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@nexeraid/identity-schemas - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 2.3.24-staging to 2.3.25-dev




@@ -20,2 +20,6 @@ import { z } from "zod";

export declare const InstitutionExtractedInfosPrefix = "insei";
export declare const ScenarioPrefix = "scenario";
export declare const ListPrefix = "list";
export declare const QueryPrefix = "query";
export declare const ActionPrefix = "action";
export type StoragePrefix = typeof StoragePrefix;

@@ -30,2 +34,6 @@ export type IdentityPrefix = typeof IdentityPrefix;

export type TagPrefix = typeof TagPrefix;
export type ActionPrefix = typeof ActionPrefix;
export type ScenarioPrefix = typeof ScenarioPrefix;
export type ListPrefix = typeof ListPrefix;
export type QueryPrefix = typeof QueryPrefix;
export type TransactionPrefix = typeof TransactionPrefix;

@@ -49,2 +57,3 @@ export type TransactionReviewPrefix = typeof TransactionReviewPrefix;

export type TagId = `${TagPrefix}_${string}`;
export type ActionId = `${ActionPrefix}_${string}`;
export type TransactionId = `${TransactionPrefix}_${string}`;

@@ -59,3 +68,6 @@ export type TransactionReviewId = `${TransactionReviewPrefix}_${string}`;

export type InstitutionExtractedInfosId = `${InstitutionExtractedInfosPrefix}_${string}`;
export declare const createBrandedSchemaId: <T extends string>(brand: StorageId | IdentityId | EmailId | WalletId | AppId | ChallengeId | TestId | CustomerScreeningId | TagId | TransactionId | TransactionReviewId | TransactionPartiesId | TransactionInfosId | TransactionExtractedInfosId | TransactionMethodsId | TransactionMethodExtractedInfosId | InstitutionId | InstitutionExtractedInfosId) => z.ZodType<T, z.ZodTypeDef, T>;
export type ScenarioId = `${ScenarioPrefix}_${string}`;
export type ListId = `${ListPrefix}_${string}`;
export type QueryId = `${QueryPrefix}_${string}`;
export declare const createBrandedSchemaId: <T extends string>(brand: StorageId | IdentityId | EmailId | WalletId | AppId | ChallengeId | TestId | CustomerScreeningId | ScenarioId | ListId | QueryId | ActionId | TagId | TransactionId | TransactionReviewId | TransactionPartiesId | TransactionInfosId | TransactionExtractedInfosId | TransactionMethodsId | TransactionMethodExtractedInfosId | InstitutionId | InstitutionExtractedInfosId) => z.ZodType<T, z.ZodTypeDef, T>;
export declare const StorageId: z.ZodType<`storage_${string}`, z.ZodTypeDef, `storage_${string}`>;

@@ -70,2 +82,3 @@ export declare const IdentityId: z.ZodType<`identity_${string}`, z.ZodTypeDef, `identity_${string}`>;

export declare const TagId: z.ZodType<`tag_${string}`, z.ZodTypeDef, `tag_${string}`>;
export declare const ActionId: z.ZodType<`action_${string}`, z.ZodTypeDef, `action_${string}`>;
export declare const TransactionId: z.ZodType<`tx_${string}`, z.ZodTypeDef, `tx_${string}`>;

@@ -80,3 +93,8 @@ export declare const TransactionReviewId: z.ZodType<`txrev_${string}`, z.ZodTypeDef, `txrev_${string}`>;

export declare const InstitutionExtractedInfosId: z.ZodType<`insei_${string}`, z.ZodTypeDef, `insei_${string}`>;
export declare const generateId: <T extends string>(type: StoragePrefix | IdentityPrefix | EmailPrefix | WalletPrefix | AppPrefix | ChallengePrefix | TestPrefix | CustomerScreeningPrefix | TagPrefix | TransactionPrefix | TransactionReviewPrefix | TransactionPartiesPrefix | TransactionInfosPrefix | TransactionExtractedInfosPrefix | TransactionMethodsPrefix | TransactionMethodExtractedInfosPrefix | InstitutionPrefix | InstitutionExtractedInfosPrefix) => `${T}_${string}`;
export declare const ScenarioId: z.ZodType<`scenario_${string}`, z.ZodTypeDef, `scenario_${string}`>;
export declare const ListId: z.ZodType<`list_${string}`, z.ZodTypeDef, `list_${string}`>;
export declare const QueryId: z.ZodType<`query_${string}`, z.ZodTypeDef, `query_${string}`>;
export declare const generateId: <T extends string>(type: StoragePrefix | IdentityPrefix | EmailPrefix | WalletPrefix | AppPrefix | ChallengePrefix | TestPrefix | CustomerScreeningPrefix | TagPrefix | TransactionPrefix | TransactionReviewPrefix | TransactionPartiesPrefix | TransactionInfosPrefix | TransactionExtractedInfosPrefix | TransactionMethodsPrefix | TransactionMethodExtractedInfosPrefix | InstitutionPrefix | InstitutionExtractedInfosPrefix | ScenarioPrefix | ListPrefix | QueryPrefix | ActionPrefix) => `${T}_${string}`;
export declare const MemberId: z.ZodString;
export type MemberId = z.infer<typeof MemberId>;



@@ -48,3 +48,5 @@ import { z } from "zod";

export declare const ChallengeQueryOperator: z.ZodEnum<["GREATER_THAN", "LESS_THAN", "EQUAL_TO", "NOT_EQUAL_TO", "LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO", "GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO", "IN", "NOT_IN"]>;
export type ChallengeQueryOperator = z.infer<typeof ChallengeQueryOperator>;
export declare const OperatorToChallengeQueryOperator: {

@@ -77,6 +79,6 @@ $noop: "EQUAL_TO";

attribute: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodEnum<["id" | "journeyId" | "reviewAnswer" | "reviewRejectType" | "reviewRejectLabels" | "documentType" | "entryDate" | "entryTime" | "personalData" | "isSandbox", ...("id" | "journeyId" | "reviewAnswer" | "reviewRejectType" | "reviewRejectLabels" | "documentType" | "entryDate" | "entryTime" | "personalData" | "isSandbox")[]]>]>;
value: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodBoolean, z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber, z.ZodArray<z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber]>, "many">]>;
value: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodBoolean, z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber, z.ZodArray<z.ZodString, "many">, z.ZodArray<z.ZodNumber, "many">]>;
operator: z.ZodEnum<["$noop", "$eq", "$lt", "$lte", "$gt", "$gte", "$in", "$nin", "$ne"]>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "IDInformation";

@@ -87,3 +89,3 @@ attribute: string;

}, {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "IDInformation";

@@ -97,6 +99,6 @@ attribute: string;

attribute: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodEnum<["id" | "journeyId" | "reviewAnswer" | "reviewRejectType" | "reviewRejectLabels" | "documentType" | "entryDate" | "entryTime" | "isSandbox" | "base64_front" | "base64_back" | "name" | "mediaType_front" | "mediaType_back", ...("id" | "journeyId" | "reviewAnswer" | "reviewRejectType" | "reviewRejectLabels" | "documentType" | "entryDate" | "entryTime" | "isSandbox" | "base64_front" | "base64_back" | "name" | "mediaType_front" | "mediaType_back")[]]>]>;
value: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodBoolean, z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber, z.ZodArray<z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber]>, "many">]>;
value: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodBoolean, z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber, z.ZodArray<z.ZodString, "many">, z.ZodArray<z.ZodNumber, "many">]>;
operator: z.ZodEnum<["$noop", "$eq", "$lt", "$lte", "$gt", "$gte", "$in", "$nin", "$ne"]>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "IDImage";

@@ -107,3 +109,3 @@ attribute: string;

}, {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "IDImage";

@@ -117,6 +119,6 @@ attribute: string;

attribute: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodEnum<["id" | "journeyId" | "reviewAnswer" | "reviewRejectType" | "reviewRejectLabels" | "entryDate" | "entryTime" | "isSandbox" | "name" | "base64" | "mediaType", ...("id" | "journeyId" | "reviewAnswer" | "reviewRejectType" | "reviewRejectLabels" | "entryDate" | "entryTime" | "isSandbox" | "name" | "base64" | "mediaType")[]]>]>;
value: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodBoolean, z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber, z.ZodArray<z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber]>, "many">]>;
value: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodBoolean, z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber, z.ZodArray<z.ZodString, "many">, z.ZodArray<z.ZodNumber, "many">]>;
operator: z.ZodEnum<["$noop", "$eq", "$lt", "$lte", "$gt", "$gte", "$in", "$nin", "$ne"]>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "SelfieImage";

@@ -127,3 +129,3 @@ attribute: string;

}, {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "SelfieImage";

@@ -137,6 +139,6 @@ attribute: string;

attribute: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodEnum<["id" | "journeyId" | "documentType" | "entryDate" | "entryTime" | "country" | "isSandbox" | "name" | "base64" | "mediaType" | "county" | "city" | "streetName" | "postalCode", ...("id" | "journeyId" | "documentType" | "entryDate" | "entryTime" | "country" | "isSandbox" | "name" | "base64" | "mediaType" | "county" | "city" | "streetName" | "postalCode")[]]>]>;
value: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodBoolean, z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber, z.ZodArray<z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber]>, "many">]>;
value: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodBoolean, z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber, z.ZodArray<z.ZodString, "many">, z.ZodArray<z.ZodNumber, "many">]>;
operator: z.ZodEnum<["$noop", "$eq", "$lt", "$lte", "$gt", "$gte", "$in", "$nin", "$ne"]>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "ProofOfResidence";

@@ -147,3 +149,3 @@ attribute: string;

}, {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "ProofOfResidence";

@@ -156,3 +158,3 @@ attribute: string;

query: {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "IDInformation";

@@ -163,3 +165,3 @@ attribute: string;

} | {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "IDImage";

@@ -170,3 +172,3 @@ attribute: string;

} | {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "SelfieImage";

@@ -177,3 +179,3 @@ attribute: string;

} | {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "ProofOfResidence";

@@ -187,3 +189,3 @@ attribute: string;

query: {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "IDInformation";

@@ -194,3 +196,3 @@ attribute: string;

} | {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "IDImage";

@@ -201,3 +203,3 @@ attribute: string;

} | {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "SelfieImage";

@@ -208,3 +210,3 @@ attribute: string;

} | {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "ProofOfResidence";

@@ -293,6 +295,6 @@ attribute: string;

attribute: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodEnum<["id" | "journeyId" | "reviewAnswer" | "reviewRejectType" | "reviewRejectLabels" | "documentType" | "entryDate" | "entryTime" | "personalData" | "isSandbox", ...("id" | "journeyId" | "reviewAnswer" | "reviewRejectType" | "reviewRejectLabels" | "documentType" | "entryDate" | "entryTime" | "personalData" | "isSandbox")[]]>]>;
value: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodBoolean, z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber, z.ZodArray<z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber]>, "many">]>;
value: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodBoolean, z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber, z.ZodArray<z.ZodString, "many">, z.ZodArray<z.ZodNumber, "many">]>;
operator: z.ZodEnum<["$noop", "$eq", "$lt", "$lte", "$gt", "$gte", "$in", "$nin", "$ne"]>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "IDInformation";

@@ -303,3 +305,3 @@ attribute: string;

}, {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "IDInformation";

@@ -313,6 +315,6 @@ attribute: string;

attribute: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodEnum<["id" | "journeyId" | "reviewAnswer" | "reviewRejectType" | "reviewRejectLabels" | "documentType" | "entryDate" | "entryTime" | "isSandbox" | "base64_front" | "base64_back" | "name" | "mediaType_front" | "mediaType_back", ...("id" | "journeyId" | "reviewAnswer" | "reviewRejectType" | "reviewRejectLabels" | "documentType" | "entryDate" | "entryTime" | "isSandbox" | "base64_front" | "base64_back" | "name" | "mediaType_front" | "mediaType_back")[]]>]>;
value: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodBoolean, z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber, z.ZodArray<z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber]>, "many">]>;
value: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodBoolean, z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber, z.ZodArray<z.ZodString, "many">, z.ZodArray<z.ZodNumber, "many">]>;
operator: z.ZodEnum<["$noop", "$eq", "$lt", "$lte", "$gt", "$gte", "$in", "$nin", "$ne"]>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "IDImage";

@@ -323,3 +325,3 @@ attribute: string;

}, {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "IDImage";

@@ -333,6 +335,6 @@ attribute: string;

attribute: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodEnum<["id" | "journeyId" | "reviewAnswer" | "reviewRejectType" | "reviewRejectLabels" | "entryDate" | "entryTime" | "isSandbox" | "name" | "base64" | "mediaType", ...("id" | "journeyId" | "reviewAnswer" | "reviewRejectType" | "reviewRejectLabels" | "entryDate" | "entryTime" | "isSandbox" | "name" | "base64" | "mediaType")[]]>]>;
value: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodBoolean, z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber, z.ZodArray<z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber]>, "many">]>;
value: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodBoolean, z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber, z.ZodArray<z.ZodString, "many">, z.ZodArray<z.ZodNumber, "many">]>;
operator: z.ZodEnum<["$noop", "$eq", "$lt", "$lte", "$gt", "$gte", "$in", "$nin", "$ne"]>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "SelfieImage";

@@ -343,3 +345,3 @@ attribute: string;

}, {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "SelfieImage";

@@ -353,6 +355,6 @@ attribute: string;

attribute: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodEnum<["id" | "journeyId" | "documentType" | "entryDate" | "entryTime" | "country" | "isSandbox" | "name" | "base64" | "mediaType" | "county" | "city" | "streetName" | "postalCode", ...("id" | "journeyId" | "documentType" | "entryDate" | "entryTime" | "country" | "isSandbox" | "name" | "base64" | "mediaType" | "county" | "city" | "streetName" | "postalCode")[]]>]>;
value: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodBoolean, z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber, z.ZodArray<z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber]>, "many">]>;
value: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodBoolean, z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber, z.ZodArray<z.ZodString, "many">, z.ZodArray<z.ZodNumber, "many">]>;
operator: z.ZodEnum<["$noop", "$eq", "$lt", "$lte", "$gt", "$gte", "$in", "$nin", "$ne"]>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "ProofOfResidence";

@@ -363,3 +365,3 @@ attribute: string;

}, {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "ProofOfResidence";

@@ -391,3 +393,3 @@ attribute: string;

challengeQuery: {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "IDInformation";

@@ -398,3 +400,3 @@ attribute: string;

} | {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "IDImage";

@@ -405,3 +407,3 @@ attribute: string;

} | {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "SelfieImage";

@@ -412,3 +414,3 @@ attribute: string;

} | {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "ProofOfResidence";

@@ -442,3 +444,3 @@ attribute: string;

challengeQuery: {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "IDInformation";

@@ -449,3 +451,3 @@ attribute: string;

} | {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "IDImage";

@@ -456,3 +458,3 @@ attribute: string;

} | {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "SelfieImage";

@@ -463,3 +465,3 @@ attribute: string;

} | {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "ProofOfResidence";

@@ -550,6 +552,6 @@ attribute: string;

attribute: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodEnum<["id" | "journeyId" | "reviewAnswer" | "reviewRejectType" | "reviewRejectLabels" | "documentType" | "entryDate" | "entryTime" | "personalData" | "isSandbox", ...("id" | "journeyId" | "reviewAnswer" | "reviewRejectType" | "reviewRejectLabels" | "documentType" | "entryDate" | "entryTime" | "personalData" | "isSandbox")[]]>]>;
value: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodBoolean, z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber, z.ZodArray<z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber]>, "many">]>;
value: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodBoolean, z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber, z.ZodArray<z.ZodString, "many">, z.ZodArray<z.ZodNumber, "many">]>;
operator: z.ZodEnum<["$noop", "$eq", "$lt", "$lte", "$gt", "$gte", "$in", "$nin", "$ne"]>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "IDInformation";

@@ -560,3 +562,3 @@ attribute: string;

}, {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "IDInformation";

@@ -570,6 +572,6 @@ attribute: string;

attribute: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodEnum<["id" | "journeyId" | "reviewAnswer" | "reviewRejectType" | "reviewRejectLabels" | "documentType" | "entryDate" | "entryTime" | "isSandbox" | "base64_front" | "base64_back" | "name" | "mediaType_front" | "mediaType_back", ...("id" | "journeyId" | "reviewAnswer" | "reviewRejectType" | "reviewRejectLabels" | "documentType" | "entryDate" | "entryTime" | "isSandbox" | "base64_front" | "base64_back" | "name" | "mediaType_front" | "mediaType_back")[]]>]>;
value: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodBoolean, z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber, z.ZodArray<z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber]>, "many">]>;
value: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodBoolean, z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber, z.ZodArray<z.ZodString, "many">, z.ZodArray<z.ZodNumber, "many">]>;
operator: z.ZodEnum<["$noop", "$eq", "$lt", "$lte", "$gt", "$gte", "$in", "$nin", "$ne"]>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "IDImage";

@@ -580,3 +582,3 @@ attribute: string;

}, {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "IDImage";

@@ -590,6 +592,6 @@ attribute: string;

attribute: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodEnum<["id" | "journeyId" | "reviewAnswer" | "reviewRejectType" | "reviewRejectLabels" | "entryDate" | "entryTime" | "isSandbox" | "name" | "base64" | "mediaType", ...("id" | "journeyId" | "reviewAnswer" | "reviewRejectType" | "reviewRejectLabels" | "entryDate" | "entryTime" | "isSandbox" | "name" | "base64" | "mediaType")[]]>]>;
value: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodBoolean, z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber, z.ZodArray<z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber]>, "many">]>;
value: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodBoolean, z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber, z.ZodArray<z.ZodString, "many">, z.ZodArray<z.ZodNumber, "many">]>;
operator: z.ZodEnum<["$noop", "$eq", "$lt", "$lte", "$gt", "$gte", "$in", "$nin", "$ne"]>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "SelfieImage";

@@ -600,3 +602,3 @@ attribute: string;

}, {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "SelfieImage";

@@ -610,6 +612,6 @@ attribute: string;

attribute: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodEnum<["id" | "journeyId" | "documentType" | "entryDate" | "entryTime" | "country" | "isSandbox" | "name" | "base64" | "mediaType" | "county" | "city" | "streetName" | "postalCode", ...("id" | "journeyId" | "documentType" | "entryDate" | "entryTime" | "country" | "isSandbox" | "name" | "base64" | "mediaType" | "county" | "city" | "streetName" | "postalCode")[]]>]>;
value: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodBoolean, z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber, z.ZodArray<z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber]>, "many">]>;
value: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodBoolean, z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber, z.ZodArray<z.ZodString, "many">, z.ZodArray<z.ZodNumber, "many">]>;
operator: z.ZodEnum<["$noop", "$eq", "$lt", "$lte", "$gt", "$gte", "$in", "$nin", "$ne"]>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "ProofOfResidence";

@@ -620,3 +622,3 @@ attribute: string;

}, {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "ProofOfResidence";

@@ -648,3 +650,3 @@ attribute: string;

challengeQuery: {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "IDInformation";

@@ -655,3 +657,3 @@ attribute: string;

} | {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "IDImage";

@@ -662,3 +664,3 @@ attribute: string;

} | {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "SelfieImage";

@@ -669,3 +671,3 @@ attribute: string;

} | {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "ProofOfResidence";

@@ -699,3 +701,3 @@ attribute: string;

challengeQuery: {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "IDInformation";

@@ -706,3 +708,3 @@ attribute: string;

} | {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "IDImage";

@@ -713,3 +715,3 @@ attribute: string;

} | {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "SelfieImage";

@@ -720,3 +722,3 @@ attribute: string;

} | {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "ProofOfResidence";

@@ -757,3 +759,3 @@ attribute: string;

challengeQuery: {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "IDInformation";

@@ -764,3 +766,3 @@ attribute: string;

} | {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "IDImage";

@@ -771,3 +773,3 @@ attribute: string;

} | {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "SelfieImage";

@@ -778,3 +780,3 @@ attribute: string;

} | {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "ProofOfResidence";

@@ -814,3 +816,3 @@ attribute: string;

challengeQuery: {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "IDInformation";

@@ -821,3 +823,3 @@ attribute: string;

} | {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "IDImage";

@@ -828,3 +830,3 @@ attribute: string;

} | {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "SelfieImage";

@@ -835,3 +837,3 @@ attribute: string;

} | {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "ProofOfResidence";

@@ -961,34 +963,2 @@ attribute: string;

export declare const OnChainRuleResult: z.ZodObject<{
result: z.ZodObject<{
is_valid: z.ZodBoolean;
txHash: z.ZodEffects<z.ZodEffects<z.ZodString, string, string>, `0x${string}`, string>;
scenarioVerifierAddress: z.ZodEffects<z.ZodEffects<z.ZodString, string, string>, `0x${string}`, string>;
reasons: z.ZodArray<z.ZodString, "many">;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
is_valid: boolean;
reasons: string[];
txHash: `0x${string}`;
scenarioVerifierAddress: `0x${string}`;
}, {
is_valid: boolean;
reasons: string[];
txHash: string;
scenarioVerifierAddress: string;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
result: {
is_valid: boolean;
reasons: string[];
txHash: `0x${string}`;
scenarioVerifierAddress: `0x${string}`;
}, {
result: {
is_valid: boolean;
reasons: string[];
txHash: string;
scenarioVerifierAddress: string;
export declare const OffChainZKPRuleResult: z.ZodObject<{

@@ -1001,6 +971,6 @@ result: z.ZodObject<{

attribute: z.ZodString;
value: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodBoolean, z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber, z.ZodArray<z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber]>, "many">]>;
value: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodBoolean, z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber, z.ZodArray<z.ZodString, "many">, z.ZodArray<z.ZodNumber, "many">]>;
operator: z.ZodEnum<["$noop", "$eq", "$lt", "$lte", "$gt", "$gte", "$in", "$nin", "$ne"]>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "AMLScreeningsResults" | "ProofOfResidence" | "SelfieImage" | "IDImage" | "IDInformation" | "ID3" | "IDScan" | "IDScanSelfie" | "IDScanPassport";

@@ -1011,3 +981,3 @@ attribute: string;

}, {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "AMLScreeningsResults" | "ProofOfResidence" | "SelfieImage" | "IDImage" | "IDInformation" | "ID3" | "IDScan" | "IDScanSelfie" | "IDScanPassport";

@@ -1021,3 +991,3 @@ attribute: string;

query: {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "AMLScreeningsResults" | "ProofOfResidence" | "SelfieImage" | "IDImage" | "IDInformation" | "ID3" | "IDScan" | "IDScanSelfie" | "IDScanPassport";

@@ -1032,3 +1002,3 @@ attribute: string;

query: {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "AMLScreeningsResults" | "ProofOfResidence" | "SelfieImage" | "IDImage" | "IDInformation" | "ID3" | "IDScan" | "IDScanSelfie" | "IDScanPassport";

@@ -1045,3 +1015,3 @@ attribute: string;

query: {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "AMLScreeningsResults" | "ProofOfResidence" | "SelfieImage" | "IDImage" | "IDInformation" | "ID3" | "IDScan" | "IDScanSelfie" | "IDScanPassport";

@@ -1058,3 +1028,3 @@ attribute: string;

query: {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "AMLScreeningsResults" | "ProofOfResidence" | "SelfieImage" | "IDImage" | "IDInformation" | "ID3" | "IDScan" | "IDScanSelfie" | "IDScanPassport";

@@ -1069,6 +1039,4 @@ attribute: string;

export type OnChainRuleResult = z.infer<typeof OnChainRuleResult>;
export type OffChainZKPRuleResult = z.infer<typeof OffChainZKPRuleResult>;
export type ChallengeQueryOperators = z.infer<typeof ChallengeQueryOperators>;
export type ChallengeQueryOperator = keyof ChallengeQueryOperators;
export type OpaChallengeQueryResponse = z.infer<typeof OpaChallengeQueryResponse>;

@@ -1081,6 +1049,6 @@ export type ExecuteChallengeQueryInput = z.infer<typeof ExecuteChallengeQueryInput>;

export declare const SdkVerificationOutput: z.ZodObject<{
customerId: z.ZodString;
scenarioExecutionId: z.ZodString;
status: z.ZodEnum<["valid", "not-valid", "error", "unknown"]>;
results: z.ZodArray<z.ZodArray<z.ZodObject<{
customerId: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodString>;
scenarioExecutionId: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodString>;
status: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodEnum<["valid", "not-valid", "error", "unknown"]>>;
results: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodArray<z.ZodArray<z.ZodObject<{
objectType: z.ZodEnum<["ChallengeQuery", "OnChainZKP", "OffChainZKP"]>;

@@ -1145,8 +1113,8 @@ objectId: z.ZodString;

address?: string | null | undefined;
}>, "many">, "many">;
}>, "many">, "many">>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
status: "valid" | "unknown" | "not-valid" | "error";
customerId: string;
scenarioExecutionId: string;
results: {
status?: "valid" | "unknown" | "not-valid" | "error" | undefined;
customerId?: string | undefined;
scenarioExecutionId?: string | undefined;
results?: {
name: string;

@@ -1165,8 +1133,8 @@ result: {

address?: string | null | undefined;
}[][] | undefined;
}, {
status: "valid" | "unknown" | "not-valid" | "error";
customerId: string;
scenarioExecutionId: string;
results: {
status?: "valid" | "unknown" | "not-valid" | "error" | undefined;
customerId?: string | undefined;
scenarioExecutionId?: string | undefined;
results?: {
name: string;

@@ -1185,3 +1153,3 @@ result: {

address?: string | null | undefined;
}[][] | undefined;

@@ -1195,6 +1163,6 @@ export type SdkVerificationOutput = z.infer<typeof SdkVerificationOutput>;

verificationResult: z.ZodNullable<z.ZodObject<{
customerId: z.ZodString;
scenarioExecutionId: z.ZodString;
status: z.ZodEnum<["valid", "not-valid", "error", "unknown"]>;
results: z.ZodArray<z.ZodArray<z.ZodObject<{
customerId: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodString>;
scenarioExecutionId: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodString>;
status: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodEnum<["valid", "not-valid", "error", "unknown"]>>;
results: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodArray<z.ZodArray<z.ZodObject<{
objectType: z.ZodEnum<["ChallengeQuery", "OnChainZKP", "OffChainZKP"]>;

@@ -1259,8 +1227,8 @@ objectId: z.ZodString;

address?: string | null | undefined;
}>, "many">, "many">;
}>, "many">, "many">>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
status: "valid" | "unknown" | "not-valid" | "error";
customerId: string;
scenarioExecutionId: string;
results: {
status?: "valid" | "unknown" | "not-valid" | "error" | undefined;
customerId?: string | undefined;
scenarioExecutionId?: string | undefined;
results?: {
name: string;

@@ -1279,8 +1247,8 @@ result: {

address?: string | null | undefined;
}[][] | undefined;
}, {
status: "valid" | "unknown" | "not-valid" | "error";
customerId: string;
scenarioExecutionId: string;
results: {
status?: "valid" | "unknown" | "not-valid" | "error" | undefined;
customerId?: string | undefined;
scenarioExecutionId?: string | undefined;
results?: {
name: string;

@@ -1299,3 +1267,3 @@ result: {

address?: string | null | undefined;
}[][] | undefined;

@@ -1307,6 +1275,6 @@ status: z.ZodEnum<["IN_PROGRESS", "COMPLETED", "NOT_STARTED"]>;

verificationResult: {
status: "valid" | "unknown" | "not-valid" | "error";
customerId: string;
scenarioExecutionId: string;
results: {
status?: "valid" | "unknown" | "not-valid" | "error" | undefined;
customerId?: string | undefined;
scenarioExecutionId?: string | undefined;
results?: {
name: string;

@@ -1325,3 +1293,3 @@ result: {

address?: string | null | undefined;
}[][] | undefined;
} | null;

@@ -1332,6 +1300,6 @@ }, {

verificationResult: {
status: "valid" | "unknown" | "not-valid" | "error";
customerId: string;
scenarioExecutionId: string;
results: {
status?: "valid" | "unknown" | "not-valid" | "error" | undefined;
customerId?: string | undefined;
scenarioExecutionId?: string | undefined;
results?: {
name: string;

@@ -1350,3 +1318,3 @@ result: {

address?: string | null | undefined;
}[][] | undefined;
} | null;

@@ -1353,0 +1321,0 @@ }>;

@@ -19,9 +19,9 @@ import { z } from "zod";

id: number;
query: Record<string, any>;
circuitId: string;
query: Record<string, any>;
optional?: boolean | undefined;
}, {
id: number;
query: Record<string, any>;
circuitId: string;
query: Record<string, any>;
optional?: boolean | undefined;

@@ -71,9 +71,9 @@ }>;

id: number;
query: Record<string, any>;
circuitId: string;
query: Record<string, any>;
optional?: boolean | undefined;
}, {
id: number;
query: Record<string, any>;
circuitId: string;
query: Record<string, any>;
optional?: boolean | undefined;

@@ -85,4 +85,4 @@ }>, "many">;

id: number;
query: Record<string, any>;
circuitId: string;
query: Record<string, any>;
optional?: boolean | undefined;

@@ -97,4 +97,4 @@ }[];

id: number;
query: Record<string, any>;
circuitId: string;
query: Record<string, any>;
optional?: boolean | undefined;

@@ -115,4 +115,4 @@ }[];

id: number;
query: Record<string, any>;
circuitId: string;
query: Record<string, any>;
optional?: boolean | undefined;

@@ -135,4 +135,4 @@ }[];

id: number;
query: Record<string, any>;
circuitId: string;
query: Record<string, any>;
optional?: boolean | undefined;

@@ -139,0 +139,0 @@ }[];

import { z } from "zod";
export declare const AllCredentialAttributes: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodEnum<["id" | "journeyId" | "reviewAnswer" | "reviewRejectType" | "reviewRejectLabels" | "documentType" | "entryDate" | "entryTime" | "personalData" | "isSandbox", ...("id" | "journeyId" | "reviewAnswer" | "reviewRejectType" | "reviewRejectLabels" | "documentType" | "entryDate" | "entryTime" | "personalData" | "isSandbox")[]]>, z.ZodEnum<["id" | "journeyId" | "reviewAnswer" | "reviewRejectType" | "reviewRejectLabels" | "documentType" | "entryDate" | "entryTime" | "isSandbox" | "base64_front" | "base64_back" | "name" | "mediaType_front" | "mediaType_back", ...("id" | "journeyId" | "reviewAnswer" | "reviewRejectType" | "reviewRejectLabels" | "documentType" | "entryDate" | "entryTime" | "isSandbox" | "base64_front" | "base64_back" | "name" | "mediaType_front" | "mediaType_back")[]]>, z.ZodEnum<["id" | "journeyId" | "reviewAnswer" | "reviewRejectType" | "reviewRejectLabels" | "entryDate" | "entryTime" | "isSandbox" | "name" | "base64" | "mediaType", ...("id" | "journeyId" | "reviewAnswer" | "reviewRejectType" | "reviewRejectLabels" | "entryDate" | "entryTime" | "isSandbox" | "name" | "base64" | "mediaType")[]]>, z.ZodEnum<["id" | "journeyId" | "documentType" | "entryDate" | "entryTime" | "country" | "isSandbox" | "name" | "base64" | "mediaType" | "county" | "city" | "streetName" | "postalCode", ...("id" | "journeyId" | "documentType" | "entryDate" | "entryTime" | "country" | "isSandbox" | "name" | "base64" | "mediaType" | "county" | "city" | "streetName" | "postalCode")[]]>]>;
export type AllCredentialAttributes = z.infer<typeof AllCredentialAttributes>;
export declare const AllCredentialValues: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodBoolean, z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber, z.ZodArray<z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber]>, "many">]>;
export declare const AllCredentialValues: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodBoolean, z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber, z.ZodArray<z.ZodString, "many">, z.ZodArray<z.ZodNumber, "many">]>;
export type AllCredentialValues = z.infer<typeof AllCredentialValues>;
export declare const OPERATORS: readonly ["$noop", "$eq", "$lt", "$lte", "$gt", "$gte", "$in", "$nin", "$ne"];
export declare const Operator: z.ZodEnum<["$noop", "$eq", "$lt", "$lte", "$gt", "$gte", "$in", "$nin", "$ne"]>;

@@ -58,6 +59,6 @@ export declare const ZKPOperator: z.ZodEnum<["$noop", "$eq", "$lt", "$gt", "$in", "$nin", "$ne"]>;

attribute: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodEnum<["id" | "journeyId" | "reviewAnswer" | "reviewRejectType" | "reviewRejectLabels" | "documentType" | "entryDate" | "entryTime" | "personalData" | "isSandbox", ...("id" | "journeyId" | "reviewAnswer" | "reviewRejectType" | "reviewRejectLabels" | "documentType" | "entryDate" | "entryTime" | "personalData" | "isSandbox")[]]>]>;
value: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodBoolean, z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber, z.ZodArray<z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber]>, "many">]>;
value: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodBoolean, z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber, z.ZodArray<z.ZodString, "many">, z.ZodArray<z.ZodNumber, "many">]>;
operator: z.ZodEnum<["$noop", "$eq", "$lt", "$lte", "$gt", "$gte", "$in", "$nin", "$ne"]>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "IDInformation";

@@ -68,3 +69,3 @@ attribute: string;

}, {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "IDInformation";

@@ -79,6 +80,6 @@ attribute: string;

attribute: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodEnum<["id" | "journeyId" | "reviewAnswer" | "reviewRejectType" | "reviewRejectLabels" | "documentType" | "entryDate" | "entryTime" | "personalData" | "isSandbox", ...("id" | "journeyId" | "reviewAnswer" | "reviewRejectType" | "reviewRejectLabels" | "documentType" | "entryDate" | "entryTime" | "personalData" | "isSandbox")[]]>]>;
value: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodBoolean, z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber, z.ZodArray<z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber]>, "many">]>;
value: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodBoolean, z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber, z.ZodArray<z.ZodString, "many">, z.ZodArray<z.ZodNumber, "many">]>;
operator: z.ZodEnum<["$noop", "$eq", "$lt", "$lte", "$gt", "$gte", "$in", "$nin", "$ne"]>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "IDInformation";

@@ -89,3 +90,3 @@ attribute: string;

}, {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "IDInformation";

@@ -99,6 +100,6 @@ attribute: string;

attribute: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodEnum<["id" | "journeyId" | "reviewAnswer" | "reviewRejectType" | "reviewRejectLabels" | "documentType" | "entryDate" | "entryTime" | "isSandbox" | "base64_front" | "base64_back" | "name" | "mediaType_front" | "mediaType_back", ...("id" | "journeyId" | "reviewAnswer" | "reviewRejectType" | "reviewRejectLabels" | "documentType" | "entryDate" | "entryTime" | "isSandbox" | "base64_front" | "base64_back" | "name" | "mediaType_front" | "mediaType_back")[]]>]>;
value: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodBoolean, z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber, z.ZodArray<z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber]>, "many">]>;
value: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodBoolean, z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber, z.ZodArray<z.ZodString, "many">, z.ZodArray<z.ZodNumber, "many">]>;
operator: z.ZodEnum<["$noop", "$eq", "$lt", "$lte", "$gt", "$gte", "$in", "$nin", "$ne"]>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "IDImage";

@@ -109,3 +110,3 @@ attribute: string;

}, {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "IDImage";

@@ -119,6 +120,6 @@ attribute: string;

attribute: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodEnum<["id" | "journeyId" | "reviewAnswer" | "reviewRejectType" | "reviewRejectLabels" | "entryDate" | "entryTime" | "isSandbox" | "name" | "base64" | "mediaType", ...("id" | "journeyId" | "reviewAnswer" | "reviewRejectType" | "reviewRejectLabels" | "entryDate" | "entryTime" | "isSandbox" | "name" | "base64" | "mediaType")[]]>]>;
value: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodBoolean, z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber, z.ZodArray<z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber]>, "many">]>;
value: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodBoolean, z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber, z.ZodArray<z.ZodString, "many">, z.ZodArray<z.ZodNumber, "many">]>;
operator: z.ZodEnum<["$noop", "$eq", "$lt", "$lte", "$gt", "$gte", "$in", "$nin", "$ne"]>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "SelfieImage";

@@ -129,3 +130,3 @@ attribute: string;

}, {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "SelfieImage";

@@ -139,6 +140,6 @@ attribute: string;

attribute: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodEnum<["id" | "journeyId" | "documentType" | "entryDate" | "entryTime" | "country" | "isSandbox" | "name" | "base64" | "mediaType" | "county" | "city" | "streetName" | "postalCode", ...("id" | "journeyId" | "documentType" | "entryDate" | "entryTime" | "country" | "isSandbox" | "name" | "base64" | "mediaType" | "county" | "city" | "streetName" | "postalCode")[]]>]>;
value: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodBoolean, z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber, z.ZodArray<z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber]>, "many">]>;
value: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodBoolean, z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber, z.ZodArray<z.ZodString, "many">, z.ZodArray<z.ZodNumber, "many">]>;
operator: z.ZodEnum<["$noop", "$eq", "$lt", "$lte", "$gt", "$gte", "$in", "$nin", "$ne"]>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "ProofOfResidence";

@@ -149,3 +150,3 @@ attribute: string;

}, {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "ProofOfResidence";

@@ -162,6 +163,6 @@ attribute: string;

attribute: z.ZodString;
value: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodBoolean, z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber, z.ZodArray<z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber]>, "many">]>;
value: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodBoolean, z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber, z.ZodArray<z.ZodString, "many">, z.ZodArray<z.ZodNumber, "many">]>;
operator: z.ZodEnum<["$noop", "$eq", "$lt", "$lte", "$gt", "$gte", "$in", "$nin", "$ne"]>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "AMLScreeningsResults" | "ProofOfResidence" | "SelfieImage" | "IDImage" | "IDInformation" | "ID3" | "IDScan" | "IDScanSelfie" | "IDScanPassport";

@@ -172,3 +173,3 @@ attribute: string;

}, {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "AMLScreeningsResults" | "ProofOfResidence" | "SelfieImage" | "IDImage" | "IDInformation" | "ID3" | "IDScan" | "IDScanSelfie" | "IDScanPassport";

@@ -183,6 +184,6 @@ attribute: string;

attribute: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodString>;
value: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodBoolean, z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber, z.ZodArray<z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber]>, "many">]>>;
value: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodBoolean, z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber, z.ZodArray<z.ZodString, "many">, z.ZodArray<z.ZodNumber, "many">]>>;
operator: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodEnum<["$noop", "$eq", "$lt", "$lte", "$gt", "$gte", "$in", "$nin", "$ne"]>>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
value?: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[] | undefined;
value?: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[] | undefined;
type?: "AMLScreeningsResults" | "ProofOfResidence" | "SelfieImage" | "IDImage" | "IDInformation" | "ID3" | "IDScan" | "IDScanSelfie" | "IDScanPassport" | undefined;

@@ -193,3 +194,3 @@ requestId?: number | null | undefined;

}, {
value?: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[] | undefined;
value?: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[] | undefined;
type?: "AMLScreeningsResults" | "ProofOfResidence" | "SelfieImage" | "IDImage" | "IDInformation" | "ID3" | "IDScan" | "IDScanSelfie" | "IDScanPassport" | undefined;

@@ -206,6 +207,6 @@ requestId?: number | null | undefined;

attribute: z.ZodString;
value: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodBoolean, z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber, z.ZodArray<z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber]>, "many">]>;
value: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodBoolean, z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber, z.ZodArray<z.ZodString, "many">, z.ZodArray<z.ZodNumber, "many">]>;
operator: z.ZodEnum<["$noop", "$eq", "$lt", "$lte", "$gt", "$gte", "$in", "$nin", "$ne"]>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "AMLScreeningsResults" | "ProofOfResidence" | "SelfieImage" | "IDImage" | "IDInformation" | "ID3" | "IDScan" | "IDScanSelfie" | "IDScanPassport";

@@ -216,3 +217,3 @@ attribute: string;

}, {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "AMLScreeningsResults" | "ProofOfResidence" | "SelfieImage" | "IDImage" | "IDInformation" | "ID3" | "IDScan" | "IDScanSelfie" | "IDScanPassport";

@@ -227,5 +228,5 @@ attribute: string;

operator: "$noop" | "$eq" | "$lt" | "$lte" | "$gt" | "$gte" | "$in" | "$nin" | "$ne";
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
}, {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "AMLScreeningsResults" | "ProofOfResidence" | "SelfieImage" | "IDImage" | "IDInformation" | "ID3" | "IDScan" | "IDScanSelfie" | "IDScanPassport";

@@ -243,6 +244,6 @@ attribute: string;

attribute: z.ZodString;
value: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodBoolean, z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber, z.ZodArray<z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber]>, "many">]>;
value: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodBoolean, z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber, z.ZodArray<z.ZodString, "many">, z.ZodArray<z.ZodNumber, "many">]>;
operator: z.ZodEnum<["$noop", "$eq", "$lt", "$lte", "$gt", "$gte", "$in", "$nin", "$ne"]>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "AMLScreeningsResults" | "ProofOfResidence" | "SelfieImage" | "IDImage" | "IDInformation" | "ID3" | "IDScan" | "IDScanSelfie" | "IDScanPassport";

@@ -253,3 +254,3 @@ attribute: string;

}, {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "AMLScreeningsResults" | "ProofOfResidence" | "SelfieImage" | "IDImage" | "IDInformation" | "ID3" | "IDScan" | "IDScanSelfie" | "IDScanPassport";

@@ -264,5 +265,5 @@ attribute: string;

operator: "$noop" | "$eq" | "$lt" | "$lte" | "$gt" | "$gte" | "$in" | "$nin" | "$ne";
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
}, {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "AMLScreeningsResults" | "ProofOfResidence" | "SelfieImage" | "IDImage" | "IDInformation" | "ID3" | "IDScan" | "IDScanSelfie" | "IDScanPassport";

@@ -280,3 +281,3 @@ attribute: string;

operator: "$noop" | "$eq" | "$lt" | "$lte" | "$gt" | "$gte" | "$in" | "$nin" | "$ne";
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];

@@ -286,3 +287,3 @@ }, {

query: {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "AMLScreeningsResults" | "ProofOfResidence" | "SelfieImage" | "IDImage" | "IDInformation" | "ID3" | "IDScan" | "IDScanSelfie" | "IDScanPassport";

@@ -300,6 +301,6 @@ attribute: string;

attribute: z.ZodString;
value: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodBoolean, z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber, z.ZodArray<z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber]>, "many">]>;
value: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodBoolean, z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber, z.ZodArray<z.ZodString, "many">, z.ZodArray<z.ZodNumber, "many">]>;
operator: z.ZodEnum<["$noop", "$eq", "$lt", "$lte", "$gt", "$gte", "$in", "$nin", "$ne"]>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "AMLScreeningsResults" | "ProofOfResidence" | "SelfieImage" | "IDImage" | "IDInformation" | "ID3" | "IDScan" | "IDScanSelfie" | "IDScanPassport";

@@ -310,3 +311,3 @@ attribute: string;

}, {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "AMLScreeningsResults" | "ProofOfResidence" | "SelfieImage" | "IDImage" | "IDInformation" | "ID3" | "IDScan" | "IDScanSelfie" | "IDScanPassport";

@@ -320,3 +321,3 @@ attribute: string;

query: {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "AMLScreeningsResults" | "ProofOfResidence" | "SelfieImage" | "IDImage" | "IDInformation" | "ID3" | "IDScan" | "IDScanSelfie" | "IDScanPassport";

@@ -330,3 +331,3 @@ attribute: string;

query: {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "AMLScreeningsResults" | "ProofOfResidence" | "SelfieImage" | "IDImage" | "IDInformation" | "ID3" | "IDScan" | "IDScanSelfie" | "IDScanPassport";

@@ -344,6 +345,6 @@ attribute: string;

attribute: z.ZodString;
value: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodBoolean, z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber, z.ZodArray<z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber]>, "many">]>;
value: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodBoolean, z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber, z.ZodArray<z.ZodString, "many">, z.ZodArray<z.ZodNumber, "many">]>;
operator: z.ZodEnum<["$noop", "$eq", "$lt", "$lte", "$gt", "$gte", "$in", "$nin", "$ne"]>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "AMLScreeningsResults" | "ProofOfResidence" | "SelfieImage" | "IDImage" | "IDInformation" | "ID3" | "IDScan" | "IDScanSelfie" | "IDScanPassport";

@@ -354,3 +355,3 @@ attribute: string;

}, {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "AMLScreeningsResults" | "ProofOfResidence" | "SelfieImage" | "IDImage" | "IDInformation" | "ID3" | "IDScan" | "IDScanSelfie" | "IDScanPassport";

@@ -363,5 +364,4 @@ attribute: string;

}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
scenarioId: string;
query: {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "AMLScreeningsResults" | "ProofOfResidence" | "SelfieImage" | "IDImage" | "IDInformation" | "ID3" | "IDScan" | "IDScanSelfie" | "IDScanPassport";

@@ -372,6 +372,6 @@ attribute: string;

scenarioId: string;
}, {
scenarioId: string;
query: {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "AMLScreeningsResults" | "ProofOfResidence" | "SelfieImage" | "IDImage" | "IDInformation" | "ID3" | "IDScan" | "IDScanSelfie" | "IDScanPassport";

@@ -382,2 +382,3 @@ attribute: string;

scenarioId: string;

@@ -389,6 +390,6 @@ export declare const CreateQueryConfigurationResponse: z.ZodObject<{

attribute: z.ZodString;
value: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodBoolean, z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber, z.ZodArray<z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber]>, "many">]>;
value: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodBoolean, z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber, z.ZodArray<z.ZodString, "many">, z.ZodArray<z.ZodNumber, "many">]>;
operator: z.ZodEnum<["$noop", "$eq", "$lt", "$lte", "$gt", "$gte", "$in", "$nin", "$ne"]>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "AMLScreeningsResults" | "ProofOfResidence" | "SelfieImage" | "IDImage" | "IDInformation" | "ID3" | "IDScan" | "IDScanSelfie" | "IDScanPassport";

@@ -399,3 +400,3 @@ attribute: string;

}, {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "AMLScreeningsResults" | "ProofOfResidence" | "SelfieImage" | "IDImage" | "IDInformation" | "ID3" | "IDScan" | "IDScanSelfie" | "IDScanPassport";

@@ -410,5 +411,5 @@ attribute: string;

operator: "$noop" | "$eq" | "$lt" | "$lte" | "$gt" | "$gte" | "$in" | "$nin" | "$ne";
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
}, {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "AMLScreeningsResults" | "ProofOfResidence" | "SelfieImage" | "IDImage" | "IDInformation" | "ID3" | "IDScan" | "IDScanSelfie" | "IDScanPassport";

@@ -425,7 +426,7 @@ attribute: string;

operator: "$noop" | "$eq" | "$lt" | "$lte" | "$gt" | "$gte" | "$in" | "$nin" | "$ne";
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
}, {
queryConfiguration: {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "AMLScreeningsResults" | "ProofOfResidence" | "SelfieImage" | "IDImage" | "IDInformation" | "ID3" | "IDScan" | "IDScanSelfie" | "IDScanPassport";

@@ -444,6 +445,6 @@ attribute: string;

attribute: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodString>;
value: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodBoolean, z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber, z.ZodArray<z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber]>, "many">]>>;
value: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodBoolean, z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber, z.ZodArray<z.ZodString, "many">, z.ZodArray<z.ZodNumber, "many">]>>;
operator: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodEnum<["$noop", "$eq", "$lt", "$lte", "$gt", "$gte", "$in", "$nin", "$ne"]>>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
value?: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[] | undefined;
value?: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[] | undefined;
type?: "AMLScreeningsResults" | "ProofOfResidence" | "SelfieImage" | "IDImage" | "IDInformation" | "ID3" | "IDScan" | "IDScanSelfie" | "IDScanPassport" | undefined;

@@ -454,3 +455,3 @@ requestId?: number | null | undefined;

}, {
value?: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[] | undefined;
value?: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[] | undefined;
type?: "AMLScreeningsResults" | "ProofOfResidence" | "SelfieImage" | "IDImage" | "IDInformation" | "ID3" | "IDScan" | "IDScanSelfie" | "IDScanPassport" | undefined;

@@ -462,5 +463,4 @@ requestId?: number | null | undefined;

}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
scenarioId: string;
query: {
value?: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[] | undefined;
value?: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[] | undefined;
type?: "AMLScreeningsResults" | "ProofOfResidence" | "SelfieImage" | "IDImage" | "IDInformation" | "ID3" | "IDScan" | "IDScanSelfie" | "IDScanPassport" | undefined;

@@ -471,7 +471,7 @@ requestId?: number | null | undefined;

scenarioId: string;
queryConfigurationId: string;
}, {
scenarioId: string;
query: {
value?: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[] | undefined;
value?: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[] | undefined;
type?: "AMLScreeningsResults" | "ProofOfResidence" | "SelfieImage" | "IDImage" | "IDInformation" | "ID3" | "IDScan" | "IDScanSelfie" | "IDScanPassport" | undefined;

@@ -482,2 +482,3 @@ requestId?: number | null | undefined;

scenarioId: string;
queryConfigurationId: string;

@@ -490,6 +491,6 @@ }>;

attribute: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodString>;
value: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodBoolean, z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber, z.ZodArray<z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber]>, "many">]>>;
value: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodBoolean, z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber, z.ZodArray<z.ZodString, "many">, z.ZodArray<z.ZodNumber, "many">]>>;
operator: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodEnum<["$noop", "$eq", "$lt", "$lte", "$gt", "$gte", "$in", "$nin", "$ne"]>>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
value?: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[] | undefined;
value?: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[] | undefined;
type?: "AMLScreeningsResults" | "ProofOfResidence" | "SelfieImage" | "IDImage" | "IDInformation" | "ID3" | "IDScan" | "IDScanSelfie" | "IDScanPassport" | undefined;

@@ -500,3 +501,3 @@ requestId?: number | null | undefined;

}, {
value?: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[] | undefined;
value?: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[] | undefined;
type?: "AMLScreeningsResults" | "ProofOfResidence" | "SelfieImage" | "IDImage" | "IDInformation" | "ID3" | "IDScan" | "IDScanSelfie" | "IDScanPassport" | undefined;

@@ -507,3 +508,3 @@ requestId?: number | null | undefined;

}>, {
value?: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[] | undefined;
value?: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[] | undefined;
type?: "AMLScreeningsResults" | "ProofOfResidence" | "SelfieImage" | "IDImage" | "IDInformation" | "ID3" | "IDScan" | "IDScanSelfie" | "IDScanPassport" | undefined;

@@ -514,3 +515,3 @@ requestId?: number | null | undefined;

}, {
value?: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[] | undefined;
value?: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[] | undefined;
type?: "AMLScreeningsResults" | "ProofOfResidence" | "SelfieImage" | "IDImage" | "IDInformation" | "ID3" | "IDScan" | "IDScanSelfie" | "IDScanPassport" | undefined;

@@ -523,3 +524,3 @@ requestId?: number | null | undefined;

queryConfiguration: {
value?: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[] | undefined;
value?: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[] | undefined;
type?: "AMLScreeningsResults" | "ProofOfResidence" | "SelfieImage" | "IDImage" | "IDInformation" | "ID3" | "IDScan" | "IDScanSelfie" | "IDScanPassport" | undefined;

@@ -532,3 +533,3 @@ requestId?: number | null | undefined;

queryConfiguration: {
value?: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[] | undefined;
value?: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[] | undefined;
type?: "AMLScreeningsResults" | "ProofOfResidence" | "SelfieImage" | "IDImage" | "IDInformation" | "ID3" | "IDScan" | "IDScanSelfie" | "IDScanPassport" | undefined;

@@ -571,2 +572,3 @@ requestId?: number | null | undefined;

export type NumericOperator = z.infer<typeof NumericOperator>;
export type AllOperators = ArrayOperator | BooleanOperator | DateOperator;
export type StringOperator = z.infer<typeof StringOperator>;

@@ -573,0 +575,0 @@ export declare const QueryCredentialTypes: readonly ["IDInformation", "IDImage", "SelfieImage", "ProofOfResidence"];

@@ -10,6 +10,6 @@ import { z } from "zod";

attribute: z.ZodString;
value: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodBoolean, z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber, z.ZodArray<z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber]>, "many">]>;
value: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodBoolean, z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber, z.ZodArray<z.ZodString, "many">, z.ZodArray<z.ZodNumber, "many">]>;
operator: z.ZodEnum<["$noop", "$eq", "$lt", "$lte", "$gt", "$gte", "$in", "$nin", "$ne"]>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "AMLScreeningsResults" | "ProofOfResidence" | "SelfieImage" | "IDImage" | "IDInformation" | "ID3" | "IDScan" | "IDScanSelfie" | "IDScanPassport";

@@ -20,3 +20,3 @@ attribute: string;

}, {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "AMLScreeningsResults" | "ProofOfResidence" | "SelfieImage" | "IDImage" | "IDInformation" | "ID3" | "IDScan" | "IDScanSelfie" | "IDScanPassport";

@@ -29,5 +29,4 @@ attribute: string;

id: number;
circuitId: "credentialAtomicQuerySigV2" | "credentialAtomicQuerySigV2OnChain";
query: {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "AMLScreeningsResults" | "ProofOfResidence" | "SelfieImage" | "IDImage" | "IDInformation" | "ID3" | "IDScan" | "IDScanSelfie" | "IDScanPassport";

@@ -38,8 +37,8 @@ attribute: string;

circuitId: "credentialAtomicQuerySigV2" | "credentialAtomicQuerySigV2OnChain";
optional?: boolean | undefined;
}, {
id: number;
circuitId: "credentialAtomicQuerySigV2" | "credentialAtomicQuerySigV2OnChain";
query: {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "AMLScreeningsResults" | "ProofOfResidence" | "SelfieImage" | "IDImage" | "IDInformation" | "ID3" | "IDScan" | "IDScanSelfie" | "IDScanPassport";

@@ -50,2 +49,3 @@ attribute: string;

circuitId: "credentialAtomicQuerySigV2" | "credentialAtomicQuerySigV2OnChain";
optional?: boolean | undefined;

@@ -61,9 +61,9 @@ }>;

id: number;
query: Record<string, unknown>;
circuitId: string;
query: Record<string, unknown>;
optional?: boolean | undefined;
}, {
id: number;
query: Record<string, unknown>;
circuitId: string;
query: Record<string, unknown>;
optional?: boolean | undefined;

@@ -82,6 +82,6 @@ }>;

attribute: z.ZodString;
value: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodBoolean, z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber, z.ZodArray<z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber]>, "many">]>;
value: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodBoolean, z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber, z.ZodArray<z.ZodString, "many">, z.ZodArray<z.ZodNumber, "many">]>;
operator: z.ZodEnum<["$noop", "$eq", "$lt", "$lte", "$gt", "$gte", "$in", "$nin", "$ne"]>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "AMLScreeningsResults" | "ProofOfResidence" | "SelfieImage" | "IDImage" | "IDInformation" | "ID3" | "IDScan" | "IDScanSelfie" | "IDScanPassport";

@@ -92,3 +92,3 @@ attribute: string;

}, {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "AMLScreeningsResults" | "ProofOfResidence" | "SelfieImage" | "IDImage" | "IDInformation" | "ID3" | "IDScan" | "IDScanSelfie" | "IDScanPassport";

@@ -101,5 +101,4 @@ attribute: string;

id: number;
circuitId: "credentialAtomicQuerySigV2" | "credentialAtomicQuerySigV2OnChain";
query: {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "AMLScreeningsResults" | "ProofOfResidence" | "SelfieImage" | "IDImage" | "IDInformation" | "ID3" | "IDScan" | "IDScanSelfie" | "IDScanPassport";

@@ -110,8 +109,8 @@ attribute: string;

circuitId: "credentialAtomicQuerySigV2" | "credentialAtomicQuerySigV2OnChain";
optional?: boolean | undefined;
}, {
id: number;
circuitId: "credentialAtomicQuerySigV2" | "credentialAtomicQuerySigV2OnChain";
query: {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "AMLScreeningsResults" | "ProofOfResidence" | "SelfieImage" | "IDImage" | "IDInformation" | "ID3" | "IDScan" | "IDScanSelfie" | "IDScanPassport";

@@ -122,2 +121,3 @@ attribute: string;

circuitId: "credentialAtomicQuerySigV2" | "credentialAtomicQuerySigV2OnChain";
optional?: boolean | undefined;

@@ -128,5 +128,4 @@ }>, "many">>>;

id: number;
circuitId: "credentialAtomicQuerySigV2" | "credentialAtomicQuerySigV2OnChain";
query: {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "AMLScreeningsResults" | "ProofOfResidence" | "SelfieImage" | "IDImage" | "IDInformation" | "ID3" | "IDScan" | "IDScanSelfie" | "IDScanPassport";

@@ -137,2 +136,3 @@ attribute: string;

circuitId: "credentialAtomicQuerySigV2" | "credentialAtomicQuerySigV2OnChain";
optional?: boolean | undefined;

@@ -144,5 +144,4 @@ }[] | null | undefined;

id: number;
circuitId: "credentialAtomicQuerySigV2" | "credentialAtomicQuerySigV2OnChain";
query: {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "AMLScreeningsResults" | "ProofOfResidence" | "SelfieImage" | "IDImage" | "IDInformation" | "ID3" | "IDScan" | "IDScanSelfie" | "IDScanPassport";

@@ -153,2 +152,3 @@ attribute: string;

circuitId: "credentialAtomicQuerySigV2" | "credentialAtomicQuerySigV2OnChain";
optional?: boolean | undefined;

@@ -168,6 +168,6 @@ }[] | null | undefined;

attribute: z.ZodString;
value: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodBoolean, z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber, z.ZodArray<z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber]>, "many">]>;
value: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodBoolean, z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber, z.ZodArray<z.ZodString, "many">, z.ZodArray<z.ZodNumber, "many">]>;
operator: z.ZodEnum<["$noop", "$eq", "$lt", "$lte", "$gt", "$gte", "$in", "$nin", "$ne"]>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "AMLScreeningsResults" | "ProofOfResidence" | "SelfieImage" | "IDImage" | "IDInformation" | "ID3" | "IDScan" | "IDScanSelfie" | "IDScanPassport";

@@ -178,3 +178,3 @@ attribute: string;

}, {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "AMLScreeningsResults" | "ProofOfResidence" | "SelfieImage" | "IDImage" | "IDInformation" | "ID3" | "IDScan" | "IDScanSelfie" | "IDScanPassport";

@@ -192,6 +192,4 @@ attribute: string;

message: string;
sessionId: string;
thid: string;
query: {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "AMLScreeningsResults" | "ProofOfResidence" | "SelfieImage" | "IDImage" | "IDInformation" | "ID3" | "IDScan" | "IDScanSelfie" | "IDScanPassport";

@@ -202,2 +200,4 @@ attribute: string;

sessionId: string;
thid: string;
hostUrl: string;

@@ -210,6 +210,4 @@ audience: string;

message: string;
sessionId: string;
thid: string;
query: {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "AMLScreeningsResults" | "ProofOfResidence" | "SelfieImage" | "IDImage" | "IDInformation" | "ID3" | "IDScan" | "IDScanSelfie" | "IDScanPassport";

@@ -220,2 +218,4 @@ attribute: string;

sessionId: string;
thid: string;
hostUrl: string;

@@ -233,6 +233,6 @@ audience: string;

attribute: z.ZodString;
value: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodBoolean, z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber, z.ZodArray<z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber]>, "many">]>;
value: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodBoolean, z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber, z.ZodArray<z.ZodString, "many">, z.ZodArray<z.ZodNumber, "many">]>;
operator: z.ZodEnum<["$noop", "$eq", "$lt", "$lte", "$gt", "$gte", "$in", "$nin", "$ne"]>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "AMLScreeningsResults" | "ProofOfResidence" | "SelfieImage" | "IDImage" | "IDInformation" | "ID3" | "IDScan" | "IDScanSelfie" | "IDScanPassport";

@@ -243,3 +243,3 @@ attribute: string;

}, {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "AMLScreeningsResults" | "ProofOfResidence" | "SelfieImage" | "IDImage" | "IDInformation" | "ID3" | "IDScan" | "IDScanSelfie" | "IDScanPassport";

@@ -253,3 +253,3 @@ attribute: string;

query: {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "AMLScreeningsResults" | "ProofOfResidence" | "SelfieImage" | "IDImage" | "IDInformation" | "ID3" | "IDScan" | "IDScanSelfie" | "IDScanPassport";

@@ -264,3 +264,3 @@ attribute: string;

query: {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "AMLScreeningsResults" | "ProofOfResidence" | "SelfieImage" | "IDImage" | "IDInformation" | "ID3" | "IDScan" | "IDScanSelfie" | "IDScanPassport";

@@ -318,9 +318,9 @@ attribute: string;

id: number;
query: Record<string, any>;
circuitId: string;
query: Record<string, any>;
optional?: boolean | undefined;
}, {
id: number;
query: Record<string, any>;
circuitId: string;
query: Record<string, any>;
optional?: boolean | undefined;

@@ -332,4 +332,4 @@ }>, "many">;

id: number;
query: Record<string, any>;
circuitId: string;
query: Record<string, any>;
optional?: boolean | undefined;

@@ -344,4 +344,4 @@ }[];

id: number;
query: Record<string, any>;
circuitId: string;
query: Record<string, any>;
optional?: boolean | undefined;

@@ -362,4 +362,4 @@ }[];

id: number;
query: Record<string, any>;
circuitId: string;
query: Record<string, any>;
optional?: boolean | undefined;

@@ -382,4 +382,4 @@ }[];

id: number;
query: Record<string, any>;
circuitId: string;
query: Record<string, any>;
optional?: boolean | undefined;

@@ -538,10 +538,10 @@ }[];

verificationError: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodNullable<z.ZodString>>;
query: z.ZodObject<{
query: z.ZodArray<z.ZodObject<{
type: z.ZodEnum<["IDInformation", "SelfieImage", "IDImage", "ProofOfResidence", "AMLScreeningsResults", "ID3", "IDScan", "IDScanSelfie", "IDScanPassport"]>;
requestId: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodNullable<z.ZodNumber>>;
attribute: z.ZodString;
value: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodBoolean, z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber, z.ZodArray<z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber]>, "many">]>;
value: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodBoolean, z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber, z.ZodArray<z.ZodString, "many">, z.ZodArray<z.ZodNumber, "many">]>;
operator: z.ZodEnum<["$noop", "$eq", "$lt", "$lte", "$gt", "$gte", "$in", "$nin", "$ne"]>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "AMLScreeningsResults" | "ProofOfResidence" | "SelfieImage" | "IDImage" | "IDInformation" | "ID3" | "IDScan" | "IDScanSelfie" | "IDScanPassport";

@@ -552,3 +552,3 @@ attribute: string;

}, {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "AMLScreeningsResults" | "ProofOfResidence" | "SelfieImage" | "IDImage" | "IDInformation" | "ID3" | "IDScan" | "IDScanSelfie" | "IDScanPassport";

@@ -558,6 +558,13 @@ attribute: string;

requestId?: number | null | undefined;
}>, "many">;
workflowSessionId: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodString>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
status: "pending" | "authorised" | "unauthorised";
query: {
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "AMLScreeningsResults" | "ProofOfResidence" | "SelfieImage" | "IDImage" | "IDInformation" | "ID3" | "IDScan" | "IDScanSelfie" | "IDScanPassport";
attribute: string;
operator: "$noop" | "$eq" | "$lt" | "$lte" | "$gt" | "$gte" | "$in" | "$nin" | "$ne";
requestId?: number | null | undefined;
projectId: string;

@@ -568,9 +575,2 @@ executionId: string;

scenarioName: string;
query: {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
type: "AMLScreeningsResults" | "ProofOfResidence" | "SelfieImage" | "IDImage" | "IDInformation" | "ID3" | "IDScan" | "IDScanSelfie" | "IDScanPassport";
attribute: string;
operator: "$noop" | "$eq" | "$lt" | "$lte" | "$gt" | "$gte" | "$in" | "$nin" | "$ne";
requestId?: number | null | undefined;
requestMessage: {

@@ -583,4 +583,4 @@ id: string;

id: number;
query: Record<string, any>;
circuitId: string;
query: Record<string, any>;
optional?: boolean | undefined;

@@ -627,2 +627,9 @@ }[];

status: "pending" | "authorised" | "unauthorised";
query: {
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "AMLScreeningsResults" | "ProofOfResidence" | "SelfieImage" | "IDImage" | "IDInformation" | "ID3" | "IDScan" | "IDScanSelfie" | "IDScanPassport";
attribute: string;
operator: "$noop" | "$eq" | "$lt" | "$lte" | "$gt" | "$gte" | "$in" | "$nin" | "$ne";
requestId?: number | null | undefined;
projectId: string;

@@ -633,9 +640,2 @@ executionId: string;

scenarioName: string;
query: {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
type: "AMLScreeningsResults" | "ProofOfResidence" | "SelfieImage" | "IDImage" | "IDInformation" | "ID3" | "IDScan" | "IDScanSelfie" | "IDScanPassport";
attribute: string;
operator: "$noop" | "$eq" | "$lt" | "$lte" | "$gt" | "$gte" | "$in" | "$nin" | "$ne";
requestId?: number | null | undefined;
requestMessage: {

@@ -648,4 +648,4 @@ id: string;

id: number;
query: Record<string, any>;
circuitId: string;
query: Record<string, any>;
optional?: boolean | undefined;

@@ -697,2 +697,9 @@ }[];

status: "pending" | "authorised" | "unauthorised";
query: {
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "AMLScreeningsResults" | "ProofOfResidence" | "SelfieImage" | "IDImage" | "IDInformation" | "ID3" | "IDScan" | "IDScanSelfie" | "IDScanPassport";
attribute: string;
operator: "$noop" | "$eq" | "$lt" | "$lte" | "$gt" | "$gte" | "$in" | "$nin" | "$ne";
requestId?: number | null | undefined;
projectId: string;

@@ -703,9 +710,2 @@ executionId: string;

scenarioName: string;
query: {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
type: "AMLScreeningsResults" | "ProofOfResidence" | "SelfieImage" | "IDImage" | "IDInformation" | "ID3" | "IDScan" | "IDScanSelfie" | "IDScanPassport";
attribute: string;
operator: "$noop" | "$eq" | "$lt" | "$lte" | "$gt" | "$gte" | "$in" | "$nin" | "$ne";
requestId?: number | null | undefined;
requestMessage: {

@@ -718,4 +718,4 @@ id: string;

id: number;
query: Record<string, any>;
circuitId: string;
query: Record<string, any>;
optional?: boolean | undefined;

@@ -767,2 +767,9 @@ }[];

status: "pending" | "authorised" | "unauthorised";
query: {
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "AMLScreeningsResults" | "ProofOfResidence" | "SelfieImage" | "IDImage" | "IDInformation" | "ID3" | "IDScan" | "IDScanSelfie" | "IDScanPassport";
attribute: string;
operator: "$noop" | "$eq" | "$lt" | "$lte" | "$gt" | "$gte" | "$in" | "$nin" | "$ne";
requestId?: number | null | undefined;
projectId: string;

@@ -773,9 +780,2 @@ executionId: string;

scenarioName: string;
query: {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
type: "AMLScreeningsResults" | "ProofOfResidence" | "SelfieImage" | "IDImage" | "IDInformation" | "ID3" | "IDScan" | "IDScanSelfie" | "IDScanPassport";
attribute: string;
operator: "$noop" | "$eq" | "$lt" | "$lte" | "$gt" | "$gte" | "$in" | "$nin" | "$ne";
requestId?: number | null | undefined;
requestMessage: {

@@ -788,4 +788,4 @@ id: string;

id: number;
query: Record<string, any>;
circuitId: string;
query: Record<string, any>;
optional?: boolean | undefined;

@@ -843,6 +843,6 @@ }[];

attribute: z.ZodString;
value: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodBoolean, z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber, z.ZodArray<z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber]>, "many">]>;
value: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodBoolean, z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber, z.ZodArray<z.ZodString, "many">, z.ZodArray<z.ZodNumber, "many">]>;
operator: z.ZodEnum<["$noop", "$eq", "$lt", "$lte", "$gt", "$gte", "$in", "$nin", "$ne"]>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "AMLScreeningsResults" | "ProofOfResidence" | "SelfieImage" | "IDImage" | "IDInformation" | "ID3" | "IDScan" | "IDScanSelfie" | "IDScanPassport";

@@ -853,3 +853,3 @@ attribute: string;

}, {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "AMLScreeningsResults" | "ProofOfResidence" | "SelfieImage" | "IDImage" | "IDInformation" | "ID3" | "IDScan" | "IDScanSelfie" | "IDScanPassport";

@@ -862,5 +862,4 @@ attribute: string;

id: number;
circuitId: "credentialAtomicQuerySigV2" | "credentialAtomicQuerySigV2OnChain";
query: {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "AMLScreeningsResults" | "ProofOfResidence" | "SelfieImage" | "IDImage" | "IDInformation" | "ID3" | "IDScan" | "IDScanSelfie" | "IDScanPassport";

@@ -871,8 +870,8 @@ attribute: string;

circuitId: "credentialAtomicQuerySigV2" | "credentialAtomicQuerySigV2OnChain";
optional?: boolean | undefined;
}, {
id: number;
circuitId: "credentialAtomicQuerySigV2" | "credentialAtomicQuerySigV2OnChain";
query: {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "AMLScreeningsResults" | "ProofOfResidence" | "SelfieImage" | "IDImage" | "IDInformation" | "ID3" | "IDScan" | "IDScanSelfie" | "IDScanPassport";

@@ -883,2 +882,3 @@ attribute: string;

circuitId: "credentialAtomicQuerySigV2" | "credentialAtomicQuerySigV2OnChain";
optional?: boolean | undefined;

@@ -890,5 +890,4 @@ }>, "many">;

id: number;
circuitId: "credentialAtomicQuerySigV2" | "credentialAtomicQuerySigV2OnChain";
query: {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "AMLScreeningsResults" | "ProofOfResidence" | "SelfieImage" | "IDImage" | "IDInformation" | "ID3" | "IDScan" | "IDScanSelfie" | "IDScanPassport";

@@ -899,2 +898,3 @@ attribute: string;

circuitId: "credentialAtomicQuerySigV2" | "credentialAtomicQuerySigV2OnChain";
optional?: boolean | undefined;

@@ -906,5 +906,4 @@ }[];

id: number;
circuitId: "credentialAtomicQuerySigV2" | "credentialAtomicQuerySigV2OnChain";
query: {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "AMLScreeningsResults" | "ProofOfResidence" | "SelfieImage" | "IDImage" | "IDInformation" | "ID3" | "IDScan" | "IDScanSelfie" | "IDScanPassport";

@@ -915,2 +914,3 @@ attribute: string;

circuitId: "credentialAtomicQuerySigV2" | "credentialAtomicQuerySigV2OnChain";
optional?: boolean | undefined;

@@ -929,9 +929,9 @@ }[];

id: number;
query: Record<string, unknown>;
circuitId: string;
query: Record<string, unknown>;
optional?: boolean | undefined;
}, {
id: number;
query: Record<string, unknown>;
circuitId: string;
query: Record<string, unknown>;
optional?: boolean | undefined;

@@ -943,4 +943,4 @@ }>, "many">;

id: number;
query: Record<string, unknown>;
circuitId: string;
query: Record<string, unknown>;
optional?: boolean | undefined;

@@ -952,4 +952,4 @@ }[];

id: number;
query: Record<string, unknown>;
circuitId: string;
query: Record<string, unknown>;
optional?: boolean | undefined;

@@ -965,6 +965,6 @@ }[];

attribute: z.ZodString;
value: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodBoolean, z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber, z.ZodArray<z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber]>, "many">]>;
value: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodBoolean, z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber, z.ZodArray<z.ZodString, "many">, z.ZodArray<z.ZodNumber, "many">]>;
operator: z.ZodEnum<["$noop", "$eq", "$lt", "$lte", "$gt", "$gte", "$in", "$nin", "$ne"]>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "AMLScreeningsResults" | "ProofOfResidence" | "SelfieImage" | "IDImage" | "IDInformation" | "ID3" | "IDScan" | "IDScanSelfie" | "IDScanPassport";

@@ -975,3 +975,3 @@ attribute: string;

}, {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "AMLScreeningsResults" | "ProofOfResidence" | "SelfieImage" | "IDImage" | "IDInformation" | "ID3" | "IDScan" | "IDScanSelfie" | "IDScanPassport";

@@ -985,3 +985,3 @@ attribute: string;

zkpRequests: {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "AMLScreeningsResults" | "ProofOfResidence" | "SelfieImage" | "IDImage" | "IDInformation" | "ID3" | "IDScan" | "IDScanSelfie" | "IDScanPassport";

@@ -995,3 +995,3 @@ attribute: string;

zkpRequests: {
value: string | number | boolean | (string | number)[];
value: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[];
type: "AMLScreeningsResults" | "ProofOfResidence" | "SelfieImage" | "IDImage" | "IDInformation" | "ID3" | "IDScan" | "IDScanSelfie" | "IDScanPassport";

@@ -998,0 +998,0 @@ attribute: string;

@@ -35,2 +35,3 @@ import { z } from "zod";

export declare const WorkflowId: z.ZodString;
export declare const CustomerId: z.ZodString;
export declare const IdentityWidgetAccessToken: z.ZodObject<{

@@ -285,2 +286,3 @@ sub: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodEffects<z.ZodEffects<z.ZodString, string, string>, `0x${string}`, string>, z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodEffects<z.ZodString, `tz${string}`, string>, z.ZodEffects<z.ZodString, `KT1${string}`, string>]>, z.ZodEffects<z.ZodString, string, string>, z.ZodString, z.ZodEffects<z.ZodString, string, string>, z.ZodEffects<z.ZodEffects<z.ZodString, string, string>, `cosmos${string}`, string>, z.ZodEffects<z.ZodEffects<z.ZodString, string, string>, `addr${string}`, string>]>;

export type WorkflowId = z.infer<typeof WorkflowId>;
export type CustomerId = z.infer<typeof CustomerId>;
export declare const IdentityWidgetSessionToken: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodObject<{

@@ -287,0 +289,0 @@ sub: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodEffects<z.ZodEffects<z.ZodString, string, string>, `0x${string}`, string>, z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodEffects<z.ZodString, `tz${string}`, string>, z.ZodEffects<z.ZodString, `KT1${string}`, string>]>, z.ZodEffects<z.ZodString, string, string>, z.ZodString, z.ZodEffects<z.ZodString, string, string>, z.ZodEffects<z.ZodEffects<z.ZodString, string, string>, `cosmos${string}`, string>, z.ZodEffects<z.ZodEffects<z.ZodString, string, string>, `addr${string}`, string>]>;

@@ -1,5 +0,5 @@

import { C as CredentialTypes } from './identity-api.schema-68a83f54.esm.js';
export { q as ACTIVE_COSMOS_CHAIN_VALUES, A as ACTIVE_EVM_CHAIN_VALUES, m as ACTIVE_TEZOS_CHAIN_VALUES, al as ALPHA_2_COUNTRIES, c$ as ARRAY_OPERATORS, cK as AUTHORIZATION_REQUEST_MESSAGE_TYPES, bD as AVAILABLE_FLOWS, e5 as AdditionalCustomerInformationParams, z as AddressSchema, cW as AllCredentialAttributes, cX as AllCredentialValues, dM as AllScenarioExecutionAuthorizationData, am as Alpha2Country, dG as AnyTxAuthDataSignatureResponse, dD as AnyTxAuthInput, dy as ApiTezosTxAuthInput, du as ApiTxAuthInput, b4 as AppId, aN as AppPrefix, I as AptosAddress, J as AptosSignature, d0 as ArrayOperator, cS as AuthQrCodeData, cp as AuthSession, cq as AuthSessionData, cN as AuthorizationRequestMessage, cM as AuthorizationRequestMessageType, cL as AuthorizationRequestMessageTypes, cQ as AuthorizationResponseMessage, bE as AvailableFlow, a4 as BLOCKCHAIN_NAMESPACES, a6 as BLOCKCHAIN_NAMESPACES_NAMES, aa as BLOCKCHAIN_NAMESPACE_TO_NAME, a9 as BLOCKCHAIN_NAME_TO_NAMESPACE, d5 as BOOLEAN_OPERATORS, aD as BasicCustomerContactInformation, a2 as BlockchainAddress, B as BlockchainId, a5 as BlockchainNamespace, a3 as BlockchainSignature, d6 as BooleanOperator, cH as CIRCUIT_IDS, n as COSMOS_CHAIN_NAMES, o as COSMOS_CHAIN_NAMES_LIST, p as COSMOS_CHAIN_VALUES, aE as CUSTOMERS_CHARTS, aI as CUSTOMER_AUTOMATION_REASONS, aG as CUSTOMER_TABLE_COLUMNS, a0 as CardanoAddress, a1 as CardanoSignature, b5 as ChallengeId, aO as ChallengePrefix, bL as ChallengeQueryOperator, bN as ChallengeQueryOperatorToOperator, bK as ChallengeQueryOperators, bO as ChallengeQuerySchema, cr as ChallengeResponse, cI as CircuitId, bl as CloseScreenNotification, c7 as ComplianceImplementationStepsInput, Q as CosmosAddress, r as CosmosChainId, R as CosmosSignature, dK as CreateAuthRequestProps, dk as CreateQueryConfigurationInput, dl as CreateQueryConfigurationResponse, dL as CreateZKProofRequestProps, eA as CredentialMediaType, ev as CredentialNames, cR as CredentialQrCodeData, eu as CredentialSchemas, ey as CredentialType, C as CredentialTypes, aA as CustomerOnboardingLevel, az as CustomerOnboardingLevels, b7 as CustomerScreeningId, aQ as CustomerScreeningPrefix, aC as CustomerStatus, aB as CustomerStatuses, aH as CustomerTableColumn, au as CustomerType, at as CustomerTypes, aF as CustomersChartType, d7 as DATE_OPERATORS, a7 as DISPLAYED_LOCKCHAIN_NAMESPACES, bF as DataAvailableOnStart, d8 as DateOperator, dp as DeleteQueryConfigurationInput, dq as DeleteQueryConfigurationResponse, a8 as DisplayedBlockchainNamespace, F as EIP155Signature, ac as ENVS, E as EVM_BLOCK_TIME, g as EVM_CHAINS_WITHOUT_DEDICATED_NODE_RPC, Y as EdSignature, b2 as EmailId, aL as EmailPrefix, ad as EnvironmentSchema, h as EvmChainId, bQ as ExecuteChallengeQueryConfig, bP as ExecuteChallengeQueryInput, bS as ExecuteChallengeQueryResponse, dF as ExtendedTezosTxAuthDataSignatureResponse, dC as ExtendedTezosTxAuthInput, dE as ExtendedTxAuthDataSignatureResponse, dB as ExtendedTxAuthInput, ea as ExternalCustomerId, dW as FLOW_TYPES, dX as FlowType, G as FunctionCallData, co as GenerateWalletChallengeRequest, et as GenericVerifiableCredentialSchema, c9 as GetCredentialsRequest, ca as GetCredentialsResponse, cu as GetCustomerStatusRequest, cy as GetCustomerStatusResponse, dA as GetTezosTxAuthDataSignatureResponse, dw as GetTxAuthDataSignatureResponse, ci as GetTxAuthSigRequest, ck as GetTxAuthSigRequestTezos, cj as GetTxAuthSigResponse, cl as GetTxAuthSigResponseTezos, cB as HostMessage, cm as HostRequestMessage, bJ as HostResponseMessage, eg as ID3CredentialSubjectSchema, d_ as IDENTITY_DOCUMENT_COUNTRY_LIST_OPTIONS, e0 as IDENTITY_DOCUMENT_OPTIONS, eq as IDImageCredentialSubjectSchema, dc as IDInformation, ep as IDInformationCredentialSubjectSchema, eh as IDScanCredentialSubjectSchema, ei as IDScanPassportCredentialSubjectSchema, ej as IDScanSelfieCredentialSubjectSchema, ak as ISO3CountryCode, e4 as Identifier, cz as IdentityAppMessage, ec as IdentityAppV2Web2JWT, eb as IdentityAppV2Web3JWT, d$ as IdentityDocumentCountryListOption, e1 as IdentityDocumentOptionsType, b1 as IdentityId, cC as IdentityMessage, bx as IdentityNotificationMessage, aK as IdentityPrefix, bC as IdentityRequestMessage, cn as IdentityResponseMessage, cv as IdentitySdkMessage, cw as IdentitySdkMessageWithIdentifier, cA as IdentityWallet, e9 as IdentityWidgetAccessToken, ed as IdentityWidgetAccessToken_NEW, ee as IdentityWidgetSessionToken, by as InitialDataRequest, bG as InitialDataResponse, bh as InstitutionExtractedInfosId, a_ as InstitutionExtractedInfosPrefix, bg as InstitutionId, aZ as InstitutionPrefix, aj as IpAddress, bt as IsVerifiedNotification, cg as IsVerifiedRequest, ch as IsVerifiedResponse, ay as KybOnboardingLevel, ax as KybOnboardingLevels, bm as KycCompletionData, bn as KycCompletionNotification, aw as KycOnboardingLevel, av as KycOnboardingLevels, cF as MediaType, cG as MediaTypePID, u as NEXERA_ACTIVE_STARKNET_CHAIN_VALUES, f as NEXERA_CHAIN_VALUES, b as NEXERA_COSMOS_CHAINS, N as NEXERA_EVM_CHAINS, d as NEXERA_EVM_CHAIN_NAMES, e as NEXERA_EVM_CHAIN_NAMES_LIST, c as NEXERA_STARKNET_CHAINS, s as NEXERA_STARKNET_CHAIN_NAMES, t as NEXERA_STARKNET_CHAIN_VALUES, a as NEXERA_TEZOS_CHAINS, j as NEXERA_TEZOS_CHAIN_NAMES, k as NEXERA_TEZOS_CHAIN_NAMES_LIST, l as NEXERA_TEZOS_CHAIN_VALUES, d3 as NUMERIC_OPERATORS, ew as NexeraCredentialType, dj as NonParsedQueryConfiguration, d4 as NumericOperator, eo as OLD_AMLScreeningsResultsCredentialSubjectSchema, ek as OLD_IDImageCredentialSubjectSchema, el as OLD_IDInformationCredentialSubjectSchema, em as OLD_ProofOfResidenceCredentialSubjectSchema, en as OLD_SelfieImageCredentialSubjectSchema, bT as OPAChallengeQuery, bv as OcvSdkInitialized, bp as OffChainScenarioExecutionData, dJ as OffChainZKP, bV as OffChainZKPRuleResult, bU as OnChainRuleResult, bq as OnChainScenarioExecutionData, dO as OnChainZKP, dP as OnChainZKPFromNexeraID, dR as OnChainZKPPayload, dQ as OnChainZKPScenarioFromCms, bR as OpaChallengeQueryResponse, cY as Operator, bM as OperatorToChallengeQueryOperator, e6 as OrganizationId, af as OtpCode, _ as P2Signature, e2 as PERSONAL_INFORMATION_FIELDS, P as POLYGON_NETWORK_NAMES, ai as PUBLIC_SERVICES_SCHEMA_MAP, dg as PartialQueryConfigSimplified, e3 as PersonalInformationFieldsIdentityDocuments, M as PolkadotAddress, O as PolkadotSignature, bu as PolygonIdInitialized, cc as PolygonIdRequest, cb as PolygonIdRequestData, ce as PolygonIdResponse, cd as PolygonIdResponseData, i as PolygonNetworkNames, x as PrivateKey, dN as ProjectAuthorizationData, cO as ProofData, es as ProofOfResidenceCredentialSubjectSchema, y as PublicKey, cT as QrCodeLinkWithSchemaType, dd as QueryConfig, df as QueryConfigSimplified, dh as QueryConfigSimplifiedParsed, di as QueryConfiguration, ds as QueryCredentialType, dr as QueryCredentialTypes, de as QueryType, cD as RequiredDataRowSchema, cE as RequiredVerificationData, as as RiskScoreType, ar as RiskScoreTypes, c2 as RuleEngineResponse, bo as RuleEngineScenarioExecutionData, c5 as RuleResultStatus, c6 as RuleResultStatusLabels, c4 as RuleResultStatuses, dS as SCENARIO_AUTHORIZATION_STATUSES, d1 as STRING_OPERATORS, d9 as SUPPORTED_TYPES, bj as ScenarioAuthorizationData, dT as ScenarioAuthorizationStatus, br as ScenarioExecutionData, bs as ScenarioExecutionNotification, c3 as ScenarioExecutionResponse, c1 as ScenarioStatus, c0 as ScenarioStatuses, b$ as ScenarioType, b_ as ScenarioTypes, bW as SdkVerificationOutput, bk as SdkVerificationResponseSchema, er as SelfieImageCredentialSubjectSchema, bB as SendTransactionRequest, bz as SignatureRequest, bH as SignatureResponse, c8 as SimplifiedCredential, Z as SpSignature, K as StarknetAddress, S as StarknetChainId, L as StarknetSignature, bw as StartCompletedNotification, cf as StartFlowRequest, b0 as StorageId, aJ as StoragePrefix, w as String0x, d2 as StringOperator, da as SupportedType, db as SupportedTypes, b8 as TagId, aR as TagPrefix, b6 as TestId, aP as TestPrefix, W as TezosAddress, T as TezosChainId, V as TezosContractAddress, X as TezosEntrypointName, U as TezosImplicitAddress, $ as TezosSignature, dx as TezosTxAuthInput, dz as TezosTxSignatureResponse, bA as TransactionData, bd as TransactionExtractedInfosId, aW as TransactionExtractedInfosPrefix, b9 as TransactionId, bc as TransactionInfosId, aV as TransactionInfosPrefix, bf as TransactionMethodExtractedInfosId, aY as TransactionMethodExtractedInfosPrefix, be as TransactionMethodsId, aX as TransactionMethodsPrefix, bb as TransactionPartiesId, aU as TransactionPartiesPrefix, aS as TransactionPrefix, bI as TransactionResponse, ba as TransactionReviewId, aT as TransactionReviewPrefix, ct as TxAuthDataSignatureGatingRequest, cx as TxAuthDataSignatureResponse, dt as TxAuthInput, D as TxHash, dv as TxSignatureResponse, dm as UpdateQueryConfigurationInput, dn as UpdateQueryConfigurationResponse, ae as UuidString, ez as VerifiableCredential, dZ as VerificationMode, dY as VerificationModes, bZ as VerificationOutput, bY as VerificationSessionStatus, bX as VerificationSessionStatuses, dV as VerifyWalletChallengeRequest, b3 as WalletId, aM as WalletPrefix, cs as WalletSignResponse, dU as WalletSignatureResponse, ef as Web2CreateSessionParams, e8 as WorkflowId, e7 as WorkspaceId, cZ as ZKPOperator, dH as ZKPRequest, dI as ZKPRequestFromZKVerifier, cJ as ZeroKnowledgeProofRequest, cP as ZeroKnowledgeProofResponse, ag as ZodParse, ab as coerceBoolean, ao as countryISO2toISO3Mapping, an as countryISO3toISO2Mapping, a$ as createBrandedSchemaId, bi as generateId, ex as getCredentialName, v as isValidAddress, ap as isoCountriesNameFromISO2, c_ as operatorDisplayMap, aq as parseISO3CountryCode, cU as parseIden3Message, cV as parseSessionIdFromUrl, H as shortAddress, ah as shortBlockchainAddress } from './identity-api.schema-68a83f54.esm.js';
import { C as CredentialTypes } from './identity-api.schema-d1954107.esm.js';
export { q as ACTIVE_COSMOS_CHAIN_VALUES, A as ACTIVE_EVM_CHAIN_VALUES, m as ACTIVE_TEZOS_CHAIN_VALUES, al as ALPHA_2_COUNTRIES, d9 as ARRAY_OPERATORS, cT as AUTHORIZATION_REQUEST_MESSAGE_TYPES, bM as AVAILABLE_FLOWS, bd as ActionId, b2 as ActionPrefix, ef as AdditionalCustomerInformationParams, z as AddressSchema, d3 as AllCredentialAttributes, d4 as AllCredentialValues, dW as AllScenarioExecutionAuthorizationData, am as Alpha2Country, dQ as AnyTxAuthDataSignatureResponse, dN as AnyTxAuthInput, dI as ApiTezosTxAuthInput, dE as ApiTxAuthInput, b8 as AppId, aN as AppPrefix, I as AptosAddress, J as AptosSignature, da as ArrayOperator, c$ as AuthQrCodeData, cy as AuthSession, cz as AuthSessionData, cW as AuthorizationRequestMessage, cV as AuthorizationRequestMessageType, cU as AuthorizationRequestMessageTypes, cZ as AuthorizationResponseMessage, bN as AvailableFlow, a4 as BLOCKCHAIN_NAMESPACES, a6 as BLOCKCHAIN_NAMESPACES_NAMES, aa as BLOCKCHAIN_NAMESPACE_TO_NAME, a9 as BLOCKCHAIN_NAME_TO_NAMESPACE, df as BOOLEAN_OPERATORS, aD as BasicCustomerContactInformation, a2 as BlockchainAddress, B as BlockchainId, a5 as BlockchainNamespace, a3 as BlockchainSignature, dg as BooleanOperator, bU as CHALLENGE_QUERY_OPERATORS, cQ as CIRCUIT_IDS, n as COSMOS_CHAIN_NAMES, o as COSMOS_CHAIN_NAMES_LIST, p as COSMOS_CHAIN_VALUES, aE as CUSTOMERS_CHARTS, aI as CUSTOMER_AUTOMATION_REASONS, aG as CUSTOMER_TABLE_COLUMNS, a0 as CardanoAddress, a1 as CardanoSignature, b9 as ChallengeId, aO as ChallengePrefix, bV as ChallengeQueryOperator, bX as ChallengeQueryOperatorToOperator, bT as ChallengeQueryOperators, bY as ChallengeQuerySchema, cA as ChallengeResponse, cR as CircuitId, bu as CloseScreenNotification, cg as ComplianceImplementationStepsInput, Q as CosmosAddress, r as CosmosChainId, R as CosmosSignature, dU as CreateAuthRequestProps, dv as CreateQueryConfigurationInput, dw as CreateQueryConfigurationResponse, dV as CreateZKProofRequestProps, eL as CredentialMediaType, eG as CredentialNames, c_ as CredentialQrCodeData, eF as CredentialSchemas, eJ as CredentialType, C as CredentialTypes, ej as CustomerId, aA as CustomerOnboardingLevel, az as CustomerOnboardingLevels, bb as CustomerScreeningId, aQ as CustomerScreeningPrefix, aC as CustomerStatus, aB as CustomerStatuses, aH as CustomerTableColumn, au as CustomerType, at as CustomerTypes, aF as CustomersChartType, dh as DATE_OPERATORS, a7 as DISPLAYED_LOCKCHAIN_NAMESPACES, bO as DataAvailableOnStart, di as DateOperator, dz as DeleteQueryConfigurationInput, dA as DeleteQueryConfigurationResponse, a8 as DisplayedBlockchainNamespace, F as EIP155Signature, ac as ENVS, E as EVM_BLOCK_TIME, g as EVM_CHAINS_WITHOUT_DEDICATED_NODE_RPC, Y as EdSignature, b6 as EmailId, aL as EmailPrefix, ad as EnvironmentSchema, h as EvmChainId, b_ as ExecuteChallengeQueryConfig, bZ as ExecuteChallengeQueryInput, c0 as ExecuteChallengeQueryResponse, dP as ExtendedTezosTxAuthDataSignatureResponse, dM as ExtendedTezosTxAuthInput, dO as ExtendedTxAuthDataSignatureResponse, dL as ExtendedTxAuthInput, el as ExternalCustomerId, e4 as FLOW_TYPES, e5 as FlowType, G as FunctionCallData, cx as GenerateWalletChallengeRequest, eE as GenericVerifiableCredentialSchema, ci as GetCredentialsRequest, cj as GetCredentialsResponse, cD as GetCustomerStatusRequest, cH as GetCustomerStatusResponse, dK as GetTezosTxAuthDataSignatureResponse, dG as GetTxAuthDataSignatureResponse, cr as GetTxAuthSigRequest, ct as GetTxAuthSigRequestTezos, cs as GetTxAuthSigResponse, cu as GetTxAuthSigResponseTezos, cK as HostMessage, cv as HostRequestMessage, bS as HostResponseMessage, er as ID3CredentialSubjectSchema, e8 as IDENTITY_DOCUMENT_COUNTRY_LIST_OPTIONS, ea as IDENTITY_DOCUMENT_OPTIONS, eB as IDImageCredentialSubjectSchema, dm as IDInformation, eA as IDInformationCredentialSubjectSchema, es as IDScanCredentialSubjectSchema, et as IDScanPassportCredentialSubjectSchema, eu as IDScanSelfieCredentialSubjectSchema, ak as ISO3CountryCode, ee as Identifier, cI as IdentityAppMessage, en as IdentityAppV2Web2JWT, em as IdentityAppV2Web3JWT, e9 as IdentityDocumentCountryListOption, eb as IdentityDocumentOptionsType, b5 as IdentityId, cL as IdentityMessage, bG as IdentityNotificationMessage, aK as IdentityPrefix, bL as IdentityRequestMessage, cw as IdentityResponseMessage, cE as IdentitySdkMessage, cF as IdentitySdkMessageWithIdentifier, cJ as IdentityWallet, ek as IdentityWidgetAccessToken, eo as IdentityWidgetAccessToken_NEW, ep as IdentityWidgetSessionToken, bH as InitialDataRequest, bP as InitialDataResponse, bm as InstitutionExtractedInfosId, a_ as InstitutionExtractedInfosPrefix, bl as InstitutionId, aZ as InstitutionPrefix, aj as IpAddress, bC as IsVerifiedNotification, cp as IsVerifiedRequest, cq as IsVerifiedResponse, ay as KybOnboardingLevel, ax as KybOnboardingLevels, bv as KycCompletionData, bw as KycCompletionNotification, aw as KycOnboardingLevel, av as KycOnboardingLevels, bo as ListId, b0 as ListPrefix, cO as MediaType, cP as MediaTypePID, br as MemberId, u as NEXERA_ACTIVE_STARKNET_CHAIN_VALUES, f as NEXERA_CHAIN_VALUES, b as NEXERA_COSMOS_CHAINS, N as NEXERA_EVM_CHAINS, d as NEXERA_EVM_CHAIN_NAMES, e as NEXERA_EVM_CHAIN_NAMES_LIST, c as NEXERA_STARKNET_CHAINS, s as NEXERA_STARKNET_CHAIN_NAMES, t as NEXERA_STARKNET_CHAIN_VALUES, a as NEXERA_TEZOS_CHAINS, j as NEXERA_TEZOS_CHAIN_NAMES, k as NEXERA_TEZOS_CHAIN_NAMES_LIST, l as NEXERA_TEZOS_CHAIN_VALUES, dd as NUMERIC_OPERATORS, eH as NexeraCredentialType, du as NonParsedQueryConfiguration, de as NumericOperator, ez as OLD_AMLScreeningsResultsCredentialSubjectSchema, ev as OLD_IDImageCredentialSubjectSchema, ew as OLD_IDInformationCredentialSubjectSchema, ex as OLD_ProofOfResidenceCredentialSubjectSchema, ey as OLD_SelfieImageCredentialSubjectSchema, c1 as OPAChallengeQuery, d5 as OPERATORS, bE as OcvSdkInitialized, by as OffChainScenarioExecutionData, dT as OffChainZKP, c2 as OffChainZKPRuleResult, bz as OnChainScenarioExecutionData, dY as OnChainZKP, dZ as OnChainZKPFromNexeraID, d$ as OnChainZKPPayload, d_ as OnChainZKPScenarioFromCms, b$ as OpaChallengeQueryResponse, d6 as Operator, bW as OperatorToChallengeQueryOperator, eg as OrganizationId, af as OtpCode, _ as P2Signature, ec as PERSONAL_INFORMATION_FIELDS, P as POLYGON_NETWORK_NAMES, ai as PUBLIC_SERVICES_SCHEMA_MAP, dr as PartialQueryConfigSimplified, ed as PersonalInformationFieldsIdentityDocuments, M as PolkadotAddress, O as PolkadotSignature, bD as PolygonIdInitialized, cl as PolygonIdRequest, ck as PolygonIdRequestData, cn as PolygonIdResponse, cm as PolygonIdResponseData, i as PolygonNetworkNames, x as PrivateKey, dX as ProjectAuthorizationData, cX as ProofData, eD as ProofOfResidenceCredentialSubjectSchema, y as PublicKey, d0 as QrCodeLinkWithSchemaType, dn as QueryConfig, dq as QueryConfigSimplified, ds as QueryConfigSimplifiedParsed, dt as QueryConfiguration, dC as QueryCredentialType, dB as QueryCredentialTypes, bp as QueryId, b1 as QueryPrefix, dp as QueryType, cM as RequiredDataRowSchema, cN as RequiredVerificationData, as as RiskScoreType, ar as RiskScoreTypes, cb as RuleEngineResponse, bx as RuleEngineScenarioExecutionData, ce as RuleResultStatus, cf as RuleResultStatusLabels, cd as RuleResultStatuses, e0 as SCENARIO_AUTHORIZATION_STATUSES, db as STRING_OPERATORS, dj as SUPPORTED_TYPES, bs as ScenarioAuthorizationData, e1 as ScenarioAuthorizationStatus, bA as ScenarioExecutionData, bB as ScenarioExecutionNotification, cc as ScenarioExecutionResponse, bn as ScenarioId, a$ as ScenarioPrefix, ca as ScenarioStatus, c9 as ScenarioStatuses, c8 as ScenarioType, c7 as ScenarioTypes, c3 as SdkVerificationOutput, bt as SdkVerificationResponseSchema, eC as SelfieImageCredentialSubjectSchema, bK as SendTransactionRequest, bI as SignatureRequest, bQ as SignatureResponse, ch as SimplifiedCredential, Z as SpSignature, K as StarknetAddress, S as StarknetChainId, L as StarknetSignature, bF as StartCompletedNotification, co as StartFlowRequest, b4 as StorageId, aJ as StoragePrefix, w as String0x, dc as StringOperator, dk as SupportedType, dl as SupportedTypes, bc as TagId, aR as TagPrefix, ba as TestId, aP as TestPrefix, W as TezosAddress, T as TezosChainId, V as TezosContractAddress, X as TezosEntrypointName, U as TezosImplicitAddress, $ as TezosSignature, dH as TezosTxAuthInput, dJ as TezosTxSignatureResponse, bJ as TransactionData, bi as TransactionExtractedInfosId, aW as TransactionExtractedInfosPrefix, be as TransactionId, bh as TransactionInfosId, aV as TransactionInfosPrefix, bk as TransactionMethodExtractedInfosId, aY as TransactionMethodExtractedInfosPrefix, bj as TransactionMethodsId, aX as TransactionMethodsPrefix, bg as TransactionPartiesId, aU as TransactionPartiesPrefix, aS as TransactionPrefix, bR as TransactionResponse, bf as TransactionReviewId, aT as TransactionReviewPrefix, cC as TxAuthDataSignatureGatingRequest, cG as TxAuthDataSignatureResponse, dD as TxAuthInput, D as TxHash, dF as TxSignatureResponse, dx as UpdateQueryConfigurationInput, dy as UpdateQueryConfigurationResponse, ae as UuidString, eK as VerifiableCredential, e7 as VerificationMode, e6 as VerificationModes, c6 as VerificationOutput, c5 as VerificationSessionStatus, c4 as VerificationSessionStatuses, e3 as VerifyWalletChallengeRequest, b7 as WalletId, aM as WalletPrefix, cB as WalletSignResponse, e2 as WalletSignatureResponse, eq as Web2CreateSessionParams, ei as WorkflowId, eh as WorkspaceId, d7 as ZKPOperator, dR as ZKPRequest, dS as ZKPRequestFromZKVerifier, cS as ZeroKnowledgeProofRequest, cY as ZeroKnowledgeProofResponse, ag as ZodParse, ab as coerceBoolean, ao as countryISO2toISO3Mapping, an as countryISO3toISO2Mapping, b3 as createBrandedSchemaId, bq as generateId, eI as getCredentialName, v as isValidAddress, ap as isoCountriesNameFromISO2, d8 as operatorDisplayMap, aq as parseISO3CountryCode, d1 as parseIden3Message, d2 as parseSessionIdFromUrl, H as shortAddress, ah as shortBlockchainAddress } from './identity-api.schema-d1954107.esm.js';
import { z } from 'zod';
export { V as VC_JSON_SCHEMA_MAP, c as cleanObject, a as getAvailableFields, g as getCredentialSchemaLocation } from './frontend-utilities.schema-02fc8336.esm.js';
export { V as VC_JSON_SCHEMA_MAP, c as cleanObject, a as getAvailableFields, g as getCredentialSchemaLocation } from './frontend-utilities.schema-8b213997.esm.js';
export { j as PaymentType, P as PaymentTypes, g as TransactionDirection, f as TransactionDirections, l as TransactionPartiesType, k as TransactionPartiesTypes, i as TransactionProvider, h as TransactionProviders, e as TransactionReviewStatus, d as TransactionReviewStatuses, c as TransactionRiskLevel, b as TransactionRiskLevels, a as TransactionType, T as TransactionTypes } from './transaction.schema-fb699c40.esm.js';

@@ -6,0 +6,0 @@ import 'nanoid';

"name": "@nexeraid/identity-schemas",
"version": "2.3.24",
"version": "2.3.25",
"description": "",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "keywords": [],

@@ -5,3 +5,3 @@ 'use strict';

var identityApi_schema = require('../../dist/');
var identityApi_schema = require('../../dist/');

@@ -33,2 +33,3 @@ require('nanoid');

exports.BooleanOperator = identityApi_schema.BooleanOperator;
exports.CIRCUIT_IDS = identityApi_schema.CIRCUIT_IDS;

@@ -96,2 +97,3 @@ exports.ChallengeQueryOperator = identityApi_schema.ChallengeQueryOperator;

exports.OPAChallengeQuery = identityApi_schema.OPAChallengeQuery;
exports.OPERATORS = identityApi_schema.OPERATORS;
exports.OcvSdkInitialized = identityApi_schema.OcvSdkInitialized;

@@ -101,3 +103,2 @@ exports.OffChainScenarioExecutionData = identityApi_schema.OffChainScenarioExecutionData;

exports.OffChainZKPRuleResult = identityApi_schema.OffChainZKPRuleResult;
exports.OnChainRuleResult = identityApi_schema.OnChainRuleResult;
exports.OnChainScenarioExecutionData = identityApi_schema.OnChainScenarioExecutionData;

@@ -104,0 +105,0 @@ exports.OnChainZKP = identityApi_schema.OnChainZKP;

@@ -5,3 +5,3 @@ 'use strict';

var identityApi_schema = require('../../dist/');
var identityApi_schema = require('../../dist/');

@@ -33,2 +33,3 @@ require('nanoid');

exports.BooleanOperator = identityApi_schema.BooleanOperator;
exports.CIRCUIT_IDS = identityApi_schema.CIRCUIT_IDS;

@@ -96,2 +97,3 @@ exports.ChallengeQueryOperator = identityApi_schema.ChallengeQueryOperator;

exports.OPAChallengeQuery = identityApi_schema.OPAChallengeQuery;
exports.OPERATORS = identityApi_schema.OPERATORS;
exports.OcvSdkInitialized = identityApi_schema.OcvSdkInitialized;

@@ -101,3 +103,2 @@ exports.OffChainScenarioExecutionData = identityApi_schema.OffChainScenarioExecutionData;

exports.OffChainZKPRuleResult = identityApi_schema.OffChainZKPRuleResult;
exports.OnChainRuleResult = identityApi_schema.OnChainRuleResult;
exports.OnChainScenarioExecutionData = identityApi_schema.OnChainScenarioExecutionData;

@@ -104,0 +105,0 @@ exports.OnChainZKP = identityApi_schema.OnChainZKP;

@@ -1,3 +0,3 @@

export { c$ as ARRAY_OPERATORS, cK as AUTHORIZATION_REQUEST_MESSAGE_TYPES, bD as AVAILABLE_FLOWS, cW as AllCredentialAttributes, cX as AllCredentialValues, dM as AllScenarioExecutionAuthorizationData, dG as AnyTxAuthDataSignatureResponse, dD as AnyTxAuthInput, dy as ApiTezosTxAuthInput, du as ApiTxAuthInput, d0 as ArrayOperator, cS as AuthQrCodeData, cp as AuthSession, cq as AuthSessionData, cN as AuthorizationRequestMessage, cM as AuthorizationRequestMessageType, cL as AuthorizationRequestMessageTypes, cQ as AuthorizationResponseMessage, bE as AvailableFlow, d5 as BOOLEAN_OPERATORS, d6 as BooleanOperator, cH as CIRCUIT_IDS, bL as ChallengeQueryOperator, bN as ChallengeQueryOperatorToOperator, bK as ChallengeQueryOperators, bO as ChallengeQuerySchema, cr as ChallengeResponse, cI as CircuitId, bl as CloseScreenNotification, c7 as ComplianceImplementationStepsInput, dK as CreateAuthRequestProps, dk as CreateQueryConfigurationInput, dl as CreateQueryConfigurationResponse, dL as CreateZKProofRequestProps, cR as CredentialQrCodeData, d7 as DATE_OPERATORS, bF as DataAvailableOnStart, d8 as DateOperator, dp as DeleteQueryConfigurationInput, dq as DeleteQueryConfigurationResponse, bQ as ExecuteChallengeQueryConfig, bP as ExecuteChallengeQueryInput, bS as ExecuteChallengeQueryResponse, dF as ExtendedTezosTxAuthDataSignatureResponse, dC as ExtendedTezosTxAuthInput, dE as ExtendedTxAuthDataSignatureResponse, dB as ExtendedTxAuthInput, co as GenerateWalletChallengeRequest, c9 as GetCredentialsRequest, ca as GetCredentialsResponse, cu as GetCustomerStatusRequest, cy as GetCustomerStatusResponse, dA as GetTezosTxAuthDataSignatureResponse, dw as GetTxAuthDataSignatureResponse, ci as GetTxAuthSigRequest, ck as GetTxAuthSigRequestTezos, cj as GetTxAuthSigResponse, cl as GetTxAuthSigResponseTezos, cB as HostMessage, cm as HostRequestMessage, bJ as HostResponseMessage, dc as IDInformation, cz as IdentityAppMessage, cC as IdentityMessage, bx as IdentityNotificationMessage, bC as IdentityRequestMessage, cn as IdentityResponseMessage, cv as IdentitySdkMessage, cw as IdentitySdkMessageWithIdentifier, cA as IdentityWallet, by as InitialDataRequest, bG as InitialDataResponse, bt as IsVerifiedNotification, cg as IsVerifiedRequest, ch as IsVerifiedResponse, bm as KycCompletionData, bn as KycCompletionNotification, cF as MediaType, cG as MediaTypePID, d3 as NUMERIC_OPERATORS, dj as NonParsedQueryConfiguration, d4 as NumericOperator, bT as OPAChallengeQuery, bv as OcvSdkInitialized, bp as OffChainScenarioExecutionData, dJ as OffChainZKP, bV as OffChainZKPRuleResult, bU as OnChainRuleResult, bq as OnChainScenarioExecutionData, dO as OnChainZKP, dP as OnChainZKPFromNexeraID, dR as OnChainZKPPayload, dQ as OnChainZKPScenarioFromCms, bR as OpaChallengeQueryResponse, cY as Operator, bM as OperatorToChallengeQueryOperator, dg as PartialQueryConfigSimplified, bu as PolygonIdInitialized, cc as PolygonIdRequest, cb as PolygonIdRequestData, ce as PolygonIdResponse, cd as PolygonIdResponseData, dN as ProjectAuthorizationData, cO as ProofData, cT as QrCodeLinkWithSchemaType, dd as QueryConfig, df as QueryConfigSimplified, dh as QueryConfigSimplifiedParsed, di as QueryConfiguration, ds as QueryCredentialType, dr as QueryCredentialTypes, de as QueryType, cD as RequiredDataRowSchema, cE as RequiredVerificationData, c2 as RuleEngineResponse, bo as RuleEngineScenarioExecutionData, c5 as RuleResultStatus, c6 as RuleResultStatusLabels, c4 as RuleResultStatuses, dS as SCENARIO_AUTHORIZATION_STATUSES, d1 as STRING_OPERATORS, d9 as SUPPORTED_TYPES, bj as ScenarioAuthorizationData, dT as ScenarioAuthorizationStatus, br as ScenarioExecutionData, bs as ScenarioExecutionNotification, c3 as ScenarioExecutionResponse, c1 as ScenarioStatus, c0 as ScenarioStatuses, b$ as ScenarioType, b_ as ScenarioTypes, bW as SdkVerificationOutput, bk as SdkVerificationResponseSchema, bB as SendTransactionRequest, bz as SignatureRequest, bH as SignatureResponse, c8 as SimplifiedCredential, bw as StartCompletedNotification, cf as StartFlowRequest, d2 as StringOperator, da as SupportedType, db as SupportedTypes, dx as TezosTxAuthInput, dz as TezosTxSignatureResponse, bA as TransactionData, bI as TransactionResponse, ct as TxAuthDataSignatureGatingRequest, cx as TxAuthDataSignatureResponse, dt as TxAuthInput, dv as TxSignatureResponse, dm as UpdateQueryConfigurationInput, dn as UpdateQueryConfigurationResponse, bZ as VerificationOutput, bY as VerificationSessionStatus, bX as VerificationSessionStatuses, dV as VerifyWalletChallengeRequest, cs as WalletSignResponse, dU as WalletSignatureResponse, cZ as ZKPOperator, dH as ZKPRequest, dI as ZKPRequestFromZKVerifier, cJ as ZeroKnowledgeProofRequest, cP as ZeroKnowledgeProofResponse, c_ as operatorDisplayMap, cU as parseIden3Message, cV as parseSessionIdFromUrl } from '../../dist/identity-api.schema-68a83f54.esm.js';
export { d9 as ARRAY_OPERATORS, cT as AUTHORIZATION_REQUEST_MESSAGE_TYPES, bM as AVAILABLE_FLOWS, d3 as AllCredentialAttributes, d4 as AllCredentialValues, dW as AllScenarioExecutionAuthorizationData, dQ as AnyTxAuthDataSignatureResponse, dN as AnyTxAuthInput, dI as ApiTezosTxAuthInput, dE as ApiTxAuthInput, da as ArrayOperator, c$ as AuthQrCodeData, cy as AuthSession, cz as AuthSessionData, cW as AuthorizationRequestMessage, cV as AuthorizationRequestMessageType, cU as AuthorizationRequestMessageTypes, cZ as AuthorizationResponseMessage, bN as AvailableFlow, df as BOOLEAN_OPERATORS, dg as BooleanOperator, bU as CHALLENGE_QUERY_OPERATORS, cQ as CIRCUIT_IDS, bV as ChallengeQueryOperator, bX as ChallengeQueryOperatorToOperator, bT as ChallengeQueryOperators, bY as ChallengeQuerySchema, cA as ChallengeResponse, cR as CircuitId, bu as CloseScreenNotification, cg as ComplianceImplementationStepsInput, dU as CreateAuthRequestProps, dv as CreateQueryConfigurationInput, dw as CreateQueryConfigurationResponse, dV as CreateZKProofRequestProps, c_ as CredentialQrCodeData, dh as DATE_OPERATORS, bO as DataAvailableOnStart, di as DateOperator, dz as DeleteQueryConfigurationInput, dA as DeleteQueryConfigurationResponse, b_ as ExecuteChallengeQueryConfig, bZ as ExecuteChallengeQueryInput, c0 as ExecuteChallengeQueryResponse, dP as ExtendedTezosTxAuthDataSignatureResponse, dM as ExtendedTezosTxAuthInput, dO as ExtendedTxAuthDataSignatureResponse, dL as ExtendedTxAuthInput, cx as GenerateWalletChallengeRequest, ci as GetCredentialsRequest, cj as GetCredentialsResponse, cD as GetCustomerStatusRequest, cH as GetCustomerStatusResponse, dK as GetTezosTxAuthDataSignatureResponse, dG as GetTxAuthDataSignatureResponse, cr as GetTxAuthSigRequest, ct as GetTxAuthSigRequestTezos, cs as GetTxAuthSigResponse, cu as GetTxAuthSigResponseTezos, cK as HostMessage, cv as HostRequestMessage, bS as HostResponseMessage, dm as IDInformation, cI as IdentityAppMessage, cL as IdentityMessage, bG as IdentityNotificationMessage, bL as IdentityRequestMessage, cw as IdentityResponseMessage, cE as IdentitySdkMessage, cF as IdentitySdkMessageWithIdentifier, cJ as IdentityWallet, bH as InitialDataRequest, bP as InitialDataResponse, bC as IsVerifiedNotification, cp as IsVerifiedRequest, cq as IsVerifiedResponse, bv as KycCompletionData, bw as KycCompletionNotification, cO as MediaType, cP as MediaTypePID, dd as NUMERIC_OPERATORS, du as NonParsedQueryConfiguration, de as NumericOperator, c1 as OPAChallengeQuery, d5 as OPERATORS, bE as OcvSdkInitialized, by as OffChainScenarioExecutionData, dT as OffChainZKP, c2 as OffChainZKPRuleResult, bz as OnChainScenarioExecutionData, dY as OnChainZKP, dZ as OnChainZKPFromNexeraID, d$ as OnChainZKPPayload, d_ as OnChainZKPScenarioFromCms, b$ as OpaChallengeQueryResponse, d6 as Operator, bW as OperatorToChallengeQueryOperator, dr as PartialQueryConfigSimplified, bD as PolygonIdInitialized, cl as PolygonIdRequest, ck as PolygonIdRequestData, cn as PolygonIdResponse, cm as PolygonIdResponseData, dX as ProjectAuthorizationData, cX as ProofData, d0 as QrCodeLinkWithSchemaType, dn as QueryConfig, dq as QueryConfigSimplified, ds as QueryConfigSimplifiedParsed, dt as QueryConfiguration, dC as QueryCredentialType, dB as QueryCredentialTypes, dp as QueryType, cM as RequiredDataRowSchema, cN as RequiredVerificationData, cb as RuleEngineResponse, bx as RuleEngineScenarioExecutionData, ce as RuleResultStatus, cf as RuleResultStatusLabels, cd as RuleResultStatuses, e0 as SCENARIO_AUTHORIZATION_STATUSES, db as STRING_OPERATORS, dj as SUPPORTED_TYPES, bs as ScenarioAuthorizationData, e1 as ScenarioAuthorizationStatus, bA as ScenarioExecutionData, bB as ScenarioExecutionNotification, cc as ScenarioExecutionResponse, ca as ScenarioStatus, c9 as ScenarioStatuses, c8 as ScenarioType, c7 as ScenarioTypes, c3 as SdkVerificationOutput, bt as SdkVerificationResponseSchema, bK as SendTransactionRequest, bI as SignatureRequest, bQ as SignatureResponse, ch as SimplifiedCredential, bF as StartCompletedNotification, co as StartFlowRequest, dc as StringOperator, dk as SupportedType, dl as SupportedTypes, dH as TezosTxAuthInput, dJ as TezosTxSignatureResponse, bJ as TransactionData, bR as TransactionResponse, cC as TxAuthDataSignatureGatingRequest, cG as TxAuthDataSignatureResponse, dD as TxAuthInput, dF as TxSignatureResponse, dx as UpdateQueryConfigurationInput, dy as UpdateQueryConfigurationResponse, c6 as VerificationOutput, c5 as VerificationSessionStatus, c4 as VerificationSessionStatuses, e3 as VerifyWalletChallengeRequest, cB as WalletSignResponse, e2 as WalletSignatureResponse, d7 as ZKPOperator, dR as ZKPRequest, dS as ZKPRequestFromZKVerifier, cS as ZeroKnowledgeProofRequest, cY as ZeroKnowledgeProofResponse, d8 as operatorDisplayMap, d1 as parseIden3Message, d2 as parseSessionIdFromUrl } from '../../dist/identity-api.schema-d1954107.esm.js';
import 'zod';
import 'nanoid';
"name": "@nexeraid/identity-schemas",
"version": "2.3.24-staging",
"version": "2.3.25-dev",
"description": "",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "keywords": [],

@@ -5,5 +5,5 @@ 'use strict';

var customers_schema = require('../../dist/');
var customers_schema = require('../../dist/');

@@ -10,0 +10,0 @@

@@ -5,5 +5,5 @@ 'use strict';

var customers_schema = require('../../dist/');
var customers_schema = require('../../dist/');

@@ -10,0 +10,0 @@

@@ -1,4 +0,4 @@

export { a2 as AMLMetadata, A as ANALYSIS_TYPES, c as AnalysisType, bK as ApplicantMemberOfSchema, bZ as BENEFICIARY_TYPES, e as BLOCKCHAIN_TYPES, bM as BaseApplicantActionSchema, bk as BaseProvider, b$ as BeneficiaryCompanyCustomerClaims, c0 as BeneficiaryCompanyCustomerClaimsArray, b_ as BeneficiaryType, d3 as BeneficiaryVerificationStatus, d4 as BeneficiaryVerificationStatusArray, u as BigCSErrorCodes, bh as BigConfig, p as BigCryptoChain, r as BigProperties, q as BigPropertiesLiteral, s as BigProperty, bn as BigProvider, v as BitRankRequest, w as BitRankVerified, y as BitRankVerifiedError, x as BitRankVerifiedErrorResponse, B as BitRankVerifiedResponse, f as Blockchain, aC as COMPLY_ADVANTAGE_COUNTRY_FIELD_SOURCES, aE as COMPLY_ADVANTAGE_DATE_OF_BIRTH_FIELD_SOURCES, aA as COMPLY_ADVANTAGE_NATIONALITY_FIELD_SOURCES, at as COMPLY_ADVANTAGE_RESPONSE_MATCH_STATUS, aq as COMPLY_ADVANTAGE_RESPONSE_MATCH_TYPE, dm as ChainalysisApiError, bd as ChainalysisConfig, dk as ChainalysisErrorCodes, bq as ChainalysisProvider, di as ChainalysisRegisterApiResponse, dn as ChainalysisRegisterResponse, dh as ChainalysisRequest, dl as ChainalysisRiskAssessmentApiResponse, C as ChainalysisRiskAssessmentResponse, dj as ChainalysisRiskLevel, ah as CoerceDateUTC, g as Coin, d2 as CompanyDocumentMetaData, aW as ComplyAdvantageAmlFullListing, aV as ComplyAdvantageAmlItemSource, aD as ComplyAdvantageCountryFieldSources, aF as ComplyAdvantageDateOfBirthFieldSources, aU as ComplyAdvantageKeyInformation, aP as ComplyAdvantageMedia, b3 as ComplyAdvantageMonitorSearchDataResponse, b5 as ComplyAdvantageMonitorSearchResponse, b4 as ComplyAdvantageMonitorSearchSuccessResponse, b6 as ComplyAdvantageMonitoredSearchUpdate, aB as ComplyAdvantageNationalityFieldSources, bv as ComplyAdvantageProvider, bu as ComplyAdvantageProviderConfigElement, bt as ComplyAdvantageProviderConfigFilters, bs as ComplyAdvantageProviderConfigTypes, au as ComplyAdvantageReponseMatchStatus, ar as ComplyAdvantageResponseMatchType, aR as ComplyAdvantageSearchDataResponse, aQ as ComplyAdvantageSearchDataResponseHit, aX as ComplyAdvantageSearchEntitiesDataResponse, aZ as ComplyAdvantageSearchEntitiesResponse, aY as ComplyAdvantageSearchEntitiesSuccessResponse, aT as ComplyAdvantageSearchErrorResponse, a_ as ComplyAdvantageSearchRequest, b as ComplyAdvantageSearchResponse, aS as ComplyAdvantageSearchSuccessResponse, b0 as ComplyAdvantageUpdateSearchEntitiesRequest, b2 as ComplyAdvantageUpdateSearchEntitiesResponse, b1 as ComplyAdvantageUpdateSearchEntitiesSuccessResponse, a$ as ComplyAdvantageUpdateSearchRequest, aN as ComplyAdvantageUser, bB as CreateProviderInput, bC as CreateProviderResponse, aG as CreateSearchInput, cW as CredentialMetadata, cV as CustomerContactInformationOutput, d9 as CustomerDocumentMetaData, da as CustomerStatusResults, ba as DataProviderOptions, bb as DataProviders, bG as DeleteProviderInput, bH as DeleteProviderResponse, X as DocumentIdMetadata, V as DocumentIdType, U as DocumentIdTypes, cp as DocumentMetadataSchema, a1 as EmailMetadata, E as EmailVerificationAnalysisResponse, cL as EmailVerificationResponse, T as File, cU as GetCredentialsOutput, d6 as GetKybSessionInput, d7 as GetKybSessionResponse, cO as GetKycSessionInput, cP as GetKycSessionResponse, cX as GetKycSessionResponseWithCredentialsMetadata, bA as GetProviderResponse, bz as GetProvidersResponse, ao as HIGH_RISK_TYPES, bX as INDIVIDUAL_BENEFICIARY_RELATIONS, b8 as IdentityProviderOptions, b9 as IdentityProviders, bY as IndividualBeneficiaryRelation, l as IpQualityAnalysisRequest, m as IpQualityAnalysisResponse, bg as IpQualityConfig, n as IpQualityServiceAnalysis, I as IpQualityServiceAnalysisResponse, o as IpQualityServiceErrorResponse, br as IpqualityscoreProvider, c_ as KYB_RESULTS, d0 as KYB_SESSION_STATUSES, cY as KYB_STEP_TYPES, cH as KYC_RESULTS, cJ as KYC_SESSION_STATUSES, cF as KYC_STEP_TYPES, c$ as KybResult, d1 as KybSessionStatus, cZ as KybStep, cI as KycResult, cK as KycSessionStatus, cG as KycStep, $ as LivenessMetadata, ap as MEDIUM_RISK_TYPES, aI as MatchStatus, aH as MatchStatuses, aO as MatchTypeDetail, M as MergedProviders, dg as MerkleAddressApiError, df as MerkleAddressApiResponse, de as MerkleAddressRequest, a as MerkleAddressResponse, dd as MerkleBlockChainCodes, dc as MerkleBlockChainNames, db as MerkleBlockChainTypes, bc as MerkleScienceConfig, bp as MerkleScienceProvider, N as NestedSession, bm as NexeraIdKYBProvider, bl as NexeraIdSSIDProvider, O as OBJECT_TYPES, d as ObjectType, a0 as PhoneMetadata, P as PhoneVerificationAnalysisResponse, Z as ProofOfAddressDocumentType, Y as ProofOfAddressDocumentTypes, _ as ProofOfAddressMetadata, cT as ProofOfResidenceDocumentType, cS as ProofOfResidenceMetaData, bx as ProviderData, by as ProviderDataProject, bj as ProviderIntegrationType, bi as ProviderIntegrationTypeOptions, b7 as ProviderWithoutConfig, aa as RESULT_PARSER_ERROR, Q as ReasonCode, L as ReasonCodes, t as RequestProperty, aK as RiskLevel, aJ as RiskLevels, R as RiskSeverity, am as SEARCH_FILTER_ADVERSE_MEDIA_TYPE, ak as SEARCH_FILTER_PEP_TYPE, ai as SEARCH_FILTER_SANCTION_TYPE, av as SEARCH_FILTER_TYPES, a8 as SESSION_NOT_FOUND, ae as STEP_NOT_FOUND, bP as SUMSUB_APPLICANT_TYPES, ci as SUMSUB_COMPANY_BENEFICIARY_GROUP, c6 as SUMSUB_DOC_TYPES, c8 as SUMSUB_FLOW_LEVEL, cx as SUMSUB_KYB_SESSION_FLOW_SECTION_STATUS, cn as SUMSUB_MEDIA_CONTENT_TYPES, bR as SUMSUB_REVIEW_ANSWERS, cC as SUMSUB_REVIEW_REJECT_LABELS, cE as SUMSUB_REVIEW_REJECT_LABELS_DESCRIPTION, bT as SUMSUB_REVIEW_REJECT_TYPES, c4 as SUMSUB_REVIEW_STATUSES, bN as SUMSUB_STEPS, c2 as SUMSUB_WEBHOOK_INTERNAL_STATUS, j as ScorechainAnalysis, be as ScorechainConfig, i as ScorechainError, h as ScorechainErrorResponse, bo as ScorechainProvider, k as ScoringAnalysisRequest, S as ScoringAnalysisResponse, ay as SearchEntityType, ax as SearchEntityTypes, an as SearchFilterAdverseMediaType, al as SearchFilterPepType, aj as SearchFilterSanctionType, aw as SearchFilterType, az as SearchFilters, d5 as SelectKybSession, cM as SelectKycSession, cN as SelectKycSessionStep, G as Session, H as SessionWithoutSteps, D as Status, z as Statuses, a3 as Step, K as StepType, J as StepTypes, bV as SumSubAddress, bW as SumSubApplicantInfo, cr as SumSubApplicantResetSchema, cq as SumSubApplicantReviewStatusSchema, cw as SumSubApplicantSchema, bQ as SumSubApplicantType, cm as SumSubApplicantVerificationStepSchema, c1 as SumSubCompanyApplicantInfo, cg as SumSubCompanyApplicantSchema, c7 as SumSubDocType, c9 as SumSubFlowLevel, cs as SumSubGenerateExternalWebSdkLinkSchema, ch as SumSubImageId, cc as SumSubImageReviewResultSchema, cf as SumSubIndividualApplicantSchema, co as SumSubMediaContentType, ca as SumSubRequiredIdDoc, bS as SumSubReviewAnswer, cD as SumSubReviewRejectLabel, bU as SumSubReviewRejectType, cb as SumSubReviewResultSchema, c5 as SumSubReviewStatus, cB as SumSubSimilarApplicantsSchema, bO as SumSubStep, cl as SumSubVerificationStepSchema, bL as SumSubWebhookSchema, ce as SumsubApplicantType, cd as SumsubApplicantTypes, cj as SumsubCompanyBeneficiaryGroup, cv as SumsubKybDataSchema, cA as SumsubKybSessionFlowSection, cz as SumsubKybSessionFlowSectionItem, cy as SumsubKybSessionFlowSectionStatus, cu as SumsubKycDataSchema, ck as SumsubStepStatus, ct as SumsubVideoCallData, c3 as SumsubWebhookInternalStatus, bw as SynapsProvider, ab as SynapsSessionErrorResponse, a4 as SynapsSessionEvent, a7 as SynapsSessionRequest, ac as SynapsSessionResponse, af as SynapsStepErrorResponse, a5 as SynapsStepEvent, ad as SynapsStepRequest, ag as SynapsStepResponse, bF as ToggleProviderInput, a9 as UNKNOWN_ERROR, d8 as UpdateKybSessionOutput, cQ as UpdateKycSessionOutput, bD as UpdateProviderInput, bE as UpdateProviderResponse, aM as UpdateSearchEntitiesInput, aL as UpdateSearchInput, cR as VideoKycMetaData, bI as WEBHOOK_TYPES, F as WebhookPayload, bJ as WebhookType, bf as WorkflowsScorechainConfig, W as WorkflowsScoringAnalysisRequest, as as mappingMatchTypeToLabel, a6 as typeToHumanReadable } from '../../dist/customers.schema-0306abb6.esm.js';
export { a2 as AMLMetadata, A as ANALYSIS_TYPES, c as AnalysisType, bK as ApplicantMemberOfSchema, bZ as BENEFICIARY_TYPES, e as BLOCKCHAIN_TYPES, bM as BaseApplicantActionSchema, bk as BaseProvider, b$ as BeneficiaryCompanyCustomerClaims, c0 as BeneficiaryCompanyCustomerClaimsArray, b_ as BeneficiaryType, d3 as BeneficiaryVerificationStatus, d4 as BeneficiaryVerificationStatusArray, u as BigCSErrorCodes, bh as BigConfig, p as BigCryptoChain, r as BigProperties, q as BigPropertiesLiteral, s as BigProperty, bn as BigProvider, v as BitRankRequest, w as BitRankVerified, y as BitRankVerifiedError, x as BitRankVerifiedErrorResponse, B as BitRankVerifiedResponse, f as Blockchain, aC as COMPLY_ADVANTAGE_COUNTRY_FIELD_SOURCES, aE as COMPLY_ADVANTAGE_DATE_OF_BIRTH_FIELD_SOURCES, aA as COMPLY_ADVANTAGE_NATIONALITY_FIELD_SOURCES, at as COMPLY_ADVANTAGE_RESPONSE_MATCH_STATUS, aq as COMPLY_ADVANTAGE_RESPONSE_MATCH_TYPE, dm as ChainalysisApiError, bd as ChainalysisConfig, dk as ChainalysisErrorCodes, bq as ChainalysisProvider, di as ChainalysisRegisterApiResponse, dn as ChainalysisRegisterResponse, dh as ChainalysisRequest, dl as ChainalysisRiskAssessmentApiResponse, C as ChainalysisRiskAssessmentResponse, dj as ChainalysisRiskLevel, ah as CoerceDateUTC, g as Coin, d2 as CompanyDocumentMetaData, aW as ComplyAdvantageAmlFullListing, aV as ComplyAdvantageAmlItemSource, aD as ComplyAdvantageCountryFieldSources, aF as ComplyAdvantageDateOfBirthFieldSources, aU as ComplyAdvantageKeyInformation, aP as ComplyAdvantageMedia, b3 as ComplyAdvantageMonitorSearchDataResponse, b5 as ComplyAdvantageMonitorSearchResponse, b4 as ComplyAdvantageMonitorSearchSuccessResponse, b6 as ComplyAdvantageMonitoredSearchUpdate, aB as ComplyAdvantageNationalityFieldSources, bv as ComplyAdvantageProvider, bu as ComplyAdvantageProviderConfigElement, bt as ComplyAdvantageProviderConfigFilters, bs as ComplyAdvantageProviderConfigTypes, au as ComplyAdvantageReponseMatchStatus, ar as ComplyAdvantageResponseMatchType, aR as ComplyAdvantageSearchDataResponse, aQ as ComplyAdvantageSearchDataResponseHit, aX as ComplyAdvantageSearchEntitiesDataResponse, aZ as ComplyAdvantageSearchEntitiesResponse, aY as ComplyAdvantageSearchEntitiesSuccessResponse, aT as ComplyAdvantageSearchErrorResponse, a_ as ComplyAdvantageSearchRequest, b as ComplyAdvantageSearchResponse, aS as ComplyAdvantageSearchSuccessResponse, b0 as ComplyAdvantageUpdateSearchEntitiesRequest, b2 as ComplyAdvantageUpdateSearchEntitiesResponse, b1 as ComplyAdvantageUpdateSearchEntitiesSuccessResponse, a$ as ComplyAdvantageUpdateSearchRequest, aN as ComplyAdvantageUser, bB as CreateProviderInput, bC as CreateProviderResponse, aG as CreateSearchInput, cW as CredentialMetadata, cV as CustomerContactInformationOutput, d9 as CustomerDocumentMetaData, da as CustomerStatusResults, ba as DataProviderOptions, bb as DataProviders, bG as DeleteProviderInput, bH as DeleteProviderResponse, X as DocumentIdMetadata, V as DocumentIdType, U as DocumentIdTypes, cp as DocumentMetadataSchema, a1 as EmailMetadata, E as EmailVerificationAnalysisResponse, cL as EmailVerificationResponse, T as File, cU as GetCredentialsOutput, d6 as GetKybSessionInput, d7 as GetKybSessionResponse, cO as GetKycSessionInput, cP as GetKycSessionResponse, cX as GetKycSessionResponseWithCredentialsMetadata, bA as GetProviderResponse, bz as GetProvidersResponse, ao as HIGH_RISK_TYPES, bX as INDIVIDUAL_BENEFICIARY_RELATIONS, b8 as IdentityProviderOptions, b9 as IdentityProviders, bY as IndividualBeneficiaryRelation, l as IpQualityAnalysisRequest, m as IpQualityAnalysisResponse, bg as IpQualityConfig, n as IpQualityServiceAnalysis, I as IpQualityServiceAnalysisResponse, o as IpQualityServiceErrorResponse, br as IpqualityscoreProvider, c_ as KYB_RESULTS, d0 as KYB_SESSION_STATUSES, cY as KYB_STEP_TYPES, cH as KYC_RESULTS, cJ as KYC_SESSION_STATUSES, cF as KYC_STEP_TYPES, c$ as KybResult, d1 as KybSessionStatus, cZ as KybStep, cI as KycResult, cK as KycSessionStatus, cG as KycStep, $ as LivenessMetadata, ap as MEDIUM_RISK_TYPES, aI as MatchStatus, aH as MatchStatuses, aO as MatchTypeDetail, M as MergedProviders, dg as MerkleAddressApiError, df as MerkleAddressApiResponse, de as MerkleAddressRequest, a as MerkleAddressResponse, dd as MerkleBlockChainCodes, dc as MerkleBlockChainNames, db as MerkleBlockChainTypes, bc as MerkleScienceConfig, bp as MerkleScienceProvider, N as NestedSession, bm as NexeraIdKYBProvider, bl as NexeraIdSSIDProvider, O as OBJECT_TYPES, d as ObjectType, a0 as PhoneMetadata, P as PhoneVerificationAnalysisResponse, Z as ProofOfAddressDocumentType, Y as ProofOfAddressDocumentTypes, _ as ProofOfAddressMetadata, cT as ProofOfResidenceDocumentType, cS as ProofOfResidenceMetaData, bx as ProviderData, by as ProviderDataProject, bj as ProviderIntegrationType, bi as ProviderIntegrationTypeOptions, b7 as ProviderWithoutConfig, aa as RESULT_PARSER_ERROR, Q as ReasonCode, L as ReasonCodes, t as RequestProperty, aK as RiskLevel, aJ as RiskLevels, R as RiskSeverity, am as SEARCH_FILTER_ADVERSE_MEDIA_TYPE, ak as SEARCH_FILTER_PEP_TYPE, ai as SEARCH_FILTER_SANCTION_TYPE, av as SEARCH_FILTER_TYPES, a8 as SESSION_NOT_FOUND, ae as STEP_NOT_FOUND, bP as SUMSUB_APPLICANT_TYPES, ci as SUMSUB_COMPANY_BENEFICIARY_GROUP, c6 as SUMSUB_DOC_TYPES, c8 as SUMSUB_FLOW_LEVEL, cx as SUMSUB_KYB_SESSION_FLOW_SECTION_STATUS, cn as SUMSUB_MEDIA_CONTENT_TYPES, bR as SUMSUB_REVIEW_ANSWERS, cC as SUMSUB_REVIEW_REJECT_LABELS, cE as SUMSUB_REVIEW_REJECT_LABELS_DESCRIPTION, bT as SUMSUB_REVIEW_REJECT_TYPES, c4 as SUMSUB_REVIEW_STATUSES, bN as SUMSUB_STEPS, c2 as SUMSUB_WEBHOOK_INTERNAL_STATUS, j as ScorechainAnalysis, be as ScorechainConfig, i as ScorechainError, h as ScorechainErrorResponse, bo as ScorechainProvider, k as ScoringAnalysisRequest, S as ScoringAnalysisResponse, ay as SearchEntityType, ax as SearchEntityTypes, an as SearchFilterAdverseMediaType, al as SearchFilterPepType, aj as SearchFilterSanctionType, aw as SearchFilterType, az as SearchFilters, d5 as SelectKybSession, cM as SelectKycSession, cN as SelectKycSessionStep, G as Session, H as SessionWithoutSteps, D as Status, z as Statuses, a3 as Step, K as StepType, J as StepTypes, bV as SumSubAddress, bW as SumSubApplicantInfo, cr as SumSubApplicantResetSchema, cq as SumSubApplicantReviewStatusSchema, cw as SumSubApplicantSchema, bQ as SumSubApplicantType, cm as SumSubApplicantVerificationStepSchema, c1 as SumSubCompanyApplicantInfo, cg as SumSubCompanyApplicantSchema, c7 as SumSubDocType, c9 as SumSubFlowLevel, cs as SumSubGenerateExternalWebSdkLinkSchema, ch as SumSubImageId, cc as SumSubImageReviewResultSchema, cf as SumSubIndividualApplicantSchema, co as SumSubMediaContentType, ca as SumSubRequiredIdDoc, bS as SumSubReviewAnswer, cD as SumSubReviewRejectLabel, bU as SumSubReviewRejectType, cb as SumSubReviewResultSchema, c5 as SumSubReviewStatus, cB as SumSubSimilarApplicantsSchema, bO as SumSubStep, cl as SumSubVerificationStepSchema, bL as SumSubWebhookSchema, ce as SumsubApplicantType, cd as SumsubApplicantTypes, cj as SumsubCompanyBeneficiaryGroup, cv as SumsubKybDataSchema, cA as SumsubKybSessionFlowSection, cz as SumsubKybSessionFlowSectionItem, cy as SumsubKybSessionFlowSectionStatus, cu as SumsubKycDataSchema, ck as SumsubStepStatus, ct as SumsubVideoCallData, c3 as SumsubWebhookInternalStatus, bw as SynapsProvider, ab as SynapsSessionErrorResponse, a4 as SynapsSessionEvent, a7 as SynapsSessionRequest, ac as SynapsSessionResponse, af as SynapsStepErrorResponse, a5 as SynapsStepEvent, ad as SynapsStepRequest, ag as SynapsStepResponse, bF as ToggleProviderInput, a9 as UNKNOWN_ERROR, d8 as UpdateKybSessionOutput, cQ as UpdateKycSessionOutput, bD as UpdateProviderInput, bE as UpdateProviderResponse, aM as UpdateSearchEntitiesInput, aL as UpdateSearchInput, cR as VideoKycMetaData, bI as WEBHOOK_TYPES, F as WebhookPayload, bJ as WebhookType, bf as WorkflowsScorechainConfig, W as WorkflowsScoringAnalysisRequest, as as mappingMatchTypeToLabel, a6 as typeToHumanReadable } from '../../dist/customers.schema-8f6c7924.esm.js';
import 'zod';
import '../../dist/identity-api.schema-68a83f54.esm.js';
import '../../dist/identity-api.schema-d1954107.esm.js';
import 'nanoid';

@@ -5,4 +5,4 @@ 'use strict';

var identityApi_schema = require('../../dist/');
var frontendUtilities_schema = require('../../dist/');
var identityApi_schema = require('../../dist/');
var frontendUtilities_schema = require('../../dist/');

@@ -9,0 +9,0 @@ require('nanoid');

@@ -5,4 +5,4 @@ 'use strict';

var identityApi_schema = require('../../dist/');
var frontendUtilities_schema = require('../../dist/');
var identityApi_schema = require('../../dist/');
var frontendUtilities_schema = require('../../dist/');

@@ -9,0 +9,0 @@ require('nanoid');

@@ -1,4 +0,4 @@

export { am as Alpha2Country, eA as CredentialMediaType, ev as CredentialNames, eu as CredentialSchemas, ey as CredentialType, C as CredentialTypes, et as GenericVerifiableCredentialSchema, eg as ID3CredentialSubjectSchema, eq as IDImageCredentialSubjectSchema, ep as IDInformationCredentialSubjectSchema, eh as IDScanCredentialSubjectSchema, ei as IDScanPassportCredentialSubjectSchema, ej as IDScanSelfieCredentialSubjectSchema, ak as ISO3CountryCode, ew as NexeraCredentialType, eo as OLD_AMLScreeningsResultsCredentialSubjectSchema, ek as OLD_IDImageCredentialSubjectSchema, el as OLD_IDInformationCredentialSubjectSchema, em as OLD_ProofOfResidenceCredentialSubjectSchema, en as OLD_SelfieImageCredentialSubjectSchema, es as ProofOfResidenceCredentialSubjectSchema, er as SelfieImageCredentialSubjectSchema, ez as VerifiableCredential, an as countryISO3toISO2Mapping, ex as getCredentialName, ap as isoCountriesNameFromISO2 } from '../../dist/identity-api.schema-68a83f54.esm.js';
export { V as VC_JSON_SCHEMA_MAP, c as cleanObject, a as getAvailableFields, g as getCredentialSchemaLocation } from '../../dist/frontend-utilities.schema-02fc8336.esm.js';
export { am as Alpha2Country, eL as CredentialMediaType, eG as CredentialNames, eF as CredentialSchemas, eJ as CredentialType, C as CredentialTypes, eE as GenericVerifiableCredentialSchema, er as ID3CredentialSubjectSchema, eB as IDImageCredentialSubjectSchema, eA as IDInformationCredentialSubjectSchema, es as IDScanCredentialSubjectSchema, et as IDScanPassportCredentialSubjectSchema, eu as IDScanSelfieCredentialSubjectSchema, ak as ISO3CountryCode, eH as NexeraCredentialType, ez as OLD_AMLScreeningsResultsCredentialSubjectSchema, ev as OLD_IDImageCredentialSubjectSchema, ew as OLD_IDInformationCredentialSubjectSchema, ex as OLD_ProofOfResidenceCredentialSubjectSchema, ey as OLD_SelfieImageCredentialSubjectSchema, eD as ProofOfResidenceCredentialSubjectSchema, eC as SelfieImageCredentialSubjectSchema, eK as VerifiableCredential, an as countryISO3toISO2Mapping, eI as getCredentialName, ap as isoCountriesNameFromISO2 } from '../../dist/identity-api.schema-d1954107.esm.js';
export { V as VC_JSON_SCHEMA_MAP, c as cleanObject, a as getAvailableFields, g as getCredentialSchemaLocation } from '../../dist/frontend-utilities.schema-8b213997.esm.js';
import 'zod';
import 'nanoid';

@@ -6,4 +6,4 @@ 'use strict';

var zod = require('zod');
var identityApi_schema = require('../../dist/');
var customers_schema = require('../../dist/');
var identityApi_schema = require('../../dist/');
var customers_schema = require('../../dist/');
var zodToJsonSchema = require('zod-to-json-schema');

@@ -10,0 +10,0 @@ var transaction_schema = require('../../dist/');

@@ -6,4 +6,4 @@ 'use strict';

var zod = require('zod');
var identityApi_schema = require('../../dist/');
var customers_schema = require('../../dist/');
var identityApi_schema = require('../../dist/');
var customers_schema = require('../../dist/');
var zodToJsonSchema = require('zod-to-json-schema');

@@ -10,0 +10,0 @@ var transaction_schema = require('../../dist/');

import { z } from 'zod';
import { ae as UuidString, ea as ExternalCustomerId, as as RiskScoreType, au as CustomerType, aA as CustomerOnboardingLevel, aC as CustomerStatus, ak as ISO3CountryCode, a2 as BlockchainAddress, c5 as RuleResultStatus, et as GenericVerifiableCredentialSchema, eC as _toArray, eB as _toConsumableArray, ad as EnvironmentSchema } from '../../dist/identity-api.schema-68a83f54.esm.js';
import { M as MergedProviders, S as ScoringAnalysisResponse, B as BitRankVerifiedResponse, a as MerkleAddressResponse, C as ChainalysisRiskAssessmentResponse, I as IpQualityServiceAnalysisResponse, b as ComplyAdvantageSearchResponse } from '../../dist/customers.schema-0306abb6.esm.js';
import { ae as UuidString, el as ExternalCustomerId, as as RiskScoreType, au as CustomerType, aA as CustomerOnboardingLevel, aC as CustomerStatus, ak as ISO3CountryCode, a2 as BlockchainAddress, ce as RuleResultStatus, eE as GenericVerifiableCredentialSchema, eN as _toArray, eM as _toConsumableArray, ad as EnvironmentSchema } from '../../dist/identity-api.schema-d1954107.esm.js';
import { M as MergedProviders, S as ScoringAnalysisResponse, B as BitRankVerifiedResponse, a as MerkleAddressResponse, C as ChainalysisRiskAssessmentResponse, I as IpQualityServiceAnalysisResponse, b as ComplyAdvantageSearchResponse } from '../../dist/customers.schema-8f6c7924.esm.js';
import { zodToJsonSchema } from 'zod-to-json-schema';

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ import { T as TransactionTypes } from '../../dist/transaction.schema-fb699c40.esm.js';

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Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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