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@material-ui/pickers - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 4.0.0-alpha.10 to 4.0.0-alpha.11




@@ -36,2 +36,3 @@ import { ParsableDate } from '../constants/prop-types';

* Min selectable date. @DateIOType
* @default Date(1900-01-01)

@@ -42,2 +43,3 @@ */

* Max selectable date. @DateIOType
* @default Date(2099-31-12)

@@ -52,2 +54,3 @@ */

* Disable past dates.
* @default false

@@ -58,2 +61,3 @@ */

* Disable future dates.
* @default false

@@ -60,0 +64,0 @@ */

@@ -29,2 +29,3 @@ import { ParsableDate } from '../constants/prop-types';

* Do not ignore date part when validating min/max time.
* @default false

@@ -31,0 +32,0 @@ */



@@ -41,3 +41,3 @@ import * as React from 'react';

export declare const useStyles: (props?: any) => Record<"hidden" | "root" | "iconButton" | "previousMonthButtonMargin", string>;
export declare const ArrowSwitcher: React.NamedExoticComponent<ArrowSwitcherProps>;
export declare const ArrowSwitcher: React.MemoExoticComponent<React.ForwardRefExoticComponent<Pick<ArrowSwitcherProps, "name" | "cite" | "data" | "form" | "label" | "slot" | "span" | "style" | "summary" | "title" | "pattern" | "text" | "children" | "value" | "className" | "color" | "key" | "defaultChecked" | "defaultValue" | "suppressContentEditableWarning" | "suppressHydrationWarning" | "accessKey" | "contentEditable" | "contextMenu" | "dir" | "draggable" | "hidden" | "id" | "lang" | "placeholder" | "spellCheck" | "tabIndex" | "translate" | "radioGroup" | "role" | "about" | "datatype" | "inlist" | "prefix" | "property" | "resource" | "typeof" | "vocab" | "autoCapitalize" | "autoCorrect" | "autoSave" | "itemProp" | "itemScope" | "itemType" | "itemID" | "itemRef" | "results" | "security" | "unselectable" | "inputMode" | "is" | "aria-activedescendant" | "aria-atomic" | "aria-autocomplete" | "aria-busy" | "aria-checked" | "aria-colcount" | "aria-colindex" | "aria-colspan" | "aria-controls" | "aria-current" | "aria-describedby" | "aria-details" | "aria-disabled" | "aria-dropeffect" | "aria-errormessage" | "aria-expanded" | "aria-flowto" | "aria-grabbed" | "aria-haspopup" | "aria-hidden" | "aria-invalid" | "aria-keyshortcuts" | "aria-label" | "aria-labelledby" | "aria-level" | "aria-live" | "aria-modal" | "aria-multiline" | "aria-multiselectable" | "aria-orientation" | "aria-owns" | "aria-placeholder" | "aria-posinset" | "aria-pressed" | "aria-readonly" | "aria-relevant" | "aria-required" | "aria-roledescription" | "aria-rowcount" | "aria-rowindex" | "aria-rowspan" | "aria-selected" | "aria-setsize" | "aria-sort" | "aria-valuemax" | "aria-valuemin" | "aria-valuenow" | "aria-valuetext" | "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" | "onCopy" | "onCopyCapture" | "onCut" | "onCutCapture" | "onPaste" | "onPasteCapture" | "onCompositionEnd" | "onCompositionEndCapture" | "onCompositionStart" | "onCompositionStartCapture" | "onCompositionUpdate" | "onCompositionUpdateCapture" | "onFocus" | "onFocusCapture" | "onBlur" | "onBlurCapture" | "onChange" | "onChangeCapture" | "onBeforeInput" | "onBeforeInputCapture" | "onInput" | "onInputCapture" | "onReset" | "onResetCapture" | "onSubmit" | "onSubmitCapture" | "onInvalid" | "onInvalidCapture" | "onLoad" | "onLoadCapture" | "onError" | "onErrorCapture" | "onKeyDown" | "onKeyDownCapture" | "onKeyPress" | "onKeyPressCapture" | "onKeyUp" | "onKeyUpCapture" | "onAbort" | "onAbortCapture" | "onCanPlay" | "onCanPlayCapture" | "onCanPlayThrough" | "onCanPlayThroughCapture" | "onDurationChange" | "onDurationChangeCapture" | "onEmptied" | "onEmptiedCapture" | "onEncrypted" | "onEncryptedCapture" | "onEnded" | "onEndedCapture" | "onLoadedData" | "onLoadedDataCapture" | "onLoadedMetadata" | "onLoadedMetadataCapture" | "onLoadStart" | "onLoadStartCapture" | "onPause" | "onPauseCapture" | "onPlay" | "onPlayCapture" | "onPlaying" | "onPlayingCapture" | "onProgress" | "onProgressCapture" | "onRateChange" | "onRateChangeCapture" | "onSeeked" | "onSeekedCapture" | "onSeeking" | "onSeekingCapture" | "onStalled" | "onStalledCapture" | "onSuspend" | "onSuspendCapture" | "onTimeUpdate" | "onTimeUpdateCapture" | "onVolumeChange" | "onVolumeChangeCapture" | "onWaiting" | "onWaitingCapture" | "onAuxClick" | "onAuxClickCapture" | "onClick" | "onClickCapture" | "onContextMenu" | "onContextMenuCapture" | "onDoubleClick" | "onDoubleClickCapture" | "onDrag" | "onDragCapture" | "onDragEnd" | "onDragEndCapture" | "onDragEnter" | "onDragEnterCapture" | "onDragExit" | "onDragExitCapture" | "onDragLeave" | "onDragLeaveCapture" | "onDragOver" | "onDragOverCapture" | "onDragStart" | "onDragStartCapture" | "onDrop" | "onDropCapture" | "onMouseDown" | "onMouseDownCapture" | "onMouseEnter" | "onMouseLeave" | "onMouseMove" | "onMouseMoveCapture" | "onMouseOut" | "onMouseOutCapture" | "onMouseOver" | "onMouseOverCapture" | "onMouseUp" | "onMouseUpCapture" | "onSelect" | "onSelectCapture" | "onTouchCancel" | "onTouchCancelCapture" | "onTouchEnd" | "onTouchEndCapture" | "onTouchMove" | "onTouchMoveCapture" | "onTouchStart" | "onTouchStartCapture" | "onPointerDown" | "onPointerDownCapture" | "onPointerMove" | "onPointerMoveCapture" | "onPointerUp" | "onPointerUpCapture" | "onPointerCancel" | "onPointerCancelCapture" | "onPointerEnter" | "onPointerEnterCapture" | "onPointerLeave" | "onPointerLeaveCapture" | "onPointerOver" | "onPointerOverCapture" | "onPointerOut" | "onPointerOutCapture" | "onGotPointerCapture" | "onGotPointerCaptureCapture" | "onLostPointerCapture" | "onLostPointerCaptureCapture" | "onScroll" | "onScrollCapture" | "onWheel" | "onWheelCapture" | "onAnimationStart" | "onAnimationStartCapture" | "onAnimationEnd" | "onAnimationEndCapture" | "onAnimationIteration" | "onAnimationIterationCapture" | "onTransitionEnd" | "onTransitionEndCapture" | "media" | "content" | "height" | "width" | "start" | "size" | "default" | "wrap" | "open" | "multiple" | "disabled" | "selected" | "max" | "method" | "min" | "target" | "type" | "crossOrigin" | "href" | "classID" | "useMap" | "wmode" | "download" | "hrefLang" | "rel" | "alt" | "coords" | "shape" | "autoPlay" | "controls" | "loop" | "mediaGroup" | "muted" | "playsInline" | "preload" | "src" | "autoFocus" | "formAction" | "formEncType" | "formMethod" | "formNoValidate" | "formTarget" | "dateTime" | "acceptCharset" | "action" | "autoComplete" | "encType" | "noValidate" | "manifest" | "allowFullScreen" | "allowTransparency" | "frameBorder" | "marginHeight" | "marginWidth" | "sandbox" | "scrolling" | "seamless" | "srcDoc" | "sizes" | "srcSet" | "async" | "accept" | "capture" | "checked" | "list" | "maxLength" | "minLength" | "readOnly" | "required" | "step" | "challenge" | "keyType" | "keyParams" | "htmlFor" | "as" | "integrity" | "charSet" | "httpEquiv" | "high" | "low" | "optimum" | "reversed" | "defer" | "nonce" | "scoped" | "cellPadding" | "cellSpacing" | "colSpan" | "headers" | "rowSpan" | "scope" | "cols" | "rows" | "kind" | "srcLang" | "poster" | "leftArrowIcon" | "rightArrowIcon" | "leftArrowButtonProps" | "rightArrowButtonProps" | "leftArrowButtonText" | "rightArrowButtonText" | "isLeftDisabled" | "isLeftHidden" | "isRightDisabled" | "isRightHidden" | "onLeftClick" | "onRightClick"> & React.RefAttributes<HTMLDivElement>>>;
export {};
import { IUtils } from '@date-io/core/IUtils';
export declare type MuiPickersAdapter<TDate = unknown> = IUtils<TDate>;
export declare function useUtils(): MuiPickersAdapter<unknown>;
export declare function useUtils(): MuiPickersAdapter;
export declare function useNow(): unknown;

@@ -6,2 +6,3 @@ import * as React from 'react';

* "OK" button text.
* @default "OK"

@@ -12,2 +13,3 @@ */

* "CANCEL" Text message
* @default "CANCEL"

@@ -18,2 +20,3 @@ */

* "CLEAR" Text message
* @default "CLEAR"

@@ -24,2 +27,3 @@ */

* "TODAY" Text message
* @default "TODAY"

@@ -30,2 +34,3 @@ */

* If `true`, it shows the clear action in the picker dialog.
* @default false

@@ -36,2 +41,3 @@ */

* If `true`, the today button will be displayed. **Note** that `showClearButton` has a higher priority.
* @default false

@@ -50,2 +56,3 @@ */

export declare const useStyles: (props?: any) => Record<"dialog" | "dialogRoot" | "dialogRootWider" | "dialogContainer" | "dialogAction" | "withAdditionalAction", string>;
export declare const PickersModalDialog: React.FC<PickerModalDialogProps>;
declare const PickersModalDialog: React.FC<PickerModalDialogProps>;
export default PickersModalDialog;

@@ -5,3 +5,3 @@ import * as React from 'react';

import { TrapFocusProps } from '@material-ui/core/Unstable_TrapFocus';
import { TransitionProps } from '@material-ui/core/transitions/transition';
import { TransitionProps } from '@material-ui/core/transitions';
export interface ExportedPickerPopperProps {

@@ -8,0 +8,0 @@ /**

import * as React from 'react';
import { ParsableDate } from '../constants/prop-types';
import { TextFieldProps } from '@material-ui/core/TextField';
import { IconButtonProps } from '@material-ui/core/IconButton';
import { InputAdornmentProps } from '@material-ui/core/InputAdornment';
import { ParsableDate } from '../constants/prop-types';
import { MuiPickersAdapter } from './hooks/useUtils';
import { InputAdornmentProps } from '@material-ui/core/InputAdornment';
export declare type MuiTextFieldProps = TextFieldProps | Omit<TextFieldProps, 'variant'>;

@@ -33,3 +33,3 @@ export interface DateInputProps<TInputValue = ParsableDate<unknown>, TDateValue = unknown> {

* Icon displaying for open picker button.
* */
openPickerIcon?: React.ReactNode;

@@ -41,3 +41,4 @@ /**

*Regular expression to detect "accepted" symbols.
* Regular expression to detect "accepted" symbols.
* @default /\dap/gi

@@ -48,2 +49,3 @@ */

* Props to pass to keyboard input adornment.
* @type {Partial<InputAdornmentProps>}

@@ -54,2 +56,3 @@ */

* Props to pass to keyboard adornment button.
* @type {Partial<IconButtonProps>}

@@ -64,2 +67,3 @@ */

* Do not render open picker button (renders only text field with validation).
* @default false

@@ -70,2 +74,3 @@ */

* Disable mask on the keyboard, this should be used rarely. Consider passing proper mask for your format.
* @default false

@@ -76,2 +81,3 @@ */

* Get aria-label text for control that opens picker dialog. Aria-label text must include selected date. @DateIOType
* @default (value, utils) => `Choose date, selected date is ${utils.format(, 'fullDate')}`

@@ -78,0 +84,0 @@ */

import * as React from 'react';
import { ButtonProps } from '@material-ui/core/Button';
import { TypographyProps } from '@material-ui/core/Typography';
import { ExtendMui } from '../typings/helpers';
import { TypographyProps } from '@material-ui/core/Typography';
export interface ToolbarButtonProps extends ExtendMui<ButtonProps, 'value' | 'variant'> {

@@ -6,0 +6,0 @@ align?: TypographyProps['align'];

@@ -5,3 +5,3 @@ import * as React from 'react';

* Allows to pass configured date-io adapter directly. More info [here](
* Allows to pass configured date-io adapter directly. More info [here](
* ```jsx

@@ -8,0 +8,0 @@ * dateAdapter={new DateFnsAdapter({ locale: ruLocale })}

@@ -5,13 +5,13 @@ import _defineProperty from '@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/defineProperty';

import 'prop-types';
import '@material-ui/styles/getThemeProps';
import { makeStyles, useTheme } from '@material-ui/core/styles';
import { w as withDefaultProps } from './LocalizationProvider-24410efe.js';
import { D as DAY_MARGIN, a as useNow, u as useUtils, b as DAY_SIZE } from './dimensions-2cbdfb98.js';
import './LocalizationProvider.js';
import { D as DAY_MARGIN, w as withDefaultProps, a as useNow, u as useUtils, b as DAY_SIZE } from './dimensions-3ff816e9.js';
import _extends from '@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends';
import clsx from 'clsx';
import Typography from '@material-ui/core/Typography';
import { makeStyles, useTheme } from '@material-ui/core/styles';
import '@material-ui/styles/getThemeProps';
import '@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/slicedToArray';
import '@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/typeof';
import './useCanAutoFocus-1eacc580.js';
import { u as useGlobalKeyDown, k as keycode } from './useKeyDown-b5264e56.js';
import { u as useGlobalKeyDown, k as keycode } from './useKeyDown-5aaf69f9.js';
import '@material-ui/core/ButtonBase';

@@ -92,5 +92,5 @@ import { TransitionGroup, CSSTransition } from 'react-transition-group';

// @ts-ignore
enter: classes['slideEnter-' + slideDirection],
enter: classes["slideEnter-".concat(slideDirection)],
// @ts-ignore
exitActive: classes['slideExitActiveLeft-' + slideDirection]
exitActive: classes["slideExitActiveLeft-".concat(slideDirection)]

@@ -109,5 +109,4 @@ return /*#__PURE__*/createElement(TransitionGroup, {

timeout: slideAnimationDuration,
classNames: transitionClasses,
children: children
}, other)));
classNames: transitionClasses
}, other), children));

@@ -162,28 +161,29 @@

}, muiComponentConfig);
var Calendar = withDefaultProps(muiComponentConfig, function (_ref) {
var Calendar = withDefaultProps(muiComponentConfig, function (props) {
var _useGlobalKeyDown;
var date =,
isMonthSwitchingAnimating = _ref.isMonthSwitchingAnimating,
onMonthSwitchingAnimationEnd = _ref.onMonthSwitchingAnimationEnd,
focusedDay = _ref.focusedDay,
changeFocusedDay = _ref.changeFocusedDay,
onChange = _ref.onChange,
slideDirection = _ref.slideDirection,
currentMonth = _ref.currentMonth,
renderDay = _ref.renderDay,
reduceAnimations = _ref.reduceAnimations,
allowKeyboardControl = _ref.allowKeyboardControl,
isDateDisabled = _ref.isDateDisabled,
disableHighlightToday = _ref.disableHighlightToday,
showDaysOutsideCurrentMonth = _ref.showDaysOutsideCurrentMonth,
className = _ref.className,
loading = _ref.loading,
_ref$renderLoading = _ref.renderLoading,
renderLoading = _ref$renderLoading === void 0 ? function () {
var allowKeyboardControl = props.allowKeyboardControl,
allowSameDateSelection = props.allowSameDateSelection,
changeFocusedDay = props.changeFocusedDay,
className = props.className,
currentMonth = props.currentMonth,
date =,
disableHighlightToday = props.disableHighlightToday,
focusedDay = props.focusedDay,
isDateDisabled = props.isDateDisabled,
isMonthSwitchingAnimating = props.isMonthSwitchingAnimating,
loading = props.loading,
onChange = props.onChange,
onMonthSwitchingAnimationEnd = props.onMonthSwitchingAnimationEnd,
reduceAnimations = props.reduceAnimations,
renderDay = props.renderDay,
_props$renderLoading = props.renderLoading,
renderLoading = _props$renderLoading === void 0 ? function () {
return /*#__PURE__*/createElement("span", {
"data-mui-test": "loading-progress"
}, "...");
} : _ref$renderLoading,
TransitionProps = _ref.TransitionProps;
} : _props$renderLoading,
showDaysOutsideCurrentMonth = props.showDaysOutsideCurrentMonth,
slideDirection = props.slideDirection,
TransitionProps = props.TransitionProps;
var now = useNow();

@@ -229,5 +229,4 @@ var utils = useUtils();

variant: "caption",
className: classes.weekDayLabel,
children: day.charAt(0).toUpperCase()
className: classes.weekDayLabel
}, day.charAt(0).toUpperCase());
})), loading ? /*#__PURE__*/createElement("div", {

@@ -250,3 +249,3 @@ className: classes.loadingContainer

}, (day) {
var _ref2;
var _ref;

@@ -256,3 +255,3 @@ var disabled = isDateDisabled(day);

var dayProps = {
key: (_ref2 = day) === null || _ref2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _ref2.toString(),
key: (_ref = day) === null || _ref === void 0 ? void 0 : _ref.toString(),
day: day,

@@ -263,2 +262,3 @@ role: 'cell',

allowKeyboardControl: allowKeyboardControl,
allowSameDateSelection: allowSameDateSelection,
focused: allowKeyboardControl && Boolean(focusedDay) && utils.isSameDay(day, focusedDay),

@@ -265,0 +265,0 @@ today: utils.isSameDay(day, now),

@@ -5,13 +5,13 @@ import '@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/defineProperty';

import 'prop-types';
import '@material-ui/styles/getThemeProps';
import { makeStyles } from '@material-ui/core/styles';
import { w as withDefaultProps } from './LocalizationProvider-24410efe.js';
import { D as DAY_MARGIN, b as DAY_SIZE } from './dimensions-2cbdfb98.js';
import './LocalizationProvider.js';
import { D as DAY_MARGIN, w as withDefaultProps, b as DAY_SIZE } from './dimensions-3ff816e9.js';
import _extends from '@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends';
import clsx from 'clsx';
import '@material-ui/core/Typography';
import { makeStyles } from '@material-ui/core/styles';
import '@material-ui/styles/getThemeProps';
import '@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/slicedToArray';
import '@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/typeof';
import './useCanAutoFocus-1eacc580.js';
import './useKeyDown-b5264e56.js';
import './useKeyDown-5aaf69f9.js';
import '@material-ui/core/ButtonBase';

@@ -38,5 +38,5 @@ import 'react-transition-group';

var monthMap = [[0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0]];
var CalendarSkeleton = withDefaultProps(muiComponentConfig, function (_ref) {
var className = _ref.className,
other = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref, ["className"]);
var CalendarSkeleton = withDefaultProps(muiComponentConfig, function (props) {
var className = props.className,
other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["className"]);

@@ -51,5 +51,5 @@ var classes = useStyles();

className: calendarClasses.week
}, (day, index) {
}, (day, index2) {
return /*#__PURE__*/createElement(Skeleton, {
key: index,
key: index2,
variant: "circle",

@@ -56,0 +56,0 @@ width: DAY_SIZE,

@@ -5,12 +5,12 @@ import '@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/defineProperty';

import 'prop-types';
import '@material-ui/styles/getThemeProps';
import '@material-ui/core/styles';
import './LocalizationProvider-24410efe.js';
import './dimensions-2cbdfb98.js';
import './LocalizationProvider.js';
import './dimensions-3ff816e9.js';
import '@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends';
import 'clsx';
import '@material-ui/core/Typography';
import '@material-ui/core/styles';
import '@material-ui/core/IconButton';
export { C as Clock, u as useStyles } from './Clock-156019bb.js';
import './useKeyDown-b5264e56.js';
import '@material-ui/styles/getThemeProps';
export { C as Clock, u as useStyles } from './Clock-30866969.js';
import './useKeyDown-5aaf69f9.js';
import '@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/classCallCheck';

@@ -17,0 +17,0 @@ import '@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/createClass';

@@ -5,20 +5,20 @@ import '@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/defineProperty';

import 'prop-types';
import '@material-ui/styles/getThemeProps';
import '@material-ui/core/styles';
import './LocalizationProvider-24410efe.js';
import './dimensions-2cbdfb98.js';
import './LocalizationProvider.js';
import './dimensions-3ff816e9.js';
import '@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends';
import 'clsx';
import '@material-ui/core/Typography';
import '@material-ui/core/styles';
import '@material-ui/core/Grid';
import '@material-ui/core/Typography';
import '@material-ui/core/IconButton';
import '@material-ui/core/Toolbar';
import '@material-ui/core/utils';
export { C as ClockView, u as useStyles } from './ClockView-24430b1f.js';
export { C as ClockView, u as useStyles } from './ClockView-cfa6b504.js';
import '@material-ui/styles/getThemeProps';
import '@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/slicedToArray';
import '@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/typeof';
import './useCanAutoFocus-1eacc580.js';
import './Clock-156019bb.js';
import './Clock-30866969.js';
import '@material-ui/core/Button';
import './useKeyDown-b5264e56.js';
import './useKeyDown-5aaf69f9.js';
import '@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/classCallCheck';

@@ -25,0 +25,0 @@ import '@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/createClass';

@@ -5,22 +5,22 @@ import '@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/defineProperty';

import 'prop-types';
import '@material-ui/styles/getThemeProps';
import '@material-ui/core/styles';
import './LocalizationProvider-24410efe.js';
import './dimensions-2cbdfb98.js';
import './LocalizationProvider.js';
import './dimensions-3ff816e9.js';
import '@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends';
import 'clsx';
import '@material-ui/core/Typography';
import '@material-ui/core/styles';
import '@material-ui/core/Grid';
import '@material-ui/core/Typography';
import '@material-ui/core/IconButton';
import '@material-ui/core/Toolbar';
import '@material-ui/core/utils';
import './ClockView-24430b1f.js';
import './ClockView-cfa6b504.js';
import '@material-ui/styles/getThemeProps';
import '@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/slicedToArray';
import '@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/typeof';
import './useCanAutoFocus-1eacc580.js';
import './Picker-2424ad9f.js';
export { a as DatePicker, b as DesktopDatePicker, M as MobileDatePicker, S as StaticDatePicker } from './DatePicker-1f77985c.js';
import './Picker-607b95da.js';
export { a as DatePicker, b as DesktopDatePicker, M as MobileDatePicker, S as StaticDatePicker } from './DatePicker-ba8d102d.js';
import '@material-ui/core/useMediaQuery';
import './makePickerWithState-15a55d85.js';
import './Clock-156019bb.js';
import './makePickerWithState-ad2989cf.js';
import './Clock-30866969.js';
import '@material-ui/core/Button';

@@ -36,3 +36,3 @@ import '@material-ui/core/DialogActions';

import '@material-ui/core/Unstable_TrapFocus';
import './useKeyDown-b5264e56.js';
import './useKeyDown-5aaf69f9.js';
import '@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/classCallCheck';

@@ -39,0 +39,0 @@ import '@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/createClass';

@@ -1,4 +0,4 @@

export declare const DateRangeDelimiter: import("react").FC<Pick<import("@material-ui/core/OverridableComponent").DefaultComponentProps<import("@material-ui/core/Typography").TypographyTypeMap<{}, "span">>, "ref" | "slot" | "style" | "title" | "children" | "innerRef" | "key" | "defaultChecked" | "defaultValue" | "suppressContentEditableWarning" | "suppressHydrationWarning" | "accessKey" | "contentEditable" | "contextMenu" | "dir" | "draggable" | "hidden" | "id" | "lang" | "placeholder" | "spellCheck" | "tabIndex" | "translate" | "radioGroup" | "role" | "about" | "datatype" | "inlist" | "prefix" | "property" | "resource" | "typeof" | "vocab" | "autoCapitalize" | "autoCorrect" | "autoSave" | "color" | "itemProp" | "itemScope" | "itemType" | "itemID" | "itemRef" | "results" | "security" | "unselectable" | "inputMode" | "is" | "aria-activedescendant" | "aria-atomic" | "aria-autocomplete" | "aria-busy" | "aria-checked" | "aria-colcount" | "aria-colindex" | "aria-colspan" | "aria-controls" | "aria-current" | "aria-describedby" | "aria-details" | "aria-disabled" | "aria-dropeffect" | "aria-errormessage" | "aria-expanded" | "aria-flowto" | "aria-grabbed" | "aria-haspopup" | "aria-hidden" | "aria-invalid" | "aria-keyshortcuts" | "aria-label" | "aria-labelledby" | "aria-level" | "aria-live" | "aria-modal" | "aria-multiline" | "aria-multiselectable" | "aria-orientation" | "aria-owns" | "aria-placeholder" | "aria-posinset" | "aria-pressed" | "aria-readonly" | "aria-relevant" | "aria-required" | "aria-roledescription" | "aria-rowcount" | "aria-rowindex" | "aria-rowspan" | "aria-selected" | "aria-setsize" | "aria-sort" | "aria-valuemax" | "aria-valuemin" | "aria-valuenow" | "aria-valuetext" | "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" | "onCopy" | "onCopyCapture" | "onCut" | "onCutCapture" | "onPaste" | "onPasteCapture" | "onCompositionEnd" | "onCompositionEndCapture" | "onCompositionStart" | "onCompositionStartCapture" | "onCompositionUpdate" | "onCompositionUpdateCapture" | "onFocus" | "onFocusCapture" | "onBlur" | "onBlurCapture" | "onChange" | "onChangeCapture" | "onBeforeInput" | "onBeforeInputCapture" | "onInput" | "onInputCapture" | "onReset" | "onResetCapture" | "onSubmit" | "onSubmitCapture" | "onInvalid" | "onInvalidCapture" | "onLoad" | "onLoadCapture" | "onError" | "onErrorCapture" | "onKeyDown" | "onKeyDownCapture" | "onKeyPress" | "onKeyPressCapture" | "onKeyUp" | "onKeyUpCapture" | "onAbort" | "onAbortCapture" | "onCanPlay" | "onCanPlayCapture" | "onCanPlayThrough" | "onCanPlayThroughCapture" | "onDurationChange" | "onDurationChangeCapture" | "onEmptied" | "onEmptiedCapture" | "onEncrypted" | "onEncryptedCapture" | "onEnded" | "onEndedCapture" | "onLoadedData" | "onLoadedDataCapture" | "onLoadedMetadata" | "onLoadedMetadataCapture" | "onLoadStart" | "onLoadStartCapture" | "onPause" | "onPauseCapture" | "onPlay" | "onPlayCapture" | "onPlaying" | "onPlayingCapture" | "onProgress" | "onProgressCapture" | "onRateChange" | "onRateChangeCapture" | "onSeeked" | "onSeekedCapture" | "onSeeking" | "onSeekingCapture" | "onStalled" | "onStalledCapture" | "onSuspend" | "onSuspendCapture" | "onTimeUpdate" | "onTimeUpdateCapture" | "onVolumeChange" | "onVolumeChangeCapture" | "onWaiting" | "onWaitingCapture" | "onAuxClick" | "onAuxClickCapture" | "onClick" | "onClickCapture" | "onContextMenu" | "onContextMenuCapture" | "onDoubleClick" | "onDoubleClickCapture" | "onDrag" | "onDragCapture" | "onDragEnd" | "onDragEndCapture" | "onDragEnter" | "onDragEnterCapture" | "onDragExit" | "onDragExitCapture" | "onDragLeave" | "onDragLeaveCapture" | "onDragOver" | "onDragOverCapture" | "onDragStart" | "onDragStartCapture" | "onDrop" | "onDropCapture" | "onMouseDown" | "onMouseDownCapture" | "onMouseEnter" | "onMouseLeave" | "onMouseMove" | "onMouseMoveCapture" | "onMouseOut" | "onMouseOutCapture" | "onMouseOver" | "onMouseOverCapture" | "onMouseUp" | "onMouseUpCapture" | "onSelect" | "onSelectCapture" | "onTouchCancel" | "onTouchCancelCapture" | "onTouchEnd" | "onTouchEndCapture" | "onTouchMove" | "onTouchMoveCapture" | "onTouchStart" | "onTouchStartCapture" | "onPointerDown" | "onPointerDownCapture" | "onPointerMove" | "onPointerMoveCapture" | "onPointerUp" | "onPointerUpCapture" | "onPointerCancel" | "onPointerCancelCapture" | "onPointerEnter" | "onPointerEnterCapture" | "onPointerLeave" | "onPointerLeaveCapture" | "onPointerOver" | "onPointerOverCapture" | "onPointerOut" | "onPointerOutCapture" | "onGotPointerCapture" | "onGotPointerCaptureCapture" | "onLostPointerCapture" | "onLostPointerCaptureCapture" | "onScroll" | "onScrollCapture" | "onWheel" | "onWheelCapture" | "onAnimationStart" | "onAnimationStartCapture" | "onAnimationEnd" | "onAnimationEndCapture" | "onAnimationIteration" | "onAnimationIterationCapture" | "onTransitionEnd" | "onTransitionEndCapture" | "noWrap" | "gutterBottom" | "paragraph" | "align" | "display" | "variant" | "variantMapping"> & import("@material-ui/core/styles").StyledComponentProps<"root"> & {
export declare const DateRangeDelimiter: import("react").FC<Pick<import("@material-ui/core/OverridableComponent").OverrideProps<import("@material-ui/core/Typography").TypographyTypeMap<{}, "span">, "span">, "ref" | "slot" | "style" | "title" | "children" | "innerRef" | "align" | "color" | "display" | "gutterBottom" | "noWrap" | "paragraph" | "variant" | "variantMapping" | "key" | "defaultChecked" | "defaultValue" | "suppressContentEditableWarning" | "suppressHydrationWarning" | "accessKey" | "contentEditable" | "contextMenu" | "dir" | "draggable" | "hidden" | "id" | "lang" | "placeholder" | "spellCheck" | "tabIndex" | "translate" | "radioGroup" | "role" | "about" | "datatype" | "inlist" | "prefix" | "property" | "resource" | "typeof" | "vocab" | "autoCapitalize" | "autoCorrect" | "autoSave" | "itemProp" | "itemScope" | "itemType" | "itemID" | "itemRef" | "results" | "security" | "unselectable" | "inputMode" | "is" | "aria-activedescendant" | "aria-atomic" | "aria-autocomplete" | "aria-busy" | "aria-checked" | "aria-colcount" | "aria-colindex" | "aria-colspan" | "aria-controls" | "aria-current" | "aria-describedby" | "aria-details" | "aria-disabled" | "aria-dropeffect" | "aria-errormessage" | "aria-expanded" | "aria-flowto" | "aria-grabbed" | "aria-haspopup" | "aria-hidden" | "aria-invalid" | "aria-keyshortcuts" | "aria-label" | "aria-labelledby" | "aria-level" | "aria-live" | "aria-modal" | "aria-multiline" | "aria-multiselectable" | "aria-orientation" | "aria-owns" | "aria-placeholder" | "aria-posinset" | "aria-pressed" | "aria-readonly" | "aria-relevant" | "aria-required" | "aria-roledescription" | "aria-rowcount" | "aria-rowindex" | "aria-rowspan" | "aria-selected" | "aria-setsize" | "aria-sort" | "aria-valuemax" | "aria-valuemin" | "aria-valuenow" | "aria-valuetext" | "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" | "onCopy" | "onCopyCapture" | "onCut" | "onCutCapture" | "onPaste" | "onPasteCapture" | "onCompositionEnd" | "onCompositionEndCapture" | "onCompositionStart" | "onCompositionStartCapture" | "onCompositionUpdate" | "onCompositionUpdateCapture" | "onFocus" | "onFocusCapture" | "onBlur" | "onBlurCapture" | "onChange" | "onChangeCapture" | "onBeforeInput" | "onBeforeInputCapture" | "onInput" | "onInputCapture" | "onReset" | "onResetCapture" | "onSubmit" | "onSubmitCapture" | "onInvalid" | "onInvalidCapture" | "onLoad" | "onLoadCapture" | "onError" | "onErrorCapture" | "onKeyDown" | "onKeyDownCapture" | "onKeyPress" | "onKeyPressCapture" | "onKeyUp" | "onKeyUpCapture" | "onAbort" | "onAbortCapture" | "onCanPlay" | "onCanPlayCapture" | "onCanPlayThrough" | "onCanPlayThroughCapture" | "onDurationChange" | "onDurationChangeCapture" | "onEmptied" | "onEmptiedCapture" | "onEncrypted" | "onEncryptedCapture" | "onEnded" | "onEndedCapture" | "onLoadedData" | "onLoadedDataCapture" | "onLoadedMetadata" | "onLoadedMetadataCapture" | "onLoadStart" | "onLoadStartCapture" | "onPause" | "onPauseCapture" | "onPlay" | "onPlayCapture" | "onPlaying" | "onPlayingCapture" | "onProgress" | "onProgressCapture" | "onRateChange" | "onRateChangeCapture" | "onSeeked" | "onSeekedCapture" | "onSeeking" | "onSeekingCapture" | "onStalled" | "onStalledCapture" | "onSuspend" | "onSuspendCapture" | "onTimeUpdate" | "onTimeUpdateCapture" | "onVolumeChange" | "onVolumeChangeCapture" | "onWaiting" | "onWaitingCapture" | "onAuxClick" | "onAuxClickCapture" | "onClick" | "onClickCapture" | "onContextMenu" | "onContextMenuCapture" | "onDoubleClick" | "onDoubleClickCapture" | "onDrag" | "onDragCapture" | "onDragEnd" | "onDragEndCapture" | "onDragEnter" | "onDragEnterCapture" | "onDragExit" | "onDragExitCapture" | "onDragLeave" | "onDragLeaveCapture" | "onDragOver" | "onDragOverCapture" | "onDragStart" | "onDragStartCapture" | "onDrop" | "onDropCapture" | "onMouseDown" | "onMouseDownCapture" | "onMouseEnter" | "onMouseLeave" | "onMouseMove" | "onMouseMoveCapture" | "onMouseOut" | "onMouseOutCapture" | "onMouseOver" | "onMouseOverCapture" | "onMouseUp" | "onMouseUpCapture" | "onSelect" | "onSelectCapture" | "onTouchCancel" | "onTouchCancelCapture" | "onTouchEnd" | "onTouchEndCapture" | "onTouchMove" | "onTouchMoveCapture" | "onTouchStart" | "onTouchStartCapture" | "onPointerDown" | "onPointerDownCapture" | "onPointerMove" | "onPointerMoveCapture" | "onPointerUp" | "onPointerUpCapture" | "onPointerCancel" | "onPointerCancelCapture" | "onPointerEnter" | "onPointerEnterCapture" | "onPointerLeave" | "onPointerLeaveCapture" | "onPointerOver" | "onPointerOverCapture" | "onPointerOut" | "onPointerOutCapture" | "onGotPointerCapture" | "onGotPointerCaptureCapture" | "onLostPointerCapture" | "onLostPointerCaptureCapture" | "onScroll" | "onScrollCapture" | "onWheel" | "onWheelCapture" | "onAnimationStart" | "onAnimationStartCapture" | "onAnimationEnd" | "onAnimationEndCapture" | "onAnimationIteration" | "onAnimationIterationCapture" | "onTransitionEnd" | "onTransitionEndCapture"> & import("@material-ui/core/styles").StyledComponentProps<"root"> & {
className?: string | undefined;
export declare type DateRangeDelimiterProps = React.ComponentProps<typeof DateRangeDelimiter>;

@@ -11,2 +11,3 @@ import * as React from 'react';

* Text for start input label and toolbar placeholder
* @default "Start"

@@ -17,2 +18,3 @@ */

* Text for end input label and toolbar placeholder
* @default "end"

@@ -19,0 +21,0 @@ */

@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ import * as React from 'react';

export declare const PureDateRangeDay: {
({ className, day, inCurrentMonth, isEndOfHighlighting, isEndOfPreviewing, isHighlighting, isPreviewing, isStartOfHighlighting, isStartOfPreviewing, selected, ...other }: DateRangeDayProps): JSX.Element;
(props: DateRangeDayProps): JSX.Element;
displayName: string;
export declare const DateRangeDay: React.MemoExoticComponent<{
({ className, day, inCurrentMonth, isEndOfHighlighting, isEndOfPreviewing, isHighlighting, isPreviewing, isStartOfHighlighting, isStartOfPreviewing, selected, ...other }: DateRangeDayProps): JSX.Element;
(props: DateRangeDayProps): JSX.Element;
displayName: string;
import * as React from 'react';
import { RangeInput, DateRange } from './RangeTypes';
import { CurrentlySelectingRangeEndProps } from './RangeTypes';
import { RangeInput, DateRange, CurrentlySelectingRangeEndProps } from './RangeTypes';
import { DateRangeValidationError } from '../_helpers/date-utils';

@@ -5,0 +4,0 @@ import { DateInputProps, MuiTextFieldProps } from '../_shared/PureDateInput';

@@ -13,2 +13,3 @@ import * as React from 'react';

* if `true` after selecting `start` date calendar will not automatically switch to the month of `end` date
* @default false

@@ -26,6 +27,6 @@ */

propTypes: {
calendars: PropTypes.Requireable<number>;
disableAutoMonthSwitching: PropTypes.Requireable<boolean>;
calendars: PropTypes.Requireable<number>;
export {};

@@ -10,2 +10,3 @@ import * as React from 'react';

* How many calendars render on **desktop** DateRangePicker.
* @default 2

@@ -12,0 +13,0 @@ */

@@ -5,21 +5,21 @@ import '@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/defineProperty';

import 'prop-types';
import '@material-ui/styles/getThemeProps';
import '@material-ui/core/styles';
import './LocalizationProvider-24410efe.js';
import './dimensions-2cbdfb98.js';
import './LocalizationProvider.js';
import './dimensions-3ff816e9.js';
import '@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends';
import 'clsx';
import '@material-ui/core/Typography';
import '@material-ui/core/styles';
import '@material-ui/core/Grid';
import '@material-ui/core/Typography';
import '@material-ui/core/IconButton';
import '@material-ui/core/Toolbar';
import '@material-ui/core/utils';
import './ClockView-24430b1f.js';
import './ClockView-cfa6b504.js';
import '@material-ui/styles/getThemeProps';
import '@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/slicedToArray';
import '@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/typeof';
import './useCanAutoFocus-1eacc580.js';
import './Picker-2424ad9f.js';
import './Picker-607b95da.js';
import '@material-ui/core/useMediaQuery';
import './makePickerWithState-15a55d85.js';
import './Clock-156019bb.js';
import './makePickerWithState-ad2989cf.js';
import './Clock-30866969.js';
import '@material-ui/core/Button';

@@ -35,3 +35,3 @@ import '@material-ui/core/DialogActions';

import '@material-ui/core/Unstable_TrapFocus';
import './useKeyDown-b5264e56.js';
import './useKeyDown-5aaf69f9.js';
import '@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/classCallCheck';

@@ -49,3 +49,3 @@ import '@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/createClass';

import '@material-ui/core/Tabs';
export { a as DateTimePicker, b as DesktopDateTimePicker, M as MobileDateTimePicker, S as StaticDateTimePicker } from './DateTimePicker-199a3174.js';
export { a as DateTimePicker, b as DesktopDateTimePicker, M as MobileDateTimePicker, S as StaticDateTimePicker } from './DateTimePicker-47090bf2.js';

@@ -10,3 +10,3 @@ import * as React from 'react';

export declare const useStyles: (props?: any) => Record<"root" | "modeDesktop" | "tabs", string>;
export declare const DateTimePickerTabs: React.FC<DateTimePickerTabsProps>;
declare const DateTimePickerTabs: React.FC<DateTimePickerTabsProps>;
export default DateTimePickerTabs;

@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ import _defineProperty from '@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/defineProperty';

import { bool } from 'prop-types';
import '@material-ui/styles/getThemeProps';
import { makeStyles, fade } from '@material-ui/core/styles';
import { w as withDefaultProps } from './LocalizationProvider-24410efe.js';
import { b as DAY_SIZE, D as DAY_MARGIN, u as useUtils } from './dimensions-2cbdfb98.js';
import './LocalizationProvider.js';
import { b as DAY_SIZE, D as DAY_MARGIN, w as withDefaultProps, u as useUtils } from './dimensions-3ff816e9.js';
import _extends from '@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends';
import clsx from 'clsx';
import { makeStyles, fade } from '@material-ui/core/styles';
import '@material-ui/styles/getThemeProps';
import '@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/slicedToArray';

@@ -80,30 +80,33 @@ import '@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/typeof';

var PureDay = function PureDay(_ref) {
var allowKeyboardControl = _ref.allowKeyboardControl,
_ref$allowSameDateSel = _ref.allowSameDateSelection,
allowSameDateSelection = _ref$allowSameDateSel === void 0 ? false : _ref$allowSameDateSel,
className = _ref.className,
day =,
disabled = _ref.disabled,
_ref$disableHighlight = _ref.disableHighlightToday,
disableHighlightToday = _ref$disableHighlight === void 0 ? false : _ref$disableHighlight,
_ref$disableMargin = _ref.disableMargin,
disableMargin = _ref$disableMargin === void 0 ? false : _ref$disableMargin,
_ref$focusable = _ref.focusable,
focusable = _ref$focusable === void 0 ? false : _ref$focusable,
_ref$focused = _ref.focused,
focused = _ref$focused === void 0 ? false : _ref$focused,
hidden = _ref.hidden,
isInCurrentMonth = _ref.inCurrentMonth,
isAnimating = _ref.isAnimating,
onClick = _ref.onClick,
onDayFocus = _ref.onDayFocus,
onDaySelect = _ref.onDaySelect,
onFocus = _ref.onFocus,
onKeyDown = _ref.onKeyDown,
selected = _ref.selected,
_ref$showDaysOutsideC = _ref.showDaysOutsideCurrentMonth,
showDaysOutsideCurrentMonth = _ref$showDaysOutsideC === void 0 ? false : _ref$showDaysOutsideC,
isToday =,
other = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref, ["allowKeyboardControl", "allowSameDateSelection", "className", "day", "disabled", "disableHighlightToday", "disableMargin", "focusable", "focused", "hidden", "inCurrentMonth", "isAnimating", "onClick", "onDayFocus", "onDaySelect", "onFocus", "onKeyDown", "selected", "showDaysOutsideCurrentMonth", "today"]);
var PureDay = function PureDay(props) {
var allowKeyboardControl = props.allowKeyboardControl,
_props$allowSameDateS = props.allowSameDateSelection,
allowSameDateSelection = _props$allowSameDateS === void 0 ? false : _props$allowSameDateS,
className = props.className,
day =,
_props$disabled = props.disabled,
disabled = _props$disabled === void 0 ? false : _props$disabled,
_props$disableHighlig = props.disableHighlightToday,
disableHighlightToday = _props$disableHighlig === void 0 ? false : _props$disableHighlig,
_props$disableMargin = props.disableMargin,
disableMargin = _props$disableMargin === void 0 ? false : _props$disableMargin,
_props$focusable = props.focusable,
focusable = _props$focusable === void 0 ? false : _props$focusable,
_props$focused = props.focused,
focused = _props$focused === void 0 ? false : _props$focused,
hidden = props.hidden,
isInCurrentMonth = props.inCurrentMonth,
isAnimating = props.isAnimating,
onClick = props.onClick,
onDayFocus = props.onDayFocus,
onDaySelect = props.onDaySelect,
onFocus = props.onFocus,
onKeyDown = props.onKeyDown,
_props$selected = props.selected,
selected = _props$selected === void 0 ? false : _props$selected,
_props$showDaysOutsid = props.showDaysOutsideCurrentMonth,
showDaysOutsideCurrentMonth = _props$showDaysOutsid === void 0 ? false : _props$showDaysOutsid,
_props$today =,
isToday = _props$today === void 0 ? false : _props$today,
other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["allowKeyboardControl", "allowSameDateSelection", "className", "day", "disabled", "disableHighlightToday", "disableMargin", "focusable", "focused", "hidden", "inCurrentMonth", "isAnimating", "onClick", "onDayFocus", "onDaySelect", "onFocus", "onKeyDown", "selected", "showDaysOutsideCurrentMonth", "today"]);

@@ -177,16 +180,11 @@ var utils = useUtils();

var Day = withDefaultProps(muiComponentConfig, memo(PureDay, areDayPropsEqual));
PureDay.displayName = 'PickersDay';
process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? PureDay.propTypes = {
today: bool,
disabled: bool,
selected: bool
selected: bool,
today: bool
} : void 0;
PureDay.defaultProps = {
disabled: false,
today: false,
selected: false
var Day = withDefaultProps(muiComponentConfig, memo(PureDay, areDayPropsEqual));
export { Day, areDayPropsEqual, useStyles };

@@ -13,3 +13,3 @@ export * from './DatePicker';

export { ClockView as PickersClockView } from './views/Clock/ClockView';
export { Clock as PickersView } from './views/Clock/Clock';
export { Clock as PickersClock } from './views/Clock/Clock';
export { default as PickersBasePickers } from './Picker/Picker';

@@ -16,0 +16,0 @@ export { useUtils } from './_shared/hooks/useUtils';

import _defineProperty from '@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/defineProperty';
import _objectWithoutProperties from '@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/objectWithoutProperties';
import { createElement, memo, Fragment, useRef, useContext, useEffect, useCallback, useState, useMemo, forwardRef } from 'react';
import { instanceOf, func, string, object, node, bool, oneOf, arrayOf } from 'prop-types';
import '@material-ui/styles/getThemeProps';
import { makeStyles, fade, styled } from '@material-ui/core/styles';
import { w as withDefaultProps } from './LocalizationProvider-24410efe.js';
export { L as LocalizationProvider, M as MuiPickersContext } from './LocalizationProvider-24410efe.js';
import { u as useUtils, D as DAY_MARGIN, a as useNow } from './dimensions-2cbdfb98.js';
export { u as useUtils } from './dimensions-2cbdfb98.js';
import { instanceOf, func, string, object, node, oneOf, bool, arrayOf } from 'prop-types';
export { default as LocalizationProvider, MuiPickersAdapterContext as MuiPickersContext } from './LocalizationProvider.js';
import { w as withDefaultProps, u as useUtils, D as DAY_MARGIN, a as useNow } from './dimensions-3ff816e9.js';
export { u as useUtils } from './dimensions-3ff816e9.js';
import _extends from '@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends';
import clsx from 'clsx';
import Typography from '@material-ui/core/Typography';
import { makeStyles, fade, styled } from '@material-ui/core/styles';
import '@material-ui/core/Grid';
import Typography from '@material-ui/core/Typography';
import '@material-ui/core/IconButton';
import '@material-ui/core/Toolbar';
import '@material-ui/core/utils';
import { P as PickerToolbar, T as ToolbarButton, A as ArrowSwitcher } from './ClockView-24430b1f.js';
export { C as PickersClockView, a as TimePickerToolbar } from './ClockView-24430b1f.js';
import { P as PickerToolbar, T as ToolbarButton, A as ArrowSwitcher } from './ClockView-cfa6b504.js';
export { C as PickersClockView, a as TimePickerToolbar } from './ClockView-cfa6b504.js';
import '@material-ui/styles/getThemeProps';
import _slicedToArray from '@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/slicedToArray';
import '@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/typeof';
import { e as executeInTheNextEventLoopTick, m as mergeRefs } from './useCanAutoFocus-1eacc580.js';
import { d as defaultMinDate, a as defaultMaxDate, C as CalendarHeader, i as isWithinRange, b as isStartOfRange, c as isEndOfRange, u as useMaskedInput, e as useNextMonthDisabled, f as usePreviousMonthDisabled, g as useParsedDate, h as useCalendarState, j as isRangeValid, M as MobileKeyboardInputView, k as defaultReduceAnimations, v as validateDateRange, l as date, p as parseRangeInputValue } from './Picker-2424ad9f.js';
export { P as PickersBasePickers, m as PickersCalendarView } from './Picker-2424ad9f.js';
export { a as DatePicker, D as DatePickerToolbar, b as DesktopDatePicker, M as MobileDatePicker, S as StaticDatePicker } from './DatePicker-1f77985c.js';
import { d as defaultMinDate, a as defaultMaxDate, C as CalendarHeader, i as isWithinRange, b as isStartOfRange, c as isEndOfRange, u as useMaskedInput, e as useNextMonthDisabled, f as usePreviousMonthDisabled, g as useParsedDate, h as useCalendarState, j as isRangeValid, M as MobileKeyboardInputView, k as defaultReduceAnimations, v as validateDateRange, l as date, p as parseRangeInputValue } from './Picker-607b95da.js';
export { P as PickersBasePickers, m as PickersCalendarView } from './Picker-607b95da.js';
export { a as DatePicker, D as DatePickerToolbar, b as DesktopDatePicker, M as MobileDatePicker, S as StaticDatePicker } from './DatePicker-ba8d102d.js';
import '@material-ui/core/useMediaQuery';
import { m as makeValidationHook, a as makeWrapperComponent, w as withDateAdapterProp, u as usePickerState, R as ResponsiveTooltipWrapper, D as DesktopTooltipWrapper, M as MobileWrapper, S as StaticWrapper } from './makePickerWithState-15a55d85.js';
export { u as usePickerState } from './makePickerWithState-15a55d85.js';
import { W as WrapperVariantContext } from './Clock-156019bb.js';
export { C as PickersView } from './Clock-156019bb.js';
import { m as makeValidationHook, a as makeWrapperComponent, w as withDateAdapterProp, u as usePickerState, R as ResponsiveTooltipWrapper, D as DesktopTooltipWrapper, M as MobileWrapper, S as StaticWrapper } from './makePickerWithState-ad2989cf.js';
export { u as usePickerState } from './makePickerWithState-ad2989cf.js';
import { W as WrapperVariantContext } from './Clock-30866969.js';
export { C as PickersClock } from './Clock-30866969.js';
import '@material-ui/core/Button';

@@ -41,3 +40,3 @@ import '@material-ui/core/DialogActions';

import '@material-ui/core/Unstable_TrapFocus';
import './useKeyDown-b5264e56.js';
import './useKeyDown-5aaf69f9.js';
import '@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/classCallCheck';

@@ -55,6 +54,6 @@ import '@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/createClass';

import '@material-ui/core/Fade';
export { D as DesktopTimePicker, M as MobileTimePicker, S as StaticTimePicker, T as TimePicker, g as getTextFieldAriaText } from './TimePicker-ecf6478b.js';
export { D as DesktopTimePicker, M as MobileTimePicker, S as StaticTimePicker, T as TimePicker, g as getTextFieldAriaText } from './TimePicker-a18787e6.js';
import '@material-ui/core/Tab';
import '@material-ui/core/Tabs';
export { a as DateTimePicker, D as DateTimePickerToolbar, b as DesktopDateTimePicker, M as MobileDateTimePicker, S as StaticDateTimePicker } from './DateTimePicker-199a3174.js';
export { a as DateTimePicker, D as DateTimePickerToolbar, b as DesktopDateTimePicker, M as MobileDateTimePicker, S as StaticDateTimePicker } from './DateTimePicker-47090bf2.js';

@@ -79,11 +78,11 @@ function calculateRangeChange(_ref) {

} else {
return Boolean(start) && utils.isBefore(selectedDate, start) ? {
nextSelection: 'end',
newRange: [selectedDate, null]
} : {
nextSelection: 'start',
newRange: [start, selectedDate]
return Boolean(start) && utils.isBefore(selectedDate, start) ? {
nextSelection: 'end',
newRange: [selectedDate, null]
} : {
nextSelection: 'start',
newRange: [start, selectedDate]

@@ -154,3 +153,3 @@ function calculateRangePreview(options) {

}, /*#__PURE__*/createElement(ToolbarButton, {
variant: Boolean(start) ? 'h5' : 'h6',
variant: start !== null ? 'h5' : 'h6',
value: startDateValue,

@@ -164,3 +163,3 @@ selected: currentlySelectingRangeEnd === 'start',

}, "\xA0", '–', "\xA0"), /*#__PURE__*/createElement(ToolbarButton, {
variant: Boolean(end) ? 'h5' : 'h6',
variant: end !== null ? 'h5' : 'h6',
value: endDateValue,

@@ -250,14 +249,14 @@ selected: currentlySelectingRangeEnd === 'end',

var PureDateRangeDay = function PureDateRangeDay(_ref) {
var className = _ref.className,
day =,
inCurrentMonth = _ref.inCurrentMonth,
isEndOfHighlighting = _ref.isEndOfHighlighting,
isEndOfPreviewing = _ref.isEndOfPreviewing,
isHighlighting = _ref.isHighlighting,
isPreviewing = _ref.isPreviewing,
isStartOfHighlighting = _ref.isStartOfHighlighting,
isStartOfPreviewing = _ref.isStartOfPreviewing,
selected = _ref.selected,
other = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref, ["className", "day", "inCurrentMonth", "isEndOfHighlighting", "isEndOfPreviewing", "isHighlighting", "isPreviewing", "isStartOfHighlighting", "isStartOfPreviewing", "selected"]);
var PureDateRangeDay = function PureDateRangeDay(props) {
var className = props.className,
day =,
inCurrentMonth = props.inCurrentMonth,
isEndOfHighlighting = props.isEndOfHighlighting,
isEndOfPreviewing = props.isEndOfPreviewing,
isHighlighting = props.isHighlighting,
isPreviewing = props.isPreviewing,
isStartOfHighlighting = props.isStartOfHighlighting,
isStartOfPreviewing = props.isStartOfPreviewing,
selected = props.selected,
other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["className", "day", "inCurrentMonth", "isEndOfHighlighting", "isEndOfPreviewing", "isHighlighting", "isPreviewing", "isStartOfHighlighting", "isStartOfPreviewing", "selected"]);

@@ -276,9 +275,8 @@ var utils = useUtils();

className: clsx(classes.rangeIntervalPreview, (isEndOfPreviewing || isEndOfMonth) && classes.rangeIntervalDayPreviewEnd, (isStartOfPreviewing || isStartOfMonth) && classes.rangeIntervalDayPreviewStart, shouldRenderPreview && classes.rangeIntervalDayPreview)
}, /*#__PURE__*/createElement(Day, _extends({
}, /*#__PURE__*/createElement(Day, _extends({}, other, {
disableMargin: true,
allowSameDateSelection: true,
allowKeyboardControl: false,
disableMargin: true
}, other, {
day: day,
selected: selected,
allowSameDateSelection: true,
inCurrentMonth: inCurrentMonth,

@@ -658,3 +656,3 @@ "data-mui-test": "DateRangeDay",

TransitionProps: CalendarTransitionProps,
renderDay: function renderDay(day, _, DayProps) {
renderDay: function renderDay(day, __, DayProps) {
return _renderDay(day, _objectSpread$3({

@@ -833,4 +831,4 @@ isPreviewing: isWithinRange(utils, day, previewingRange),

process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? DateRangePickerView.propTypes = {
disableAutoMonthSwitching: bool,
calendars: oneOf([1, 2, 3])
calendars: oneOf([1, 2, 3]),
disableAutoMonthSwitching: bool
} : void 0;

@@ -837,0 +835,0 @@

@@ -6,10 +6,9 @@ import * as React from 'react';

export interface LocalizationProviderProps {
children?: React.ReactNode;
dateAdapter: new (...args: any) => MuiPickersAdapter;
children: React.ReactNode;
dateFormats?: Partial<DateIOFormats>;
dateLibInstance?: any;
locale?: any;
dateLibInstance?: any;
dateFormats?: Partial<DateIOFormats>;
export declare const LocalizationProvider: React.FC<LocalizationProviderProps>;
declare const _default: React.FC<LocalizationProviderProps>;
export default _default;
declare const LocalizationProvider: React.FC<LocalizationProviderProps>;
export default LocalizationProvider;

@@ -1,6 +0,36 @@

import 'react';
import 'prop-types';
import '@material-ui/styles/getThemeProps';
import '@material-ui/core/styles';
export { a as LocalizationProvider, M as MuiPickersAdapterContext, L as default } from './LocalizationProvider-24410efe.js';
import { createContext, useMemo, createElement } from 'react';
import { func, oneOfType, object, string, node } from 'prop-types';
var MuiPickersAdapterContext = createContext(null);
var LocalizationProvider = function LocalizationProvider(props) {
var children = props.children,
Utils = props.dateAdapter,
dateFormats = props.dateFormats,
dateLibInstance = props.dateLibInstance,
locale = props.locale;
var utils = useMemo(function () {
return new Utils({
locale: locale,
formats: dateFormats,
instance: dateLibInstance
}, [Utils, locale, dateFormats, dateLibInstance]);
return /*#__PURE__*/createElement(MuiPickersAdapterContext.Provider, {
value: utils
}, children);
process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? LocalizationProvider.propTypes = {
dateAdapter: func.isRequired,
locale: oneOfType([object, string]),
* Your component tree.
children: node
} : void 0;
export default LocalizationProvider;
export { MuiPickersAdapterContext };
"name": "@material-ui/pickers",
"version": "4.0.0-alpha.10",
"version": "4.0.0-alpha.11",
"private": false,

@@ -33,4 +33,4 @@ "description": "React components, that implements material design pickers for material-ui v4",

"peerDependencies": {
"@material-ui/core": "^4.10.1",
"@material-ui/lab": "^4.0.0-alpha.54",
"@material-ui/core": "^5.0.0-alpha.5",
"@material-ui/lab": "^5.0.0-alpha.5",
"@types/react": "^16.8.6",

@@ -62,3 +62,3 @@ "react": "^16.8.4",

"test:date-fns": "UTILS=date-fns yarn test",
"test:dayjs": "UTILS=datejs yarn test",
"test:dayjs": "UTILS=dayjs yarn test",
"test:luxon": "UTILS=luxon yarn test",

@@ -73,3 +73,3 @@ "test:moment": "UTILS=moment yarn test",

"build:analyze": "yarn build",
"release": "yarn test && yarn version && yarn build && yarn publish --non-interactive --tag next build"
"release": "yarn build && yarn publish --non-interactive --tag next build"

@@ -76,0 +76,0 @@ "main": "./dist/material-ui-pickers.js",

@@ -5,23 +5,23 @@ import '@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/defineProperty';

import 'prop-types';
import '@material-ui/styles/getThemeProps';
import '@material-ui/core/styles';
import './LocalizationProvider-24410efe.js';
import './dimensions-2cbdfb98.js';
import './LocalizationProvider.js';
import './dimensions-3ff816e9.js';
import '@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends';
import 'clsx';
import '@material-ui/core/Typography';
import '@material-ui/core/styles';
import '@material-ui/core/Grid';
import '@material-ui/core/Typography';
import '@material-ui/core/IconButton';
import '@material-ui/core/Toolbar';
import '@material-ui/core/utils';
import './ClockView-24430b1f.js';
import './ClockView-cfa6b504.js';
import '@material-ui/styles/getThemeProps';
import '@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/slicedToArray';
import '@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/typeof';
import './useCanAutoFocus-1eacc580.js';
export { P as default, y as useStyles } from './Picker-2424ad9f.js';
import './Clock-156019bb.js';
export { P as default, y as useStyles } from './Picker-607b95da.js';
import './Clock-30866969.js';
import '@material-ui/core/Button';
import '@material-ui/core/InputAdornment';
import 'rifm';
import './useKeyDown-b5264e56.js';
import './useKeyDown-5aaf69f9.js';
import '@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/classCallCheck';

@@ -28,0 +28,0 @@ import '@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/createClass';

@@ -5,21 +5,21 @@ import '@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/defineProperty';

import 'prop-types';
import '@material-ui/styles/getThemeProps';
import '@material-ui/core/styles';
import './LocalizationProvider-24410efe.js';
import './dimensions-2cbdfb98.js';
import './LocalizationProvider.js';
import './dimensions-3ff816e9.js';
import '@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends';
import 'clsx';
import '@material-ui/core/Typography';
import '@material-ui/core/styles';
import '@material-ui/core/Grid';
import '@material-ui/core/Typography';
import '@material-ui/core/IconButton';
import '@material-ui/core/Toolbar';
import '@material-ui/core/utils';
import './ClockView-24430b1f.js';
import './ClockView-cfa6b504.js';
import '@material-ui/styles/getThemeProps';
import '@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/slicedToArray';
import '@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/typeof';
import './useCanAutoFocus-1eacc580.js';
import './Picker-2424ad9f.js';
import './Picker-607b95da.js';
import '@material-ui/core/useMediaQuery';
import './makePickerWithState-15a55d85.js';
import './Clock-156019bb.js';
import './makePickerWithState-ad2989cf.js';
import './Clock-30866969.js';
import '@material-ui/core/Button';

@@ -35,3 +35,3 @@ import '@material-ui/core/DialogActions';

import '@material-ui/core/Unstable_TrapFocus';
import './useKeyDown-b5264e56.js';
import './useKeyDown-5aaf69f9.js';
import '@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/classCallCheck';

@@ -47,3 +47,3 @@ import '@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/createClass';

import '@material-ui/core/Fade';
export { D as DesktopTimePicker, M as MobileTimePicker, S as StaticTimePicker, T as TimePicker, g as getTextFieldAriaText } from './TimePicker-ecf6478b.js';
export { D as DesktopTimePicker, M as MobileTimePicker, S as StaticTimePicker, T as TimePicker, g as getTextFieldAriaText } from './TimePicker-a18787e6.js';

@@ -14,2 +14,3 @@ import { ParsableDate } from '../constants/prop-types';

* If `true` picker will immediately close after submitting full date.
* @default `true` for Desktop, `false` for Mobile (based on the chosen wrapper and `desktopModeMediaQuery` prop).

@@ -60,2 +61,3 @@ */

* Mobile picker title, displaying in the toolbar.
* @default "SELECT DATE"

@@ -66,2 +68,3 @@ */

* Mobile picker date value placeholder, displaying if `value` === `null`.
* @default "–"

@@ -68,0 +71,0 @@ */

@@ -0,1 +1,2 @@

import { StyleRules, StyleRulesCallback } from '@material-ui/core/styles/withStyles';
import { useStyles as DayStyles } from '../views/Calendar/Day';

@@ -15,3 +16,2 @@ import { useStyles as ClockStyles } from '../views/Clock/Clock';

import { useStyles as CalendarHeaderStyles } from '../views/Calendar/CalendarHeader';
import { StyleRules, StyleRulesCallback } from '@material-ui/core/styles/withStyles';
import { useStyles as TimePickerToolbarStyles } from '../TimePicker/TimePickerToolbar';

@@ -18,0 +18,0 @@ import { useStyles as SlideTransitionStyles } from '../views/Calendar/SlideTransition';

@@ -5,3 +5,3 @@ import * as React from 'react';

import { SlideDirection, SlideTransitionProps } from './SlideTransition';
export interface ExportedCalendarProps extends Pick<DayProps, 'disableHighlightToday' | 'showDaysOutsideCurrentMonth'> {
export interface ExportedCalendarProps extends Pick<DayProps, 'disableHighlightToday' | 'showDaysOutsideCurrentMonth' | 'allowSameDateSelection'> {

@@ -17,2 +17,3 @@ * Calendar onChange.

* Enables keyboard listener for moving between days in calendar.
* @default currentWrapper !== 'static'

@@ -24,2 +25,3 @@ */

* Can be used to preload information and show it in calendar.
* @default false

@@ -30,2 +32,3 @@ */

* Component displaying when passed `loading` true.
* @default () => "..."

@@ -32,0 +35,0 @@ */

@@ -17,2 +17,3 @@ import * as React from 'react';

* Disable heavy animations.
* @default /(android)/i.test(window.navigator.userAgent).

@@ -19,0 +20,0 @@ */

@@ -49,2 +49,3 @@ import * as React from 'react';

* Display disabled dates outside the current month.
* @default false

@@ -55,2 +56,3 @@ */

* Disable highlighting today date with a circle.
* @default false

@@ -61,2 +63,3 @@ */

* Allow selecting the same date (fire onChange even if same date is selected).
* @default false

@@ -63,0 +66,0 @@ */

import * as React from 'react';
import { Theme, WithStyles } from '@material-ui/core/styles';
import { ClockViewType } from '../../constants/ClockType';
import { Theme, WithStyles } from '@material-ui/core/styles';
export declare const styles: (theme: Theme) => Record<"animateTransform" | "pointer" | "thumb" | "noPoint", import("@material-ui/styles").CSSProperties | import("@material-ui/styles").CreateCSSProperties<{}> | import("@material-ui/styles").PropsFunc<{}, import("@material-ui/styles").CreateCSSProperties<{}>>>;
export interface ClockPointerProps extends React.HTMLProps<HTMLDivElement>, WithStyles<typeof styles> {

@@ -10,19 +11,3 @@ value: number;

export declare class ClockPointer extends React.Component<ClockPointerProps> {
static getDerivedStateFromProps: (nextProps: ClockPointerProps, state: ClockPointer['state']) => {
toAnimateTransform: boolean;
previousType: ClockViewType;
state: {
toAnimateTransform: boolean;
previousType: undefined;
getAngleStyle: () => {
height: string;
transform: string;
render(): JSX.Element;
export declare const styles: (theme: Theme) => Record<"animateTransform" | "pointer" | "thumb" | "noPoint", import("@material-ui/styles").CSSProperties | import("@material-ui/styles").CreateCSSProperties<{}> | ((props: {}) => import("@material-ui/styles").CreateCSSProperties<{}>)>;
declare const _default: React.ComponentType<(Pick<ClockPointerProps, "name" | "ref" | "cite" | "data" | "form" | "label" | "slot" | "span" | "style" | "summary" | "title" | "pattern" | "children" | "value" | "className" | "key" | "defaultChecked" | "defaultValue" | "suppressContentEditableWarning" | "suppressHydrationWarning" | "accessKey" | "contentEditable" | "contextMenu" | "dir" | "draggable" | "hidden" | "id" | "lang" | "placeholder" | "spellCheck" | "tabIndex" | "translate" | "radioGroup" | "role" | "about" | "datatype" | "inlist" | "prefix" | "property" | "resource" | "typeof" | "vocab" | "autoCapitalize" | "autoCorrect" | "autoSave" | "color" | "itemProp" | "itemScope" | "itemType" | "itemID" | "itemRef" | "results" | "security" | "unselectable" | "inputMode" | "is" | "aria-activedescendant" | "aria-atomic" | "aria-autocomplete" | "aria-busy" | "aria-checked" | "aria-colcount" | "aria-colindex" | "aria-colspan" | "aria-controls" | "aria-current" | "aria-describedby" | "aria-details" | "aria-disabled" | "aria-dropeffect" | "aria-errormessage" | "aria-expanded" | "aria-flowto" | "aria-grabbed" | "aria-haspopup" | "aria-hidden" | "aria-invalid" | "aria-keyshortcuts" | "aria-label" | "aria-labelledby" | "aria-level" | "aria-live" | "aria-modal" | "aria-multiline" | "aria-multiselectable" | "aria-orientation" | "aria-owns" | "aria-placeholder" | "aria-posinset" | "aria-pressed" | "aria-readonly" | "aria-relevant" | "aria-required" | "aria-roledescription" | "aria-rowcount" | "aria-rowindex" | "aria-rowspan" | "aria-selected" | "aria-setsize" | "aria-sort" | "aria-valuemax" | "aria-valuemin" | "aria-valuenow" | "aria-valuetext" | "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" | "onCopy" | "onCopyCapture" | "onCut" | "onCutCapture" | "onPaste" | "onPasteCapture" | "onCompositionEnd" | "onCompositionEndCapture" | "onCompositionStart" | "onCompositionStartCapture" | "onCompositionUpdate" | "onCompositionUpdateCapture" | "onFocus" | "onFocusCapture" | "onBlur" | "onBlurCapture" | "onChange" | "onChangeCapture" | "onBeforeInput" | "onBeforeInputCapture" | "onInput" | "onInputCapture" | "onReset" | "onResetCapture" | "onSubmit" | "onSubmitCapture" | "onInvalid" | "onInvalidCapture" | "onLoad" | "onLoadCapture" | "onError" | "onErrorCapture" | "onKeyDown" | "onKeyDownCapture" | "onKeyPress" | "onKeyPressCapture" | "onKeyUp" | "onKeyUpCapture" | "onAbort" | "onAbortCapture" | "onCanPlay" | "onCanPlayCapture" | "onCanPlayThrough" | "onCanPlayThroughCapture" | "onDurationChange" | "onDurationChangeCapture" | "onEmptied" | "onEmptiedCapture" | "onEncrypted" | "onEncryptedCapture" | "onEnded" | "onEndedCapture" | "onLoadedData" | "onLoadedDataCapture" | "onLoadedMetadata" | "onLoadedMetadataCapture" | "onLoadStart" | "onLoadStartCapture" | "onPause" | "onPauseCapture" | "onPlay" | "onPlayCapture" | "onPlaying" | "onPlayingCapture" | "onProgress" | "onProgressCapture" | "onRateChange" | "onRateChangeCapture" | "onSeeked" | "onSeekedCapture" | "onSeeking" | "onSeekingCapture" | "onStalled" | "onStalledCapture" | "onSuspend" | "onSuspendCapture" | "onTimeUpdate" | "onTimeUpdateCapture" | "onVolumeChange" | "onVolumeChangeCapture" | "onWaiting" | "onWaitingCapture" | "onAuxClick" | "onAuxClickCapture" | "onClick" | "onClickCapture" | "onContextMenu" | "onContextMenuCapture" | "onDoubleClick" | "onDoubleClickCapture" | "onDrag" | "onDragCapture" | "onDragEnd" | "onDragEndCapture" | "onDragEnter" | "onDragEnterCapture" | "onDragExit" | "onDragExitCapture" | "onDragLeave" | "onDragLeaveCapture" | "onDragOver" | "onDragOverCapture" | "onDragStart" | "onDragStartCapture" | "onDrop" | "onDropCapture" | "onMouseDown" | "onMouseDownCapture" | "onMouseEnter" | "onMouseLeave" | "onMouseMove" | "onMouseMoveCapture" | "onMouseOut" | "onMouseOutCapture" | "onMouseOver" | "onMouseOverCapture" | "onMouseUp" | "onMouseUpCapture" | "onSelect" | "onSelectCapture" | "onTouchCancel" | "onTouchCancelCapture" | "onTouchEnd" | "onTouchEndCapture" | "onTouchMove" | "onTouchMoveCapture" | "onTouchStart" | "onTouchStartCapture" | "onPointerDown" | "onPointerDownCapture" | "onPointerMove" | "onPointerMoveCapture" | "onPointerUp" | "onPointerUpCapture" | "onPointerCancel" | "onPointerCancelCapture" | "onPointerEnter" | "onPointerEnterCapture" | "onPointerLeave" | "onPointerLeaveCapture" | "onPointerOver" | "onPointerOverCapture" | "onPointerOut" | "onPointerOutCapture" | "onGotPointerCapture" | "onGotPointerCaptureCapture" | "onLostPointerCapture" | "onLostPointerCaptureCapture" | "onScroll" | "onScrollCapture" | "onWheel" | "onWheelCapture" | "onAnimationStart" | "onAnimationStartCapture" | "onAnimationEnd" | "onAnimationEndCapture" | "onAnimationIteration" | "onAnimationIterationCapture" | "onTransitionEnd" | "onTransitionEndCapture" | "media" | "content" | "height" | "width" | "start" | "size" | "default" | "wrap" | "open" | "multiple" | "disabled" | "selected" | "max" | "method" | "min" | "target" | "type" | "crossOrigin" | "href" | "classID" | "useMap" | "wmode" | "download" | "hrefLang" | "rel" | "alt" | "coords" | "shape" | "autoPlay" | "controls" | "loop" | "mediaGroup" | "muted" | "playsInline" | "preload" | "src" | "autoFocus" | "formAction" | "formEncType" | "formMethod" | "formNoValidate" | "formTarget" | "dateTime" | "acceptCharset" | "action" | "autoComplete" | "encType" | "noValidate" | "manifest" | "allowFullScreen" | "allowTransparency" | "frameBorder" | "marginHeight" | "marginWidth" | "sandbox" | "scrolling" | "seamless" | "srcDoc" | "sizes" | "srcSet" | "async" | "accept" | "capture" | "checked" | "list" | "maxLength" | "minLength" | "readOnly" | "required" | "step" | "challenge" | "keyType" | "keyParams" | "htmlFor" | "as" | "integrity" | "charSet" | "httpEquiv" | "high" | "low" | "optimum" | "reversed" | "defer" | "nonce" | "scoped" | "cellPadding" | "cellSpacing" | "colSpan" | "headers" | "rowSpan" | "scope" | "cols" | "rows" | "kind" | "srcLang" | "poster" | "hasSelected" | "isInner"> & import("@material-ui/core/styles").StyledComponentProps<"animateTransform" | "pointer" | "thumb" | "noPoint">) | (Pick<React.PropsWithChildren<ClockPointerProps>, "name" | "ref" | "cite" | "data" | "form" | "label" | "slot" | "span" | "style" | "summary" | "title" | "pattern" | "children" | "value" | "className" | "key" | "defaultChecked" | "defaultValue" | "suppressContentEditableWarning" | "suppressHydrationWarning" | "accessKey" | "contentEditable" | "contextMenu" | "dir" | "draggable" | "hidden" | "id" | "lang" | "placeholder" | "spellCheck" | "tabIndex" | "translate" | "radioGroup" | "role" | "about" | "datatype" | "inlist" | "prefix" | "property" | "resource" | "typeof" | "vocab" | "autoCapitalize" | "autoCorrect" | "autoSave" | "color" | "itemProp" | "itemScope" | "itemType" | "itemID" | "itemRef" | "results" | "security" | "unselectable" | "inputMode" | "is" | "aria-activedescendant" | "aria-atomic" | "aria-autocomplete" | "aria-busy" | "aria-checked" | "aria-colcount" | "aria-colindex" | "aria-colspan" | "aria-controls" | "aria-current" | "aria-describedby" | "aria-details" | "aria-disabled" | "aria-dropeffect" | "aria-errormessage" | "aria-expanded" | "aria-flowto" | "aria-grabbed" | "aria-haspopup" | "aria-hidden" | "aria-invalid" | "aria-keyshortcuts" | "aria-label" | "aria-labelledby" | "aria-level" | "aria-live" | "aria-modal" | "aria-multiline" | "aria-multiselectable" | "aria-orientation" | "aria-owns" | "aria-placeholder" | "aria-posinset" | "aria-pressed" | "aria-readonly" | "aria-relevant" | "aria-required" | "aria-roledescription" | "aria-rowcount" | "aria-rowindex" | "aria-rowspan" | "aria-selected" | "aria-setsize" | "aria-sort" | "aria-valuemax" | "aria-valuemin" | "aria-valuenow" | "aria-valuetext" | "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" | "onCopy" | "onCopyCapture" | "onCut" | "onCutCapture" | "onPaste" | "onPasteCapture" | "onCompositionEnd" | "onCompositionEndCapture" | "onCompositionStart" | "onCompositionStartCapture" | "onCompositionUpdate" | "onCompositionUpdateCapture" | "onFocus" | "onFocusCapture" | "onBlur" | "onBlurCapture" | "onChange" | "onChangeCapture" | "onBeforeInput" | "onBeforeInputCapture" | "onInput" | "onInputCapture" | "onReset" | "onResetCapture" | "onSubmit" | "onSubmitCapture" | "onInvalid" | "onInvalidCapture" | "onLoad" | "onLoadCapture" | "onError" | "onErrorCapture" | "onKeyDown" | "onKeyDownCapture" | "onKeyPress" | "onKeyPressCapture" | "onKeyUp" | "onKeyUpCapture" | "onAbort" | "onAbortCapture" | "onCanPlay" | "onCanPlayCapture" | "onCanPlayThrough" | "onCanPlayThroughCapture" | "onDurationChange" | "onDurationChangeCapture" | "onEmptied" | "onEmptiedCapture" | "onEncrypted" | "onEncryptedCapture" | "onEnded" | "onEndedCapture" | "onLoadedData" | "onLoadedDataCapture" | "onLoadedMetadata" | "onLoadedMetadataCapture" | "onLoadStart" | "onLoadStartCapture" | "onPause" | "onPauseCapture" | "onPlay" | "onPlayCapture" | "onPlaying" | "onPlayingCapture" | "onProgress" | "onProgressCapture" | "onRateChange" | "onRateChangeCapture" | "onSeeked" | "onSeekedCapture" | "onSeeking" | "onSeekingCapture" | "onStalled" | "onStalledCapture" | "onSuspend" | "onSuspendCapture" | "onTimeUpdate" | "onTimeUpdateCapture" | "onVolumeChange" | "onVolumeChangeCapture" | "onWaiting" | "onWaitingCapture" | "onAuxClick" | "onAuxClickCapture" | "onClick" | "onClickCapture" | "onContextMenu" | "onContextMenuCapture" | "onDoubleClick" | "onDoubleClickCapture" | "onDrag" | "onDragCapture" | "onDragEnd" | "onDragEndCapture" | "onDragEnter" | "onDragEnterCapture" | "onDragExit" | "onDragExitCapture" | "onDragLeave" | "onDragLeaveCapture" | "onDragOver" | "onDragOverCapture" | "onDragStart" | "onDragStartCapture" | "onDrop" | "onDropCapture" | "onMouseDown" | "onMouseDownCapture" | "onMouseEnter" | "onMouseLeave" | "onMouseMove" | "onMouseMoveCapture" | "onMouseOut" | "onMouseOutCapture" | "onMouseOver" | "onMouseOverCapture" | "onMouseUp" | "onMouseUpCapture" | "onSelect" | "onSelectCapture" | "onTouchCancel" | "onTouchCancelCapture" | "onTouchEnd" | "onTouchEndCapture" | "onTouchMove" | "onTouchMoveCapture" | "onTouchStart" | "onTouchStartCapture" | "onPointerDown" | "onPointerDownCapture" | "onPointerMove" | "onPointerMoveCapture" | "onPointerUp" | "onPointerUpCapture" | "onPointerCancel" | "onPointerCancelCapture" | "onPointerEnter" | "onPointerEnterCapture" | "onPointerLeave" | "onPointerLeaveCapture" | "onPointerOver" | "onPointerOverCapture" | "onPointerOut" | "onPointerOutCapture" | "onGotPointerCapture" | "onGotPointerCaptureCapture" | "onLostPointerCapture" | "onLostPointerCaptureCapture" | "onScroll" | "onScrollCapture" | "onWheel" | "onWheelCapture" | "onAnimationStart" | "onAnimationStartCapture" | "onAnimationEnd" | "onAnimationEndCapture" | "onAnimationIteration" | "onAnimationIterationCapture" | "onTransitionEnd" | "onTransitionEndCapture" | "media" | "content" | "height" | "width" | "start" | "size" | "default" | "wrap" | "open" | "multiple" | "disabled" | "selected" | "max" | "method" | "min" | "target" | "type" | "crossOrigin" | "href" | "classID" | "useMap" | "wmode" | "download" | "hrefLang" | "rel" | "alt" | "coords" | "shape" | "autoPlay" | "controls" | "loop" | "mediaGroup" | "muted" | "playsInline" | "preload" | "src" | "autoFocus" | "formAction" | "formEncType" | "formMethod" | "formNoValidate" | "formTarget" | "dateTime" | "acceptCharset" | "action" | "autoComplete" | "encType" | "noValidate" | "manifest" | "allowFullScreen" | "allowTransparency" | "frameBorder" | "marginHeight" | "marginWidth" | "sandbox" | "scrolling" | "seamless" | "srcDoc" | "sizes" | "srcSet" | "async" | "accept" | "capture" | "checked" | "list" | "maxLength" | "minLength" | "readOnly" | "required" | "step" | "challenge" | "keyType" | "keyParams" | "htmlFor" | "as" | "integrity" | "charSet" | "httpEquiv" | "high" | "low" | "optimum" | "reversed" | "defer" | "nonce" | "scoped" | "cellPadding" | "cellSpacing" | "colSpan" | "headers" | "rowSpan" | "scope" | "cols" | "rows" | "kind" | "srcLang" | "poster" | "hasSelected" | "isInner"> & import("@material-ui/core/styles").StyledComponentProps<"animateTransform" | "pointer" | "thumb" | "noPoint">)>;
declare const _default: React.ComponentType<(Pick<ClockPointerProps, "name" | "ref" | "cite" | "data" | "form" | "label" | "slot" | "span" | "style" | "summary" | "title" | "pattern" | "children" | "value" | "className" | "color" | "key" | "defaultChecked" | "defaultValue" | "suppressContentEditableWarning" | "suppressHydrationWarning" | "accessKey" | "contentEditable" | "contextMenu" | "dir" | "draggable" | "hidden" | "id" | "lang" | "placeholder" | "spellCheck" | "tabIndex" | "translate" | "radioGroup" | "role" | "about" | "datatype" | "inlist" | "prefix" | "property" | "resource" | "typeof" | "vocab" | "autoCapitalize" | "autoCorrect" | "autoSave" | "itemProp" | "itemScope" | "itemType" | "itemID" | "itemRef" | "results" | "security" | "unselectable" | "inputMode" | "is" | "aria-activedescendant" | "aria-atomic" | "aria-autocomplete" | "aria-busy" | "aria-checked" | "aria-colcount" | "aria-colindex" | "aria-colspan" | "aria-controls" | "aria-current" | "aria-describedby" | "aria-details" | "aria-disabled" | "aria-dropeffect" | "aria-errormessage" | "aria-expanded" | "aria-flowto" | "aria-grabbed" | "aria-haspopup" | "aria-hidden" | "aria-invalid" | "aria-keyshortcuts" | "aria-label" | "aria-labelledby" | "aria-level" | "aria-live" | "aria-modal" | "aria-multiline" | "aria-multiselectable" | "aria-orientation" | "aria-owns" | "aria-placeholder" | "aria-posinset" | "aria-pressed" | "aria-readonly" | "aria-relevant" | "aria-required" | "aria-roledescription" | "aria-rowcount" | "aria-rowindex" | "aria-rowspan" | "aria-selected" | "aria-setsize" | "aria-sort" | "aria-valuemax" | "aria-valuemin" | "aria-valuenow" | "aria-valuetext" | "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" | "onCopy" | "onCopyCapture" | "onCut" | "onCutCapture" | "onPaste" | "onPasteCapture" | "onCompositionEnd" | "onCompositionEndCapture" | "onCompositionStart" | "onCompositionStartCapture" | "onCompositionUpdate" | "onCompositionUpdateCapture" | "onFocus" | "onFocusCapture" | "onBlur" | "onBlurCapture" | "onChange" | "onChangeCapture" | "onBeforeInput" | "onBeforeInputCapture" | "onInput" | "onInputCapture" | "onReset" | "onResetCapture" | "onSubmit" | "onSubmitCapture" | "onInvalid" | "onInvalidCapture" | "onLoad" | "onLoadCapture" | "onError" | "onErrorCapture" | "onKeyDown" | "onKeyDownCapture" | "onKeyPress" | "onKeyPressCapture" | "onKeyUp" | "onKeyUpCapture" | "onAbort" | "onAbortCapture" | "onCanPlay" | "onCanPlayCapture" | "onCanPlayThrough" | "onCanPlayThroughCapture" | "onDurationChange" | "onDurationChangeCapture" | "onEmptied" | "onEmptiedCapture" | "onEncrypted" | "onEncryptedCapture" | "onEnded" | "onEndedCapture" | "onLoadedData" | "onLoadedDataCapture" | "onLoadedMetadata" | "onLoadedMetadataCapture" | "onLoadStart" | "onLoadStartCapture" | "onPause" | "onPauseCapture" | "onPlay" | "onPlayCapture" | "onPlaying" | "onPlayingCapture" | "onProgress" | "onProgressCapture" | "onRateChange" | "onRateChangeCapture" | "onSeeked" | "onSeekedCapture" | "onSeeking" | "onSeekingCapture" | "onStalled" | "onStalledCapture" | "onSuspend" | "onSuspendCapture" | "onTimeUpdate" | "onTimeUpdateCapture" | "onVolumeChange" | "onVolumeChangeCapture" | "onWaiting" | "onWaitingCapture" | "onAuxClick" | "onAuxClickCapture" | "onClick" | "onClickCapture" | "onContextMenu" | "onContextMenuCapture" | "onDoubleClick" | "onDoubleClickCapture" | "onDrag" | "onDragCapture" | "onDragEnd" | "onDragEndCapture" | "onDragEnter" | "onDragEnterCapture" | "onDragExit" | "onDragExitCapture" | "onDragLeave" | "onDragLeaveCapture" | "onDragOver" | "onDragOverCapture" | "onDragStart" | "onDragStartCapture" | "onDrop" | "onDropCapture" | "onMouseDown" | "onMouseDownCapture" | "onMouseEnter" | "onMouseLeave" | "onMouseMove" | "onMouseMoveCapture" | "onMouseOut" | "onMouseOutCapture" | "onMouseOver" | "onMouseOverCapture" | "onMouseUp" | "onMouseUpCapture" | "onSelect" | "onSelectCapture" | "onTouchCancel" | "onTouchCancelCapture" | "onTouchEnd" | "onTouchEndCapture" | "onTouchMove" | "onTouchMoveCapture" | "onTouchStart" | "onTouchStartCapture" | "onPointerDown" | "onPointerDownCapture" | "onPointerMove" | "onPointerMoveCapture" | "onPointerUp" | "onPointerUpCapture" | "onPointerCancel" | "onPointerCancelCapture" | "onPointerEnter" | "onPointerEnterCapture" | "onPointerLeave" | "onPointerLeaveCapture" | "onPointerOver" | "onPointerOverCapture" | "onPointerOut" | "onPointerOutCapture" | "onGotPointerCapture" | "onGotPointerCaptureCapture" | "onLostPointerCapture" | "onLostPointerCaptureCapture" | "onScroll" | "onScrollCapture" | "onWheel" | "onWheelCapture" | "onAnimationStart" | "onAnimationStartCapture" | "onAnimationEnd" | "onAnimationEndCapture" | "onAnimationIteration" | "onAnimationIterationCapture" | "onTransitionEnd" | "onTransitionEndCapture" | "media" | "content" | "height" | "width" | "start" | "size" | "default" | "wrap" | "open" | "multiple" | "disabled" | "selected" | "max" | "method" | "min" | "target" | "type" | "crossOrigin" | "href" | "classID" | "useMap" | "wmode" | "download" | "hrefLang" | "rel" | "alt" | "coords" | "shape" | "autoPlay" | "controls" | "loop" | "mediaGroup" | "muted" | "playsInline" | "preload" | "src" | "autoFocus" | "formAction" | "formEncType" | "formMethod" | "formNoValidate" | "formTarget" | "dateTime" | "acceptCharset" | "action" | "autoComplete" | "encType" | "noValidate" | "manifest" | "allowFullScreen" | "allowTransparency" | "frameBorder" | "marginHeight" | "marginWidth" | "sandbox" | "scrolling" | "seamless" | "srcDoc" | "sizes" | "srcSet" | "async" | "accept" | "capture" | "checked" | "list" | "maxLength" | "minLength" | "readOnly" | "required" | "step" | "challenge" | "keyType" | "keyParams" | "htmlFor" | "as" | "integrity" | "charSet" | "httpEquiv" | "high" | "low" | "optimum" | "reversed" | "defer" | "nonce" | "scoped" | "cellPadding" | "cellSpacing" | "colSpan" | "headers" | "rowSpan" | "scope" | "cols" | "rows" | "kind" | "srcLang" | "poster" | "hasSelected" | "isInner"> & import("@material-ui/core/styles").StyledComponentProps<"animateTransform" | "pointer" | "thumb" | "noPoint">) | (Pick<React.PropsWithChildren<ClockPointerProps>, "name" | "ref" | "cite" | "data" | "form" | "label" | "slot" | "span" | "style" | "summary" | "title" | "pattern" | "children" | "value" | "className" | "color" | "key" | "defaultChecked" | "defaultValue" | "suppressContentEditableWarning" | "suppressHydrationWarning" | "accessKey" | "contentEditable" | "contextMenu" | "dir" | "draggable" | "hidden" | "id" | "lang" | "placeholder" | "spellCheck" | "tabIndex" | "translate" | "radioGroup" | "role" | "about" | "datatype" | "inlist" | "prefix" | "property" | "resource" | "typeof" | "vocab" | "autoCapitalize" | "autoCorrect" | "autoSave" | "itemProp" | "itemScope" | "itemType" | "itemID" | "itemRef" | "results" | "security" | "unselectable" | "inputMode" | "is" | "aria-activedescendant" | "aria-atomic" | "aria-autocomplete" | "aria-busy" | "aria-checked" | "aria-colcount" | "aria-colindex" | "aria-colspan" | "aria-controls" | "aria-current" | "aria-describedby" | "aria-details" | "aria-disabled" | "aria-dropeffect" | "aria-errormessage" | "aria-expanded" | "aria-flowto" | "aria-grabbed" | "aria-haspopup" | "aria-hidden" | "aria-invalid" | "aria-keyshortcuts" | "aria-label" | "aria-labelledby" | "aria-level" | "aria-live" | "aria-modal" | "aria-multiline" | "aria-multiselectable" | "aria-orientation" | "aria-owns" | "aria-placeholder" | "aria-posinset" | "aria-pressed" | "aria-readonly" | "aria-relevant" | "aria-required" | "aria-roledescription" | "aria-rowcount" | "aria-rowindex" | "aria-rowspan" | "aria-selected" | "aria-setsize" | "aria-sort" | "aria-valuemax" | "aria-valuemin" | "aria-valuenow" | "aria-valuetext" | "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" | "onCopy" | "onCopyCapture" | "onCut" | "onCutCapture" | "onPaste" | "onPasteCapture" | "onCompositionEnd" | "onCompositionEndCapture" | "onCompositionStart" | "onCompositionStartCapture" | "onCompositionUpdate" | "onCompositionUpdateCapture" | "onFocus" | "onFocusCapture" | "onBlur" | "onBlurCapture" | "onChange" | "onChangeCapture" | "onBeforeInput" | "onBeforeInputCapture" | "onInput" | "onInputCapture" | "onReset" | "onResetCapture" | "onSubmit" | "onSubmitCapture" | "onInvalid" | "onInvalidCapture" | "onLoad" | "onLoadCapture" | "onError" | "onErrorCapture" | "onKeyDown" | "onKeyDownCapture" | "onKeyPress" | "onKeyPressCapture" | "onKeyUp" | "onKeyUpCapture" | "onAbort" | "onAbortCapture" | "onCanPlay" | "onCanPlayCapture" | "onCanPlayThrough" | "onCanPlayThroughCapture" | "onDurationChange" | "onDurationChangeCapture" | "onEmptied" | "onEmptiedCapture" | "onEncrypted" | "onEncryptedCapture" | "onEnded" | "onEndedCapture" | "onLoadedData" | "onLoadedDataCapture" | "onLoadedMetadata" | "onLoadedMetadataCapture" | "onLoadStart" | "onLoadStartCapture" | "onPause" | "onPauseCapture" | "onPlay" | "onPlayCapture" | "onPlaying" | "onPlayingCapture" | "onProgress" | "onProgressCapture" | "onRateChange" | "onRateChangeCapture" | "onSeeked" | "onSeekedCapture" | "onSeeking" | "onSeekingCapture" | "onStalled" | "onStalledCapture" | "onSuspend" | "onSuspendCapture" | "onTimeUpdate" | "onTimeUpdateCapture" | "onVolumeChange" | "onVolumeChangeCapture" | "onWaiting" | "onWaitingCapture" | "onAuxClick" | "onAuxClickCapture" | "onClick" | "onClickCapture" | "onContextMenu" | "onContextMenuCapture" | "onDoubleClick" | "onDoubleClickCapture" | "onDrag" | "onDragCapture" | "onDragEnd" | "onDragEndCapture" | "onDragEnter" | "onDragEnterCapture" | "onDragExit" | "onDragExitCapture" | "onDragLeave" | "onDragLeaveCapture" | "onDragOver" | "onDragOverCapture" | "onDragStart" | "onDragStartCapture" | "onDrop" | "onDropCapture" | "onMouseDown" | "onMouseDownCapture" | "onMouseEnter" | "onMouseLeave" | "onMouseMove" | "onMouseMoveCapture" | "onMouseOut" | "onMouseOutCapture" | "onMouseOver" | "onMouseOverCapture" | "onMouseUp" | "onMouseUpCapture" | "onSelect" | "onSelectCapture" | "onTouchCancel" | "onTouchCancelCapture" | "onTouchEnd" | "onTouchEndCapture" | "onTouchMove" | "onTouchMoveCapture" | "onTouchStart" | "onTouchStartCapture" | "onPointerDown" | "onPointerDownCapture" | "onPointerMove" | "onPointerMoveCapture" | "onPointerUp" | "onPointerUpCapture" | "onPointerCancel" | "onPointerCancelCapture" | "onPointerEnter" | "onPointerEnterCapture" | "onPointerLeave" | "onPointerLeaveCapture" | "onPointerOver" | "onPointerOverCapture" | "onPointerOut" | "onPointerOutCapture" | "onGotPointerCapture" | "onGotPointerCaptureCapture" | "onLostPointerCapture" | "onLostPointerCaptureCapture" | "onScroll" | "onScrollCapture" | "onWheel" | "onWheelCapture" | "onAnimationStart" | "onAnimationStartCapture" | "onAnimationEnd" | "onAnimationEndCapture" | "onAnimationIteration" | "onAnimationIterationCapture" | "onTransitionEnd" | "onTransitionEndCapture" | "media" | "content" | "height" | "width" | "start" | "size" | "default" | "wrap" | "open" | "multiple" | "disabled" | "selected" | "max" | "method" | "min" | "target" | "type" | "crossOrigin" | "href" | "classID" | "useMap" | "wmode" | "download" | "hrefLang" | "rel" | "alt" | "coords" | "shape" | "autoPlay" | "controls" | "loop" | "mediaGroup" | "muted" | "playsInline" | "preload" | "src" | "autoFocus" | "formAction" | "formEncType" | "formMethod" | "formNoValidate" | "formTarget" | "dateTime" | "acceptCharset" | "action" | "autoComplete" | "encType" | "noValidate" | "manifest" | "allowFullScreen" | "allowTransparency" | "frameBorder" | "marginHeight" | "marginWidth" | "sandbox" | "scrolling" | "seamless" | "srcDoc" | "sizes" | "srcSet" | "async" | "accept" | "capture" | "checked" | "list" | "maxLength" | "minLength" | "readOnly" | "required" | "step" | "challenge" | "keyType" | "keyParams" | "htmlFor" | "as" | "integrity" | "charSet" | "httpEquiv" | "high" | "low" | "optimum" | "reversed" | "defer" | "nonce" | "scoped" | "cellPadding" | "cellSpacing" | "colSpan" | "headers" | "rowSpan" | "scope" | "cols" | "rows" | "kind" | "srcLang" | "poster" | "hasSelected" | "isInner"> & import("@material-ui/core/styles").StyledComponentProps<"animateTransform" | "pointer" | "thumb" | "noPoint">)>;
export default _default;

@@ -7,3 +7,4 @@ import * as React from 'react';

* 12h/24h view for hour selection clock
* 12h/24h view for hour selection clock.
* @default true

@@ -13,3 +14,4 @@ */

* Step over minutes
* Step over minutes.
* @default 1

@@ -19,3 +21,4 @@ */

* Display ampm controls under the clock (instead of in the toolbar)
* Display ampm controls under the clock (instead of in the toolbar).
* @default false

@@ -25,3 +28,4 @@ */

* Enables keyboard listener for moving between days in calendar
* Enables keyboard listener for moving between days in calendar.
* @default currentWrapper !== 'static'

@@ -28,0 +32,0 @@ */

@@ -1,3 +0,3 @@

export declare const MobileKeyboardInputView: import("react").ComponentType<Pick<import("react").DetailedHTMLProps<import("react").HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>, HTMLDivElement>, "ref" | "slot" | "style" | "title" | "children" | "key" | "defaultChecked" | "defaultValue" | "suppressContentEditableWarning" | "suppressHydrationWarning" | "accessKey" | "contentEditable" | "contextMenu" | "dir" | "draggable" | "hidden" | "id" | "lang" | "placeholder" | "spellCheck" | "tabIndex" | "translate" | "radioGroup" | "role" | "about" | "datatype" | "inlist" | "prefix" | "property" | "resource" | "typeof" | "vocab" | "autoCapitalize" | "autoCorrect" | "autoSave" | "color" | "itemProp" | "itemScope" | "itemType" | "itemID" | "itemRef" | "results" | "security" | "unselectable" | "inputMode" | "is" | "aria-activedescendant" | "aria-atomic" | "aria-autocomplete" | "aria-busy" | "aria-checked" | "aria-colcount" | "aria-colindex" | "aria-colspan" | "aria-controls" | "aria-current" | "aria-describedby" | "aria-details" | "aria-disabled" | "aria-dropeffect" | "aria-errormessage" | "aria-expanded" | "aria-flowto" | "aria-grabbed" | "aria-haspopup" | "aria-hidden" | "aria-invalid" | "aria-keyshortcuts" | "aria-label" | "aria-labelledby" | "aria-level" | "aria-live" | "aria-modal" | "aria-multiline" | "aria-multiselectable" | "aria-orientation" | "aria-owns" | "aria-placeholder" | "aria-posinset" | "aria-pressed" | "aria-readonly" | "aria-relevant" | "aria-required" | "aria-roledescription" | "aria-rowcount" | "aria-rowindex" | "aria-rowspan" | "aria-selected" | "aria-setsize" | "aria-sort" | "aria-valuemax" | "aria-valuemin" | "aria-valuenow" | "aria-valuetext" | "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" | "onCopy" | "onCopyCapture" | "onCut" | "onCutCapture" | "onPaste" | "onPasteCapture" | "onCompositionEnd" | "onCompositionEndCapture" | "onCompositionStart" | "onCompositionStartCapture" | "onCompositionUpdate" | "onCompositionUpdateCapture" | "onFocus" | "onFocusCapture" | "onBlur" | "onBlurCapture" | "onChange" | "onChangeCapture" | "onBeforeInput" | "onBeforeInputCapture" | "onInput" | "onInputCapture" | "onReset" | "onResetCapture" | "onSubmit" | "onSubmitCapture" | "onInvalid" | "onInvalidCapture" | "onLoad" | "onLoadCapture" | "onError" | "onErrorCapture" | "onKeyDown" | "onKeyDownCapture" | "onKeyPress" | "onKeyPressCapture" | "onKeyUp" | "onKeyUpCapture" | "onAbort" | "onAbortCapture" | "onCanPlay" | "onCanPlayCapture" | "onCanPlayThrough" | "onCanPlayThroughCapture" | "onDurationChange" | "onDurationChangeCapture" | "onEmptied" | "onEmptiedCapture" | "onEncrypted" | "onEncryptedCapture" | "onEnded" | "onEndedCapture" | "onLoadedData" | "onLoadedDataCapture" | "onLoadedMetadata" | "onLoadedMetadataCapture" | "onLoadStart" | "onLoadStartCapture" | "onPause" | "onPauseCapture" | "onPlay" | "onPlayCapture" | "onPlaying" | "onPlayingCapture" | "onProgress" | "onProgressCapture" | "onRateChange" | "onRateChangeCapture" | "onSeeked" | "onSeekedCapture" | "onSeeking" | "onSeekingCapture" | "onStalled" | "onStalledCapture" | "onSuspend" | "onSuspendCapture" | "onTimeUpdate" | "onTimeUpdateCapture" | "onVolumeChange" | "onVolumeChangeCapture" | "onWaiting" | "onWaitingCapture" | "onAuxClick" | "onAuxClickCapture" | "onClick" | "onClickCapture" | "onContextMenu" | "onContextMenuCapture" | "onDoubleClick" | "onDoubleClickCapture" | "onDrag" | "onDragCapture" | "onDragEnd" | "onDragEndCapture" | "onDragEnter" | "onDragEnterCapture" | "onDragExit" | "onDragExitCapture" | "onDragLeave" | "onDragLeaveCapture" | "onDragOver" | "onDragOverCapture" | "onDragStart" | "onDragStartCapture" | "onDrop" | "onDropCapture" | "onMouseDown" | "onMouseDownCapture" | "onMouseEnter" | "onMouseLeave" | "onMouseMove" | "onMouseMoveCapture" | "onMouseOut" | "onMouseOutCapture" | "onMouseOver" | "onMouseOverCapture" | "onMouseUp" | "onMouseUpCapture" | "onSelect" | "onSelectCapture" | "onTouchCancel" | "onTouchCancelCapture" | "onTouchEnd" | "onTouchEndCapture" | "onTouchMove" | "onTouchMoveCapture" | "onTouchStart" | "onTouchStartCapture" | "onPointerDown" | "onPointerDownCapture" | "onPointerMove" | "onPointerMoveCapture" | "onPointerUp" | "onPointerUpCapture" | "onPointerCancel" | "onPointerCancelCapture" | "onPointerEnter" | "onPointerEnterCapture" | "onPointerLeave" | "onPointerLeaveCapture" | "onPointerOver" | "onPointerOverCapture" | "onPointerOut" | "onPointerOutCapture" | "onGotPointerCapture" | "onGotPointerCaptureCapture" | "onLostPointerCapture" | "onLostPointerCaptureCapture" | "onScroll" | "onScrollCapture" | "onWheel" | "onWheelCapture" | "onAnimationStart" | "onAnimationStartCapture" | "onAnimationEnd" | "onAnimationEndCapture" | "onAnimationIteration" | "onAnimationIterationCapture" | "onTransitionEnd" | "onTransitionEndCapture"> & import("@material-ui/core/styles").StyledComponentProps<"root"> & {
export declare const MobileKeyboardInputView: import("react").ComponentType<Pick<import("react").DetailedHTMLProps<import("react").HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>, HTMLDivElement>, "ref" | "slot" | "style" | "title" | "children" | "color" | "key" | "defaultChecked" | "defaultValue" | "suppressContentEditableWarning" | "suppressHydrationWarning" | "accessKey" | "contentEditable" | "contextMenu" | "dir" | "draggable" | "hidden" | "id" | "lang" | "placeholder" | "spellCheck" | "tabIndex" | "translate" | "radioGroup" | "role" | "about" | "datatype" | "inlist" | "prefix" | "property" | "resource" | "typeof" | "vocab" | "autoCapitalize" | "autoCorrect" | "autoSave" | "itemProp" | "itemScope" | "itemType" | "itemID" | "itemRef" | "results" | "security" | "unselectable" | "inputMode" | "is" | "aria-activedescendant" | "aria-atomic" | "aria-autocomplete" | "aria-busy" | "aria-checked" | "aria-colcount" | "aria-colindex" | "aria-colspan" | "aria-controls" | "aria-current" | "aria-describedby" | "aria-details" | "aria-disabled" | "aria-dropeffect" | "aria-errormessage" | "aria-expanded" | "aria-flowto" | "aria-grabbed" | "aria-haspopup" | "aria-hidden" | "aria-invalid" | "aria-keyshortcuts" | "aria-label" | "aria-labelledby" | "aria-level" | "aria-live" | "aria-modal" | "aria-multiline" | "aria-multiselectable" | "aria-orientation" | "aria-owns" | "aria-placeholder" | "aria-posinset" | "aria-pressed" | "aria-readonly" | "aria-relevant" | "aria-required" | "aria-roledescription" | "aria-rowcount" | "aria-rowindex" | "aria-rowspan" | "aria-selected" | "aria-setsize" | "aria-sort" | "aria-valuemax" | "aria-valuemin" | "aria-valuenow" | "aria-valuetext" | "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" | "onCopy" | "onCopyCapture" | "onCut" | "onCutCapture" | "onPaste" | "onPasteCapture" | "onCompositionEnd" | "onCompositionEndCapture" | "onCompositionStart" | "onCompositionStartCapture" | "onCompositionUpdate" | "onCompositionUpdateCapture" | "onFocus" | "onFocusCapture" | "onBlur" | "onBlurCapture" | "onChange" | "onChangeCapture" | "onBeforeInput" | "onBeforeInputCapture" | "onInput" | "onInputCapture" | "onReset" | "onResetCapture" | "onSubmit" | "onSubmitCapture" | "onInvalid" | "onInvalidCapture" | "onLoad" | "onLoadCapture" | "onError" | "onErrorCapture" | "onKeyDown" | "onKeyDownCapture" | "onKeyPress" | "onKeyPressCapture" | "onKeyUp" | "onKeyUpCapture" | "onAbort" | "onAbortCapture" | "onCanPlay" | "onCanPlayCapture" | "onCanPlayThrough" | "onCanPlayThroughCapture" | "onDurationChange" | "onDurationChangeCapture" | "onEmptied" | "onEmptiedCapture" | "onEncrypted" | "onEncryptedCapture" | "onEnded" | "onEndedCapture" | "onLoadedData" | "onLoadedDataCapture" | "onLoadedMetadata" | "onLoadedMetadataCapture" | "onLoadStart" | "onLoadStartCapture" | "onPause" | "onPauseCapture" | "onPlay" | "onPlayCapture" | "onPlaying" | "onPlayingCapture" | "onProgress" | "onProgressCapture" | "onRateChange" | "onRateChangeCapture" | "onSeeked" | "onSeekedCapture" | "onSeeking" | "onSeekingCapture" | "onStalled" | "onStalledCapture" | "onSuspend" | "onSuspendCapture" | "onTimeUpdate" | "onTimeUpdateCapture" | "onVolumeChange" | "onVolumeChangeCapture" | "onWaiting" | "onWaitingCapture" | "onAuxClick" | "onAuxClickCapture" | "onClick" | "onClickCapture" | "onContextMenu" | "onContextMenuCapture" | "onDoubleClick" | "onDoubleClickCapture" | "onDrag" | "onDragCapture" | "onDragEnd" | "onDragEndCapture" | "onDragEnter" | "onDragEnterCapture" | "onDragExit" | "onDragExitCapture" | "onDragLeave" | "onDragLeaveCapture" | "onDragOver" | "onDragOverCapture" | "onDragStart" | "onDragStartCapture" | "onDrop" | "onDropCapture" | "onMouseDown" | "onMouseDownCapture" | "onMouseEnter" | "onMouseLeave" | "onMouseMove" | "onMouseMoveCapture" | "onMouseOut" | "onMouseOutCapture" | "onMouseOver" | "onMouseOverCapture" | "onMouseUp" | "onMouseUpCapture" | "onSelect" | "onSelectCapture" | "onTouchCancel" | "onTouchCancelCapture" | "onTouchEnd" | "onTouchEndCapture" | "onTouchMove" | "onTouchMoveCapture" | "onTouchStart" | "onTouchStartCapture" | "onPointerDown" | "onPointerDownCapture" | "onPointerMove" | "onPointerMoveCapture" | "onPointerUp" | "onPointerUpCapture" | "onPointerCancel" | "onPointerCancelCapture" | "onPointerEnter" | "onPointerEnterCapture" | "onPointerLeave" | "onPointerLeaveCapture" | "onPointerOver" | "onPointerOverCapture" | "onPointerOut" | "onPointerOutCapture" | "onGotPointerCapture" | "onGotPointerCaptureCapture" | "onLostPointerCapture" | "onLostPointerCaptureCapture" | "onScroll" | "onScrollCapture" | "onWheel" | "onWheelCapture" | "onAnimationStart" | "onAnimationStartCapture" | "onAnimationEnd" | "onAnimationEndCapture" | "onAnimationIteration" | "onAnimationIterationCapture" | "onTransitionEnd" | "onTransitionEndCapture"> & import("@material-ui/core/styles").StyledComponentProps<"root"> & {
className?: string | undefined;
import * as React from 'react';
import { DialogProps as MuiDialogProps } from '@material-ui/core/Dialog';
import { WrapperProps } from './Wrapper';
import { StaticWrapperProps } from './StaticWrapper';
import { InnerDesktopWrapperProps } from './DesktopWrapper';
import { DialogProps as MuiDialogProps } from '@material-ui/core/Dialog';
import { ExportedPickerModalProps } from '../_shared/PickersModalDialog';

@@ -7,0 +7,0 @@ export interface InnerMobileWrapperProps extends ExportedPickerModalProps {

@@ -5,2 +5,3 @@ import * as React from 'react';

* Force static wrapper inner components to be rendered in mobile or desktop mode
* @default "static"

@@ -7,0 +8,0 @@ */

@@ -1,2 +0,3 @@

export declare const WrapperVariantContext: import("react").Context<"static" | "desktop" | "mobile" | null>;
export declare const IsStaticVariantContext: import("react").Context<boolean>;
import * as React from 'react';
export declare const WrapperVariantContext: React.Context<"static" | "desktop" | "mobile" | null>;
export declare const IsStaticVariantContext: React.Context<boolean>;

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Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is too big to display

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is too big to display

Sorry, the diff of this file is too big to display

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