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@maplibre/maplibre-gl-style-spec - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 18.0.1-pre.8 to 18.0.1-pre.9



@@ -28,2 +28,423 @@ // Generated by dts-bundle-generator v7.2.0

export declare function format(style: any, space?: number): string;
* Given an array of layers, some of which may contain `ref` properties
* whose value is the `id` of another property, return a new array where
* such layers have been augmented with the 'type', 'source', etc. properties
* from the parent layer, and the `ref` property has been removed.
* The input is not modified. The output may contain references to portions
* of the input.
* @private
* @param {Array<Layer>} layers
* @returns {Array<Layer>}
export declare function derefLayers(layers: any): any;
export declare const operations: {
setStyle: string;
addLayer: string;
removeLayer: string;
setPaintProperty: string;
setLayoutProperty: string;
setFilter: string;
addSource: string;
removeSource: string;
setGeoJSONSourceData: string;
setLayerZoomRange: string;
setLayerProperty: string;
setCenter: string;
setZoom: string;
setBearing: string;
setPitch: string;
setSprite: string;
setGlyphs: string;
setTransition: string;
setLight: string;
declare function diffStyles(before: any, after: any): any[];
export declare class ValidationError {
message: string;
identifier: string;
line: number;
constructor(key: string, value: any & {
__line__: number;
}, message: string, identifier?: string | null);
export declare class ParsingError {
message: string;
error: Error;
line: number;
constructor(error: Error);
declare class ExpressionParsingError extends Error {
key: string;
message: string;
constructor(key: string, message: string);
* An RGBA color value. Create instances from color strings using the static
* method `Color.parse`. The constructor accepts RGB channel values in the range
* `[0, 1]`, premultiplied by A.
* @param {number} r The red channel.
* @param {number} g The green channel.
* @param {number} b The blue channel.
* @param {number} a The alpha channel.
* @private
export declare class Color {
r: number;
g: number;
b: number;
a: number;
constructor(r: number, g: number, b: number, a?: number);
static black: Color;
static white: Color;
static transparent: Color;
static red: Color;
* Parses valid CSS color strings and returns a `Color` instance.
* @param input A valid CSS color string.
* @returns A `Color` instance, or `undefined` if the input is not a valid color string.
static parse(input?: string | Color | null): Color | void;
* Returns an RGBA string representing the color value.
* @returns An RGBA string.
* @example
* var purple = new Color.parse('purple');
* purple.toString; // = "rgba(128,0,128,1)"
* var translucentGreen = new Color.parse('rgba(26, 207, 26, .73)');
* translucentGreen.toString(); // = "rgba(26,207,26,0.73)"
toString(): string;
toArray(): [
declare class Intl$Collator {
constructor(locales?: string | string[], options?: CollatorOptions);
compare(a: string, b: string): number;
resolvedOptions(): any;
export type CollatorOptions = {
localeMatcher?: "lookup" | "best fit";
usage?: "sort" | "search";
sensitivity?: "base" | "accent" | "case" | "variant";
ignorePunctuation?: boolean;
numeric?: boolean;
caseFirst?: "upper" | "lower" | "false";
declare class Collator {
locale: string | null;
sensitivity: "base" | "accent" | "case" | "variant";
collator: Intl$Collator;
constructor(caseSensitive: boolean, diacriticSensitive: boolean, locale: string | null);
compare(lhs: string, rhs: string): number;
resolvedLocale(): string;
export type ResolvedImageOptions = {
name: string;
available: boolean;
export declare class ResolvedImage {
name: string;
available: boolean;
constructor(options: ResolvedImageOptions);
toString(): string;
static fromString(name: string): ResolvedImage | null;
export declare class FormattedSection {
text: string;
image: ResolvedImage | null;
scale: number | null;
fontStack: string | null;
textColor: Color | null;
constructor(text: string, image: ResolvedImage | null, scale: number | null, fontStack: string | null, textColor: Color | null);
export declare class Formatted {
sections: Array<FormattedSection>;
constructor(sections: Array<FormattedSection>);
static fromString(unformatted: string): Formatted;
isEmpty(): boolean;
static factory(text: Formatted | string): Formatted;
toString(): string;
* A set of four numbers representing padding around a box. Create instances from
* bare arrays or numeric values using the static method `Padding.parse`.
* @private
export declare class Padding {
/** Padding values are in CSS order: top, right, bottom, left */
values: [
constructor(values: [
* Numeric padding values
* @param input
* @returns A `Padding` instance, or `undefined` if the input is not a valid padding value.
static parse(input?: number | number[] | Padding | null): Padding | void;
toString(): string;
export type NullTypeT = {
kind: "null";
export type NumberTypeT = {
kind: "number";
export type StringTypeT = {
kind: "string";
export type BooleanTypeT = {
kind: "boolean";
export type ColorTypeT = {
kind: "color";
export type ObjectTypeT = {
kind: "object";
export type ValueTypeT = {
kind: "value";
export type ErrorTypeT = {
kind: "error";
export type CollatorTypeT = {
kind: "collator";
export type FormattedTypeT = {
kind: "formatted";
export type PaddingTypeT = {
kind: "padding";
export type ResolvedImageTypeT = {
kind: "resolvedImage";
export type EvaluationKind = "constant" | "source" | "camera" | "composite";
export type Type = NullTypeT | NumberTypeT | StringTypeT | BooleanTypeT | ColorTypeT | ObjectTypeT | ValueTypeT | ArrayType | ErrorTypeT | CollatorTypeT | FormattedTypeT | PaddingTypeT | ResolvedImageTypeT;
export type ArrayType = {
kind: "array";
itemType: Type;
N: number;
export declare const NullType: NullTypeT;
export declare const ColorType: ColorTypeT;
export declare const FormattedType: FormattedTypeT;
export declare function toString(type: Type): string;
export type Value = null | string | boolean | number | Color | Collator | Formatted | Padding | ResolvedImage | ReadonlyArray<Value> | {
readonly [x: string]: Value;
export declare function typeOf(value: Value): Type;
export interface ICanonicalTileID {
z: number;
x: number;
y: number;
key: string;
equals(id: ICanonicalTileID): {};
url(urls: Array<string>, pixelRatio: number, scheme: string | null): {};
isChildOf(parent: ICanonicalTileID): {};
getTilePoint(coord: IMercatorCoordinate): {};
toString(): {};
export interface IMercatorCoordinate {
x: number;
y: number;
toLngLat(): {};
toAltitude(): {};
meterInMercatorCoordinateUnits(): {};
export interface ILngLat {
wrap(): {};
toArray(): {};
toString(): {};
distanceTo(lngLat: ILngLat): {};
convert(input: ILngLatLike): ILngLat;
export type ILngLatLike = ILngLat | {
lng: number;
lat: number;
} | {
lon: number;
lat: number;
} | [
export declare class EvaluationContext {
globals: GlobalProperties;
feature: Feature;
featureState: FeatureState;
formattedSection: FormattedSection;
availableImages: Array<string>;
canonical: ICanonicalTileID;
_parseColorCache: {
[_: string]: Color;
id(): any;
geometryType(): string;
geometry(): import("@mapbox/point-geometry")[][];
canonicalID(): ICanonicalTileID;
properties(): {
[_: string]: any;
parseColor(input: string): Color;
declare class Scope {
parent: Scope;
bindings: {
[_: string]: Expression;
constructor(parent?: Scope, bindings?: Array<[
concat(bindings: Array<[
]>): Scope;
get(name: string): Expression;
has(name: string): boolean;
declare class ParsingContext {
registry: ExpressionRegistry;
path: Array<number>;
key: string;
scope: Scope;
errors: Array<ExpressionParsingError>;
expectedType: Type;
* Internal delegate to inConstant function to avoid circular dependency to CompoundExpression
private _isConstant;
constructor(registry: ExpressionRegistry, isConstantFunc: (expression: Expression) => boolean, path?: Array<number>, expectedType?: Type | null, scope?: Scope, errors?: Array<ExpressionParsingError>);
* @param expr the JSON expression to parse
* @param index the optional argument index if this expression is an argument of a parent expression that's being parsed
* @param options
* @param options.omitTypeAnnotations set true to omit inferred type annotations. Caller beware: with this option set, the parsed expression's type will NOT satisfy `expectedType` if it would normally be wrapped in an inferred annotation.
* @private
parse(expr: unknown, index?: number, expectedType?: Type | null, bindings?: Array<[
]>, options?: {
typeAnnotation?: "assert" | "coerce" | "omit";
}): Expression;
_parse(expr: unknown, options: {
typeAnnotation?: "assert" | "coerce" | "omit";
}): Expression;
* Returns a copy of this context suitable for parsing the subexpression at
* index `index`, optionally appending to 'let' binding map.
* Note that `errors` property, intended for collecting errors while
* parsing, is copied by reference rather than cloned.
* @private
concat(index: number, expectedType?: Type | null, bindings?: Array<[
]>): ParsingContext;
* Push a parsing (or type checking) error into the `this.errors`
* @param error The message
* @param keys Optionally specify the source of the error at a child
* of the current expression at `this.key`.
* @private
error(error: string, ...keys: Array<number>): void;
* Returns null if `t` is a subtype of `expected`; otherwise returns an
* error message and also pushes it to `this.errors`.
* @param expected The expected type
* @param t The actual type
* @returns null if `t` is a subtype of `expected`; otherwise returns an error message
checkSubtype(expected: Type, t: Type): string;
* Expression
export interface Expression {
readonly type: Type;
evaluate(ctx: EvaluationContext): any;
eachChild(fn: (a: Expression) => void): void;
* Statically analyze the expression, attempting to enumerate possible outputs. Returns
* false if the complete set of outputs is statically undecidable, otherwise true.
outputDefined(): boolean;
export type ExpressionParser = (args: ReadonlyArray<unknown>, context: ParsingContext) => Expression;
export type ExpressionRegistration = {
new (...args: any): Expression;
} & {
readonly parse: ExpressionParser;
export type ExpressionRegistry = {
[_: string]: ExpressionRegistration;
* A type used for returning and propagating errors. The first element of the union
* represents success and contains a value, and the second represents an error and
* contains an error value.
* @private
export type Result<T, E> = {
result: "success";
value: T;
} | {
result: "error";
value: E;
export type Stops = Array<[
export type InterpolationType = {
name: "linear";
} | {
name: "exponential";
base: number;
} | {
name: "cubic-bezier";
controlPoints: [
export declare class Interpolate implements Expression {
type: Type;
operator: "interpolate" | "interpolate-hcl" | "interpolate-lab";
interpolation: InterpolationType;
input: Expression;
labels: Array<number>;
outputs: Array<Expression>;
constructor(type: Type, operator: "interpolate" | "interpolate-hcl" | "interpolate-lab", interpolation: InterpolationType, input: Expression, stops: Stops);
static interpolationFactor(interpolation: InterpolationType, input: number, lower: number, upper: number): number;
static parse(args: ReadonlyArray<unknown>, context: ParsingContext): Expression;
evaluate(ctx: EvaluationContext): any;
eachChild(fn: (_: Expression) => void): void;
outputDefined(): boolean;
export type ColorSpecification = string;

@@ -935,437 +1356,2 @@ export type PaddingSpecification = number | number[];

export type LayerSpecification = FillLayerSpecification | LineLayerSpecification | SymbolLayerSpecification | CircleLayerSpecification | HeatmapLayerSpecification | FillExtrusionLayerSpecification | RasterLayerSpecification | HillshadeLayerSpecification | BackgroundLayerSpecification;
* Migrate a Mapbox GL Style to the latest version.
* @private
* @alias migrate
* @param {StyleSpecification} style a MapLibre GL Style
* @returns {StyleSpecification} a migrated style
* @example
* var fs = require('fs');
* var migrate = require('maplibre-gl-style-spec').migrate;
* var style = fs.readFileSync('./style.json', 'utf8');
* fs.writeFileSync('./style.json', JSON.stringify(migrate(style)));
export function migrate(style: StyleSpecification): StyleSpecification;
* Given an array of layers, some of which may contain `ref` properties
* whose value is the `id` of another property, return a new array where
* such layers have been augmented with the 'type', 'source', etc. properties
* from the parent layer, and the `ref` property has been removed.
* The input is not modified. The output may contain references to portions
* of the input.
* @private
* @param {Array<Layer>} layers
* @returns {Array<Layer>}
export declare function derefLayers(layers: any): any;
export declare const operations: {
setStyle: string;
addLayer: string;
removeLayer: string;
setPaintProperty: string;
setLayoutProperty: string;
setFilter: string;
addSource: string;
removeSource: string;
setGeoJSONSourceData: string;
setLayerZoomRange: string;
setLayerProperty: string;
setCenter: string;
setZoom: string;
setBearing: string;
setPitch: string;
setSprite: string;
setGlyphs: string;
setTransition: string;
setLight: string;
declare function diffStyles(before: any, after: any): any[];
export declare class ValidationError {
message: string;
identifier: string;
line: number;
constructor(key: string, value: any & {
__line__: number;
}, message: string, identifier?: string | null);
export declare class ParsingError {
message: string;
error: Error;
line: number;
constructor(error: Error);
declare class ExpressionParsingError extends Error {
key: string;
message: string;
constructor(key: string, message: string);
* An RGBA color value. Create instances from color strings using the static
* method `Color.parse`. The constructor accepts RGB channel values in the range
* `[0, 1]`, premultiplied by A.
* @param {number} r The red channel.
* @param {number} g The green channel.
* @param {number} b The blue channel.
* @param {number} a The alpha channel.
* @private
export declare class Color {
r: number;
g: number;
b: number;
a: number;
constructor(r: number, g: number, b: number, a?: number);
static black: Color;
static white: Color;
static transparent: Color;
static red: Color;
* Parses valid CSS color strings and returns a `Color` instance.
* @param input A valid CSS color string.
* @returns A `Color` instance, or `undefined` if the input is not a valid color string.
static parse(input?: string | Color | null): Color | void;
* Returns an RGBA string representing the color value.
* @returns An RGBA string.
* @example
* var purple = new Color.parse('purple');
* purple.toString; // = "rgba(128,0,128,1)"
* var translucentGreen = new Color.parse('rgba(26, 207, 26, .73)');
* translucentGreen.toString(); // = "rgba(26,207,26,0.73)"
toString(): string;
toArray(): [
declare class Intl$Collator {
constructor(locales?: string | string[], options?: CollatorOptions);
compare(a: string, b: string): number;
resolvedOptions(): any;
export type CollatorOptions = {
localeMatcher?: "lookup" | "best fit";
usage?: "sort" | "search";
sensitivity?: "base" | "accent" | "case" | "variant";
ignorePunctuation?: boolean;
numeric?: boolean;
caseFirst?: "upper" | "lower" | "false";
declare class Collator {
locale: string | null;
sensitivity: "base" | "accent" | "case" | "variant";
collator: Intl$Collator;
constructor(caseSensitive: boolean, diacriticSensitive: boolean, locale: string | null);
compare(lhs: string, rhs: string): number;
resolvedLocale(): string;
export type ResolvedImageOptions = {
name: string;
available: boolean;
export declare class ResolvedImage {
name: string;
available: boolean;
constructor(options: ResolvedImageOptions);
toString(): string;
static fromString(name: string): ResolvedImage | null;
export declare class FormattedSection {
text: string;
image: ResolvedImage | null;
scale: number | null;
fontStack: string | null;
textColor: Color | null;
constructor(text: string, image: ResolvedImage | null, scale: number | null, fontStack: string | null, textColor: Color | null);
export declare class Formatted {
sections: Array<FormattedSection>;
constructor(sections: Array<FormattedSection>);
static fromString(unformatted: string): Formatted;
isEmpty(): boolean;
static factory(text: Formatted | string): Formatted;
toString(): string;
* A set of four numbers representing padding around a box. Create instances from
* bare arrays or numeric values using the static method `Padding.parse`.
* @private
export declare class Padding {
/** Padding values are in CSS order: top, right, bottom, left */
values: [
constructor(values: [
* Numeric padding values
* @param input
* @returns A `Padding` instance, or `undefined` if the input is not a valid padding value.
static parse(input?: number | number[] | Padding | null): Padding | void;
toString(): string;
export type NullTypeT = {
kind: "null";
export type NumberTypeT = {
kind: "number";
export type StringTypeT = {
kind: "string";
export type BooleanTypeT = {
kind: "boolean";
export type ColorTypeT = {
kind: "color";
export type ObjectTypeT = {
kind: "object";
export type ValueTypeT = {
kind: "value";
export type ErrorTypeT = {
kind: "error";
export type CollatorTypeT = {
kind: "collator";
export type FormattedTypeT = {
kind: "formatted";
export type PaddingTypeT = {
kind: "padding";
export type ResolvedImageTypeT = {
kind: "resolvedImage";
export type EvaluationKind = "constant" | "source" | "camera" | "composite";
export type Type = NullTypeT | NumberTypeT | StringTypeT | BooleanTypeT | ColorTypeT | ObjectTypeT | ValueTypeT | ArrayType | ErrorTypeT | CollatorTypeT | FormattedTypeT | PaddingTypeT | ResolvedImageTypeT;
export type ArrayType = {
kind: "array";
itemType: Type;
N: number;
export declare const NullType: NullTypeT;
export declare const ColorType: ColorTypeT;
export declare const FormattedType: FormattedTypeT;
export declare function toString(type: Type): string;
export type Value = null | string | boolean | number | Color | Collator | Formatted | Padding | ResolvedImage | ReadonlyArray<Value> | {
readonly [x: string]: Value;
export declare function typeOf(value: Value): Type;
export interface ICanonicalTileID {
z: number;
x: number;
y: number;
key: string;
equals(id: ICanonicalTileID): {};
url(urls: Array<string>, pixelRatio: number, scheme: string | null): {};
isChildOf(parent: ICanonicalTileID): {};
getTilePoint(coord: IMercatorCoordinate): {};
toString(): {};
export interface IMercatorCoordinate {
x: number;
y: number;
toLngLat(): {};
toAltitude(): {};
meterInMercatorCoordinateUnits(): {};
export interface ILngLat {
wrap(): {};
toArray(): {};
toString(): {};
distanceTo(lngLat: ILngLat): {};
convert(input: ILngLatLike): ILngLat;
export type ILngLatLike = ILngLat | {
lng: number;
lat: number;
} | {
lon: number;
lat: number;
} | [
export declare class EvaluationContext {
globals: GlobalProperties;
feature: Feature;
featureState: FeatureState;
formattedSection: FormattedSection;
availableImages: Array<string>;
canonical: ICanonicalTileID;
_parseColorCache: {
[_: string]: Color;
id(): any;
geometryType(): string;
geometry(): import("@mapbox/point-geometry")[][];
canonicalID(): ICanonicalTileID;
properties(): {
[_: string]: any;
parseColor(input: string): Color;
declare class Scope {
parent: Scope;
bindings: {
[_: string]: Expression;
constructor(parent?: Scope, bindings?: Array<[
concat(bindings: Array<[
]>): Scope;
get(name: string): Expression;
has(name: string): boolean;
declare class ParsingContext {
registry: ExpressionRegistry;
path: Array<number>;
key: string;
scope: Scope;
errors: Array<ExpressionParsingError>;
expectedType: Type;
* Internal delegate to inConstant function to avoid circular dependency to CompoundExpression
private _isConstant;
constructor(registry: ExpressionRegistry, isConstantFunc: (expression: Expression) => boolean, path?: Array<number>, expectedType?: Type | null, scope?: Scope, errors?: Array<ExpressionParsingError>);
* @param expr the JSON expression to parse
* @param index the optional argument index if this expression is an argument of a parent expression that's being parsed
* @param options
* @param options.omitTypeAnnotations set true to omit inferred type annotations. Caller beware: with this option set, the parsed expression's type will NOT satisfy `expectedType` if it would normally be wrapped in an inferred annotation.
* @private
parse(expr: unknown, index?: number, expectedType?: Type | null, bindings?: Array<[
]>, options?: {
typeAnnotation?: "assert" | "coerce" | "omit";
}): Expression;
_parse(expr: unknown, options: {
typeAnnotation?: "assert" | "coerce" | "omit";
}): Expression;
* Returns a copy of this context suitable for parsing the subexpression at
* index `index`, optionally appending to 'let' binding map.
* Note that `errors` property, intended for collecting errors while
* parsing, is copied by reference rather than cloned.
* @private
concat(index: number, expectedType?: Type | null, bindings?: Array<[
]>): ParsingContext;
* Push a parsing (or type checking) error into the `this.errors`
* @param error The message
* @param keys Optionally specify the source of the error at a child
* of the current expression at `this.key`.
* @private
error(error: string, ...keys: Array<number>): void;
* Returns null if `t` is a subtype of `expected`; otherwise returns an
* error message and also pushes it to `this.errors`.
* @param expected The expected type
* @param t The actual type
* @returns null if `t` is a subtype of `expected`; otherwise returns an error message
checkSubtype(expected: Type, t: Type): string;
* Expression
export interface Expression {
readonly type: Type;
evaluate(ctx: EvaluationContext): any;
eachChild(fn: (a: Expression) => void): void;
* Statically analyze the expression, attempting to enumerate possible outputs. Returns
* false if the complete set of outputs is statically undecidable, otherwise true.
outputDefined(): boolean;
export type ExpressionParser = (args: ReadonlyArray<unknown>, context: ParsingContext) => Expression;
export type ExpressionRegistration = {
new (...args: any): Expression;
} & {
readonly parse: ExpressionParser;
export type ExpressionRegistry = {
[_: string]: ExpressionRegistration;
* A type used for returning and propagating errors. The first element of the union
* represents success and contains a value, and the second represents an error and
* contains an error value.
* @private
export type Result<T, E> = {
result: "success";
value: T;
} | {
result: "error";
value: E;
export type Stops = Array<[
export type InterpolationType = {
name: "linear";
} | {
name: "exponential";
base: number;
} | {
name: "cubic-bezier";
controlPoints: [
export declare class Interpolate implements Expression {
type: Type;
operator: "interpolate" | "interpolate-hcl" | "interpolate-lab";
interpolation: InterpolationType;
input: Expression;
labels: Array<number>;
outputs: Array<Expression>;
constructor(type: Type, operator: "interpolate" | "interpolate-hcl" | "interpolate-lab", interpolation: InterpolationType, input: Expression, stops: Stops);
static interpolationFactor(interpolation: InterpolationType, input: number, lower: number, upper: number): number;
static parse(args: ReadonlyArray<unknown>, context: ParsingContext): Expression;
evaluate(ctx: EvaluationContext): any;
eachChild(fn: (_: Expression) => void): void;
outputDefined(): boolean;
export type Feature = {

@@ -1372,0 +1358,0 @@ readonly type: 1 | 2 | 3 | "Unknown" | "Point" | "MultiPoint" | "LineString" | "MultiLineString" | "Polygon" | "MultiPolygon";

"name": "@maplibre/maplibre-gl-style-spec",
"description": "a specification for maplibre gl styles",
"version": "18.0.1-pre.8",
"version": "18.0.1-pre.9",
"author": "MapLibre",

@@ -6,0 +6,0 @@ "keywords": [

@@ -70,3 +70,2 @@ type ExpressionType = 'data-driven' | 'cross-faded' | 'cross-faded-data-driven' | 'color-ramp' | 'data-constant' | 'constant';

import format from './format';
import migrate from './migrate';
import derefLayers from './deref';

@@ -166,3 +165,2 @@ import diff, {operations} from './diff';


@@ -169,0 +167,0 @@ normalizePropertyExpression,

@@ -68,3 +68,2 @@ type ExpressionType = 'data-driven' | 'cross-faded' | 'cross-faded-data-driven' | 'color-ramp' | 'data-constant' | 'constant';

import format from './format';
import migrate from './migrate';
import derefLayers from './deref';

@@ -122,2 +121,2 @@ import diff, { operations } from './diff';

export { Interpolate, InterpolationType, ValidationError, ParsingError, FeatureState, Color, Step, CompoundExpression, Padding, Formatted, ResolvedImage, Feature, EvaluationContext, GlobalProperties, SourceExpression, CompositeExpression, FormattedSection, IMercatorCoordinate, ICanonicalTileID, ILngLat, ILngLatLike, StyleExpression, ZoomConstantExpression, Literal, Type, StylePropertyFunction, StylePropertyExpression, ZoomDependentExpression, FormatExpression, latest, interpolateFactory, validate, validateStyleMin, groupByLayout, emptyStyle, format, migrate, derefLayers, normalizePropertyExpression, isExpression, diff, supportsPropertyExpression, convertFunction, createExpression, isFunction, createFunction, createPropertyExpression, convertFilter, featureFilter, typeOf, toString, ColorType, interpolates, v8, NullType, styleFunction as function, visit, operations, expressions, expression, FormattedType, };
export { Interpolate, InterpolationType, ValidationError, ParsingError, FeatureState, Color, Step, CompoundExpression, Padding, Formatted, ResolvedImage, Feature, EvaluationContext, GlobalProperties, SourceExpression, CompositeExpression, FormattedSection, IMercatorCoordinate, ICanonicalTileID, ILngLat, ILngLatLike, StyleExpression, ZoomConstantExpression, Literal, Type, StylePropertyFunction, StylePropertyExpression, ZoomDependentExpression, FormatExpression, latest, interpolateFactory, validate, validateStyleMin, groupByLayout, emptyStyle, format, derefLayers, normalizePropertyExpression, isExpression, diff, supportsPropertyExpression, convertFunction, createExpression, isFunction, createFunction, createPropertyExpression, convertFilter, featureFilter, typeOf, toString, ColorType, interpolates, v8, NullType, styleFunction as function, visit, operations, expressions, expression, FormattedType, };

@@ -5,3 +5,2 @@ import v8Spec from './reference/v8.json' assert { type: 'json' };

import format from './format';
import migrate from './migrate';
import derefLayers from './deref';

@@ -53,3 +52,3 @@ import diff, { operations } from './diff';

const visit = { eachLayer, eachProperty, eachSource };
export { Interpolate, ValidationError, ParsingError, Color, Step, CompoundExpression, Padding, Formatted, ResolvedImage, EvaluationContext, FormattedSection, StyleExpression, ZoomConstantExpression, Literal, StylePropertyFunction, ZoomDependentExpression, FormatExpression, latest, interpolateFactory, validate, validateStyleMin, groupByLayout, emptyStyle, format, migrate, derefLayers, normalizePropertyExpression, isExpression, diff, supportsPropertyExpression, convertFunction, createExpression, isFunction, createFunction, createPropertyExpression, convertFilter, featureFilter, typeOf, toString, ColorType, interpolates, v8, NullType, styleFunction as function, visit, operations, expressions, expression, FormattedType, };
export { Interpolate, ValidationError, ParsingError, Color, Step, CompoundExpression, Padding, Formatted, ResolvedImage, EvaluationContext, FormattedSection, StyleExpression, ZoomConstantExpression, Literal, StylePropertyFunction, ZoomDependentExpression, FormatExpression, latest, interpolateFactory, validate, validateStyleMin, groupByLayout, emptyStyle, format, derefLayers, normalizePropertyExpression, isExpression, diff, supportsPropertyExpression, convertFunction, createExpression, isFunction, createFunction, createPropertyExpression, convertFilter, featureFilter, typeOf, toString, ColorType, interpolates, v8, NullType, styleFunction as function, visit, operations, expressions, expression, FormattedType, };

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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