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@nexeraid/identity-schemas - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.12.36-dev to 1.12.37-dev




@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ import { z } from "zod";

readonly local: "http://localhost:3015";
readonly "test-dev-1": "";
readonly "test-dev-2": "";
readonly dev: "";
readonly stage: "";
readonly prod: "";
readonly "test-dev-1": "";
readonly "test-dev-2": "";
readonly dev: "";
readonly stage: "";
readonly prod: "";

@@ -152,10 +152,10 @@ readonly identityV2: {

readonly local: "http://localhost:3009";
readonly branch: "";
readonly "test-dev-1": "";
readonly "test-dev-2": "";
readonly dev: "";
readonly stage: "";
readonly prod: "";
readonly branch: "";
readonly "test-dev-1": "";
readonly "test-dev-2": "";
readonly dev: "";
readonly stage: "";
readonly prod: "";

@@ -5,5 +5,5 @@ 'use strict';

var identityApi_schema = require('./');
var identityApi_schema = require('./');
var zod = require('zod');
var frontendUtilities_schema = require('./');
var frontendUtilities_schema = require('./');

@@ -10,0 +10,0 @@

@@ -5,5 +5,5 @@ 'use strict';

var identityApi_schema = require('./');
var identityApi_schema = require('./');
var zod = require('zod');
var frontendUtilities_schema = require('./');
var frontendUtilities_schema = require('./');

@@ -10,0 +10,0 @@

@@ -1,5 +0,5 @@

import { C as CredentialTypes } from './identity-api.schema-d9e8afc5.esm.js';
export { q as ACTIVE_COSMOS_CHAIN_VALUES, A as ACTIVE_EVM_CHAIN_VALUES, m as ACTIVE_TEZOS_CHAIN_VALUES, aj as ALPHA_2_COUNTRIES, cs as ARRAY_OPERATORS, cb as AUTHORIZATION_REQUEST_MESSAGE_TYPES, b8 as AVAILABLE_FLOWS, dw as AdditionalCustomerInformationParams, z as AddressSchema, cn as AllCredentialAttributes, co as AllCredentialValues, da as AllScenarioExecutionAuthorizationData, ak as Alpha2Country, d4 as AnyTxAuthDataSignatureResponse, d1 as AnyTxAuthInput, aM as AppId, I as AptosAddress, J as AptosSignature, ct as ArrayOperator, cj as AuthQrCodeData, bW as AuthSession, ce as AuthorizationRequestMessage, cd as AuthorizationRequestMessageType, cc as AuthorizationRequestMessageTypes, ch as AuthorizationResponseMessage, b9 as AvailableFlow, a4 as BLOCKCHAIN_NAMESPACES, a6 as BLOCKCHAIN_NAMESPACES_NAMES, aa as BLOCKCHAIN_NAMESPACE_TO_NAME, a9 as BLOCKCHAIN_NAME_TO_NAMESPACE, cy as BOOLEAN_OPERATORS, aB as BasicCustomerContactInformation, a2 as BlockchainAddress, B as BlockchainId, a5 as BlockchainNamespace, a3 as BlockchainSignature, cz as BooleanOperator, n as COSMOS_CHAIN_NAMES, o as COSMOS_CHAIN_NAMES_LIST, p as COSMOS_CHAIN_VALUES, aC as CUSTOMERS_CHARTS, aG as CUSTOMER_AUTOMATION_REASONS, aE as CUSTOMER_TABLE_COLUMNS, a0 as CardanoAddress, a1 as CardanoSignature, aN as ChallengeId, bg as ChallengeQueryOperator, bi as ChallengeQueryOperatorToOperator, bf as ChallengeQueryOperators, bj as ChallengeQuerySchema, bX as ChallengeResponse, aS as CloseScreenNotification, bE as ComplianceImplementationStepsInput, Q as CosmosAddress, r as CosmosChainId, R as CosmosSignature, d8 as CreateAuthRequestProps, cN as CreateQueryConfigurationInput, cO as CreateQueryConfigurationResponse, d9 as CreateZKProofRequestProps, d$ as CredentialMediaType, dW as CredentialNames, ci as CredentialQrCodeData, dV as CredentialSchemas, dZ as CredentialType, C as CredentialTypes, ay as CustomerOnboardingLevel, ax as CustomerOnboardingLevels, aA as CustomerStatus, az as CustomerStatuses, aF as CustomerTableColumn, as as CustomerType, ar as CustomerTypes, aD as CustomersChartType, cA as DATE_OPERATORS, a7 as DISPLAYED_LOCKCHAIN_NAMESPACES, ba as DataAvailableOnStart, cB as DateOperator, cR as DeleteQueryConfigurationInput, cS as DeleteQueryConfigurationResponse, a8 as DisplayedBlockchainNamespace, F as EIP155Signature, ac as ENVS, E as EVM_BLOCK_TIME, g as EVM_CHAINS_WITHOUT_DEDICATED_NODE_RPC, Y as EdSignature, aK as EmailId, ad as EnvironmentSchema, h as EvmChainId, bl as ExecuteChallengeQueryConfig, bk as ExecuteChallengeQueryInput, bn as ExecuteChallengeQueryResponse, d3 as ExtendedTezosTxAuthDataSignatureResponse, d0 as ExtendedTezosTxAuthInput, d2 as ExtendedTxAuthDataSignatureResponse, c$ as ExtendedTxAuthInput, dB as ExternalCustomerId, dk as FLOW_TYPES, dl as FlowType, G as FunctionCallData, dU as GenericVerifiableCredentialSchema, bG as GetCredentialsRequest, bH as GetCredentialsResponse, b_ as GetCustomerStatusRequest, c2 as GetCustomerStatusResponse, c_ as GetTezosTxAuthDataSignatureResponse, cX as GetTxAuthDataSignatureResponse, bP as GetTxAuthSigRequest, bR as GetTxAuthSigRequestTezos, bQ as GetTxAuthSigResponse, bS as GetTxAuthSigResponseTezos, c4 as HostMessage, bT as HostRequestMessage, be as HostResponseMessage, dH as ID3CredentialSubjectSchema, dp as IDENTITY_DOCUMENT_COUNTRY_LIST_OPTIONS, dr as IDENTITY_DOCUMENT_OPTIONS, dR as IDImageCredentialSubjectSchema, cF as IDInformation, dQ as IDInformationCredentialSubjectSchema, dI as IDScanCredentialSubjectSchema, dJ as IDScanPassportCredentialSubjectSchema, dK as IDScanSelfieCredentialSubjectSchema, ai as ISO3CountryCode, dv as Identifier, c3 as IdentityAppMessage, dD as IdentityAppV2Web2JWT, dC as IdentityAppV2Web3JWT, dq as IdentityDocumentCountryListOption, ds as IdentityDocumentOptionsType, aJ as IdentityId, c5 as IdentityMessage, b2 as IdentityNotificationMessage, b7 as IdentityRequestMessage, bU as IdentityResponseMessage, b$ as IdentitySdkMessage, c0 as IdentitySdkMessageWithIdentifier, dA as IdentityWidgetAccessToken, dE as IdentityWidgetAccessToken_NEW, dF as IdentityWidgetSessionToken, b3 as InitialDataRequest, bb as InitialDataResponse, a_ as IsVerifiedNotification, bN as IsVerifiedRequest, bO as IsVerifiedResponse, aw as KybOnboardingLevel, av as KybOnboardingLevels, aT as KycCompletionData, aU as KycCompletionNotification, au as KycOnboardingLevel, at as KycOnboardingLevels, c8 as MediaType, c9 as MediaTypePID, u as NEXERA_ACTIVE_STARKNET_CHAIN_VALUES, f as NEXERA_CHAIN_VALUES, b as NEXERA_COSMOS_CHAINS, N as NEXERA_EVM_CHAINS, d as NEXERA_EVM_CHAIN_NAMES, e as NEXERA_EVM_CHAIN_NAMES_LIST, c as NEXERA_STARKNET_CHAINS, s as NEXERA_STARKNET_CHAIN_NAMES, t as NEXERA_STARKNET_CHAIN_VALUES, a as NEXERA_TEZOS_CHAINS, j as NEXERA_TEZOS_CHAIN_NAMES, k as NEXERA_TEZOS_CHAIN_NAMES_LIST, l as NEXERA_TEZOS_CHAIN_VALUES, cw as NUMERIC_OPERATORS, dX as NexeraCredentialType, cM as NonParsedQueryConfiguration, cx as NumericOperator, dP as OLD_AMLScreeningsResultsCredentialSubjectSchema, dL as OLD_IDImageCredentialSubjectSchema, dM as OLD_IDInformationCredentialSubjectSchema, dN as OLD_ProofOfResidenceCredentialSubjectSchema, dO as OLD_SelfieImageCredentialSubjectSchema, bo as OPAChallengeQuery, b0 as OcvSdkInitialized, aW as OffChainScenarioExecutionData, d7 as OffChainZKP, bq as OffChainZKPRuleResult, bp as OnChainRuleResult, aX as OnChainScenarioExecutionData, dc as OnChainZKP, dd as OnChainZKPFromNexeraID, df as OnChainZKPPayload, de as OnChainZKPScenarioFromCms, bm as OpaChallengeQueryResponse, cp as Operator, bh as OperatorToChallengeQueryOperator, dx as OrganizationId, _ as P2Signature, dt as PERSONAL_INFORMATION_FIELDS, P as POLYGON_NETWORK_NAMES, ah as PUBLIC_SERVICES_SCHEMA_MAP, cJ as PartialQueryConfigSimplified, du as PersonalInformationFieldsIdentityDocuments, M as PolkadotAddress, O as PolkadotSignature, a$ as PolygonIdInitialized, bJ as PolygonIdRequest, bI as PolygonIdRequestData, bL as PolygonIdResponse, bK as PolygonIdResponseData, i as PolygonNetworkNames, x as PrivateKey, db as ProjectAuthorizationData, cf as ProofData, dT as ProofOfResidenceCredentialSubjectSchema, y as PublicKey, ck as QrCodeLinkWithSchemaType, cG as QueryConfig, cI as QueryConfigSimplified, cK as QueryConfigSimplifiedParsed, cL as QueryConfiguration, cU as QueryCredentialType, cT as QueryCredentialTypes, cH as QueryType, c6 as RequiredDataRowSchema, c7 as RequiredVerificationData, aq as RiskScoreType, ap as RiskScoreTypes, bz as RuleEngineResponse, aV as RuleEngineScenarioExecutionData, bC as RuleResultStatus, bD as RuleResultStatusLabels, bB as RuleResultStatuses, dg as SCENARIO_AUTHORIZATION_STATUSES, cu as STRING_OPERATORS, cC as SUPPORTED_TYPES, aQ as ScenarioAuthorizationData, dh as ScenarioAuthorizationStatus, aY as ScenarioExecutionData, aZ as ScenarioExecutionNotification, bA as ScenarioExecutionResponse, by as ScenarioStatus, bx as ScenarioStatuses, bw as ScenarioType, bv as ScenarioTypes, br as SdkVerificationOutput, aR as SdkVerificationResponseSchema, dS as SelfieImageCredentialSubjectSchema, b6 as SendTransactionRequest, b4 as SignatureRequest, bc as SignatureResponse, bF as SimplifiedCredential, Z as SpSignature, K as StarknetAddress, S as StarknetChainId, L as StarknetSignature, b1 as StartCompletedNotification, bM as StartFlowRequest, aI as StorageId, w as String0x, cv as StringOperator, cD as SupportedType, cE as SupportedTypes, aO as TestId, W as TezosAddress, T as TezosChainId, V as TezosContractAddress, X as TezosEntrypointName, U as TezosImplicitAddress, $ as TezosSignature, cY as TezosTxAuthInput, cZ as TezosTxSignatureResponse, b5 as TransactionData, bd as TransactionResponse, bZ as TxAuthDataSignatureGatingRequest, c1 as TxAuthDataSignatureResponse, cV as TxAuthInput, D as TxHash, cW as TxSignatureResponse, cP as UpdateQueryConfigurationInput, cQ as UpdateQueryConfigurationResponse, ae as UuidString, d_ as VerifiableCredential, dn as VerificationMode, dm as VerificationModes, bu as VerificationOutput, bt as VerificationSessionStatus, bs as VerificationSessionStatuses, bV as WalletChallengeRequest, aL as WalletId, bY as WalletSignResponse, dj as WalletSignatureData, di as WalletSignatureResponse, dG as Web2CreateSessionParams, dz as WorkflowId, dy as WorkspaceId, cq as ZKPOperator, d5 as ZKPRequest, d6 as ZKPRequestFromZKVerifier, ca as ZeroKnowledgeProofRequest, cg as ZeroKnowledgeProofResponse, af as ZodParse, ab as coerceBoolean, am as countryISO2toISO3Mapping, al as countryISO3toISO2Mapping, aH as createBrandedSchemaId, aP as generateId, dY as getCredentialName, v as isValidAddress, an as isoCountriesNameFromISO2, cr as operatorDisplayMap, ao as parseISO3CountryCode, cl as parseIden3Message, cm as parseSessionIdFromUrl, H as shortAddress, ag as shortBlockchainAddress } from './identity-api.schema-d9e8afc5.esm.js';
import { C as CredentialTypes } from './identity-api.schema-1abb6be0.esm.js';
export { q as ACTIVE_COSMOS_CHAIN_VALUES, A as ACTIVE_EVM_CHAIN_VALUES, m as ACTIVE_TEZOS_CHAIN_VALUES, aj as ALPHA_2_COUNTRIES, cs as ARRAY_OPERATORS, cb as AUTHORIZATION_REQUEST_MESSAGE_TYPES, b8 as AVAILABLE_FLOWS, dw as AdditionalCustomerInformationParams, z as AddressSchema, cn as AllCredentialAttributes, co as AllCredentialValues, da as AllScenarioExecutionAuthorizationData, ak as Alpha2Country, d4 as AnyTxAuthDataSignatureResponse, d1 as AnyTxAuthInput, aM as AppId, I as AptosAddress, J as AptosSignature, ct as ArrayOperator, cj as AuthQrCodeData, bW as AuthSession, ce as AuthorizationRequestMessage, cd as AuthorizationRequestMessageType, cc as AuthorizationRequestMessageTypes, ch as AuthorizationResponseMessage, b9 as AvailableFlow, a4 as BLOCKCHAIN_NAMESPACES, a6 as BLOCKCHAIN_NAMESPACES_NAMES, aa as BLOCKCHAIN_NAMESPACE_TO_NAME, a9 as BLOCKCHAIN_NAME_TO_NAMESPACE, cy as BOOLEAN_OPERATORS, aB as BasicCustomerContactInformation, a2 as BlockchainAddress, B as BlockchainId, a5 as BlockchainNamespace, a3 as BlockchainSignature, cz as BooleanOperator, n as COSMOS_CHAIN_NAMES, o as COSMOS_CHAIN_NAMES_LIST, p as COSMOS_CHAIN_VALUES, aC as CUSTOMERS_CHARTS, aG as CUSTOMER_AUTOMATION_REASONS, aE as CUSTOMER_TABLE_COLUMNS, a0 as CardanoAddress, a1 as CardanoSignature, aN as ChallengeId, bg as ChallengeQueryOperator, bi as ChallengeQueryOperatorToOperator, bf as ChallengeQueryOperators, bj as ChallengeQuerySchema, bX as ChallengeResponse, aS as CloseScreenNotification, bE as ComplianceImplementationStepsInput, Q as CosmosAddress, r as CosmosChainId, R as CosmosSignature, d8 as CreateAuthRequestProps, cN as CreateQueryConfigurationInput, cO as CreateQueryConfigurationResponse, d9 as CreateZKProofRequestProps, d$ as CredentialMediaType, dW as CredentialNames, ci as CredentialQrCodeData, dV as CredentialSchemas, dZ as CredentialType, C as CredentialTypes, ay as CustomerOnboardingLevel, ax as CustomerOnboardingLevels, aA as CustomerStatus, az as CustomerStatuses, aF as CustomerTableColumn, as as CustomerType, ar as CustomerTypes, aD as CustomersChartType, cA as DATE_OPERATORS, a7 as DISPLAYED_LOCKCHAIN_NAMESPACES, ba as DataAvailableOnStart, cB as DateOperator, cR as DeleteQueryConfigurationInput, cS as DeleteQueryConfigurationResponse, a8 as DisplayedBlockchainNamespace, F as EIP155Signature, ac as ENVS, E as EVM_BLOCK_TIME, g as EVM_CHAINS_WITHOUT_DEDICATED_NODE_RPC, Y as EdSignature, aK as EmailId, ad as EnvironmentSchema, h as EvmChainId, bl as ExecuteChallengeQueryConfig, bk as ExecuteChallengeQueryInput, bn as ExecuteChallengeQueryResponse, d3 as ExtendedTezosTxAuthDataSignatureResponse, d0 as ExtendedTezosTxAuthInput, d2 as ExtendedTxAuthDataSignatureResponse, c$ as ExtendedTxAuthInput, dB as ExternalCustomerId, dk as FLOW_TYPES, dl as FlowType, G as FunctionCallData, dU as GenericVerifiableCredentialSchema, bG as GetCredentialsRequest, bH as GetCredentialsResponse, b_ as GetCustomerStatusRequest, c2 as GetCustomerStatusResponse, c_ as GetTezosTxAuthDataSignatureResponse, cX as GetTxAuthDataSignatureResponse, bP as GetTxAuthSigRequest, bR as GetTxAuthSigRequestTezos, bQ as GetTxAuthSigResponse, bS as GetTxAuthSigResponseTezos, c4 as HostMessage, bT as HostRequestMessage, be as HostResponseMessage, dH as ID3CredentialSubjectSchema, dp as IDENTITY_DOCUMENT_COUNTRY_LIST_OPTIONS, dr as IDENTITY_DOCUMENT_OPTIONS, dR as IDImageCredentialSubjectSchema, cF as IDInformation, dQ as IDInformationCredentialSubjectSchema, dI as IDScanCredentialSubjectSchema, dJ as IDScanPassportCredentialSubjectSchema, dK as IDScanSelfieCredentialSubjectSchema, ai as ISO3CountryCode, dv as Identifier, c3 as IdentityAppMessage, dD as IdentityAppV2Web2JWT, dC as IdentityAppV2Web3JWT, dq as IdentityDocumentCountryListOption, ds as IdentityDocumentOptionsType, aJ as IdentityId, c5 as IdentityMessage, b2 as IdentityNotificationMessage, b7 as IdentityRequestMessage, bU as IdentityResponseMessage, b$ as IdentitySdkMessage, c0 as IdentitySdkMessageWithIdentifier, dA as IdentityWidgetAccessToken, dE as IdentityWidgetAccessToken_NEW, dF as IdentityWidgetSessionToken, b3 as InitialDataRequest, bb as InitialDataResponse, a_ as IsVerifiedNotification, bN as IsVerifiedRequest, bO as IsVerifiedResponse, aw as KybOnboardingLevel, av as KybOnboardingLevels, aT as KycCompletionData, aU as KycCompletionNotification, au as KycOnboardingLevel, at as KycOnboardingLevels, c8 as MediaType, c9 as MediaTypePID, u as NEXERA_ACTIVE_STARKNET_CHAIN_VALUES, f as NEXERA_CHAIN_VALUES, b as NEXERA_COSMOS_CHAINS, N as NEXERA_EVM_CHAINS, d as NEXERA_EVM_CHAIN_NAMES, e as NEXERA_EVM_CHAIN_NAMES_LIST, c as NEXERA_STARKNET_CHAINS, s as NEXERA_STARKNET_CHAIN_NAMES, t as NEXERA_STARKNET_CHAIN_VALUES, a as NEXERA_TEZOS_CHAINS, j as NEXERA_TEZOS_CHAIN_NAMES, k as NEXERA_TEZOS_CHAIN_NAMES_LIST, l as NEXERA_TEZOS_CHAIN_VALUES, cw as NUMERIC_OPERATORS, dX as NexeraCredentialType, cM as NonParsedQueryConfiguration, cx as NumericOperator, dP as OLD_AMLScreeningsResultsCredentialSubjectSchema, dL as OLD_IDImageCredentialSubjectSchema, dM as OLD_IDInformationCredentialSubjectSchema, dN as OLD_ProofOfResidenceCredentialSubjectSchema, dO as OLD_SelfieImageCredentialSubjectSchema, bo as OPAChallengeQuery, b0 as OcvSdkInitialized, aW as OffChainScenarioExecutionData, d7 as OffChainZKP, bq as OffChainZKPRuleResult, bp as OnChainRuleResult, aX as OnChainScenarioExecutionData, dc as OnChainZKP, dd as OnChainZKPFromNexeraID, df as OnChainZKPPayload, de as OnChainZKPScenarioFromCms, bm as OpaChallengeQueryResponse, cp as Operator, bh as OperatorToChallengeQueryOperator, dx as OrganizationId, _ as P2Signature, dt as PERSONAL_INFORMATION_FIELDS, P as POLYGON_NETWORK_NAMES, ah as PUBLIC_SERVICES_SCHEMA_MAP, cJ as PartialQueryConfigSimplified, du as PersonalInformationFieldsIdentityDocuments, M as PolkadotAddress, O as PolkadotSignature, a$ as PolygonIdInitialized, bJ as PolygonIdRequest, bI as PolygonIdRequestData, bL as PolygonIdResponse, bK as PolygonIdResponseData, i as PolygonNetworkNames, x as PrivateKey, db as ProjectAuthorizationData, cf as ProofData, dT as ProofOfResidenceCredentialSubjectSchema, y as PublicKey, ck as QrCodeLinkWithSchemaType, cG as QueryConfig, cI as QueryConfigSimplified, cK as QueryConfigSimplifiedParsed, cL as QueryConfiguration, cU as QueryCredentialType, cT as QueryCredentialTypes, cH as QueryType, c6 as RequiredDataRowSchema, c7 as RequiredVerificationData, aq as RiskScoreType, ap as RiskScoreTypes, bz as RuleEngineResponse, aV as RuleEngineScenarioExecutionData, bC as RuleResultStatus, bD as RuleResultStatusLabels, bB as RuleResultStatuses, dg as SCENARIO_AUTHORIZATION_STATUSES, cu as STRING_OPERATORS, cC as SUPPORTED_TYPES, aQ as ScenarioAuthorizationData, dh as ScenarioAuthorizationStatus, aY as ScenarioExecutionData, aZ as ScenarioExecutionNotification, bA as ScenarioExecutionResponse, by as ScenarioStatus, bx as ScenarioStatuses, bw as ScenarioType, bv as ScenarioTypes, br as SdkVerificationOutput, aR as SdkVerificationResponseSchema, dS as SelfieImageCredentialSubjectSchema, b6 as SendTransactionRequest, b4 as SignatureRequest, bc as SignatureResponse, bF as SimplifiedCredential, Z as SpSignature, K as StarknetAddress, S as StarknetChainId, L as StarknetSignature, b1 as StartCompletedNotification, bM as StartFlowRequest, aI as StorageId, w as String0x, cv as StringOperator, cD as SupportedType, cE as SupportedTypes, aO as TestId, W as TezosAddress, T as TezosChainId, V as TezosContractAddress, X as TezosEntrypointName, U as TezosImplicitAddress, $ as TezosSignature, cY as TezosTxAuthInput, cZ as TezosTxSignatureResponse, b5 as TransactionData, bd as TransactionResponse, bZ as TxAuthDataSignatureGatingRequest, c1 as TxAuthDataSignatureResponse, cV as TxAuthInput, D as TxHash, cW as TxSignatureResponse, cP as UpdateQueryConfigurationInput, cQ as UpdateQueryConfigurationResponse, ae as UuidString, d_ as VerifiableCredential, dn as VerificationMode, dm as VerificationModes, bu as VerificationOutput, bt as VerificationSessionStatus, bs as VerificationSessionStatuses, bV as WalletChallengeRequest, aL as WalletId, bY as WalletSignResponse, dj as WalletSignatureData, di as WalletSignatureResponse, dG as Web2CreateSessionParams, dz as WorkflowId, dy as WorkspaceId, cq as ZKPOperator, d5 as ZKPRequest, d6 as ZKPRequestFromZKVerifier, ca as ZeroKnowledgeProofRequest, cg as ZeroKnowledgeProofResponse, af as ZodParse, ab as coerceBoolean, am as countryISO2toISO3Mapping, al as countryISO3toISO2Mapping, aH as createBrandedSchemaId, aP as generateId, dY as getCredentialName, v as isValidAddress, an as isoCountriesNameFromISO2, cr as operatorDisplayMap, ao as parseISO3CountryCode, cl as parseIden3Message, cm as parseSessionIdFromUrl, H as shortAddress, ag as shortBlockchainAddress } from './identity-api.schema-1abb6be0.esm.js';
import { z } from 'zod';
export { V as VC_JSON_SCHEMA_MAP, c as cleanObject, a as getAvailableFields, g as getCredentialSchemaLocation } from './frontend-utilities.schema-1d720c72.esm.js';
export { V as VC_JSON_SCHEMA_MAP, c as cleanObject, a as getAvailableFields, g as getCredentialSchemaLocation } from './frontend-utilities.schema-872554c0.esm.js';
import 'nanoid';

@@ -6,0 +6,0 @@

"name": "@nexeraid/identity-schemas",
"version": "1.12.36",
"version": "1.12.37",
"description": "",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "keywords": [],

@@ -5,3 +5,3 @@ 'use strict';

var identityApi_schema = require('../../dist/');
var identityApi_schema = require('../../dist/');

@@ -8,0 +8,0 @@ require('nanoid');

@@ -5,3 +5,3 @@ 'use strict';

var identityApi_schema = require('../../dist/');
var identityApi_schema = require('../../dist/');

@@ -8,0 +8,0 @@ require('nanoid');

@@ -1,3 +0,3 @@

export { cs as ARRAY_OPERATORS, cb as AUTHORIZATION_REQUEST_MESSAGE_TYPES, b8 as AVAILABLE_FLOWS, cn as AllCredentialAttributes, co as AllCredentialValues, da as AllScenarioExecutionAuthorizationData, d4 as AnyTxAuthDataSignatureResponse, d1 as AnyTxAuthInput, ct as ArrayOperator, cj as AuthQrCodeData, bW as AuthSession, ce as AuthorizationRequestMessage, cd as AuthorizationRequestMessageType, cc as AuthorizationRequestMessageTypes, ch as AuthorizationResponseMessage, b9 as AvailableFlow, cy as BOOLEAN_OPERATORS, cz as BooleanOperator, bg as ChallengeQueryOperator, bi as ChallengeQueryOperatorToOperator, bf as ChallengeQueryOperators, bj as ChallengeQuerySchema, bX as ChallengeResponse, aS as CloseScreenNotification, bE as ComplianceImplementationStepsInput, d8 as CreateAuthRequestProps, cN as CreateQueryConfigurationInput, cO as CreateQueryConfigurationResponse, d9 as CreateZKProofRequestProps, ci as CredentialQrCodeData, cA as DATE_OPERATORS, ba as DataAvailableOnStart, cB as DateOperator, cR as DeleteQueryConfigurationInput, cS as DeleteQueryConfigurationResponse, bl as ExecuteChallengeQueryConfig, bk as ExecuteChallengeQueryInput, bn as ExecuteChallengeQueryResponse, d3 as ExtendedTezosTxAuthDataSignatureResponse, d0 as ExtendedTezosTxAuthInput, d2 as ExtendedTxAuthDataSignatureResponse, c$ as ExtendedTxAuthInput, bG as GetCredentialsRequest, bH as GetCredentialsResponse, b_ as GetCustomerStatusRequest, c2 as GetCustomerStatusResponse, c_ as GetTezosTxAuthDataSignatureResponse, cX as GetTxAuthDataSignatureResponse, bP as GetTxAuthSigRequest, bR as GetTxAuthSigRequestTezos, bQ as GetTxAuthSigResponse, bS as GetTxAuthSigResponseTezos, c4 as HostMessage, bT as HostRequestMessage, be as HostResponseMessage, cF as IDInformation, c3 as IdentityAppMessage, c5 as IdentityMessage, b2 as IdentityNotificationMessage, b7 as IdentityRequestMessage, bU as IdentityResponseMessage, b$ as IdentitySdkMessage, c0 as IdentitySdkMessageWithIdentifier, b3 as InitialDataRequest, bb as InitialDataResponse, a_ as IsVerifiedNotification, bN as IsVerifiedRequest, bO as IsVerifiedResponse, aT as KycCompletionData, aU as KycCompletionNotification, c8 as MediaType, c9 as MediaTypePID, cw as NUMERIC_OPERATORS, cM as NonParsedQueryConfiguration, cx as NumericOperator, bo as OPAChallengeQuery, b0 as OcvSdkInitialized, aW as OffChainScenarioExecutionData, d7 as OffChainZKP, bq as OffChainZKPRuleResult, bp as OnChainRuleResult, aX as OnChainScenarioExecutionData, dc as OnChainZKP, dd as OnChainZKPFromNexeraID, df as OnChainZKPPayload, de as OnChainZKPScenarioFromCms, bm as OpaChallengeQueryResponse, cp as Operator, bh as OperatorToChallengeQueryOperator, cJ as PartialQueryConfigSimplified, a$ as PolygonIdInitialized, bJ as PolygonIdRequest, bI as PolygonIdRequestData, bL as PolygonIdResponse, bK as PolygonIdResponseData, db as ProjectAuthorizationData, cf as ProofData, ck as QrCodeLinkWithSchemaType, cG as QueryConfig, cI as QueryConfigSimplified, cK as QueryConfigSimplifiedParsed, cL as QueryConfiguration, cU as QueryCredentialType, cT as QueryCredentialTypes, cH as QueryType, c6 as RequiredDataRowSchema, c7 as RequiredVerificationData, bz as RuleEngineResponse, aV as RuleEngineScenarioExecutionData, bC as RuleResultStatus, bD as RuleResultStatusLabels, bB as RuleResultStatuses, dg as SCENARIO_AUTHORIZATION_STATUSES, cu as STRING_OPERATORS, cC as SUPPORTED_TYPES, aQ as ScenarioAuthorizationData, dh as ScenarioAuthorizationStatus, aY as ScenarioExecutionData, aZ as ScenarioExecutionNotification, bA as ScenarioExecutionResponse, by as ScenarioStatus, bx as ScenarioStatuses, bw as ScenarioType, bv as ScenarioTypes, br as SdkVerificationOutput, aR as SdkVerificationResponseSchema, b6 as SendTransactionRequest, b4 as SignatureRequest, bc as SignatureResponse, bF as SimplifiedCredential, b1 as StartCompletedNotification, bM as StartFlowRequest, cv as StringOperator, cD as SupportedType, cE as SupportedTypes, cY as TezosTxAuthInput, cZ as TezosTxSignatureResponse, b5 as TransactionData, bd as TransactionResponse, bZ as TxAuthDataSignatureGatingRequest, c1 as TxAuthDataSignatureResponse, cV as TxAuthInput, cW as TxSignatureResponse, cP as UpdateQueryConfigurationInput, cQ as UpdateQueryConfigurationResponse, bu as VerificationOutput, bt as VerificationSessionStatus, bs as VerificationSessionStatuses, bV as WalletChallengeRequest, bY as WalletSignResponse, dj as WalletSignatureData, di as WalletSignatureResponse, cq as ZKPOperator, d5 as ZKPRequest, d6 as ZKPRequestFromZKVerifier, ca as ZeroKnowledgeProofRequest, cg as ZeroKnowledgeProofResponse, cr as operatorDisplayMap, cl as parseIden3Message, cm as parseSessionIdFromUrl } from '../../dist/identity-api.schema-d9e8afc5.esm.js';
export { cs as ARRAY_OPERATORS, cb as AUTHORIZATION_REQUEST_MESSAGE_TYPES, b8 as AVAILABLE_FLOWS, cn as AllCredentialAttributes, co as AllCredentialValues, da as AllScenarioExecutionAuthorizationData, d4 as AnyTxAuthDataSignatureResponse, d1 as AnyTxAuthInput, ct as ArrayOperator, cj as AuthQrCodeData, bW as AuthSession, ce as AuthorizationRequestMessage, cd as AuthorizationRequestMessageType, cc as AuthorizationRequestMessageTypes, ch as AuthorizationResponseMessage, b9 as AvailableFlow, cy as BOOLEAN_OPERATORS, cz as BooleanOperator, bg as ChallengeQueryOperator, bi as ChallengeQueryOperatorToOperator, bf as ChallengeQueryOperators, bj as ChallengeQuerySchema, bX as ChallengeResponse, aS as CloseScreenNotification, bE as ComplianceImplementationStepsInput, d8 as CreateAuthRequestProps, cN as CreateQueryConfigurationInput, cO as CreateQueryConfigurationResponse, d9 as CreateZKProofRequestProps, ci as CredentialQrCodeData, cA as DATE_OPERATORS, ba as DataAvailableOnStart, cB as DateOperator, cR as DeleteQueryConfigurationInput, cS as DeleteQueryConfigurationResponse, bl as ExecuteChallengeQueryConfig, bk as ExecuteChallengeQueryInput, bn as ExecuteChallengeQueryResponse, d3 as ExtendedTezosTxAuthDataSignatureResponse, d0 as ExtendedTezosTxAuthInput, d2 as ExtendedTxAuthDataSignatureResponse, c$ as ExtendedTxAuthInput, bG as GetCredentialsRequest, bH as GetCredentialsResponse, b_ as GetCustomerStatusRequest, c2 as GetCustomerStatusResponse, c_ as GetTezosTxAuthDataSignatureResponse, cX as GetTxAuthDataSignatureResponse, bP as GetTxAuthSigRequest, bR as GetTxAuthSigRequestTezos, bQ as GetTxAuthSigResponse, bS as GetTxAuthSigResponseTezos, c4 as HostMessage, bT as HostRequestMessage, be as HostResponseMessage, cF as IDInformation, c3 as IdentityAppMessage, c5 as IdentityMessage, b2 as IdentityNotificationMessage, b7 as IdentityRequestMessage, bU as IdentityResponseMessage, b$ as IdentitySdkMessage, c0 as IdentitySdkMessageWithIdentifier, b3 as InitialDataRequest, bb as InitialDataResponse, a_ as IsVerifiedNotification, bN as IsVerifiedRequest, bO as IsVerifiedResponse, aT as KycCompletionData, aU as KycCompletionNotification, c8 as MediaType, c9 as MediaTypePID, cw as NUMERIC_OPERATORS, cM as NonParsedQueryConfiguration, cx as NumericOperator, bo as OPAChallengeQuery, b0 as OcvSdkInitialized, aW as OffChainScenarioExecutionData, d7 as OffChainZKP, bq as OffChainZKPRuleResult, bp as OnChainRuleResult, aX as OnChainScenarioExecutionData, dc as OnChainZKP, dd as OnChainZKPFromNexeraID, df as OnChainZKPPayload, de as OnChainZKPScenarioFromCms, bm as OpaChallengeQueryResponse, cp as Operator, bh as OperatorToChallengeQueryOperator, cJ as PartialQueryConfigSimplified, a$ as PolygonIdInitialized, bJ as PolygonIdRequest, bI as PolygonIdRequestData, bL as PolygonIdResponse, bK as PolygonIdResponseData, db as ProjectAuthorizationData, cf as ProofData, ck as QrCodeLinkWithSchemaType, cG as QueryConfig, cI as QueryConfigSimplified, cK as QueryConfigSimplifiedParsed, cL as QueryConfiguration, cU as QueryCredentialType, cT as QueryCredentialTypes, cH as QueryType, c6 as RequiredDataRowSchema, c7 as RequiredVerificationData, bz as RuleEngineResponse, aV as RuleEngineScenarioExecutionData, bC as RuleResultStatus, bD as RuleResultStatusLabels, bB as RuleResultStatuses, dg as SCENARIO_AUTHORIZATION_STATUSES, cu as STRING_OPERATORS, cC as SUPPORTED_TYPES, aQ as ScenarioAuthorizationData, dh as ScenarioAuthorizationStatus, aY as ScenarioExecutionData, aZ as ScenarioExecutionNotification, bA as ScenarioExecutionResponse, by as ScenarioStatus, bx as ScenarioStatuses, bw as ScenarioType, bv as ScenarioTypes, br as SdkVerificationOutput, aR as SdkVerificationResponseSchema, b6 as SendTransactionRequest, b4 as SignatureRequest, bc as SignatureResponse, bF as SimplifiedCredential, b1 as StartCompletedNotification, bM as StartFlowRequest, cv as StringOperator, cD as SupportedType, cE as SupportedTypes, cY as TezosTxAuthInput, cZ as TezosTxSignatureResponse, b5 as TransactionData, bd as TransactionResponse, bZ as TxAuthDataSignatureGatingRequest, c1 as TxAuthDataSignatureResponse, cV as TxAuthInput, cW as TxSignatureResponse, cP as UpdateQueryConfigurationInput, cQ as UpdateQueryConfigurationResponse, bu as VerificationOutput, bt as VerificationSessionStatus, bs as VerificationSessionStatuses, bV as WalletChallengeRequest, bY as WalletSignResponse, dj as WalletSignatureData, di as WalletSignatureResponse, cq as ZKPOperator, d5 as ZKPRequest, d6 as ZKPRequestFromZKVerifier, ca as ZeroKnowledgeProofRequest, cg as ZeroKnowledgeProofResponse, cr as operatorDisplayMap, cl as parseIden3Message, cm as parseSessionIdFromUrl } from '../../dist/identity-api.schema-1abb6be0.esm.js';
import 'zod';
import 'nanoid';
"name": "@nexeraid/identity-schemas",
"version": "1.12.36-dev",
"version": "1.12.37-dev",
"description": "",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "keywords": [],

@@ -5,5 +5,5 @@ 'use strict';

var customers_schema = require('../../dist/');
var customers_schema = require('../../dist/');

@@ -10,0 +10,0 @@

@@ -5,5 +5,5 @@ 'use strict';

var customers_schema = require('../../dist/');
var customers_schema = require('../../dist/');

@@ -10,0 +10,0 @@

@@ -1,4 +0,4 @@

export { a1 as AMLMetadata, A as ANALYSIS_TYPES, c as AnalysisType, bJ as ApplicantMemberOfSchema, bY as BENEFICIARY_TYPES, e as BLOCKCHAIN_TYPES, bL as BaseApplicantActionSchema, bj as BaseProvider, b_ as BeneficiaryCompanyCustomerClaims, b$ as BeneficiaryCompanyCustomerClaimsArray, bZ as BeneficiaryType, d0 as BeneficiaryVerificationStatus, d1 as BeneficiaryVerificationStatusArray, bg as BigConfig, p as BigCryptoChain, r as BigProperties, q as BigPropertiesLiteral, s as BigProperty, bm as BigProvider, u as BitRankRequest, v as BitRankVerified, x as BitRankVerifiedError, w as BitRankVerifiedErrorResponse, B as BitRankVerifiedResponse, f as Blockchain, aB as COMPLY_ADVANTAGE_COUNTRY_FIELD_SOURCES, aD as COMPLY_ADVANTAGE_DATE_OF_BIRTH_FIELD_SOURCES, az as COMPLY_ADVANTAGE_NATIONALITY_FIELD_SOURCES, as as COMPLY_ADVANTAGE_RESPONSE_MATCH_STATUS, ap as COMPLY_ADVANTAGE_RESPONSE_MATCH_TYPE, dj as ChainalysisApiError, bc as ChainalysisConfig, bp as ChainalysisProvider, dg as ChainalysisRegisterApiResponse, dk as ChainalysisRegisterResponse, de as ChainalysisRequest, di as ChainalysisRiskAssessmentApiResponse, C as ChainalysisRiskAssessmentResponse, dh as ChainalysisRiskLevel, ag as CoerceDateUTC, g as Coin, c$ as CompanyDocumentMetaData, aV as ComplyAdvantageAmlFullListing, aU as ComplyAdvantageAmlItemSource, aC as ComplyAdvantageCountryFieldSources, aE as ComplyAdvantageDateOfBirthFieldSources, aT as ComplyAdvantageKeyInformation, aO as ComplyAdvantageMedia, b2 as ComplyAdvantageMonitorSearchDataResponse, b4 as ComplyAdvantageMonitorSearchResponse, b3 as ComplyAdvantageMonitorSearchSuccessResponse, b5 as ComplyAdvantageMonitoredSearchUpdate, aA as ComplyAdvantageNationalityFieldSources, bu as ComplyAdvantageProvider, bt as ComplyAdvantageProviderConfigElement, bs as ComplyAdvantageProviderConfigFilters, br as ComplyAdvantageProviderConfigTypes, at as ComplyAdvantageReponseMatchStatus, aq as ComplyAdvantageResponseMatchType, aQ as ComplyAdvantageSearchDataResponse, aP as ComplyAdvantageSearchDataResponseHit, aW as ComplyAdvantageSearchEntitiesDataResponse, aY as ComplyAdvantageSearchEntitiesResponse, aX as ComplyAdvantageSearchEntitiesSuccessResponse, aS as ComplyAdvantageSearchErrorResponse, aZ as ComplyAdvantageSearchRequest, b as ComplyAdvantageSearchResponse, aR as ComplyAdvantageSearchSuccessResponse, a$ as ComplyAdvantageUpdateSearchEntitiesRequest, b1 as ComplyAdvantageUpdateSearchEntitiesResponse, b0 as ComplyAdvantageUpdateSearchEntitiesSuccessResponse, a_ as ComplyAdvantageUpdateSearchRequest, aM as ComplyAdvantageUser, bA as CreateProviderInput, bB as CreateProviderResponse, aF as CreateSearchInput, cT as CredentialMetadata, cS as CustomerContactInformationOutput, d6 as CustomerDocumentMetaData, d7 as CustomerStatusResults, b9 as DataProviderOptions, ba as DataProviders, bF as DeleteProviderInput, bG as DeleteProviderResponse, V as DocumentIdMetadata, U as DocumentIdType, T as DocumentIdTypes, cn as DocumentMetadataSchema, a0 as EmailMetadata, E as EmailVerificationAnalysisResponse, df as EnhancedChainalysisRequest, Q as File, cR as GetCredentialsOutput, d3 as GetKybSessionInput, d4 as GetKybSessionResponse, cL as GetKycSessionInput, cM as GetKycSessionResponse, cU as GetKycSessionResponseWithCredentialsMetadata, bz as GetProviderResponse, by as GetProvidersResponse, an as HIGH_RISK_TYPES, bW as INDIVIDUAL_BENEFICIARY_RELATIONS, b7 as IdentityProviderOptions, b8 as IdentityProviders, bX as IndividualBeneficiaryRelation, l as IpQualityAnalysisRequest, m as IpQualityAnalysisResponse, bf as IpQualityConfig, n as IpQualityServiceAnalysis, I as IpQualityServiceAnalysisResponse, o as IpQualityServiceErrorResponse, bq as IpqualityscoreProvider, cX as KYB_RESULTS, cZ as KYB_SESSION_STATUSES, cV as KYB_STEP_TYPES, cF as KYC_RESULTS, cH as KYC_SESSION_STATUSES, cD as KYC_STEP_TYPES, cY as KybResult, c_ as KybSessionStatus, cW as KybStep, cG as KycResult, cI as KycSessionStatus, cE as KycStep, _ as LivenessMetadata, ao as MEDIUM_RISK_TYPES, aH as MatchStatus, aG as MatchStatuses, aN as MatchTypeDetail, M as MergedProviders, dd as MerkleAddressApiError, dc as MerkleAddressApiResponse, db as MerkleAddressRequest, a as MerkleAddressResponse, da as MerkleBlockChainCodes, d9 as MerkleBlockChainNames, d8 as MerkleBlockChainTypes, bb as MerkleScienceConfig, bo as MerkleScienceProvider, N as NestedSession, bl as NexeraIdKYBProvider, bk as NexeraIdSSIDProvider, O as OBJECT_TYPES, d as ObjectType, $ as PhoneMetadata, P as PhoneVerificationAnalysisResponse, Y as ProofOfAddressDocumentType, X as ProofOfAddressDocumentTypes, Z as ProofOfAddressMetadata, cQ as ProofOfResidenceDocumentType, cP as ProofOfResidenceMetaData, bw as ProviderData, bx as ProviderDataProject, bi as ProviderIntegrationType, bh as ProviderIntegrationTypeOptions, b6 as ProviderWithoutConfig, a9 as RESULT_PARSER_ERROR, L as ReasonCode, K as ReasonCodes, t as RequestProperty, aJ as RiskLevel, aI as RiskLevels, R as RiskSeverity, al as SEARCH_FILTER_ADVERSE_MEDIA_TYPE, aj as SEARCH_FILTER_PEP_TYPE, ah as SEARCH_FILTER_SANCTION_TYPE, au as SEARCH_FILTER_TYPES, a7 as SESSION_NOT_FOUND, ad as STEP_NOT_FOUND, bO as SUMSUB_APPLICANT_TYPES, cg as SUMSUB_COMPANY_BENEFICIARY_GROUP, c5 as SUMSUB_DOC_TYPES, c7 as SUMSUB_FLOW_LEVEL, cv as SUMSUB_KYB_SESSION_FLOW_SECTION_STATUS, cl as SUMSUB_MEDIA_CONTENT_TYPES, bQ as SUMSUB_REVIEW_ANSWERS, cA as SUMSUB_REVIEW_REJECT_LABELS, cC as SUMSUB_REVIEW_REJECT_LABELS_DESCRIPTION, bS as SUMSUB_REVIEW_REJECT_TYPES, c3 as SUMSUB_REVIEW_STATUSES, bM as SUMSUB_STEPS, c1 as SUMSUB_WEBHOOK_INTERNAL_STATUS, j as ScorechainAnalysis, bd as ScorechainConfig, i as ScorechainError, h as ScorechainErrorResponse, bn as ScorechainProvider, k as ScoringAnalysisRequest, S as ScoringAnalysisResponse, ax as SearchEntityType, aw as SearchEntityTypes, am as SearchFilterAdverseMediaType, ak as SearchFilterPepType, ai as SearchFilterSanctionType, av as SearchFilterType, ay as SearchFilters, d2 as SelectKybSession, cJ as SelectKycSession, cK as SelectKycSessionStep, F as Session, G as SessionWithoutSteps, z as Status, y as Statuses, a2 as Step, J as StepType, H as StepTypes, bU as SumSubAddress, bV as SumSubApplicantInfo, cp as SumSubApplicantResetSchema, co as SumSubApplicantReviewStatusSchema, cu as SumSubApplicantSchema, bP as SumSubApplicantType, ck as SumSubApplicantVerificationStepSchema, c0 as SumSubCompanyApplicantInfo, ce as SumSubCompanyApplicantSchema, c6 as SumSubDocType, c8 as SumSubFlowLevel, cq as SumSubGenerateExternalWebSdkLinkSchema, cf as SumSubImageId, ca as SumSubImageReviewResultSchema, cd as SumSubIndividualApplicantSchema, cm as SumSubMediaContentType, bR as SumSubReviewAnswer, cB as SumSubReviewRejectLabel, bT as SumSubReviewRejectType, c9 as SumSubReviewResultSchema, c4 as SumSubReviewStatus, cz as SumSubSimilarApplicantsSchema, bN as SumSubStep, cj as SumSubVerificationStepSchema, bK as SumSubWebhookSchema, cc as SumsubApplicantType, cb as SumsubApplicantTypes, ch as SumsubCompanyBeneficiaryGroup, ct as SumsubKybDataSchema, cy as SumsubKybSessionFlowSection, cx as SumsubKybSessionFlowSectionItem, cw as SumsubKybSessionFlowSectionStatus, cs as SumsubKycDataSchema, ci as SumsubStepStatus, cr as SumsubVideoCallData, c2 as SumsubWebhookInternalStatus, bv as SynapsProvider, aa as SynapsSessionErrorResponse, a3 as SynapsSessionEvent, a6 as SynapsSessionRequest, ab as SynapsSessionResponse, ae as SynapsStepErrorResponse, a4 as SynapsStepEvent, ac as SynapsStepRequest, af as SynapsStepResponse, bE as ToggleProviderInput, a8 as UNKNOWN_ERROR, d5 as UpdateKybSessionOutput, cN as UpdateKycSessionOutput, bC as UpdateProviderInput, bD as UpdateProviderResponse, aL as UpdateSearchEntitiesInput, aK as UpdateSearchInput, cO as VideoKycMetaData, bH as WEBHOOK_TYPES, D as WebhookPayload, bI as WebhookType, be as WorkflowsScorechainConfig, W as WorkflowsScoringAnalysisRequest, ar as mappingMatchTypeToLabel, a5 as typeToHumanReadable } from '../../dist/customers.schema-a71ef077.esm.js';
export { a1 as AMLMetadata, A as ANALYSIS_TYPES, c as AnalysisType, bJ as ApplicantMemberOfSchema, bY as BENEFICIARY_TYPES, e as BLOCKCHAIN_TYPES, bL as BaseApplicantActionSchema, bj as BaseProvider, b_ as BeneficiaryCompanyCustomerClaims, b$ as BeneficiaryCompanyCustomerClaimsArray, bZ as BeneficiaryType, d0 as BeneficiaryVerificationStatus, d1 as BeneficiaryVerificationStatusArray, bg as BigConfig, p as BigCryptoChain, r as BigProperties, q as BigPropertiesLiteral, s as BigProperty, bm as BigProvider, u as BitRankRequest, v as BitRankVerified, x as BitRankVerifiedError, w as BitRankVerifiedErrorResponse, B as BitRankVerifiedResponse, f as Blockchain, aB as COMPLY_ADVANTAGE_COUNTRY_FIELD_SOURCES, aD as COMPLY_ADVANTAGE_DATE_OF_BIRTH_FIELD_SOURCES, az as COMPLY_ADVANTAGE_NATIONALITY_FIELD_SOURCES, as as COMPLY_ADVANTAGE_RESPONSE_MATCH_STATUS, ap as COMPLY_ADVANTAGE_RESPONSE_MATCH_TYPE, dj as ChainalysisApiError, bc as ChainalysisConfig, bp as ChainalysisProvider, dg as ChainalysisRegisterApiResponse, dk as ChainalysisRegisterResponse, de as ChainalysisRequest, di as ChainalysisRiskAssessmentApiResponse, C as ChainalysisRiskAssessmentResponse, dh as ChainalysisRiskLevel, ag as CoerceDateUTC, g as Coin, c$ as CompanyDocumentMetaData, aV as ComplyAdvantageAmlFullListing, aU as ComplyAdvantageAmlItemSource, aC as ComplyAdvantageCountryFieldSources, aE as ComplyAdvantageDateOfBirthFieldSources, aT as ComplyAdvantageKeyInformation, aO as ComplyAdvantageMedia, b2 as ComplyAdvantageMonitorSearchDataResponse, b4 as ComplyAdvantageMonitorSearchResponse, b3 as ComplyAdvantageMonitorSearchSuccessResponse, b5 as ComplyAdvantageMonitoredSearchUpdate, aA as ComplyAdvantageNationalityFieldSources, bu as ComplyAdvantageProvider, bt as ComplyAdvantageProviderConfigElement, bs as ComplyAdvantageProviderConfigFilters, br as ComplyAdvantageProviderConfigTypes, at as ComplyAdvantageReponseMatchStatus, aq as ComplyAdvantageResponseMatchType, aQ as ComplyAdvantageSearchDataResponse, aP as ComplyAdvantageSearchDataResponseHit, aW as ComplyAdvantageSearchEntitiesDataResponse, aY as ComplyAdvantageSearchEntitiesResponse, aX as ComplyAdvantageSearchEntitiesSuccessResponse, aS as ComplyAdvantageSearchErrorResponse, aZ as ComplyAdvantageSearchRequest, b as ComplyAdvantageSearchResponse, aR as ComplyAdvantageSearchSuccessResponse, a$ as ComplyAdvantageUpdateSearchEntitiesRequest, b1 as ComplyAdvantageUpdateSearchEntitiesResponse, b0 as ComplyAdvantageUpdateSearchEntitiesSuccessResponse, a_ as ComplyAdvantageUpdateSearchRequest, aM as ComplyAdvantageUser, bA as CreateProviderInput, bB as CreateProviderResponse, aF as CreateSearchInput, cT as CredentialMetadata, cS as CustomerContactInformationOutput, d6 as CustomerDocumentMetaData, d7 as CustomerStatusResults, b9 as DataProviderOptions, ba as DataProviders, bF as DeleteProviderInput, bG as DeleteProviderResponse, V as DocumentIdMetadata, U as DocumentIdType, T as DocumentIdTypes, cn as DocumentMetadataSchema, a0 as EmailMetadata, E as EmailVerificationAnalysisResponse, df as EnhancedChainalysisRequest, Q as File, cR as GetCredentialsOutput, d3 as GetKybSessionInput, d4 as GetKybSessionResponse, cL as GetKycSessionInput, cM as GetKycSessionResponse, cU as GetKycSessionResponseWithCredentialsMetadata, bz as GetProviderResponse, by as GetProvidersResponse, an as HIGH_RISK_TYPES, bW as INDIVIDUAL_BENEFICIARY_RELATIONS, b7 as IdentityProviderOptions, b8 as IdentityProviders, bX as IndividualBeneficiaryRelation, l as IpQualityAnalysisRequest, m as IpQualityAnalysisResponse, bf as IpQualityConfig, n as IpQualityServiceAnalysis, I as IpQualityServiceAnalysisResponse, o as IpQualityServiceErrorResponse, bq as IpqualityscoreProvider, cX as KYB_RESULTS, cZ as KYB_SESSION_STATUSES, cV as KYB_STEP_TYPES, cF as KYC_RESULTS, cH as KYC_SESSION_STATUSES, cD as KYC_STEP_TYPES, cY as KybResult, c_ as KybSessionStatus, cW as KybStep, cG as KycResult, cI as KycSessionStatus, cE as KycStep, _ as LivenessMetadata, ao as MEDIUM_RISK_TYPES, aH as MatchStatus, aG as MatchStatuses, aN as MatchTypeDetail, M as MergedProviders, dd as MerkleAddressApiError, dc as MerkleAddressApiResponse, db as MerkleAddressRequest, a as MerkleAddressResponse, da as MerkleBlockChainCodes, d9 as MerkleBlockChainNames, d8 as MerkleBlockChainTypes, bb as MerkleScienceConfig, bo as MerkleScienceProvider, N as NestedSession, bl as NexeraIdKYBProvider, bk as NexeraIdSSIDProvider, O as OBJECT_TYPES, d as ObjectType, $ as PhoneMetadata, P as PhoneVerificationAnalysisResponse, Y as ProofOfAddressDocumentType, X as ProofOfAddressDocumentTypes, Z as ProofOfAddressMetadata, cQ as ProofOfResidenceDocumentType, cP as ProofOfResidenceMetaData, bw as ProviderData, bx as ProviderDataProject, bi as ProviderIntegrationType, bh as ProviderIntegrationTypeOptions, b6 as ProviderWithoutConfig, a9 as RESULT_PARSER_ERROR, L as ReasonCode, K as ReasonCodes, t as RequestProperty, aJ as RiskLevel, aI as RiskLevels, R as RiskSeverity, al as SEARCH_FILTER_ADVERSE_MEDIA_TYPE, aj as SEARCH_FILTER_PEP_TYPE, ah as SEARCH_FILTER_SANCTION_TYPE, au as SEARCH_FILTER_TYPES, a7 as SESSION_NOT_FOUND, ad as STEP_NOT_FOUND, bO as SUMSUB_APPLICANT_TYPES, cg as SUMSUB_COMPANY_BENEFICIARY_GROUP, c5 as SUMSUB_DOC_TYPES, c7 as SUMSUB_FLOW_LEVEL, cv as SUMSUB_KYB_SESSION_FLOW_SECTION_STATUS, cl as SUMSUB_MEDIA_CONTENT_TYPES, bQ as SUMSUB_REVIEW_ANSWERS, cA as SUMSUB_REVIEW_REJECT_LABELS, cC as SUMSUB_REVIEW_REJECT_LABELS_DESCRIPTION, bS as SUMSUB_REVIEW_REJECT_TYPES, c3 as SUMSUB_REVIEW_STATUSES, bM as SUMSUB_STEPS, c1 as SUMSUB_WEBHOOK_INTERNAL_STATUS, j as ScorechainAnalysis, bd as ScorechainConfig, i as ScorechainError, h as ScorechainErrorResponse, bn as ScorechainProvider, k as ScoringAnalysisRequest, S as ScoringAnalysisResponse, ax as SearchEntityType, aw as SearchEntityTypes, am as SearchFilterAdverseMediaType, ak as SearchFilterPepType, ai as SearchFilterSanctionType, av as SearchFilterType, ay as SearchFilters, d2 as SelectKybSession, cJ as SelectKycSession, cK as SelectKycSessionStep, F as Session, G as SessionWithoutSteps, z as Status, y as Statuses, a2 as Step, J as StepType, H as StepTypes, bU as SumSubAddress, bV as SumSubApplicantInfo, cp as SumSubApplicantResetSchema, co as SumSubApplicantReviewStatusSchema, cu as SumSubApplicantSchema, bP as SumSubApplicantType, ck as SumSubApplicantVerificationStepSchema, c0 as SumSubCompanyApplicantInfo, ce as SumSubCompanyApplicantSchema, c6 as SumSubDocType, c8 as SumSubFlowLevel, cq as SumSubGenerateExternalWebSdkLinkSchema, cf as SumSubImageId, ca as SumSubImageReviewResultSchema, cd as SumSubIndividualApplicantSchema, cm as SumSubMediaContentType, bR as SumSubReviewAnswer, cB as SumSubReviewRejectLabel, bT as SumSubReviewRejectType, c9 as SumSubReviewResultSchema, c4 as SumSubReviewStatus, cz as SumSubSimilarApplicantsSchema, bN as SumSubStep, cj as SumSubVerificationStepSchema, bK as SumSubWebhookSchema, cc as SumsubApplicantType, cb as SumsubApplicantTypes, ch as SumsubCompanyBeneficiaryGroup, ct as SumsubKybDataSchema, cy as SumsubKybSessionFlowSection, cx as SumsubKybSessionFlowSectionItem, cw as SumsubKybSessionFlowSectionStatus, cs as SumsubKycDataSchema, ci as SumsubStepStatus, cr as SumsubVideoCallData, c2 as SumsubWebhookInternalStatus, bv as SynapsProvider, aa as SynapsSessionErrorResponse, a3 as SynapsSessionEvent, a6 as SynapsSessionRequest, ab as SynapsSessionResponse, ae as SynapsStepErrorResponse, a4 as SynapsStepEvent, ac as SynapsStepRequest, af as SynapsStepResponse, bE as ToggleProviderInput, a8 as UNKNOWN_ERROR, d5 as UpdateKybSessionOutput, cN as UpdateKycSessionOutput, bC as UpdateProviderInput, bD as UpdateProviderResponse, aL as UpdateSearchEntitiesInput, aK as UpdateSearchInput, cO as VideoKycMetaData, bH as WEBHOOK_TYPES, D as WebhookPayload, bI as WebhookType, be as WorkflowsScorechainConfig, W as WorkflowsScoringAnalysisRequest, ar as mappingMatchTypeToLabel, a5 as typeToHumanReadable } from '../../dist/customers.schema-f276cc10.esm.js';
import 'zod';
import '../../dist/identity-api.schema-d9e8afc5.esm.js';
import '../../dist/identity-api.schema-1abb6be0.esm.js';
import 'nanoid';

@@ -5,4 +5,4 @@ 'use strict';

var identityApi_schema = require('../../dist/');
var frontendUtilities_schema = require('../../dist/');
var identityApi_schema = require('../../dist/');
var frontendUtilities_schema = require('../../dist/');

@@ -9,0 +9,0 @@ require('nanoid');

@@ -5,4 +5,4 @@ 'use strict';

var identityApi_schema = require('../../dist/');
var frontendUtilities_schema = require('../../dist/');
var identityApi_schema = require('../../dist/');
var frontendUtilities_schema = require('../../dist/');

@@ -9,0 +9,0 @@ require('nanoid');

@@ -1,4 +0,4 @@

export { ak as Alpha2Country, d$ as CredentialMediaType, dW as CredentialNames, dV as CredentialSchemas, dZ as CredentialType, C as CredentialTypes, dU as GenericVerifiableCredentialSchema, dH as ID3CredentialSubjectSchema, dR as IDImageCredentialSubjectSchema, dQ as IDInformationCredentialSubjectSchema, dI as IDScanCredentialSubjectSchema, dJ as IDScanPassportCredentialSubjectSchema, dK as IDScanSelfieCredentialSubjectSchema, ai as ISO3CountryCode, dX as NexeraCredentialType, dP as OLD_AMLScreeningsResultsCredentialSubjectSchema, dL as OLD_IDImageCredentialSubjectSchema, dM as OLD_IDInformationCredentialSubjectSchema, dN as OLD_ProofOfResidenceCredentialSubjectSchema, dO as OLD_SelfieImageCredentialSubjectSchema, dT as ProofOfResidenceCredentialSubjectSchema, dS as SelfieImageCredentialSubjectSchema, d_ as VerifiableCredential, al as countryISO3toISO2Mapping, dY as getCredentialName, an as isoCountriesNameFromISO2 } from '../../dist/identity-api.schema-d9e8afc5.esm.js';
export { V as VC_JSON_SCHEMA_MAP, c as cleanObject, a as getAvailableFields, g as getCredentialSchemaLocation } from '../../dist/frontend-utilities.schema-1d720c72.esm.js';
export { ak as Alpha2Country, d$ as CredentialMediaType, dW as CredentialNames, dV as CredentialSchemas, dZ as CredentialType, C as CredentialTypes, dU as GenericVerifiableCredentialSchema, dH as ID3CredentialSubjectSchema, dR as IDImageCredentialSubjectSchema, dQ as IDInformationCredentialSubjectSchema, dI as IDScanCredentialSubjectSchema, dJ as IDScanPassportCredentialSubjectSchema, dK as IDScanSelfieCredentialSubjectSchema, ai as ISO3CountryCode, dX as NexeraCredentialType, dP as OLD_AMLScreeningsResultsCredentialSubjectSchema, dL as OLD_IDImageCredentialSubjectSchema, dM as OLD_IDInformationCredentialSubjectSchema, dN as OLD_ProofOfResidenceCredentialSubjectSchema, dO as OLD_SelfieImageCredentialSubjectSchema, dT as ProofOfResidenceCredentialSubjectSchema, dS as SelfieImageCredentialSubjectSchema, d_ as VerifiableCredential, al as countryISO3toISO2Mapping, dY as getCredentialName, an as isoCountriesNameFromISO2 } from '../../dist/identity-api.schema-1abb6be0.esm.js';
export { V as VC_JSON_SCHEMA_MAP, c as cleanObject, a as getAvailableFields, g as getCredentialSchemaLocation } from '../../dist/frontend-utilities.schema-872554c0.esm.js';
import 'zod';
import 'nanoid';

@@ -6,4 +6,4 @@ 'use strict';

var zod = require('zod');
var identityApi_schema = require('../../dist/');
var customers_schema = require('../../dist/');
var identityApi_schema = require('../../dist/');
var customers_schema = require('../../dist/');
var zodToJsonSchema = require('zod-to-json-schema');

@@ -10,0 +10,0 @@ require('nanoid');

@@ -6,4 +6,4 @@ 'use strict';

var zod = require('zod');
var identityApi_schema = require('../../dist/');
var customers_schema = require('../../dist/');
var identityApi_schema = require('../../dist/');
var customers_schema = require('../../dist/');
var zodToJsonSchema = require('zod-to-json-schema');

@@ -10,0 +10,0 @@ require('nanoid');

import { z } from 'zod';
import { ae as UuidString, dB as ExternalCustomerId, aq as RiskScoreType, as as CustomerType, ay as CustomerOnboardingLevel, aA as CustomerStatus, ai as ISO3CountryCode, a2 as BlockchainAddress, bC as RuleResultStatus, dU as GenericVerifiableCredentialSchema, e1 as _toArray, e0 as _toConsumableArray, ad as EnvironmentSchema } from '../../dist/identity-api.schema-d9e8afc5.esm.js';
import { M as MergedProviders, S as ScoringAnalysisResponse, B as BitRankVerifiedResponse, a as MerkleAddressResponse, C as ChainalysisRiskAssessmentResponse, I as IpQualityServiceAnalysisResponse, b as ComplyAdvantageSearchResponse } from '../../dist/customers.schema-a71ef077.esm.js';
import { ae as UuidString, dB as ExternalCustomerId, aq as RiskScoreType, as as CustomerType, ay as CustomerOnboardingLevel, aA as CustomerStatus, ai as ISO3CountryCode, a2 as BlockchainAddress, bC as RuleResultStatus, dU as GenericVerifiableCredentialSchema, e1 as _toArray, e0 as _toConsumableArray, ad as EnvironmentSchema } from '../../dist/identity-api.schema-1abb6be0.esm.js';
import { M as MergedProviders, S as ScoringAnalysisResponse, B as BitRankVerifiedResponse, a as MerkleAddressResponse, C as ChainalysisRiskAssessmentResponse, I as IpQualityServiceAnalysisResponse, b as ComplyAdvantageSearchResponse } from '../../dist/customers.schema-f276cc10.esm.js';
import { zodToJsonSchema } from 'zod-to-json-schema';

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ import 'nanoid';

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