What is @material/floating-label?
@material/floating-label is a package from the Material Components for the Web (MDC Web) library. It provides a floating label component that can be used in form fields to enhance user experience by animating the label when the input field is focused or filled.
What are @material/floating-label's main functionalities?
Basic Floating Label
This code snippet demonstrates how to create a basic floating label using the @material/floating-label package. The label will float above the input field when the field is focused or filled.
<div class="mdc-floating-label" id="my-label-id">My Label</div>
Floating Label with Input
This example shows how to use the floating label in conjunction with an input field. The label will float above the input field when the user interacts with it.
<div class="mdc-text-field">
<input type="text" class="mdc-text-field__input" aria-labelledby="my-label-id">
<label class="mdc-floating-label" id="my-label-id">My Label</label>
JavaScript Initialization
This code demonstrates how to initialize the floating label component using JavaScript. This is useful for adding dynamic behavior to the floating label.
import { MDCFloatingLabel } from '@material/floating-label';
const floatingLabel = new MDCFloatingLabel(document.querySelector('.mdc-floating-label'));
Other packages similar to @material/floating-label
react-floating-label-input is a React component that provides similar functionality to @material/floating-label. It allows you to create floating labels for input fields in a React application. Unlike @material/floating-label, which is part of the MDC Web library, react-floating-label-input is specifically designed for React.
floating-label-react is another React component for creating floating labels. It offers similar features to @material/floating-label but is tailored for use in React applications. It provides a simple API for integrating floating labels with input fields.
vue-mdc-adapter is a library that integrates Material Components for the Web with Vue.js. It includes a floating label component similar to @material/floating-label. This package is ideal for Vue.js developers who want to use Material Design components in their applications.
Floating Label
Floating labels display the type of input a field requires. Every Text Field and Select should have a label, except for full-width text fields, which use the input's placeholder
attribute instead. Labels are aligned with the input line and always visible. They can be resting (when a field is inactive and empty) or floating. The label is a text caption or description for the Text Field.
Design & API Documentation
npm install @material/floating-label
Basic Usage
HTML Structure
<label class="mdc-floating-label" for="my-text-field-id">Hint text</label>
@import "@material/floating-label/mdc-floating-label";
JavaScript Instantiation
import {MDCFloatingLabel} from '@material/floating-label';
const floatingLabel = new MDCFloatingLabel(document.querySelector('.mdc-floating-label'));
Avoid Dynamic ID Generation
If you're using the JavaScript-enabled version of floating label, you can avoid needing to assign
a unique id
to each <input>
by wrapping mdc-text-field__input
within a <label>
<label class="mdc-text-field">
<input type="text" class="mdc-text-field__input">
<span class="mdc-floating-label">Hint Text</span>
<div class="mdc-text-field__bottom-line"></div>
NOTE: This method also works with <select>
Style Customization
CSS Classes
CSS Class | Description |
mdc-floating-label | Mandatory. |
mdc-floating-label--float-above | Indicates the label is floating in the floating position. |
mdc-floating-label--shake | Shakes the label. |
Sass Mixins
Mixin | Description |
mdc-floating-label-ink-color($color) | Customizes the ink color of the label. |
mdc-floating-label-fill-color($color) | Customizes the fill color of the label. |
mdc-floating-label-shake-keyframes($modifier, $positionY, $positionX, $scale) | Generates a CSS @keyframes at-rule for an invalid label shake. Used in conjunction with the mdc-floating-label-shake-animation mixin. |
mdc-floating-label-shake-animation($modifier) | Applies shake keyframe animation to label. |
mdc-floating-label-float-position($positionY, $positionX, $scale) | Sets position of label when floating. |
mdc-floating-label-max-width($max-width) | Sets the max width of the label. |
Properties and Methods
Method Signature | Description |
shake(shouldShake: boolean) => void | Proxies to the foundation's shake() method. |
float(shouldFloat: boolean) => void | Proxies to the foundation's float() method. |
getWidth() => number | Proxies to the foundation's getWidth() method. |
Usage Within Frameworks
If you are using a JavaScript framework, such as React or Angular, you can create a Floating Label for your framework. Depending on your needs, you can use the Simple Approach: Wrapping MDC Web Vanilla Components, or the Advanced Approach: Using Foundations and Adapters. Please follow the instructions here.
Method Signature | Description |
addClass(className: string) => void | Adds a class to the label element. |
removeClass(className: string) => void | Removes a class from the label element. |
getWidth() => number | Returns the width of the label element. |
Method Signature | Description |
shake(shouldShake: boolean) | Shakes or stops shaking the label, depending on the value of shouldShake . |
float(shouldFloat: boolean) | Floats or docks the label, depending on the value of shouldFloat . |
getWidth() => number | Returns the width of the label element. |