CS:GO GSI Digest
How does it work?
The GSI object takes raw request from CS:GO GSI's system, parses this to more comfortable form and calls listeners on certain events. You need to configure GSI file and receiving end yourself.
For Node and React
npm install csgogsi
Example #1
import express from 'express';
import { CSGOGSI } from 'csgogsi';
const app = express();
const GSI = new CSGOGSI();
app.use(express.raw({limit:'10Mb', type: 'application/json' }));
app.post('/', (req, res) => {
const text = req.body.toString().replace(/"(player|owner)":([ ]*)([0-9]+)/gm, '"$1": "$3"').replace(/(player|owner):([ ]*)([0-9]+)/gm, '"$1": "$3"');
const data = JSON.parse(text);
GSI.on('roundEnd', team => {
console.log(`Team ${team.name} win!`);
GSI.on('bombPlant', player => {
console.log(`${player.name} planted the bomb`);
Method | Description | Example | Returned objects |
digest(GSIData) | Gets raw GSI data from CSGO and does magic | GSI.digest(req.body) | CSGO Parsed |
digestMIRV(event: RawKill or RawHurt, eventType: "player_death" (default) or "player_hurt) | Gets raw kill data from mirv pgl and does magic | GSI.digestMIRV(mirv) | KillEvent or HurtEvent |
on('event', callback) | Sets listener for given event (check them below) | GSI.on('roundEnd', team => console.log(team.name)); | |
static findSite(mapName, position) | Tries to guess the bombsite of the position | | A, B, null |
CSGOGSI also has MR property, which specifies the MR system for overtimes (used in map.rounds). Default value is 3.
Beside that, CSGOGSI implements standard Event Emitter interfaces.
Event | Name | Callback |
Data incoming | data | (data: CSGO Parsed) => {} |
End of the round | roundEnd | (score: Score) => {} |
End of the map | matchEnd | (score: Score) => {} |
Kill | kill | (kill: KillEvent) => {} |
Hurt | hurt | (hurt: HurtEvent) => {} |
Timeout start | timeoutStart | (team: Team) => {} |
Timeout end | timeoutEnd | () => {} |
MVP of the round | mvp | (player: Player) => {} |
Freezetime start | freezetimeStart | () => {} |
Freezetime end | freezetimeEnd | () => {} |
Intermission start | intermissionStart | () => {} |
Intermission end | intermissionEnd | () => {} |
Defuse started | defuseStart | (player: Player) => {} |
Defuse stopped (but not defused and not exploded) | defuseStop | (player: Player) => {} |
Bomb plant started | bombPlantStart | (player: Player) => {} |
Bomb planted | bombPlant | (player: Player) => {} |
Bomb exploded | bombExplode | () => {} |
Bomb defused | bombDefuse | (player: Player) => {} |
CSGO Parsed
Property | Type |
provider | Provider Object |
map | Map Object |
round | Round Object or null |
player | Player Object or null |
players | Array of Player's Object |
observer | Observer Object |
bomb | Bomb Object |
phase_countdowns | The same as in raw GSI |
Property | Type |
activity | 'playing', 'textinput' or 'menu' |
spectarget | 'free' or SteamID64 |
position | number[] |
forward | number[] |
Team Extension
Property | Type |
id | string |
name | string |
country | string or null |
logo | string or null |
map_score | number |
Player Extension
Property | Type |
id | string |
name | string |
steramid | string |
realName | string or null |
country | string or null |
avatar | string or null |
Property | Type |
name | 'Counter-Strike: Global Offensive' |
appid | 730 |
version | number |
steamid | number |
timestamp | number |
Property | Type |
mode | string |
name | string |
phase | "warmup" or "live" or "intermission" or "gameover" |
round | number |
team_ct | Team Object |
team_t | Team Object |
num_matches_to_win_series | number |
current_spectators | number |
souvenirs_total | number |
round_wins | Object with Round Outcome Object as values |
rounds | Array of RoundInfo objects |
Property | Type |
team | Team |
round | number |
side | Side |
outcome | 'ct_win_elimination', 't_win_elimination', 'ct_win_time', 'ct_win_defuse', 't_win_bomb' |
Property | Type |
phase | "freezetime" or "live" or "over" |
bomb? | "planted" or "exploded" or "defused" |
win_team? | Side Object |
Property | Type |
steamid | string |
name | string |
observer_slot | number |
team | Team Object |
stats | {kills, assists, deaths, mvps, score} all numbers |
state | {health, armor, helmet, defusekit?, flashed, smoked, burning, money, round_kills, round_killshs, round_totaldmg, equip_value, adr} |
position | Array of numbers |
forward | number |
avatar | string or null |
country | string or null |
realName | string or null |
Property | Type |
state | "carried" or "planted" or "dropped" or "defused" or "defusing" or "planting" or "exploded" |
countdown? | string |
player? | Player Object |
position | string |
Property | Type |
score | number |
consecutive_round_losses | number |
timeouts_remaining | number |
matches_won_this_series | string |
name | string |
country | string or null |
id | string or null |
side | Side Object |
orientation | left or right |
logo | string |
Property | Type |
winner | Team |
loser | Team |
map | Map |
mapEnd | boolean |
"CT" or "T"