no-caller | Bans usage of deprecated functions arguments.caller() and arguments.callee that could potentially allow access to call stack. |
no-delete-var | Bans usage of operator delete on variables as it can lead to unexpected behavior. |
no-eval | Bans usage of eval() that allows code execution from string argument. |
no-implied-eval | Bans usage of setTimeout() , setInterval() and execScript() . These functions are similar to eval() and prone to code execution. |
no-new-func | Bans calling new Function() as it's similar to eval() and prone to code execution. |
node/no-deprecated-api | Bans usage of deprecated APIs in Node. |
@microsoft/sdl/no-angular-bypass-sanitizer | Calls to bypassSecurityTrustHtml, bypassSecurityTrustScript and similar methods bypass DomSanitizer in Angular and need to be reviewed. |
@microsoft/sdl/no-angularjs-bypass-sce | Calls to $sceProvider.enabled(false) , $sceDelegate.trustAs() , $sce.trustAs() and relevant shorthand methods (e.g. trustAsHtml or trustAsJs ) bypass Strict Contextual Escaping (SCE) in AngularJS and need to be reviewed. |
@microsoft/sdl/no-angularjs-enable-svg | Calls to $sanitizeProvider.enableSvg(true) increase attack surface of the application by enabling SVG support in AngularJS sanitizer and need to be reviewed. |
@microsoft/sdl/no-angularjs-sanitization-whitelist | Calls to $compileProvider.aHrefSanitizationWhitelist or $compileProvider.imgSrcSanitizationWhitelist configure whitelists in AngularJS sanitizer and need to be reviewed. |
@microsoft/sdl/no-cookies | HTTP cookies are an old client-side storage mechanism with inherent risks and limitations. Use Web Storage, IndexedDB or other modern methods instead. |
@microsoft/sdl/no-document-domain | Writes to document.domain property must be reviewed to avoid bypass of same-origin checks. Usage of top level domains such as is strictly prohibited. |
@microsoft/sdl/no-document-write | Calls to document.write or document.writeln manipulate DOM directly without any sanitization and should be avoided. Use document.createElement() or similar methods instead. |
@microsoft/sdl/no-electron-node-integration | Node.js Integration must not be enabled in any renderer that loads remote content to avoid remote code execution attacks. |
@microsoft/sdl/no-html-method | Direct calls to method html() often (e.g. in jQuery framework) manipulate DOM without any sanitization and should be avoided. Use document.createElement() or similar methods instead. |
@microsoft/sdl/no-inner-html | Assignments to innerHTML or outerHTML properties manipulate DOM directly without any sanitization and should be avoided. Use document.createElement() or similar methods instead. |
@microsoft/sdl/no-insecure-url | Insecure protocols such as HTTP or FTP should be replaced by their encrypted counterparts (HTTPS, FTPS) to avoid sending potentially sensitive data over untrusted networks in plaintext. |
@microsoft/sdl/no-msapp-exec-unsafe | Calls to MSApp.execUnsafeLocalFunction() bypass script injection validation and should be avoided. |
@microsoft/sdl/no-postmessage-star-origin | Always provide specific target origin, not * when sending data to other windows using postMessage to avoid data leakage outside of trust boundary. |
@microsoft/sdl/no-unsafe-alloc | When calling Buffer.allocUnsafe and Buffer.allocUnsafeSlow , the allocated memory is not wiped-out and can contain old, potentially sensitive data. |
@microsoft/sdl/no-winjs-html-unsafe | Calls to WinJS.Utilities.setInnerHTMLUnsafe() and similar methods do not perform any input validation and should be avoided. Use WinJS.Utilities.setInnerHTML() instead. |
@microsoft/sdl/react-iframe-missing-sandbox | The sandbox attribute enables an extra set of restrictions for the content in the iframe and should always be specified. |
react/no-danger | Bans usage of dangerouslySetInnerHTML property in React as it allows passing unsanitized HTML in DOM. |
@typescript-eslint/no-implied-eval | Similar to built-in ESLint rule no-implied-eval . Bans usage of setTimeout() , setInterval() , setImmediate() , execScript() or new Function() as they are similar to eval() and allow code execution from string arguments. |