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@lightningtv/l3-ui-theme-base - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.4.1 to 0.5.0



"name": "@lightningtv/l3-ui-theme-base",
"version": "0.4.1",
"version": "0.5.0",
"description": "A basic theme for the @lightningjs/solid-ui component library.",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "main": "theme.js",

@@ -18,596 +18,424 @@ /*

declare namespace _default {
let name: string;
namespace alpha {
let primary: number;
let secondary: number;
let tertiary: number;
let inactive: number;
let full: number;
let none: number;
let alpha1: number;
let alpha2: number;
let alpha3: number;
let alpha4: number;
let alpha5: number;
let alpha6: number;
namespace animation {
namespace duration {
let none_1: number;
export { none_1 as none };
export let xfast: number;
export let fast: number;
export let normal: number;
export let slow: number;
export let xslow: number;
namespace delay {
let none_2: number;
export { none_2 as none };
let xfast_1: number;
export { xfast_1 as xfast };
let fast_1: number;
export { fast_1 as fast };
let normal_1: number;
export { normal_1 as normal };
let slow_1: number;
export { slow_1 as slow };
let xslow_1: number;
export { xslow_1 as xslow };
namespace expressive {
let delay_1: number;
export { delay_1 as delay };
let duration_1: number;
export { duration_1 as duration };
export let easing: string;
namespace expressiveEntrance {
let delay_2: number;
export { delay_2 as delay };
let duration_2: number;
export { duration_2 as duration };
let easing_1: string;
export { easing_1 as easing };
namespace expressiveExit {
let delay_3: number;
export { delay_3 as delay };
let duration_3: number;
export { duration_3 as duration };
let easing_2: string;
export { easing_2 as easing };
namespace standard {
let delay_4: number;
export { delay_4 as delay };
let duration_4: number;
export { duration_4 as duration };
let easing_3: string;
export { easing_3 as easing };
namespace standardEntrance {
let delay_5: number;
export { delay_5 as delay };
let duration_5: number;
export { duration_5 as duration };
let easing_4: string;
export { easing_4 as easing };
namespace standardExit {
let delay_6: number;
export { delay_6 as delay };
let duration_6: number;
export { duration_6 as duration };
let easing_5: string;
export { easing_5 as easing };
namespace utility {
let delay_7: number;
export { delay_7 as delay };
let duration_7: number;
export { duration_7 as duration };
let easing_6: string;
export { easing_6 as easing };
namespace utilityEntrance {
let delay_8: number;
export { delay_8 as delay };
let duration_8: number;
export { duration_8 as duration };
let easing_7: string;
export { easing_7 as easing };
namespace utilityExit {
let delay_9: number;
export { delay_9 as delay };
let duration_9: number;
export { duration_9 as duration };
let easing_8: string;
export { easing_8 as easing };
namespace asset {
let arrowLeft: string;
let arrowRight: string;
let backspaceOutline: string;
let check: string;
namespace color {
let palette: {};
let white: string;
let black: string;
let grey: string;
let red: string;
let orange: string;
let yellow: string;
let green: string;
let blue: string;
let purple: string;
let overlay: string;
let material: string;
let materialNeutral: string;
let materialNeutralElevated: string;
let materialInverse: string;
let materialInverseElevated: string;
let materialBrand: string;
let materialBrandElevated: string;
let textNeutral: string;
let textNeutralSecondary: string;
let textNeutralTertiary: string;
let textNeutralDisabled: string;
let textInverse: string;
let textInverseSecondary: string;
let textInverseTertiary: string;
let textInverseDisabled: string;
let textBrand: string;
let textBrandSecondary: string;
let textBrandTertiary: string;
let textBrandDisabled: string;
let textOnBrand: string;
let textOnBrandSecondary: string;
let textOnBrandTertiary: string;
let textOnBrandDisabled: string;
let textPositive: string;
let textNegative: string;
let textInfo: string;
let textCaution: string;
let fillTransparent: string;
let fillNeutral: string;
let fillNeutralSecondary: string;
let fillNeutralTertiary: string;
let fillNeutralDisabled: string;
let fillInverse: string;
let fillInverseSecondary: string;
let fillInverseTertiary: string;
let fillInverseDisabled: string;
let fillBrand: string;
let fillBrandSecondary: string;
let fillBrandTertiary: string;
let fillBrandDisabled: string;
let fillPositive: string;
let fillNegative: string;
let fillInfo: string;
let fillCaution: string;
let strokeNeutral: string;
let strokeNeutralSecondary: string;
let strokeNeutralTertiary: string;
let strokeNeutralDisabled: string;
let strokeInverse: string;
let strokeInverseSecondary: string;
let strokeInverseTertiary: string;
let strokeInverseDisabled: string;
let strokeBrand: string;
let strokeBrandSecondary: string;
let strokeBrandTertiary: string;
let strokeBrandDisabled: string;
let strokeOnBrand: string;
let strokeOnBrandSecondary: string;
let strokeOnBrandTertiary: string;
let strokeOnBrandDisabled: string;
let strokePositive: string;
let strokeNegative: string;
let strokeInfo: string;
let strokeCaution: string;
let interactiveNeutral: string;
let interactiveNeutralFocus: string;
let interactiveNeutralFocusSoft: string;
let interactiveInverse: string;
let interactiveInverseFocus: string;
let interactiveInverseFocusSoft: string;
let interactiveBrand: string;
let interactiveBrandFocus: string;
let interactiveBrandFocusSoft: string;
let shadowDefault: string;
let shadowFocused: string;
let shadowElevated: string;
let shadowText: string;
let shadowNeutral: string;
let shadowNeutralFocus: string;
let shadowNeutralElevated: string;
let shadowNeutralText: string;
let shadowInverse: string;
let shadowInverseFocus: string;
let shadowInverseElevated: string;
let shadowInverseText: string;
let shadowBrand: string;
let shadowBrandFocus: string;
let shadowBrandElevated: string;
let shadowBrandText: string;
let font: never[];
namespace layout {
let columnCount: number;
let focusScale: number;
let gutterX: number;
let gutterY: number;
let marginX: number;
let marginY: number;
let safe: number;
let screenW: number;
let screenH: number;
namespace radius {
let none_3: number;
export { none_3 as none };
export let xs: number;
export let sm: number;
export let md: number;
export let lg: number;
export let xl: number;
namespace shadow {
namespace _default {
export let x: number;
export let y: number;
export let blur: number;
export let spread: number;
let color_1: string;
export { color_1 as color };
export { _default as default };
export namespace focused {
let x_1: number;
export { x_1 as x };
let y_1: number;
export { y_1 as y };
let blur_1: number;
export { blur_1 as blur };
let spread_1: number;
export { spread_1 as spread };
let color_2: string;
export { color_2 as color };
export namespace elevated {
let x_2: number;
export { x_2 as x };
let y_2: number;
export { y_2 as y };
let blur_2: number;
export { blur_2 as blur };
let spread_2: number;
export { spread_2 as spread };
let color_3: string;
export { color_3 as color };
export namespace text {
let x_3: number;
export { x_3 as x };
let y_3: number;
export { y_3 as y };
let blur_3: number;
export { blur_3 as blur };
let spread_3: number;
export { spread_3 as spread };
let color_4: string;
export { color_4 as color };
namespace spacer {
let none_4: number;
export { none_4 as none };
export let xxs: number;
let xs_1: number;
export { xs_1 as xs };
let sm_1: number;
export { sm_1 as sm };
let md_1: number;
export { md_1 as md };
let lg_1: number;
export { lg_1 as lg };
let xl_1: number;
export { xl_1 as xl };
export let xxl: number;
export let xxxl: number;
namespace stroke {
let none_5: number;
export { none_5 as none };
let sm_2: number;
export { sm_2 as sm };
let md_2: number;
export { md_2 as md };
let lg_2: number;
export { lg_2 as lg };
let xl_2: number;
export { xl_2 as xl };
namespace typography {
namespace display1 {
let fontFamily: string;
let fontSize: number;
let lineHeight: number;
let fontWeight: number;
let verticalAlign: string;
let textBaseline: string;
namespace display2 {
let fontFamily_1: string;
export { fontFamily_1 as fontFamily };
let fontSize_1: number;
export { fontSize_1 as fontSize };
let lineHeight_1: number;
export { lineHeight_1 as lineHeight };
let fontWeight_1: number;
export { fontWeight_1 as fontWeight };
let verticalAlign_1: string;
export { verticalAlign_1 as verticalAlign };
let textBaseline_1: string;
export { textBaseline_1 as textBaseline };
namespace display3 {
let fontFamily_2: string;
export { fontFamily_2 as fontFamily };
let fontSize_2: number;
export { fontSize_2 as fontSize };
let fontWeight_2: number;
export { fontWeight_2 as fontWeight };
let lineHeight_2: number;
export { lineHeight_2 as lineHeight };
let verticalAlign_2: string;
export { verticalAlign_2 as verticalAlign };
let textBaseline_2: string;
export { textBaseline_2 as textBaseline };
namespace display4 {
let fontFamily_3: string;
export { fontFamily_3 as fontFamily };
let fontSize_3: number;
export { fontSize_3 as fontSize };
let fontWeight_3: number;
export { fontWeight_3 as fontWeight };
let lineHeight_3: number;
export { lineHeight_3 as lineHeight };
let verticalAlign_3: string;
export { verticalAlign_3 as verticalAlign };
let textBaseline_3: string;
export { textBaseline_3 as textBaseline };
namespace headline1 {
let fontFamily_4: string;
export { fontFamily_4 as fontFamily };
let fontSize_4: number;
export { fontSize_4 as fontSize };
let fontWeight_4: number;
export { fontWeight_4 as fontWeight };
let lineHeight_4: number;
export { lineHeight_4 as lineHeight };
let verticalAlign_4: string;
export { verticalAlign_4 as verticalAlign };
let textBaseline_4: string;
export { textBaseline_4 as textBaseline };
namespace headline2 {
let fontFamily_5: string;
export { fontFamily_5 as fontFamily };
let fontSize_5: number;
export { fontSize_5 as fontSize };
let fontWeight_5: number;
export { fontWeight_5 as fontWeight };
let lineHeight_5: number;
export { lineHeight_5 as lineHeight };
let verticalAlign_5: string;
export { verticalAlign_5 as verticalAlign };
let textBaseline_5: string;
export { textBaseline_5 as textBaseline };
namespace headline3 {
let fontFamily_6: string;
export { fontFamily_6 as fontFamily };
let fontSize_6: number;
export { fontSize_6 as fontSize };
let fontWeight_6: number;
export { fontWeight_6 as fontWeight };
let lineHeight_6: number;
export { lineHeight_6 as lineHeight };
let verticalAlign_6: string;
export { verticalAlign_6 as verticalAlign };
let textBaseline_6: string;
export { textBaseline_6 as textBaseline };
namespace body1 {
let fontFamily_7: string;
export { fontFamily_7 as fontFamily };
let fontSize_7: number;
export { fontSize_7 as fontSize };
let fontWeight_7: number;
export { fontWeight_7 as fontWeight };
let lineHeight_7: number;
export { lineHeight_7 as lineHeight };
let verticalAlign_7: string;
export { verticalAlign_7 as verticalAlign };
let textBaseline_7: string;
export { textBaseline_7 as textBaseline };
namespace body2 {
let fontFamily_8: string;
export { fontFamily_8 as fontFamily };
let fontSize_8: number;
export { fontSize_8 as fontSize };
let fontWeight_8: number;
export { fontWeight_8 as fontWeight };
let lineHeight_8: number;
export { lineHeight_8 as lineHeight };
let verticalAlign_8: string;
export { verticalAlign_8 as verticalAlign };
let textBaseline_8: string;
export { textBaseline_8 as textBaseline };
namespace body3 {
let fontFamily_9: string;
export { fontFamily_9 as fontFamily };
let fontSize_9: number;
export { fontSize_9 as fontSize };
let fontWeight_9: number;
export { fontWeight_9 as fontWeight };
let lineHeight_9: number;
export { lineHeight_9 as lineHeight };
let verticalAlign_9: string;
export { verticalAlign_9 as verticalAlign };
let textBaseline_9: string;
export { textBaseline_9 as textBaseline };
namespace button1 {
let fontFamily_10: string;
export { fontFamily_10 as fontFamily };
let fontSize_10: number;
export { fontSize_10 as fontSize };
let fontWeight_10: number;
export { fontWeight_10 as fontWeight };
let lineHeight_10: number;
export { lineHeight_10 as lineHeight };
let verticalAlign_10: string;
export { verticalAlign_10 as verticalAlign };
let textBaseline_10: string;
export { textBaseline_10 as textBaseline };
namespace button2 {
let fontFamily_11: string;
export { fontFamily_11 as fontFamily };
let fontSize_11: number;
export { fontSize_11 as fontSize };
let fontWeight_11: number;
export { fontWeight_11 as fontWeight };
let lineHeight_11: number;
export { lineHeight_11 as lineHeight };
let verticalAlign_11: string;
export { verticalAlign_11 as verticalAlign };
let textBaseline_11: string;
export { textBaseline_11 as textBaseline };
namespace callout1 {
let fontFamily_12: string;
export { fontFamily_12 as fontFamily };
let fontSize_12: number;
export { fontSize_12 as fontSize };
let fontWeight_12: number;
export { fontWeight_12 as fontWeight };
let lineHeight_12: number;
export { lineHeight_12 as lineHeight };
let verticalAlign_12: string;
export { verticalAlign_12 as verticalAlign };
let textBaseline_12: string;
export { textBaseline_12 as textBaseline };
namespace caption1 {
let fontFamily_13: string;
export { fontFamily_13 as fontFamily };
let fontSize_13: number;
export { fontSize_13 as fontSize };
let fontWeight_13: number;
export { fontWeight_13 as fontWeight };
let lineHeight_13: number;
export { lineHeight_13 as lineHeight };
let verticalAlign_13: string;
export { verticalAlign_13 as verticalAlign };
let textBaseline_13: string;
export { textBaseline_13 as textBaseline };
namespace tag1 {
let fontFamily_14: string;
export { fontFamily_14 as fontFamily };
let fontSize_14: number;
export { fontSize_14 as fontSize };
let fontWeight_14: number;
export { fontWeight_14 as fontWeight };
let lineHeight_14: number;
export { lineHeight_14 as lineHeight };
let verticalAlign_14: string;
export { verticalAlign_14 as verticalAlign };
let textBaseline_14: string;
export { textBaseline_14 as textBaseline };
namespace footnote1 {
let fontFamily_15: string;
export { fontFamily_15 as fontFamily };
let fontSize_15: number;
export { fontSize_15 as fontSize };
let fontWeight_15: number;
export { fontWeight_15 as fontWeight };
let lineHeight_15: number;
export { lineHeight_15 as lineHeight };
let verticalAlign_15: string;
export { verticalAlign_15 as verticalAlign };
let textBaseline_15: string;
export { textBaseline_15 as textBaseline };
namespace subtitle1 {
let fontFamily_16: string;
export { fontFamily_16 as fontFamily };
let fontSize_16: number;
export { fontSize_16 as fontSize };
let fontWeight_16: number;
export { fontWeight_16 as fontWeight };
let lineHeight_16: number;
export { lineHeight_16 as lineHeight };
let verticalAlign_16: string;
export { verticalAlign_16 as verticalAlign };
let textBaseline_16: string;
export { textBaseline_16 as textBaseline };
namespace subtitle2 {
let fontFamily_17: string;
export { fontFamily_17 as fontFamily };
let fontSize_17: number;
export { fontSize_17 as fontSize };
let fontWeight_17: number;
export { fontWeight_17 as fontWeight };
let lineHeight_17: number;
export { lineHeight_17 as lineHeight };
let verticalAlign_17: string;
export { verticalAlign_17 as verticalAlign };
let textBaseline_17: string;
export { textBaseline_17 as textBaseline };
namespace navigation {
let fontFamily_18: string;
export { fontFamily_18 as fontFamily };
let fontSize_18: number;
export { fontSize_18 as fontSize };
let fontWeight_18: number;
export { fontWeight_18 as fontWeight };
let lineHeight_18: number;
export { lineHeight_18 as lineHeight };
let verticalAlign_18: string;
export { verticalAlign_18 as verticalAlign };
let textBaseline_18: string;
export { textBaseline_18 as textBaseline };
namespace componentConfig {
namespace Keyboard {
namespace base {
namespace keyProps {
export namespace _delete {
let title: null;
let icon: string;
export { _delete as delete };
declare const _default: {
readonly name: 'Base Solid TV';
readonly alpha: {
readonly primary: 1;
readonly secondary: 0.7;
readonly tertiary: 0.1;
readonly inactive: 0.5;
readonly full: 1;
readonly none: 0;
readonly alpha1: 0.1;
readonly alpha2: 0.3;
readonly alpha3: 0.5;
readonly alpha4: 0.7;
readonly alpha5: 0.9;
readonly alpha6: 0.95;
readonly animation: {
readonly duration: {
readonly none: 0;
readonly xfast: 100;
readonly fast: 250;
readonly normal: 500;
readonly slow: 750;
readonly xslow: 900;
readonly delay: {
readonly none: 0;
readonly xfast: 10;
readonly fast: 25;
readonly normal: 50;
readonly slow: 75;
readonly xslow: 90;
readonly expressive: {
readonly delay: 0;
readonly duration: 0.25;
readonly easing: 'cubic-bezier(0, 0, 1, 1)';
readonly expressiveEntrance: {
readonly delay: 0;
readonly duration: 0.25;
readonly easing: 'cubic-bezier(0, 0, 1, 1)';
readonly expressiveExit: {
readonly delay: 0;
readonly duration: 0.25;
readonly easing: 'cubic-bezier(0, 0, 1, 1)';
readonly standard: {
readonly delay: 0;
readonly duration: 0.25;
readonly easing: 'cubic-bezier(0, 0, 1, 1)';
readonly standardEntrance: {
readonly delay: 0;
readonly duration: 0.25;
readonly easing: 'cubic-bezier(0, 0, 1, 1)';
readonly standardExit: {
readonly delay: 0;
readonly duration: 0.25;
readonly easing: 'cubic-bezier(0, 0, 1, 1)';
readonly utility: {
readonly delay: 0;
readonly duration: 0.25;
readonly easing: 'cubic-bezier(0, 0, 1, 1)';
readonly utilityEntrance: {
readonly delay: 0;
readonly duration: 0.25;
readonly easing: 'cubic-bezier(0, 0, 1, 1)';
readonly utilityExit: {
readonly delay: 0;
readonly duration: 0.25;
readonly easing: 'cubic-bezier(0, 0, 1, 1)';
readonly asset: {
readonly backspaceOutline: '';
readonly check: '';
readonly color: {
readonly palette: {};
readonly white: '0xffffffff';
readonly black: '0x000000ff';
readonly grey: '0x929096ff';
readonly red: '0xe74c3cff';
readonly orange: '0xdc7633ff';
readonly yellow: '0xf7dc6fff';
readonly green: '0x2ecc71ff';
readonly blue: '0x93a9fdff';
readonly purple: '0x663399ff';
readonly overlay: '0x181819b3';
readonly material: '0x181819ff';
readonly materialNeutral: '0x181819ff';
readonly materialNeutralElevated: '0x373639ff';
readonly materialInverse: '0xf8f7faff';
readonly materialInverseElevated: '0xffffffff';
readonly materialBrand: '0x000033ff';
readonly materialBrandElevated: '0x242a65ff';
readonly textNeutral: '0xf8f7faff';
readonly textNeutralSecondary: '0xf8f7fab3';
readonly textNeutralTertiary: '0xf8f7fa1a';
readonly textNeutralDisabled: '0xf8f7fa80';
readonly textInverse: '0x181819ff';
readonly textInverseSecondary: '0x181819b3';
readonly textInverseTertiary: '0x1818191a';
readonly textInverseDisabled: '0x18181980';
readonly textBrand: '0x93a9fdff';
readonly textBrandSecondary: '0x93a9fdb3';
readonly textBrandTertiary: '0x93a9fd1a';
readonly textBrandDisabled: '0x93a9fd80';
readonly textOnBrand: '0x181819ff';
readonly textOnBrandSecondary: '0x181819b3';
readonly textOnBrandTertiary: '0x1818191a';
readonly textOnBrandDisabled: '0x18181980';
readonly textPositive: '0x2ecc71ff';
readonly textNegative: '0xe74c3cff';
readonly textInfo: '0x93a9fdff';
readonly textCaution: '0xdc7633ff';
readonly fillTransparent: '0xffffff0';
readonly fillNeutral: '0xf8f7faff';
readonly fillNeutralSecondary: '0xf8f7fab3';
readonly fillNeutralTertiary: '0xf8f7fa1a';
readonly fillNeutralDisabled: '0xf8f7fa80';
readonly fillInverse: '0x181819ff';
readonly fillInverseSecondary: '0x181819b3';
readonly fillInverseTertiary: '0x1818191a';
readonly fillInverseDisabled: '0x18181980';
readonly fillBrand: '0x93a9fdff';
readonly fillBrandSecondary: '0x93a9fdb3';
readonly fillBrandTertiary: '0x93a9fd1a';
readonly fillBrandDisabled: '0x93a9fd80';
readonly fillPositive: '0x2ecc71ff';
readonly fillNegative: '0xe74c3cff';
readonly fillInfo: '0x93a9fdff';
readonly fillCaution: '0xdc7633ff';
readonly strokeNeutral: '0xf8f7faff';
readonly strokeNeutralSecondary: '0xf8f7fab3';
readonly strokeNeutralTertiary: '0xf8f7fa1a';
readonly strokeNeutralDisabled: '0xf8f7fa80';
readonly strokeInverse: '0x181819ff';
readonly strokeInverseSecondary: '0x181819b3';
readonly strokeInverseTertiary: '0x1818191a';
readonly strokeInverseDisabled: '0x18181980';
readonly strokeBrand: '0x93a9fdff';
readonly strokeBrandSecondary: '0x93a9fdb3';
readonly strokeBrandTertiary: '0x93a9fd1a';
readonly strokeBrandDisabled: '0x93a9fd80';
readonly strokeOnBrand: '0x181819ff';
readonly strokeOnBrandSecondary: '0x181819b3';
readonly strokeOnBrandTertiary: '0x1818191a';
readonly strokeOnBrandDisabled: '0x18181980';
readonly strokePositive: '0x2ecc71ff';
readonly strokeNegative: '0xe74c3cff';
readonly strokeInfo: '0x93a9fdff';
readonly strokeCaution: '0xdc7633ff';
readonly interactiveNeutral: '0xffffff1a';
readonly interactiveNeutralFocus: '0xffffffff';
readonly interactiveNeutralFocusSoft: '0xffffff1a';
readonly interactiveInverse: '0x48474b1a';
readonly interactiveInverseFocus: '0x48474bff';
readonly interactiveInverseFocusSoft: '0x48474b1a';
readonly interactiveBrand: '0xbecffe1a';
readonly interactiveBrandFocus: '0xbecffeff';
readonly interactiveBrandFocusSoft: '0xbecffe1a';
readonly shadowDefault: '0x000000b3';
readonly shadowFocused: '0x0000001a';
readonly shadowElevated: '0x000000b3';
readonly shadowText: '0x000000b3';
readonly shadowNeutral: '0x000000b3';
readonly shadowNeutralFocus: '0x000000b3';
readonly shadowNeutralElevated: '0x000000b3';
readonly shadowNeutralText: '0x0000000';
readonly shadowInverse: '0x000000b3';
readonly shadowInverseFocus: '0x000000b3';
readonly shadowInverseElevated: '0x000000b3';
readonly shadowInverseText: '0x0000000';
readonly shadowBrand: '0x000000b3';
readonly shadowBrandFocus: '0x000000b3';
readonly shadowBrandElevated: '0x000000b3';
readonly shadowBrandText: '0x0000000';
readonly font: readonly [];
readonly layout: {
readonly columnCount: 10;
readonly focusScale: 1.2;
readonly gutterX: 20;
readonly gutterY: 20;
readonly marginX: 150;
readonly marginY: 150;
readonly safe: 50;
readonly screenW: 1920;
readonly screenH: 1080;
readonly radius: {
readonly none: 0;
readonly xs: 2;
readonly sm: 4;
readonly md: 8;
readonly lg: 16;
readonly xl: 24;
readonly shadow: {
readonly default: {
readonly x: 4;
readonly y: 4;
readonly blur: 4;
readonly spread: 4;
readonly color: '0x000000b3';
readonly focused: {
readonly x: 6;
readonly y: 6;
readonly blur: 12;
readonly spread: 8;
readonly color: '0x0000001a';
readonly elevated: {
readonly x: 4;
readonly y: 4;
readonly blur: 32;
readonly spread: 16;
readonly color: '0x000000b3';
readonly text: {
readonly x: 1;
readonly y: 1;
readonly blur: 1;
readonly spread: 1;
readonly color: '0x000000b3';
readonly spacer: {
readonly none: 0;
readonly xxs: 2;
readonly xs: 4;
readonly sm: 8;
readonly md: 10;
readonly lg: 20;
readonly xl: 30;
readonly xxl: 40;
readonly xxxl: 50;
readonly stroke: {
readonly none: 0;
readonly sm: 2;
readonly md: 4;
readonly lg: 6;
readonly xl: 8;
readonly typography: {
readonly display1: {
readonly fontFamily: 'Arial';
readonly fontSize: 75;
readonly lineHeight: 85;
readonly fontWeight: 500;
readonly verticalAlign: 'middle';
readonly textBaseline: 'bottom';
readonly display2: {
readonly fontFamily: 'Arial';
readonly fontSize: 50;
readonly lineHeight: 60;
readonly fontWeight: 500;
readonly verticalAlign: 'middle';
readonly textBaseline: 'bottom';
readonly display3: {
readonly fontFamily: 'Arial';
readonly fontSize: 56;
readonly fontWeight: 400;
readonly lineHeight: 68;
readonly verticalAlign: 'middle';
readonly textBaseline: 'bottom';
readonly display4: {
readonly fontFamily: 'Arial';
readonly fontSize: 48;
readonly fontWeight: 400;
readonly lineHeight: 64;
readonly verticalAlign: 'middle';
readonly textBaseline: 'bottom';
readonly headline1: {
readonly fontFamily: 'Arial';
readonly fontSize: 35;
readonly fontWeight: 500;
readonly lineHeight: 48;
readonly verticalAlign: 'middle';
readonly textBaseline: 'bottom';
readonly headline2: {
readonly fontFamily: 'Arial';
readonly fontSize: 30;
readonly fontWeight: 500;
readonly lineHeight: 40;
readonly verticalAlign: 'middle';
readonly textBaseline: 'bottom';
readonly headline3: {
readonly fontFamily: 'Arial';
readonly fontSize: 25;
readonly fontWeight: 500;
readonly lineHeight: 36;
readonly verticalAlign: 'middle';
readonly textBaseline: 'bottom';
readonly body1: {
readonly fontFamily: 'Arial';
readonly fontSize: 25;
readonly fontWeight: 300;
readonly lineHeight: 40;
readonly verticalAlign: 'middle';
readonly textBaseline: 'bottom';
readonly body2: {
readonly fontFamily: 'Arial';
readonly fontSize: 22;
readonly fontWeight: 300;
readonly lineHeight: 32;
readonly verticalAlign: 'middle';
readonly textBaseline: 'bottom';
readonly body3: {
readonly fontFamily: 'Arial';
readonly fontSize: 20;
readonly fontWeight: 300;
readonly lineHeight: 32;
readonly verticalAlign: 'middle';
readonly textBaseline: 'bottom';
readonly button1: {
readonly fontFamily: 'Arial';
readonly fontSize: 25;
readonly fontWeight: 500;
readonly lineHeight: 32;
readonly verticalAlign: 'middle';
readonly textBaseline: 'bottom';
readonly button2: {
readonly fontFamily: 'Arial';
readonly fontSize: 20;
readonly fontWeight: 500;
readonly lineHeight: 32;
readonly verticalAlign: 'middle';
readonly textBaseline: 'bottom';
readonly callout1: {
readonly fontFamily: 'Arial';
readonly fontSize: 20;
readonly fontWeight: 500;
readonly lineHeight: 32;
readonly verticalAlign: 'middle';
readonly textBaseline: 'bottom';
readonly caption1: {
readonly fontFamily: 'Arial';
readonly fontSize: 15;
readonly fontWeight: 500;
readonly lineHeight: 24;
readonly verticalAlign: 'middle';
readonly textBaseline: 'bottom';
readonly tag1: {
readonly fontFamily: 'Arial';
readonly fontSize: 20;
readonly fontWeight: 500;
readonly lineHeight: 24;
readonly verticalAlign: 'middle';
readonly textBaseline: 'bottom';
readonly footnote1: {
readonly fontFamily: 'Arial';
readonly fontSize: 22;
readonly fontWeight: 300;
readonly lineHeight: 30;
readonly verticalAlign: 'middle';
readonly textBaseline: 'bottom';
readonly subtitle1: {
readonly fontFamily: 'Arial';
readonly fontSize: 32;
readonly fontWeight: 400;
readonly lineHeight: 36;
readonly verticalAlign: 'middle';
readonly textBaseline: 'bottom';
readonly subtitle2: {
readonly fontFamily: 'Arial';
readonly fontSize: 28;
readonly fontWeight: 500;
readonly lineHeight: 32;
readonly verticalAlign: 'middle';
readonly textBaseline: 'bottom';
readonly navigation: {
readonly fontFamily: 'Arial';
readonly fontSize: 28;
readonly fontWeight: 400;
readonly lineHeight: 32;
readonly verticalAlign: 'middle';
readonly textBaseline: 'bottom';
readonly componentConfig: {
readonly Keyboard: {
readonly base: {
readonly keyProps: {
readonly delete: {
readonly title: null;
readonly icon: '';
export default _default;

@@ -19,3 +19,3 @@ /*

export default {
name: 'Base Lightning TV',
name: 'Base Solid TV',
alpha: {

@@ -22,0 +22,0 @@ primary: 1,

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