Meem Market
A place to buy, sell, and auction Meems.
These contracts are in an alpha state, have not been audited, and may contain critical security flaws resulting in lost funds. Use at your own risk.
By default all commands will use the local network. For other networks use the --network <network_name>
flag. See the hardhat.config.ts file for network names.
Set up your .env
Copy the .env.example
file to .env
Install dependencies
Watch and compile files automatically
yarn watch
Run tests
yarn test
Smart Contract Interaction
Change the network
For (deploy, upgrade, console, etc.) commands, you can change the network with --network <network name>
The local network is used by default.
Deploy contract
You should only do this the first time. After that you should use upgrade to keep the same address
yarn deploy
Upgrade scripts
Upgrade individual facets
yarn upgradeFacet --proxy <DiamondProxyAddress> --facet <FacetName>
For example:
yarn upgradeFacet --proxy 0x26291175Fa0Ea3C8583fEdEB56805eA68289b105 --facet AccessControlFacet
Console Interaction
This will open a hardhat console where you can interact directly with the smart contract
yarn console
Get a meem instance for use in hardhat console
const auctionHouse = await (await ethers.getContractFactory('AuctionHouseFacet')).attach('<DiamondProxyAddress>')