Advanced tools
6.0.0 (2020-04-22)
checkbox (b273afa)select: HTML Markup significantly changed, see README; REMOVED adapter methods isSelectedTextFocused
, getSelectedTextAttr
, setSelectedTextAttr
; ADDED adapter methods isSelectAnchorFocused
, getSelectAnchorAttr
, setSelectAnchorAttr
; removed variables outlined-dense-label-position-y
, icon-padding
; added variables minimum-height-for-filled-label
, filled-baseline-top
, selected-text-height
, anchor-padding-left
, anchor-padding-left-with-leading-icon
, anchor-padding-right
text-field: Redundant mixins mdc-text-field-textarea-fill-color
, mdc-text-field-textarea-stroke-color
, mdc-text-field-fullwidth-bottom-line-color
removed. Instead, use mdc-text-field-fill-color
, mdc-text-field-outline-color
, and mdc-text-field-bottom-line-color
respectively to achieve the same effect.
textfield: mdc-text-field--dense and associated mixins/variables have been removed. Use the density() mixin instead.
textfield: removed the following variables: $input-padding
, $input-padding-top
, $input-padding-bottom
, $outlined-input-padding-top
, $outlined-input-padding-bottom
, $input-border-bottom
linear-progress: DOM for linear progress buffer changed. MDCLinearProgressAdapter method getBuffer
, getPrimaryBar
, setStyle
removed. MDCLinearProgressAdapter method setBufferBarStyle
, setPrimaryBarStyle
linear-progress: DOM for linear progress buffer changed. MDCLinearProgressAdapter method getBuffer
, getPrimaryBar
, setStyle
removed. MDCLinearProgressAdapter method setBufferBarStyle
, setPrimaryBarStyle
typography: typography.baseline-top()
and typography.baseline-bottom()
are now private. Use typography.baseline()
for containers and typography.text-baseline()
for text with $top and $bottom params.
chips: The touch target and text now appear inside the primary action element. Please see the readme for markup changes.
textfield: filled text fields must include a <div class="mdc-text-field__ripple"></div>
textfield: Filled textfields will no longer show a floating label at certain densities. This can be overridden by setting $mdc-text-field-minimum-height-for-filled-label: 40px
chips: Both MDCChipAdapter
and MDCChipSetAdapter
have new methods. MDCChipSetFoundation
event handlers now accept the corresponding chip event detail interface as the sole argument. The root
property has been removed from the MDCChipRemovalEventDetail
line-ripple: mdc-line-ripple-color()
mixin has been renamed to mdc-line-ripple-active-color()
textfield: Default textfields must now specify mdc-text-field--filled. Disabled outlined textfields no longer have a shaded background. Height mixin no longer specifies a baseline override, use typography's baseline-top mixin.
Four variables and a mixin in mdc-textfield were renamed to use a mdc-text-field- prefix when depended on via @import (formerly mdc-required-text-field-label-asterisk_, now required-label-asterisk_).
textfield: icons must use .mdc-text-field__icon--leading
or .mdc-text-field__icon--trailing
classes. mdc-text-field-icon-color()
mixin has been split into mdc-text-field-leading-icon-color()
and mdc-text-field-trailing-icon-color()
switch: Added setNativeControlAttr method in mdc-switch adapter.
checkbox: remove event listener for 'change' and add event listener for 'click'.
renamed to $mdc-button-disabled-container-color
option from mdc-theme-prop()
Sass mixin.