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@locker/trusted-types - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.18.12 to 0.18.13




@@ -8,23 +8,223 @@ /*!

value: true
}); //
const createPolicy = (name, options) => // @ts-ignore: Prevent cannot find name 'trustedTypes' error.
typeof trustedTypes === 'undefined' ? // istanbul ignore next: currently unreachable via tests (trustedTypes never undefined)
options : // @ts-ignore: Prevent cannot find name 'trustedTypes' error.
trustedTypes.createPolicy(name, options);
var htmlSanitizer = require('@locker/html-sanitizer');
const defaults = {
createHTML: function (value) {
var shared = require('@locker/shared');
var sharedDom = require('@locker/shared-dom');
var sharedUrl = require('@locker/shared-url');
const inflightRequests = shared.toSafeWeakMap(new shared.WeakMapCtor());
async function getSourceText(resourceURL, targetElement) {
const controller = new sharedDom.AbortControllerCtor();
const signal = shared.ReflectApply(sharedDom.AbortControllerProtoSignalGetter, controller, []);
inflightRequests.set(targetElement, controller);
const response = await sharedDom.WindowFetch(resourceURL, {
__proto__: null,
method: 'GET',
credentials: 'include',
if (!shared.ReflectApply(sharedDom.ResponseProtoOkGetter, response, [])) {
throw new shared.ErrorCtor('Request failed.');
const sourceText = await shared.ReflectApply(sharedDom.ResponseProtoText, response, []);
return sourceText;
function abortInFlightRequest(element) {
const abortController = inflightRequests.get(element);
if (abortController) {
shared.ReflectApply(sharedDom.AbortControllerProtoAbort, abortController, []);
const EVALUATOR_PROPERTY_KEY = '$evaluator$';
const BLOB_SCRIPT_SOURCE = `document.currentScript['${EVALUATOR_PROPERTY_KEY}']`; // @ts-ignore: Prevent cannot find name 'trustedTypes' error.
const SUPPORTS_TRUSTED_TYPES = typeof trustedTypes !== 'undefined';
function createTrustedTypesPolicy(name, options) {
// @ts-ignore: Prevent cannot find name 'trustedTypes' error.
return trustedTypes.createPolicy(name, options);
function createFallbackPolicy(_name, options) {
return options;
} //
const createPolicy = SUPPORTS_TRUSTED_TYPES ? createTrustedTypesPolicy : createFallbackPolicy;
const policyOptions$1 = {
createHTML(value) {
return value;
createScript: function (value) {
createScript(value) {
return value;
createScriptURL: function (value) {
createScriptURL(value) {
return value;
const trusted = createPolicy('trusted', defaults);
exports.createPolicy = createPolicy;
const trusted = createPolicy('trusted', policyOptions$1);
const evaluatedScripts = shared.toSafeWeakSet(new shared.WeakSetCtor());
const scriptURLsCache = shared.toSafeWeakMap(new shared.WeakMapCtor());
const policyOptions = {
createHTML(dirty, lwsKey, contentType) {
if (dirty === null || dirty === undefined) {
return '';
switch (contentType) {
case 0
/* ContentType.HTML */
return htmlSanitizer.sanitize(dirty, lwsKey);
case 1
/* ContentType.SVG */
return '';
case 2
/* ContentType.XML */
return dirty;
return '';
createScript(_dirty, _evaluator) {
return '';
createScriptURL(dirty, evaluator, targetElement) {
const setURL = encloseSrcSetter(targetElement);
dirty = `${dirty}`; // Passthrough for any script element evaluated by us
// or if userland code tries to set a falsy value.
if (evaluatedScripts.has(targetElement) || dirty === '' || dirty === 'undefined' || dirty === 'null') {
return dirty;
const targetElementIsConnected = shared.ReflectApply(sharedDom.NodeProtoIsConnectedGetter, targetElement, []);
const resolvedURL = sharedUrl.resolveURL(dirty);
if (targetElementIsConnected) {
// When the script is connected and has a .src value it is safe to let the url passthrough
// because it will never be evaluated again.
if (getURL(targetElement)) {
return dirty;
} // There is a small window while the source code is asynchronously fetched but the script may
// have already been placed in the DOM without having yet our blob URL set as the .src value.
// We block the request in this scenario and set the last URL after we evaluate.
if (scriptURLsCache.has(targetElement)) {
return '';
const asyncRequest = getSourceText(resolvedURL, targetElement);
scriptURLsCache.set(targetElement, resolvedURL);
const safeURL = createSandboxURL();
const onFulfill = sourceText => {
shared.ReflectDefineProperty(targetElement, EVALUATOR_PROPERTY_KEY, {
__proto__: null,
configurable: true,
get: shared.ReflectApply(shared.FunctionProtoBind, () => {
shared.ReflectDeleteProperty(targetElement, EVALUATOR_PROPERTY_KEY);
const cachedURL = scriptURLsCache.get(targetElement);
evaluatedScripts.add(targetElement); // We sign & assign the original URL even though it will not be executed.
// The wrappedEvaluator is guaranteed to run only one time once the script
// is appended in the dom.
// Re-assigning .src after it ran will not retrigger the evaluation
// of the new URL.
// However, TrustedTypes still requires this assignment to be signed.
// We do this because we don't want to leave observable traces in the DOM.
}, [targetElement]),
set: undefined
const onReject = _error => {
const cachedURL = scriptURLsCache.get(targetElement);
scriptURLsCache.delete(targetElement); // We are only able to generate 404 errors and we cannot trust any other URL.
// This blob URL will be sufficient to trigger error event handlers.
// We still have to sign this URL, TrustedTypes does not take into consideration
// the state of the script elements. It's an either or operation: either we set a
// signed value and we are ok or we don't and the browser throws an error. We
// want our 404 URL to be set and trigger the event handlers, hence we have to sign.
setURL(trusted.createScriptURL('blob:http://localhost/not-found')); // This error event handler will get triggered after we set our 404 blob URL.
const errorEventHandler = () => {
// Similar to our wrappedEvaluator, we leave no traces.
shared.ReflectApply(sharedDom.EventTargetProtoRemoveEventListener, targetElement, ['error', errorEventHandler]);
shared.ReflectApply(sharedDom.EventTargetProtoAddEventListener, targetElement, ['error', errorEventHandler]);
shared.ReflectApply(shared.PromiseProtoThen, asyncRequest, [onFulfill, onReject]);
return '';
const lwsInternalPolicy = createPolicy('lwsInternal', policyOptions); // Even though the content is always the same we use unique URLs for each script.
function createSandboxURL() {
return sharedDom.URLCreateObjectURL(new sharedDom.BlobCtor([BLOB_SCRIPT_SOURCE], {
__proto__: null,
type: 'text/javascript'
function getURL(targetElement) {
const isHTMLScriptElement = targetElement instanceof sharedDom.HTMLScriptElementCtor;
if (isHTMLScriptElement) {
return shared.ReflectApply(sharedDom.ElementProtoGetAttribute, targetElement, ['src']);
const hasHref = shared.ReflectApply(sharedDom.ElementProtoHasAttribute, targetElement, ['href']);
return hasHref ? shared.ReflectApply(sharedDom.ElementProtoGetAttribute, targetElement, ['href']) : shared.ReflectApply(sharedDom.ElementProtoGetAttribute, targetElement, ['xlink:href']);
function encloseSrcSetter(targetElement) {
const namespaceURI = shared.ReflectApply(sharedDom.ElementProtoNamespaceURIGetter, targetElement, []);
const attributeNamespaceURI = namespaceURI === sharedDom.NAMESPACE_XHTML ? '' : sharedDom.NAMESPACE_XLINK;
const attributeName = targetElement instanceof sharedDom.HTMLScriptElementCtor ? 'src' : 'href';
return function (src) {
shared.ReflectApply(sharedDom.ElementProtoSetAttributeNS, targetElement, [attributeNamespaceURI, attributeName, src]);
exports.lwsInternalPolicy = lwsInternalPolicy;
exports.trusted = trusted;
/*! version: 0.18.12 */
/*! version: 0.18.13 */
* Copyright (C) 2023, inc.
const createPolicy = (name, options) => // @ts-ignore: Prevent cannot find name 'trustedTypes' error.
typeof trustedTypes === 'undefined' ? // istanbul ignore next: currently unreachable via tests (trustedTypes never undefined)
options : // @ts-ignore: Prevent cannot find name 'trustedTypes' error.
trustedTypes.createPolicy(name, options);
import { sanitize } from '@locker/html-sanitizer';
import { toSafeWeakMap, WeakMapCtor, ReflectApply, ErrorCtor, toSafeWeakSet, WeakSetCtor, PromiseProtoThen, ReflectDefineProperty, FunctionProtoBind, ReflectDeleteProperty } from '@locker/shared';
import { AbortControllerCtor, AbortControllerProtoSignalGetter, WindowFetch, ResponseProtoOkGetter, ResponseProtoText, AbortControllerProtoAbort, NodeProtoIsConnectedGetter, URLCreateObjectURL, BlobCtor, ElementProtoGetAttribute, ElementProtoHasAttribute, ElementProtoNamespaceURIGetter, ElementProtoSetAttributeNS, URLRevokeObjectURL, EventTargetProtoAddEventListener, HTMLScriptElementCtor, NAMESPACE_XHTML, NAMESPACE_XLINK, EventTargetProtoRemoveEventListener } from '@locker/shared-dom';
import { resolveURL } from '@locker/shared-url';
const inflightRequests = toSafeWeakMap(new WeakMapCtor());
const defaults = {
createHTML: function (value) {
async function getSourceText(resourceURL, targetElement) {
const controller = new AbortControllerCtor();
const signal = ReflectApply(AbortControllerProtoSignalGetter, controller, []);
inflightRequests.set(targetElement, controller);
const response = await WindowFetch(resourceURL, {
__proto__: null,
method: 'GET',
credentials: 'include',
if (!ReflectApply(ResponseProtoOkGetter, response, [])) {
throw new ErrorCtor('Request failed.');
const sourceText = await ReflectApply(ResponseProtoText, response, []);
return sourceText;
function abortInFlightRequest(element) {
const abortController = inflightRequests.get(element);
if (abortController) {
ReflectApply(AbortControllerProtoAbort, abortController, []);
const EVALUATOR_PROPERTY_KEY = '$evaluator$';
const BLOB_SCRIPT_SOURCE = `document.currentScript['${EVALUATOR_PROPERTY_KEY}']`; // @ts-ignore: Prevent cannot find name 'trustedTypes' error.
const SUPPORTS_TRUSTED_TYPES = typeof trustedTypes !== 'undefined';
function createTrustedTypesPolicy(name, options) {
// @ts-ignore: Prevent cannot find name 'trustedTypes' error.
return trustedTypes.createPolicy(name, options);
function createFallbackPolicy(_name, options) {
return options;
} //
const createPolicy = SUPPORTS_TRUSTED_TYPES ? createTrustedTypesPolicy : createFallbackPolicy;
const policyOptions$1 = {
createHTML(value) {
return value;
createScript: function (value) {
createScript(value) {
return value;
createScriptURL: function (value) {
createScriptURL(value) {
return value;
const trusted = createPolicy('trusted', defaults);
export { createPolicy, trusted };
/*! version: 0.18.12 */
const trusted = createPolicy('trusted', policyOptions$1);
const evaluatedScripts = toSafeWeakSet(new WeakSetCtor());
const scriptURLsCache = toSafeWeakMap(new WeakMapCtor());
const policyOptions = {
createHTML(dirty, lwsKey, contentType) {
if (dirty === null || dirty === undefined) {
return '';
switch (contentType) {
case 0
/* ContentType.HTML */
return sanitize(dirty, lwsKey);
case 1
/* ContentType.SVG */
return '';
case 2
/* ContentType.XML */
return dirty;
return '';
createScript(_dirty, _evaluator) {
return '';
createScriptURL(dirty, evaluator, targetElement) {
const setURL = encloseSrcSetter(targetElement);
dirty = `${dirty}`; // Passthrough for any script element evaluated by us
// or if userland code tries to set a falsy value.
if (evaluatedScripts.has(targetElement) || dirty === '' || dirty === 'undefined' || dirty === 'null') {
return dirty;
const targetElementIsConnected = ReflectApply(NodeProtoIsConnectedGetter, targetElement, []);
const resolvedURL = resolveURL(dirty);
if (targetElementIsConnected) {
// When the script is connected and has a .src value it is safe to let the url passthrough
// because it will never be evaluated again.
if (getURL(targetElement)) {
return dirty;
} // There is a small window while the source code is asynchronously fetched but the script may
// have already been placed in the DOM without having yet our blob URL set as the .src value.
// We block the request in this scenario and set the last URL after we evaluate.
if (scriptURLsCache.has(targetElement)) {
return '';
const asyncRequest = getSourceText(resolvedURL, targetElement);
scriptURLsCache.set(targetElement, resolvedURL);
const safeURL = createSandboxURL();
const onFulfill = sourceText => {
ReflectDefineProperty(targetElement, EVALUATOR_PROPERTY_KEY, {
__proto__: null,
configurable: true,
get: ReflectApply(FunctionProtoBind, () => {
ReflectDeleteProperty(targetElement, EVALUATOR_PROPERTY_KEY);
const cachedURL = scriptURLsCache.get(targetElement);
evaluatedScripts.add(targetElement); // We sign & assign the original URL even though it will not be executed.
// The wrappedEvaluator is guaranteed to run only one time once the script
// is appended in the dom.
// Re-assigning .src after it ran will not retrigger the evaluation
// of the new URL.
// However, TrustedTypes still requires this assignment to be signed.
// We do this because we don't want to leave observable traces in the DOM.
}, [targetElement]),
set: undefined
const onReject = _error => {
const cachedURL = scriptURLsCache.get(targetElement);
scriptURLsCache.delete(targetElement); // We are only able to generate 404 errors and we cannot trust any other URL.
// This blob URL will be sufficient to trigger error event handlers.
// We still have to sign this URL, TrustedTypes does not take into consideration
// the state of the script elements. It's an either or operation: either we set a
// signed value and we are ok or we don't and the browser throws an error. We
// want our 404 URL to be set and trigger the event handlers, hence we have to sign.
setURL(trusted.createScriptURL('blob:http://localhost/not-found')); // This error event handler will get triggered after we set our 404 blob URL.
const errorEventHandler = () => {
// Similar to our wrappedEvaluator, we leave no traces.
ReflectApply(EventTargetProtoRemoveEventListener, targetElement, ['error', errorEventHandler]);
ReflectApply(EventTargetProtoAddEventListener, targetElement, ['error', errorEventHandler]);
ReflectApply(PromiseProtoThen, asyncRequest, [onFulfill, onReject]);
return '';
const lwsInternalPolicy = createPolicy('lwsInternal', policyOptions); // Even though the content is always the same we use unique URLs for each script.
function createSandboxURL() {
return URLCreateObjectURL(new BlobCtor([BLOB_SCRIPT_SOURCE], {
__proto__: null,
type: 'text/javascript'
function getURL(targetElement) {
const isHTMLScriptElement = targetElement instanceof HTMLScriptElementCtor;
if (isHTMLScriptElement) {
return ReflectApply(ElementProtoGetAttribute, targetElement, ['src']);
const hasHref = ReflectApply(ElementProtoHasAttribute, targetElement, ['href']);
return hasHref ? ReflectApply(ElementProtoGetAttribute, targetElement, ['href']) : ReflectApply(ElementProtoGetAttribute, targetElement, ['xlink:href']);
function encloseSrcSetter(targetElement) {
const namespaceURI = ReflectApply(ElementProtoNamespaceURIGetter, targetElement, []);
const attributeNamespaceURI = namespaceURI === NAMESPACE_XHTML ? '' : NAMESPACE_XLINK;
const attributeName = targetElement instanceof HTMLScriptElementCtor ? 'src' : 'href';
return function (src) {
ReflectApply(ElementProtoSetAttributeNS, targetElement, [attributeNamespaceURI, attributeName, src]);
export { lwsInternalPolicy, trusted };
/*! version: 0.18.13 */


"name": "@locker/trusted-types",
"version": "0.18.12",
"version": "0.18.13",
"license": "SEE LICENSE IN LICENSE.txt",

@@ -23,3 +23,8 @@ "author": "Salesforce UI Security Team",

"gitHead": "c77e7a4fd162647dd8828972c09cee4e9c7096d5"
"dependencies": {
"@locker/html-sanitizer": "0.18.13",
"@locker/shared": "0.18.13",
"@locker/shared-dom": "0.18.13",
"@locker/shared-url": "0.18.13"

@@ -1,8 +0,4 @@

export declare type PolicyOptions = Object & {
createHTML: Function;
createScript: Function;
createScriptURL: Function;
export declare const createPolicy: (name: string, options: PolicyOptions) => any;
export declare const trusted: any;
export { lwsInternalPolicy } from './lws-internal-policy';
export { trusted } from './trusted-policy';
export * from './types';

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