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The HTTP client, powered by Puppeteer and the Chrome/Chromium browser, excels at accessing dynamic web pages.

Version published


The HTTP client, utilizing Puppeteer and the Chrome/Chromium browser, is highly effective for accessing dynamic web pages.


  • no dependencies
  • Dynamic Page Rendering: This HTTP client can fully render and interact with dynamic web pages. It supports JavaScript execution, AJAX requests, and handles content generated dynamically through client-side scripting.
  • Headless Browsing: It can run in a headless mode, which means it operates without a visible browser window. This feature is especially useful for automated tasks, web scraping, or testing where a graphical interface is not required.


$ npm install --save @mikosoft/httpclient-pptr


Options is the object which is used as constructor parameter. The object properties are:

  • puppeteerLaunchOptions :object -
  • device :string|object - device name of KnownDevices or custom object {name, userAgent, viewport}
  • cookies :object[] - array of cookies [{name, value, domain, path, expires, httpOnly, secure}, ...]
  • storage :{local:object, session:object} - localStorage and sessionStorage {local: {key1: val1, key2: val2, ...}, session: {key1: val1, key2: val2, ...}}
  • evaluateOnNewDocument_callback :Function - a callback function that will be executed in page.evaluateOnNewDocument(this.opts.evaluateOnNewDocument_callback)
  • extraRequestHeaders :object - additional request headers
  • blockResources :string[] - resuources to block during the request, for example: ['image', 'stylesheet', 'font', 'script']
  • gotoOpts :object goto options used in page.goto(url, opts) - {referer:string, timeout:number, waitUntil:'load'|'domcontentloaded'|'networkidle0'|'networkidle2'}
  • closeBrowser :boolean - close the browser either after the response is received or if an error occurs during page.goto(url)
  • waitCSSselector :{selector:string, timeout:number} - wait for CSS selector before sending answer -- default timeout is 10000ms
  • postGoto :Function - function which will be executed after page.goto(), scroll, click on popup, etc. for example: page => {page.evaluate(...);}
  • debug :boolean


const puppeteer = require('puppeteer-core');
const { HttpClientPptr } = require('@mikosoft/httpclient-pptr');

const fetchURL = async () => {
  const opts = {
    puppeteerLaunchOptions: {
      executablePath: '/usr/bin/google-chrome',
      headless: false, // new, old, false
      devtools: false,  // open Chrome devtools
      dumpio: false, // If true, pipes the browser process stdout and stderr to process.stdout and process.stderr
      slowMo: 13,
      args: [
        '--start-maximized', // full window width and height
      ignoreDefaultArgs: [
        '--enable-automation' // remove "Chrome is being controlled by automated test software"
      defaultViewport: null, // override default viewport size {width: 800, height: 600} -
    device: null, // {name, userAgent, viewport}
    cookies: null, // [{name, value, domain, path, expires, httpOnly, secure}, ...]
    storage: null, // localStorage and sessionStorage {local: {key1: val1, key2: val2, ...}, session: {key1: val1, key2: val2, ...}}
    evaluateOnNewDocument_callback: null,
    extraRequestHeaders: {}, // additional HTTP request headers - {authorization: 'JWT ...'}
    blockResources: [], // resuources to block during the request, for example: ['image', 'stylesheet', 'font', 'script']
    gotoOpts: {}, // used in page.goto(url, opts) - {referer:string, timeout:number, waitUntil:'load'|'domcontentloaded'|'networkidle0'|'networkidle2'} -
    closeBrowser: false, // close browser after answer is received or on page.goto error
    waitCSSselector: null,
    postGoto: null, // function which will be executed after page.goto(), scroll, click on popup, etc. for example: postGoto: page => {page.evaluate(...);}
    debug: false
  const hcp = new HttpClientPptr(opts);

  const answer = await hcp.askOnce(url);




Inject puppeteer or puppeteer-core. Check compatibility with the installed chrome browser .


Define executable path to chrome or chrome based browser, for example:

  linux: '/usr/bin/google-chrome',
  win32: 'C:\\Program Files\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\chrome.exe',
  darwin: '/Applications/Google Chrome'
set_window(width:number, height:number, x:number, y:number)

Set window size and position. If width or height has falsy value then window is maximized with '--start-maximized' arg.

set_device(dev :string|object)

Specify the device to be emulated. If a string is provided, it should match one of the KnownDevices. If an object is provided, a custom device configuration will be used.

set_cookies(cookieArr :object[])

Define a cookie array of objects that will be loaded before the page opens. The cookieArr is array of cookies [{name, value, domain, path, expires, httpOnly, secure}, ...].

set_storage(storageObj :{local:object, session:object})

Define a localStorage and sessionStorage object that will be loaded before the page opens.. The storageObj is {local: {key1: val1, key2: val2, ...}, session: {key1: val1, key2: val2, ...}}.

set_evaluateOnNewDocument(cb :Function)

Define callback function that will be executed within* page.evaluateOnNewDocument(cb)*. It's useful to set navigator.webdriver to false:

await page.evaluateOnNewDocument(() => {
  Object.defineProperty(navigator, 'webdriver', {
    get: () => false,

async askOnce(url) :Promise<Answer>

Get answer from the requested URL.

  requestMethod: 'GET',
  requestURL: '',
  finalURL: '',
  status: 200,
  statusMessage: 'OK',
  decompressed: true,
  https: true,
  req: {
    headers: {
      'upgrade-insecure-requests': '1',
      'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36',
      'sec-ch-ua': '"Not A(Brand";v="99", "Google Chrome";v="121", "Chromium";v="121"',
      'sec-ch-ua-mobile': '?0',
      'sec-ch-ua-platform': '"Linux"',
      accept: 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.7'
  res: {
    headers: {
      'access-control-allow-headers': 'Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept, Authorization',
      'access-control-allow-methods': 'GET',
      'access-control-allow-origin': '*',
      'access-control-max-age': '3600',
      connection: 'keep-alive',
      'content-encoding': 'gzip',
      'content-type': 'text/html; charset=utf-8',
      date: 'Wed, 21 Aug 2024 10:04:17 GMT',
      server: 'nginx/1.17.10 (Ubuntu)',
      'transfer-encoding': 'chunked'
    content: '<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en" class=" js flexbox canvas canvastext webgl no-touch geolocation postmessage no-websqldatabase indexeddb hashchange history draganddrop websockets rgba hsla multiplebgs backgroundsize borderimage borderradius boxshadow textshadow opacity cssanimations csscolumns cssgradients cssreflections csstransforms csstransforms3d csstransitions fontface generatedcontent video audio localstorage sessionstorage webworkers no-applicationcache svg inlinesvg smil svgclippaths"><head>\n' +
      '  <meta charset="UTF-8">\n' +
      '  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">\n' +
      '  <title>DEX8 - Data Extraction and Browser Automation SaaS</title>\n' +
      '  <meta name="description" content="The ultimate SaaS platform for data extraction and task automation. Utilize web robots with custom or premade scripts from Turnkey Solutions for seamless data scraping.">\n' +
      '  <meta name="keywords" content="DEX8, Data extraction, Task automation, SaaS platform, Web robots, Data scraping, Turnkey Solutions, Workflow automation, Streamlining operations, Data processing, Web scraping, Data integration, Business efficiency, API integration, Custom scripts, Cloud-based solution">\n' +
      '  <meta name="author" content="MikoSoft">\n' +
      '  <meta name="robots" content="index,follow">\n' +
      '  <meta name="googlebot" content="index,follow">\n' +
      '  <link rel="icon" href="/favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon">\n' +
      '  \n' +
      '\n' +
      '  <!-- ---template--- -->\n' +
      '  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tpl/css/bootstrap.min.css"><!-- bootstrap v4 css -->\n' +
      '  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tpl/css/font-awesome.min.css"><!-- font-awesome css -->\n' +
      '  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tpl/css/animate.css"><!-- animate css -->\n' +
      '  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tpl/css/owl.carousel.css"><!-- owl.carousel css -->\n' +
      '  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tpl/fonts/flaticon.css"><!-- flaticon css  -->\n' +
      '  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tpl/css/rsmenu-main.css"><!-- rsmenu CSS -->\n' +
      '  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tpl/css/magnific-popup.css"><!-- magnific popup css -->\n' +
      '  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tpl/css/rsmenu-transitions.css"><!-- rsmenu transitions CSS -->\n' +
      '  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tpl/style.css"> <!-- style css -->\n' +
      '  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tpl/css/spacing.css"><!-- Spacing css -->\n' +
      '  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tpl/css/responsive.css"> <!-- responsive css -->\n' +
      '\n' +
      '  <!-- css -->\n' +
      '  <link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha512-tpsEzNMLQS7w9imFSjbEOHdZav3/aObSESAL1y5jyJDoICFF2YwEdAHOPdOr1t+h8hTzar0flphxR76pd0V1zQ==" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer">\n' +
      '\n' +
      '  <!-- Google tag (gtag.js) -->\n' +
      '  <script async="" src=""></script>\n' +
      '  <script>\n' +
      '    window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];\n' +
      '    function gtag() { dataLayer.push(argum'... 47480 more characters,
    cookies: [
        name: '_ga',
        value: 'GA1.1.1239121796.1724234659',
        domain: '',
        path: '/',
        expires: 1758794658.550137,
        size: 30,
        httpOnly: false,
        secure: false,
        session: false,
        priority: 'Medium',
        sameParty: false,
        sourceScheme: 'Secure',
        partitionKey: undefined
        name: '_ga_DBGN72XCQD',
        value: 'GS1.1.1724234658.1.0.1724234658.0.0.0',
        domain: '',
        path: '/',
        expires: 1758794658.549311,
        size: 51,
        httpOnly: false,
        secure: false,
        session: false,
        priority: 'Medium',
        sameParty: false,
        sourceScheme: 'Secure',
        partitionKey: undefined
    postGotoResult: undefined
  time: {
    req: '2024-08-21T10:04:14.531Z',
    res: '2024-08-21T10:04:19.023Z',
    duration: 4.492


Print (debug) answer object.


The software licensed under MIT.



Package last updated on 21 Aug 2024

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