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@milkdown/ctx - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 6.5.4 to 7.0.0-next.0




@@ -1,8 +0,9 @@

import type { Slice, SliceValue } from './slice';
export interface Container {
readonly sliceMap: Map<symbol, SliceValue>;
readonly getSlice: <T, N extends string = string>(slice: Slice<T, N> | N) => SliceValue<T, N>;
readonly removeSlice: <T, N extends string = string>(slice: Slice<T, N> | N) => void;
import type { Slice, SliceType } from './slice';
export type SliceMap = Map<symbol, Slice>;
export declare class Container {
sliceMap: SliceMap;
get: <T, N extends string = string>(slice: N | SliceType<T, N>) => Slice<T, N>;
remove: <T, N extends string = string>(slice: N | SliceType<T, N>) => void;
has: <T, N extends string = string>(slice: N | SliceType<T, N>) => boolean;
export declare const createContainer: () => Container;

@@ -1,16 +0,19 @@

export interface SliceValue<T = unknown, N extends string = string> {
import type { SliceMap } from './container';
export declare class Slice<T = any, N extends string = string> {
readonly type: SliceType<T, N>;
constructor(container: SliceMap, value: T, type: SliceType<T, N>);
set: (value: T) => void;
get: () => T;
update: (updater: (prev: T) => T) => void;
export declare class SliceType<T = any, N extends string = string> {
readonly id: symbol;
readonly name: N;
readonly set: (value: T) => void;
readonly get: () => T;
readonly update: (updater: (prev: T) => T) => void;
export type SliceMap = Map<symbol, SliceValue>;
export interface Slice<T, N extends string = string> {
readonly id: symbol;
readonly sliceName: N;
readonly _typeInfo: () => T;
(container: SliceMap, resetValue?: T): SliceValue<T>;
readonly _defaultValue: T;
constructor(value: T, name: N);
create(container: SliceMap, value?: T): Slice<T, N>;
export declare const createSlice: <T, N extends string = string>(value: T, name: N) => Slice<T, N>;
export declare const createSlice: <T = any, N extends string = string>(value: T, name: N) => SliceType<T, N>;
export * from './context';
export * from './plugin';
export * from './timing';
export * from './timer';

@@ -1,151 +0,156 @@

var P = Object.defineProperty;
var k = (e, t, i) => t in e ? P(e, t, { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: i }) : e[t] = i;
var r = (e, t, i) => (k(e, typeof t != "symbol" ? t + "" : t, i), i), T = (e, t, i) => {
if (!t.has(e))
throw TypeError("Cannot " + i);
var g = Object.defineProperty;
var v = (i, t, e) => t in i ? g(i, t, { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: e }) : i[t] = e;
var s = (i, t, e) => (v(i, typeof t != "symbol" ? t + "" : t, e), e), y = (i, t, e) => {
if (!t.has(i))
throw TypeError("Cannot " + e);
var n = (e, t, i) => (T(e, t, "read from private field"), i ? : t.get(e)), u = (e, t, i) => {
if (t.has(e))
var r = (i, t, e) => (y(i, t, "read from private field"), e ? : t.get(i)), o = (i, t, e) => {
if (t.has(i))
throw TypeError("Cannot add the same private member more than once");
t instanceof WeakSet ? t.add(e) : t.set(e, i);
}, h = (e, t, i, s) => (T(e, t, "write to private field"), s ?, i) : t.set(e, i), i);
import { contextNotFound as M, ctxCallOutOfScope as b, timerNotFound as x } from "@milkdown/exception";
const F = () => {
const e = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
return { sliceMap: e, getSlice: (s) => {
const o = typeof s == "string" ? [...e.values()].find((c) => === s) : e.get(;
if (!o) {
const c = typeof s == "string" ? s : s.sliceName;
throw M(c);
return o;
}, removeSlice: (s) => {
const o = typeof s == "string" ? [...e.values()].find((c) => === s) : e.get(;
!o || e.delete(;
} };
}, j = (e) => Array.isArray(e) ? [...e] : typeof e == "object" ? { ...e } : e, I = (e, t) => {
const i = Symbol(`Context-${t}`), s = (o, c = j(e)) => {
let a = c;
const g = {
name: t,
id: i,
set: (m) => {
a = m;
get: () => a,
update: (m) => {
a = m(a);
t instanceof WeakSet ? t.add(i) : t.set(i, e);
}, a = (i, t, e, n) => (y(i, t, "write to private field"), n ?, e) : t.set(i, e), e);
import { contextNotFound as w, ctxCallOutOfScope as M, timerNotFound as T } from "@milkdown/exception";
class b {
constructor() {
s(this, "sliceMap", /* @__PURE__ */ new Map());
s(this, "get", (t) => {
const e = typeof t == "string" ? [...this.sliceMap.values()].find((n) => === t) : this.sliceMap.get(;
if (!e) {
const n = typeof t == "string" ? t :;
throw w(n);
return e;
s(this, "remove", (t) => {
const e = typeof t == "string" ? [...this.sliceMap.values()].find((n) => === t) : this.sliceMap.get(;
!e || this.sliceMap.delete(;
s(this, "has", (t) => typeof t == "string" ? [...this.sliceMap.values()].some((e) => === t) : this.sliceMap.has(;
var h;
class x {
constructor(t, e, n) {
s(this, "type");
o(this, h, void 0);
s(this, "set", (t) => {
a(this, h, t);
s(this, "get", () => r(this, h));
s(this, "update", (t) => {
a(this, h, t(r(this, h)));
this.type = n, a(this, h, e), t.set(, this);
h = new WeakMap();
class C {
constructor(t, e) {
s(this, "id");
s(this, "name");
s(this, "_typeInfo");
s(this, "_defaultValue"); = Symbol(`Context-${e}`), = e, this._defaultValue = t, this._typeInfo = () => {
throw M();
return o.set(i, g), g;
return s.sliceName = t, = i, s._typeInfo = () => {
throw b();
}, s;
var p, v;
class O {
constructor(t, i) {
u(this, p, void 0);
u(this, v, void 0);
r(this, "use", (t) => n(this, p).getSlice(t));
r(this, "get", (t) => this.use(t).get());
r(this, "set", (t, i) => this.use(t).set(i));
r(this, "update", (t, i) => this.use(t).update(i));
r(this, "timing", (t) => n(this, v).get(t));
r(this, "done", (t) => this.timing(t).done());
r(this, "wait", (t) => this.timing(t)());
r(this, "waitTimers", async (t) => {
await Promise.all(this.get(t).map((i) => this.wait(i)));
create(t, e = this._defaultValue) {
return new x(t, e, this);
const L = (i, t) => new C(i, t);
var c, m;
class P {
constructor(t, e) {
o(this, c, void 0);
o(this, m, void 0);
s(this, "inject", (t, e) => {
const n = t.create(r(this, c).sliceMap);
return e != null && n.set(e), this;
h(this, p, t), h(this, v, i);
s(this, "remove", (t) => (r(this, c).remove(t), this));
s(this, "record", (t) => (t.create(r(this, m).store), this));
s(this, "clearTimer", (t) => (r(this, m).remove(t), this));
s(this, "isInjected", (t) => r(this, c).has(t));
s(this, "isRecorded", (t) => r(this, m).has(t));
s(this, "use", (t) => r(this, c).get(t));
s(this, "get", (t) => this.use(t).get());
s(this, "set", (t, e) => this.use(t).set(e));
s(this, "update", (t, e) => this.use(t).update(e));
s(this, "timer", (t) => r(this, m).get(t));
s(this, "done", (t) => this.timer(t).done());
s(this, "wait", (t) => this.timer(t).start());
s(this, "waitTimers", async (t) => {
await Promise.all(this.get(t).map((e) => this.wait(e)));
a(this, c, t), a(this, m, e);
p = new WeakMap(), v = new WeakMap();
var l, d;
class $ {
constructor(t, i) {
u(this, l, void 0);
u(this, d, void 0);
r(this, "inject", (t, i) => (t(n(this, l).sliceMap, i), this));
r(this, "remove", (t) => (n(this, l).removeSlice(t), this));
r(this, "record", (t) => (t(n(this, d).store), this));
r(this, "clearTimer", (t) => (n(this, d).remove(t), this));
r(this, "use", (t) => n(this, l).getSlice(t));
r(this, "get", (t) => this.use(t).get());
r(this, "set", (t, i) => this.use(t).set(i));
r(this, "update", (t, i) => this.use(t).update(i));
r(this, "timing", (t) => n(this, d).get(t));
r(this, "wait", (t) => this.timing(t)());
r(this, "done", (t) => this.timing(t).done());
r(this, "waitTimers", async (t) => {
await Promise.all(this.get(t).map((i) => this.wait(i)));
c = new WeakMap(), m = new WeakMap();
class V {
constructor() {
s(this, "store", /* @__PURE__ */ new Map());
s(this, "get", (t) => {
const e =;
if (!e)
throw T(;
return e;
h(this, l, t), h(this, d, i);
s(this, "remove", (t) => {;
s(this, "has", (t) =>;
l = new WeakMap(), d = new WeakMap();
var f, w;
class _ {
constructor(t, i) {
u(this, f, void 0);
u(this, w, void 0);
r(this, "clearTimer", (t) => (n(this, w).remove(t), this));
r(this, "remove", (t) => (n(this, f).removeSlice(t), this));
h(this, f, t), h(this, w, i);
var l, u, d, p, f;
class S {
constructor(t, e) {
s(this, "type");
o(this, l, null);
o(this, u, null);
o(this, d, void 0);
s(this, "start", () => (r(this, l) ?? a(this, l, new Promise((t, e) => {
a(this, u, (n) => {
n instanceof CustomEvent && === r(this, d) && (r(this, p).call(this), n.stopImmediatePropagation(), t());
}), r(this, f).call(this, () => {
r(this, p).call(this), e(new Error(`Timing ${} timeout.`));
}), addEventListener(, r(this, u));
})), r(this, l)));
s(this, "done", () => {
const t = new CustomEvent(, { detail: { id: r(this, d) } });
o(this, p, () => {
r(this, u) && removeEventListener(, r(this, u));
o(this, f, (t) => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, this.type.timeout);
a(this, d, Symbol(, this.type = e, t.set(, this);
f = new WeakMap(), w = new WeakMap();
var y, S;
class q {
constructor(t, i) {
u(this, y, void 0);
u(this, S, void 0);
r(this, "inject", (t, i) => (t(n(this, y).sliceMap, i), this));
r(this, "record", (t) => (t(n(this, S).store), this));
h(this, y, t), h(this, S, i);
l = new WeakMap(), u = new WeakMap(), d = new WeakMap(), p = new WeakMap(), f = new WeakMap();
class E {
constructor(t, e = 3e3) {
s(this, "id");
s(this, "name");
s(this, "timeout");
s(this, "create", (t) => new S(t, this)); = Symbol(`Timer-${t}`), = t, this.timeout = e;
y = new WeakMap(), S = new WeakMap();
const z = () => {
const e = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
return {
store: e,
get: (s) => {
const o = e.get(;
if (!o)
throw x(s.timerName);
return o;
remove: (s) => {
}, B = (e, t = 3e3) => {
const i = Symbol("Timer"), s = (o) => {
let c = null, a;
const g = Symbol(e), m = () => c != null ? c : c = new Promise((C, N) => {
a = (E) => {
E instanceof CustomEvent && === g && (removeEventListener(e, a), E.stopImmediatePropagation(), C());
}, setTimeout(() => {
N(new Error(`Timing ${e} timeout.`)), removeEventListener(e, a);
}, t), addEventListener(e, a);
return m.done = () => {
const C = new CustomEvent(e, { detail: { id: g } });
}, o.set(i, m), m;
return = i, s.timerName = e, s;
const $ = (i, t = 3e3) => new E(i, t);
export {
O as Ctx,
$ as Env,
_ as Post,
q as Pre,
z as createClock,
F as createContainer,
I as createSlice,
B as createTimer
V as Clock,
b as Container,
P as Ctx,
x as Slice,
C as SliceType,
S as Timer,
E as TimerType,
L as createSlice,
$ as createTimer

@@ -1,73 +0,21 @@

import type { Container, Slice, SliceValue } from '../context';
import type { Clock, Timer } from '../timing';
* The ctx object that can be accessed in plugin and action.
import type { Container, Slice, SliceType } from '../context';
import type { Clock, TimerType } from '../timer';
export declare class Ctx {
constructor(container: Container, clock: Clock);
* Get the slice instance.
* @param slice - The slice or slice name that needs to be used.
* @returns The slice instance.
readonly use: <T, N extends string = string>(slice: N | Slice<T, N>) => SliceValue<T, N>;
* Get the slice value.
* @param slice - The slice needs to be used.
* @returns The slice value.
readonly get: <T, N extends string>(slice: Slice<T, N>) => T;
* Set the slice value.
* @param slice - The slice needs to be used.
* @param value - The default value.
* @returns
readonly set: <T, N extends string>(slice: Slice<T, N>, value: T) => void;
* Update the slice by its current value.
* @example
* ```
* update(NumberSlice, x => x + 1);
* ```
* @param slice - The slice needs to be used.
* @param updater - The update function, gets current value as parameter and returns new value.
* @returns
readonly update: <T, N extends string>(slice: Slice<T, N>, updater: (prev: T) => T) => void;
* Get the timer instance.
* @param timer - The timer needs to be used.
* @returns The timer instance.
readonly timing: (timer: Timer) => import("../timing").Timing;
* Finish a timer
* @param timer - The timer needs to be finished.
* @returns
readonly done: (timer: Timer) => void;
* Wait for a timer to finish.
* @param timer - The timer needs to be used.
* @returns A promise that will be resolved when timer finish.
readonly wait: (timer: Timer) => Promise<void>;
* Wait for a list of timers in target slice to be all finished.
* @param slice - The slice that holds a list of timer.
* @returns A promise that will be resolved when all timers finish.
readonly waitTimers: (slice: Slice<Timer[]>) => Promise<void>;
readonly inject: <T>(sliceType: SliceType<T, string>, value?: T | undefined) => this;
readonly remove: <T, N extends string = string>(sliceType: N | SliceType<T, N>) => this;
readonly record: (timerType: TimerType) => this;
readonly clearTimer: (timerType: TimerType) => this;
readonly isInjected: <T, N extends string = string>(sliceType: N | SliceType<T, N>) => boolean;
readonly isRecorded: (timerType: TimerType) => boolean;
readonly use: <T, N extends string = string>(sliceType: N | SliceType<T, N>) => Slice<T, N>;
readonly get: <T, N extends string>(sliceType: SliceType<T, N>) => T;
readonly set: <T, N extends string>(sliceType: SliceType<T, N>, value: T) => void;
readonly update: <T, N extends string>(sliceType: SliceType<T, N>, updater: (prev: T) => T) => void;
readonly timer: (timer: TimerType) => import("../timer").Timer;
readonly done: (timer: TimerType) => void;
readonly wait: (timer: TimerType) => Promise<void>;
readonly waitTimers: (slice: SliceType<TimerType[]>) => Promise<void>;
export * from './ctx';
export * from './env';
export * from './post';
export * from './pre';
export * from './types';
import type { Ctx } from './ctx';
import type { Post } from './post';
import type { Pre } from './pre';
export type Cleanup = (post: Post) => void | Promise<void>;
export type HandlerReturnType = void | Promise<void> | Cleanup | Promise<Cleanup>;
export type CtxHandler = (ctx: Ctx) => HandlerReturnType;
export type MilkdownPlugin = (pre: Pre) => CtxHandler;
export type Cleanup = () => void | Promise<void>;
export type RunnerReturnType = void | Promise<void> | Cleanup | Promise<Cleanup>;
export type CtxRunner = () => RunnerReturnType;
export type MilkdownPlugin = (ctx: Ctx) => CtxRunner;
"name": "@milkdown/ctx",
"type": "module",
"version": "6.5.4",
"version": "7.0.0-next.0",
"license": "MIT",

@@ -29,3 +29,3 @@ "repository": {

"tslib": "^2.4.0",
"@milkdown/exception": "6.5.4"
"@milkdown/exception": "7.0.0-next.0"

@@ -32,0 +32,0 @@ "nx": {

/* Copyright 2021, Milkdown by Mirone. */
import { describe, expect, it } from 'vitest'
import { createContainer, createSlice } from '.'
import { Container, SliceType } from '.'
describe('context/container', () => {
it('sliceMap', () => {
const container = createContainer()
const container = new Container()

@@ -14,30 +14,43 @@ expect(container.sliceMap).toEqual(new Map())

it('getSlice', () => {
const container = createContainer()
const ctx = createSlice(0, 'num')
const container = new Container()
const ctx = new SliceType(0, 'num')
it('removeSlice', () => {
const container = createContainer()
const ctx = createSlice(0, 'num')
const container = new Container()
const ctx = new SliceType(0, 'num')
expect(() => container.getSlice(ctx)).toThrow()
expect(() => container.get(ctx)).toThrow()
it('hasSlice', () => {
const container = new Container()
const ctx = new SliceType(0, 'num')
/* Copyright 2021, Milkdown by Mirone. */
import { contextNotFound } from '@milkdown/exception'
import type { Slice, SliceValue } from './slice'
import type { Slice, SliceType } from './slice'
export interface Container {
readonly sliceMap: Map<symbol, SliceValue>
readonly getSlice: <T, N extends string = string>(slice: Slice<T, N> | N) => SliceValue<T, N>
readonly removeSlice: <T, N extends string = string>(slice: Slice<T, N> | N) => void
/// @internal
export type SliceMap = Map<symbol, Slice>
export const createContainer = (): Container => {
const sliceMap: Map<symbol, SliceValue> = new Map()
/// Container is a map of slices.
export class Container {
/// @internal
sliceMap: SliceMap = new Map()
const getSlice = <T, N extends string = string>(slice: Slice<T, N> | N): SliceValue<T, N> => {
const context
= typeof slice === 'string' ? [...sliceMap.values()].find(x => === slice) : sliceMap.get(
/// Get a slice from the container by slice type or slice name.
get = <T, N extends string = string>(slice: SliceType<T, N> | N): Slice<T, N> => {
const context = typeof slice === 'string'
? [...this.sliceMap.values()].find(x => === slice)
: this.sliceMap.get(
if (!context) {
const name = typeof slice === 'string' ? slice : slice.sliceName
const name = typeof slice === 'string' ? slice :
throw contextNotFound(name)
return context as SliceValue<T, N>
return context as Slice<T, N>
const removeSlice = <T, N extends string = string>(slice: Slice<T, N> | N): void => {
const context
= typeof slice === 'string' ? [...sliceMap.values()].find(x => === slice) : sliceMap.get(
/// Remove a slice from the container by slice type or slice name.
remove = <T, N extends string = string>(slice: SliceType<T, N> | N): void => {
const context = typeof slice === 'string'
? [...this.sliceMap.values()].find(x => === slice)
: this.sliceMap.get(

@@ -33,6 +36,12 @@ if (!context)

return { sliceMap, getSlice, removeSlice }
/// Check if the container has a slice by slice type or slice name.
has = <T, N extends string = string>(slice: SliceType<T, N> | N): boolean => {
if (typeof slice === 'string')
return [...this.sliceMap.values()].some(x => === slice)
return this.sliceMap.has(
/* Copyright 2021, Milkdown by Mirone. */
import { describe, expect, it } from 'vitest'
import { createSlice } from './slice'
import { SliceType } from './slice'
describe('context/slice', () => {
it('primitive slice', () => {
const factory = createSlice(0, 'primitive')
const sliceType = new SliceType(0, 'primitive')
const map = new Map()
const ctx = factory(map)
const ctx = sliceType.create(map)

@@ -27,28 +27,28 @@ expect(ctx.get()).toBe(0)

it('structure slice', () => {
const factory = createSlice<number[]>([], 'structure')
const sliceType = new SliceType<number[], 'structure'>([], 'structure')
const map1 = new Map()
const ctx1 = factory(map1)
const slice1 = sliceType.create(map1)
const map2 = new Map()
const ctx2 = factory(map2)
const slice2 = sliceType.create(map2)
ctx1.update(x => x.concat(3))
expect(ctx1.get()).toEqual([1, 3])
slice1.update(x => x.concat(3))
expect(slice1.get()).toEqual([1, 3])
/* Copyright 2021, Milkdown by Mirone. */
import { ctxCallOutOfScope } from '@milkdown/exception'
import type { SliceMap } from './container'
import { shallowClone } from './shallow-clone'
/// Slice is a value of slice type.
export class Slice<T = any, N extends string = string> {
/// The type of the slice.
readonly type: SliceType<T, N>
export interface SliceValue<T = unknown, N extends string = string> {
readonly id: symbol
readonly name: N
readonly set: (value: T) => void
readonly get: () => T
readonly update: (updater: (prev: T) => T) => void
/// @internal
#value: T
/// @internal
constructor(container: SliceMap, value: T, type: SliceType<T, N>) {
this.type = type
this.#value = value
container.set(, this)
/// Set the value of the slice.
set = (value: T) => {
this.#value = value
/// Get the value of the slice.
get = () => this.#value
/// Update the value of the slice with a callback.
update = (updater: (prev: T) => T) => {
this.#value = updater(this.#value)
export type SliceMap = Map<symbol, SliceValue>
export interface Slice<T, N extends string = string> {
/// Slice type can be used to create slices in different containers.
export class SliceType<T = any, N extends string = string> {
/// The unique id of the slice type.
readonly id: symbol
readonly sliceName: N
/// The name of the slice type.
readonly name: N
/// @internal
readonly _typeInfo: () => T
(container: SliceMap, resetValue?: T): SliceValue<T>
/// @internal
readonly _defaultValue: T
export const createSlice = <T, N extends string = string>(value: T, name: N): Slice<T, N> => {
const id = Symbol(`Context-${name}`)
const factory = (container: SliceMap, resetValue = shallowClone(value)) => {
let inner = resetValue
const context: SliceValue<T> = {
set: (next) => {
inner = next
get: () => inner,
update: (updater) => {
inner = updater(inner)
/// Create a slice type with a default value and a name.
/// The name should be unique in the container.
constructor(value: T, name: N) { = Symbol(`Context-${name}`) = name
this._defaultValue = value
this._typeInfo = (): T => {
throw ctxCallOutOfScope()
container.set(id, context as SliceValue)
return context
factory.sliceName = name = id
factory._typeInfo = (): T => {
throw ctxCallOutOfScope()
/// Create a slice with a container.
/// You can also pass a value to override the default value.
create(container: SliceMap, value: T = this._defaultValue): Slice<T, N> {
return new Slice(container, value, this)
return factory
/// Create a slice type with a default value and a name.
/// This is equivalent to `new SliceType(value, name)`.
export const createSlice = <T = any, N extends string = string>(value: T, name: N) => new SliceType(value, name)

@@ -5,2 +5,2 @@ /* Copyright 2021, Milkdown by Mirone. */

export * from './plugin'
export * from './timing'
export * from './timer'
/* Copyright 2021, Milkdown by Mirone. */
import type { Container, Slice, SliceValue } from '../context'
import type { Clock, Timer } from '../timing'
import type { Container, Slice, SliceType } from '../context'
import type { Clock, TimerType } from '../timer'
* The ctx object that can be accessed in plugin and action.
/// The ctx object that can be accessed in plugin and action.
export class Ctx {
/// @internal
#container: Container
/// @internal
#clock: Clock
/// Create a ctx object with container and clock.
constructor(container: Container, clock: Clock) {

@@ -17,76 +18,67 @@ this.#container = container

* Get the slice instance.
* @param slice - The slice or slice name that needs to be used.
* @returns The slice instance.
readonly use = <T, N extends string = string>(slice: Slice<T, N> | N): SliceValue<T, N> =>
/// Add a slice into the ctx.
readonly inject = <T>(sliceType: SliceType<T>, value?: T) => {
const slice = sliceType.create(this.#container.sliceMap)
if (value != null)
* Get the slice value.
* @param slice - The slice needs to be used.
* @returns The slice value.
readonly get = <T, N extends string>(slice: Slice<T, N>) => this.use(slice).get()
return this
* Set the slice value.
* @param slice - The slice needs to be used.
* @param value - The default value.
* @returns
readonly set = <T, N extends string>(slice: Slice<T, N>, value: T) => this.use(slice).set(value)
/// Remove a slice from the ctx.
readonly remove = <T, N extends string = string>(sliceType: SliceType<T, N> | N) => {
return this
* Update the slice by its current value.
* @example
* ```
* update(NumberSlice, x => x + 1);
* ```
* @param slice - The slice needs to be used.
* @param updater - The update function, gets current value as parameter and returns new value.
* @returns
readonly update = <T, N extends string>(slice: Slice<T, N>, updater: (prev: T) => T) =>
/// Add a timer into the ctx.
readonly record = (timerType: TimerType) => {
return this
* Get the timer instance.
* @param timer - The timer needs to be used.
* @returns The timer instance.
readonly timing = (timer: Timer) => this.#clock.get(timer)
/// Remove a timer from the ctx.
readonly clearTimer = (timerType: TimerType) => {
return this
* Finish a timer
* @param timer - The timer needs to be finished.
* @returns
readonly done = (timer: Timer) => this.timing(timer).done()
/// Check if the ctx has a slice.
readonly isInjected = <T, N extends string = string>(sliceType: SliceType<T, N> | N) => this.#container.has(sliceType)
* Wait for a timer to finish.
* @param timer - The timer needs to be used.
* @returns A promise that will be resolved when timer finish.
readonly wait = (timer: Timer) => this.timing(timer)()
/// Check if the ctx has a timer.
readonly isRecorded = (timerType: TimerType) => this.#clock.has(timerType)
* Wait for a list of timers in target slice to be all finished.
* @param slice - The slice that holds a list of timer.
* @returns A promise that will be resolved when all timers finish.
readonly waitTimers = async (slice: Slice<Timer[]>) => {
/// Get a slice from the ctx.
readonly use = <T, N extends string = string>(sliceType: SliceType<T, N> | N): Slice<T, N> =>
/// Get a slice value from the ctx.
readonly get = <T, N extends string>(sliceType: SliceType<T, N>) => this.use(sliceType).get()
/// Get a slice value from the ctx.
readonly set = <T, N extends string>(sliceType: SliceType<T, N>, value: T) => this.use(sliceType).set(value)
/// Update a slice value from the ctx by a callback.
readonly update = <T, N extends string>(sliceType: SliceType<T, N>, updater: (prev: T) => T) =>
/// Get a timer from the ctx.
readonly timer = (timer: TimerType) => this.#clock.get(timer)
/// Resolve a timer from the ctx.
readonly done = (timer: TimerType) => this.timer(timer).done()
/// Start a timer from the ctx.
readonly wait = (timer: TimerType) => this.timer(timer).start()
/// Start a list of timers from the ctx, the list is stored in a slice in the ctx.
/// This is equivalent to
/// ```typescript
/// Promise.all(ctx.get(slice).map(x => ctx.wait(x))).
/// ```
readonly waitTimers = async (slice: SliceType<TimerType[]>) => {
await Promise.all(this.get(slice).map(x => this.wait(x)))
/* Copyright 2021, Milkdown by Mirone. */
export * from './ctx'
export * from './env'
export * from './post'
export * from './pre'
export * from './types'
/* Copyright 2021, Milkdown by Mirone. */
import type { Ctx } from './ctx'
import type { Post } from './post'
import type { Pre } from './pre'
export type Cleanup = (post: Post) => void | Promise<void>
/// @internal
export type Cleanup = () => void | Promise<void>
export type HandlerReturnType = void | Promise<void> | Cleanup | Promise<Cleanup>
/// @internal
export type RunnerReturnType = void | Promise<void> | Cleanup | Promise<Cleanup>
export type CtxHandler = (ctx: Ctx) => HandlerReturnType
/// @internal
export type CtxRunner = () => RunnerReturnType
export type MilkdownPlugin = (pre: Pre) => CtxHandler
/// The type of the plugin.
/// ```typescript
/// // A full plugin example
/// const plugin1 = (ctx: Ctx) => {
/// // setup
/// return async () => {
/// // run
/// return async () => {
/// // cleanup
/// }
/// }
/// }
/// // A plugin doesn't need to return a cleanup function
/// const plugin2 = (ctx: Ctx) => {
/// // setup
/// return async () => {
/// // run
/// }
/// }
/// // A plugin doesn't need to be async
/// const plugin3 = (ctx: Ctx) => {
/// // setup
/// return () => {
/// // run
/// }
/// }
/// ```
export type MilkdownPlugin = (ctx: Ctx) => CtxRunner

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