return sanitizeDecimal(typeLike);
case apache_arrow_1.Type.Date:
case arrow_1.Type.Date:
return sanitizeDate(typeLike);
case apache_arrow_1.Type.Time:
case arrow_1.Type.Time:
return sanitizeTime(typeLike);
case apache_arrow_1.Type.Timestamp:
case arrow_1.Type.Timestamp:
return sanitizeTimestamp(typeLike);
case apache_arrow_1.Type.Interval:
case arrow_1.Type.Interval:
return sanitizeInterval(typeLike);
case apache_arrow_1.Type.List:
case arrow_1.Type.List:
return sanitizeList(typeLike);
case apache_arrow_1.Type.Struct:
case arrow_1.Type.Struct:
return sanitizeStruct(typeLike);
case apache_arrow_1.Type.Union:
case arrow_1.Type.Union:
return sanitizeUnion(typeLike);
case apache_arrow_1.Type.FixedSizeBinary:
case arrow_1.Type.FixedSizeBinary:
return sanitizeFixedSizeBinary(typeLike);
case apache_arrow_1.Type.FixedSizeList:
case arrow_1.Type.FixedSizeList:
return sanitizeFixedSizeList(typeLike);
case apache_arrow_1.Type.Map:
case arrow_1.Type.Map:
return sanitizeMap(typeLike);
case apache_arrow_1.Type.Duration:
case arrow_1.Type.Duration:
return sanitizeDuration(typeLike);
case apache_arrow_1.Type.Dictionary:
case arrow_1.Type.Dictionary:
return sanitizeDictionary(typeLike);
case apache_arrow_1.Type.Int8:
return new apache_arrow_1.Int8();
case apache_arrow_1.Type.Int16:
return new apache_arrow_1.Int16();
case apache_arrow_1.Type.Int32:
return new apache_arrow_1.Int32();
case apache_arrow_1.Type.Int64:
return new apache_arrow_1.Int64();
case apache_arrow_1.Type.Uint8:
return new apache_arrow_1.Uint8();
case apache_arrow_1.Type.Uint16:
return new apache_arrow_1.Uint16();
case apache_arrow_1.Type.Uint32:
return new apache_arrow_1.Uint32();
case apache_arrow_1.Type.Uint64:
return new apache_arrow_1.Uint64();
case apache_arrow_1.Type.Float16:
return new apache_arrow_1.Float16();
case apache_arrow_1.Type.Float32:
return new apache_arrow_1.Float32();
case apache_arrow_1.Type.Float64:
return new apache_arrow_1.Float64();
case apache_arrow_1.Type.DateMillisecond:
return new apache_arrow_1.DateMillisecond();
case apache_arrow_1.Type.DateDay:
return new apache_arrow_1.DateDay();
case apache_arrow_1.Type.TimeNanosecond:
return new apache_arrow_1.TimeNanosecond();
case apache_arrow_1.Type.TimeMicrosecond:
return new apache_arrow_1.TimeMicrosecond();
case apache_arrow_1.Type.TimeMillisecond:
return new apache_arrow_1.TimeMillisecond();
case apache_arrow_1.Type.TimeSecond:
return new apache_arrow_1.TimeSecond();
case apache_arrow_1.Type.TimestampNanosecond:
return sanitizeTypedTimestamp(typeLike, apache_arrow_1.TimestampNanosecond);
case apache_arrow_1.Type.TimestampMicrosecond:
return sanitizeTypedTimestamp(typeLike, apache_arrow_1.TimestampMicrosecond);
case apache_arrow_1.Type.TimestampMillisecond:
return sanitizeTypedTimestamp(typeLike, apache_arrow_1.TimestampMillisecond);
case apache_arrow_1.Type.TimestampSecond:
return sanitizeTypedTimestamp(typeLike, apache_arrow_1.TimestampSecond);
case apache_arrow_1.Type.DenseUnion:
return sanitizeTypedUnion(typeLike, apache_arrow_1.DenseUnion);
case apache_arrow_1.Type.SparseUnion:
return sanitizeTypedUnion(typeLike, apache_arrow_1.SparseUnion);
case apache_arrow_1.Type.IntervalDayTime:
return new apache_arrow_1.IntervalDayTime();
case apache_arrow_1.Type.IntervalYearMonth:
return new apache_arrow_1.IntervalYearMonth();
case apache_arrow_1.Type.DurationNanosecond:
return new apache_arrow_1.DurationNanosecond();
case apache_arrow_1.Type.DurationMicrosecond:
return new apache_arrow_1.DurationMicrosecond();
case apache_arrow_1.Type.DurationMillisecond:
return new apache_arrow_1.DurationMillisecond();
case apache_arrow_1.Type.DurationSecond:
return new apache_arrow_1.DurationSecond();
case arrow_1.Type.Int8:
return new arrow_1.Int8();
case arrow_1.Type.Int16:
return new arrow_1.Int16();
case arrow_1.Type.Int32:
return new arrow_1.Int32();
case arrow_1.Type.Int64:
return new arrow_1.Int64();
case arrow_1.Type.Uint8:
return new arrow_1.Uint8();
case arrow_1.Type.Uint16:
return new arrow_1.Uint16();
case arrow_1.Type.Uint32:
return new arrow_1.Uint32();
case arrow_1.Type.Uint64:
return new arrow_1.Uint64();
case arrow_1.Type.Float16:
return new arrow_1.Float16();
case arrow_1.Type.Float32:
return new arrow_1.Float32();
case arrow_1.Type.Float64:
return new arrow_1.Float64();
case arrow_1.Type.DateMillisecond:
return new arrow_1.DateMillisecond();
case arrow_1.Type.DateDay:
return new arrow_1.DateDay();
case arrow_1.Type.TimeNanosecond:
return new arrow_1.TimeNanosecond();
case arrow_1.Type.TimeMicrosecond:
return new arrow_1.TimeMicrosecond();
case arrow_1.Type.TimeMillisecond:
return new arrow_1.TimeMillisecond();
case arrow_1.Type.TimeSecond:
return new arrow_1.TimeSecond();
case arrow_1.Type.TimestampNanosecond:
return sanitizeTypedTimestamp(typeLike, arrow_1.TimestampNanosecond);
case arrow_1.Type.TimestampMicrosecond:
return sanitizeTypedTimestamp(typeLike, arrow_1.TimestampMicrosecond);
case arrow_1.Type.TimestampMillisecond:
return sanitizeTypedTimestamp(typeLike, arrow_1.TimestampMillisecond);
case arrow_1.Type.TimestampSecond:
return sanitizeTypedTimestamp(typeLike, arrow_1.TimestampSecond);
case arrow_1.Type.DenseUnion:
return sanitizeTypedUnion(typeLike, arrow_1.DenseUnion);
case arrow_1.Type.SparseUnion:
return sanitizeTypedUnion(typeLike, arrow_1.SparseUnion);
case arrow_1.Type.IntervalDayTime:
return new arrow_1.IntervalDayTime();
case arrow_1.Type.IntervalYearMonth:
return new arrow_1.IntervalYearMonth();
case arrow_1.Type.DurationNanosecond:
return new arrow_1.DurationNanosecond();
case arrow_1.Type.DurationMicrosecond:
return new arrow_1.DurationMicrosecond();
case arrow_1.Type.DurationMillisecond:
return new arrow_1.DurationMillisecond();
case arrow_1.Type.DurationSecond:
return new arrow_1.DurationSecond();

@@ -335,4 +346,5 @@ throw new Error("Unrecoginized type id in schema: " + typeId);

exports.sanitizeType = sanitizeType;
function sanitizeField(fieldLike) {
if (fieldLike instanceof apache_arrow_1.Field) {
if (fieldLike instanceof arrow_1.Field) {
return fieldLike;

@@ -361,4 +373,5 @@ }

return new apache_arrow_1.Field(name, type, nullable, metadata);
return new arrow_1.Field(name, type, nullable, metadata);
exports.sanitizeField = sanitizeField;

@@ -372,3 +385,3 @@ * Convert something schemaLike into a Schema instance

function sanitizeSchema(schemaLike) {
if (schemaLike instanceof apache_arrow_1.Schema) {
if (schemaLike instanceof arrow_1.Schema) {
return schemaLike;

@@ -390,4 +403,4 @@ }

const sanitizedFields = => sanitizeField(field));
return new apache_arrow_1.Schema(sanitizedFields, metadata);
return new arrow_1.Schema(sanitizedFields, metadata);
exports.sanitizeSchema = sanitizeSchema;

@@ -1,3 +0,2 @@

import { Schema } from "apache-arrow";
import { Data } from "./arrow";
import { Data, Schema } from "./arrow";
import { IndexOptions } from "./indices";

@@ -4,0 +3,0 @@ import { AddColumnsSql, ColumnAlteration, IndexConfig, OptimizeStats, Table as _NativeTable } from "./native";

@@ -17,4 +17,4 @@ "use strict";

exports.Table = void 0;
const apache_arrow_1 = require("apache-arrow");
const arrow_1 = require("./arrow");
const registry_1 = require("./embedding/registry");
const query_1 = require("./query");

@@ -60,3 +60,3 @@ /**

const schemaBuf = await this.inner.schema();
const tbl = (0, apache_arrow_1.tableFromIPC)(schemaBuf);
const tbl = (0, arrow_1.tableFromIPC)(schemaBuf);
return tbl.schema;

@@ -70,3 +70,6 @@ }

const mode = options?.mode ?? "append";
const buffer = await (0, arrow_1.fromDataToBuffer)(data);
const schema = await this.schema();
const registry = (0, registry_1.getRegistry)();
const functions = registry.parseFunctions(schema.metadata);
const buffer = await (0, arrow_1.fromDataToBuffer)(data, functions.values().next().value);
await this.inner.add(buffer, mode);

@@ -73,0 +76,0 @@ }

"name": "@lancedb/lancedb",
"version": "0.5.0",
"main": "./dist/index.js",
"types": "./dist/index.d.ts",
"version": "0.5.1",
"main": "dist/index.js",
"exports": {
".": "./dist/index.js",
"./embedding": "./dist/embedding/index.js"
"types": "dist/index.d.ts",
"napi": {

@@ -72,11 +76,12 @@ "name": "lancedb",

"apache-arrow": "^15.0.0",
"openai": "^4.29.2"
"openai": "^4.29.2",
"reflect-metadata": "^0.2.2"
"optionalDependencies": {
"@lancedb/lancedb-darwin-arm64": "0.5.0",
"@lancedb/lancedb-linux-arm64-gnu": "0.5.0",
"@lancedb/lancedb-darwin-x64": "0.5.0",
"@lancedb/lancedb-linux-x64-gnu": "0.5.0",
"@lancedb/lancedb-win32-x64-msvc": "0.5.0"
"@lancedb/lancedb-darwin-arm64": "0.5.1",
"@lancedb/lancedb-linux-arm64-gnu": "0.5.1",
"@lancedb/lancedb-darwin-x64": "0.5.1",
"@lancedb/lancedb-linux-x64-gnu": "0.5.1",
"@lancedb/lancedb-win32-x64-msvc": "0.5.1"

@@ -10,3 +10,5 @@ {

"allowJs": true,
"resolveJsonModule": true
"resolveJsonModule": true,
"emitDecoratorMetadata": true,
"experimentalDecorators": true

@@ -13,0 +15,0 @@ "exclude": ["./dist/*"],

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