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@mirohq/design-system-base-button - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.4.22 to 0.4.23-input.0



@@ -139,3 +139,3 @@ 'use strict';

role: role != null ? role : asChild === true ? "button" : void 0,
"aria-disabled": designSystemUtils.booleanify(ariaDisabled) ? "true" : void 0,
"aria-disabled": designSystemUtils.booleanify(ariaDisabled) ? "true" : ariaDisabled,
tabIndex: disabled && (asLink || asChild === true) ? -1 : void 0,

@@ -142,0 +142,0 @@ ref: forwardRef,

@@ -131,3 +131,3 @@ import { jsx } from 'react/jsx-runtime';

role: role != null ? role : asChild === true ? "button" : void 0,
"aria-disabled": booleanify(ariaDisabled) ? "true" : void 0,
"aria-disabled": booleanify(ariaDisabled) ? "true" : ariaDisabled,
tabIndex: disabled && (asLink || asChild === true) ? -1 : void 0,

@@ -134,0 +134,0 @@ ref: forwardRef,

@@ -5,6 +5,6 @@ import * as react from 'react';

import { PressProps } from '@mirohq/design-system-use-press';
import * as _mirohq_design_system_primitive from '@mirohq/design-system-primitive';
import * as _mirohq_design_system_stitches from '@mirohq/design-system-stitches';
import * as _stitches_react_types_styled_component from '@stitches/react/types/styled-component';
import * as _stitches_react_types_css_util from '@stitches/react/types/css-util';
import * as _stitches_react_types_styled_component from '@stitches/react/types/styled-component';
import * as _mirohq_design_system_primitive from '@mirohq/design-system-primitive';

@@ -16,481 +16,474 @@ declare const sizes: {

declare const StyledBaseButton: react.ForwardRefExoticComponent<Omit<Omit<{}, never> & _stitches_react_types_styled_component.TransformProps<{}, {}> & _mirohq_design_system_stitches.SafeProps<Omit<Omit<react.DetailedHTMLProps<react.ButtonHTMLAttributes<HTMLButtonElement>, HTMLButtonElement>, "ref"> & {
ref?: ((instance: HTMLButtonElement | null) => void) | react.RefObject<HTMLButtonElement> | null | undefined;
} & {
asChild?: boolean | undefined;
}, "css"> & _stitches_react_types_styled_component.TransformProps<{}, {}> & {
css?: _stitches_react_types_css_util.CSS<{}, {
'border-widths': {
readonly none: 0;
readonly sm: "1px";
readonly md: "2px";
readonly lg: "4px";
declare const StyledBaseButton: react.ForwardRefExoticComponent<Omit<Omit<_mirohq_design_system_stitches.StyledComponentProps<_stitches_react_types_styled_component.StyledComponent<react.ForwardRefExoticComponent<_mirohq_design_system_primitive.PrimitiveProps<"button">>, {}, {}, _stitches_react_types_css_util.CSS<{}, {
'border-widths': {
readonly none: 0;
readonly sm: "1px";
readonly md: "2px";
readonly lg: "4px";
colors: {
readonly black: any;
readonly 'blue-100': any;
readonly 'blue-200': any;
readonly 'blue-300': any;
readonly 'blue-400': any;
readonly 'blue-500': any;
readonly 'blue-600': any;
readonly 'blue-700': any;
readonly 'blue-800': any;
readonly 'blue-900': any;
readonly 'blue-1000': any;
readonly 'gray-100': any;
readonly 'gray-200': any;
readonly 'gray-300': any;
readonly 'gray-400': any;
readonly 'gray-500': any;
readonly 'gray-600': any;
readonly 'gray-700': any;
readonly 'gray-800': any;
readonly 'gray-900': any;
readonly 'green-100': any;
readonly 'green-200': any;
readonly 'green-300': any;
readonly 'green-400': any;
readonly 'green-500': any;
readonly 'green-600': any;
readonly 'green-700': any;
readonly 'green-800': any;
readonly 'green-900': any;
readonly 'indigo-100': any;
readonly 'indigo-200': any;
readonly 'indigo-300': any;
readonly 'indigo-400': any;
readonly 'indigo-500': any;
readonly 'indigo-600': any;
readonly 'indigo-700': any;
readonly 'indigo-800': any;
readonly 'indigo-900': any;
readonly 'red-100': any;
readonly 'red-200': any;
readonly 'red-300': any;
readonly 'red-400': any;
readonly 'red-500': any;
readonly 'red-600': any;
readonly 'red-700': any;
readonly 'red-800': any;
readonly 'red-900': any;
readonly transparent: any;
readonly white: any;
readonly 'yellow-100': any;
readonly 'yellow-200': any;
readonly 'yellow-300': any;
readonly 'yellow-400': any;
readonly 'yellow-500': any;
readonly 'yellow-600': any;
readonly 'yellow-700': any;
readonly 'yellow-800': any;
readonly 'yellow-900': any;
"background-alpha-active"?: any;
"background-alpha-hover"?: any;
"background-danger-prominent"?: any;
"background-danger-prominent-active"?: any;
"background-danger-prominent-hover"?: any;
"background-danger-subtle"?: any;
"background-danger-subtle-active"?: any;
"background-danger-subtle-hover"?: any;
"background-neutrals"?: any;
"background-neutrals-active"?: any;
"background-neutrals-container"?: any;
"background-neutrals-controls-disabled"?: any;
"background-neutrals-disabled"?: any;
"background-neutrals-hover"?: any;
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"background-neutrals-inactive-hover"?: any;
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"background-neutrals-page-subtle"?: any;
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"background-neutrals-scrolls-pressed-hover"?: any;
"background-neutrals-subtle"?: any;
"background-neutrals-subtle-active"?: any;
"background-neutrals-subtle-hover"?: any;
"background-primary-prominent"?: any;
"background-primary-prominent-active"?: any;
"background-primary-prominent-expanded"?: any;
"background-primary-prominent-hover"?: any;
"background-primary-prominent-pressed"?: any;
"background-primary-prominent-pressed-hover"?: any;
"background-primary-prominent-selected"?: any;
"background-primary-subtle"?: any;
"background-primary-subtle-active"?: any;
"background-primary-subtle-expanded"?: any;
"background-primary-subtle-hover"?: any;
"background-primary-subtle-pressed"?: any;
"background-primary-subtle-pressed-hover"?: any;
"background-primary-subtle-selected"?: any;
"background-success"?: any;
"background-warning-prominent"?: any;
"background-warning-subtle"?: any;
"border-danger"?: any;
"border-danger-active"?: any;
"border-danger-hover"?: any;
"border-focus-inner"?: any;
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"border-focus-outer"?: any;
"border-neutrals"?: any;
"border-neutrals-active"?: any;
"border-neutrals-controls"?: any;
"border-neutrals-controls-disabled"?: any;
"border-neutrals-disabled"?: any;
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"border-neutrals-inverted"?: any;
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"border-neutrals-text"?: any;
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"border-neutrals-text-subtle"?: any;
"border-neutrals-text-subtle-active"?: any;
"border-neutrals-text-subtle-hover"?: any;
"border-neutrals-transparent"?: any;
"border-primary"?: any;
"border-primary-active"?: any;
"border-primary-hover"?: any;
"border-primary-inverted"?: any;
"border-success"?: any;
"border-warning"?: any;
"icon-danger"?: any;
"icon-danger-active"?: any;
"icon-danger-hover"?: any;
"icon-danger-inverted"?: any;
"icon-neutrals"?: any;
"icon-neutrals-disabled"?: any;
"icon-neutrals-inactive"?: any;
"icon-neutrals-inactive-hover"?: any;
"icon-neutrals-inverted"?: any;
"icon-neutrals-search"?: any;
"icon-neutrals-subtle"?: any;
"icon-neutrals-text"?: any;
"icon-primary"?: any;
"icon-primary-active"?: any;
"icon-primary-hover"?: any;
"icon-primary-inverted"?: any;
"icon-primary-selected"?: any;
"icon-success"?: any;
"icon-success-inverted"?: any;
"icon-warning"?: any;
"icon-warning-prominent"?: any;
"text-danger"?: any;
"text-danger-active"?: any;
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"text-danger-inverted"?: any;
"text-neutrals"?: any;
"text-neutrals-active"?: any;
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"text-primary-active"?: any;
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"text-warning"?: any;
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readonly 150: "0.75rem";
readonly 175: "0.875rem";
readonly 200: "1rem";
readonly 225: "1.125rem";
readonly 250: "1.25rem";
readonly 300: "1.5rem";
readonly 400: "2rem";
readonly 500: "2.5rem";
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readonly 900: "4.5rem";
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readonly heading: "Roobert, sans-serif";
readonly body: "Open Sans, sans-serif";
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readonly 75: "6px";
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readonly 200: "16px";
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readonly 50: "0 4px 16px #05003812";
readonly 100: "0 8px 32px #05003808";
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readonly number: string;
readonly 'icon-200': "16px";
readonly 'icon-300': "24px";
readonly 'icon-400': "32px";
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readonly 300: any;
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readonly bold: "4px";
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readonly popover: 300;
readonly tooltip: 400;
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paddingX: (value: {
readonly [$$PropertyValue]: "padding";
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paddingLeft: {
readonly [$$PropertyValue]: "padding";
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readonly black: any;
readonly 'blue-100': any;
readonly 'blue-200': any;
readonly 'blue-300': any;
readonly 'blue-400': any;
readonly 'blue-500': any;
readonly 'blue-600': any;
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readonly 'green-300': any;
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readonly 'green-500': any;
readonly 'green-600': any;
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readonly 'green-900': any;
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paddingRight: {
readonly [$$PropertyValue]: "padding";
'font-sizes': {
readonly 150: "0.75rem";
readonly 175: "0.875rem";
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readonly 225: "1.125rem";
readonly 250: "1.25rem";
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readonly 400: "2rem";
readonly 500: "2.5rem";
readonly 600: "3rem";
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readonly 900: "4.5rem";
fonts: {
readonly heading: "Roobert, sans-serif";
readonly body: "Open Sans, sans-serif";
radii: {
readonly none: 0;
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shadows: {
readonly 50: "0 4px 16px #05003812";
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readonly 300: any;
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readonly 1200: any;
readonly 1600: any;
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readonly 0: any;
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readonly 100: any;
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readonly paddingInlineEnd: "space-inset";
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readonly paddingTop: "space-inset";
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readonly scrollPaddingBlock: "space-inset";
readonly scrollPaddingBlockEnd: "space-inset";
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}, {
paddingX: (value: {
paddingY: (value: {
readonly [$$PropertyValue]: "padding";
}) => {
paddingTop: {
readonly [$$PropertyValue]: "padding";
}) => {
paddingLeft: {
readonly [$$PropertyValue]: "padding";
paddingRight: {
readonly [$$PropertyValue]: "padding";
paddingY: (value: {
paddingBottom: {
readonly [$$PropertyValue]: "padding";
}) => {
paddingTop: {
readonly [$$PropertyValue]: "padding";
paddingBottom: {
readonly [$$PropertyValue]: "padding";
marginX: (value: {
marginX: (value: {
readonly [$$PropertyValue]: "margin";
}) => {
marginLeft: {
readonly [$$PropertyValue]: "margin";
}) => {
marginLeft: {
readonly [$$PropertyValue]: "margin";
marginRight: {
readonly [$$PropertyValue]: "margin";
marginY: (value: {
marginRight: {
readonly [$$PropertyValue]: "margin";
}) => {
marginTop: {
readonly [$$PropertyValue]: "margin";
marginBottom: {
readonly [$$PropertyValue]: "margin";
square: (value: {
marginY: (value: {
readonly [$$PropertyValue]: "margin";
}) => {
marginTop: {
readonly [$$PropertyValue]: "margin";
marginBottom: {
readonly [$$PropertyValue]: "margin";
square: (value: {
readonly [$$PropertyValue]: "width";
}) => {
width: {
readonly [$$PropertyValue]: "width";
}) => {
width: {
readonly [$$PropertyValue]: "width";
height: {
readonly [$$PropertyValue]: "width";
}> | undefined;
}> & {
children?: react.ReactNode;
} & _mirohq_design_system_stitches.CustomStylesProps, "ref"> & react.RefAttributes<HTMLButtonElement>> & _mirohq_design_system_stitches.StitchesInternals<react.ForwardRefExoticComponent<_mirohq_design_system_primitive.PrimitiveProps<"button">>, {}, {}>;
height: {
readonly [$$PropertyValue]: "width";
}>>>, never> & _stitches_react_types_styled_component.TransformProps<{}, {}> & _mirohq_design_system_stitches.CustomStylesProps, "ref"> & react.RefAttributes<HTMLButtonElement>> & _mirohq_design_system_stitches.StitchesInternals<react.ForwardRefExoticComponent<_mirohq_design_system_primitive.PrimitiveProps<"button">>, {}, {}>;
declare type StyledBaseButtonProps = ComponentPropsWithRef<typeof StyledBaseButton>;

@@ -497,0 +490,0 @@

"name": "@mirohq/design-system-base-button",
"version": "0.4.22",
"version": "0.4.23-input.0",
"description": "",

@@ -33,4 +33,4 @@ "author": "Miro",

"@mirohq/design-system-primitive": "^1.1.1",
"@mirohq/design-system-types": "^0.6.2",
"@mirohq/design-system-stitches": "^2.3.12"
"@mirohq/design-system-stitches": "^2.3.13-input.0",
"@mirohq/design-system-types": "^0.6.2"

@@ -37,0 +37,0 @@ "scripts": {

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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