3.11.0 (2021-03-11)
This release includes initial support for OpenID Connect. There might be breaking changes to the configuration required as this is tested in the wild. Please see #483 for more information.
- Requests were added to the wrong context in build if more than one context was used on a page.
- The _mql operator no longer throws error when the
argument is null
. - Fixed an issue where displayMessage was not initialized properly.
- Fix Descriptions bordered property default value.
- Add a section on using JSON instead of YAML.
- Added a diagram to the overview page.
Bug Fixes
- blocks-antd: Fix Descriptions bordered property default value (c2503e1)
- build: Add auth config to all menu items. (cea8982)
- build: Nested context caused request to be created in wrong context. (16e2b15)
- build: Page auth config fixes. (601c942)
- build: Throw when poth protected and public pages are listed. (5581ac4)
- docs: Add a section on using JSON instead of YAML (a709086)
- docs: Add app schema image to docs public folder. (df1c6c7)
- docs: Add deployment tutorial video (1e63ddd)
- docs: Typos. (760abe6)
- docs: Update overview with diagram. (e8087b7)
- engine: Assign rootContext to context, instead of assigning individual fields. (9461990)
- engine: Rename more root to lowdefy. (df858c1)
- engine: Rename rootContext to lowdefy, and add pageId to root. (3ee8807)
- engine: Use context specific pageId in engine. (e80e461)
- graphql: Improve logoutRedirectUri configuration. (74e1183)
- operators: _mql on null should pass null and not throw. (3378cb4)
- operators: Rename input to inputs. (1815daa)
- operators: Rename more root to lowdefy. (b2e40bb)
- renderer: Fix login logout. (2c51020)
- renderer: Init displayMessage before it is loaded, closes #470. (fac7e39)
- renderer: Move pageId into lowdefy object. (5a19389)
- renderer: Setup link function using setupLink. (b078b22)
- renderer: Update blocks using use state. (de4f899)
- _mql empty input when data is null. (a1c913a)
- Add twitter badges. (432f4c4)
- Update telemetry data field names. (085e5cc)
- build: Add auth field and homePageId to config in app schema. (a878a31)
- build: Add auth to build arifacts. (c6a2e53)
- build: Update app OpenID configuration schema (a6df3c0)
- graphql: Add OpenID Connect flow queries. (1ac0b3d)
- graphql: All user object to request operators parser. (9e43b27)
- graphql: Allow specifed input, pageId, urlQuery in state token. (353dfab)
- graphql: Do authorization checks on pages and requests. (00bf504)
- graphql: Filter menu items. (cd14afd)
- graphql: Make JWT expiry time configurable. (30bde0b)
- graphql: Set and unset authorization cookie. (8abe43c)
- graphql: Update jwt tokens, add tests. (f5ea705)
- renderer: Improve OpenID Connect flows (e7cca6f)
- renderer: Switch rootcontext to root lowdefy object (30919a2)
- Move all servers to expressed based apps. (ffc6043)
- operators: Configure operators to work aith root and add _user. (c9395b9)
- renderer: Handle expired tokens in GQL client and unset tokenId. (2cc0492)
- Init OpenID Connect flow. (e2e29d0)
- use setHeader plugin to set auth headers (6238c6f)
- operators: Filter openid secrets and block get all in _secret. (bd7a772)
- renderer: Finish OpenId callback. (9997136)