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The Material Components for the web snackbar component

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Snackbars provide brief messages about app processes at the bottom of the screen.

Design & API Documentation

  • Material Design guidelines: Snackbars
  • Demo


npm install @material/snackbar

Basic Usage

HTML Structure

<aside class="mdc-snackbar">
  <div class="mdc-snackbar__surface" role="status" aria-relevant="additions">
    <div class="mdc-snackbar__label" aria-atomic="false">
      Can't send photo. Retry in 5 seconds.
    <div class="mdc-snackbar__actions" aria-atomic="true">
      <button type="button" class="mdc-button mdc-snackbar__action">
        <div class="mdc-button__ripple"></div>
        <span class="mdc-button__label">Retry</span>


@use "@material/snackbar/mdc-snackbar";

JavaScript Instantiation

import {MDCSnackbar} from '@material/snackbar';
const snackbar = new MDCSnackbar(document.querySelector('.mdc-snackbar'));

See Importing the JS component for more information on how to import JavaScript.



Action buttons with long text should be positioned below the label instead of alongside it. This can be accomplished by adding the mdc-snackbar--stacked modifier class to the root element:

<aside class="mdc-snackbar mdc-snackbar--stacked">

Alternatively, you can call the layout-stacked mixin from Sass:

@use "@material/snackbar";

@media (max-width: snackbar.$mobile-breakpoint) {
  .my-snackbar {
    @include snackbar.layout-stacked;

Leading (tablet and desktop only)

By default, snackbars are centered horizontally within the viewport.

On larger screens, they can optionally be displayed on the leading edge of the screen (the left side in LTR, or the right side in RTL) by adding the mdc-snackbar--leading modifier class to the root element:

<aside class="mdc-snackbar mdc-snackbar--leading">

Alternatively, you can call the position-leading mixin from Sass:

@media (min-width: snackbar.$mobile-breakpoint) {
  .my-snackbar {
    @include snackbar.position-leading;

Wide (tablet and desktop only)

To increase the margins between the snackbar and the viewport on larger screens, call the viewport-margin mixin inside a media query:

@media (min-width: snackbar.$mobile-breakpoint) {
  .my-snackbar {
    @include snackbar.viewport-margin(snackbar.$viewport-margin-wide);

Style Customization

CSS Classes

CSS ClassDescription
mdc-snackbarMandatory. Container for the snackbar elements.
mdc-snackbar__labelMandatory. Message text.
mdc-snackbar__actionsOptional. Wraps the action button/icon elements, if present.
mdc-snackbar__actionOptional. The action button.
mdc-snackbar__dismissOptional. The dismiss ("X") icon.
mdc-snackbar--openingOptional. Applied automatically when the snackbar is in the process of animating open.
mdc-snackbar--openOptional. Indicates that the snackbar is open and visible.
mdc-snackbar--closingOptional. Applied automatically when the snackbar is in the process of animating closed.
mdc-snackbar--leadingOptional. Positions the snackbar on the leading edge of the screen (left in LTR, right in RTL) instead of centered.
mdc-snackbar--stackedOptional. Positions the action button/icon below the label instead of alongside it.

Sass Mixins

fill-color($color)Sets the fill color of the snackbar.
label-ink-color($color)Sets the color of the snackbar's label text.
shape-radius($radius, $rtl-reflexive)Sets the rounded shape to snackbar surface with given radius size. Set $rtl-reflexive to true to flip radius values in RTL context, defaults to false.
min-width($min-width, $mobile-breakpoint)Sets the min-width of the surface on tablet/desktop devices. On mobile, the width is automatically set to 100%.
max-width($max-width)Sets the max-width of the snackbar.
elevation($z-index)Sets the elevation of the snackbar.
viewport-margin($margin)Sets the distance between the snackbar and the viewport.
z-index($z-index)Sets the z-index of the snackbar.
position-leading()Positions the snackbar on the leading edge of the screen (left in LTR, right in RTL) instead of centered.
layout-stacked()Positions the action button/icon below the label instead of alongside it.

NOTE: The mdc-snackbar__action and mdc-snackbar__dismiss elements can be further customized with mdc-button and mdc-icon-button mixins.

JavaScript API

MDCSnackbar Properties

PropertyValue TypeDescription
isOpenboolean (read-only)Gets whether the snackbar is currently open.
timeoutMsnumberGets/sets the automatic dismiss timeout in milliseconds. Value must be between 4000 and 10000 (or -1 to disable the timeout completely) or an error will be thrown. Defaults to 5000 (5 seconds).
closeOnEscapebooleanGets/sets whether the snackbar closes when it is focused and the user presses the ESC key. Defaults to true.
labelTextstringGets/sets the textContent of the label element.
actionButtonTextstringGets/sets the textContent of the action button element.

NOTE: Setting labelText while the snackbar is open will cause screen readers to announce the new label. See Screen Readers below for more information.

MDCSnackbar Methods

Method SignatureDescription
open() => voidOpens the snackbar.
close(reason: string=) => voidCloses the snackbar, optionally with the specified reason indicating why it was closed.


Event Nameevent.detailDescription
MDCSnackbar:opening{}Indicates when the snackbar begins its opening animation.
MDCSnackbar:opened{}Indicates when the snackbar finishes its opening animation.
MDCSnackbar:closing{reason?: string}Indicates when the snackbar begins its closing animation. reason contains the reason why the snackbar closed ('dismiss', 'action', or undefined).
MDCSnackbar:closed{reason?: string}Indicates when the snackbar finishes its closing animation. reason contains the reason why the snackbar closed ('dismiss', 'action', or undefined).

Usage Within Frameworks

If you are using a JavaScript framework, such as React or Angular, you can create a Snackbar for your framework. Depending on your needs, you can use the Simple Approach: Wrapping MDC Web Vanilla Components, or the Advanced Approach: Using Foundations and Adapters. Please follow the instructions here.

MDCSnackbarAdapter Methods
Method SignatureDescription
addClass(className: string) => voidAdds a class to the root element.
removeClass(className: string) => voidRemoves a class from the root element.
announce() => voidAnnounces the snackbar's label text to screen reader users.
notifyOpening() => voidBroadcasts an event denoting that the snackbar has just started opening.
notifyOpened() => voidBroadcasts an event denoting that the snackbar has finished opening.
notifyClosing(reason: string) => voidBroadcasts an event denoting that the snackbar has just started closing. If a non-empty reason is passed, the event's detail object should include its value in the reason property.
notifyClosed(reason: string) => voidBroadcasts an event denoting that the snackbar has finished closing. If a non-empty reason is passed, the event's detail object should include its value in the reason property.
MDCSnackbarFoundation Methods
Method SignatureDescription
open()Opens the snackbar.
close(action: string)Closes the snackbar, optionally with the specified action indicating why it was closed.
isOpen() => booleanReturns whether the snackbar is open.
getTimeoutMs() => numberReturns the automatic dismiss timeout in milliseconds.
setTimeoutMs(timeoutMs: number)Sets the automatic dismiss timeout in milliseconds. Value must be between 4000 and 10000 or an error will be thrown.
getCloseOnEscape() => booleanReturns whether the snackbar closes when it is focused and the user presses the ESC key.
setCloseOnEscape(closeOnEscape: boolean) => voidSets whether the snackbar closes when it is focused and the user presses the ESC key.
handleKeyDown(event: KeyEvent)Handles keydown events on or within the snackbar's root element.
handleActionButtonClick(event: MouseEvent)Handles click events on or within the action button.
handleActionIconClick(event: MouseEvent)Handles click events on or within the dismiss icon.
Event Handlers

When wrapping the Snackbar foundation, the following events must be bound to the indicated foundation methods:

EventTargetFoundation HandlerRegisterDeregister
keydown.mdc-snackbarhandleKeyDownDuring initializationDuring destruction
click.mdc-snackbar__actionhandleActionButtonClickDuring initializationDuring destruction
click.mdc-snackbar__dismisshandleActionIconClickDuring initializationDuring destruction
The Util API

External frameworks and libraries can use the following utility methods from the util module when implementing their own component.

Method SignatureDescription
announce(ariaEl: Element, labelEl?: Element) => voidAnnounces the label text to screen reader users.

Alternatively, frameworks can use Closure Library's goog.a11y.aria.Announcer#say() method.


Screen Readers

Snackbars automatically announce their label text to screen reader users with a "polite" notification when open() is called.

However, screen readers only announce ARIA Live Regions when the element's textContent changes, so MDC Snackbar provides a util.announce() method to temporarily clear and then restore the label element's textContent.

NOTE: Setting labelText while the snackbar is open will cause screen readers to announce the new label.

util.announce() supports the latest versions of the following screen readers and browsers:

macOS VoiceOver is not supported at this time.

Dismiss Icon

Snackbars are intended to dismiss on their own after a few seconds, but a dedicated dismiss icon may be optionally included as well for accessibility purposes.

Dismiss Key

Pressing the ESC key while one of the snackbar's child elements has focus (e.g., the action button) will dismiss the snackbar.

To disable this behavior, set closeOnEscape to false.

No JS Ripples

The mdc-snackbar__action and mdc-snackbar__dismiss elements should not have JavaScript-enabled MDCRipple behavior.

When combined with the snackbar's exit animation, ripples cause too much motion, which can be distracting or disorienting for users.



Package last updated on 12 Dec 2023

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