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@libp2p/interface - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.7.0-7655e5200 to 1.7.0-81ebe4e47


(function (root, factory) {(typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) ? module.exports = factory() : root.Libp2PInterface = factory()}(typeof self !== 'undefined' ? self : this, function () {
"use strict";var Libp2PInterface=(()=>{var n=Object.defineProperty;var A=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;var I=Object.getOwnPropertyNames;var L=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;var _=(e,t)=>{for(var o in t)n(e,o,{get:t[o],enumerable:!0})},g=(e,t,o,s)=>{if(t&&typeof t=="object"||typeof t=="function")for(let r of I(t))!,r)&&r!==o&&n(e,r,{get:()=>t[r],enumerable:!(s=A(t,r))||s.enumerable});return e};var v=e=>g(n({},"__esModule",{value:!0}),e);var z={};_(z,{AbortError:()=>c,AggregateCodeError:()=>l,CodeError:()=>a,CustomEvent:()=>h,ERR_INVALID_MESSAGE:()=>X,ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS:()=>G,ERR_NOT_FOUND:()=>j,ERR_TIMEOUT:()=>F,Ed25519:()=>w,FaultTolerance:()=>p,InvalidCryptoExchangeError:()=>x,InvalidCryptoTransmissionError:()=>m,KEEP_ALIVE:()=>U,RSA:()=>P,StrictNoSign:()=>k,StrictSign:()=>V,TopicValidatorResult:()=>i,TypedEventEmitter:()=>E,UnexpectedPeerError:()=>f,connectionSymbol:()=>S,contentRoutingSymbol:()=>T,isConnection:()=>N,isPeerId:()=>O,isStartable:()=>d,isTransport:()=>B,peerDiscoverySymbol:()=>M,peerIdSymbol:()=>R,peerRoutingSymbol:()=>C,secp256k1:()=>D,serviceCapabilities:()=>K,serviceDependencies:()=>q,setMaxListeners:()=>u,start:()=>Y,stop:()=>H,transportSymbol:()=>b});var S=Symbol.for("@libp2p/connection");function N(e){return e!=null&&!!e[S]}var T=Symbol.for("@libp2p/content-routing");var w="Ed25519",P="RSA",D="secp256k1";var M=Symbol.for("@libp2p/peer-discovery");var R=Symbol.for("@libp2p/peer-id");function O(e){return e!=null&&!!e[R]}var C=Symbol.for("@libp2p/peer-routing");var U="keep-alive";var V="StrictSign",k="StrictNoSign",i;(function(e){e.Accept="accept",e.Ignore="ignore",e.Reject="reject"})(i||(i={}));var b=Symbol.for("@libp2p/transport");function B(e){return e!=null&&!!e[b]}var p;(function(e){e[e.FATAL_ALL=0]="FATAL_ALL",e[e.NO_FATAL=1]="NO_FATAL"})(p||(p={}));var c=class e extends Error{code;type;constructor(t="The operation was aborted"){super(t),"AbortError",this.code=e.code,this.type=e.type}static code="ABORT_ERR";static type="aborted"},a=class extends Error{code;props;constructor(t,o,s){super(t),this.code=o,"CodeError",this.props=s??{}}},l=class extends AggregateError{code;props;constructor(t,o,s,r){super(t,o),this.code=s,"AggregateCodeError",this.props=r??{}}},f=class e extends Error{code;constructor(t="Unexpected Peer"){super(t),"UnexpectedPeerError",this.code=e.code}static code="ERR_UNEXPECTED_PEER"},x=class e extends Error{code;constructor(t="Invalid crypto exchange"){super(t),"InvalidCryptoExchangeError",this.code=e.code}static code="ERR_INVALID_CRYPTO_EXCHANGE"},m=class e extends Error{code;constructor(t="Invalid crypto transmission"){super(t),"InvalidCryptoTransmissionError",this.code=e.code}static code="ERR_INVALID_CRYPTO_TRANSMISSION"},F="ERR_TIMEOUT",G="ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS",j="ERR_NOT_FOUND",X="ERR_INVALID_MESSAGE";var u=(e,...t)=>{try{[...t]}catch{}};var E=class extends EventTarget{#t=new Map;constructor(){super(),u(1/0,this)}listenerCount(t){let o=this.#t.get(t);return o==null?0:o.length}addEventListener(t,o,s){super.addEventListener(t,o,s);let r=this.#t.get(t);r==null&&(r=[],this.#t.set(t,r)),r.push({callback:o,once:(s!==!0&&s!==!1&&s?.once)??!1})}removeEventListener(t,o,s){super.removeEventListener(t.toString(),o??null,s);let r=this.#t.get(t);r!=null&&(r=r.filter(({callback:y})=>y!==o),this.#t.set(t,r))}dispatchEvent(t){let o=super.dispatchEvent(t),s=this.#t.get(t.type);return s==null||(s=s.filter(({once:r})=>!r),this.#t.set(t.type,s)),o}safeDispatchEvent(t,o={}){return this.dispatchEvent(new h(t,o))}},h=globalThis.CustomEvent;function d(e){return e!=null&&typeof e.start=="function"&&typeof e.stop=="function"}async function Y(...e){let t=[];for(let o of e)d(o)&&t.push(o);await Promise.all( o=>{o.beforeStart!=null&&await o.beforeStart()})),await Promise.all( o=>{await o.start()})),await Promise.all( o=>{o.afterStart!=null&&await o.afterStart()}))}async function H(...e){let t=[];for(let o of e)d(o)&&t.push(o);await Promise.all( o=>{o.beforeStop!=null&&await o.beforeStop()})),await Promise.all( o=>{await o.stop()})),await Promise.all( o=>{o.afterStop!=null&&await o.afterStop()}))}var K=Symbol.for("@libp2p/service-capabilities"),q=Symbol.for("@libp2p/service-dependencies");return v(z);})();
"use strict";var Libp2PInterface=(()=>{var n=Object.defineProperty;var H=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;var J=Object.getOwnPropertyNames;var Q=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;var V=(t,r)=>{for(var e in r)n(t,e,{get:r[e],enumerable:!0})},W=(t,r,e,s)=>{if(r&&typeof r=="object"||typeof r=="function")for(let o of J(r))!,o)&&o!==e&&n(t,o,{get:()=>r[o],enumerable:!(s=H(r,o))||s.enumerable});return t};var X=t=>W(n({},"__esModule",{value:!0}),t);var lr={};V(lr,{AbortError:()=>c,AlreadyStartedError:()=>D,ConnectionClosedError:()=>E,ConnectionClosingError:()=>f,ConnectionFailedError:()=>h,DialError:()=>N,FaultTolerance:()=>i,InvalidCIDError:()=>L,InvalidCryptoExchangeError:()=>l,InvalidMessageError:()=>A,InvalidMultiaddrError:()=>g,InvalidMultihashError:()=>P,InvalidParametersError:()=>m,InvalidPeerIdError:()=>I,InvalidPrivateKeyError:()=>x,InvalidPublicKeyError:()=>u,KEEP_ALIVE:()=>er,LimitedConnectionError:()=>k,ListenError:()=>U,MuxerClosedError:()=>b,NotFoundError:()=>v,NotStartedError:()=>M,ProtocolError:()=>C,StreamResetError:()=>y,StreamStateError:()=>S,StrictNoSign:()=>sr,StrictSign:()=>or,TimeoutError:()=>T,TooManyInboundProtocolStreamsError:()=>_,TooManyOutboundProtocolStreamsError:()=>F,TopicValidatorResult:()=>a,TypedEventEmitter:()=>B,UnexpectedPeerError:()=>p,UnsupportedKeyTypeError:()=>K,UnsupportedOperationError:()=>d,UnsupportedProtocolError:()=>w,connectionSymbol:()=>j,contentRoutingSymbol:()=>Z,isConnection:()=>Y,isPeerId:()=>rr,isStartable:()=>R,isTransport:()=>nr,peerDiscoverySymbol:()=>$,peerIdSymbol:()=>q,peerRoutingSymbol:()=>tr,serviceCapabilities:()=>cr,serviceDependencies:()=>pr,setMaxListeners:()=>O,start:()=>ar,stop:()=>ir,transportSymbol:()=>z});var j=Symbol.for("@libp2p/connection");function Y(t){return t!=null&&!!t[j]}var Z=Symbol.for("@libp2p/content-routing");var $=Symbol.for("@libp2p/peer-discovery");var q=Symbol.for("@libp2p/peer-id");function rr(t){return!!t?.[q]}var tr=Symbol.for("@libp2p/peer-routing");var er="keep-alive";var or="StrictSign",sr="StrictNoSign",a;(function(t){t.Accept="accept",t.Ignore="ignore",t.Reject="reject"})(a||(a={}));var z=Symbol.for("@libp2p/transport");function nr(t){return t!=null&&!!t[z]}var i;(function(t){t[t.FATAL_ALL=0]="FATAL_ALL",t[t.NO_FATAL=1]="NO_FATAL"})(i||(i={}));var c=class extends Error{static name="AbortError";constructor(r="The operation was aborted"){super(r),"AbortError"}},p=class extends Error{static name="UnexpectedPeerError";constructor(r="Unexpected Peer"){super(r),"UnexpectedPeerError"}},l=class extends Error{static name="InvalidCryptoExchangeError";constructor(r="Invalid crypto exchange"){super(r),"InvalidCryptoExchangeError"}},m=class extends Error{static name="InvalidParametersError";constructor(r="Invalid parameters"){super(r),"InvalidParametersError"}},u=class extends Error{static name="InvalidPublicKeyError";constructor(r="Invalid public key"){super(r),"InvalidPublicKeyError"}},x=class extends Error{static name="InvalidPrivateKeyError";constructor(r="Invalid private key"){super(r),"InvalidPrivateKeyError"}},d=class extends Error{static name="UnsupportedOperationError";constructor(r="Unsupported operation"){super(r),"UnsupportedOperationError"}},f=class extends Error{static name="ConnectionClosingError";constructor(r="The connection is closing"){super(r),"ConnectionClosingError"}},E=class extends Error{static name="ConnectionClosedError";constructor(r="The connection is closed"){super(r),"ConnectionClosedError"}},h=class extends Error{static name="ConnectionFailedError";constructor(r="Connection failed"){super(r),"ConnectionFailedError"}},b=class extends Error{static name="MuxerClosedError";constructor(r="The muxer is closed"){super(r),"MuxerClosedError"}},y=class extends Error{static name="StreamResetError";constructor(r="The stream has been reset"){super(r),"StreamResetError"}},S=class extends Error{static name="StreamStateError";constructor(r="The stream is in an invalid state"){super(r),"StreamStateError"}},v=class extends Error{static name="NotFoundError";constructor(r="Not found"){super(r),"NotFoundError"}},I=class extends Error{static name="InvalidPeerIdError";constructor(r="Invalid PeerID"){super(r),"InvalidPeerIdError"}},g=class extends Error{static name="InvalidMultiaddrError";constructor(r="Invalid multiaddr"){super(r),"InvalidMultiaddrError"}},L=class extends Error{static name="InvalidCIDError";constructor(r="Invalid CID"){super(r),"InvalidCIDError"}},P=class extends Error{static name="InvalidMultihashError";constructor(r="Invalid Multihash"){super(r),"InvalidMultihashError"}},w=class extends Error{static name="UnsupportedProtocolError";constructor(r="Unsupported protocol error"){super(r),"UnsupportedProtocolError"}},A=class extends Error{static name="InvalidMessageError";constructor(r="Invalid message"){super(r),"InvalidMessageError"}},C=class extends Error{static name="ProtocolError";constructor(r="Protocol error"){super(r),"ProtocolError"}},T=class extends Error{static name="TimeoutError";constructor(r="Timed out"){super(r),"TimeoutError"}},M=class extends Error{static name="NotStartedError";constructor(r="Not started"){super(r),"NotStartedError"}},D=class extends Error{static name="AlreadyStartedError";constructor(r="Already started"){super(r),"AlreadyStartedError"}},N=class extends Error{static name="DialError";constructor(r="Dial error"){super(r),"DialError"}},U=class extends Error{static name="ListenError";constructor(r="Listen error"){super(r),"ListenError"}},k=class extends Error{static name="LimitedConnectionError";constructor(r="Limited connection"){super(r),"LimitedConnectionError"}},_=class extends Error{static name="TooManyInboundProtocolStreamsError";constructor(r="Too many inbound protocol streams"){super(r),"TooManyInboundProtocolStreamsError"}},F=class extends Error{static name="TooManyOutboundProtocolStreamsError";constructor(r="Too many outbound protocol streams"){super(r),"TooManyOutboundProtocolStreamsError"}},K=class extends Error{static name="UnsupportedKeyTypeError";constructor(r="Unsupported key type"){super(r),"UnsupportedKeyTypeError"}};var O=(t,...r)=>{try{[...r]}catch{}};var B=class extends EventTarget{#r=new Map;constructor(){super(),O(1/0,this)}listenerCount(r){let e=this.#r.get(r);return e==null?0:e.length}addEventListener(r,e,s){super.addEventListener(r,e,s);let o=this.#r.get(r);o==null&&(o=[],this.#r.set(r,o)),o.push({callback:e,once:(s!==!0&&s!==!1&&s?.once)??!1})}removeEventListener(r,e,s){super.removeEventListener(r.toString(),e??null,s);let o=this.#r.get(r);o!=null&&(o=o.filter(({callback:G})=>G!==e),this.#r.set(r,o))}dispatchEvent(r){let e=super.dispatchEvent(r),s=this.#r.get(r.type);return s==null||(s=s.filter(({once:o})=>!o),this.#r.set(r.type,s)),e}safeDispatchEvent(r,e={}){return this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(r,e))}};function R(t){return t!=null&&typeof t.start=="function"&&typeof t.stop=="function"}async function ar(...t){let r=[];for(let e of t)R(e)&&r.push(e);await Promise.all( e=>{e.beforeStart!=null&&await e.beforeStart()})),await Promise.all( e=>{await e.start()})),await Promise.all( e=>{e.afterStart!=null&&await e.afterStart()}))}async function ir(...t){let r=[];for(let e of t)R(e)&&r.push(e);await Promise.all( e=>{e.beforeStop!=null&&await e.beforeStop()})),await Promise.all( e=>{await e.stop()})),await Promise.all( e=>{e.afterStop!=null&&await e.afterStop()}))}var cr=Symbol.for("@libp2p/service-capabilities"),pr=Symbol.for("@libp2p/service-dependencies");return X(lr);})();
return Libp2PInterface}));
import type { MultiaddrConnection } from '../connection/index.js';
import type { AbortOptions } from '../index.js';
import type { PeerId } from '../peer-id/index.js';

@@ -6,2 +7,10 @@ import type { Duplex } from 'it-stream-types';

* If the remote PeerId is known and passed as an option, the securing operation
* will throw if the remote peer cannot prove it has the private key that
* corresponds to the public key the remote PeerId is derived from.
export interface SecureConnectionOptions extends AbortOptions {
remotePeer?: PeerId;
* A libp2p connection encrypter module must be compliant to this interface

@@ -17,3 +26,3 @@ * to ensure all exchanged data between two peers is encrypted.

secureOutbound<Stream extends Duplex<AsyncGenerator<Uint8Array | Uint8ArrayList>> = MultiaddrConnection>(localPeer: PeerId, connection: Stream, remotePeer?: PeerId): Promise<SecuredConnection<Stream, Extension>>;
secureOutbound<Stream extends Duplex<AsyncGenerator<Uint8Array | Uint8ArrayList>> = MultiaddrConnection>(connection: Stream, options?: SecureConnectionOptions): Promise<SecuredConnection<Stream, Extension>>;

@@ -24,3 +33,3 @@ * Decrypt incoming data. If the remote PeerId is known,

secureInbound<Stream extends Duplex<AsyncGenerator<Uint8Array | Uint8ArrayList>> = MultiaddrConnection>(localPeer: PeerId, connection: Stream, remotePeer?: PeerId): Promise<SecuredConnection<Stream, Extension>>;
secureInbound<Stream extends Duplex<AsyncGenerator<Uint8Array | Uint8ArrayList>> = MultiaddrConnection>(connection: Stream, options?: SecureConnectionOptions): Promise<SecuredConnection<Stream, Extension>>;

@@ -27,0 +36,0 @@ export interface SecuredConnection<Stream = any, Extension = unknown> {

@@ -160,8 +160,12 @@ import type { AbortOptions, Logger } from '../index.js';

* Opt-in to running over a transient connection - one that has time/data limits
* placed on it.
* Opt-in to running over a limited connection - one that has restrictions
* on the amount of data that may be transferred or how long it may be open for.
* These limits are typically enforced by a relay server, if the protocol
* will be transferring a lot of data or the stream will be open for a long time
* consider upgrading to a direct connection before opening the stream.
* @default false
runOnTransientConnection?: boolean;
runOnLimitedConnection?: boolean;

@@ -196,2 +200,23 @@ * By default when negotiating a protocol the dialer writes then protocol name

* Connection limits are present on connections that are only allowed to
* transfer a certain amount of bytes or be open for a certain number
* of seconds.
* These limits are applied by Circuit Relay v2 servers, for example and
* the connection will normally be closed abruptly if the limits are
* exceeded.
export interface ConnectionLimits {
* If present this is the number of bytes remaining that may be
* transferred over this connection
bytes?: bigint;
* If present this is the number of seconds that this connection will
* remain open for
seconds?: number;
* A Connection is a high-level representation of a connection

@@ -244,8 +269,7 @@ * to a remote peer that may have been secured by encryption and

* A transient connection is one that is not expected to be open for very long
* or one that cannot transfer very much data, such as one being used as a
* circuit relay connection. Protocols need to explicitly opt-in to being run
* over transient connections.
* If present, this connection has limits applied to it, perhaps by an
* intermediate relay. Once the limits have been reached the connection will
* be closed by the relay.
transient: boolean;
limits?: ConnectionLimits;

@@ -252,0 +276,0 @@ * The time in milliseconds it takes to make a round trip to the remote peer.

@@ -7,37 +7,212 @@ /**

export declare class AbortError extends Error {
readonly code: string;
readonly type: string;
static name: string;
constructor(message?: string);
static readonly code = "ABORT_ERR";
static readonly type = "aborted";
export declare class CodeError<T extends Record<string, any> = Record<string, never>> extends Error {
readonly code: string;
readonly props: T;
constructor(message: string, code: string, props?: T);
export declare class AggregateCodeError<T extends Record<string, any> = Record<string, never>> extends AggregateError {
readonly code: string;
readonly props: T;
constructor(errors: Error[], message: string, code: string, props?: T);
* Thrown when a remote Peer ID does not match the expected one
export declare class UnexpectedPeerError extends Error {
code: string;
static name: string;
constructor(message?: string);
static readonly code = "ERR_UNEXPECTED_PEER";
* Thrown when a crypto exchange fails
export declare class InvalidCryptoExchangeError extends Error {
code: string;
static name: string;
constructor(message?: string);
static readonly code = "ERR_INVALID_CRYPTO_EXCHANGE";
export declare class InvalidCryptoTransmissionError extends Error {
code: string;
* Thrown when invalid parameters are passed to a function or method call
export declare class InvalidParametersError extends Error {
static name: string;
constructor(message?: string);
static readonly code = "ERR_INVALID_CRYPTO_TRANSMISSION";
export declare const ERR_TIMEOUT = "ERR_TIMEOUT";
export declare const ERR_NOT_FOUND = "ERR_NOT_FOUND";
* Thrown when a public key is invalid
export declare class InvalidPublicKeyError extends Error {
static name: string;
constructor(message?: string);
* Thrown when a private key is invalid
export declare class InvalidPrivateKeyError extends Error {
static name: string;
constructor(message?: string);
* Thrown when a operation is unsupported
export declare class UnsupportedOperationError extends Error {
static name: string;
constructor(message?: string);
* Thrown when a connection is closing
export declare class ConnectionClosingError extends Error {
static name: string;
constructor(message?: string);
* Thrown when a connection is closed
export declare class ConnectionClosedError extends Error {
static name: string;
constructor(message?: string);
* Thrown when a connection fails
export declare class ConnectionFailedError extends Error {
static name: string;
constructor(message?: string);
* Thrown when the muxer is closed and an attempt to open a stream occurs
export declare class MuxerClosedError extends Error {
static name: string;
constructor(message?: string);
* Thrown when a protocol stream is reset by the remote muxer
export declare class StreamResetError extends Error {
static name: string;
constructor(message?: string);
* Thrown when a stream is in an invalid state
export declare class StreamStateError extends Error {
static name: string;
constructor(message?: string);
* Thrown when a value could not be found
export declare class NotFoundError extends Error {
static name: string;
constructor(message?: string);
* Thrown when an invalid peer ID is encountered
export declare class InvalidPeerIdError extends Error {
static name: string;
constructor(message?: string);
* Thrown when an invalid multiaddr is encountered
export declare class InvalidMultiaddrError extends Error {
static name: string;
constructor(message?: string);
* Thrown when an invalid CID is encountered
export declare class InvalidCIDError extends Error {
static name: string;
constructor(message?: string);
* Thrown when an invalid multihash is encountered
export declare class InvalidMultihashError extends Error {
static name: string;
constructor(message?: string);
* Thrown when a protocol is not supported
export declare class UnsupportedProtocolError extends Error {
static name: string;
constructor(message?: string);
* An invalid or malformed message was encountered during a protocol exchange
export declare class InvalidMessageError extends Error {
static name: string;
constructor(message?: string);
* Thrown when a remote peer sends a structurally valid message that does not
* comply with the protocol
export declare class ProtocolError extends Error {
static name: string;
constructor(message?: string);
* Throw when an operation times out
export declare class TimeoutError extends Error {
static name: string;
constructor(message?: string);
* Thrown when a startable component is interacted with but it has not been
* started yet
export declare class NotStartedError extends Error {
static name: string;
constructor(message?: string);
* Thrown when a component is started that has already been started
export declare class AlreadyStartedError extends Error {
static name: string;
constructor(message?: string);
* Thrown when dialing an address failed
export declare class DialError extends Error {
static name: string;
constructor(message?: string);
* Thrown when listening on an address failed
export declare class ListenError extends Error {
static name: string;
constructor(message?: string);
* This error is thrown when a limited connection is encountered, i.e. if the
* user tried to open a stream on a connection for a protocol that is not
* configured to run over limited connections.
export declare class LimitedConnectionError extends Error {
static name: string;
constructor(message?: string);
* This error is thrown where there are too many inbound protocols streams open
export declare class TooManyInboundProtocolStreamsError extends Error {
static name: string;
constructor(message?: string);
* This error is thrown where there are too many outbound protocols streams open
export declare class TooManyOutboundProtocolStreamsError extends Error {
static name: string;
constructor(message?: string);
* Thrown when and attempt to operate on an unsupported key was made
export declare class UnsupportedKeyTypeError extends Error {
static name: string;
constructor(message?: string);

@@ -7,65 +7,302 @@ /**

export class AbortError extends Error {
static name = 'AbortError';
constructor(message = 'The operation was aborted') {
super(message); = 'AbortError';
this.code = AbortError.code;
this.type = AbortError.type;
static code = 'ABORT_ERR';
static type = 'aborted';
export class CodeError extends Error {
constructor(message, code, props) {
this.code = code; = props?.name ?? 'CodeError';
this.props = props ?? {}; // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/consistent-type-assertions
export class AggregateCodeError extends AggregateError {
constructor(errors, message, code, props) {
super(errors, message);
this.code = code; = props?.name ?? 'AggregateCodeError';
this.props = props ?? {}; // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/consistent-type-assertions
* Thrown when a remote Peer ID does not match the expected one
export class UnexpectedPeerError extends Error {
static name = 'UnexpectedPeerError';
constructor(message = 'Unexpected Peer') {
super(message); = 'UnexpectedPeerError';
this.code = UnexpectedPeerError.code;
static code = 'ERR_UNEXPECTED_PEER';
* Thrown when a crypto exchange fails
export class InvalidCryptoExchangeError extends Error {
static name = 'InvalidCryptoExchangeError';
constructor(message = 'Invalid crypto exchange') {
super(message); = 'InvalidCryptoExchangeError';
this.code = InvalidCryptoExchangeError.code;
export class InvalidCryptoTransmissionError extends Error {
constructor(message = 'Invalid crypto transmission') {
* Thrown when invalid parameters are passed to a function or method call
export class InvalidParametersError extends Error {
static name = 'InvalidParametersError';
constructor(message = 'Invalid parameters') {
super(message); = 'InvalidCryptoTransmissionError';
this.code = InvalidCryptoTransmissionError.code; = 'InvalidParametersError';
// Error codes
export const ERR_TIMEOUT = 'ERR_TIMEOUT';
export const ERR_NOT_FOUND = 'ERR_NOT_FOUND';
* Thrown when a public key is invalid
export class InvalidPublicKeyError extends Error {
static name = 'InvalidPublicKeyError';
constructor(message = 'Invalid public key') {
super(message); = 'InvalidPublicKeyError';
* Thrown when a private key is invalid
export class InvalidPrivateKeyError extends Error {
static name = 'InvalidPrivateKeyError';
constructor(message = 'Invalid private key') {
super(message); = 'InvalidPrivateKeyError';
* Thrown when a operation is unsupported
export class UnsupportedOperationError extends Error {
static name = 'UnsupportedOperationError';
constructor(message = 'Unsupported operation') {
super(message); = 'UnsupportedOperationError';
* Thrown when a connection is closing
export class ConnectionClosingError extends Error {
static name = 'ConnectionClosingError';
constructor(message = 'The connection is closing') {
super(message); = 'ConnectionClosingError';
* Thrown when a connection is closed
export class ConnectionClosedError extends Error {
static name = 'ConnectionClosedError';
constructor(message = 'The connection is closed') {
super(message); = 'ConnectionClosedError';
* Thrown when a connection fails
export class ConnectionFailedError extends Error {
static name = 'ConnectionFailedError';
constructor(message = 'Connection failed') {
super(message); = 'ConnectionFailedError';
* Thrown when the muxer is closed and an attempt to open a stream occurs
export class MuxerClosedError extends Error {
static name = 'MuxerClosedError';
constructor(message = 'The muxer is closed') {
super(message); = 'MuxerClosedError';
* Thrown when a protocol stream is reset by the remote muxer
export class StreamResetError extends Error {
static name = 'StreamResetError';
constructor(message = 'The stream has been reset') {
super(message); = 'StreamResetError';
* Thrown when a stream is in an invalid state
export class StreamStateError extends Error {
static name = 'StreamStateError';
constructor(message = 'The stream is in an invalid state') {
super(message); = 'StreamStateError';
* Thrown when a value could not be found
export class NotFoundError extends Error {
static name = 'NotFoundError';
constructor(message = 'Not found') {
super(message); = 'NotFoundError';
* Thrown when an invalid peer ID is encountered
export class InvalidPeerIdError extends Error {
static name = 'InvalidPeerIdError';
constructor(message = 'Invalid PeerID') {
super(message); = 'InvalidPeerIdError';
* Thrown when an invalid multiaddr is encountered
export class InvalidMultiaddrError extends Error {
static name = 'InvalidMultiaddrError';
constructor(message = 'Invalid multiaddr') {
super(message); = 'InvalidMultiaddrError';
* Thrown when an invalid CID is encountered
export class InvalidCIDError extends Error {
static name = 'InvalidCIDError';
constructor(message = 'Invalid CID') {
super(message); = 'InvalidCIDError';
* Thrown when an invalid multihash is encountered
export class InvalidMultihashError extends Error {
static name = 'InvalidMultihashError';
constructor(message = 'Invalid Multihash') {
super(message); = 'InvalidMultihashError';
* Thrown when a protocol is not supported
export class UnsupportedProtocolError extends Error {
static name = 'UnsupportedProtocolError';
constructor(message = 'Unsupported protocol error') {
super(message); = 'UnsupportedProtocolError';
* An invalid or malformed message was encountered during a protocol exchange
export class InvalidMessageError extends Error {
static name = 'InvalidMessageError';
constructor(message = 'Invalid message') {
super(message); = 'InvalidMessageError';
* Thrown when a remote peer sends a structurally valid message that does not
* comply with the protocol
export class ProtocolError extends Error {
static name = 'ProtocolError';
constructor(message = 'Protocol error') {
super(message); = 'ProtocolError';
* Throw when an operation times out
export class TimeoutError extends Error {
static name = 'TimeoutError';
constructor(message = 'Timed out') {
super(message); = 'TimeoutError';
* Thrown when a startable component is interacted with but it has not been
* started yet
export class NotStartedError extends Error {
static name = 'NotStartedError';
constructor(message = 'Not started') {
super(message); = 'NotStartedError';
* Thrown when a component is started that has already been started
export class AlreadyStartedError extends Error {
static name = 'AlreadyStartedError';
constructor(message = 'Already started') {
super(message); = 'AlreadyStartedError';
* Thrown when dialing an address failed
export class DialError extends Error {
static name = 'DialError';
constructor(message = 'Dial error') {
super(message); = 'DialError';
* Thrown when listening on an address failed
export class ListenError extends Error {
static name = 'ListenError';
constructor(message = 'Listen error') {
super(message); = 'ListenError';
* This error is thrown when a limited connection is encountered, i.e. if the
* user tried to open a stream on a connection for a protocol that is not
* configured to run over limited connections.
export class LimitedConnectionError extends Error {
static name = 'LimitedConnectionError';
constructor(message = 'Limited connection') {
super(message); = 'LimitedConnectionError';
* This error is thrown where there are too many inbound protocols streams open
export class TooManyInboundProtocolStreamsError extends Error {
static name = 'TooManyInboundProtocolStreamsError';
constructor(message = 'Too many inbound protocol streams') {
super(message); = 'TooManyInboundProtocolStreamsError';
* This error is thrown where there are too many outbound protocols streams open
export class TooManyOutboundProtocolStreamsError extends Error {
static name = 'TooManyOutboundProtocolStreamsError';
constructor(message = 'Too many outbound protocol streams') {
super(message); = 'TooManyOutboundProtocolStreamsError';
* Thrown when and attempt to operate on an unsupported key was made
export class UnsupportedKeyTypeError extends Error {
static name = 'UnsupportedKeyTypeError';
constructor(message = 'Unsupported key type') {
super(message); = 'UnsupportedKeyTypeError';

@@ -36,6 +36,2 @@ export interface EventCallback<EventType> {

export declare const CustomEvent: {
new <T>(type: string, eventInitDict?: CustomEventInit<T> | undefined): CustomEvent<T>;
prototype: CustomEvent<any>;

@@ -56,3 +56,2 @@ import { setMaxListeners } from './events.js';

export const CustomEvent = globalThis.CustomEvent;

@@ -19,4 +19,5 @@ /**

import type { TypedEventTarget } from './event-target.js';
import type { Ed25519PublicKey, PublicKey, RSAPublicKey, Secp256k1PublicKey } from './keys/index.js';
import type { Metrics } from './metrics/index.js';
import type { PeerId } from './peer-id/index.js';
import type { Ed25519PeerId, PeerId, RSAPeerId, Secp256k1PeerId, URLPeerId } from './peer-id/index.js';
import type { PeerInfo } from './peer-info/index.js';

@@ -299,3 +300,3 @@ import type { PeerRouting } from './peer-routing/index.js';

runOnTransientConnection?: boolean;
runOnLimitedConnection?: boolean;

@@ -305,2 +306,6 @@ export type TransportManagerDialProgressEvents = ProgressEvent<'transport-manager:selected-transport', string>;

export interface DialOptions extends AbortOptions, ProgressOptions {
* If true, open a new connection to the remote even if one already exists
force?: boolean;

@@ -578,3 +583,7 @@ export interface DialProtocolOptions extends NewStreamOptions {

getPublicKey(peer: PeerId, options?: AbortOptions): Promise<Uint8Array>;
getPublicKey(peer: Ed25519PeerId, options?: AbortOptions): Promise<Ed25519PublicKey>;
getPublicKey(peer: Secp256k1PeerId, options?: AbortOptions): Promise<Secp256k1PublicKey>;
getPublicKey(peer: RSAPeerId, options?: AbortOptions): Promise<RSAPublicKey>;
getPublicKey(peer: URLPeerId, options?: AbortOptions): Promise<never>;
getPublicKey(peer: PeerId, options?: AbortOptions): Promise<PublicKey>;

@@ -581,0 +590,0 @@ * Given the current node configuration, returns a promise of `true` or

@@ -0,36 +1,87 @@

import type { CID } from 'multiformats/cid';
import type { MultihashDigest } from 'multiformats/hashes/interface';
import type { Uint8ArrayList } from 'uint8arraylist';
export interface PublicKey<Type extends KeyType = 'Ed25519'> {
readonly bytes: Uint8Array;
export type KeyType = 'RSA' | 'Ed25519' | 'secp256k1';
interface PublicKeyBase<KeyType extends string, DigestCode extends number = number> {
* The type of this key
readonly type: KeyType;
* The raw public key bytes (for Ed25519 and secp256k1 keys) or PKIX in ASN1
* DER format (for RSA keys)
readonly raw: Uint8Array;
* Returns `true` if the passed object matches this key
equals(key?: any): boolean;
* Returns this public key as a Multihash digest.
* It contains either an identity hash containing the protobuf version of the
* public key (for Ed25519 and secp256k1 keys) or a sha256 hash of the
* protobuf version of the public key (RSA keys).
toMultihash(): MultihashDigest<DigestCode>;
* Return this public key as a CID encoded with the `libp2p-key` codec
* The digest contains either an identity hash containing the protobuf version
* of the public key (for Ed25519 and secp256k1 keys) or a sha256 hash of the
* protobuf version of the public key (RSA keys).
toCID(): CID<unknown, 0x72, DigestCode, 1>;
* Verify the passed data was signed by the private key corresponding to this
* public key
verify(data: Uint8Array | Uint8ArrayList, sig: Uint8Array): boolean | Promise<boolean>;
marshal(): Uint8Array;
equals(key: PublicKey<Type>): boolean;
hash(): Uint8Array | Promise<Uint8Array>;
* Returns this key as a multihash with base58btc encoding
toString(): string;
export interface RSAPublicKey extends PublicKeyBase<'RSA', 0x12> {
export interface Ed25519PublicKey extends PublicKeyBase<'Ed25519', 0x0> {
export interface Secp256k1PublicKey extends PublicKeyBase<'secp256k1', 0x0> {
export type PublicKey = RSAPublicKey | Ed25519PublicKey | Secp256k1PublicKey;
* Generic private key interface
export interface PrivateKey<Type extends KeyType = 'Ed25519'> {
readonly public: PublicKey<Type>;
readonly bytes: Uint8Array;
sign(data: Uint8Array | Uint8ArrayList): Uint8Array | Promise<Uint8Array>;
marshal(): Uint8Array;
equals(key: PrivateKey<Type>): boolean;
hash(): Uint8Array | Promise<Uint8Array>;
interface PrivateKeyBase<KeyType extends string, PublicKeyType extends PublicKeyBase<KeyType>> {
* Gets the ID of the key.
* The key id is the base58 encoding of the SHA-256 multihash of its public key.
* The public key is a protobuf encoding containing a type and the DER encoding
* of the PKCS SubjectPublicKeyInfo.
* The type of this key
id(): Promise<string>;
readonly type: KeyType;
* Exports the password protected key in the format specified.
* The public key that corresponds to this private key
export(password: string, format?: 'pkcs-8' | string): Promise<string>;
readonly publicKey: PublicKeyType;
* The raw public key bytes (for Ed25519 and secp256k1 keys) or PKIX in ASN1
* DER format (for RSA keys)
readonly raw: Uint8Array;
* Returns `true` if the passed object matches this key
equals(key?: any): boolean;
* Sign the passed data with this private key and return the signature for
* later verification
sign(data: Uint8Array | Uint8ArrayList): Uint8Array | Promise<Uint8Array>;
export declare const Ed25519 = "Ed25519";
export declare const RSA = "RSA";
export declare const secp256k1 = "secp256k1";
export type KeyType = typeof Ed25519 | typeof RSA | typeof secp256k1;
export interface RSAPrivateKey extends PrivateKeyBase<'RSA', RSAPublicKey> {
export interface Ed25519PrivateKey extends PrivateKeyBase<'Ed25519', Ed25519PublicKey> {
export interface Secp256k1PrivateKey extends PrivateKeyBase<'secp256k1', Secp256k1PublicKey> {
export type PrivateKey = RSAPrivateKey | Ed25519PrivateKey | Secp256k1PrivateKey;
export {};

@@ -1,4 +0,2 @@

export const Ed25519 = 'Ed25519';
export const RSA = 'RSA';
export const secp256k1 = 'secp256k1';
export {};

@@ -70,17 +70,17 @@ import type { MultiaddrConnection, Stream, Connection } from '../connection/index.js';

export interface MetricGroup {
export interface MetricGroup<T extends string = any> {
* Update the stored metric group to the passed value
update(values: Record<string, number>): void;
update(values: Partial<Record<T, number>>): void;
* Increment the metric group keys by the passed number or
* any non-numeric value to increment by 1
* `true` to increment by 1
increment(values: Record<string, number | unknown>): void;
increment(values: Partial<Record<T, number | true>>): void;
* Decrement the metric group keys by the passed number or
* any non-numeric value to decrement by 1
* `true` to decrement by 1
decrement(values: Record<string, number | unknown>): void;
decrement(values: Partial<Record<T, number | true>>): void;

@@ -116,3 +116,3 @@ * Reset the passed key in this metric group to its default value

export interface CounterGroup {
export interface CounterGroup<T extends string = any> {

@@ -122,3 +122,3 @@ * Increment the metric group keys by the passed number or

increment(values: Record<string, number | unknown>): void;
increment(values: Partial<Record<T, number | true>>): void;

@@ -125,0 +125,0 @@ * Reset the passed key in this metric group to its default value

@@ -1,32 +0,134 @@

import type { KeyType } from '../keys/index.js';
import type { Ed25519PublicKey, KeyType, RSAPublicKey, Secp256k1PublicKey } from '../keys/index.js';
import type { CID } from 'multiformats/cid';
import type { MultihashDigest } from 'multiformats/hashes/interface';
export type PeerIdType = KeyType | string;
export interface RSAPeerId extends PeerId {
* A PeerId generated from an RSA public key - it is a base58btc encoded sha-256
* hash of the public key.
* RSA public keys are too large to pass around freely, instead Ed25519 or
* secp256k1 should be preferred as they can embed their public key in the
* PeerId itself.
* @deprecated Ed25519 or secp256k1 keys are preferred to RSA
export interface RSAPeerId {
readonly type: 'RSA';
readonly publicKey?: Uint8Array;
* RSA public keys are too large to embed in the multihash commonly used to
* refer to peers, so this will only be defined if the public key has
* previously been found through a routing query or during normal protocol
* operations
readonly publicKey?: RSAPublicKey;
* Returns the multihash from `toMultihash()` as a base58btc encoded string
toString(): string;
* Returns a multihash, the digest of which is the SHA2-256 hash of the public
* key
toMultihash(): MultihashDigest<0x12>;
* Returns a CID with the libp2p key code and the same multihash as
* `toMultihash()`
toCID(): CID<Uint8Array, 0x72, 0x12, 1>;
* Returns true if the passed argument is equivalent to this PeerId
equals(other?: any): boolean;
export interface Ed25519PeerId extends PeerId {
export interface Ed25519PeerId {
readonly type: 'Ed25519';
readonly publicKey: Uint8Array;
* This will always be defined as the public key is embedded in the multihash
* of this PeerId
readonly publicKey: Ed25519PublicKey;
* Returns the multihash from `toMultihash()` as a base58btc encoded string
toString(): string;
* Returns a multihash, the digest of which is the protobuf-encoded public key
* encoded as an identity hash
toMultihash(): MultihashDigest<0x0>;
* Returns a CID with the libp2p key code and the same multihash as
* `toMultihash()`
toCID(): CID<Uint8Array, 0x72, 0x0, 1>;
* Returns true if the passed argument is equivalent to this PeerId
equals(other?: any): boolean;
export interface Secp256k1PeerId extends PeerId {
export interface Secp256k1PeerId {
readonly type: 'secp256k1';
readonly publicKey: Uint8Array;
* This will always be defined as the public key is embedded in the multihash
* of this PeerId
readonly publicKey: Secp256k1PublicKey;
* Returns the multihash from `toMultihash()` as a base58btc encoded string
toString(): string;
* Returns a multihash, the digest of which is the protobuf-encoded public key
* encoded as an identity hash
toMultihash(): MultihashDigest<0x0>;
* Returns a CID with the libp2p key code and the same multihash as
* `toMultihash()`
toCID(): CID<Uint8Array, 0x72, 0x0, 1>;
* Returns true if the passed argument is equivalent to this PeerId
equals(other?: any): boolean;
export interface URLPeerId extends PeerId {
export interface URLPeerId {
readonly type: 'url';
export interface PeerId {
type: PeerIdType;
multihash: MultihashDigest;
privateKey?: Uint8Array;
publicKey?: Uint8Array;
* This will always be undefined as URL Peers do not have public keys
readonly publicKey: undefined;
* Returns CID from `toCID()` encoded as a base36 string
toString(): string;
toCID(): CID;
toBytes(): Uint8Array;
equals(other?: PeerId | Uint8Array | string): boolean;
* Returns a multihash, the digest of which is the URL encoded as an identity
* hash
toMultihash(): MultihashDigest<0x0>;
* Returns a CID with the Transport IPFS Gateway HTTP code and the same
* multihash as `toMultihash()`
toCID(): CID<Uint8Array, 0x0920, 0x0, 1>;
* Returns true if the passed argument is equivalent to this PeerId
equals(other?: any): boolean;
* This is a union of all known PeerId types - use the `.type` field to
* disambiguate them
export type PeerId = RSAPeerId | Ed25519PeerId | Secp256k1PeerId | URLPeerId;
* All PeerId implementations must use this symbol as the name of a property
* with a boolean `true` value
export declare const peerIdSymbol: unique symbol;
export declare function isPeerId(other: any): other is PeerId;
* Returns true if the passed argument is a PeerId implementation
export declare function isPeerId(other?: any): other is PeerId;

@@ -0,5 +1,12 @@

* All PeerId implementations must use this symbol as the name of a property
* with a boolean `true` value
export const peerIdSymbol = Symbol.for('@libp2p/peer-id');
* Returns true if the passed argument is a PeerId implementation
export function isPeerId(other) {
return other != null && Boolean(other[peerIdSymbol]);
return Boolean(other?.[peerIdSymbol]);

@@ -0,1 +1,2 @@

import type { PublicKey } from '../keys/index.js';
import type { PeerId } from '../peer-id/index.js';

@@ -80,5 +81,7 @@ import type { Multiaddr } from '@multiformats/multiaddr';

* If this Peer has an RSA key, it's public key can be set with this property
* If this Peer has an RSA key, it's public key can be set with this property.
* The byte array should be the protobuf encoded form of the public key.
publicKey?: Uint8Array;
publicKey?: PublicKey;

@@ -85,0 +88,0 @@ * The last peer record envelope received

import type { Stream } from '../connection/index.js';
import type { TypedEventTarget } from '../event-target.js';
import type { PublicKey } from '../keys/index.js';
import type { PeerId } from '../peer-id/index.js';

@@ -34,3 +35,3 @@ import type { Pushable } from 'it-pushable';

signature: Uint8Array;
key: Uint8Array;
key: PublicKey;

@@ -37,0 +38,0 @@ export interface UnsignedMessage {

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import type { PeerId } from '../peer-id/index.js';
import type { PublicKey } from '../keys/index.js';
import type { Uint8ArrayList } from 'uint8arraylist';

@@ -25,3 +25,3 @@ /**

export interface Envelope {
peerId: PeerId;
publicKey: PublicKey;
payloadType: Uint8Array | Uint8ArrayList;

@@ -28,0 +28,0 @@ payload: Uint8Array;

@@ -19,6 +19,6 @@ import type { Connection, Stream } from '../connection/index.js';

* Opt-in to running over a transient connection - one that has time/data limits
* placed on it.
* Opt-in to running over connections with limits on how much data can be
* transferred or how long it can be open for.
runOnTransientConnection?: boolean;
runOnLimitedConnection?: boolean;

@@ -25,0 +25,0 @@ export interface StreamHandlerRecord {

@@ -27,8 +27,9 @@ import type { Connection } from '../connection/index.js';

* If true, invoke `onConnect` for this topology on transient (e.g. short-lived
* and/or data-limited) connections
* If true, invoke `onConnect` for this topology on limited connections, e.g.
* ones with limits on how much data can be transferred or how long they can
* be open for.
* @default false
notifyOnTransient?: boolean;
notifyOnLimitedConnection?: boolean;

@@ -35,0 +36,0 @@ * Invoked when a new connection is opened to a peer that supports the

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import type { Connection, MultiaddrConnection } from '../connection/index.js';
import type { Connection, ConnectionLimits, MultiaddrConnection } from '../connection/index.js';
import type { TypedEventTarget } from '../event-target.js';

@@ -88,11 +88,7 @@ import type { AbortOptions } from '../index.js';

export interface UpgraderOptions<ConnectionUpgradeEvents extends ProgressEvent = ProgressEvent> extends ProgressOptions<ConnectionUpgradeEvents> {
export interface UpgraderOptions<ConnectionUpgradeEvents extends ProgressEvent = ProgressEvent> extends ProgressOptions<ConnectionUpgradeEvents>, AbortOptions {
skipEncryption?: boolean;
skipProtection?: boolean;
muxerFactory?: StreamMuxerFactory;
* The passed MultiaddrConnection has limits place on duration and/or data
* transfer amounts so is not expected to be open for very long.
transient?: boolean;
limits?: ConnectionLimits;

@@ -99,0 +95,0 @@ export type InboundConnectionUpgradeEvents = ProgressEvent<'upgrader:encrypt-inbound-connection'> | ProgressEvent<'upgrader:multiplex-inbound-connection'>;

"name": "@libp2p/interface",
"version": "1.7.0-7655e5200",
"version": "1.7.0-81ebe4e47",
"description": "The interface implemented by a libp2p node",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "license": "Apache-2.0 OR MIT",

import type { MultiaddrConnection } from '../connection/index.js'
import type { AbortOptions } from '../index.js'
import type { PeerId } from '../peer-id/index.js'

@@ -7,2 +8,11 @@ import type { Duplex } from 'it-stream-types'

* If the remote PeerId is known and passed as an option, the securing operation
* will throw if the remote peer cannot prove it has the private key that
* corresponds to the public key the remote PeerId is derived from.
export interface SecureConnectionOptions extends AbortOptions {
remotePeer?: PeerId
* A libp2p connection encrypter module must be compliant to this interface

@@ -19,3 +29,3 @@ * to ensure all exchanged data between two peers is encrypted.

secureOutbound <Stream extends Duplex<AsyncGenerator<Uint8Array | Uint8ArrayList>> = MultiaddrConnection> (localPeer: PeerId, connection: Stream, remotePeer?: PeerId): Promise<SecuredConnection<Stream, Extension>>
secureOutbound <Stream extends Duplex<AsyncGenerator<Uint8Array | Uint8ArrayList>> = MultiaddrConnection> (connection: Stream, options?: SecureConnectionOptions): Promise<SecuredConnection<Stream, Extension>>

@@ -27,3 +37,3 @@ /**

secureInbound <Stream extends Duplex<AsyncGenerator<Uint8Array | Uint8ArrayList>> = MultiaddrConnection> (localPeer: PeerId, connection: Stream, remotePeer?: PeerId): Promise<SecuredConnection<Stream, Extension>>
secureInbound <Stream extends Duplex<AsyncGenerator<Uint8Array | Uint8ArrayList>> = MultiaddrConnection> (connection: Stream, options?: SecureConnectionOptions): Promise<SecuredConnection<Stream, Extension>>

@@ -30,0 +40,0 @@

@@ -188,8 +188,12 @@ import type { AbortOptions, Logger } from '../index.js'

* Opt-in to running over a transient connection - one that has time/data limits
* placed on it.
* Opt-in to running over a limited connection - one that has restrictions
* on the amount of data that may be transferred or how long it may be open for.
* These limits are typically enforced by a relay server, if the protocol
* will be transferring a lot of data or the stream will be open for a long time
* consider upgrading to a direct connection before opening the stream.
* @default false
runOnTransientConnection?: boolean
runOnLimitedConnection?: boolean

@@ -227,2 +231,25 @@ /**

* Connection limits are present on connections that are only allowed to
* transfer a certain amount of bytes or be open for a certain number
* of seconds.
* These limits are applied by Circuit Relay v2 servers, for example and
* the connection will normally be closed abruptly if the limits are
* exceeded.
export interface ConnectionLimits {
* If present this is the number of bytes remaining that may be
* transferred over this connection
bytes?: bigint
* If present this is the number of seconds that this connection will
* remain open for
seconds?: number
* A Connection is a high-level representation of a connection

@@ -285,8 +312,7 @@ * to a remote peer that may have been secured by encryption and

* A transient connection is one that is not expected to be open for very long
* or one that cannot transfer very much data, such as one being used as a
* circuit relay connection. Protocols need to explicitly opt-in to being run
* over transient connections.
* If present, this connection has limits applied to it, perhaps by an
* intermediate relay. Once the limits have been reached the connection will
* be closed by the relay.
transient: boolean
limits?: ConnectionLimits

@@ -293,0 +319,0 @@ /**

@@ -7,4 +7,3 @@ /**

export class AbortError extends Error {
public readonly code: string
public readonly type: string
static name = 'AbortError'

@@ -14,83 +13,355 @@ constructor (message: string = 'The operation was aborted') { = 'AbortError'
this.code = AbortError.code
this.type = AbortError.type
static readonly code = 'ABORT_ERR'
* Thrown when a remote Peer ID does not match the expected one
export class UnexpectedPeerError extends Error {
static name = 'UnexpectedPeerError'
static readonly type = 'aborted'
constructor (message = 'Unexpected Peer') {
super(message) = 'UnexpectedPeerError'
export class CodeError<T extends Record<string, any> = Record<string, never>> extends Error {
public readonly props: T
* Thrown when a crypto exchange fails
export class InvalidCryptoExchangeError extends Error {
static name = 'InvalidCryptoExchangeError'
constructor (
message: string,
public readonly code: string,
props?: T
) {
constructor (message = 'Invalid crypto exchange') {
super(message) = 'InvalidCryptoExchangeError'
} = props?.name ?? 'CodeError'
this.props = props ?? {} as T // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/consistent-type-assertions
* Thrown when invalid parameters are passed to a function or method call
export class InvalidParametersError extends Error {
static name = 'InvalidParametersError'
constructor (message = 'Invalid parameters') {
super(message) = 'InvalidParametersError'
export class AggregateCodeError<T extends Record<string, any> = Record<string, never>> extends AggregateError {
public readonly props: T
* Thrown when a public key is invalid
export class InvalidPublicKeyError extends Error {
static name = 'InvalidPublicKeyError'
constructor (
errors: Error[],
message: string,
public readonly code: string,
props?: T
) {
super(errors, message)
constructor (message = 'Invalid public key') {
super(message) = 'InvalidPublicKeyError'
} = props?.name ?? 'AggregateCodeError'
this.props = props ?? {} as T // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/consistent-type-assertions
* Thrown when a private key is invalid
export class InvalidPrivateKeyError extends Error {
static name = 'InvalidPrivateKeyError'
constructor (message = 'Invalid private key') {
super(message) = 'InvalidPrivateKeyError'
export class UnexpectedPeerError extends Error {
public code: string
* Thrown when a operation is unsupported
export class UnsupportedOperationError extends Error {
static name = 'UnsupportedOperationError'
constructor (message = 'Unexpected Peer') {
constructor (message = 'Unsupported operation') {
super(message) = 'UnexpectedPeerError'
this.code = UnexpectedPeerError.code = 'UnsupportedOperationError'
static readonly code = 'ERR_UNEXPECTED_PEER'
* Thrown when a connection is closing
export class ConnectionClosingError extends Error {
static name = 'ConnectionClosingError'
constructor (message = 'The connection is closing') {
super(message) = 'ConnectionClosingError'
export class InvalidCryptoExchangeError extends Error {
public code: string
* Thrown when a connection is closed
export class ConnectionClosedError extends Error {
static name = 'ConnectionClosedError'
constructor (message = 'Invalid crypto exchange') {
constructor (message = 'The connection is closed') {
super(message) = 'InvalidCryptoExchangeError'
this.code = InvalidCryptoExchangeError.code = 'ConnectionClosedError'
static readonly code = 'ERR_INVALID_CRYPTO_EXCHANGE'
* Thrown when a connection fails
export class ConnectionFailedError extends Error {
static name = 'ConnectionFailedError'
constructor (message = 'Connection failed') {
super(message) = 'ConnectionFailedError'
export class InvalidCryptoTransmissionError extends Error {
public code: string
* Thrown when the muxer is closed and an attempt to open a stream occurs
export class MuxerClosedError extends Error {
static name = 'MuxerClosedError'
constructor (message = 'Invalid crypto transmission') {
constructor (message = 'The muxer is closed') {
super(message) = 'InvalidCryptoTransmissionError'
this.code = InvalidCryptoTransmissionError.code = 'MuxerClosedError'
static readonly code = 'ERR_INVALID_CRYPTO_TRANSMISSION'
* Thrown when a protocol stream is reset by the remote muxer
export class StreamResetError extends Error {
static name = 'StreamResetError'
constructor (message = 'The stream has been reset') {
super(message) = 'StreamResetError'
// Error codes
* Thrown when a stream is in an invalid state
export class StreamStateError extends Error {
static name = 'StreamStateError'
export const ERR_TIMEOUT = 'ERR_TIMEOUT'
export const ERR_NOT_FOUND = 'ERR_NOT_FOUND'
constructor (message = 'The stream is in an invalid state') {
super(message) = 'StreamStateError'
* Thrown when a value could not be found
export class NotFoundError extends Error {
static name = 'NotFoundError'
constructor (message = 'Not found') {
super(message) = 'NotFoundError'
* Thrown when an invalid peer ID is encountered
export class InvalidPeerIdError extends Error {
static name = 'InvalidPeerIdError'
constructor (message = 'Invalid PeerID') {
super(message) = 'InvalidPeerIdError'
* Thrown when an invalid multiaddr is encountered
export class InvalidMultiaddrError extends Error {
static name = 'InvalidMultiaddrError'
constructor (message = 'Invalid multiaddr') {
super(message) = 'InvalidMultiaddrError'
* Thrown when an invalid CID is encountered
export class InvalidCIDError extends Error {
static name = 'InvalidCIDError'
constructor (message = 'Invalid CID') {
super(message) = 'InvalidCIDError'
* Thrown when an invalid multihash is encountered
export class InvalidMultihashError extends Error {
static name = 'InvalidMultihashError'
constructor (message = 'Invalid Multihash') {
super(message) = 'InvalidMultihashError'
* Thrown when a protocol is not supported
export class UnsupportedProtocolError extends Error {
static name = 'UnsupportedProtocolError'
constructor (message = 'Unsupported protocol error') {
super(message) = 'UnsupportedProtocolError'
* An invalid or malformed message was encountered during a protocol exchange
export class InvalidMessageError extends Error {
static name = 'InvalidMessageError'
constructor (message = 'Invalid message') {
super(message) = 'InvalidMessageError'
* Thrown when a remote peer sends a structurally valid message that does not
* comply with the protocol
export class ProtocolError extends Error {
static name = 'ProtocolError'
constructor (message = 'Protocol error') {
super(message) = 'ProtocolError'
* Throw when an operation times out
export class TimeoutError extends Error {
static name = 'TimeoutError'
constructor (message = 'Timed out') {
super(message) = 'TimeoutError'
* Thrown when a startable component is interacted with but it has not been
* started yet
export class NotStartedError extends Error {
static name = 'NotStartedError'
constructor (message = 'Not started') {
super(message) = 'NotStartedError'
* Thrown when a component is started that has already been started
export class AlreadyStartedError extends Error {
static name = 'AlreadyStartedError'
constructor (message = 'Already started') {
super(message) = 'AlreadyStartedError'
* Thrown when dialing an address failed
export class DialError extends Error {
static name = 'DialError'
constructor (message = 'Dial error') {
super(message) = 'DialError'
* Thrown when listening on an address failed
export class ListenError extends Error {
static name = 'ListenError'
constructor (message = 'Listen error') {
super(message) = 'ListenError'
* This error is thrown when a limited connection is encountered, i.e. if the
* user tried to open a stream on a connection for a protocol that is not
* configured to run over limited connections.
export class LimitedConnectionError extends Error {
static name = 'LimitedConnectionError'
constructor (message = 'Limited connection') {
super(message) = 'LimitedConnectionError'
* This error is thrown where there are too many inbound protocols streams open
export class TooManyInboundProtocolStreamsError extends Error {
static name = 'TooManyInboundProtocolStreamsError'
constructor (message = 'Too many inbound protocol streams') {
super(message) = 'TooManyInboundProtocolStreamsError'
* This error is thrown where there are too many outbound protocols streams open
export class TooManyOutboundProtocolStreamsError extends Error {
static name = 'TooManyOutboundProtocolStreamsError'
constructor (message = 'Too many outbound protocol streams') {
super(message) = 'TooManyOutboundProtocolStreamsError'
* Thrown when and attempt to operate on an unsupported key was made
export class UnsupportedKeyTypeError extends Error {
static name = 'UnsupportedKeyTypeError'
constructor (message = 'Unsupported key type') {
super(message) = 'UnsupportedKeyTypeError'

@@ -107,3 +107,1 @@ import { setMaxListeners } from './events.js'

export const CustomEvent = globalThis.CustomEvent

@@ -20,4 +20,5 @@ /**

import type { TypedEventTarget } from './event-target.js'
import type { Ed25519PublicKey, PublicKey, RSAPublicKey, Secp256k1PublicKey } from './keys/index.js'
import type { Metrics } from './metrics/index.js'
import type { PeerId } from './peer-id/index.js'
import type { Ed25519PeerId, PeerId, RSAPeerId, Secp256k1PeerId, URLPeerId } from './peer-id/index.js'
import type { PeerInfo } from './peer-info/index.js'

@@ -335,3 +336,3 @@ import type { PeerRouting } from './peer-routing/index.js'

runOnTransientConnection?: boolean
runOnLimitedConnection?: boolean

@@ -352,3 +353,6 @@

export interface DialOptions extends AbortOptions, ProgressOptions {
* If true, open a new connection to the remote even if one already exists
force?: boolean

@@ -648,3 +652,7 @@

getPublicKey(peer: PeerId, options?: AbortOptions): Promise<Uint8Array>
getPublicKey(peer: Ed25519PeerId, options?: AbortOptions): Promise<Ed25519PublicKey>
getPublicKey(peer: Secp256k1PeerId, options?: AbortOptions): Promise<Secp256k1PublicKey>
getPublicKey(peer: RSAPeerId, options?: AbortOptions): Promise<RSAPublicKey>
getPublicKey(peer: URLPeerId, options?: AbortOptions): Promise<never>
getPublicKey(peer: PeerId, options?: AbortOptions): Promise<PublicKey>

@@ -651,0 +659,0 @@ /**

@@ -0,39 +1,94 @@

import type { CID } from 'multiformats/cid'
import type { MultihashDigest } from 'multiformats/hashes/interface'
import type { Uint8ArrayList } from 'uint8arraylist'
export interface PublicKey<Type extends KeyType = 'Ed25519'> {
readonly bytes: Uint8Array
export type KeyType = 'RSA' | 'Ed25519' | 'secp256k1'
interface PublicKeyBase<KeyType extends string, DigestCode extends number = number> {
* The type of this key
readonly type: KeyType
* The raw public key bytes (for Ed25519 and secp256k1 keys) or PKIX in ASN1
* DER format (for RSA keys)
readonly raw: Uint8Array
* Returns `true` if the passed object matches this key
equals(key?: any): boolean
* Returns this public key as a Multihash digest.
* It contains either an identity hash containing the protobuf version of the
* public key (for Ed25519 and secp256k1 keys) or a sha256 hash of the
* protobuf version of the public key (RSA keys).
toMultihash(): MultihashDigest<DigestCode>
* Return this public key as a CID encoded with the `libp2p-key` codec
* The digest contains either an identity hash containing the protobuf version
* of the public key (for Ed25519 and secp256k1 keys) or a sha256 hash of the
* protobuf version of the public key (RSA keys).
toCID(): CID<unknown, 0x72, DigestCode, 1>
* Verify the passed data was signed by the private key corresponding to this
* public key
verify(data: Uint8Array | Uint8ArrayList, sig: Uint8Array): boolean | Promise<boolean>
marshal(): Uint8Array
equals(key: PublicKey<Type>): boolean
hash(): Uint8Array | Promise<Uint8Array>
* Returns this key as a multihash with base58btc encoding
toString(): string
export interface RSAPublicKey extends PublicKeyBase<'RSA', 0x12> {}
export interface Ed25519PublicKey extends PublicKeyBase<'Ed25519', 0x0> {}
export interface Secp256k1PublicKey extends PublicKeyBase<'secp256k1', 0x0> {}
export type PublicKey = RSAPublicKey | Ed25519PublicKey | Secp256k1PublicKey
* Generic private key interface
export interface PrivateKey<Type extends KeyType = 'Ed25519'> {
readonly public: PublicKey<Type>
readonly bytes: Uint8Array
sign(data: Uint8Array | Uint8ArrayList): Uint8Array | Promise<Uint8Array>
marshal(): Uint8Array
equals(key: PrivateKey<Type>): boolean
hash(): Uint8Array | Promise<Uint8Array>
interface PrivateKeyBase<KeyType extends string, PublicKeyType extends PublicKeyBase<KeyType>> {
* Gets the ID of the key.
* The key id is the base58 encoding of the SHA-256 multihash of its public key.
* The public key is a protobuf encoding containing a type and the DER encoding
* of the PKCS SubjectPublicKeyInfo.
* The type of this key
id(): Promise<string>
readonly type: KeyType
* Exports the password protected key in the format specified.
* The public key that corresponds to this private key
export(password: string, format?: 'pkcs-8' | string): Promise<string>
readonly publicKey: PublicKeyType
* The raw public key bytes (for Ed25519 and secp256k1 keys) or PKIX in ASN1
* DER format (for RSA keys)
readonly raw: Uint8Array
* Returns `true` if the passed object matches this key
equals(key?: any): boolean
* Sign the passed data with this private key and return the signature for
* later verification
sign(data: Uint8Array | Uint8ArrayList): Uint8Array | Promise<Uint8Array>
export const Ed25519 = 'Ed25519'
export const RSA = 'RSA'
export const secp256k1 = 'secp256k1'
export type KeyType = typeof Ed25519 | typeof RSA | typeof secp256k1
export interface RSAPrivateKey extends PrivateKeyBase<'RSA', RSAPublicKey> {}
export interface Ed25519PrivateKey extends PrivateKeyBase<'Ed25519', Ed25519PublicKey> {}
export interface Secp256k1PrivateKey extends PrivateKeyBase<'secp256k1', Secp256k1PublicKey> {}
export type PrivateKey = RSAPrivateKey | Ed25519PrivateKey | Secp256k1PrivateKey

@@ -79,19 +79,19 @@ import type { MultiaddrConnection, Stream, Connection } from '../connection/index.js'

export interface MetricGroup {
export interface MetricGroup<T extends string = any> {
* Update the stored metric group to the passed value
update(values: Record<string, number>): void
update(values: Partial<Record<T, number>>): void
* Increment the metric group keys by the passed number or
* any non-numeric value to increment by 1
* `true` to increment by 1
increment(values: Record<string, number | unknown>): void
increment(values: Partial<Record<T, number | true>>): void
* Decrement the metric group keys by the passed number or
* any non-numeric value to decrement by 1
* `true` to decrement by 1
decrement(values: Record<string, number | unknown>): void
decrement(values: Partial<Record<T, number | true>>): void

@@ -132,3 +132,3 @@ /**

export interface CounterGroup {
export interface CounterGroup<T extends string = any> {

@@ -138,3 +138,3 @@ * Increment the metric group keys by the passed number or

increment(values: Record<string, number | unknown>): void
increment(values: Partial<Record<T, number | true>>): void

@@ -141,0 +141,0 @@ /**

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import type { KeyType } from '../keys/index.js'
import type { Ed25519PublicKey, KeyType, RSAPublicKey, Secp256k1PublicKey } from '../keys/index.js'
import type { CID } from 'multiformats/cid'

@@ -7,37 +7,158 @@ import type { MultihashDigest } from 'multiformats/hashes/interface'

export interface RSAPeerId extends PeerId {
* A PeerId generated from an RSA public key - it is a base58btc encoded sha-256
* hash of the public key.
* RSA public keys are too large to pass around freely, instead Ed25519 or
* secp256k1 should be preferred as they can embed their public key in the
* PeerId itself.
* @deprecated Ed25519 or secp256k1 keys are preferred to RSA
export interface RSAPeerId {
readonly type: 'RSA'
readonly publicKey?: Uint8Array
* RSA public keys are too large to embed in the multihash commonly used to
* refer to peers, so this will only be defined if the public key has
* previously been found through a routing query or during normal protocol
* operations
readonly publicKey?: RSAPublicKey
* Returns the multihash from `toMultihash()` as a base58btc encoded string
toString(): string
* Returns a multihash, the digest of which is the SHA2-256 hash of the public
* key
toMultihash(): MultihashDigest<0x12>
* Returns a CID with the libp2p key code and the same multihash as
* `toMultihash()`
toCID(): CID<Uint8Array, 0x72, 0x12, 1>
* Returns true if the passed argument is equivalent to this PeerId
equals(other?: any): boolean
export interface Ed25519PeerId extends PeerId {
export interface Ed25519PeerId {
readonly type: 'Ed25519'
readonly publicKey: Uint8Array
* This will always be defined as the public key is embedded in the multihash
* of this PeerId
readonly publicKey: Ed25519PublicKey
* Returns the multihash from `toMultihash()` as a base58btc encoded string
toString(): string
* Returns a multihash, the digest of which is the protobuf-encoded public key
* encoded as an identity hash
toMultihash(): MultihashDigest<0x0>
* Returns a CID with the libp2p key code and the same multihash as
* `toMultihash()`
toCID(): CID<Uint8Array, 0x72, 0x0, 1>
* Returns true if the passed argument is equivalent to this PeerId
equals(other?: any): boolean
export interface Secp256k1PeerId extends PeerId {
export interface Secp256k1PeerId {
readonly type: 'secp256k1'
readonly publicKey: Uint8Array
* This will always be defined as the public key is embedded in the multihash
* of this PeerId
readonly publicKey: Secp256k1PublicKey
* Returns the multihash from `toMultihash()` as a base58btc encoded string
toString(): string
* Returns a multihash, the digest of which is the protobuf-encoded public key
* encoded as an identity hash
toMultihash(): MultihashDigest<0x0>
* Returns a CID with the libp2p key code and the same multihash as
* `toMultihash()`
toCID(): CID<Uint8Array, 0x72, 0x0, 1>
* Returns true if the passed argument is equivalent to this PeerId
equals(other?: any): boolean
export interface URLPeerId extends PeerId {
export interface URLPeerId {
readonly type: 'url'
export interface PeerId {
type: PeerIdType
multihash: MultihashDigest
privateKey?: Uint8Array
publicKey?: Uint8Array
* This will always be undefined as URL Peers do not have public keys
readonly publicKey: undefined
* Returns CID from `toCID()` encoded as a base36 string
toString(): string
toCID(): CID
toBytes(): Uint8Array
equals(other?: PeerId | Uint8Array | string): boolean
* Returns a multihash, the digest of which is the URL encoded as an identity
* hash
toMultihash(): MultihashDigest<0x0>
* Returns a CID with the Transport IPFS Gateway HTTP code and the same
* multihash as `toMultihash()`
toCID(): CID<Uint8Array, 0x0920, 0x0, 1>
* Returns true if the passed argument is equivalent to this PeerId
equals(other?: any): boolean
* This is a union of all known PeerId types - use the `.type` field to
* disambiguate them
export type PeerId = RSAPeerId | Ed25519PeerId | Secp256k1PeerId | URLPeerId
* All PeerId implementations must use this symbol as the name of a property
* with a boolean `true` value
export const peerIdSymbol = Symbol.for('@libp2p/peer-id')
export function isPeerId (other: any): other is PeerId {
return other != null && Boolean(other[peerIdSymbol])
* Returns true if the passed argument is a PeerId implementation
export function isPeerId (other?: any): other is PeerId {
return Boolean(other?.[peerIdSymbol])

@@ -0,1 +1,2 @@

import type { PublicKey } from '../keys/index.js'
import type { PeerId } from '../peer-id/index.js'

@@ -94,5 +95,7 @@ import type { Multiaddr } from '@multiformats/multiaddr'

* If this Peer has an RSA key, it's public key can be set with this property
* If this Peer has an RSA key, it's public key can be set with this property.
* The byte array should be the protobuf encoded form of the public key.
publicKey?: Uint8Array
publicKey?: PublicKey

@@ -99,0 +102,0 @@ /**

import type { Stream } from '../connection/index.js'
import type { TypedEventTarget } from '../event-target.js'
import type { PublicKey } from '../keys/index.js'
import type { PeerId } from '../peer-id/index.js'

@@ -38,3 +39,3 @@ import type { Pushable } from 'it-pushable'

signature: Uint8Array
key: Uint8Array
key: PublicKey

@@ -41,0 +42,0 @@

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import type { PeerId } from '../peer-id/index.js'
import type { PublicKey } from '../keys/index.js'
import type { Uint8ArrayList } from 'uint8arraylist'

@@ -27,3 +27,3 @@

export interface Envelope {
peerId: PeerId
publicKey: PublicKey
payloadType: Uint8Array | Uint8ArrayList

@@ -30,0 +30,0 @@ payload: Uint8Array

@@ -24,6 +24,6 @@ import type { Connection, Stream } from '../connection/index.js'

* Opt-in to running over a transient connection - one that has time/data limits
* placed on it.
* Opt-in to running over connections with limits on how much data can be
* transferred or how long it can be open for.
runOnTransientConnection?: boolean
runOnLimitedConnection?: boolean

@@ -30,0 +30,0 @@

@@ -30,8 +30,9 @@ import type { Connection } from '../connection/index.js'

* If true, invoke `onConnect` for this topology on transient (e.g. short-lived
* and/or data-limited) connections
* If true, invoke `onConnect` for this topology on limited connections, e.g.
* ones with limits on how much data can be transferred or how long they can
* be open for.
* @default false
notifyOnTransient?: boolean
notifyOnLimitedConnection?: boolean

@@ -38,0 +39,0 @@ /**

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import type { Connection, MultiaddrConnection } from '../connection/index.js'
import type { Connection, ConnectionLimits, MultiaddrConnection } from '../connection/index.js'
import type { TypedEventTarget } from '../event-target.js'

@@ -103,12 +103,7 @@ import type { AbortOptions } from '../index.js'

export interface UpgraderOptions<ConnectionUpgradeEvents extends ProgressEvent = ProgressEvent> extends ProgressOptions<ConnectionUpgradeEvents> {
export interface UpgraderOptions<ConnectionUpgradeEvents extends ProgressEvent = ProgressEvent> extends ProgressOptions<ConnectionUpgradeEvents>, AbortOptions {
skipEncryption?: boolean
skipProtection?: boolean
muxerFactory?: StreamMuxerFactory
* The passed MultiaddrConnection has limits place on duration and/or data
* transfer amounts so is not expected to be open for very long.
transient?: boolean
limits?: ConnectionLimits

@@ -115,0 +110,0 @@

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Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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