Advanced tools
Comparing version 1.10.102-dev to 1.10.103-dev
@@ -5,3 +5,3 @@ 'use strict'; | ||
var credentialStorage_schema = require('../../dist/credential-storage.schema-ca1d35aa.cjs.dev.js'); | ||
var credentialStorage_schema = require('../../dist/credential-storage.schema-379b9e2b.cjs.dev.js'); | ||
var api_schema_dist_nexeraprotocolNexeraIdSchemasApi_schema = require('../../dist/api.schema-271d5237.cjs.dev.js'); | ||
@@ -8,0 +8,0 @@ require('zod'); |
@@ -5,3 +5,3 @@ 'use strict'; | ||
var credentialStorage_schema = require('../../dist/credential-storage.schema-75df8bec.cjs.prod.js'); | ||
var credentialStorage_schema = require('../../dist/credential-storage.schema-7b3bb215.cjs.prod.js'); | ||
var api_schema_dist_nexeraprotocolNexeraIdSchemasApi_schema = require('../../dist/api.schema-f6733da9.cjs.prod.js'); | ||
@@ -8,0 +8,0 @@ require('zod'); |
@@ -1,3 +0,3 @@ | ||
export { bL as AMLMetadata, aZ as ANALYSIS_TYPES, fH as ARRAY_OPERATORS, A as AVAILABLE_FLOWS, gE as ActivityLogAction, gD as ActivityLogActions, dQ as Age, gB as AlertCategories, gC as AlertCategory, gz as AlertSeverities, gA as AlertSeverity, gw as AlertStatus, gv as AlertStatuses, gy as AlertType, gx as AlertTypes, fC as AllCredentialAttributes, fD as AllCredentialValues, gc as AllScenarioExecutionAuthorizationData, au as Alpha2Country, a_ as AnalysisType, fI as ArrayOperator, a8 as AuthQrCodeData, a3 as AuthorizationRequestMessage, a6 as AuthorizationResponseMessage, t as AvailableFlow, b1 as BLOCKCHAIN_TYPES, fN as BOOLEAN_OPERATORS, dl as BaseApplicantActionSchema, c_ as BaseProvider, gu as BasicCustomerContactInformation, cX as BigConfig, bh as BigCryptoChain, bj as BigProperties, bi as BigPropertiesLiteral, bk as BigProperty, d0 as BigProvider, bm as BitRankRequest, bn as BitRankVerified, bp as BitRankVerifiedError, bo as BitRankVerifiedErrorResponse, bq as BitRankVerifiedResponse, b2 as Blockchain, fO as BooleanOperator, gn as BrandingColors, ch as COMPLY_ADVANTAGE_COUNTRY_FIELD_SOURCES, cj as COMPLY_ADVANTAGE_DATE_OF_BIRTH_FIELD_SOURCES, cf as COMPLY_ADVANTAGE_NATIONALITY_FIELD_SOURCES, c8 as COMPLY_ADVANTAGE_RESPONSE_MATCH_STATUS, c5 as COMPLY_ADVANTAGE_RESPONSE_MATCH_TYPE, fr as ChallengeQueryOperator, ft as ChallengeQueryOperatorToOperator, fq as ChallengeQueryOperators, fu as ChallengeQuerySchema, e as CloseScreenNotification, bY as CoerceDateUTC, b3 as Coin, af as ComplianceImplementationStepsInput, cD as ComplyAdvantageAmlFullListing, cC as ComplyAdvantageAmlItemSource, ci as ComplyAdvantageCountryFieldSources, ck as ComplyAdvantageDateOfBirthFieldSources, cB as ComplyAdvantageKeyInformation, cv as ComplyAdvantageMedia, cM as ComplyAdvantageMonitorSearchDataResponse, cO as ComplyAdvantageMonitorSearchResponse, cN as ComplyAdvantageMonitorSearchSuccessResponse, cP as ComplyAdvantageMonitoredSearchUpdate, cg as ComplyAdvantageNationalityFieldSources, d3 as ComplyAdvantageProvider, c9 as ComplyAdvantageReponseMatchStatus, c6 as ComplyAdvantageResponseMatchType, cx as ComplyAdvantageSearchDataResponse, cw as ComplyAdvantageSearchDataResponseHit, cE as ComplyAdvantageSearchEntitiesDataResponse, cG as ComplyAdvantageSearchEntitiesResponse, cF as ComplyAdvantageSearchEntitiesSuccessResponse, cz as ComplyAdvantageSearchErrorResponse, cH as ComplyAdvantageSearchRequest, cA as ComplyAdvantageSearchResponse, cy as ComplyAdvantageSearchSuccessResponse, cJ as ComplyAdvantageUpdateSearchEntitiesRequest, cL as ComplyAdvantageUpdateSearchEntitiesResponse, cK as ComplyAdvantageUpdateSearchEntitiesSuccessResponse, cI as ComplyAdvantageUpdateSearchRequest, ct as ComplyAdvantageUser, dZ as ContactInformation, g9 as CreateAuthRequestProps, e1 as CreateProjectInput, e2 as CreateProjectResponse, d9 as CreateProviderInput, da as CreateProviderResponse, f_ as CreateQueryConfigurationInput, f$ as CreateQueryConfigurationResponse, ej as CreateScenario, fh as CreateScenarioFromTemplateInput, fi as CreateScenarioFromTemplateResponse, ek as CreateScenarioInput, el as CreateScenarioResponse, cl as CreateSearchInput, eH as CreateSmartContractDeployment, eI as CreateSmartContractDeploymentInput, eJ as CreateSmartContractDeploymentResponse, ei as CreateTemplateScenario, f6 as CreateTransaction, f7 as CreateTransactionInput, f8 as CreateTransactionResponse, ga as CreateZKProofRequestProps, aF as CredentialMediaType, aX as CredentialMetadata, az as CredentialNames, a7 as CredentialQrCodeData, ay as CredentialSchemas, aD as CredentialType, aA as CredentialTypes, aW as CustomerContactInformationOutput, a as CustomerStatus, gt as CustomerStatuses, dW as CustomerTableViewOptions, C as CustomerType, gr as CustomerTypes, fP as DATE_OPERATORS, D as DataAvailableOnStart, cS as DataProviderOptions, cT as DataProviders, fQ as DateOperator, e8 as DeleteProjectInput, e9 as DeleteProjectResponse, de as DeleteProviderInput, df as DeleteProviderResponse, g2 as DeleteQueryConfigurationInput, g3 as DeleteQueryConfigurationResponse, es as DeleteScenarioInput, et as DeleteScenarioResponse, eS as DeleteSmartContractDeploymentInput, eT as DeleteSmartContractDeploymentResponse, ff as DeleteTransactionInput, fg as DeleteTransactionResponse, bE as DocumentIdMetadata, bD as DocumentIdType, bC as DocumentIdTypes, dP as DocumentType, gL as DownloadableKycSchema, bK as EmailMetadata, bc as EmailVerificationAnalysisResponse, gI as EncryptedKycKey, gJ as EncryptedVerifiableCredentialDataSchema, gK as EncryptedVerifiableCredentialSchema, eX as EntrypointDeploymentInput, eY as EntrypointDeploymentResponse, fw as ExecuteChallengeQueryConfig, fv as ExecuteChallengeQueryInput, fy as ExecuteChallengeQueryResponse, ex as ExecuteScenarioConfig, bB as File, gF as GenericJsonSchema, at as GenericVerifiableCredentialSchema, aV as GetCredentialsOutput, G as GetCredentialsRequest, y as GetCredentialsResponse, aP as GetKycSessionInput, aQ as GetKycSessionResponse, aY as GetKycSessionResponseWithCredentialsMetadata, ea as GetMediaInput, eb as GetMediaResponse, gk as GetOrganizationResponse, e5 as GetProjectInput, e6 as GetProjectResponse, eL as GetProjectSmartContractDeploymentsInput, e3 as GetProjectsInput, e4 as GetProjectsResponse, d8 as GetProviderResponse, d7 as GetProvidersResponse, eo as GetScenarioInput, ep as GetScenarioResponse, eK as GetScenarioSmartContractDeploymentsInput, em as GetScenariosInput, en as GetScenariosResponse, eO as GetSmartContractDeploymentByAddressInput, eN as GetSmartContractDeploymentInput, eP as GetSmartContractDeploymentResponse, eM as GetSmartContractDeploymentsResponse, fb as GetTransactionInput, fc as GetTransactionResponse, f9 as GetTransactionsInput, fa as GetTransactionsResponse, fp as GetTxAuthDataSignatureResponse, N as GetTxAuthSigRequest, Q as GetTxAuthSigResponse, c3 as HIGH_RISK_TYPES, eU as HandleEnableScenarioInput, Y as HostMessage, U as HostRequestMessage, H as HostResponseMessage, ag as ID3CredentialSubjectSchema, aq as IDImageCredentialSubjectSchema, fU as IDInformation, ap as IDInformationCredentialSubjectSchema, ah as IDScanCredentialSubjectSchema, ai as IDScanPassportCredentialSubjectSchema, aj as IDScanSelfieCredentialSubjectSchema, I as ISO3CountryCode, d_ as IdentityDocumentsType, Z as IdentityMessage, o as IdentityNotificationMessage, cQ as IdentityProviderOptions, cR as IdentityProviders, s as IdentityRequestMessage, X as IdentityResponseMessage, ae as ImageUploadResponseSchema, p as InitialDataRequest, u as InitialDataResponse, ba as IpQualityAnalysisRequest, bb as IpQualityAnalysisResponse, cW as IpQualityConfig, be as IpQualityServiceAnalysis, bg as IpQualityServiceAnalysisResponse, bf as IpQualityServiceErrorResponse, d2 as IpqualityscoreProvider, l as IsVerifiedNotification, L as IsVerifiedRequest, M as IsVerifiedResponse, aJ as KYC_RESULTS, aL as KYC_SESSION_STATUSES, aH as KYC_STEP_TYPES, K as KycCompletionData, f as KycCompletionNotification, aK as KycResult, aM as KycSessionStatus, aR as KycSessionStepInput, aI as KycStepType, fl as ListScenarioTemplateInput, fn as ListScenarioTemplatesResponse, bI as LivenessMetadata, ac as MAX_MEDIA_FILE_SIZE, c4 as MEDIUM_RISK_TYPES, cn as MatchStatus, cm as MatchStatuses, cu as MatchTypeDetail, dX as Media, ad as MediaDataSchema, a0 as MediaType, a1 as MediaTypePID, cU as MergedProviders, cs as MonitorSearchInput, fL as NUMERIC_OPERATORS, bu as NestedSession, aB as NexeraCredentialType, c$ as NexeraIdSSIDProvider, gH as NoteMapObjectType, gG as NoteMapObjectTypes, fM as NumericOperator, a$ as OBJECT_TYPES, ao as OLD_AMLScreeningsResultsCredentialSubjectSchema, ak as OLD_IDImageCredentialSubjectSchema, al as OLD_IDInformationCredentialSubjectSchema, am as OLD_ProofOfResidenceCredentialSubjectSchema, an as OLD_SelfieImageCredentialSubjectSchema, fz as OPAChallengeQuery, b0 as ObjectType, m as OcvSdkInitialized, h as OffChainScenarioExecutionData, g8 as OffChainZKP, fB as OffChainZKPRuleResult, fA as OnChainRuleResult, i as OnChainScenarioExecutionData, ge as OnChainZKP, gf as OnChainZKPFromNexeraID, gh as OnChainZKPPayload, gg as OnChainZKPScenarioFromCms, O as OnboardingLevel, gs as OnboardingLevels, fx as OpaChallengeQueryResponse, fE as Operator, fs as OperatorToChallengeQueryOperator, gj as OrganizationData, gi as OrganizationMember, fX as PartialQueryConfigSimplified, dR as PersonalData, bJ as PhoneMetadata, bd as PhoneVerificationAnalysisResponse, P as PolygonIdInitialized, B as PolygonIdRequest, z as PolygonIdRequestData, F as PolygonIdResponse, E as PolygonIdResponseData, gd as ProjectAuthorizationData, d$ as ProjectBranding, e0 as ProjectData, a4 as ProofData, bG as ProofOfAddressDocumentType, bF as ProofOfAddressDocumentTypes, bH as ProofOfAddressMetadata, as as ProofOfResidenceCredentialSubjectSchema, aU as ProofOfResidenceDocumentType, aT as ProofOfResidenceMetaData, dY as ProofOfResidenceType, d5 as ProviderData, d6 as ProviderDataProject, cZ as ProviderType, cY as ProviderTypeOptions, a9 as QrCodeLinkWithSchemaType, fV as QueryConfig, fW as QueryConfigSimplified, fY as QueryConfigSimplifiedParsed, fZ as QueryConfiguration, g5 as QueryCredentialType, g4 as QueryCredentialTypes, bR as RESULT_PARSER_ERROR, bA as ReasonCode, bz as ReasonCodes, bl as RequestProperty, _ as RequiredDataRowSchema, $ as RequiredVerificationData, cp as RiskLevel, co as RiskLevels, R as RiskScoreType, gq as RiskScoreTypes, b4 as RiskSeverity, eu as RuleEngineResponse, g as RuleEngineScenarioExecutionData, b as RuleResultStatus, eA as RuleResultStatusLabels, ey as RuleResultStatuses, fj as SCENARIO_TEMPLATE_TYPES, c1 as SEARCH_FILTER_ADVERSE_MEDIA_TYPE, b$ as SEARCH_FILTER_PEP_TYPE, bZ as SEARCH_FILTER_SANCTION_TYPE, ca as SEARCH_FILTER_TYPES, bP as SESSION_NOT_FOUND, bV as STEP_NOT_FOUND, fJ as STRING_OPERATORS, di as SUMSUB_APPLICANT_LEVEL_NAMES, dp as SUMSUB_APPLICANT_TYPES, dz as SUMSUB_DOC_TYPES, dI as SUMSUB_MEDIA_CONTENT_TYPES, dr as SUMSUB_REVIEW_ANSWERS, dM as SUMSUB_REVIEW_REJECT_LABELS, dO as SUMSUB_REVIEW_REJECT_LABELS_DESCRIPTION, dt as SUMSUB_REVIEW_REJECT_TYPES, dx as SUMSUB_REVIEW_STATUSES, dm as SUMSUB_STEPS, fR as SUPPORTED_TYPES, eg as Scenario, gb as ScenarioAuthorizationData, eV as ScenarioDeploymentInput, eW as ScenarioDeploymentResponse, j as ScenarioExecutionData, ew as ScenarioExecutionInput, k as ScenarioExecutionNotification, ev as ScenarioExecutionResponse, ef as ScenarioStatus, ee as ScenarioStatuses, fm as ScenarioTemplate, fk as ScenarioTemplateType, ed as ScenarioType, ec as ScenarioTypes, S as ScenarioWebhookPayloadSchema, b7 as ScorechainAnalysis, cV as ScorechainConfig, b6 as ScorechainError, b5 as ScorechainErrorResponse, d1 as ScorechainProvider, b9 as ScoringAnalysisRequest, b8 as ScoringAnalysisResponse, ez as SdkVerificationResponseSchema, cd as SearchEntityType, cc as SearchEntityTypes, c2 as SearchFilterAdverseMediaType, c0 as SearchFilterPepType, b_ as SearchFilterSanctionType, cb as SearchFilterType, ce as SearchFilters, aN as SelectKycSession, aO as SelectKycSessionStep, ar as SelfieImageCredentialSubjectSchema, r as SendTransactionRequest, bv as Session, bw as SessionWithoutSteps, dS as SignablePersonalData, q as SignatureRequest, v as SignatureResponse, x as SimplifiedCredential, eG as SmartContractDeployment, eD as SmartContractName, eC as SmartContractNames, eF as SmartContractStatus, eE as SmartContractStatuses, n as StartCompletedNotification, J as StartFlowRequest, bs as Status, br as Statuses, bM as Step, by as StepType, bx as StepTypes, fK as StringOperator, dv as SumSubAddress, dw as SumSubApplicantInfo, dj as SumSubApplicantLevelName, dH as SumSubApplicantModerationStatusSchema, dL as SumSubApplicantResetSchema, dK as SumSubApplicantReviewStatusSchema, dD as SumSubApplicantSchema, dq as SumSubApplicantType, dG as SumSubApplicantVerificationStepSchema, dA as SumSubDocType, dE as SumSubImageId, dC as SumSubImageReviewResultSchema, dJ as SumSubMediaContentType, ds as SumSubReviewAnswer, dN as SumSubReviewRejectLabel, du as SumSubReviewRejectType, dB as SumSubReviewResultSchema, dy as SumSubReviewStatus, dn as SumSubStep, dF as SumSubVerificationStepSchema, dk as SumSubWebhookSchema, fS as SupportedType, fT as SupportedTypes, d4 as SynapsProvider, bS as SynapsSessionErrorResponse, c as SynapsSessionEvent, bO as SynapsSessionRequest, bT as SynapsSessionResponse, bW as SynapsStepErrorResponse, d as SynapsStepEvent, bU as SynapsStepRequest, bX as SynapsStepResponse, eh as TemplateScenario, dd as ToggleProviderInput, f5 as Transaction, T as TransactionData, f2 as TransactionName, f1 as TransactionNames, w as TransactionResponse, f4 as TransactionStatus, f3 as TransactionStatuses, fo as TxAuthInput, bQ as UNKNOWN_ERROR, aS as UpdateKycSessionOutput, gl as UpdateOrganizationInput, gm as UpdateOrganizationResponse, e7 as UpdateProjectInput, db as UpdateProviderInput, dc as UpdateProviderResponse, g0 as UpdateQueryConfigurationInput, g1 as UpdateQueryConfigurationResponse, eq as UpdateScenarioInput, er as UpdateScenarioResponse, cr as UpdateSearchEntitiesInput, cq as UpdateSearchInput, eQ as UpdateSmartContractDeploymentInput, eR as UpdateSmartContractDeploymentResponse, fd as UpdateTransactionInput, fe as UpdateTransactionResponse, aE as VerifiableCredential, V as VerificationFlowChecksWebhookPayload, dg as WEBHOOK_TYPES, bt as WebhookPayload, dh as WebhookType, go as WidgetBrandingSchema, W as WorkspaceSettings, dV as YYYYMMDDIntegerToDate, fF as ZKPOperator, g6 as ZKPRequest, g7 as ZKPRequestFromZKVerifier, a2 as ZeroKnowledgeProofRequest, a5 as ZeroKnowledgeProofResponse, ax as cleanObject, aw as countryISO3toISO2Mapping, dU as dateToYYYYMMDDInteger, gp as getAvailableFields, aC as getCredentialName, aG as getCredentialSchemaLocation, eZ as getLatestDeployment, f0 as getLatestDeploymentForScenario, e$ as getLatestEntrypointDeployment, e_ as getLatestTransactionFromDeployment, eB as getScenarioStatus, av as isoCountriesNameFromISO2, c7 as mappingMatchTypeToLabel, fG as operatorDisplayMap, aa as parseIden3Message, ab as parseSessionIdFromUrl, dT as stringToUint8Array, bN as typeToHumanReadable } from '../../dist/credential-storage.schema-5273e6b5.esm.js'; | ||
export { bL as AMLMetadata, aZ as ANALYSIS_TYPES, fH as ARRAY_OPERATORS, A as AVAILABLE_FLOWS, gE as ActivityLogAction, gD as ActivityLogActions, dQ as Age, gB as AlertCategories, gC as AlertCategory, gz as AlertSeverities, gA as AlertSeverity, gw as AlertStatus, gv as AlertStatuses, gy as AlertType, gx as AlertTypes, fC as AllCredentialAttributes, fD as AllCredentialValues, gc as AllScenarioExecutionAuthorizationData, au as Alpha2Country, a_ as AnalysisType, fI as ArrayOperator, a8 as AuthQrCodeData, a3 as AuthorizationRequestMessage, a6 as AuthorizationResponseMessage, t as AvailableFlow, b1 as BLOCKCHAIN_TYPES, fN as BOOLEAN_OPERATORS, dl as BaseApplicantActionSchema, c_ as BaseProvider, gu as BasicCustomerContactInformation, cX as BigConfig, bh as BigCryptoChain, bj as BigProperties, bi as BigPropertiesLiteral, bk as BigProperty, d0 as BigProvider, bm as BitRankRequest, bn as BitRankVerified, bp as BitRankVerifiedError, bo as BitRankVerifiedErrorResponse, bq as BitRankVerifiedResponse, b2 as Blockchain, fO as BooleanOperator, gn as BrandingColors, ch as COMPLY_ADVANTAGE_COUNTRY_FIELD_SOURCES, cj as COMPLY_ADVANTAGE_DATE_OF_BIRTH_FIELD_SOURCES, cf as COMPLY_ADVANTAGE_NATIONALITY_FIELD_SOURCES, c8 as COMPLY_ADVANTAGE_RESPONSE_MATCH_STATUS, c5 as COMPLY_ADVANTAGE_RESPONSE_MATCH_TYPE, fr as ChallengeQueryOperator, ft as ChallengeQueryOperatorToOperator, fq as ChallengeQueryOperators, fu as ChallengeQuerySchema, e as CloseScreenNotification, bY as CoerceDateUTC, b3 as Coin, af as ComplianceImplementationStepsInput, cD as ComplyAdvantageAmlFullListing, cC as ComplyAdvantageAmlItemSource, ci as ComplyAdvantageCountryFieldSources, ck as ComplyAdvantageDateOfBirthFieldSources, cB as ComplyAdvantageKeyInformation, cv as ComplyAdvantageMedia, cM as ComplyAdvantageMonitorSearchDataResponse, cO as ComplyAdvantageMonitorSearchResponse, cN as ComplyAdvantageMonitorSearchSuccessResponse, cP as ComplyAdvantageMonitoredSearchUpdate, cg as ComplyAdvantageNationalityFieldSources, d3 as ComplyAdvantageProvider, c9 as ComplyAdvantageReponseMatchStatus, c6 as ComplyAdvantageResponseMatchType, cx as ComplyAdvantageSearchDataResponse, cw as ComplyAdvantageSearchDataResponseHit, cE as ComplyAdvantageSearchEntitiesDataResponse, cG as ComplyAdvantageSearchEntitiesResponse, cF as ComplyAdvantageSearchEntitiesSuccessResponse, cz as ComplyAdvantageSearchErrorResponse, cH as ComplyAdvantageSearchRequest, cA as ComplyAdvantageSearchResponse, cy as ComplyAdvantageSearchSuccessResponse, cJ as ComplyAdvantageUpdateSearchEntitiesRequest, cL as ComplyAdvantageUpdateSearchEntitiesResponse, cK as ComplyAdvantageUpdateSearchEntitiesSuccessResponse, cI as ComplyAdvantageUpdateSearchRequest, ct as ComplyAdvantageUser, dZ as ContactInformation, g9 as CreateAuthRequestProps, e1 as CreateProjectInput, e2 as CreateProjectResponse, d9 as CreateProviderInput, da as CreateProviderResponse, f_ as CreateQueryConfigurationInput, f$ as CreateQueryConfigurationResponse, ej as CreateScenario, fh as CreateScenarioFromTemplateInput, fi as CreateScenarioFromTemplateResponse, ek as CreateScenarioInput, el as CreateScenarioResponse, cl as CreateSearchInput, eH as CreateSmartContractDeployment, eI as CreateSmartContractDeploymentInput, eJ as CreateSmartContractDeploymentResponse, ei as CreateTemplateScenario, f6 as CreateTransaction, f7 as CreateTransactionInput, f8 as CreateTransactionResponse, ga as CreateZKProofRequestProps, aF as CredentialMediaType, aX as CredentialMetadata, az as CredentialNames, a7 as CredentialQrCodeData, ay as CredentialSchemas, aD as CredentialType, aA as CredentialTypes, aW as CustomerContactInformationOutput, a as CustomerStatus, gt as CustomerStatuses, dW as CustomerTableViewOptions, C as CustomerType, gr as CustomerTypes, fP as DATE_OPERATORS, D as DataAvailableOnStart, cS as DataProviderOptions, cT as DataProviders, fQ as DateOperator, e8 as DeleteProjectInput, e9 as DeleteProjectResponse, de as DeleteProviderInput, df as DeleteProviderResponse, g2 as DeleteQueryConfigurationInput, g3 as DeleteQueryConfigurationResponse, es as DeleteScenarioInput, et as DeleteScenarioResponse, eS as DeleteSmartContractDeploymentInput, eT as DeleteSmartContractDeploymentResponse, ff as DeleteTransactionInput, fg as DeleteTransactionResponse, bE as DocumentIdMetadata, bD as DocumentIdType, bC as DocumentIdTypes, dP as DocumentType, gL as DownloadableKycSchema, bK as EmailMetadata, bc as EmailVerificationAnalysisResponse, gI as EncryptedKycKey, gJ as EncryptedVerifiableCredentialDataSchema, gK as EncryptedVerifiableCredentialSchema, eX as EntrypointDeploymentInput, eY as EntrypointDeploymentResponse, fw as ExecuteChallengeQueryConfig, fv as ExecuteChallengeQueryInput, fy as ExecuteChallengeQueryResponse, ex as ExecuteScenarioConfig, bB as File, gF as GenericJsonSchema, at as GenericVerifiableCredentialSchema, aV as GetCredentialsOutput, G as GetCredentialsRequest, y as GetCredentialsResponse, aP as GetKycSessionInput, aQ as GetKycSessionResponse, aY as GetKycSessionResponseWithCredentialsMetadata, ea as GetMediaInput, eb as GetMediaResponse, gk as GetOrganizationResponse, e5 as GetProjectInput, e6 as GetProjectResponse, eL as GetProjectSmartContractDeploymentsInput, e3 as GetProjectsInput, e4 as GetProjectsResponse, d8 as GetProviderResponse, d7 as GetProvidersResponse, eo as GetScenarioInput, ep as GetScenarioResponse, eK as GetScenarioSmartContractDeploymentsInput, em as GetScenariosInput, en as GetScenariosResponse, eO as GetSmartContractDeploymentByAddressInput, eN as GetSmartContractDeploymentInput, eP as GetSmartContractDeploymentResponse, eM as GetSmartContractDeploymentsResponse, fb as GetTransactionInput, fc as GetTransactionResponse, f9 as GetTransactionsInput, fa as GetTransactionsResponse, fp as GetTxAuthDataSignatureResponse, N as GetTxAuthSigRequest, Q as GetTxAuthSigResponse, c3 as HIGH_RISK_TYPES, eU as HandleEnableScenarioInput, Y as HostMessage, U as HostRequestMessage, H as HostResponseMessage, ag as ID3CredentialSubjectSchema, aq as IDImageCredentialSubjectSchema, fU as IDInformation, ap as IDInformationCredentialSubjectSchema, ah as IDScanCredentialSubjectSchema, ai as IDScanPassportCredentialSubjectSchema, aj as IDScanSelfieCredentialSubjectSchema, I as ISO3CountryCode, d_ as IdentityDocumentsType, Z as IdentityMessage, o as IdentityNotificationMessage, cQ as IdentityProviderOptions, cR as IdentityProviders, s as IdentityRequestMessage, X as IdentityResponseMessage, ae as ImageUploadResponseSchema, p as InitialDataRequest, u as InitialDataResponse, ba as IpQualityAnalysisRequest, bb as IpQualityAnalysisResponse, cW as IpQualityConfig, be as IpQualityServiceAnalysis, bg as IpQualityServiceAnalysisResponse, bf as IpQualityServiceErrorResponse, d2 as IpqualityscoreProvider, l as IsVerifiedNotification, L as IsVerifiedRequest, M as IsVerifiedResponse, aJ as KYC_RESULTS, aL as KYC_SESSION_STATUSES, aH as KYC_STEP_TYPES, K as KycCompletionData, f as KycCompletionNotification, aK as KycResult, aM as KycSessionStatus, aR as KycSessionStepInput, aI as KycStepType, fl as ListScenarioTemplateInput, fn as ListScenarioTemplatesResponse, bI as LivenessMetadata, ac as MAX_MEDIA_FILE_SIZE, c4 as MEDIUM_RISK_TYPES, cn as MatchStatus, cm as MatchStatuses, cu as MatchTypeDetail, dX as Media, ad as MediaDataSchema, a0 as MediaType, a1 as MediaTypePID, cU as MergedProviders, cs as MonitorSearchInput, fL as NUMERIC_OPERATORS, bu as NestedSession, aB as NexeraCredentialType, c$ as NexeraIdSSIDProvider, gH as NoteMapObjectType, gG as NoteMapObjectTypes, fM as NumericOperator, a$ as OBJECT_TYPES, ao as OLD_AMLScreeningsResultsCredentialSubjectSchema, ak as OLD_IDImageCredentialSubjectSchema, al as OLD_IDInformationCredentialSubjectSchema, am as OLD_ProofOfResidenceCredentialSubjectSchema, an as OLD_SelfieImageCredentialSubjectSchema, fz as OPAChallengeQuery, b0 as ObjectType, m as OcvSdkInitialized, h as OffChainScenarioExecutionData, g8 as OffChainZKP, fB as OffChainZKPRuleResult, fA as OnChainRuleResult, i as OnChainScenarioExecutionData, ge as OnChainZKP, gf as OnChainZKPFromNexeraID, gh as OnChainZKPPayload, gg as OnChainZKPScenarioFromCms, O as OnboardingLevel, gs as OnboardingLevels, fx as OpaChallengeQueryResponse, fE as Operator, fs as OperatorToChallengeQueryOperator, gj as OrganizationData, gi as OrganizationMember, fX as PartialQueryConfigSimplified, dR as PersonalData, bJ as PhoneMetadata, bd as PhoneVerificationAnalysisResponse, P as PolygonIdInitialized, B as PolygonIdRequest, z as PolygonIdRequestData, F as PolygonIdResponse, E as PolygonIdResponseData, gd as ProjectAuthorizationData, d$ as ProjectBranding, e0 as ProjectData, a4 as ProofData, bG as ProofOfAddressDocumentType, bF as ProofOfAddressDocumentTypes, bH as ProofOfAddressMetadata, as as ProofOfResidenceCredentialSubjectSchema, aU as ProofOfResidenceDocumentType, aT as ProofOfResidenceMetaData, dY as ProofOfResidenceType, d5 as ProviderData, d6 as ProviderDataProject, cZ as ProviderType, cY as ProviderTypeOptions, a9 as QrCodeLinkWithSchemaType, fV as QueryConfig, fW as QueryConfigSimplified, fY as QueryConfigSimplifiedParsed, fZ as QueryConfiguration, g5 as QueryCredentialType, g4 as QueryCredentialTypes, bR as RESULT_PARSER_ERROR, bA as ReasonCode, bz as ReasonCodes, bl as RequestProperty, _ as RequiredDataRowSchema, $ as RequiredVerificationData, cp as RiskLevel, co as RiskLevels, R as RiskScoreType, gq as RiskScoreTypes, b4 as RiskSeverity, eu as RuleEngineResponse, g as RuleEngineScenarioExecutionData, b as RuleResultStatus, eA as RuleResultStatusLabels, ey as RuleResultStatuses, fj as SCENARIO_TEMPLATE_TYPES, c1 as SEARCH_FILTER_ADVERSE_MEDIA_TYPE, b$ as SEARCH_FILTER_PEP_TYPE, bZ as SEARCH_FILTER_SANCTION_TYPE, ca as SEARCH_FILTER_TYPES, bP as SESSION_NOT_FOUND, bV as STEP_NOT_FOUND, fJ as STRING_OPERATORS, di as SUMSUB_APPLICANT_LEVEL_NAMES, dp as SUMSUB_APPLICANT_TYPES, dz as SUMSUB_DOC_TYPES, dI as SUMSUB_MEDIA_CONTENT_TYPES, dr as SUMSUB_REVIEW_ANSWERS, dM as SUMSUB_REVIEW_REJECT_LABELS, dO as SUMSUB_REVIEW_REJECT_LABELS_DESCRIPTION, dt as SUMSUB_REVIEW_REJECT_TYPES, dx as SUMSUB_REVIEW_STATUSES, dm as SUMSUB_STEPS, fR as SUPPORTED_TYPES, eg as Scenario, gb as ScenarioAuthorizationData, eV as ScenarioDeploymentInput, eW as ScenarioDeploymentResponse, j as ScenarioExecutionData, ew as ScenarioExecutionInput, k as ScenarioExecutionNotification, ev as ScenarioExecutionResponse, ef as ScenarioStatus, ee as ScenarioStatuses, fm as ScenarioTemplate, fk as ScenarioTemplateType, ed as ScenarioType, ec as ScenarioTypes, S as ScenarioWebhookPayloadSchema, b7 as ScorechainAnalysis, cV as ScorechainConfig, b6 as ScorechainError, b5 as ScorechainErrorResponse, d1 as ScorechainProvider, b9 as ScoringAnalysisRequest, b8 as ScoringAnalysisResponse, ez as SdkVerificationResponseSchema, cd as SearchEntityType, cc as SearchEntityTypes, c2 as SearchFilterAdverseMediaType, c0 as SearchFilterPepType, b_ as SearchFilterSanctionType, cb as SearchFilterType, ce as SearchFilters, aN as SelectKycSession, aO as SelectKycSessionStep, ar as SelfieImageCredentialSubjectSchema, r as SendTransactionRequest, bv as Session, bw as SessionWithoutSteps, dS as SignablePersonalData, q as SignatureRequest, v as SignatureResponse, x as SimplifiedCredential, eG as SmartContractDeployment, eD as SmartContractName, eC as SmartContractNames, eF as SmartContractStatus, eE as SmartContractStatuses, n as StartCompletedNotification, J as StartFlowRequest, bs as Status, br as Statuses, bM as Step, by as StepType, bx as StepTypes, fK as StringOperator, dv as SumSubAddress, dw as SumSubApplicantInfo, dj as SumSubApplicantLevelName, dH as SumSubApplicantModerationStatusSchema, dL as SumSubApplicantResetSchema, dK as SumSubApplicantReviewStatusSchema, dD as SumSubApplicantSchema, dq as SumSubApplicantType, dG as SumSubApplicantVerificationStepSchema, dA as SumSubDocType, dE as SumSubImageId, dC as SumSubImageReviewResultSchema, dJ as SumSubMediaContentType, ds as SumSubReviewAnswer, dN as SumSubReviewRejectLabel, du as SumSubReviewRejectType, dB as SumSubReviewResultSchema, dy as SumSubReviewStatus, dn as SumSubStep, dF as SumSubVerificationStepSchema, dk as SumSubWebhookSchema, fS as SupportedType, fT as SupportedTypes, d4 as SynapsProvider, bS as SynapsSessionErrorResponse, c as SynapsSessionEvent, bO as SynapsSessionRequest, bT as SynapsSessionResponse, bW as SynapsStepErrorResponse, d as SynapsStepEvent, bU as SynapsStepRequest, bX as SynapsStepResponse, eh as TemplateScenario, dd as ToggleProviderInput, f5 as Transaction, T as TransactionData, f2 as TransactionName, f1 as TransactionNames, w as TransactionResponse, f4 as TransactionStatus, f3 as TransactionStatuses, fo as TxAuthInput, bQ as UNKNOWN_ERROR, aS as UpdateKycSessionOutput, gl as UpdateOrganizationInput, gm as UpdateOrganizationResponse, e7 as UpdateProjectInput, db as UpdateProviderInput, dc as UpdateProviderResponse, g0 as UpdateQueryConfigurationInput, g1 as UpdateQueryConfigurationResponse, eq as UpdateScenarioInput, er as UpdateScenarioResponse, cr as UpdateSearchEntitiesInput, cq as UpdateSearchInput, eQ as UpdateSmartContractDeploymentInput, eR as UpdateSmartContractDeploymentResponse, fd as UpdateTransactionInput, fe as UpdateTransactionResponse, aE as VerifiableCredential, V as VerificationFlowChecksWebhookPayload, dg as WEBHOOK_TYPES, bt as WebhookPayload, dh as WebhookType, go as WidgetBrandingSchema, W as WorkspaceSettings, dV as YYYYMMDDIntegerToDate, fF as ZKPOperator, g6 as ZKPRequest, g7 as ZKPRequestFromZKVerifier, a2 as ZeroKnowledgeProofRequest, a5 as ZeroKnowledgeProofResponse, ax as cleanObject, aw as countryISO3toISO2Mapping, dU as dateToYYYYMMDDInteger, gp as getAvailableFields, aC as getCredentialName, aG as getCredentialSchemaLocation, eZ as getLatestDeployment, f0 as getLatestDeploymentForScenario, e$ as getLatestEntrypointDeployment, e_ as getLatestTransactionFromDeployment, eB as getScenarioStatus, av as isoCountriesNameFromISO2, c7 as mappingMatchTypeToLabel, fG as operatorDisplayMap, aa as parseIden3Message, ab as parseSessionIdFromUrl, dT as stringToUint8Array, bN as typeToHumanReadable } from '../../dist/credential-storage.schema-eb36bbf1.esm.js'; | ||
export { I as IDENTITY_DOCUMENT_COUNTRY_LIST_OPTIONS, c as IDENTITY_DOCUMENT_OPTIONS, f as Identifier, b as IdentityDocumentCountryListOption, d as IdentityDocumentOptionsType, g as IdentityWidgetAccessToken, N as NexeraIdSSIDConfig, P as PERSONAL_INFORMATION_FIELDS, e as PersonalInformationFieldsIdentityDocuments, a as VerificationMode, V as VerificationModes } from '../../dist/api.schema-3f5ee782.esm.js'; | ||
import 'zod'; |
@@ -93,3 +93,3 @@ import { z } from "zod"; | ||
requestId: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodNullable<z.ZodNumber>>; | ||
attribute: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodEnum<["id" | "name" | "journeyId" | "reviewAnswer" | "reviewRejectType" | "reviewRejectLabels" | "documentType" | "base64_front" | "base64_back" | "mediaType", ...("id" | "name" | "journeyId" | "reviewAnswer" | "reviewRejectType" | "reviewRejectLabels" | "documentType" | "base64_front" | "base64_back" | "mediaType")[]]>]>; | ||
attribute: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodEnum<["id" | "name" | "journeyId" | "reviewAnswer" | "reviewRejectType" | "reviewRejectLabels" | "documentType" | "base64_front" | "base64_back" | "mediaType_front" | "mediaType_back", ...("id" | "name" | "journeyId" | "reviewAnswer" | "reviewRejectType" | "reviewRejectLabels" | "documentType" | "base64_front" | "base64_back" | "mediaType_front" | "mediaType_back")[]]>]>; | ||
value: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodBoolean, z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber, z.ZodArray<z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber]>, "many">]>; | ||
@@ -112,3 +112,3 @@ operator: z.ZodEnum<["$noop", "$eq", "$lt", "$lte", "$gt", "$gte", "$in", "$nin", "$ne"]>; | ||
requestId: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodNullable<z.ZodNumber>>; | ||
attribute: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodEnum<["id" | "name" | "journeyId" | "reviewAnswer" | "reviewRejectType" | "reviewRejectLabels" | "mediaType" | "base64", ...("id" | "name" | "journeyId" | "reviewAnswer" | "reviewRejectType" | "reviewRejectLabels" | "mediaType" | "base64")[]]>]>; | ||
attribute: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodEnum<["id" | "name" | "journeyId" | "reviewAnswer" | "reviewRejectType" | "reviewRejectLabels" | "base64" | "mediaType", ...("id" | "name" | "journeyId" | "reviewAnswer" | "reviewRejectType" | "reviewRejectLabels" | "base64" | "mediaType")[]]>]>; | ||
value: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodBoolean, z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber, z.ZodArray<z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber]>, "many">]>; | ||
@@ -131,3 +131,3 @@ operator: z.ZodEnum<["$noop", "$eq", "$lt", "$lte", "$gt", "$gte", "$in", "$nin", "$ne"]>; | ||
requestId: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodNullable<z.ZodNumber>>; | ||
attribute: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodEnum<["id" | "name" | "city" | "country" | "journeyId" | "documentType" | "mediaType" | "base64" | "county" | "streetName" | "postalCode", ...("id" | "name" | "city" | "country" | "journeyId" | "documentType" | "mediaType" | "base64" | "county" | "streetName" | "postalCode")[]]>]>; | ||
attribute: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodEnum<["id" | "name" | "city" | "country" | "journeyId" | "documentType" | "base64" | "mediaType" | "county" | "streetName" | "postalCode", ...("id" | "name" | "city" | "country" | "journeyId" | "documentType" | "base64" | "mediaType" | "county" | "streetName" | "postalCode")[]]>]>; | ||
value: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodBoolean, z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber, z.ZodArray<z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber]>, "many">]>; | ||
@@ -295,3 +295,3 @@ operator: z.ZodEnum<["$noop", "$eq", "$lt", "$lte", "$gt", "$gte", "$in", "$nin", "$ne"]>; | ||
requestId: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodNullable<z.ZodNumber>>; | ||
attribute: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodEnum<["id" | "name" | "journeyId" | "reviewAnswer" | "reviewRejectType" | "reviewRejectLabels" | "documentType" | "base64_front" | "base64_back" | "mediaType", ...("id" | "name" | "journeyId" | "reviewAnswer" | "reviewRejectType" | "reviewRejectLabels" | "documentType" | "base64_front" | "base64_back" | "mediaType")[]]>]>; | ||
attribute: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodEnum<["id" | "name" | "journeyId" | "reviewAnswer" | "reviewRejectType" | "reviewRejectLabels" | "documentType" | "base64_front" | "base64_back" | "mediaType_front" | "mediaType_back", ...("id" | "name" | "journeyId" | "reviewAnswer" | "reviewRejectType" | "reviewRejectLabels" | "documentType" | "base64_front" | "base64_back" | "mediaType_front" | "mediaType_back")[]]>]>; | ||
value: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodBoolean, z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber, z.ZodArray<z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber]>, "many">]>; | ||
@@ -314,3 +314,3 @@ operator: z.ZodEnum<["$noop", "$eq", "$lt", "$lte", "$gt", "$gte", "$in", "$nin", "$ne"]>; | ||
requestId: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodNullable<z.ZodNumber>>; | ||
attribute: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodEnum<["id" | "name" | "journeyId" | "reviewAnswer" | "reviewRejectType" | "reviewRejectLabels" | "mediaType" | "base64", ...("id" | "name" | "journeyId" | "reviewAnswer" | "reviewRejectType" | "reviewRejectLabels" | "mediaType" | "base64")[]]>]>; | ||
attribute: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodEnum<["id" | "name" | "journeyId" | "reviewAnswer" | "reviewRejectType" | "reviewRejectLabels" | "base64" | "mediaType", ...("id" | "name" | "journeyId" | "reviewAnswer" | "reviewRejectType" | "reviewRejectLabels" | "base64" | "mediaType")[]]>]>; | ||
value: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodBoolean, z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber, z.ZodArray<z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber]>, "many">]>; | ||
@@ -333,3 +333,3 @@ operator: z.ZodEnum<["$noop", "$eq", "$lt", "$lte", "$gt", "$gte", "$in", "$nin", "$ne"]>; | ||
requestId: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodNullable<z.ZodNumber>>; | ||
attribute: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodEnum<["id" | "name" | "city" | "country" | "journeyId" | "documentType" | "mediaType" | "base64" | "county" | "streetName" | "postalCode", ...("id" | "name" | "city" | "country" | "journeyId" | "documentType" | "mediaType" | "base64" | "county" | "streetName" | "postalCode")[]]>]>; | ||
attribute: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodEnum<["id" | "name" | "city" | "country" | "journeyId" | "documentType" | "base64" | "mediaType" | "county" | "streetName" | "postalCode", ...("id" | "name" | "city" | "country" | "journeyId" | "documentType" | "base64" | "mediaType" | "county" | "streetName" | "postalCode")[]]>]>; | ||
value: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodBoolean, z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber, z.ZodArray<z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber]>, "many">]>; | ||
@@ -536,3 +536,3 @@ operator: z.ZodEnum<["$noop", "$eq", "$lt", "$lte", "$gt", "$gte", "$in", "$nin", "$ne"]>; | ||
requestId: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodNullable<z.ZodNumber>>; | ||
attribute: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodEnum<["id" | "name" | "journeyId" | "reviewAnswer" | "reviewRejectType" | "reviewRejectLabels" | "documentType" | "base64_front" | "base64_back" | "mediaType", ...("id" | "name" | "journeyId" | "reviewAnswer" | "reviewRejectType" | "reviewRejectLabels" | "documentType" | "base64_front" | "base64_back" | "mediaType")[]]>]>; | ||
attribute: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodEnum<["id" | "name" | "journeyId" | "reviewAnswer" | "reviewRejectType" | "reviewRejectLabels" | "documentType" | "base64_front" | "base64_back" | "mediaType_front" | "mediaType_back", ...("id" | "name" | "journeyId" | "reviewAnswer" | "reviewRejectType" | "reviewRejectLabels" | "documentType" | "base64_front" | "base64_back" | "mediaType_front" | "mediaType_back")[]]>]>; | ||
value: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodBoolean, z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber, z.ZodArray<z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber]>, "many">]>; | ||
@@ -555,3 +555,3 @@ operator: z.ZodEnum<["$noop", "$eq", "$lt", "$lte", "$gt", "$gte", "$in", "$nin", "$ne"]>; | ||
requestId: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodNullable<z.ZodNumber>>; | ||
attribute: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodEnum<["id" | "name" | "journeyId" | "reviewAnswer" | "reviewRejectType" | "reviewRejectLabels" | "mediaType" | "base64", ...("id" | "name" | "journeyId" | "reviewAnswer" | "reviewRejectType" | "reviewRejectLabels" | "mediaType" | "base64")[]]>]>; | ||
attribute: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodEnum<["id" | "name" | "journeyId" | "reviewAnswer" | "reviewRejectType" | "reviewRejectLabels" | "base64" | "mediaType", ...("id" | "name" | "journeyId" | "reviewAnswer" | "reviewRejectType" | "reviewRejectLabels" | "base64" | "mediaType")[]]>]>; | ||
value: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodBoolean, z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber, z.ZodArray<z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber]>, "many">]>; | ||
@@ -574,3 +574,3 @@ operator: z.ZodEnum<["$noop", "$eq", "$lt", "$lte", "$gt", "$gte", "$in", "$nin", "$ne"]>; | ||
requestId: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodNullable<z.ZodNumber>>; | ||
attribute: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodEnum<["id" | "name" | "city" | "country" | "journeyId" | "documentType" | "mediaType" | "base64" | "county" | "streetName" | "postalCode", ...("id" | "name" | "city" | "country" | "journeyId" | "documentType" | "mediaType" | "base64" | "county" | "streetName" | "postalCode")[]]>]>; | ||
attribute: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodEnum<["id" | "name" | "city" | "country" | "journeyId" | "documentType" | "base64" | "mediaType" | "county" | "streetName" | "postalCode", ...("id" | "name" | "city" | "country" | "journeyId" | "documentType" | "base64" | "mediaType" | "county" | "streetName" | "postalCode")[]]>]>; | ||
value: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodBoolean, z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber, z.ZodArray<z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber]>, "many">]>; | ||
@@ -577,0 +577,0 @@ operator: z.ZodEnum<["$noop", "$eq", "$lt", "$lte", "$gt", "$gte", "$in", "$nin", "$ne"]>; |
import { z } from "zod"; | ||
export declare const AllCredentialAttributes: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodEnum<["id" | "journeyId" | "reviewAnswer" | "reviewRejectType" | "reviewRejectLabels" | "documentType" | "entryDate" | "entryTime" | "personalData" | "isSandbox", ...("id" | "journeyId" | "reviewAnswer" | "reviewRejectType" | "reviewRejectLabels" | "documentType" | "entryDate" | "entryTime" | "personalData" | "isSandbox")[]]>, z.ZodEnum<["id" | "name" | "journeyId" | "reviewAnswer" | "reviewRejectType" | "reviewRejectLabels" | "documentType" | "base64_front" | "base64_back" | "mediaType", ...("id" | "name" | "journeyId" | "reviewAnswer" | "reviewRejectType" | "reviewRejectLabels" | "documentType" | "base64_front" | "base64_back" | "mediaType")[]]>, z.ZodEnum<["id" | "name" | "journeyId" | "reviewAnswer" | "reviewRejectType" | "reviewRejectLabels" | "mediaType" | "base64", ...("id" | "name" | "journeyId" | "reviewAnswer" | "reviewRejectType" | "reviewRejectLabels" | "mediaType" | "base64")[]]>, z.ZodEnum<["id" | "name" | "city" | "country" | "journeyId" | "documentType" | "mediaType" | "base64" | "county" | "streetName" | "postalCode", ...("id" | "name" | "city" | "country" | "journeyId" | "documentType" | "mediaType" | "base64" | "county" | "streetName" | "postalCode")[]]>]>; | ||
export declare const AllCredentialAttributes: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodEnum<["id" | "journeyId" | "reviewAnswer" | "reviewRejectType" | "reviewRejectLabels" | "documentType" | "entryDate" | "entryTime" | "personalData" | "isSandbox", ...("id" | "journeyId" | "reviewAnswer" | "reviewRejectType" | "reviewRejectLabels" | "documentType" | "entryDate" | "entryTime" | "personalData" | "isSandbox")[]]>, z.ZodEnum<["id" | "name" | "journeyId" | "reviewAnswer" | "reviewRejectType" | "reviewRejectLabels" | "documentType" | "base64_front" | "base64_back" | "mediaType_front" | "mediaType_back", ...("id" | "name" | "journeyId" | "reviewAnswer" | "reviewRejectType" | "reviewRejectLabels" | "documentType" | "base64_front" | "base64_back" | "mediaType_front" | "mediaType_back")[]]>, z.ZodEnum<["id" | "name" | "journeyId" | "reviewAnswer" | "reviewRejectType" | "reviewRejectLabels" | "base64" | "mediaType", ...("id" | "name" | "journeyId" | "reviewAnswer" | "reviewRejectType" | "reviewRejectLabels" | "base64" | "mediaType")[]]>, z.ZodEnum<["id" | "name" | "city" | "country" | "journeyId" | "documentType" | "base64" | "mediaType" | "county" | "streetName" | "postalCode", ...("id" | "name" | "city" | "country" | "journeyId" | "documentType" | "base64" | "mediaType" | "county" | "streetName" | "postalCode")[]]>]>; | ||
export type AllCredentialAttributes = z.infer<typeof AllCredentialAttributes>; | ||
@@ -94,3 +94,3 @@ export declare const AllCredentialValues: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodBoolean, z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber, z.ZodArray<z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber]>, "many">]>; | ||
requestId: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodNullable<z.ZodNumber>>; | ||
attribute: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodEnum<["id" | "name" | "journeyId" | "reviewAnswer" | "reviewRejectType" | "reviewRejectLabels" | "documentType" | "base64_front" | "base64_back" | "mediaType", ...("id" | "name" | "journeyId" | "reviewAnswer" | "reviewRejectType" | "reviewRejectLabels" | "documentType" | "base64_front" | "base64_back" | "mediaType")[]]>]>; | ||
attribute: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodEnum<["id" | "name" | "journeyId" | "reviewAnswer" | "reviewRejectType" | "reviewRejectLabels" | "documentType" | "base64_front" | "base64_back" | "mediaType_front" | "mediaType_back", ...("id" | "name" | "journeyId" | "reviewAnswer" | "reviewRejectType" | "reviewRejectLabels" | "documentType" | "base64_front" | "base64_back" | "mediaType_front" | "mediaType_back")[]]>]>; | ||
value: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodBoolean, z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber, z.ZodArray<z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber]>, "many">]>; | ||
@@ -113,3 +113,3 @@ operator: z.ZodEnum<["$noop", "$eq", "$lt", "$lte", "$gt", "$gte", "$in", "$nin", "$ne"]>; | ||
requestId: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodNullable<z.ZodNumber>>; | ||
attribute: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodEnum<["id" | "name" | "journeyId" | "reviewAnswer" | "reviewRejectType" | "reviewRejectLabels" | "mediaType" | "base64", ...("id" | "name" | "journeyId" | "reviewAnswer" | "reviewRejectType" | "reviewRejectLabels" | "mediaType" | "base64")[]]>]>; | ||
attribute: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodEnum<["id" | "name" | "journeyId" | "reviewAnswer" | "reviewRejectType" | "reviewRejectLabels" | "base64" | "mediaType", ...("id" | "name" | "journeyId" | "reviewAnswer" | "reviewRejectType" | "reviewRejectLabels" | "base64" | "mediaType")[]]>]>; | ||
value: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodBoolean, z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber, z.ZodArray<z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber]>, "many">]>; | ||
@@ -132,3 +132,3 @@ operator: z.ZodEnum<["$noop", "$eq", "$lt", "$lte", "$gt", "$gte", "$in", "$nin", "$ne"]>; | ||
requestId: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodNullable<z.ZodNumber>>; | ||
attribute: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodEnum<["id" | "name" | "city" | "country" | "journeyId" | "documentType" | "mediaType" | "base64" | "county" | "streetName" | "postalCode", ...("id" | "name" | "city" | "country" | "journeyId" | "documentType" | "mediaType" | "base64" | "county" | "streetName" | "postalCode")[]]>]>; | ||
attribute: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodEnum<["id" | "name" | "city" | "country" | "journeyId" | "documentType" | "base64" | "mediaType" | "county" | "streetName" | "postalCode", ...("id" | "name" | "city" | "country" | "journeyId" | "documentType" | "base64" | "mediaType" | "county" | "streetName" | "postalCode")[]]>]>; | ||
value: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodBoolean, z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber, z.ZodArray<z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodNumber]>, "many">]>; | ||
@@ -135,0 +135,0 @@ operator: z.ZodEnum<["$noop", "$eq", "$lt", "$lte", "$gt", "$gte", "$in", "$nin", "$ne"]>; |
@@ -193,31 +193,31 @@ import { z } from "zod"; | ||
journeyId: z.ZodString; | ||
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name: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodString>; | ||
documentType: z.ZodEnum<["Gas_bill", "Internet_bill", "Electricity_bill", "Rent_agreement", "Bank_statement"]>; | ||
mediaType: z.ZodEnum<["image/jpeg", "image/jpg", "image/png", "application/pdf"]>; | ||
county: z.ZodString; | ||
city: z.ZodString; | ||
streetName: z.ZodString; | ||
postalCode: z.ZodString; | ||
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county: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodString>; | ||
city: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodString>; | ||
streetName: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodString>; | ||
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county?: string | undefined; | ||
streetName?: string | undefined; | ||
postalCode?: string | undefined; | ||
}>; | ||
@@ -224,0 +224,0 @@ export type ProofOfResidenceMetaData = z.infer<typeof ProofOfResidenceMetaData>; |
@@ -6,35 +6,35 @@ import { z } from "zod"; | ||
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streetName: string; | ||
postalCode: string; | ||
country?: "AFG" | "ALB" | "DZA" | "ASM" | "AND" | "AGO" | "AIA" | "ATA" | "ATG" | "ARG" | "ARM" | "ABW" | "AUS" | "AUT" | "AZE" | "BHS" | "BHR" | "BGD" | "BRB" | "BLR" | "BEL" | "BLZ" | "BEN" | "BMU" | "BTN" | "BOL" | "BES" | "BIH" | "BWA" | "BVT" | "BRA" | "IOT" | "BRN" | "BGR" | "BFA" | "BDI" | "CPV" | "KHM" | "CMR" | "CAN" | "CYM" | "CAF" | "TCD" | "CHL" | "CHN" | "CXR" | "CCK" | "COL" | "COM" | "COD" | "COG" | "COK" | "CRI" | "HRV" | "CUB" | "CUW" | "CYP" | "CZE" | "CIV" | "DNK" | "DJI" | "DMA" | "DOM" | "ECU" | "EGY" | "SLV" | "GNQ" | "ERI" | "EST" | "SWZ" | "ETH" | "FLK" | "FRO" | "FJI" | "FIN" | "FRA" | "GUF" | "PYF" | "ATF" | "GAB" | "GMB" | "GEO" | "DEU" | "GHA" | "GIB" | "GRC" | "GRL" | "GRD" | "GLP" | "GUM" | "GTM" | "GGY" | "GIN" | "GNB" | "GUY" | "HTI" | "HMD" | "VAT" | "HND" | "HKG" | "HUN" | "ISL" | "IND" | "IDN" | "IRN" | "IRQ" | "IRL" | "IMN" | "ISR" | "ITA" | "JAM" | "JPN" | "JEY" | "JOR" | "KAZ" | "KEN" | "KIR" | "PRK" | "KOR" | "KWT" | "KGZ" | "LAO" | "LVA" | "LBN" | "LSO" | "LBR" | "LBY" | "LIE" | "LTU" | "LUX" | "MAC" | "MDG" | "MWI" | "MYS" | "MDV" | "MLI" | "MLT" | "MHL" | "MTQ" | "MRT" | "MUS" | "MYT" | "MEX" | "FSM" | "MDA" | "MCO" | "MNG" | "MNE" | "MSR" | "MAR" | "MOZ" | "MMR" | "NAM" | "NRU" | "NPL" | "NLD" | "NCL" | "NZL" | "NIC" | "NER" | "NGA" | "NIU" | "NFK" | "MNP" | "NOR" | "OMN" | "PAK" | "PLW" | "PSE" | "PAN" | "PNG" | "PRY" | "PER" | "PHL" | "PCN" | "POL" | "PRT" | "PRI" | "QAT" | "MKD" | "ROU" | "RUS" | "RWA" | "REU" | "BLM" | "SHN" | "KNA" | "LCA" | "MAF" | "SPM" | "VCT" | "WSM" | "SMR" | "STP" | "SAU" | "SEN" | "SRB" | "SYC" | "SLE" | "SGP" | "SXM" | "SVK" | "SVN" | "SLB" | "SOM" | "ZAF" | "SGS" | "SSD" | "ESP" | "LKA" | "SDN" | "SUR" | "SJM" | "SWE" | "CHE" | "SYR" | "TWN" | "TJK" | "TZA" | "THA" | "TLS" | "TGO" | "TKL" | "TON" | "TTO" | "TUN" | "TUR" | "TKM" | "TCA" | "TUV" | "UGA" | "UKR" | "ARE" | "GBR" | "UMI" | "USA" | "URY" | "UZB" | "VUT" | "VEN" | "VNM" | "VGB" | "VIR" | "WLF" | "ESH" | "YEM" | "ZMB" | "ZWE" | "ALA" | "ANT" | "XKX" | undefined; | ||
base64?: string | undefined; | ||
name?: string | undefined; | ||
mediaType?: "image/jpeg" | "image/jpg" | "image/png" | "application/pdf" | undefined; | ||
county?: string | undefined; | ||
city?: string | undefined; | ||
streetName?: string | undefined; | ||
postalCode?: string | undefined; | ||
}>; | ||
//# sourceMappingURL=ProofOfResidenceCredentialSubjectSchema.d.ts.map |
@@ -16,4 +16,4 @@ import { z } from "zod"; | ||
reviewAnswer: "RED" | "YELLOW" | "GREEN"; | ||
base64: string; | ||
mediaType: "image/jpeg" | "image/jpg" | "image/png" | "application/pdf"; | ||
base64: string; | ||
reviewRejectType?: "FINAL" | "RETRY" | undefined; | ||
reviewAnswer: "RED" | "YELLOW" | "GREEN"; | ||
base64: string; | ||
mediaType: "image/jpeg" | "image/jpg" | "image/png" | "application/pdf"; | ||
base64: string; | ||
reviewRejectType?: "FINAL" | "RETRY" | undefined; | ||
@@ -14,4 +14,4 @@ import { z } from "zod"; | ||
documentType: "Passport" | "Visa" | "Agents_License" | "Driving_License" | "Electoral_Card" | "Foreigner_Identification_Card" | "Health_Card" | "Job_License" | "Membership_Identification_Card" | "Military_Identification_Card" | "National_Identification_Card" | "Proof_of_Age_Card" | "Travel_Permit" | "Weapons_Licence"; | ||
base64: string; | ||
mediaType: "image/jpeg" | "image/jpg" | "image/png"; | ||
base64: string; | ||
}, { | ||
@@ -22,5 +22,5 @@ id: string; | ||
documentType: "Passport" | "Visa" | "Agents_License" | "Driving_License" | "Electoral_Card" | "Foreigner_Identification_Card" | "Health_Card" | "Job_License" | "Membership_Identification_Card" | "Military_Identification_Card" | "National_Identification_Card" | "Proof_of_Age_Card" | "Travel_Permit" | "Weapons_Licence"; | ||
base64: string; | ||
mediaType: "image/jpeg" | "image/jpg" | "image/png"; | ||
base64: string; | ||
}>; | ||
//# sourceMappingURL=OLD_IDImageCredentialSubjectSchema.d.ts.map |
@@ -12,4 +12,4 @@ import { z } from "zod"; | ||
journeyId: string; | ||
base64: string; | ||
mediaType: "image/jpeg" | "image/jpg" | "image/png" | "application/pdf"; | ||
base64: string; | ||
}, { | ||
@@ -19,5 +19,5 @@ id: string; | ||
journeyId: string; | ||
base64: string; | ||
mediaType: "image/jpeg" | "image/jpg" | "image/png" | "application/pdf"; | ||
base64: string; | ||
}>; | ||
//# sourceMappingURL=OLD_SelfieImageCredentialSubjectSchema.d.ts.map |
@@ -1,3 +0,3 @@ | ||
import { W as WorkspaceSettings, R as RiskScoreType, C as CustomerType, O as OnboardingLevel, a as CustomerStatus, I as ISO3CountryCode, S as ScenarioWebhookPayloadSchema, V as VerificationFlowChecksWebhookPayload, b as RuleResultStatus, c as SynapsSessionEvent, d as SynapsStepEvent } from './credential-storage.schema-5273e6b5.esm.js'; | ||
export { gP as ACTIVE_CHAIN_VALUES, bL as AMLMetadata, aZ as ANALYSIS_TYPES, fH as ARRAY_OPERATORS, A as AVAILABLE_FLOWS, gE as ActivityLogAction, gD as ActivityLogActions, dQ as Age, gB as AlertCategories, gC as AlertCategory, gz as AlertSeverities, gA as AlertSeverity, gw as AlertStatus, gv as AlertStatuses, gy as AlertType, gx as AlertTypes, fC as AllCredentialAttributes, fD as AllCredentialValues, gc as AllScenarioExecutionAuthorizationData, au as Alpha2Country, a_ as AnalysisType, fI as ArrayOperator, a8 as AuthQrCodeData, a3 as AuthorizationRequestMessage, a6 as AuthorizationResponseMessage, t as AvailableFlow, b1 as BLOCKCHAIN_TYPES, fN as BOOLEAN_OPERATORS, dl as BaseApplicantActionSchema, c_ as BaseProvider, gu as BasicCustomerContactInformation, cX as BigConfig, bh as BigCryptoChain, bj as BigProperties, bi as BigPropertiesLiteral, bk as BigProperty, d0 as BigProvider, bm as BitRankRequest, bn as BitRankVerified, bp as BitRankVerifiedError, bo as BitRankVerifiedErrorResponse, bq as BitRankVerifiedResponse, b2 as Blockchain, fO as BooleanOperator, gn as BrandingColors, ch as COMPLY_ADVANTAGE_COUNTRY_FIELD_SOURCES, cj as COMPLY_ADVANTAGE_DATE_OF_BIRTH_FIELD_SOURCES, cf as COMPLY_ADVANTAGE_NATIONALITY_FIELD_SOURCES, c8 as COMPLY_ADVANTAGE_RESPONSE_MATCH_STATUS, c5 as COMPLY_ADVANTAGE_RESPONSE_MATCH_TYPE, gQ as ChainId, fr as ChallengeQueryOperator, ft as ChallengeQueryOperatorToOperator, fq as ChallengeQueryOperators, fu as ChallengeQuerySchema, e as CloseScreenNotification, bY as CoerceDateUTC, b3 as Coin, af as ComplianceImplementationStepsInput, cD as ComplyAdvantageAmlFullListing, cC as ComplyAdvantageAmlItemSource, ci as ComplyAdvantageCountryFieldSources, ck as ComplyAdvantageDateOfBirthFieldSources, cB as ComplyAdvantageKeyInformation, cv as ComplyAdvantageMedia, cM as ComplyAdvantageMonitorSearchDataResponse, cO as ComplyAdvantageMonitorSearchResponse, cN as ComplyAdvantageMonitorSearchSuccessResponse, cP as ComplyAdvantageMonitoredSearchUpdate, cg as ComplyAdvantageNationalityFieldSources, d3 as ComplyAdvantageProvider, c9 as ComplyAdvantageReponseMatchStatus, c6 as ComplyAdvantageResponseMatchType, cx as ComplyAdvantageSearchDataResponse, cw as ComplyAdvantageSearchDataResponseHit, cE as ComplyAdvantageSearchEntitiesDataResponse, cG as ComplyAdvantageSearchEntitiesResponse, cF as ComplyAdvantageSearchEntitiesSuccessResponse, cz as ComplyAdvantageSearchErrorResponse, cH as ComplyAdvantageSearchRequest, cA as ComplyAdvantageSearchResponse, cy as ComplyAdvantageSearchSuccessResponse, cJ as ComplyAdvantageUpdateSearchEntitiesRequest, cL as ComplyAdvantageUpdateSearchEntitiesResponse, cK as ComplyAdvantageUpdateSearchEntitiesSuccessResponse, cI as ComplyAdvantageUpdateSearchRequest, ct as ComplyAdvantageUser, dZ as ContactInformation, g9 as CreateAuthRequestProps, e1 as CreateProjectInput, e2 as CreateProjectResponse, d9 as CreateProviderInput, da as CreateProviderResponse, f_ as CreateQueryConfigurationInput, f$ as CreateQueryConfigurationResponse, ej as CreateScenario, fh as CreateScenarioFromTemplateInput, fi as CreateScenarioFromTemplateResponse, ek as CreateScenarioInput, el as CreateScenarioResponse, cl as CreateSearchInput, eH as CreateSmartContractDeployment, eI as CreateSmartContractDeploymentInput, eJ as CreateSmartContractDeploymentResponse, ei as CreateTemplateScenario, f6 as CreateTransaction, f7 as CreateTransactionInput, f8 as CreateTransactionResponse, ga as CreateZKProofRequestProps, aF as CredentialMediaType, aX as CredentialMetadata, az as CredentialNames, a7 as CredentialQrCodeData, ay as CredentialSchemas, aD as CredentialType, aA as CredentialTypes, aW as CustomerContactInformationOutput, a as CustomerStatus, gt as CustomerStatuses, dW as CustomerTableViewOptions, C as CustomerType, gr as CustomerTypes, fP as DATE_OPERATORS, D as DataAvailableOnStart, cS as DataProviderOptions, cT as DataProviders, fQ as DateOperator, e8 as DeleteProjectInput, e9 as DeleteProjectResponse, de as DeleteProviderInput, df as DeleteProviderResponse, g2 as DeleteQueryConfigurationInput, g3 as DeleteQueryConfigurationResponse, es as DeleteScenarioInput, et as DeleteScenarioResponse, eS as DeleteSmartContractDeploymentInput, eT as DeleteSmartContractDeploymentResponse, ff as DeleteTransactionInput, fg as DeleteTransactionResponse, bE as DocumentIdMetadata, bD as DocumentIdType, bC as DocumentIdTypes, dP as DocumentType, gL as DownloadableKycSchema, bK as EmailMetadata, bc as EmailVerificationAnalysisResponse, gI as EncryptedKycKey, gJ as EncryptedVerifiableCredentialDataSchema, gK as EncryptedVerifiableCredentialSchema, eX as EntrypointDeploymentInput, eY as EntrypointDeploymentResponse, fw as ExecuteChallengeQueryConfig, fv as ExecuteChallengeQueryInput, fy as ExecuteChallengeQueryResponse, ex as ExecuteScenarioConfig, bB as File, gF as GenericJsonSchema, at as GenericVerifiableCredentialSchema, aV as GetCredentialsOutput, G as GetCredentialsRequest, y as GetCredentialsResponse, aP as GetKycSessionInput, aQ as GetKycSessionResponse, aY as GetKycSessionResponseWithCredentialsMetadata, ea as GetMediaInput, eb as GetMediaResponse, gk as GetOrganizationResponse, e5 as GetProjectInput, e6 as GetProjectResponse, eL as GetProjectSmartContractDeploymentsInput, e3 as GetProjectsInput, e4 as GetProjectsResponse, d8 as GetProviderResponse, d7 as GetProvidersResponse, eo as GetScenarioInput, ep as GetScenarioResponse, eK as GetScenarioSmartContractDeploymentsInput, em as GetScenariosInput, en as GetScenariosResponse, eO as GetSmartContractDeploymentByAddressInput, eN as GetSmartContractDeploymentInput, eP as GetSmartContractDeploymentResponse, eM as GetSmartContractDeploymentsResponse, fb as GetTransactionInput, fc as GetTransactionResponse, f9 as GetTransactionsInput, fa as GetTransactionsResponse, fp as GetTxAuthDataSignatureResponse, N as GetTxAuthSigRequest, Q as GetTxAuthSigResponse, c3 as HIGH_RISK_TYPES, eU as HandleEnableScenarioInput, Y as HostMessage, U as HostRequestMessage, H as HostResponseMessage, ag as ID3CredentialSubjectSchema, aq as IDImageCredentialSubjectSchema, fU as IDInformation, ap as IDInformationCredentialSubjectSchema, ah as IDScanCredentialSubjectSchema, ai as IDScanPassportCredentialSubjectSchema, aj as IDScanSelfieCredentialSubjectSchema, I as ISO3CountryCode, d_ as IdentityDocumentsType, Z as IdentityMessage, o as IdentityNotificationMessage, cQ as IdentityProviderOptions, cR as IdentityProviders, s as IdentityRequestMessage, X as IdentityResponseMessage, ae as ImageUploadResponseSchema, p as InitialDataRequest, u as InitialDataResponse, ba as IpQualityAnalysisRequest, bb as IpQualityAnalysisResponse, cW as IpQualityConfig, be as IpQualityServiceAnalysis, bg as IpQualityServiceAnalysisResponse, bf as IpQualityServiceErrorResponse, d2 as IpqualityscoreProvider, l as IsVerifiedNotification, L as IsVerifiedRequest, M as IsVerifiedResponse, aJ as KYC_RESULTS, aL as KYC_SESSION_STATUSES, aH as KYC_STEP_TYPES, K as KycCompletionData, f as KycCompletionNotification, aK as KycResult, aM as KycSessionStatus, aR as KycSessionStepInput, aI as KycStepType, fl as ListScenarioTemplateInput, fn as ListScenarioTemplatesResponse, bI as LivenessMetadata, ac as MAX_MEDIA_FILE_SIZE, c4 as MEDIUM_RISK_TYPES, cn as MatchStatus, cm as MatchStatuses, cu as MatchTypeDetail, dX as Media, ad as MediaDataSchema, a0 as MediaType, a1 as MediaTypePID, cU as MergedProviders, cs as MonitorSearchInput, gM as NEXERA_CHAINS, gN as NEXERA_CHAIN_NAMES, gO as NEXERA_CHAIN_VALUES, fL as NUMERIC_OPERATORS, bu as NestedSession, aB as NexeraCredentialType, c$ as NexeraIdSSIDProvider, gH as NoteMapObjectType, gG as NoteMapObjectTypes, fM as NumericOperator, a$ as OBJECT_TYPES, ao as OLD_AMLScreeningsResultsCredentialSubjectSchema, ak as OLD_IDImageCredentialSubjectSchema, al as OLD_IDInformationCredentialSubjectSchema, am as OLD_ProofOfResidenceCredentialSubjectSchema, an as OLD_SelfieImageCredentialSubjectSchema, fz as OPAChallengeQuery, b0 as ObjectType, m as OcvSdkInitialized, h as OffChainScenarioExecutionData, g8 as OffChainZKP, fB as OffChainZKPRuleResult, fA as OnChainRuleResult, i as OnChainScenarioExecutionData, ge as OnChainZKP, gf as OnChainZKPFromNexeraID, gh as OnChainZKPPayload, gg as OnChainZKPScenarioFromCms, O as OnboardingLevel, gs as OnboardingLevels, fx as OpaChallengeQueryResponse, fE as Operator, fs as OperatorToChallengeQueryOperator, gj as OrganizationData, gi as OrganizationMember, gR as POLYGON_NETWORK_NAMES, fX as PartialQueryConfigSimplified, dR as PersonalData, bJ as PhoneMetadata, bd as PhoneVerificationAnalysisResponse, P as PolygonIdInitialized, B as PolygonIdRequest, z as PolygonIdRequestData, F as PolygonIdResponse, E as PolygonIdResponseData, gS as PolygonNetworkNames, gd as ProjectAuthorizationData, d$ as ProjectBranding, e0 as ProjectData, a4 as ProofData, bG as ProofOfAddressDocumentType, bF as ProofOfAddressDocumentTypes, bH as ProofOfAddressMetadata, as as ProofOfResidenceCredentialSubjectSchema, aU as ProofOfResidenceDocumentType, aT as ProofOfResidenceMetaData, dY as ProofOfResidenceType, d5 as ProviderData, d6 as ProviderDataProject, cZ as ProviderType, cY as ProviderTypeOptions, a9 as QrCodeLinkWithSchemaType, fV as QueryConfig, fW as QueryConfigSimplified, fY as QueryConfigSimplifiedParsed, fZ as QueryConfiguration, g5 as QueryCredentialType, g4 as QueryCredentialTypes, bR as RESULT_PARSER_ERROR, bA as ReasonCode, bz as ReasonCodes, bl as RequestProperty, _ as RequiredDataRowSchema, $ as RequiredVerificationData, cp as RiskLevel, co as RiskLevels, R as RiskScoreType, gq as RiskScoreTypes, b4 as RiskSeverity, eu as RuleEngineResponse, g as RuleEngineScenarioExecutionData, b as RuleResultStatus, eA as RuleResultStatusLabels, ey as RuleResultStatuses, fj as SCENARIO_TEMPLATE_TYPES, c1 as SEARCH_FILTER_ADVERSE_MEDIA_TYPE, b$ as SEARCH_FILTER_PEP_TYPE, bZ as SEARCH_FILTER_SANCTION_TYPE, ca as SEARCH_FILTER_TYPES, bP as SESSION_NOT_FOUND, bV as STEP_NOT_FOUND, fJ as STRING_OPERATORS, di as SUMSUB_APPLICANT_LEVEL_NAMES, dp as SUMSUB_APPLICANT_TYPES, dz as SUMSUB_DOC_TYPES, dI as SUMSUB_MEDIA_CONTENT_TYPES, dr as SUMSUB_REVIEW_ANSWERS, dM as SUMSUB_REVIEW_REJECT_LABELS, dO as SUMSUB_REVIEW_REJECT_LABELS_DESCRIPTION, dt as SUMSUB_REVIEW_REJECT_TYPES, dx as SUMSUB_REVIEW_STATUSES, dm as SUMSUB_STEPS, fR as SUPPORTED_TYPES, eg as Scenario, gb as ScenarioAuthorizationData, eV as ScenarioDeploymentInput, eW as ScenarioDeploymentResponse, j as ScenarioExecutionData, ew as ScenarioExecutionInput, k as ScenarioExecutionNotification, ev as ScenarioExecutionResponse, ef as ScenarioStatus, ee as ScenarioStatuses, fm as ScenarioTemplate, fk as ScenarioTemplateType, ed as ScenarioType, ec as ScenarioTypes, S as ScenarioWebhookPayloadSchema, b7 as ScorechainAnalysis, cV as ScorechainConfig, b6 as ScorechainError, b5 as ScorechainErrorResponse, d1 as ScorechainProvider, b9 as ScoringAnalysisRequest, b8 as ScoringAnalysisResponse, ez as SdkVerificationResponseSchema, cd as SearchEntityType, cc as SearchEntityTypes, c2 as SearchFilterAdverseMediaType, c0 as SearchFilterPepType, b_ as SearchFilterSanctionType, cb as SearchFilterType, ce as SearchFilters, aN as SelectKycSession, aO as SelectKycSessionStep, ar as SelfieImageCredentialSubjectSchema, r as SendTransactionRequest, bv as Session, bw as SessionWithoutSteps, dS as SignablePersonalData, q as SignatureRequest, v as SignatureResponse, x as SimplifiedCredential, eG as SmartContractDeployment, eD as SmartContractName, eC as SmartContractNames, eF as SmartContractStatus, eE as SmartContractStatuses, n as StartCompletedNotification, J as StartFlowRequest, bs as Status, br as Statuses, bM as Step, by as StepType, bx as StepTypes, fK as StringOperator, dv as SumSubAddress, dw as SumSubApplicantInfo, dj as SumSubApplicantLevelName, dH as SumSubApplicantModerationStatusSchema, dL as SumSubApplicantResetSchema, dK as SumSubApplicantReviewStatusSchema, dD as SumSubApplicantSchema, dq as SumSubApplicantType, dG as SumSubApplicantVerificationStepSchema, dA as SumSubDocType, dE as SumSubImageId, dC as SumSubImageReviewResultSchema, dJ as SumSubMediaContentType, ds as SumSubReviewAnswer, dN as SumSubReviewRejectLabel, du as SumSubReviewRejectType, dB as SumSubReviewResultSchema, dy as SumSubReviewStatus, dn as SumSubStep, dF as SumSubVerificationStepSchema, dk as SumSubWebhookSchema, fS as SupportedType, fT as SupportedTypes, d4 as SynapsProvider, bS as SynapsSessionErrorResponse, c as SynapsSessionEvent, bO as SynapsSessionRequest, bT as SynapsSessionResponse, bW as SynapsStepErrorResponse, d as SynapsStepEvent, bU as SynapsStepRequest, bX as SynapsStepResponse, eh as TemplateScenario, dd as ToggleProviderInput, f5 as Transaction, T as TransactionData, f2 as TransactionName, f1 as TransactionNames, w as TransactionResponse, f4 as TransactionStatus, f3 as TransactionStatuses, fo as TxAuthInput, bQ as UNKNOWN_ERROR, aS as UpdateKycSessionOutput, gl as UpdateOrganizationInput, gm as UpdateOrganizationResponse, e7 as UpdateProjectInput, db as UpdateProviderInput, dc as UpdateProviderResponse, g0 as UpdateQueryConfigurationInput, g1 as UpdateQueryConfigurationResponse, eq as UpdateScenarioInput, er as UpdateScenarioResponse, cr as UpdateSearchEntitiesInput, cq as UpdateSearchInput, eQ as UpdateSmartContractDeploymentInput, eR as UpdateSmartContractDeploymentResponse, fd as UpdateTransactionInput, fe as UpdateTransactionResponse, aE as VerifiableCredential, V as VerificationFlowChecksWebhookPayload, dg as WEBHOOK_TYPES, bt as WebhookPayload, dh as WebhookType, go as WidgetBrandingSchema, W as WorkspaceSettings, dV as YYYYMMDDIntegerToDate, fF as ZKPOperator, g6 as ZKPRequest, g7 as ZKPRequestFromZKVerifier, a2 as ZeroKnowledgeProofRequest, a5 as ZeroKnowledgeProofResponse, ax as cleanObject, aw as countryISO3toISO2Mapping, dU as dateToYYYYMMDDInteger, gp as getAvailableFields, aC as getCredentialName, aG as getCredentialSchemaLocation, eZ as getLatestDeployment, f0 as getLatestDeploymentForScenario, e$ as getLatestEntrypointDeployment, e_ as getLatestTransactionFromDeployment, eB as getScenarioStatus, av as isoCountriesNameFromISO2, c7 as mappingMatchTypeToLabel, fG as operatorDisplayMap, aa as parseIden3Message, ab as parseSessionIdFromUrl, dT as stringToUint8Array, bN as typeToHumanReadable } from './credential-storage.schema-5273e6b5.esm.js'; | ||
import { W as WorkspaceSettings, R as RiskScoreType, C as CustomerType, O as OnboardingLevel, a as CustomerStatus, I as ISO3CountryCode, S as ScenarioWebhookPayloadSchema, V as VerificationFlowChecksWebhookPayload, b as RuleResultStatus, c as SynapsSessionEvent, d as SynapsStepEvent } from './credential-storage.schema-eb36bbf1.esm.js'; | ||
export { gP as ACTIVE_CHAIN_VALUES, bL as AMLMetadata, aZ as ANALYSIS_TYPES, fH as ARRAY_OPERATORS, A as AVAILABLE_FLOWS, gE as ActivityLogAction, gD as ActivityLogActions, dQ as Age, gB as AlertCategories, gC as AlertCategory, gz as AlertSeverities, gA as AlertSeverity, gw as AlertStatus, gv as AlertStatuses, gy as AlertType, gx as AlertTypes, fC as AllCredentialAttributes, fD as AllCredentialValues, gc as AllScenarioExecutionAuthorizationData, au as Alpha2Country, a_ as AnalysisType, fI as ArrayOperator, a8 as AuthQrCodeData, a3 as AuthorizationRequestMessage, a6 as AuthorizationResponseMessage, t as AvailableFlow, b1 as BLOCKCHAIN_TYPES, fN as BOOLEAN_OPERATORS, dl as BaseApplicantActionSchema, c_ as BaseProvider, gu as BasicCustomerContactInformation, cX as BigConfig, bh as BigCryptoChain, bj as BigProperties, bi as BigPropertiesLiteral, bk as BigProperty, d0 as BigProvider, bm as BitRankRequest, bn as BitRankVerified, bp as BitRankVerifiedError, bo as BitRankVerifiedErrorResponse, bq as BitRankVerifiedResponse, b2 as Blockchain, fO as BooleanOperator, gn as BrandingColors, ch as COMPLY_ADVANTAGE_COUNTRY_FIELD_SOURCES, cj as COMPLY_ADVANTAGE_DATE_OF_BIRTH_FIELD_SOURCES, cf as COMPLY_ADVANTAGE_NATIONALITY_FIELD_SOURCES, c8 as COMPLY_ADVANTAGE_RESPONSE_MATCH_STATUS, c5 as COMPLY_ADVANTAGE_RESPONSE_MATCH_TYPE, gQ as ChainId, fr as ChallengeQueryOperator, ft as ChallengeQueryOperatorToOperator, fq as ChallengeQueryOperators, fu as ChallengeQuerySchema, e as CloseScreenNotification, bY as CoerceDateUTC, b3 as Coin, af as ComplianceImplementationStepsInput, cD as ComplyAdvantageAmlFullListing, cC as ComplyAdvantageAmlItemSource, ci as ComplyAdvantageCountryFieldSources, ck as ComplyAdvantageDateOfBirthFieldSources, cB as ComplyAdvantageKeyInformation, cv as ComplyAdvantageMedia, cM as ComplyAdvantageMonitorSearchDataResponse, cO as ComplyAdvantageMonitorSearchResponse, cN as ComplyAdvantageMonitorSearchSuccessResponse, cP as ComplyAdvantageMonitoredSearchUpdate, cg as ComplyAdvantageNationalityFieldSources, d3 as ComplyAdvantageProvider, c9 as ComplyAdvantageReponseMatchStatus, c6 as ComplyAdvantageResponseMatchType, cx as ComplyAdvantageSearchDataResponse, cw as ComplyAdvantageSearchDataResponseHit, cE as ComplyAdvantageSearchEntitiesDataResponse, cG as ComplyAdvantageSearchEntitiesResponse, cF as ComplyAdvantageSearchEntitiesSuccessResponse, cz as ComplyAdvantageSearchErrorResponse, cH as ComplyAdvantageSearchRequest, cA as ComplyAdvantageSearchResponse, cy as ComplyAdvantageSearchSuccessResponse, cJ as ComplyAdvantageUpdateSearchEntitiesRequest, cL as ComplyAdvantageUpdateSearchEntitiesResponse, cK as ComplyAdvantageUpdateSearchEntitiesSuccessResponse, cI as ComplyAdvantageUpdateSearchRequest, ct as ComplyAdvantageUser, dZ as ContactInformation, g9 as CreateAuthRequestProps, e1 as CreateProjectInput, e2 as CreateProjectResponse, d9 as CreateProviderInput, da as CreateProviderResponse, f_ as CreateQueryConfigurationInput, f$ as CreateQueryConfigurationResponse, ej as CreateScenario, fh as CreateScenarioFromTemplateInput, fi as CreateScenarioFromTemplateResponse, ek as CreateScenarioInput, el as CreateScenarioResponse, cl as CreateSearchInput, eH as CreateSmartContractDeployment, eI as CreateSmartContractDeploymentInput, eJ as CreateSmartContractDeploymentResponse, ei as CreateTemplateScenario, f6 as CreateTransaction, f7 as CreateTransactionInput, f8 as CreateTransactionResponse, ga as CreateZKProofRequestProps, aF as CredentialMediaType, aX as CredentialMetadata, az as CredentialNames, a7 as CredentialQrCodeData, ay as CredentialSchemas, aD as CredentialType, aA as CredentialTypes, aW as CustomerContactInformationOutput, a as CustomerStatus, gt as CustomerStatuses, dW as CustomerTableViewOptions, C as CustomerType, gr as CustomerTypes, fP as DATE_OPERATORS, D as DataAvailableOnStart, cS as DataProviderOptions, cT as DataProviders, fQ as DateOperator, e8 as DeleteProjectInput, e9 as DeleteProjectResponse, de as DeleteProviderInput, df as DeleteProviderResponse, g2 as DeleteQueryConfigurationInput, g3 as DeleteQueryConfigurationResponse, es as DeleteScenarioInput, et as DeleteScenarioResponse, eS as DeleteSmartContractDeploymentInput, eT as DeleteSmartContractDeploymentResponse, ff as DeleteTransactionInput, fg as DeleteTransactionResponse, bE as DocumentIdMetadata, bD as DocumentIdType, bC as DocumentIdTypes, dP as DocumentType, gL as DownloadableKycSchema, bK as EmailMetadata, bc as EmailVerificationAnalysisResponse, gI as EncryptedKycKey, gJ as EncryptedVerifiableCredentialDataSchema, gK as EncryptedVerifiableCredentialSchema, eX as EntrypointDeploymentInput, eY as EntrypointDeploymentResponse, fw as ExecuteChallengeQueryConfig, fv as ExecuteChallengeQueryInput, fy as ExecuteChallengeQueryResponse, ex as ExecuteScenarioConfig, bB as File, gF as GenericJsonSchema, at as GenericVerifiableCredentialSchema, aV as GetCredentialsOutput, G as GetCredentialsRequest, y as GetCredentialsResponse, aP as GetKycSessionInput, aQ as GetKycSessionResponse, aY as GetKycSessionResponseWithCredentialsMetadata, ea as GetMediaInput, eb as GetMediaResponse, gk as GetOrganizationResponse, e5 as GetProjectInput, e6 as GetProjectResponse, eL as GetProjectSmartContractDeploymentsInput, e3 as GetProjectsInput, e4 as GetProjectsResponse, d8 as GetProviderResponse, d7 as GetProvidersResponse, eo as GetScenarioInput, ep as GetScenarioResponse, eK as GetScenarioSmartContractDeploymentsInput, em as GetScenariosInput, en as GetScenariosResponse, eO as GetSmartContractDeploymentByAddressInput, eN as GetSmartContractDeploymentInput, eP as GetSmartContractDeploymentResponse, eM as GetSmartContractDeploymentsResponse, fb as GetTransactionInput, fc as GetTransactionResponse, f9 as GetTransactionsInput, fa as GetTransactionsResponse, fp as GetTxAuthDataSignatureResponse, N as GetTxAuthSigRequest, Q as GetTxAuthSigResponse, c3 as HIGH_RISK_TYPES, eU as HandleEnableScenarioInput, Y as HostMessage, U as HostRequestMessage, H as HostResponseMessage, ag as ID3CredentialSubjectSchema, aq as IDImageCredentialSubjectSchema, fU as IDInformation, ap as IDInformationCredentialSubjectSchema, ah as IDScanCredentialSubjectSchema, ai as IDScanPassportCredentialSubjectSchema, aj as IDScanSelfieCredentialSubjectSchema, I as ISO3CountryCode, d_ as IdentityDocumentsType, Z as IdentityMessage, o as IdentityNotificationMessage, cQ as IdentityProviderOptions, cR as IdentityProviders, s as IdentityRequestMessage, X as IdentityResponseMessage, ae as ImageUploadResponseSchema, p as InitialDataRequest, u as InitialDataResponse, ba as IpQualityAnalysisRequest, bb as IpQualityAnalysisResponse, cW as IpQualityConfig, be as IpQualityServiceAnalysis, bg as IpQualityServiceAnalysisResponse, bf as IpQualityServiceErrorResponse, d2 as IpqualityscoreProvider, l as IsVerifiedNotification, L as IsVerifiedRequest, M as IsVerifiedResponse, aJ as KYC_RESULTS, aL as KYC_SESSION_STATUSES, aH as KYC_STEP_TYPES, K as KycCompletionData, f as KycCompletionNotification, aK as KycResult, aM as KycSessionStatus, aR as KycSessionStepInput, aI as KycStepType, fl as ListScenarioTemplateInput, fn as ListScenarioTemplatesResponse, bI as LivenessMetadata, ac as MAX_MEDIA_FILE_SIZE, c4 as MEDIUM_RISK_TYPES, cn as MatchStatus, cm as MatchStatuses, cu as MatchTypeDetail, dX as Media, ad as MediaDataSchema, a0 as MediaType, a1 as MediaTypePID, cU as MergedProviders, cs as MonitorSearchInput, gM as NEXERA_CHAINS, gN as NEXERA_CHAIN_NAMES, gO as NEXERA_CHAIN_VALUES, fL as NUMERIC_OPERATORS, bu as NestedSession, aB as NexeraCredentialType, c$ as NexeraIdSSIDProvider, gH as NoteMapObjectType, gG as NoteMapObjectTypes, fM as NumericOperator, a$ as OBJECT_TYPES, ao as OLD_AMLScreeningsResultsCredentialSubjectSchema, ak as OLD_IDImageCredentialSubjectSchema, al as OLD_IDInformationCredentialSubjectSchema, am as OLD_ProofOfResidenceCredentialSubjectSchema, an as OLD_SelfieImageCredentialSubjectSchema, fz as OPAChallengeQuery, b0 as ObjectType, m as OcvSdkInitialized, h as OffChainScenarioExecutionData, g8 as OffChainZKP, fB as OffChainZKPRuleResult, fA as OnChainRuleResult, i as OnChainScenarioExecutionData, ge as OnChainZKP, gf as OnChainZKPFromNexeraID, gh as OnChainZKPPayload, gg as OnChainZKPScenarioFromCms, O as OnboardingLevel, gs as OnboardingLevels, fx as OpaChallengeQueryResponse, fE as Operator, fs as OperatorToChallengeQueryOperator, gj as OrganizationData, gi as OrganizationMember, gR as POLYGON_NETWORK_NAMES, fX as PartialQueryConfigSimplified, dR as PersonalData, bJ as PhoneMetadata, bd as PhoneVerificationAnalysisResponse, P as PolygonIdInitialized, B as PolygonIdRequest, z as PolygonIdRequestData, F as PolygonIdResponse, E as PolygonIdResponseData, gS as PolygonNetworkNames, gd as ProjectAuthorizationData, d$ as ProjectBranding, e0 as ProjectData, a4 as ProofData, bG as ProofOfAddressDocumentType, bF as ProofOfAddressDocumentTypes, bH as ProofOfAddressMetadata, as as ProofOfResidenceCredentialSubjectSchema, aU as ProofOfResidenceDocumentType, aT as ProofOfResidenceMetaData, dY as ProofOfResidenceType, d5 as ProviderData, d6 as ProviderDataProject, cZ as ProviderType, cY as ProviderTypeOptions, a9 as QrCodeLinkWithSchemaType, fV as QueryConfig, fW as QueryConfigSimplified, fY as QueryConfigSimplifiedParsed, fZ as QueryConfiguration, g5 as QueryCredentialType, g4 as QueryCredentialTypes, bR as RESULT_PARSER_ERROR, bA as ReasonCode, bz as ReasonCodes, bl as RequestProperty, _ as RequiredDataRowSchema, $ as RequiredVerificationData, cp as RiskLevel, co as RiskLevels, R as RiskScoreType, gq as RiskScoreTypes, b4 as RiskSeverity, eu as RuleEngineResponse, g as RuleEngineScenarioExecutionData, b as RuleResultStatus, eA as RuleResultStatusLabels, ey as RuleResultStatuses, fj as SCENARIO_TEMPLATE_TYPES, c1 as SEARCH_FILTER_ADVERSE_MEDIA_TYPE, b$ as SEARCH_FILTER_PEP_TYPE, bZ as SEARCH_FILTER_SANCTION_TYPE, ca as SEARCH_FILTER_TYPES, bP as SESSION_NOT_FOUND, bV as STEP_NOT_FOUND, fJ as STRING_OPERATORS, di as SUMSUB_APPLICANT_LEVEL_NAMES, dp as SUMSUB_APPLICANT_TYPES, dz as SUMSUB_DOC_TYPES, dI as SUMSUB_MEDIA_CONTENT_TYPES, dr as SUMSUB_REVIEW_ANSWERS, dM as SUMSUB_REVIEW_REJECT_LABELS, dO as SUMSUB_REVIEW_REJECT_LABELS_DESCRIPTION, dt as SUMSUB_REVIEW_REJECT_TYPES, dx as SUMSUB_REVIEW_STATUSES, dm as SUMSUB_STEPS, fR as SUPPORTED_TYPES, eg as Scenario, gb as ScenarioAuthorizationData, eV as ScenarioDeploymentInput, eW as ScenarioDeploymentResponse, j as ScenarioExecutionData, ew as ScenarioExecutionInput, k as ScenarioExecutionNotification, ev as ScenarioExecutionResponse, ef as ScenarioStatus, ee as ScenarioStatuses, fm as ScenarioTemplate, fk as ScenarioTemplateType, ed as ScenarioType, ec as ScenarioTypes, S as ScenarioWebhookPayloadSchema, b7 as ScorechainAnalysis, cV as ScorechainConfig, b6 as ScorechainError, b5 as ScorechainErrorResponse, d1 as ScorechainProvider, b9 as ScoringAnalysisRequest, b8 as ScoringAnalysisResponse, ez as SdkVerificationResponseSchema, cd as SearchEntityType, cc as SearchEntityTypes, c2 as SearchFilterAdverseMediaType, c0 as SearchFilterPepType, b_ as SearchFilterSanctionType, cb as SearchFilterType, ce as SearchFilters, aN as SelectKycSession, aO as SelectKycSessionStep, ar as SelfieImageCredentialSubjectSchema, r as SendTransactionRequest, bv as Session, bw as SessionWithoutSteps, dS as SignablePersonalData, q as SignatureRequest, v as SignatureResponse, x as SimplifiedCredential, eG as SmartContractDeployment, eD as SmartContractName, eC as SmartContractNames, eF as SmartContractStatus, eE as SmartContractStatuses, n as StartCompletedNotification, J as StartFlowRequest, bs as Status, br as Statuses, bM as Step, by as StepType, bx as StepTypes, fK as StringOperator, dv as SumSubAddress, dw as SumSubApplicantInfo, dj as SumSubApplicantLevelName, dH as SumSubApplicantModerationStatusSchema, dL as SumSubApplicantResetSchema, dK as SumSubApplicantReviewStatusSchema, dD as SumSubApplicantSchema, dq as SumSubApplicantType, dG as SumSubApplicantVerificationStepSchema, dA as SumSubDocType, dE as SumSubImageId, dC as SumSubImageReviewResultSchema, dJ as SumSubMediaContentType, ds as SumSubReviewAnswer, dN as SumSubReviewRejectLabel, du as SumSubReviewRejectType, dB as SumSubReviewResultSchema, dy as SumSubReviewStatus, dn as SumSubStep, dF as SumSubVerificationStepSchema, dk as SumSubWebhookSchema, fS as SupportedType, fT as SupportedTypes, d4 as SynapsProvider, bS as SynapsSessionErrorResponse, c as SynapsSessionEvent, bO as SynapsSessionRequest, bT as SynapsSessionResponse, bW as SynapsStepErrorResponse, d as SynapsStepEvent, bU as SynapsStepRequest, bX as SynapsStepResponse, eh as TemplateScenario, dd as ToggleProviderInput, f5 as Transaction, T as TransactionData, f2 as TransactionName, f1 as TransactionNames, w as TransactionResponse, f4 as TransactionStatus, f3 as TransactionStatuses, fo as TxAuthInput, bQ as UNKNOWN_ERROR, aS as UpdateKycSessionOutput, gl as UpdateOrganizationInput, gm as UpdateOrganizationResponse, e7 as UpdateProjectInput, db as UpdateProviderInput, dc as UpdateProviderResponse, g0 as UpdateQueryConfigurationInput, g1 as UpdateQueryConfigurationResponse, eq as UpdateScenarioInput, er as UpdateScenarioResponse, cr as UpdateSearchEntitiesInput, cq as UpdateSearchInput, eQ as UpdateSmartContractDeploymentInput, eR as UpdateSmartContractDeploymentResponse, fd as UpdateTransactionInput, fe as UpdateTransactionResponse, aE as VerifiableCredential, V as VerificationFlowChecksWebhookPayload, dg as WEBHOOK_TYPES, bt as WebhookPayload, dh as WebhookType, go as WidgetBrandingSchema, W as WorkspaceSettings, dV as YYYYMMDDIntegerToDate, fF as ZKPOperator, g6 as ZKPRequest, g7 as ZKPRequestFromZKVerifier, a2 as ZeroKnowledgeProofRequest, a5 as ZeroKnowledgeProofResponse, ax as cleanObject, aw as countryISO3toISO2Mapping, dU as dateToYYYYMMDDInteger, gp as getAvailableFields, aC as getCredentialName, aG as getCredentialSchemaLocation, eZ as getLatestDeployment, f0 as getLatestDeploymentForScenario, e$ as getLatestEntrypointDeployment, e_ as getLatestTransactionFromDeployment, eB as getScenarioStatus, av as isoCountriesNameFromISO2, c7 as mappingMatchTypeToLabel, fG as operatorDisplayMap, aa as parseIden3Message, ab as parseSessionIdFromUrl, dT as stringToUint8Array, bN as typeToHumanReadable } from './credential-storage.schema-eb36bbf1.esm.js'; | ||
import { U as UuidString, E as EnvironmentSchema, A as AddressSchema, S as Signature } from './api.schema-3f5ee782.esm.js'; | ||
@@ -4,0 +4,0 @@ export { A as AddressSchema, p as ApiSessionData, r as AuthorizationConfig, l as ENVS, E as EnvironmentSchema, F as FunctionCallData, I as IDENTITY_DOCUMENT_COUNTRY_LIST_OPTIONS, c as IDENTITY_DOCUMENT_OPTIONS, f as Identifier, b as IdentityDocumentCountryListOption, d as IdentityDocumentOptionsType, g as IdentityWidgetAccessToken, L as LOCAL_ENVS, m as LocalEnvironmentSchema, M as MNftId, o as MemberCmsJWT, N as NexeraIdSSIDConfig, P as PERSONAL_INFORMATION_FIELDS, e as PersonalInformationFieldsIdentityDocuments, h as PrivateKey, q as RequestLogger, R as RequestType, S as Signature, j as Subgraphs, T as TxHash, U as UuidString, a as VerificationMode, V as VerificationModes, W as WorkspaceSessionData, Z as ZodParse, k as coerceBoolean, n as getDashboardUrl, i as isValidAddress, s as short0xString } from './api.schema-3f5ee782.esm.js'; |
{ | ||
"name": "@nexeraprotocol/nexera-id-schemas", | ||
"version": "1.10.102", | ||
"version": "1.10.103", | ||
"description": "", | ||
@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "main": "dist/nexeraprotocol-nexera-id-schemas.cjs.js", |
{ | ||
"name": "@nexeraprotocol/nexera-id-schemas", | ||
"version": "1.10.102-dev", | ||
"version": "1.10.103-dev", | ||
"description": "", | ||
@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "main": "dist/nexeraprotocol-nexera-id-schemas.cjs.js", |
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