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@libp2p/crypto - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 4.1.9-dd7b329c4 to 4.1.9-df330695a



import { concat } from 'uint8arrays/concat';
import { fromString } from 'uint8arrays/from-string';
import webcrypto from '../webcrypto.js';
import webcrypto from '../webcrypto/index.js';
// WebKit on Linux does not support deriving a key from an empty PBKDF2 key.

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ // So, as a workaround, we provide the generated key as a constant. We test that

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import { generateEphmeralKeyPair } from './ecdh.js';
import { generateEphemeralKeyPair } from './ecdh/index.js';

@@ -8,3 +8,3 @@ * Generates an ephemeral public key and returns a function that will compute

export default generateEphmeralKeyPair;
export default generateEphemeralKeyPair;

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import { generateEphmeralKeyPair } from './ecdh.js';
import { generateEphemeralKeyPair } from './ecdh/index.js';

@@ -8,3 +8,3 @@ * Generates an ephemeral public key and returns a function that will compute

export default generateEphmeralKeyPair;
export default generateEphemeralKeyPair;

@@ -12,58 +12,55 @@ /**

import * as Ed25519 from './ed25519-class.js';
import generateEphemeralKeyPair from './ephemeral-keys.js';
import { keyStretcher } from './key-stretcher.js';
import * as keysPBM from './keys.js';
import * as RSA from './rsa-class.js';
import * as Secp256k1 from './secp256k1-class.js';
import type { PrivateKey, PublicKey, KeyType as KeyTypes } from '@libp2p/interface';
export { keyStretcher };
export { generateEphemeralKeyPair };
export { keysPBM };
export type { KeyTypes };
export { RsaPrivateKey, RsaPublicKey, MAX_RSA_KEY_SIZE } from './rsa-class.js';
export { Ed25519PrivateKey, Ed25519PublicKey } from './ed25519-class.js';
export { Secp256k1PrivateKey, Secp256k1PublicKey } from './secp256k1-class.js';
export type { JWKKeyPair } from './interface.js';
export declare const supportedKeys: {
rsa: typeof RSA;
ed25519: typeof Ed25519;
secp256k1: typeof Secp256k1;
import type { PrivateKey, PublicKey, KeyType, RSAPrivateKey, Secp256k1PrivateKey, Ed25519PrivateKey, Secp256k1PublicKey, Ed25519PublicKey } from '@libp2p/interface';
import type { MultihashDigest } from 'multiformats';
export { generateEphemeralKeyPair } from './ecdh/index.js';
export { keyStretcher } from './key-stretcher.js';
* Generates a keypair of the given type and bitsize
export declare function generateKeyPair<T extends KeyTypes>(type: T, bits?: number): Promise<PrivateKey<T>>;
export declare function generateKeyPair(type: 'Ed25519'): Promise<Ed25519PrivateKey>;
export declare function generateKeyPair(type: 'secp256k1'): Promise<Secp256k1PrivateKey>;
export declare function generateKeyPair(type: 'RSA', bits?: number): Promise<RSAPrivateKey>;
export declare function generateKeyPair(type: KeyType, bits?: number): Promise<PrivateKey>;
* Generates a keypair of the given type and bitsize.
* Generates a keypair of the given type from the passed seed. Currently only
* supports Ed25519 keys.
* Seed is a 32 byte uint8array
export declare function generateKeyPairFromSeed<T extends KeyTypes>(type: T, seed: Uint8Array, bits?: number): Promise<PrivateKey<T>>;
export declare function generateKeyPairFromSeed(type: 'Ed25519', seed: Uint8Array): Promise<Ed25519PrivateKey>;
export declare function generateKeyPairFromSeed<T extends KeyType>(type: T, seed: Uint8Array, bits?: number): Promise<never>;
* Converts a protobuf serialized public key into its representative object
export declare function unmarshalPublicKey<T extends KeyTypes>(buf: Uint8Array): PublicKey<T>;
export declare function publicKeyFromProtobuf(buf: Uint8Array): PublicKey;
* Creates a public key from the raw key bytes
export declare function publicKeyFromRaw(buf: Uint8Array): PublicKey;
* Creates a public key from an identity multihash which contains a protobuf
* encoded Ed25519 or secp256k1 public key.
* RSA keys are not supported as in practice we they are not stored in identity
* multihashes since the hash would be very large.
export declare function publicKeyFromMultihash(digest: MultihashDigest<0x0>): Ed25519PublicKey | Secp256k1PublicKey;
* Converts a public key object into a protobuf serialized public key
export declare function marshalPublicKey(key: {
bytes: Uint8Array;
}, type?: string): Uint8Array;
export declare function publicKeyToProtobuf(key: PublicKey): Uint8Array;
* Converts a protobuf serialized private key into its representative object
export declare function unmarshalPrivateKey<T extends KeyTypes>(buf: Uint8Array): Promise<PrivateKey<T>>;
export declare function privateKeyFromProtobuf(buf: Uint8Array): Ed25519PrivateKey | Secp256k1PrivateKey | RSAPrivateKey;
* Converts a private key object into a protobuf serialized private key
* Creates a private key from the raw key bytes. For Ed25519 keys this requires
* the public key to be appended to the private key otherwise we can't
* differentiate between Ed25519 and secp256k1 keys as they are the same length.
export declare function marshalPrivateKey(key: {
bytes: Uint8Array;
}, type?: string): Uint8Array;
export declare function privateKeyFromRaw(buf: Uint8Array): PrivateKey;
* Converts an exported private key into its representative object.
* Supported formats are 'pem' (RSA only) and 'libp2p-key'.
* Converts a private key object into a protobuf serialized private key
export declare function importKey<T extends KeyTypes>(encryptedKey: string, password: string): Promise<PrivateKey<T>>;
export declare function privateKeyToProtobuf(key: PrivateKey): Uint8Array;

@@ -12,65 +12,75 @@ /**

import { CodeError } from '@libp2p/interface';
import * as Ed25519 from './ed25519-class.js';
import generateEphemeralKeyPair from './ephemeral-keys.js';
import { importer } from './importer.js';
import { keyStretcher } from './key-stretcher.js';
import * as keysPBM from './keys.js';
import * as RSA from './rsa-class.js';
import { importFromPem } from './rsa-utils.js';
import * as Secp256k1 from './secp256k1-class.js';
export { keyStretcher };
export { generateEphemeralKeyPair };
export { keysPBM };
export { RsaPrivateKey, RsaPublicKey, MAX_RSA_KEY_SIZE } from './rsa-class.js';
export { Ed25519PrivateKey, Ed25519PublicKey } from './ed25519-class.js';
export { Secp256k1PrivateKey, Secp256k1PublicKey } from './secp256k1-class.js';
export const supportedKeys = {
rsa: RSA,
ed25519: Ed25519,
secp256k1: Secp256k1
function unsupportedKey(type) {
const supported = Object.keys(supportedKeys).join(' / ');
return new CodeError(`invalid or unsupported key type ${type}. Must be ${supported}`, 'ERR_UNSUPPORTED_KEY_TYPE');
import { UnsupportedKeyTypeError } from '@libp2p/interface';
import { generateEd25519KeyPair, generateEd25519KeyPairFromSeed, unmarshalEd25519PrivateKey, unmarshalEd25519PublicKey } from './ed25519/utils.js';
import * as pb from './keys.js';
import { pkcs1ToRSAPrivateKey, pkixToRSAPublicKey, generateRSAKeyPair } from './rsa/utils.js';
import { generateSecp256k1KeyPair, unmarshalSecp256k1PrivateKey, unmarshalSecp256k1PublicKey } from './secp256k1/utils.js';
export { generateEphemeralKeyPair } from './ecdh/index.js';
export { keyStretcher } from './key-stretcher.js';
export async function generateKeyPair(type, bits) {
if (type === 'Ed25519') {
return generateEd25519KeyPair();
if (type === 'secp256k1') {
return generateSecp256k1KeyPair();
if (type === 'RSA') {
return generateRSAKeyPair(bits ?? 2048);
throw new UnsupportedKeyTypeError();
function typeToKey(type) {
type = type.toLowerCase();
if (type === 'rsa' || type === 'ed25519' || type === 'secp256k1') {
return supportedKeys[type];
export async function generateKeyPairFromSeed(type, seed) {
if (type !== 'Ed25519') {
throw new UnsupportedKeyTypeError('Seed key derivation only supported for Ed25519 keys');
throw unsupportedKey(type);
return generateEd25519KeyPairFromSeed(seed);
* Generates a keypair of the given type and bitsize
* Converts a protobuf serialized public key into its representative object
export async function generateKeyPair(type, bits) {
return typeToKey(type).generateKeyPair(bits ?? 2048);
export function publicKeyFromProtobuf(buf) {
const { Type, Data } = pb.PublicKey.decode(buf);
const data = Data ?? new Uint8Array();
switch (Type) {
case pb.KeyType.RSA:
return pkixToRSAPublicKey(data);
case pb.KeyType.Ed25519:
return unmarshalEd25519PublicKey(data);
case pb.KeyType.secp256k1:
return unmarshalSecp256k1PublicKey(data);
throw new UnsupportedKeyTypeError();
* Generates a keypair of the given type and bitsize.
* Seed is a 32 byte uint8array
* Creates a public key from the raw key bytes
export async function generateKeyPairFromSeed(type, seed, bits) {
if (type.toLowerCase() !== 'ed25519') {
throw new CodeError('Seed key derivation is unimplemented for RSA or secp256k1', 'ERR_UNSUPPORTED_KEY_DERIVATION_TYPE');
export function publicKeyFromRaw(buf) {
if (buf.byteLength === 32) {
return unmarshalEd25519PublicKey(buf);
return Ed25519.generateKeyPairFromSeed(seed);
else if (buf.byteLength === 34) {
return unmarshalSecp256k1PublicKey(buf);
else {
return pkixToRSAPublicKey(buf);
* Converts a protobuf serialized public key into its representative object
* Creates a public key from an identity multihash which contains a protobuf
* encoded Ed25519 or secp256k1 public key.
* RSA keys are not supported as in practice we they are not stored in identity
* multihashes since the hash would be very large.
export function unmarshalPublicKey(buf) {
const decoded = keysPBM.PublicKey.decode(buf);
const data = decoded.Data ?? new Uint8Array();
switch (decoded.Type) {
case keysPBM.KeyType.RSA:
return supportedKeys.rsa.unmarshalRsaPublicKey(data);
case keysPBM.KeyType.Ed25519:
return supportedKeys.ed25519.unmarshalEd25519PublicKey(data);
case keysPBM.KeyType.Secp256k1:
return supportedKeys.secp256k1.unmarshalSecp256k1PublicKey(data);
export function publicKeyFromMultihash(digest) {
const { Type, Data } = pb.PublicKey.decode(digest.digest);
const data = Data ?? new Uint8Array();
switch (Type) {
case pb.KeyType.Ed25519:
return unmarshalEd25519PublicKey(data);
case pb.KeyType.secp256k1:
return unmarshalSecp256k1PublicKey(data);
throw unsupportedKey(decoded.Type ?? 'unknown');
throw new UnsupportedKeyTypeError();

@@ -81,6 +91,7 @@ }

export function marshalPublicKey(key, type) {
type = (type ?? 'rsa').toLowerCase();
typeToKey(type); // check type
return key.bytes;
export function publicKeyToProtobuf(key) {
return pb.PublicKey.encode({
Type: pb.KeyType[key.type],
Data: key.raw

@@ -90,42 +101,41 @@ /**

export async function unmarshalPrivateKey(buf) {
const decoded = keysPBM.PrivateKey.decode(buf);
export function privateKeyFromProtobuf(buf) {
const decoded = pb.PrivateKey.decode(buf);
const data = decoded.Data ?? new Uint8Array();
switch (decoded.Type) {
case keysPBM.KeyType.RSA:
return supportedKeys.rsa.unmarshalRsaPrivateKey(data);
case keysPBM.KeyType.Ed25519:
return supportedKeys.ed25519.unmarshalEd25519PrivateKey(data);
case keysPBM.KeyType.Secp256k1:
return supportedKeys.secp256k1.unmarshalSecp256k1PrivateKey(data);
case pb.KeyType.RSA:
return pkcs1ToRSAPrivateKey(data);
case pb.KeyType.Ed25519:
return unmarshalEd25519PrivateKey(data);
case pb.KeyType.secp256k1:
return unmarshalSecp256k1PrivateKey(data);
throw unsupportedKey(decoded.Type ?? 'RSA');
throw new UnsupportedKeyTypeError();
* Converts a private key object into a protobuf serialized private key
* Creates a private key from the raw key bytes. For Ed25519 keys this requires
* the public key to be appended to the private key otherwise we can't
* differentiate between Ed25519 and secp256k1 keys as they are the same length.
export function marshalPrivateKey(key, type) {
type = (type ?? 'rsa').toLowerCase();
typeToKey(type); // check type
return key.bytes;
* Converts an exported private key into its representative object.
* Supported formats are 'pem' (RSA only) and 'libp2p-key'.
export async function importKey(encryptedKey, password) {
try {
const key = await importer(encryptedKey, password);
return await unmarshalPrivateKey(key);
export function privateKeyFromRaw(buf) {
if (buf.byteLength === 64) {
return unmarshalEd25519PrivateKey(buf);
catch (_) {
// Ignore and try the old pem decrypt
else if (buf.byteLength === 32) {
return unmarshalSecp256k1PrivateKey(buf);
if (!encryptedKey.includes('BEGIN')) {
throw new CodeError('Encrypted key was not a libp2p-key or a PEM file', 'ERR_INVALID_IMPORT_FORMAT');
else {
return pkcs1ToRSAPrivateKey(buf);
return importFromPem(encryptedKey, password);
* Converts a private key object into a protobuf serialized private key
export function privateKeyToProtobuf(key) {
return pb.PrivateKey.encode({
Type: pb.KeyType[key.type],
Data: key.raw

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import { CodeError } from '@libp2p/interface';
import { InvalidParametersError } from '@libp2p/interface';
import { concat as uint8ArrayConcat } from 'uint8arrays/concat';

@@ -24,10 +24,12 @@ import { fromString as uint8ArrayFromString } from 'uint8arrays/from-string';

export async function keyStretcher(cipherType, hash, secret) {
const cipher = cipherMap[cipherType];
if (cipher == null) {
const allowed = Object.keys(cipherMap).join(' / ');
throw new CodeError(`unknown cipher type '${cipherType}'. Must be ${allowed}`, 'ERR_INVALID_CIPHER_TYPE');
if (cipherType !== 'AES-128' && cipherType !== 'AES-256' && cipherType !== 'Blowfish') {
throw new InvalidParametersError('Cipher type was missing or unsupported');
if (hash == null) {
throw new CodeError('missing hash type', 'ERR_MISSING_HASH_TYPE');
if (hash !== 'SHA1' && hash !== 'SHA256' && hash !== 'SHA512') {
throw new InvalidParametersError('Hash type was missing or unsupported');
if (secret == null || !(secret instanceof Uint8Array)) {
throw new InvalidParametersError('Secret was missing or an incorrect type');
const cipher = cipherMap[cipherType];
const cipherKeySize = cipher.keySize;

@@ -34,0 +36,0 @@ const ivSize = cipher.ivSize;

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import type { Codec } from 'protons-runtime';
import { type Codec, type DecodeOptions } from 'protons-runtime';
import type { Uint8ArrayList } from 'uint8arraylist';

@@ -6,3 +6,3 @@ export declare enum KeyType {

Ed25519 = "Ed25519",
Secp256k1 = "Secp256k1"
secp256k1 = "secp256k1"

@@ -19,3 +19,3 @@ export declare namespace KeyType {

const encode: (obj: Partial<PublicKey>) => Uint8Array;
const decode: (buf: Uint8Array | Uint8ArrayList) => PublicKey;
const decode: (buf: Uint8Array | Uint8ArrayList, opts?: DecodeOptions<PublicKey>) => PublicKey;

@@ -29,4 +29,4 @@ export interface PrivateKey {

const encode: (obj: Partial<PrivateKey>) => Uint8Array;
const decode: (buf: Uint8Array | Uint8ArrayList) => PrivateKey;
const decode: (buf: Uint8Array | Uint8ArrayList, opts?: DecodeOptions<PrivateKey>) => PrivateKey;

@@ -6,3 +6,3 @@ /* eslint-disable import/export */

/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-empty-interface */
import { enumeration, encodeMessage, decodeMessage, message } from 'protons-runtime';
import { decodeMessage, encodeMessage, enumeration, message } from 'protons-runtime';
export var KeyType;

@@ -12,3 +12,3 @@ (function (KeyType) {

KeyType["Ed25519"] = "Ed25519";
KeyType["Secp256k1"] = "Secp256k1";
KeyType["secp256k1"] = "secp256k1";
})(KeyType || (KeyType = {}));

@@ -19,3 +19,3 @@ var __KeyTypeValues;

__KeyTypeValues[__KeyTypeValues["Ed25519"] = 1] = "Ed25519";
__KeyTypeValues[__KeyTypeValues["Secp256k1"] = 2] = "Secp256k1";
__KeyTypeValues[__KeyTypeValues["secp256k1"] = 2] = "secp256k1";
})(__KeyTypeValues || (__KeyTypeValues = {}));

@@ -47,3 +47,3 @@ (function (KeyType) {

}, (reader, length) => {
}, (reader, length, opts = {}) => {
const obj = {};

@@ -54,11 +54,14 @@ const end = length == null ? reader.len : reader.pos + length;

switch (tag >>> 3) {
case 1:
case 1: {
obj.Type = KeyType.codec().decode(reader);
case 2:
case 2: {
obj.Data = reader.bytes();
default: {
reader.skipType(tag & 7);

@@ -74,4 +77,4 @@ }

PublicKey.decode = (buf) => {
return decodeMessage(buf, PublicKey.codec());
PublicKey.decode = (buf, opts) => {
return decodeMessage(buf, PublicKey.codec(), opts);

@@ -99,3 +102,3 @@ })(PublicKey || (PublicKey = {}));

}, (reader, length) => {
}, (reader, length, opts = {}) => {
const obj = {};

@@ -106,11 +109,14 @@ const end = length == null ? reader.len : reader.pos + length;

switch (tag >>> 3) {
case 1:
case 1: {
obj.Type = KeyType.codec().decode(reader);
case 2:
case 2: {
obj.Data = reader.bytes();
default: {
reader.skipType(tag & 7);

@@ -126,6 +132,6 @@ }

PrivateKey.decode = (buf) => {
return decodeMessage(buf, PrivateKey.codec());
PrivateKey.decode = (buf, opts) => {
return decodeMessage(buf, PrivateKey.codec(), opts);
})(PrivateKey || (PrivateKey = {}));

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import { CodeError } from '@libp2p/interface';
import { InvalidParametersError } from '@libp2p/interface';
import { pbkdf2 as pbkdf2Sync } from '@noble/hashes/pbkdf2';

@@ -25,3 +25,3 @@ import { sha1 } from '@noble/hashes/sha1';

const types = Object.keys(hashName).join(' / ');
throw new CodeError(`Hash '${hash}' is unknown or not supported. Must be ${types}`, 'ERR_UNSUPPORTED_HASH_TYPE');
throw new InvalidParametersError(`Hash '${hash}' is unknown or not supported. Must be ${types}`);

@@ -28,0 +28,0 @@ const hasher = hashName[hash];

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import { CodeError } from '@libp2p/interface';
import { InvalidParametersError } from '@libp2p/interface';
import { randomBytes as randB } from '@noble/hashes/utils';

@@ -8,3 +8,3 @@ /**

if (isNaN(length) || length <= 0) {
throw new CodeError('random bytes length must be a Number bigger than 0', 'ERR_INVALID_LENGTH');
throw new InvalidParametersError('random bytes length must be a Number bigger than 0');

@@ -11,0 +11,0 @@ return randB(length);

"name": "@libp2p/crypto",
"version": "4.1.9-dd7b329c4",
"version": "4.1.9-df330695a",
"description": "Crypto primitives for libp2p",

@@ -54,2 +54,6 @@ "license": "Apache-2.0 OR MIT",

"./ciphers": {
"types": "./dist/src/ciphers/index.d.ts",
"import": "./dist/src/ciphers/index.js"
"./hmac": {

@@ -62,2 +66,6 @@ "types": "./dist/src/hmac/index.d.ts",

"import": "./dist/src/keys/index.js"
"./webcrypto": {
"types": "./dist/src/webcrypto/index.d.ts",
"import": "./dist/src/webcrypto/index.js"

@@ -89,3 +97,3 @@ },

"dependencies": {
"@libp2p/interface": "1.7.0-dd7b329c4",
"@libp2p/interface": "1.7.0-df330695a",
"@noble/curves": "^1.4.0",

@@ -107,10 +115,10 @@ "@noble/hashes": "^1.4.0",

"./dist/src/ciphers/aes-gcm.js": "./dist/src/ciphers/aes-gcm.browser.js",
"./dist/src/hmac/index.js": "./dist/src/hmac/index-browser.js",
"./dist/src/keys/ecdh.js": "./dist/src/keys/ecdh-browser.js",
"./dist/src/keys/ed25519.js": "./dist/src/keys/ed25519-browser.js",
"./dist/src/keys/rsa.js": "./dist/src/keys/rsa-browser.js",
"./dist/src/keys/secp256k1.js": "./dist/src/keys/secp256k1-browser.js",
"./dist/src/webcrypto.js": "./dist/src/webcrypto-browser.js"
"./dist/src/hmac/index.js": "./dist/src/hmac/index.browser.js",
"./dist/src/keys/ecdh/index.js": "./dist/src/keys/ecdh/index.browser.js",
"./dist/src/keys/ed25519/index.js": "./dist/src/keys/ed25519/index.browser.js",
"./dist/src/keys/rsa/index.js": "./dist/src/keys/rsa/index.browser.js",
"./dist/src/keys/secp256k1/index.js": "./dist/src/keys/secp256k1/index.browser.js",
"./dist/src/webcrypto/webcrypto.js": "./dist/src/webcrypto/webcrypto.browser.js"
"sideEffects": false
import { concat } from 'uint8arrays/concat'
import { fromString } from 'uint8arrays/from-string'
import webcrypto from '../webcrypto.js'
import webcrypto from '../webcrypto/index.js'
import type { CreateOptions, AESCipher } from './interface.js'

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import { generateEphmeralKeyPair } from './ecdh.js'
import { generateEphemeralKeyPair } from './ecdh/index.js'

@@ -9,2 +9,2 @@ /**

export default generateEphmeralKeyPair
export default generateEphemeralKeyPair

@@ -13,81 +13,102 @@ /**

import { CodeError } from '@libp2p/interface'
import * as Ed25519 from './ed25519-class.js'
import generateEphemeralKeyPair from './ephemeral-keys.js'
import { importer } from './importer.js'
import { keyStretcher } from './key-stretcher.js'
import * as keysPBM from './keys.js'
import * as RSA from './rsa-class.js'
import { importFromPem } from './rsa-utils.js'
import * as Secp256k1 from './secp256k1-class.js'
import type { PrivateKey, PublicKey, KeyType as KeyTypes } from '@libp2p/interface'
import { UnsupportedKeyTypeError } from '@libp2p/interface'
import { generateEd25519KeyPair, generateEd25519KeyPairFromSeed, unmarshalEd25519PrivateKey, unmarshalEd25519PublicKey } from './ed25519/utils.js'
import * as pb from './keys.js'
import { pkcs1ToRSAPrivateKey, pkixToRSAPublicKey, generateRSAKeyPair } from './rsa/utils.js'
import { generateSecp256k1KeyPair, unmarshalSecp256k1PrivateKey, unmarshalSecp256k1PublicKey } from './secp256k1/utils.js'
import type { PrivateKey, PublicKey, KeyType, RSAPrivateKey, Secp256k1PrivateKey, Ed25519PrivateKey, Secp256k1PublicKey, Ed25519PublicKey } from '@libp2p/interface'
import type { MultihashDigest } from 'multiformats'
export { keyStretcher }
export { generateEphemeralKeyPair }
export { keysPBM }
export { generateEphemeralKeyPair } from './ecdh/index.js'
export { keyStretcher } from './key-stretcher.js'
export type { KeyTypes }
* Generates a keypair of the given type and bitsize
export async function generateKeyPair (type: 'Ed25519'): Promise<Ed25519PrivateKey>
export async function generateKeyPair (type: 'secp256k1'): Promise<Secp256k1PrivateKey>
export async function generateKeyPair (type: 'RSA', bits?: number): Promise<RSAPrivateKey>
export async function generateKeyPair (type: KeyType, bits?: number): Promise<PrivateKey>
export async function generateKeyPair (type: KeyType, bits?: number): Promise<unknown> {
if (type === 'Ed25519') {
return generateEd25519KeyPair()
export { RsaPrivateKey, RsaPublicKey, MAX_RSA_KEY_SIZE } from './rsa-class.js'
export { Ed25519PrivateKey, Ed25519PublicKey } from './ed25519-class.js'
export { Secp256k1PrivateKey, Secp256k1PublicKey } from './secp256k1-class.js'
export type { JWKKeyPair } from './interface.js'
if (type === 'secp256k1') {
return generateSecp256k1KeyPair()
export const supportedKeys = {
rsa: RSA,
ed25519: Ed25519,
secp256k1: Secp256k1
if (type === 'RSA') {
return generateRSAKeyPair(bits ?? 2048)
function unsupportedKey (type: string): CodeError<Record<string, never>> {
const supported = Object.keys(supportedKeys).join(' / ')
return new CodeError(`invalid or unsupported key type ${type}. Must be ${supported}`, 'ERR_UNSUPPORTED_KEY_TYPE')
throw new UnsupportedKeyTypeError()
function typeToKey (type: string): typeof RSA | typeof Ed25519 | typeof Secp256k1 {
type = type.toLowerCase()
if (type === 'rsa' || type === 'ed25519' || type === 'secp256k1') {
return supportedKeys[type]
* Generates a keypair of the given type from the passed seed. Currently only
* supports Ed25519 keys.
* Seed is a 32 byte uint8array
export async function generateKeyPairFromSeed (type: 'Ed25519', seed: Uint8Array): Promise<Ed25519PrivateKey>
export async function generateKeyPairFromSeed <T extends KeyType> (type: T, seed: Uint8Array, bits?: number): Promise<never>
export async function generateKeyPairFromSeed (type: string, seed: Uint8Array): Promise<unknown> {
if (type !== 'Ed25519') {
throw new UnsupportedKeyTypeError('Seed key derivation only supported for Ed25519 keys')
throw unsupportedKey(type)
return generateEd25519KeyPairFromSeed(seed)
* Generates a keypair of the given type and bitsize
* Converts a protobuf serialized public key into its representative object
export async function generateKeyPair <T extends KeyTypes> (type: T, bits?: number): Promise<PrivateKey<T>> {
return typeToKey(type).generateKeyPair(bits ?? 2048)
export function publicKeyFromProtobuf (buf: Uint8Array): PublicKey {
const { Type, Data } = pb.PublicKey.decode(buf)
const data = Data ?? new Uint8Array()
switch (Type) {
case pb.KeyType.RSA:
return pkixToRSAPublicKey(data)
case pb.KeyType.Ed25519:
return unmarshalEd25519PublicKey(data)
case pb.KeyType.secp256k1:
return unmarshalSecp256k1PublicKey(data)
throw new UnsupportedKeyTypeError()
* Generates a keypair of the given type and bitsize.
* Seed is a 32 byte uint8array
* Creates a public key from the raw key bytes
export async function generateKeyPairFromSeed <T extends KeyTypes> (type: T, seed: Uint8Array, bits?: number): Promise<PrivateKey<T>> {
if (type.toLowerCase() !== 'ed25519') {
throw new CodeError('Seed key derivation is unimplemented for RSA or secp256k1', 'ERR_UNSUPPORTED_KEY_DERIVATION_TYPE')
export function publicKeyFromRaw (buf: Uint8Array): PublicKey {
if (buf.byteLength === 32) {
return unmarshalEd25519PublicKey(buf)
} else if (buf.byteLength === 34) {
return unmarshalSecp256k1PublicKey(buf)
} else {
return pkixToRSAPublicKey(buf)
return Ed25519.generateKeyPairFromSeed(seed)
* Converts a protobuf serialized public key into its representative object
* Creates a public key from an identity multihash which contains a protobuf
* encoded Ed25519 or secp256k1 public key.
* RSA keys are not supported as in practice we they are not stored in identity
* multihashes since the hash would be very large.
export function unmarshalPublicKey <T extends KeyTypes> (buf: Uint8Array): PublicKey<T> {
const decoded = keysPBM.PublicKey.decode(buf)
const data = decoded.Data ?? new Uint8Array()
export function publicKeyFromMultihash (digest: MultihashDigest<0x0>): Ed25519PublicKey | Secp256k1PublicKey {
const { Type, Data } = pb.PublicKey.decode(digest.digest)
const data = Data ?? new Uint8Array()
switch (decoded.Type) {
case keysPBM.KeyType.RSA:
return supportedKeys.rsa.unmarshalRsaPublicKey(data)
case keysPBM.KeyType.Ed25519:
return supportedKeys.ed25519.unmarshalEd25519PublicKey(data)
case keysPBM.KeyType.Secp256k1:
return supportedKeys.secp256k1.unmarshalSecp256k1PublicKey(data)
switch (Type) {
case pb.KeyType.Ed25519:
return unmarshalEd25519PublicKey(data)
case pb.KeyType.secp256k1:
return unmarshalSecp256k1PublicKey(data)
throw unsupportedKey(decoded.Type ?? 'unknown')
throw new UnsupportedKeyTypeError()

@@ -99,6 +120,7 @@ }

export function marshalPublicKey (key: { bytes: Uint8Array }, type?: string): Uint8Array {
type = (type ?? 'rsa').toLowerCase()
typeToKey(type) // check type
return key.bytes
export function publicKeyToProtobuf (key: PublicKey): Uint8Array {
return pb.PublicKey.encode({
Type: pb.KeyType[key.type],
Data: key.raw

@@ -109,15 +131,15 @@

export async function unmarshalPrivateKey <T extends KeyTypes> (buf: Uint8Array): Promise<PrivateKey<T>> {
const decoded = keysPBM.PrivateKey.decode(buf)
export function privateKeyFromProtobuf (buf: Uint8Array): Ed25519PrivateKey | Secp256k1PrivateKey | RSAPrivateKey {
const decoded = pb.PrivateKey.decode(buf)
const data = decoded.Data ?? new Uint8Array()
switch (decoded.Type) {
case keysPBM.KeyType.RSA:
return supportedKeys.rsa.unmarshalRsaPrivateKey(data)
case keysPBM.KeyType.Ed25519:
return supportedKeys.ed25519.unmarshalEd25519PrivateKey(data)
case keysPBM.KeyType.Secp256k1:
return supportedKeys.secp256k1.unmarshalSecp256k1PrivateKey(data)
case pb.KeyType.RSA:
return pkcs1ToRSAPrivateKey(data)
case pb.KeyType.Ed25519:
return unmarshalEd25519PrivateKey(data)
case pb.KeyType.secp256k1:
return unmarshalSecp256k1PrivateKey(data)
throw unsupportedKey(decoded.Type ?? 'RSA')
throw new UnsupportedKeyTypeError()

@@ -127,28 +149,24 @@ }

* Converts a private key object into a protobuf serialized private key
* Creates a private key from the raw key bytes. For Ed25519 keys this requires
* the public key to be appended to the private key otherwise we can't
* differentiate between Ed25519 and secp256k1 keys as they are the same length.
export function marshalPrivateKey (key: { bytes: Uint8Array }, type?: string): Uint8Array {
type = (type ?? 'rsa').toLowerCase()
typeToKey(type) // check type
return key.bytes
export function privateKeyFromRaw (buf: Uint8Array): PrivateKey {
if (buf.byteLength === 64) {
return unmarshalEd25519PrivateKey(buf)
} else if (buf.byteLength === 32) {
return unmarshalSecp256k1PrivateKey(buf)
} else {
return pkcs1ToRSAPrivateKey(buf)
* Converts an exported private key into its representative object.
* Supported formats are 'pem' (RSA only) and 'libp2p-key'.
* Converts a private key object into a protobuf serialized private key
export async function importKey <T extends KeyTypes> (encryptedKey: string, password: string): Promise<PrivateKey<T>> {
try {
const key = await importer(encryptedKey, password)
return await unmarshalPrivateKey(key)
} catch (_) {
// Ignore and try the old pem decrypt
if (!encryptedKey.includes('BEGIN')) {
throw new CodeError('Encrypted key was not a libp2p-key or a PEM file', 'ERR_INVALID_IMPORT_FORMAT')
return importFromPem(encryptedKey, password)
export function privateKeyToProtobuf (key: PrivateKey): Uint8Array {
return pb.PrivateKey.encode({
Type: pb.KeyType[key.type],
Data: key.raw

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import { CodeError } from '@libp2p/interface'
import { InvalidParametersError } from '@libp2p/interface'
import { concat as uint8ArrayConcat } from 'uint8arrays/concat'

@@ -7,3 +7,8 @@ import { fromString as uint8ArrayFromString } from 'uint8arrays/from-string'

const cipherMap = {
interface Cipher {
ivSize: number
keySize: number
const cipherMap: Record<string, Cipher> = {
'AES-128': {

@@ -28,13 +33,15 @@ ivSize: 16,

export async function keyStretcher (cipherType: 'AES-128' | 'AES-256' | 'Blowfish', hash: 'SHA1' | 'SHA256' | 'SHA512', secret: Uint8Array): Promise<EnhancedKeyPair> {
const cipher = cipherMap[cipherType]
if (cipherType !== 'AES-128' && cipherType !== 'AES-256' && cipherType !== 'Blowfish') {
throw new InvalidParametersError('Cipher type was missing or unsupported')
if (cipher == null) {
const allowed = Object.keys(cipherMap).join(' / ')
throw new CodeError(`unknown cipher type '${cipherType}'. Must be ${allowed}`, 'ERR_INVALID_CIPHER_TYPE')
if (hash !== 'SHA1' && hash !== 'SHA256' && hash !== 'SHA512') {
throw new InvalidParametersError('Hash type was missing or unsupported')
if (hash == null) {
throw new CodeError('missing hash type', 'ERR_MISSING_HASH_TYPE')
if (secret == null || !(secret instanceof Uint8Array)) {
throw new InvalidParametersError('Secret was missing or an incorrect type')
const cipher = cipherMap[cipherType]
const cipherKeySize = cipher.keySize

@@ -41,0 +48,0 @@ const ivSize = cipher.ivSize

@@ -7,4 +7,3 @@ /* eslint-disable import/export */

import { enumeration, encodeMessage, decodeMessage, message } from 'protons-runtime'
import type { Codec } from 'protons-runtime'
import { type Codec, decodeMessage, type DecodeOptions, encodeMessage, enumeration, message } from 'protons-runtime'
import type { Uint8ArrayList } from 'uint8arraylist'

@@ -15,3 +14,3 @@

Ed25519 = 'Ed25519',
Secp256k1 = 'Secp256k1'
secp256k1 = 'secp256k1'

@@ -22,3 +21,3 @@

Ed25519 = 1,
Secp256k1 = 2
secp256k1 = 2

@@ -59,3 +58,3 @@

}, (reader, length) => {
}, (reader, length, opts = {}) => {
const obj: any = {}

@@ -69,11 +68,14 @@

switch (tag >>> 3) {
case 1:
case 1: {
obj.Type = KeyType.codec().decode(reader)
case 2:
case 2: {
obj.Data = reader.bytes()
default: {
reader.skipType(tag & 7)

@@ -93,4 +95,4 @@ }

export const decode = (buf: Uint8Array | Uint8ArrayList): PublicKey => {
return decodeMessage(buf, PublicKey.codec())
export const decode = (buf: Uint8Array | Uint8ArrayList, opts?: DecodeOptions<PublicKey>): PublicKey => {
return decodeMessage(buf, PublicKey.codec(), opts)

@@ -127,3 +129,3 @@ }

}, (reader, length) => {
}, (reader, length, opts = {}) => {
const obj: any = {}

@@ -137,11 +139,14 @@

switch (tag >>> 3) {
case 1:
case 1: {
obj.Type = KeyType.codec().decode(reader)
case 2:
case 2: {
obj.Data = reader.bytes()
default: {
reader.skipType(tag & 7)

@@ -161,5 +166,5 @@ }

export const decode = (buf: Uint8Array | Uint8ArrayList): PrivateKey => {
return decodeMessage(buf, PrivateKey.codec())
export const decode = (buf: Uint8Array | Uint8ArrayList, opts?: DecodeOptions<PrivateKey>): PrivateKey => {
return decodeMessage(buf, PrivateKey.codec(), opts)

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import { CodeError } from '@libp2p/interface'
import { InvalidParametersError } from '@libp2p/interface'
import { pbkdf2 as pbkdf2Sync } from '@noble/hashes/pbkdf2'

@@ -27,3 +27,3 @@ import { sha1 } from '@noble/hashes/sha1'

const types = Object.keys(hashName).join(' / ')
throw new CodeError(`Hash '${hash}' is unknown or not supported. Must be ${types}`, 'ERR_UNSUPPORTED_HASH_TYPE')
throw new InvalidParametersError(`Hash '${hash}' is unknown or not supported. Must be ${types}`)

@@ -30,0 +30,0 @@

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import { CodeError } from '@libp2p/interface'
import { InvalidParametersError } from '@libp2p/interface'
import { randomBytes as randB } from '@noble/hashes/utils'

@@ -9,5 +9,5 @@

if (isNaN(length) || length <= 0) {
throw new CodeError('random bytes length must be a Number bigger than 0', 'ERR_INVALID_LENGTH')
throw new InvalidParametersError('random bytes length must be a Number bigger than 0')
return randB(length)

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