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The search client to use Meilisearch with InstantSearch.

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Instant Meilisearch

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⚑ How to integrate a front-end search bar in your website using Meilisearch

Meilisearch is an open-source search engine. Discover what Meilisearch is!

This library is the search client that you should use to make Meilisearch work with InstantSearch. InstantSearch, an open-source project developed by Algolia, is the tool that renders all the components needed to start searching in your front-end application.

Instead of reinventing the wheel, we have opted to reuse the InstantSearch library for our own front-end tooling. We will contribute upstream any improvements that may result from our adoption of InstantSearch.

If you use Angular, React, or Vue, you might want to check out these repositories:

NB: If you don't have any Meilisearch instance running and containing your data, you should take a look at this getting started page.

Table of Contents

πŸ“– Documentation

For general information on how to use Meilisearchβ€”such as our API reference, tutorials, guides, and in-depth articlesβ€”refer to our main documentation website.

⚑ Supercharge your Meilisearch experience

Say goodbye to server deployment and manual updates with Meilisearch Cloud. No credit card required.

πŸ”§ Installation

Use npm or yarn to install instant-meilisearch:

npm install @meilisearch/instant-meilisearch
yarn add @meilisearch/instant-meilisearch

instant-meilisearch is a client for instantsearch.js. It does not create any UI component by itself.
To be able to create a search interface, you'll need to install instantsearch.js as well.

🎬 Usage


import { instantMeiliSearch } from '@meilisearch/instant-meilisearch'

const { searchClient, setMeiliSearchParams } = instantMeiliSearch(
  '', // Host
  'a63da4928426f12639e19d62886f621130f3fa9ff3c7534c5d179f0f51c4f303' // API key

where searchClient is to be passed to instantsearch.js or its many framework adaptations, and setMeiliSearchParams is a function used to set/modify certain Meilisearch search parameters to be overridden.


  • Host - URL of Meilisearch instance
  • API Key - Meilisearch access API Key. This can either be a string or a synchronous function that returns a string. ⚠️ Prefer using a key with only search permissions as it is used on your front-end.

πŸ’… Customization

instant-meilisearch offers some options you can set to further fit your needs.

The options are added as the third parameter of the instantMeilisearch function.

import { instantMeiliSearch } from '@meilisearch/instant-meilisearch'

const { searchClient } = instantMeiliSearch(
    placeholderSearch: false, // default: true.
    primaryKey: 'id', // default: undefined
    // ...

Placeholders search means showing results even when the search query is empty. By default it is true. When placeholder search is set to false, no results appears when searching on no characters. For example, if the query is "" no results appear.

{ placeholderSearch : true } // default true

Finite Pagination

Finite pagination is used when you want to add a numbered pagination at the bottom of your hits (for example: << < 1, 2, 3 > >>).

It requires the usage of the Pagination widget.


{ finitePagination: true } // default: false

Primary key

Specify the field in your documents containing the unique identifier (undefined by default). By adding this option, we avoid instantSearch errors that are thrown in the browser console. In React particularly, this option removes the Each child in a list should have a unique "key" prop error.

{ primaryKey : 'id' } // default: undefined

Keep zero facets

keepZeroFacets set to true keeps the facets even when they have 0 matching documents (default false).

When using refinementList it happens that by checking some facets, the ones with no more valid documents disapear. Nonetheless you might want to still showcase them even if they have 0 matched documents with the current request:

Without keepZeroFacets set to true: genres:

  • horror (2000)
  • thriller (214)
  • comedy (0)

With keepZeroFacets set to false, comedy disapears:


  • horror (2000)
  • thriller (214)
{ keepZeroFacets : true } // default: false

Request Config

You can provide a custom request configuration. Available field can be found here.

for example, with custom headers.

  requestConfig: {
    headers: {
      Authorization: AUTH_TOKEN
    credentials: 'include'

Custom HTTP client

You can use your own HTTP client, for example, with axios.

  httpClient: async (url, opts) => {
    const response = await $axios.request({
      data: opts?.body,
      headers: opts?.headers,
      method: (opts?.method?.toLocaleUpperCase() as Method) ?? 'GET'

Meilisearch search parameters

meiliSearchParams lets you override a set of search parameters that are sent off to Meilisearch. The following options can be overridden: attributesToRetrieve, attributesToCrop, cropLength, cropMarker, attributesToHighlight, highlightPreTag, highlightPostTag, showMatchesPosition, matchingStrategy, showRankingScore, attributesToSearchOn, hybrid

  // ...
    meiliSearchParams: {
      attributesToHighlight: ['overview'],
      highlightPreTag: '<em>',
      highlightPostTag: '</em>',
      attributesToSearchOn: ['overview'],

Modify Meilisearch search parameters

instantMeiliSearch returns an instance with two properties on it, one of them being setMeiliSearchParams.

const { searchClient, setMeiliSearchParams } = instantMeiliSearch(/*...*/)

It modifies (or sets if not already set) the overridden Meilisearch search parameters. It only modifies parameters that are defined on the provided object, the following will not change attributesToHighlight.

const { setMeiliSearchParams } = instantMeiliSearch(
  // ...
    meiliSearchParams: {
      attributesToHighlight: ['overview'],
      highlightPreTag: '<em>',
      highlightPostTag: '</em>',
      attributesToSearchOn: ['overview'],

  highlightPreTag: '<mark>',
  highlightPostTag: '</mark>',
  attributesToSearchOn: ['overview', 'title'],

πŸͺ‘ Example with InstantSearch

The open-source InstantSearch library powered by Algolia provides all the front-end tools you need to highly customize your search bar environment.

InstantSearch requires that you provide an indexName. The indexName corresponds to the index uid in which your document are stored in Meilisearch.

In index.html:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8" />

      <div id="searchbox"></div>
      <div id="hits"></div>

    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src="./app.js"></script>

In app.js:

const { searchClient } = instantMeiliSearch(

const search = instantsearch({
  indexName: 'steam-video-games',

    container: '#searchbox',
    container: '#hits',
    templates: {
      item: `
          <div class="hit-name">
            {{#helpers.highlight}}{ "attribute": "name" }{{/helpers.highlight}}


πŸš€ For a full getting started example, please take a look at this CodeSandbox:

Edit MS + IS

πŸ’‘ If you have never used InstantSearch, we recommend reading this getting started documentation.

More Documentation

πŸ€– Compatibility with Meilisearch and InstantSearch

Supported InstantSearch.js versions:

This package only guarantees the compatibility with the version v4 of InstantSearch.js. It may work with older or newer InstantSearch versions, but these are not tested nor officially supported at this time.

Supported Meilisearch versions:

This package guarantees compatibility with version v1.x of Meilisearch, but some features may not be present. Please check the issues for more info.

Node / NPM versions:

  • NodeJS >= 12.10 <= 18
  • NPM >= 6.x

πŸ“œ API resources

List of all the components that are available in instantSearch and their compatibility with Meilisearch.

Table Of Widgets

βœ… InstantSearch

instantSearch references

instantSearch is the main component. It manages the widget and lets you add new ones.

  • βœ… IndexName: uid of your index. required
  • βœ… SearchClient: Search client, in our case instant-meilisearch. See customization for details on options. required
  • ❌ numberLocale: Does not work with both Algoliasearch and instant-meilisearch.
  • βœ… searchFunction: Surcharge the search function provided by the search client.
  • βœ… initialUiState: Determine the search state on app start.
  • βœ… onStateChange: Change search state on change (see option above).
  • βœ… stalledSearchDelay: Time in ms before search is considered stalled. Used for loader.
  • βœ… routing: browser URL synchronization, search parameters appear in current URL (guide).
  • βœ… insightsClient: Hook analytics to search actions (see insight section).
const search = instantsearch({
  indexName: 'instant_search',
  searchClient: instantMeiliSearch(
      // ... InstantMeiliSearch options
  // ... InstantSearch options
  routing: true // for example

βœ… Index

Index references

Index is the component that lets you apply widgets to a dedicated index. It’s useful if you want to build an interface that targets multiple indices.

SearchBox references

The searchBox widget is used to let the user perform a text-based query.

  • βœ… container: The CSS Selector or HTMLElement to insert the widget into. required
  • βœ… placeholder: Placeholder of the search box.
  • βœ… autofocus: Whether the search box is focused on arrival.
  • βœ… searchAsYouType: Whether result appears as you type or after pressing enter.
  • ❌ showReset: Does not work with both algoliasearch and instant-meilisearch
  • ❌ showSubmit: Does not work with both algoliasearch and instant-meilisearch
  • βœ… showLoadingIndicator: Whether to show the spinning loader.
  • βœ… queryHook: A function that is called just before the search is triggered.
  • βœ… templates: The templates to use for the widget.
  • βœ… cssClasses: The CSS classes to override.
  container: '#searchbox',
  autofocus: true,

βœ… Configure

The configure widget lets you provide raw search parameters to the Algolia API without rendering anything.

Because these are the search parameters of AlgoliaSearch and not the InstantSearch parameters, some of them are ignored by InstantSearch.
Since we do not act as AlgoliaSearch on search parameters, detailed compatibility can be found in this issue.
This component should only be used if no other component provides the same configuration.

We also suggest looking at Meilisearch's search parameters to determine how they act.

  hitsPerPage: 20,
  // other algoliasearch parameters

❌ ConfigureRelatedItems

ConfigureRelatedItems references.

No compatibility with Meilisearch because the component uses sumOrFiltersScores and optionalFilters search parameters that do not exist in Meilisearch.


Panel references

The panel widget wraps other widgets in a consistent panel design.

  • βœ… hidden: Function to determine if pannel should be hidden on earch render.
  • βœ… collapsed: Function to determine if pannel should be collapsed on earch render.
  • βœ… templates: The templates to use for the widget.
  • βœ… cssClasses: The CSS classes to override.

❌ Autocomplete

Autocomplete references

Deprecated component in InstantSearch in favor of autocomplete package.

InstantMeilisearch is not compatible with the autocomplete package.

Voice Search references

The voiceSearch widget lets the user perform a voice-based query.

βœ… Insight

Insight references

Search Insights lets you report click, conversion and view metrics.

More details about the subject are given in this issue.

Requires InstantSearch v4.8.3 or later.

  • βœ… insightsClient: Insight client uses search-insight.js.
  • βœ… insightsInitParams: Insight params.
  • βœ… onEvent?: function triggered on events.

βœ… Middleware

Middleware references

Middleware is a function returning an object with onStateChange, subscribe and unsubscribe functions. With the middleware API, you can inject functionalities in the InstantSearch lifecycle.

βœ… renderState

renderState references

Provides all the data and functions from the widgets.

It works only on widgets that are compatible with instant-meilisearch.

βœ… Hits

hits references

Used to display a list of results.

  • βœ… container: The CSS Selector or HTMLElement to insert the hits into. required
  • βœ… escapeHTML: Escapes HTML tags in string values in returned hits.
  • βœ… transformItems: Function that maps over every hit the provided logic.
  • βœ… templates: The templates to use for the widget.
  • βœ… cssClasses: The CSS classes to override.
  container: '#hits',
  templates: {
    item: `
          <div class="hit-name">
            {{#helpers.highlight}}{ "attribute": "title" }{{/helpers.highlight}}

βœ… InfiniteHits

infiniteHits references

The infiniteHits widget is used to display a list of results with a β€œShow more” button.

  • βœ… container: The CSS Selector or HTMLElement to insert the hits into. required
  • βœ… escapeHTML: Escapes HTML tags in string values in returned hits.
  • βœ… transformItems: Function that maps over every hit the provided logic.
  • βœ… templates: The templates to use for the widget.
  • βœ… cssClasses: The CSS classes to override.
  • ❌ showPrevious: Does not work with both Algoliasearch and InstantMeilisearch.
  • ❌ cache: Not added in InstantMeilisearch.
  container: '#infinite-hits',
  templates: {
    item: `
        {{#helpers.highlight}}{ "attribute": "name" }{{/helpers.highlight}}

βœ… Highlight

highlight references

The highlight function returns an attribute from a hit into its highlighted form, when relevant.

  • βœ… attribute: The attribute of the record to highlight. required
  • βœ… hit: Hit object. required
  • βœ… highlightedTagName: HTML element to wrap the highlighted parts of the string.

See Hits for an example.

βœ… Snippet

Snippet references

The snippet function returns an attribute from a hit into its snippet form, when relevant.

  • βœ… attribute: The attribute of the record to snippet and highlight. required
  • βœ… hit: Hit object. required
  • βœ… highlightedTagName: HTML element to wrap the highlighted parts of the string.

Note that the attribute has to be added to attributesToSnippet in configuration. Highlight is applied on snippeted fields.

Snippeting is called cropping in Meilisearch, more about it here. It is possible to change the size of the snippeting by adding its character size in the attributesToSnippet parameter.
For example: "description:40".

The 40 value represents the number of characters (rounded down to always have full words) and not the number of words. Thus, the snippet string size is always equal to or lower than 40 characters.

  attributesToSnippet: ['description:40'],
  // ...
  templates: {
    item: `
      <p>{{#helpers.snippet}}{ "attribute": "description" }{{/helpers.snippet}}</p>

Geo search references

The geoSearch widget displays search results on a Google Map. It lets you search for results based on their position and provides some common usage patterns such as β€œsearch on map interactions”.

  • βœ… container: The CSS Selector or HTMLElement to insert the Google maps into. required

  • βœ… googleReference: The reference to the global object. See the Google Maps documentation for more information. required

  • βœ… initialZoom: When no search results are found, google map will default to this zoom.

  • βœ… initialPosition: When no search results are found, google map will default to this position.

  • βœ… mapOptions: The options forwarded to the Google Maps constructor.

  • ❔ builtInMarker: Used to customize Google Maps markers. Because of lack of tests we cannot guarantee its compatibility. For more information please visit InstantSearch related documentation.

  • customHTMLMarker: Same as builtInMarker. Because of lack of tests, we cannot guarantee its compatibility. For more information please visit InstantSearch related documentation.

  • βœ… enableRefine: If true, the map is used for refining the search. Otherwise, it’s only for display purposes.

  • βœ… enableClearMapRefinement: If true, a button is displayed on the map when the refinement is coming from interacting with it, to remove it.

  • βœ… enableRefineControl: If true, the map is used for refining the search. Otherwise, it’s only for display purposes.

  • βœ… enableRefineOnMapMove: If true, a button is displayed on the map when the refinement is coming from interacting with it, to remove it.,

  • βœ… templates: The templates to use for the widget.

  • βœ… cssClasses: The CSS classes to override.

See our playground for a working exemple and this section in our contributing guide to set up your Meilisearch.


The Geosearch widgey only works with a valid Google API key.

In order to communicate your Google API key, your instantSearch widget should be surrounded by the following function:

import injectScript from 'scriptjs'

  () => {
      const search = instantsearch({
      indexName: 'geo',
      // ...
      // ...

Replace ${GOOGLE_API} with you google api key.

See code example in the playground


The classic usage, with only the required elements, renders an embedded Google Map on which you can move and refine search based on the position maps.

    container: '#maps',

For further customization, for example to determine an initial position for the map. Contrary to initialZoom and initialPosition, triggers a search request with the provided information.

The following parameters exist:

  • boundingBox: The Google Map window box. It is used as parameter in a search request. It takes precedent on all the following parameters.
  • aroundLatLng: The middle point of the Google Map. If insideBoundingBox or boundingBox is present, it is ignored.
  • aroundRadius: The radius around a Geo Point, used for sorting in the search request. It only works if aroundLatLng is present as well. If insideBoundingBox or boundingBox is present, it is ignored.

For exemple, by adding boundingBox in the instantSearch widget parameters, the parameter will be used as a search parameter for the first request.

  initialUiState: {
    geo: {
      geoSearch: {
          '50.680720183653065, 3.273798366642514,50.55969330590075, 2.9625244444490253',

Without providing this parameter, Google Maps will default to a window containing all markers from the provided search results.

Alternatively, the parameters can be passed through the searchFunction parameter of the instantSearch widget. Contrary to initialUiState these parameters overwrite the values on each search.

  searchFunction: function (helper) {
    helper.setQueryParameter('aroundRadius', 75000)
    helper.setQueryParameter('aroundLatLng', '51.1241999, 9.662499900000057');

Read the guide on how GeoSearch works in Meilisearch.

❌ Answers

Answers references.

No compatibility because Meilisearch does not support this experimental feature.

βœ… RefinementList

Refinement list references

The refinementList widget is one of the most common widgets you can find in a search UI. With this widget, the user can filter the dataset based on facets.

  • βœ… container: The CSS Selector or HTMLElement to insert the refinements. required
  • βœ… attribute: The facet to display required
  • βœ… operator: How to apply facets, and or or (and is the default value).
  • βœ… limit: How many facet values to retrieve.
  • βœ… showMore: Whether to display a button that expands the number of items.
  • βœ… showMoreLimit: The maximum number of displayed items. Does not work when showMoreLimit > limit.
  • βœ… searchable: Whether to add a search input to let the user search for more facet values. Not supported by Meilisearch. If you'd like to see it implemented please vote.
  • βœ… searchablePlaceholder: The value of the search input’s placeholder. Not supported, see searchable.
  • βœ… searchableIsAlwaysActive: When false, disables the facet search input. Not supported, see searchable.
  • ❌ searchableEscapeFacetValues: When true, escapes the facet values.
  • ❌ sortBy: Not supported but can be implemented manually using transformItems options.
  • βœ… transformItems: A function to transform the items passed to the templates.
  • βœ… templates: The templates to use for the widget.
  • βœ… cssClasses: The CSS classes to override.

The following example will create a UI component with the a list of genres on which you will be able to facet.

  container: '#refinement-list',
  attribute: 'genres',

⚠️ To make refinementList work, please refer to this.

βœ… HierarchicalMenu

Hierarchical menu references

The hierarchicalMenu widget is used to create navigation based on a hierarchy of facet attributes. It is commonly used for categories with subcategories. See usage below.

  • βœ… container: The CSS Selector or HTMLElement to insert the refinements. required
  • βœ… attribute: The name of the attributes to generate the menu with. required.
  • βœ… limit: How many facet values to retrieve.
  • βœ… showMore: Whether to display a button that expands the number of items.
  • βœ… showMoreLimit: The maximum number of displayed items (min 2).
  • ❌ separator: The level separator used in the records. (default >).
  • πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ rootPath: The prefix path to use if the first level is not the root level.
  • ❌ showParentLevel: Whether to show the siblings of the selected parent level of the current refined value.
  • βœ… sortBy: How to sort refinements. See guide
  • βœ… templates: The templates to use for the widget.- βœ… templates: The templates to use for the widget.
  • βœ… cssClasses: The CSS classes to override.
Hierarchical Menu Usage

To make it work with Meilisearch your documents must have a specific structure, an explanation of the structure can be found here.

Contrary to instantsearch.js, the hierarchical fields are added in filterableAttributes.

Example: Give the following document structure:

    "id": 1,
    "name": "Basic T-shirt",
    "categories.lvl0": "Men",
    "categories.lvl1": "Men > clothes",
    "categories.lvl2": "Men > clothes > t-shirt"

You have to add the fields categories.lvl0, categories.lvl1 and categories.lvl2 in the filterableAttributes in your Meilisearch settings.

  "filterableAttributes": [

βœ… RangeSlider

Range slider references

The rangeSlider widget provides a user-friendly way to filter the results, based on a single numeric range.

  • βœ… container: The CSS Selector or HTMLElement to insert the refinements. required
  • βœ… attribute: The name of the attribute in the document. required.
  • βœ… min: The minimum value for the input. required
  • βœ… max: The maximum value for the input. required
  • ❌ precision: The number of digits after the decimal point to use. Not compatible as only integers work with rangeSlider.
  • βœ… step: The number of steps between each handle move.
  • βœ… pips: Whether to show slider pips (ruler marks).
  • βœ… tooltips: Whether to show tooltips. The default tooltips show the raw value.
  • βœ… cssClasses: The CSS classes to override.

To be able to use the rangeSlider on an attribute, the attribute must be in thefilterableAttributes and must contain numeric values.

βœ… Menu

Menu references

The menu widget displays a menu that lets the user choose a single value for a specific attribute.

  • βœ… container: The CSS Selector or HTMLElement to insert the menu. required
  • βœ… attribute: the name of the facet attribute. required
  • βœ… limit: How many facet values to retrieve.
  • βœ… showMore: Whether to display a button that expands the number of items.
  • βœ… showMoreLimit: The maximum number of displayed items. Does not work when showMoreLimit > limit
  • ❌ sortBy: Not supported natively but can be implemented manually using transformItems options.
  • βœ… transformItems: A function to transform the items passed to the templates.
  • βœ… templates: The templates to use for the widget.
  • βœ… cssClasses: The CSS classes to override.

βœ… currentRefinements


The currentRefinements widget displays a list of refinements applied to the search.

  • βœ… container: The CSS Selector or HTMLElement to insert the current refinements UI. required
  • βœ… includedAttributes: The facet name of which checked attributes are included.
  • βœ… excludedAttributes: The facet name of which checked attributes are excluded.
  • βœ… cssClasses: The CSS classes to override.
  • βœ… transformItems: A function to transform the items passed to the templates.

βœ… RangeInput

Range input references

The rangeInput widget allows a user to select a numeric range using a minimum and maximum input.

  • βœ… container: The CSS Selector or HTMLElement to insert widget into. required
  • βœ… attribute: The name of the attribute in the document. required.
  • βœ… min: The minimum value for the input.
  • βœ… max: The maximum value for the input
  • βœ… precision: The number of digits after the decimal point to use.
  • βœ… templates: The templates to use for the widget.
  • βœ… cssClasses: The CSS classes to override.

To be able to use the RangeInput on an attribute, the attribute must be in thefilterableAttributes and must contain numeric values.

βœ… MenuSelect

Menu select references

The menuSelect widget allows a user to select a single value to refine inside a select element.

  • βœ… container: The CSS Selector or HTMLElement to insert widget into. required
  • βœ… attribute: The name of the attribute in the document. required.
  • βœ… limit: How many facet values to retrieve.
  • ❌ sortBy: Not supported natively but can be implemented manually using transformItems options.
  • βœ… templates: The templates to use for the widget.
  • βœ… cssClasses: The CSS classes to override.
  • βœ… transformItems: A function to transform the items passed to the templates.

βœ… ToggleRefinement

Toggle refinement references

The numericMenu widget displays a list of numeric filters in a list. Those numeric filters are pre-configured when creating the widget.

  • βœ… container: The CSS Selector or HTMLElement to insert the widget into. required
  • βœ… attribute: The name of the attribute on which apply the refinement. required
  • βœ… on: The value of the refinement to apply on the attribute when checked.
  • βœ… off: The value of the refinement to apply on the attribute when unchecked.
  • βœ… templates: The templates to use for the widget.
  • βœ… cssClasses: The CSS classes to override.

The toggleRefinement widget provides an on/off filtering feature based on an attribute value.

βœ… NumericMenu

Numeric Menu references

The numericMenu widget displays a list of numeric filters in a list. Those numeric filters are pre-configured when creating the widget.

  • βœ… container: The CSS Selector or HTMLElement to insert the widget into. required
  • βœ… attribute: The name of the attribute in the document. required.
  • βœ… items: A list of all the options to display. required
  • βœ… templates: The templates to use for the widget.
  • βœ… cssClasses: The CSS classes to override.
  • βœ… transformItems: function receiving the items, called before displaying them.

βœ… RatingMenu

Rating menu references

The RatingMenu widget lets the user refine search results by clicking on stars. The stars are based on the selected attribute.

  • βœ… container: The CSS Selector or HTMLElement to insert the widget into. required
  • βœ… attribute: The name of the attribute in the document. required.
  • βœ… max: The maximum value for the rating. This value is exclusive, which means the number of stars will be the provided value, minus one.
  • βœ… templates: The templates to use for the widget.
  • βœ… cssClasses: The CSS classes to override.

Contrary to instantsearch.js, To be able to use RatingMenu the field containing the rating has to be added in the filterableAttributes setting in your index settings.

βœ… ClearRefinements

Clear refinements references

The clearRefinement widget displays a button that lets the user clean every refinement applied to the search. You can control which attributes are impacted by the button with the options.

  • βœ… container: The CSS Selector or HTMLElement to insert the widget into. required
    container: '#clear-refinements',

βœ… Pagination

Pagination references

The pagination widget displays a pagination system allowing the user to change the current page. It should be used alongside the finitePagination setting to render the correct amount of pages.

  • βœ… container: The CSS Selector or HTMLElement to insert the widget into. required
  • βœ… showFirst: Whether to display the first-page link.
  • βœ… showPrevious: Whether to display the previous page link.
  • βœ… showNext: Whether to display the next page link.
  • βœ… showLast: Whether to display the last page link.
  • βœ… padding: The number of pages to display on each side of the current page.
  • βœ… totalPages: The maximum number of pages to browse.
  • βœ… scrollTo: Where to scroll after a click. Set to false to disable.
  • βœ… templates: The templates to use for the widget.
  • βœ… cssClasses: The CSS classes to override.
  container: '#pagination',

βœ… HitsPerPage

Hits per page references

The hitsPerPage widget displays a dropdown menu to let the user change the number of displayed hits.

  • βœ… container: The CSS Selector or HTMLElement to insert the widget into. required
  • βœ… items: The list of available options required
  • βœ… cssClasses: The CSS classes to override.
  • βœ… transformItems: function receiving the items, called before displaying them.

βœ… Breadcrumb

Breadcrumb references

The breadcrumb widget is a secondary navigation scheme that lets the user see where the current page is in relation to the facet’s hierarchy. The HierarchicalMenu widget has the same requirements, see its usage to make breadcrumb work.

  • βœ… container: The CSS Selector or HTMLElement to insert the refinements. required
  • βœ… attribute: The name of the attributes to generate the menu with. required.
  • ❌ separator: The level separator used in the records. (default >).
  • πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ rootPath: The prefix path to use if the first level is not the root level.
  • βœ… templates: The templates to use for the widget.
  • βœ… cssClasses: The CSS classes to override.

βœ… Stats

Stats references

The stats widget displays the total number of matching hits and the time it took to get them (time spent in the Algolia server).

  • βœ… container: The CSS Selector or HTMLElement to insert the widget into. required
  • βœ… cssClasses: The CSS classes to override.
  • βœ… transformItems: function receiving the items, called before displaying them.
  container: '#stats',

❌ Analytics


Deprecated. See Insight.

❌ QueryRuleCustomData

QueryRuleCustomData references

You may want to use this widget to display banners or recommendations returned by Rules, and that match search parameters.

No compatibility because Meilisearch does not support Rules.

❌ QueryRuleContext

Query rule context references

The queryRuleContext widget lets you apply ruleContexts based on filters to trigger context-dependent Rules.

No compatibility because Meilisearch does not support Rules.

βœ… SortBy

Sort by references

The SortBy widget is used to create multiple sort formulas. Allowing a user to change the way hits are sorted.

  • βœ… container: The CSS Selector or HTMLElement to insert the widget into. required
  • βœ… items: The list of different sorting possibilities. required
  • βœ… cssClasses: The CSS classes to override.
  • βœ… transformItems: function receiving the items, called before displaying them.

The usage of the SortBy widget differs from the one found in Algolia's documentation. In instant-meilisearch the following is possible:

  • Sort using different indexes.
  • Different sort rules on the same index.

The items list is composed of objects containing every sort possibility you want to provide to your user. Each object must contain two fields:

  • label: What is showcased on the user interface ex: Sort by Ascending Price
  • value: The sort formula.
Sort formula

A sort formula is expressed like this: index:attribute:order.

index is mandatory, and when adding attribute:order, they must always be added together.

When sorting on an attribute, the attribute has to be added to the sortableAttributes setting on your index.


  { label: 'Sort By Price', value: 'clothes:price:asc' }

In this scenario, in the clothes index, we want the price to be sorted in an ascending way. For this formula to be valid, price must be added to the sortableAttributes settings of the clothes index.


The impact sorting has on the returned hits is determined by the ranking-rules ordered list of each index. The sort ranking-rule position in the list makes sorting documents more or less important than other rules. If you want to change the sort impact on the relevancy, it is possible to change it in the ranking-rule setting. For example, to favor exhaustivity over relevancy.

See relevancy guide.

    container: '#sort-by',
    items: [
      { value: 'clothes', label: 'Relevant' }, // default index
        value: 'clothes:price:desc', // Sort on descending price
        label: 'Ascending price using query time sort',
        value: 'clothes:price:asc', // Sort on ascending price
        label: 'Descending price using query time sort',
        value: 'clothes-sorted', // different index with different ranking rules.
        label: 'Custom sort using a different index',

❌ RelevantSort

Relevant Sort references

Virtual indices allow you to use Relevant sort, a sorting mechanism that favors relevancy over the attribute you’re sorting on.

βœ… Routing

Routing is configured inside instantSearch component. Please refer to the documentation for further implementation information.

βš™οΈ Development Workflow and Contributing

Any new contribution is more than welcome in this project!

If you want to know more about the development workflow or want to contribute, please visit our contributing guidelines for detailed instructions!

Meilisearch provides and maintains many SDKs and Integration tools like this one. We want to provide everyone with an amazing search experience for any kind of project. If you want to contribute, make suggestions, or just know what's going on right now, visit us in the integration-guides repository.



Package last updated on 15 May 2024

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