What is @lerna/conventional-commits?
@lerna/conventional-commits is a package that integrates conventional commit messages with Lerna, a tool for managing JavaScript projects with multiple packages. It helps automate the versioning and changelog generation based on commit messages following the Conventional Commits specification.
What are @lerna/conventional-commits's main functionalities?
Automatic Versioning
Automatically bumps the version of your packages based on the commit messages. For example, a commit message with 'feat:' will trigger a minor version bump, while 'fix:' will trigger a patch version bump.
lerna version --conventional-commits
Changelog Generation
Generates a changelog file based on the commit messages. This helps in keeping track of what changes have been made in each version.
lerna version --conventional-commits --changelog-preset angular
Commit Message Validation
Ensures that commit messages follow the Conventional Commits specification, which helps in maintaining a consistent commit history.
lerna version --conventional-commits --yes
Other packages similar to @lerna/conventional-commits
standard-version is a utility for versioning and changelog generation based on Conventional Commits. It is similar to @lerna/conventional-commits but is more focused on single-package repositories rather than monorepos.
semantic-release automates the versioning and package publishing process based on the commit messages. It offers more advanced features like automatic publishing to npm and GitHub, making it a more comprehensive solution compared to @lerna/conventional-commits.
commitizen helps you write commit messages that follow the Conventional Commits specification. While it doesn't handle versioning or changelog generation directly, it can be used in conjunction with tools like @lerna/conventional-commits to ensure commit message consistency.
Lerna's internal interface to conventional-changelog and friends
You probably shouldn't, at least directly.
Install lerna for access to the lerna