This library is a wrapper around firestore to implement kind of an ODM in Node.JS projects. It also can be used in Firestore cloud functions projects.
firebase-admin | @modelata/fire | @modelata/node-fire |
11.5.2 | ^5.0.0 | ^5.0.0 |
10.0.2 | ^4.0.0 | ^4.0.0 |
npm i -s @modelata/node-fire firebase-admin reflect-metadata
Init firebase-admin (cf their own documentation)
import * as admin from 'firebase-admin';
const serviceAccount = require('./serviceAccount.json');
credential: admin.credential.cert(serviceAccount),
databaseURL: `https://${serviceAccount.project_id}.firebaseio.com`,
storageBucket: `${serviceAccount.project_id}.appspot.com`,
const settings = { timestampsInSnapshots: true };
const db = admin.firestore();
const auth = admin.auth();
const storage = admin.storage().bucket();
Your models must extend MFModel :
export class SomeModel extends MFModel<SomeModel> {
name: string = null;
data: Partial<SomeModel> = {},
mustachePath?: string,
location?: Partial<IMFLocation>,
) {
super.initialize(data, mustachePath, location);
modelata-node-fire set some attribute an all models.
- _id : document id.
- _collectionPath : document path.
- _snapshot : document firestore snapshot.
- updateDate : date of last update.
- creationDate : creation date of document in db.
- deleted : boolean used for soft deletion mode
You can use decorators on properties to extend your models :
email: string = null;
- @param subDocPath the path of the subdocument (WITHOUT main document path)
this property is from a subdocument
/!\ the DAO must extends MFFlattableDao
email: string = null;
deletePreviousOnUpdate: false,
deleteOnDelete: true
picture: IMFFile = null;
this properties links to a file stored in storage
The property must be of type : IMFFile.
To manipulate your models in database, you need to create the corresponding DAOs :
Simple :
export class SomeDao extends MFDao<SomeModel> {
constructor(database: FirebaseFirestore.Firestore) {
getNewModel(data?: Partial<SomeModel>, location?: Partial<IMFLocation>): SomeModel {
return new SomeModel(data, this.mustachePath, location);
Flattable if your model is made of data from subdocuments :
export class SomeDao extends MFFlattableDao<SomeModel> {
constructor(db: FirebaseFirestore.Firestore) {
getNewModel(data?: Partial<SomeModel>, location?: Partial<IMFLocation>): SomeModel {
const someModel = new SomeModel(data, this.mustachePath, location);
return someModel;
@CollectionPath decorator
CollectionPath decorator must be used on all DAO.
CollectionPath take in parameter a string representing the collection path in firestore db.
If the collection is a subcollection (collection in a document), use the "mustache" syntaxe for all document id.
All methods that need an id or a location (like "get"), now take a Location with ids mentioned in CollectionPath.
const location = {
id: 'mySubSubDocId',
mySubDocId: 'id',
userId: 'id',
@DeletionMode decorator
DeletionMode decorator is used for set the deletion strategy for this DAO. (default : HARD)
DeletionMode take in parameter a enum value MFDeleteMode.SOFT or MFDeleteMode.HARD.
MFDeleteMode.SOFT :
- when a dao delete a document (with delete methode), the document is just updated with delete = true;
- all getList calls have a "where filter" on deleted field
MFDeleteMode.HARD :
- when a dao delete a document (with delete methode), the document is definitely deleted.
get(idOrLocation: string | IMFLocation, options?: IMFGetOneOptions)
Get a model from database from id or location
export interface IMFGetOneOptions {
withSnapshot?: boolean;
completeOnFirst?: boolean;
cacheable?: boolean;
warnOnMissing?: boolean;
getByReference(reference: DocumentReference, options?: IMFGetOneOptions)
Get a model from database from its reference
getByPath(path: string, options?: IMFGetOneOptions)
Get a model from database from its path
getList(location?: MFOmit<IMFLocation, "id">, options?: IMFGetListOptions<M>)
Get a list of documents in the collection
export interface IMFGetListOptions<M> {
withSnapshot?: boolean;
completeOnFirst?: boolean;
where?: IMFWhere[];
orderBy?: IMFOrderBy;
limit?: number;
offset?: IMFOffset<M>;
cacheable?: boolean;
getReference(idOrLocation: string | Partial<IMFLocation>)
Get the reference from an id (document only), a location (document or collection) or a model (document only)
update(data: Partial<M>, location?: string | IMFLocation | M, options?: IMFUpdateOptions<M>)
update some field of a model.
export type IMFDeletePreviousOnUpdateFilesOptions<M extends IMFModel<M>> = {
[fileAttribute in NonFunctionPropertyNames<M>]?: boolean;
export interface IMFUpdateOptions<M extends IMFModel<M>> {
deletePreviousOnUpdateFiles?: IMFDeletePreviousOnUpdateFilesOptions<M>;
create(data: M, location?: string | Partial<IMFLocation>, options?: IMFSaveOptions)
save a new model in db, update if already exist.
export interface IMFSaveOptions {
overwrite?: boolean;
delete(idLocationOrModel: string | IMFLocation | M, options?: IMFDeleteOptions<M>)
Delete a model by id
export declare type IMFDeleteOnDeleteFilesOptions<M extends IMFModel<M>> = {
[fileAttribute in NonFunctionPropertyNames<M>]?: boolean;
export interface IMFDeleteOptions<M extends IMFModel<M>> {
deleteOnDeleteFiles?: IMFDeleteOnDeleteFilesOptions<M>;
cascadeOnDelete?: boolean;
mode?: MFDeleteMode;
deleteByReference(reference: DocumentReference)
Delete a model by its reference
getReferenceFromPath(path: string)
Get a reference from a compatible path
getSnapshot(idOrLocation: string | IMFLocation, options?: IMFGetOneOptions)
isCompatible(modelOrReference: M | DocumentReference | CollectionReference)
Check if the model or reference is compatible with this DAO based on its path
User Model must implement IMFUserInterface if you want to reference auth user propertties
export class UserModel extends MFModel<UserModel> implements IMFUserInterface {
email: string = null;
phoneNumber: string = null;
photoUrl: string = null;
displayName: string = null;
constructor(data: Partial<UserModel>, mustachePath: string, location: Partial<IMFLocation>) {
super.initialize(data, mustachePath, location);
Once everything is properly configured you can use standard methods like create, update, delete, get, getList to interact with database.
Every async method is based on promises.
Api documentation
You can find more informations on https://moventes.github.io/modelata-node-fire/globals.html
You can test with https://gitlab.com/modelata/test-node-fire