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@nexeraprotocol/nexera-id-schemas - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.10.85-dev to 1.10.86-dev



import 'zod';
export { u as ApiSessionData, w as AuthorizationConfig, C as CmsSessionData, t as MemberCmsJWT, v as RequestLogger, R as RequestType } from '../../dist/api.schema-f38a5dcb.esm.js';
export { u as ApiSessionData, w as AuthorizationConfig, C as CmsSessionData, t as MemberCmsJWT, v as RequestLogger, R as RequestType } from '../../dist/api.schema-35f6057f.esm.js';

@@ -1,3 +0,3 @@

export { bW as AMLMetadata, fE as AMLScreeningsResults, ak as AMLScreeningsResultsCredentialSubjectSchema, b8 as ANALYSIS_TYPES, fr as ARRAY_OPERATORS, r as AVAILABLE_FLOWS, gp as ActivityLogAction, go as ActivityLogActions, du as Age, gm as AlertCategories, gn as AlertCategory, gk as AlertSeverities, gl as AlertSeverity, gh as AlertStatus, gg as AlertStatuses, gj as AlertType, gi as AlertTypes, aU as AliasesSchema, fm as AllCredentialAttributes, fn as AllCredentialValues, fX as AllScenarioExecutionAuthorizationData, au as Alpha2Country, A as Alpha3Country, dv as AmendmentsData, b9 as AnalysisType, fs as ArrayOperator, ac as AuthQrCodeData, aL as AuthenticateSPResultSchema, a7 as AuthorizationRequestMessage, aa as AuthorizationResponseMessage, s as AvailableFlow, bc as BLOCKCHAIN_TYPES, fx as BOOLEAN_OPERATORS, d9 as BaseProvider, gf as BasicCustomerContactInformation, d6 as BigConfig, bs as BigCryptoChain, bu as BigProperties, bt as BigPropertiesLiteral, bv as BigProperty, db as BigProvider, bx as BitRankRequest, by as BitRankVerified, bA as BitRankVerifiedError, bz as BitRankVerifiedErrorResponse, bB as BitRankVerifiedResponse, bd as Blockchain, fy as BooleanOperator, cs as COMPLY_ADVANTAGE_COUNTRY_FIELD_SOURCES, cu as COMPLY_ADVANTAGE_DATE_OF_BIRTH_FIELD_SOURCES, cq as COMPLY_ADVANTAGE_NATIONALITY_FIELD_SOURCES, cj as COMPLY_ADVANTAGE_RESPONSE_MATCH_STATUS, cg as COMPLY_ADVANTAGE_RESPONSE_MATCH_TYPE, b5 as CREATE_JOURNEY_ROUTER_STATUSES, fb as ChallengeQueryOperator, fd as ChallengeQueryOperatorToOperator, fa as ChallengeQueryOperators, fe as ChallengeQuerySchema, d as CloseScreenNotification, c7 as CoerceDateUTC, be as Coin, b1 as CompleteGBGJourneyInput, b2 as CompleteGBGJourneyOutput, aj as ComplianceImplementationStepsInput, cO as ComplyAdvantageAmlFullListing, cN as ComplyAdvantageAmlItemSource, ct as ComplyAdvantageCountryFieldSources, cv as ComplyAdvantageDateOfBirthFieldSources, cM as ComplyAdvantageKeyInformation, cG as ComplyAdvantageMedia, cX as ComplyAdvantageMonitorSearchDataResponse, cZ as ComplyAdvantageMonitorSearchResponse, cY as ComplyAdvantageMonitorSearchSuccessResponse, c_ as ComplyAdvantageMonitoredSearchUpdate, cr as ComplyAdvantageNationalityFieldSources, de as ComplyAdvantageProvider, ck as ComplyAdvantageReponseMatchStatus, ch as ComplyAdvantageResponseMatchType, cI as ComplyAdvantageSearchDataResponse, cH as ComplyAdvantageSearchDataResponseHit, cP as ComplyAdvantageSearchEntitiesDataResponse, cR as ComplyAdvantageSearchEntitiesResponse, cQ as ComplyAdvantageSearchEntitiesSuccessResponse, cK as ComplyAdvantageSearchErrorResponse, cS as ComplyAdvantageSearchRequest, cL as ComplyAdvantageSearchResponse, cJ as ComplyAdvantageSearchSuccessResponse, cU as ComplyAdvantageUpdateSearchEntitiesRequest, cW as ComplyAdvantageUpdateSearchEntitiesResponse, cV as ComplyAdvantageUpdateSearchEntitiesSuccessResponse, cT as ComplyAdvantageUpdateSearchRequest, cE as ComplyAdvantageUser, dF as ContactInformation, fU as CreateAuthRequestProps, b7 as CreateJourneyOutput, b6 as CreateJourneyRouterStatus, dJ as CreateProjectInput, dK as CreateProjectResponse, dk as CreateProviderInput, dl as CreateProviderResponse, fL as CreateQueryConfigurationInput, fM as CreateQueryConfigurationResponse, d$ as CreateScenario, eZ as CreateScenarioFromTemplateInput, e_ as CreateScenarioFromTemplateResponse, e0 as CreateScenarioInput, e1 as CreateScenarioResponse, cw as CreateSearchInput, en as CreateSmartContractDeployment, eo as CreateSmartContractDeploymentInput, ep as CreateSmartContractDeploymentResponse, d_ as CreateTemplateScenario, eO as CreateTransaction, eP as CreateTransactionInput, eQ as CreateTransactionResponse, fV as CreateZKProofRequestProps, az as CredentialNames, ab as CredentialQrCodeData, ay as CredentialSchemas, aD as CredentialType, aA as CredentialTypes, b3 as CustomerContactInformationInput, b4 as CustomerContactInformationOutput, C as CustomerStatus, ge as CustomerStatuses, dC as CustomerTableViewOptions, gc as CustomerType, gb as CustomerTypes, fz as DATE_OPERATORS, D as DataAvailableOnStart, d1 as DataProviderOptions, d2 as DataProviders, fA as DateOperator, dQ as DeleteProjectInput, dR as DeleteProjectResponse, dq as DeleteProviderInput, dr as DeleteProviderResponse, fP as DeleteQueryConfigurationInput, fQ as DeleteQueryConfigurationResponse, e8 as DeleteScenarioInput, e9 as DeleteScenarioResponse, ey as DeleteSmartContractDeploymentInput, ez as DeleteSmartContractDeploymentResponse, eX as DeleteTransactionInput, eY as DeleteTransactionResponse, bP as DocumentIdMetadata, bO as DocumentIdType, bN as DocumentIdTypes, dt as DocumentType, $ as DownloadableKycSchema, bV as EmailMetadata, bn as EmailVerificationAnalysisResponse, X as EncryptedKycKey, Y as EncryptedVerifiableCredentialDataSchema, Z as EncryptedVerifiableCredentialSchema, eD as EntrypointDeploymentInput, eE as EntrypointDeploymentResponse, fg as ExecuteChallengeQueryConfig, ff as ExecuteChallengeQueryInput, fi as ExecuteChallengeQueryResponse, ed as ExecuteScenarioConfig, aR as ExtractedFieldSchema, bM as File, aM as GBGAuthenticateSPDataSchema, aY as GBGID3DataSchema, aP as GBGPepIntelligenceDataSchema, aV as GBGPersonalDetailsSchema, aJ as GBGSanctionsEnforcementsDataSchema, aX as GBGScanResponseCompleteSchema, aW as GBGScanResponseSimpleSchema, gq as GenericJsonSchema, at as GenericVerifiableCredentialSchema, G as GetCredentialsRequest, x as GetCredentialsResponse, aZ as GetJourneyAccessTokenOutput, a_ as GetJourneyOutput, dS as GetMediaInput, dT as GetMediaResponse, g3 as GetOrganizationResponse, dN as GetProjectInput, dO as GetProjectResponse, er as GetProjectSmartContractDeploymentsInput, dL as GetProjectsInput, dM as GetProjectsResponse, dj as GetProviderResponse, di as GetProvidersResponse, e4 as GetScenarioInput, e5 as GetScenarioResponse, eq as GetScenarioSmartContractDeploymentsInput, e2 as GetScenariosInput, e3 as GetScenariosResponse, eu as GetSmartContractDeploymentByAddressInput, et as GetSmartContractDeploymentInput, ev as GetSmartContractDeploymentResponse, es as GetSmartContractDeploymentsResponse, eT as GetTransactionInput, eU as GetTransactionResponse, eR as GetTransactionsInput, eS as GetTransactionsResponse, f7 as GetTxAuthDataSignatureInput, f9 as GetTxAuthDataSignatureResponse, f8 as GetTxAuthDataSignatureWidgetInput, M as GetTxAuthSigRequest, N as GetTxAuthSigResponse, aS as GlobalSanctionsAddressSchema, ce as HIGH_RISK_TYPES, eA as HandleEnableScenarioInput, a0 as HostMessage, Q as HostRequestMessage, H as HostResponseMessage, ap as ID3CredentialSubjectSchema, am as IDImageCredentialSubjectSchema, fF as IDInformation, al as IDInformationCredentialSubjectSchema, aq as IDScanCredentialSubjectSchema, ar as IDScanPassportCredentialSubjectSchema, as as IDScanSelfieCredentialSubjectSchema, ds as ISO3CountryCode, dG as IdentityDocumentsType, a1 as IdentityMessage, m as IdentityNotificationMessage, c$ as IdentityProviderOptions, d0 as IdentityProviders, q as IdentityRequestMessage, U as IdentityResponseMessage, ai as ImageUploadResponseSchema, n as InitialDataRequest, t as InitialDataResponse, aG as IntegerOrArrayOfIntegerSchema, bl as IpQualityAnalysisRequest, bm as IpQualityAnalysisResponse, d5 as IpQualityConfig, bp as IpQualityServiceAnalysis, br as IpQualityServiceAnalysisResponse, bq as IpQualityServiceErrorResponse, dd as IpqualityscoreProvider, I as IsVerifiedNotification, J as IsVerifiedRequest, L as IsVerifiedResponse, K as KycCompletionData, e as KycCompletionNotification, f1 as ListScenarioTemplateInput, f3 as ListScenarioTemplatesResponse, bT as LivenessMetadata, ag as MAX_MEDIA_FILE_SIZE, cf as MEDIUM_RISK_TYPES, cy as MatchStatus, cx as MatchStatuses, cF as MatchTypeDetail, dD as Media, ah as MediaDataSchema, a4 as MediaType, a5 as MediaTypePID, d3 as MergedProviders, cD as MonitorSearchInput, fv as NUMERIC_OPERATORS, bF as NestedSession, aB as NexeraCredentialType, da as NexeraIdSSIDProvider, gs as NoteMapObjectType, gr as NoteMapObjectTypes, fw as NumericOperator, ba as OBJECT_TYPES, fj as OPAChallengeQuery, bb as ObjectType, k as OcvSdkInitialized, g as OffChainScenarioExecutionData, fT as OffChainZKP, fl as OffChainZKPRuleResult, fk as OnChainRuleResult, h as OnChainScenarioExecutionData, fZ as OnChainZKP, f_ as OnChainZKPFromNexeraID, g0 as OnChainZKPPayload, f$ as OnChainZKPScenarioFromCms, O as OnboardingLevel, gd as OnboardingLevels, fh as OpaChallengeQueryResponse, fo as Operator, fc as OperatorToChallengeQueryOperator, g2 as OrganizationData, g1 as OrganizationMember, dw as OriginalData, fI as PartialQueryConfigSimplified, aO as PepIntelligenceResultSchema, dx as PersonalData, bU as PhoneMetadata, bo as PhoneVerificationAnalysisResponse, P as PolygonIdInitialized, z as PolygonIdRequest, y as PolygonIdRequestData, E as PolygonIdResponse, B as PolygonIdResponseData, fY as ProjectAuthorizationData, dH as ProjectBranding, dI as ProjectData, a8 as ProofData, bR as ProofOfAddressDocumentType, bQ as ProofOfAddressDocumentTypes, bS as ProofOfAddressMetadata, a$ as ProofOfResidence, ao as ProofOfResidenceCredentialSubjectSchema, b0 as ProofOfResidenceDocumentType, dE as ProofOfResidenceType, dg as ProviderData, dh as ProviderDataProject, d8 as ProviderType, d7 as ProviderTypeOptions, ad as QrCodeLinkWithSchemaType, fG as QueryConfig, fH as QueryConfigSimplified, fJ as QueryConfigSimplifiedParsed, fK as QueryConfiguration, c0 as RESULT_PARSER_ERROR, bL as ReasonCode, bK as ReasonCodes, bw as RequestProperty, a2 as RequiredDataRowSchema, a3 as RequiredVerificationData, g8 as RetrieveDocumentOutput, cA as RiskLevel, cz as RiskLevels, R as RiskScoreType, ga as RiskScoreTypes, bf as RiskSeverity, ea as RuleEngineResponse, f as RuleEngineScenarioExecutionData, a as RuleResultStatus, eg as RuleResultStatusLabels, ee as RuleResultStatuses, e$ as SCENARIO_TEMPLATE_TYPES, cc as SEARCH_FILTER_ADVERSE_MEDIA_TYPE, ca as SEARCH_FILTER_PEP_TYPE, c8 as SEARCH_FILTER_SANCTION_TYPE, cl as SEARCH_FILTER_TYPES, b_ as SESSION_NOT_FOUND, c4 as STEP_NOT_FOUND, ft as STRING_OPERATORS, fB as SUPPORTED_TYPES, aH as SanctionsBodiesSchema, aI as SanctionsEnforcementsResultSchema, dY as Scenario, fW as ScenarioAuthorizationData, eB as ScenarioDeploymentInput, eC as ScenarioDeploymentResponse, i as ScenarioExecutionData, ec as ScenarioExecutionInput, j as ScenarioExecutionNotification, eb as ScenarioExecutionResponse, dX as ScenarioStatus, dW as ScenarioStatuses, f2 as ScenarioTemplate, f0 as ScenarioTemplateType, dV as ScenarioType, dU as ScenarioTypes, S as ScenarioWebhookPayloadSchema, bi as ScorechainAnalysis, d4 as ScorechainConfig, bh as ScorechainError, bg as ScorechainErrorResponse, dc as ScorechainProvider, bk as ScoringAnalysisRequest, bj as ScoringAnalysisResponse, ef as SdkVerificationResponseSchema, co as SearchEntityType, cn as SearchEntityTypes, cd as SearchFilterAdverseMediaType, cb as SearchFilterPepType, c9 as SearchFilterSanctionType, cm as SearchFilterType, cp as SearchFilters, an as SelfieImageCredentialSubjectSchema, p as SendTransactionRequest, bG as Session, bH as SessionWithoutSteps, dy as SignablePersonalData, o as SignatureRequest, u as SignatureResponse, w as SimplifiedCredential, em as SmartContractDeployment, ej as SmartContractName, ei as SmartContractNames, el as SmartContractStatus, ek as SmartContractStatuses, l as StartCompletedNotification, F as StartFlowRequest, bD as Status, bC as Statuses, bX as Step, bJ as StepType, bI as StepTypes, fu as StringOperator, aT as StringOrArrayOfStringSchema, fC as SupportedType, fD as SupportedTypes, df as SynapsProvider, c1 as SynapsSessionErrorResponse, b as SynapsSessionEvent, bZ as SynapsSessionRequest, c2 as SynapsSessionResponse, c5 as SynapsStepErrorResponse, c as SynapsStepEvent, c3 as SynapsStepRequest, c6 as SynapsStepResponse, dZ as TemplateScenario, dp as ToggleProviderInput, eN as Transaction, T as TransactionData, eK as TransactionName, eJ as TransactionNames, v as TransactionResponse, eM as TransactionStatus, eL as TransactionStatuses, f4 as TxAuthData, f5 as TxAuthInput, f6 as TxAuthInputSdk, b$ as UNKNOWN_ERROR, g4 as UpdateOrganizationInput, g5 as UpdateOrganizationResponse, dP as UpdateProjectInput, dm as UpdateProviderInput, dn as UpdateProviderResponse, fN as UpdateQueryConfigurationInput, fO as UpdateQueryConfigurationResponse, e6 as UpdateScenarioInput, e7 as UpdateScenarioResponse, cC as UpdateSearchEntitiesInput, cB as UpdateSearchInput, ew as UpdateSmartContractDeploymentInput, ex as UpdateSmartContractDeploymentResponse, eV as UpdateTransactionInput, eW as UpdateTransactionResponse, g6 as UploadDocumentDataInput, g7 as UploadDocumentOutput, aE as VerifiableCredential, V as VerificationFlowChecksWebhookPayload, bE as WebhookPayload, W as WorkspaceSettings, dB as YYYYMMDDIntegerToDate, fp as ZKPOperator, fR as ZKPRequest, fS as ZKPRequestFromZKVerifier, a6 as ZeroKnowledgeProofRequest, a9 as ZeroKnowledgeProofResponse, ax as cleanObject, aw as countryISO3toISO2Mapping, dA as dateToYYYYMMDDInteger, g9 as getAvailableFields, aC as getCredentialName, aF as getCredentialSchemaLocation, eF as getLatestDeployment, eI as getLatestDeploymentForScenario, eH as getLatestEntrypointDeployment, eG as getLatestTransactionFromDeployment, eh as getScenarioStatus, av as isoCountriesNameFromISO2, ci as mappingMatchTypeToLabel, fq as operatorDisplayMap, aN as parseGBGAuthenticateSPData, aQ as parseGBGPepIntelligence, aK as parseGBGSanctionsEnforcement, ae as parseIden3Message, af as parseSessionIdFromUrl, dz as stringToUint8Array, bY as typeToHumanReadable } from '../../dist/note-map.schema-34c9c243.esm.js';
export { k as AuthAccessToken, I as IDENTITY_DOCUMENT_COUNTRY_LIST_OPTIONS, g as IDENTITY_DOCUMENT_OPTIONS, j as Identifier, f as IdentityDocumentCountryListOption, h as IdentityDocumentOptionsType, b as JourneySessionSchema, J as JourneyStatusSchema, c as NEXERA_ID_SSID_JOURNEY_STATUS_OPTIONS, N as NexeraIdSSIDConfig, d as NexeraIdSSIDJourneyStatus, e as NexeraIdSSIDJourneyStatusEntity, P as PERSONAL_INFORMATION_FIELDS, i as PersonalInformationFieldsIdentityDocuments, a as VerificationMode, V as VerificationModes } from '../../dist/api.schema-f38a5dcb.esm.js';
export { bW as AMLMetadata, fE as AMLScreeningsResults, ak as AMLScreeningsResultsCredentialSubjectSchema, b8 as ANALYSIS_TYPES, fr as ARRAY_OPERATORS, r as AVAILABLE_FLOWS, gp as ActivityLogAction, go as ActivityLogActions, du as Age, gm as AlertCategories, gn as AlertCategory, gk as AlertSeverities, gl as AlertSeverity, gh as AlertStatus, gg as AlertStatuses, gj as AlertType, gi as AlertTypes, aU as AliasesSchema, fm as AllCredentialAttributes, fn as AllCredentialValues, fX as AllScenarioExecutionAuthorizationData, au as Alpha2Country, A as Alpha3Country, dv as AmendmentsData, b9 as AnalysisType, fs as ArrayOperator, ac as AuthQrCodeData, aL as AuthenticateSPResultSchema, a7 as AuthorizationRequestMessage, aa as AuthorizationResponseMessage, s as AvailableFlow, bc as BLOCKCHAIN_TYPES, fx as BOOLEAN_OPERATORS, d9 as BaseProvider, gf as BasicCustomerContactInformation, d6 as BigConfig, bs as BigCryptoChain, bu as BigProperties, bt as BigPropertiesLiteral, bv as BigProperty, db as BigProvider, bx as BitRankRequest, by as BitRankVerified, bA as BitRankVerifiedError, bz as BitRankVerifiedErrorResponse, bB as BitRankVerifiedResponse, bd as Blockchain, fy as BooleanOperator, cs as COMPLY_ADVANTAGE_COUNTRY_FIELD_SOURCES, cu as COMPLY_ADVANTAGE_DATE_OF_BIRTH_FIELD_SOURCES, cq as COMPLY_ADVANTAGE_NATIONALITY_FIELD_SOURCES, cj as COMPLY_ADVANTAGE_RESPONSE_MATCH_STATUS, cg as COMPLY_ADVANTAGE_RESPONSE_MATCH_TYPE, b5 as CREATE_JOURNEY_ROUTER_STATUSES, fb as ChallengeQueryOperator, fd as ChallengeQueryOperatorToOperator, fa as ChallengeQueryOperators, fe as ChallengeQuerySchema, d as CloseScreenNotification, c7 as CoerceDateUTC, be as Coin, b1 as CompleteGBGJourneyInput, b2 as CompleteGBGJourneyOutput, aj as ComplianceImplementationStepsInput, cO as ComplyAdvantageAmlFullListing, cN as ComplyAdvantageAmlItemSource, ct as ComplyAdvantageCountryFieldSources, cv as ComplyAdvantageDateOfBirthFieldSources, cM as ComplyAdvantageKeyInformation, cG as ComplyAdvantageMedia, cX as ComplyAdvantageMonitorSearchDataResponse, cZ as ComplyAdvantageMonitorSearchResponse, cY as ComplyAdvantageMonitorSearchSuccessResponse, c_ as ComplyAdvantageMonitoredSearchUpdate, cr as ComplyAdvantageNationalityFieldSources, de as ComplyAdvantageProvider, ck as ComplyAdvantageReponseMatchStatus, ch as ComplyAdvantageResponseMatchType, cI as ComplyAdvantageSearchDataResponse, cH as ComplyAdvantageSearchDataResponseHit, cP as ComplyAdvantageSearchEntitiesDataResponse, cR as ComplyAdvantageSearchEntitiesResponse, cQ as ComplyAdvantageSearchEntitiesSuccessResponse, cK as ComplyAdvantageSearchErrorResponse, cS as ComplyAdvantageSearchRequest, cL as ComplyAdvantageSearchResponse, cJ as ComplyAdvantageSearchSuccessResponse, cU as ComplyAdvantageUpdateSearchEntitiesRequest, cW as ComplyAdvantageUpdateSearchEntitiesResponse, cV as ComplyAdvantageUpdateSearchEntitiesSuccessResponse, cT as ComplyAdvantageUpdateSearchRequest, cE as ComplyAdvantageUser, dF as ContactInformation, fU as CreateAuthRequestProps, b7 as CreateJourneyOutput, b6 as CreateJourneyRouterStatus, dJ as CreateProjectInput, dK as CreateProjectResponse, dk as CreateProviderInput, dl as CreateProviderResponse, fL as CreateQueryConfigurationInput, fM as CreateQueryConfigurationResponse, d$ as CreateScenario, eZ as CreateScenarioFromTemplateInput, e_ as CreateScenarioFromTemplateResponse, e0 as CreateScenarioInput, e1 as CreateScenarioResponse, cw as CreateSearchInput, en as CreateSmartContractDeployment, eo as CreateSmartContractDeploymentInput, ep as CreateSmartContractDeploymentResponse, d_ as CreateTemplateScenario, eO as CreateTransaction, eP as CreateTransactionInput, eQ as CreateTransactionResponse, fV as CreateZKProofRequestProps, az as CredentialNames, ab as CredentialQrCodeData, ay as CredentialSchemas, aD as CredentialType, aA as CredentialTypes, b3 as CustomerContactInformationInput, b4 as CustomerContactInformationOutput, C as CustomerStatus, ge as CustomerStatuses, dC as CustomerTableViewOptions, gc as CustomerType, gb as CustomerTypes, fz as DATE_OPERATORS, D as DataAvailableOnStart, d1 as DataProviderOptions, d2 as DataProviders, fA as DateOperator, dQ as DeleteProjectInput, dR as DeleteProjectResponse, dq as DeleteProviderInput, dr as DeleteProviderResponse, fP as DeleteQueryConfigurationInput, fQ as DeleteQueryConfigurationResponse, e8 as DeleteScenarioInput, e9 as DeleteScenarioResponse, ey as DeleteSmartContractDeploymentInput, ez as DeleteSmartContractDeploymentResponse, eX as DeleteTransactionInput, eY as DeleteTransactionResponse, bP as DocumentIdMetadata, bO as DocumentIdType, bN as DocumentIdTypes, dt as DocumentType, $ as DownloadableKycSchema, bV as EmailMetadata, bn as EmailVerificationAnalysisResponse, X as EncryptedKycKey, Y as EncryptedVerifiableCredentialDataSchema, Z as EncryptedVerifiableCredentialSchema, eD as EntrypointDeploymentInput, eE as EntrypointDeploymentResponse, fg as ExecuteChallengeQueryConfig, ff as ExecuteChallengeQueryInput, fi as ExecuteChallengeQueryResponse, ed as ExecuteScenarioConfig, aR as ExtractedFieldSchema, bM as File, aM as GBGAuthenticateSPDataSchema, aY as GBGID3DataSchema, aP as GBGPepIntelligenceDataSchema, aV as GBGPersonalDetailsSchema, aJ as GBGSanctionsEnforcementsDataSchema, aX as GBGScanResponseCompleteSchema, aW as GBGScanResponseSimpleSchema, gq as GenericJsonSchema, at as GenericVerifiableCredentialSchema, G as GetCredentialsRequest, x as GetCredentialsResponse, aZ as GetJourneyAccessTokenOutput, a_ as GetJourneyOutput, dS as GetMediaInput, dT as GetMediaResponse, g3 as GetOrganizationResponse, dN as GetProjectInput, dO as GetProjectResponse, er as GetProjectSmartContractDeploymentsInput, dL as GetProjectsInput, dM as GetProjectsResponse, dj as GetProviderResponse, di as GetProvidersResponse, e4 as GetScenarioInput, e5 as GetScenarioResponse, eq as GetScenarioSmartContractDeploymentsInput, e2 as GetScenariosInput, e3 as GetScenariosResponse, eu as GetSmartContractDeploymentByAddressInput, et as GetSmartContractDeploymentInput, ev as GetSmartContractDeploymentResponse, es as GetSmartContractDeploymentsResponse, eT as GetTransactionInput, eU as GetTransactionResponse, eR as GetTransactionsInput, eS as GetTransactionsResponse, f7 as GetTxAuthDataSignatureInput, f9 as GetTxAuthDataSignatureResponse, f8 as GetTxAuthDataSignatureWidgetInput, M as GetTxAuthSigRequest, N as GetTxAuthSigResponse, aS as GlobalSanctionsAddressSchema, ce as HIGH_RISK_TYPES, eA as HandleEnableScenarioInput, a0 as HostMessage, Q as HostRequestMessage, H as HostResponseMessage, ap as ID3CredentialSubjectSchema, am as IDImageCredentialSubjectSchema, fF as IDInformation, al as IDInformationCredentialSubjectSchema, aq as IDScanCredentialSubjectSchema, ar as IDScanPassportCredentialSubjectSchema, as as IDScanSelfieCredentialSubjectSchema, ds as ISO3CountryCode, dG as IdentityDocumentsType, a1 as IdentityMessage, m as IdentityNotificationMessage, c$ as IdentityProviderOptions, d0 as IdentityProviders, q as IdentityRequestMessage, U as IdentityResponseMessage, ai as ImageUploadResponseSchema, n as InitialDataRequest, t as InitialDataResponse, aG as IntegerOrArrayOfIntegerSchema, bl as IpQualityAnalysisRequest, bm as IpQualityAnalysisResponse, d5 as IpQualityConfig, bp as IpQualityServiceAnalysis, br as IpQualityServiceAnalysisResponse, bq as IpQualityServiceErrorResponse, dd as IpqualityscoreProvider, I as IsVerifiedNotification, J as IsVerifiedRequest, L as IsVerifiedResponse, K as KycCompletionData, e as KycCompletionNotification, f1 as ListScenarioTemplateInput, f3 as ListScenarioTemplatesResponse, bT as LivenessMetadata, ag as MAX_MEDIA_FILE_SIZE, cf as MEDIUM_RISK_TYPES, cy as MatchStatus, cx as MatchStatuses, cF as MatchTypeDetail, dD as Media, ah as MediaDataSchema, a4 as MediaType, a5 as MediaTypePID, d3 as MergedProviders, cD as MonitorSearchInput, fv as NUMERIC_OPERATORS, bF as NestedSession, aB as NexeraCredentialType, da as NexeraIdSSIDProvider, gs as NoteMapObjectType, gr as NoteMapObjectTypes, fw as NumericOperator, ba as OBJECT_TYPES, fj as OPAChallengeQuery, bb as ObjectType, k as OcvSdkInitialized, g as OffChainScenarioExecutionData, fT as OffChainZKP, fl as OffChainZKPRuleResult, fk as OnChainRuleResult, h as OnChainScenarioExecutionData, fZ as OnChainZKP, f_ as OnChainZKPFromNexeraID, g0 as OnChainZKPPayload, f$ as OnChainZKPScenarioFromCms, O as OnboardingLevel, gd as OnboardingLevels, fh as OpaChallengeQueryResponse, fo as Operator, fc as OperatorToChallengeQueryOperator, g2 as OrganizationData, g1 as OrganizationMember, dw as OriginalData, fI as PartialQueryConfigSimplified, aO as PepIntelligenceResultSchema, dx as PersonalData, bU as PhoneMetadata, bo as PhoneVerificationAnalysisResponse, P as PolygonIdInitialized, z as PolygonIdRequest, y as PolygonIdRequestData, E as PolygonIdResponse, B as PolygonIdResponseData, fY as ProjectAuthorizationData, dH as ProjectBranding, dI as ProjectData, a8 as ProofData, bR as ProofOfAddressDocumentType, bQ as ProofOfAddressDocumentTypes, bS as ProofOfAddressMetadata, a$ as ProofOfResidence, ao as ProofOfResidenceCredentialSubjectSchema, b0 as ProofOfResidenceDocumentType, dE as ProofOfResidenceType, dg as ProviderData, dh as ProviderDataProject, d8 as ProviderType, d7 as ProviderTypeOptions, ad as QrCodeLinkWithSchemaType, fG as QueryConfig, fH as QueryConfigSimplified, fJ as QueryConfigSimplifiedParsed, fK as QueryConfiguration, c0 as RESULT_PARSER_ERROR, bL as ReasonCode, bK as ReasonCodes, bw as RequestProperty, a2 as RequiredDataRowSchema, a3 as RequiredVerificationData, g8 as RetrieveDocumentOutput, cA as RiskLevel, cz as RiskLevels, R as RiskScoreType, ga as RiskScoreTypes, bf as RiskSeverity, ea as RuleEngineResponse, f as RuleEngineScenarioExecutionData, a as RuleResultStatus, eg as RuleResultStatusLabels, ee as RuleResultStatuses, e$ as SCENARIO_TEMPLATE_TYPES, cc as SEARCH_FILTER_ADVERSE_MEDIA_TYPE, ca as SEARCH_FILTER_PEP_TYPE, c8 as SEARCH_FILTER_SANCTION_TYPE, cl as SEARCH_FILTER_TYPES, b_ as SESSION_NOT_FOUND, c4 as STEP_NOT_FOUND, ft as STRING_OPERATORS, fB as SUPPORTED_TYPES, aH as SanctionsBodiesSchema, aI as SanctionsEnforcementsResultSchema, dY as Scenario, fW as ScenarioAuthorizationData, eB as ScenarioDeploymentInput, eC as ScenarioDeploymentResponse, i as ScenarioExecutionData, ec as ScenarioExecutionInput, j as ScenarioExecutionNotification, eb as ScenarioExecutionResponse, dX as ScenarioStatus, dW as ScenarioStatuses, f2 as ScenarioTemplate, f0 as ScenarioTemplateType, dV as ScenarioType, dU as ScenarioTypes, S as ScenarioWebhookPayloadSchema, bi as ScorechainAnalysis, d4 as ScorechainConfig, bh as ScorechainError, bg as ScorechainErrorResponse, dc as ScorechainProvider, bk as ScoringAnalysisRequest, bj as ScoringAnalysisResponse, ef as SdkVerificationResponseSchema, co as SearchEntityType, cn as SearchEntityTypes, cd as SearchFilterAdverseMediaType, cb as SearchFilterPepType, c9 as SearchFilterSanctionType, cm as SearchFilterType, cp as SearchFilters, an as SelfieImageCredentialSubjectSchema, p as SendTransactionRequest, bG as Session, bH as SessionWithoutSteps, dy as SignablePersonalData, o as SignatureRequest, u as SignatureResponse, w as SimplifiedCredential, em as SmartContractDeployment, ej as SmartContractName, ei as SmartContractNames, el as SmartContractStatus, ek as SmartContractStatuses, l as StartCompletedNotification, F as StartFlowRequest, bD as Status, bC as Statuses, bX as Step, bJ as StepType, bI as StepTypes, fu as StringOperator, aT as StringOrArrayOfStringSchema, fC as SupportedType, fD as SupportedTypes, df as SynapsProvider, c1 as SynapsSessionErrorResponse, b as SynapsSessionEvent, bZ as SynapsSessionRequest, c2 as SynapsSessionResponse, c5 as SynapsStepErrorResponse, c as SynapsStepEvent, c3 as SynapsStepRequest, c6 as SynapsStepResponse, dZ as TemplateScenario, dp as ToggleProviderInput, eN as Transaction, T as TransactionData, eK as TransactionName, eJ as TransactionNames, v as TransactionResponse, eM as TransactionStatus, eL as TransactionStatuses, f4 as TxAuthData, f5 as TxAuthInput, f6 as TxAuthInputSdk, b$ as UNKNOWN_ERROR, g4 as UpdateOrganizationInput, g5 as UpdateOrganizationResponse, dP as UpdateProjectInput, dm as UpdateProviderInput, dn as UpdateProviderResponse, fN as UpdateQueryConfigurationInput, fO as UpdateQueryConfigurationResponse, e6 as UpdateScenarioInput, e7 as UpdateScenarioResponse, cC as UpdateSearchEntitiesInput, cB as UpdateSearchInput, ew as UpdateSmartContractDeploymentInput, ex as UpdateSmartContractDeploymentResponse, eV as UpdateTransactionInput, eW as UpdateTransactionResponse, g6 as UploadDocumentDataInput, g7 as UploadDocumentOutput, aE as VerifiableCredential, V as VerificationFlowChecksWebhookPayload, bE as WebhookPayload, W as WorkspaceSettings, dB as YYYYMMDDIntegerToDate, fp as ZKPOperator, fR as ZKPRequest, fS as ZKPRequestFromZKVerifier, a6 as ZeroKnowledgeProofRequest, a9 as ZeroKnowledgeProofResponse, ax as cleanObject, aw as countryISO3toISO2Mapping, dA as dateToYYYYMMDDInteger, g9 as getAvailableFields, aC as getCredentialName, aF as getCredentialSchemaLocation, eF as getLatestDeployment, eI as getLatestDeploymentForScenario, eH as getLatestEntrypointDeployment, eG as getLatestTransactionFromDeployment, eh as getScenarioStatus, av as isoCountriesNameFromISO2, ci as mappingMatchTypeToLabel, fq as operatorDisplayMap, aN as parseGBGAuthenticateSPData, aQ as parseGBGPepIntelligence, aK as parseGBGSanctionsEnforcement, ae as parseIden3Message, af as parseSessionIdFromUrl, dz as stringToUint8Array, bY as typeToHumanReadable } from '../../dist/note-map.schema-c18cff14.esm.js';
export { k as AuthAccessToken, I as IDENTITY_DOCUMENT_COUNTRY_LIST_OPTIONS, g as IDENTITY_DOCUMENT_OPTIONS, j as Identifier, f as IdentityDocumentCountryListOption, h as IdentityDocumentOptionsType, b as JourneySessionSchema, J as JourneyStatusSchema, c as NEXERA_ID_SSID_JOURNEY_STATUS_OPTIONS, N as NexeraIdSSIDConfig, d as NexeraIdSSIDJourneyStatus, e as NexeraIdSSIDJourneyStatusEntity, P as PERSONAL_INFORMATION_FIELDS, i as PersonalInformationFieldsIdentityDocuments, a as VerificationMode, V as VerificationModes } from '../../dist/api.schema-35f6057f.esm.js';
import 'zod';

@@ -10,5 +10,5 @@ import { z } from "zod";

}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
blockExpiration: number;
userAddress: `0x${string}`;
contractAddress: `0x${string}`;
blockExpiration: number;
chainID: number;

@@ -18,5 +18,5 @@ nonce: number;

}, {
blockExpiration: number;
userAddress: string;
contractAddress: string;
blockExpiration: number;
chainID: number;

@@ -23,0 +23,0 @@ nonce: number;

@@ -12,2 +12,3 @@ export * from "./compliance/index.js";

export * from "./metrics/ssid-events.schema.js";
export * from "./metrics/signature-request-events.schema.js";
export * from "./metrics/synaps-events.schema.js";

@@ -14,0 +15,0 @@ export * from "./metrics/event-topics.js";

import { z } from "zod";
export type NexeraEventTopic = z.infer<typeof NexeraEventTopic>;

@@ -134,3 +134,2 @@ import { z } from "zod";

sessionId: z.ZodString;
/** rules engine related topics */
customerId: z.ZodString;

@@ -650,2 +649,54 @@ time: z.ZodString;

}>, z.ZodObject<{
topic: z.ZodLiteral<"SIGNATURE_REQUEST">;
subject: z.ZodString;
data: z.ZodObject<{
isAuthorized: z.ZodBoolean;
wallet: z.ZodEffects<z.ZodEffects<z.ZodString, string, string>, `0x${string}`, string>;
signature: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodType<`0x${string}`, z.ZodTypeDef, `0x${string}`>>;
blockExpiration: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodNumber>;
cmsProjectId: z.ZodString;
customerId: z.ZodString;
time: z.ZodString;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
customerId: string;
wallet: `0x${string}`;
cmsProjectId: string;
time: string;
isAuthorized: boolean;
signature?: `0x${string}` | undefined;
blockExpiration?: number | undefined;
}, {
customerId: string;
wallet: string;
cmsProjectId: string;
time: string;
isAuthorized: boolean;
signature?: `0x${string}` | undefined;
blockExpiration?: number | undefined;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
data: {
customerId: string;
wallet: `0x${string}`;
cmsProjectId: string;
time: string;
isAuthorized: boolean;
signature?: `0x${string}` | undefined;
blockExpiration?: number | undefined;
subject: string;
}, {
data: {
customerId: string;
wallet: string;
cmsProjectId: string;
time: string;
isAuthorized: boolean;
signature?: `0x${string}` | undefined;
blockExpiration?: number | undefined;
subject: string;
}>, z.ZodObject<{
topic: z.ZodLiteral<"RULE_ENGINE">;

@@ -652,0 +703,0 @@ subject: z.ZodString;

@@ -68,6 +68,6 @@ import { z } from "zod";

export type ActivityTopic = z.infer<typeof ActivityTopic>;
export declare const nexeraEventTypeToHMR: (topic: ActivityTopic) => string;

@@ -168,2 +168,4 @@ 'use strict';

// off-chain signature emmission for on-chain gating
// rules engine related topics

@@ -254,2 +256,18 @@ "RULE_ENGINE"];

var BaseSignatureRequestEvent = zod.z.object({
isAuthorized: zod.z["boolean"](),
wallet: api_schema_dist_nexeraprotocolNexeraIdSchemasApi_schema.AddressSchema,
signature: api_schema_dist_nexeraprotocolNexeraIdSchemasApi_schema.Signature.optional(),
blockExpiration: zod.z.number()["int"]().optional(),
cmsProjectId: zod.z.string(),
customerId: zod.z.string(),
time: zod.z.string()
var SignatureRequestEvent = zod.z.object({
topic: zod.z.literal(NexeraEventTopic["enum"].SIGNATURE_REQUEST),
subject: zod.z.string().describe("ProjectId"),
// ProjectID
data: BaseSignatureRequestEvent

@@ -274,3 +292,3 @@ var NexeraSSIDEventType = zod.z["enum"](NEXERA_SSID_EVENTS);

var ACTIVITY_TOPICS = [].concat(NEXERA_SSID_EVENTS, [NexeraEventTopic["enum"].SYNAPS_SESSION_CREATED, NexeraEventTopic["enum"].SYNAPS_SESSION_UPDATED, NexeraEventTopic["enum"].SYNAPS_STEP_CREATED, NexeraEventTopic["enum"].SYNAPS_STEP_UPDATED]);
var ACTIVITY_TOPICS = [].concat(NEXERA_SSID_EVENTS, [NexeraEventTopic["enum"].SYNAPS_SESSION_CREATED, NexeraEventTopic["enum"].SYNAPS_SESSION_UPDATED, NexeraEventTopic["enum"].SYNAPS_STEP_CREATED, NexeraEventTopic["enum"].SYNAPS_STEP_UPDATED, NexeraEventTopic["enum"].SIGNATURE_REQUEST]);
var ActivityTopic = zod.z["enum"](ACTIVITY_TOPICS);

@@ -360,3 +378,4 @@ var nexeraEventTypeToHMR = function nexeraEventTypeToHMR(topic) {

SynapsEvents.SYNAPS_SESSION_CREATED, SynapsEvents.SYNAPS_SESSION_UPDATED, SynapsEvents.SYNAPS_STEP_CREATED, SynapsEvents.SYNAPS_STEP_UPDATED, /** customer info related topics */
CustomerEvents.CUSTOMER_CREATED, CustomerEvents.CUSTOMER_STATUS_CHANGED, CustomerEvents.CUSTOMER_RISK_LEVEL_CHANGED, CustomerEvents.CUSTOMER_COUNTRY, /** rules engine related topics */
CustomerEvents.CUSTOMER_CREATED, CustomerEvents.CUSTOMER_STATUS_CHANGED, CustomerEvents.CUSTOMER_RISK_LEVEL_CHANGED, CustomerEvents.CUSTOMER_COUNTRY, /** off-chain signature emmission for on-chain gating */
SignatureRequestEvent, /** rules engine related topics */

@@ -1053,2 +1072,3 @@

exports.AllNexeraEventTypes = AllNexeraEventTypes;
exports.BaseSignatureRequestEvent = BaseSignatureRequestEvent;
exports.ChainId = ChainId;

@@ -1111,2 +1131,3 @@ exports.ConnectionHandlingWorkspaceInput = ConnectionHandlingWorkspaceInput;

exports.SessionMember = SessionMember;
exports.SignatureRequestEvent = SignatureRequestEvent;
exports.SynapsEvents = SynapsEvents;

@@ -1113,0 +1134,0 @@ exports.Timeframe = Timeframe;

@@ -168,2 +168,4 @@ 'use strict';

// off-chain signature emmission for on-chain gating
// rules engine related topics

@@ -254,2 +256,18 @@ "RULE_ENGINE"];

var BaseSignatureRequestEvent = zod.z.object({
isAuthorized: zod.z["boolean"](),
wallet: api_schema_dist_nexeraprotocolNexeraIdSchemasApi_schema.AddressSchema,
signature: api_schema_dist_nexeraprotocolNexeraIdSchemasApi_schema.Signature.optional(),
blockExpiration: zod.z.number()["int"]().optional(),
cmsProjectId: zod.z.string(),
customerId: zod.z.string(),
time: zod.z.string()
var SignatureRequestEvent = zod.z.object({
topic: zod.z.literal(NexeraEventTopic["enum"].SIGNATURE_REQUEST),
subject: zod.z.string().describe("ProjectId"),
// ProjectID
data: BaseSignatureRequestEvent

@@ -274,3 +292,3 @@ var NexeraSSIDEventType = zod.z["enum"](NEXERA_SSID_EVENTS);

var ACTIVITY_TOPICS = [].concat(NEXERA_SSID_EVENTS, [NexeraEventTopic["enum"].SYNAPS_SESSION_CREATED, NexeraEventTopic["enum"].SYNAPS_SESSION_UPDATED, NexeraEventTopic["enum"].SYNAPS_STEP_CREATED, NexeraEventTopic["enum"].SYNAPS_STEP_UPDATED]);
var ACTIVITY_TOPICS = [].concat(NEXERA_SSID_EVENTS, [NexeraEventTopic["enum"].SYNAPS_SESSION_CREATED, NexeraEventTopic["enum"].SYNAPS_SESSION_UPDATED, NexeraEventTopic["enum"].SYNAPS_STEP_CREATED, NexeraEventTopic["enum"].SYNAPS_STEP_UPDATED, NexeraEventTopic["enum"].SIGNATURE_REQUEST]);
var ActivityTopic = zod.z["enum"](ACTIVITY_TOPICS);

@@ -360,3 +378,4 @@ var nexeraEventTypeToHMR = function nexeraEventTypeToHMR(topic) {

SynapsEvents.SYNAPS_SESSION_CREATED, SynapsEvents.SYNAPS_SESSION_UPDATED, SynapsEvents.SYNAPS_STEP_CREATED, SynapsEvents.SYNAPS_STEP_UPDATED, /** customer info related topics */
CustomerEvents.CUSTOMER_CREATED, CustomerEvents.CUSTOMER_STATUS_CHANGED, CustomerEvents.CUSTOMER_RISK_LEVEL_CHANGED, CustomerEvents.CUSTOMER_COUNTRY, /** rules engine related topics */
CustomerEvents.CUSTOMER_CREATED, CustomerEvents.CUSTOMER_STATUS_CHANGED, CustomerEvents.CUSTOMER_RISK_LEVEL_CHANGED, CustomerEvents.CUSTOMER_COUNTRY, /** off-chain signature emmission for on-chain gating */
SignatureRequestEvent, /** rules engine related topics */

@@ -1053,2 +1072,3 @@

exports.AllNexeraEventTypes = AllNexeraEventTypes;
exports.BaseSignatureRequestEvent = BaseSignatureRequestEvent;
exports.ChainId = ChainId;

@@ -1111,2 +1131,3 @@ exports.ConnectionHandlingWorkspaceInput = ConnectionHandlingWorkspaceInput;

exports.SessionMember = SessionMember;
exports.SignatureRequestEvent = SignatureRequestEvent;
exports.SynapsEvents = SynapsEvents;

@@ -1113,0 +1134,0 @@ exports.Timeframe = Timeframe;

@@ -1,5 +0,5 @@

import { _ as _defineProperty, W as WorkspaceSettings, S as ScenarioWebhookPayloadSchema, V as VerificationFlowChecksWebhookPayload, C as CustomerStatus, R as RiskScoreType, A as Alpha3Country, a as RuleResultStatus, b as SynapsSessionEvent, c as SynapsStepEvent, O as OnboardingLevel } from './note-map.schema-34c9c243.esm.js';
export { bW as AMLMetadata, fE as AMLScreeningsResults, ak as AMLScreeningsResultsCredentialSubjectSchema, b8 as ANALYSIS_TYPES, fr as ARRAY_OPERATORS, r as AVAILABLE_FLOWS, gp as ActivityLogAction, go as ActivityLogActions, du as Age, gm as AlertCategories, gn as AlertCategory, gk as AlertSeverities, gl as AlertSeverity, gh as AlertStatus, gg as AlertStatuses, gj as AlertType, gi as AlertTypes, aU as AliasesSchema, fm as AllCredentialAttributes, fn as AllCredentialValues, fX as AllScenarioExecutionAuthorizationData, au as Alpha2Country, A as Alpha3Country, dv as AmendmentsData, b9 as AnalysisType, fs as ArrayOperator, ac as AuthQrCodeData, aL as AuthenticateSPResultSchema, a7 as AuthorizationRequestMessage, aa as AuthorizationResponseMessage, s as AvailableFlow, bc as BLOCKCHAIN_TYPES, fx as BOOLEAN_OPERATORS, d9 as BaseProvider, gf as BasicCustomerContactInformation, d6 as BigConfig, bs as BigCryptoChain, bu as BigProperties, bt as BigPropertiesLiteral, bv as BigProperty, db as BigProvider, bx as BitRankRequest, by as BitRankVerified, bA as BitRankVerifiedError, bz as BitRankVerifiedErrorResponse, bB as BitRankVerifiedResponse, bd as Blockchain, fy as BooleanOperator, cs as COMPLY_ADVANTAGE_COUNTRY_FIELD_SOURCES, cu as COMPLY_ADVANTAGE_DATE_OF_BIRTH_FIELD_SOURCES, cq as COMPLY_ADVANTAGE_NATIONALITY_FIELD_SOURCES, cj as COMPLY_ADVANTAGE_RESPONSE_MATCH_STATUS, cg as COMPLY_ADVANTAGE_RESPONSE_MATCH_TYPE, b5 as CREATE_JOURNEY_ROUTER_STATUSES, fb as ChallengeQueryOperator, fd as ChallengeQueryOperatorToOperator, fa as ChallengeQueryOperators, fe as ChallengeQuerySchema, d as CloseScreenNotification, c7 as CoerceDateUTC, be as Coin, b1 as CompleteGBGJourneyInput, b2 as CompleteGBGJourneyOutput, aj as ComplianceImplementationStepsInput, cO as ComplyAdvantageAmlFullListing, cN as ComplyAdvantageAmlItemSource, ct as ComplyAdvantageCountryFieldSources, cv as ComplyAdvantageDateOfBirthFieldSources, cM as ComplyAdvantageKeyInformation, cG as ComplyAdvantageMedia, cX as ComplyAdvantageMonitorSearchDataResponse, cZ as ComplyAdvantageMonitorSearchResponse, cY as ComplyAdvantageMonitorSearchSuccessResponse, c_ as ComplyAdvantageMonitoredSearchUpdate, cr as ComplyAdvantageNationalityFieldSources, de as ComplyAdvantageProvider, ck as ComplyAdvantageReponseMatchStatus, ch as ComplyAdvantageResponseMatchType, cI as ComplyAdvantageSearchDataResponse, cH as ComplyAdvantageSearchDataResponseHit, cP as ComplyAdvantageSearchEntitiesDataResponse, cR as ComplyAdvantageSearchEntitiesResponse, cQ as ComplyAdvantageSearchEntitiesSuccessResponse, cK as ComplyAdvantageSearchErrorResponse, cS as ComplyAdvantageSearchRequest, cL as ComplyAdvantageSearchResponse, cJ as ComplyAdvantageSearchSuccessResponse, cU as ComplyAdvantageUpdateSearchEntitiesRequest, cW as ComplyAdvantageUpdateSearchEntitiesResponse, cV as ComplyAdvantageUpdateSearchEntitiesSuccessResponse, cT as ComplyAdvantageUpdateSearchRequest, cE as ComplyAdvantageUser, dF as ContactInformation, fU as CreateAuthRequestProps, b7 as CreateJourneyOutput, b6 as CreateJourneyRouterStatus, dJ as CreateProjectInput, dK as CreateProjectResponse, dk as CreateProviderInput, dl as CreateProviderResponse, fL as CreateQueryConfigurationInput, fM as CreateQueryConfigurationResponse, d$ as CreateScenario, eZ as CreateScenarioFromTemplateInput, e_ as CreateScenarioFromTemplateResponse, e0 as CreateScenarioInput, e1 as CreateScenarioResponse, cw as CreateSearchInput, en as CreateSmartContractDeployment, eo as CreateSmartContractDeploymentInput, ep as CreateSmartContractDeploymentResponse, d_ as CreateTemplateScenario, eO as CreateTransaction, eP as CreateTransactionInput, eQ as CreateTransactionResponse, fV as CreateZKProofRequestProps, az as CredentialNames, ab as CredentialQrCodeData, ay as CredentialSchemas, aD as CredentialType, aA as CredentialTypes, b3 as CustomerContactInformationInput, b4 as CustomerContactInformationOutput, C as CustomerStatus, ge as CustomerStatuses, dC as CustomerTableViewOptions, gc as CustomerType, gb as CustomerTypes, fz as DATE_OPERATORS, D as DataAvailableOnStart, d1 as DataProviderOptions, d2 as DataProviders, fA as DateOperator, dQ as DeleteProjectInput, dR as DeleteProjectResponse, dq as DeleteProviderInput, dr as DeleteProviderResponse, fP as DeleteQueryConfigurationInput, fQ as DeleteQueryConfigurationResponse, e8 as DeleteScenarioInput, e9 as DeleteScenarioResponse, ey as DeleteSmartContractDeploymentInput, ez as DeleteSmartContractDeploymentResponse, eX as DeleteTransactionInput, eY as DeleteTransactionResponse, bP as DocumentIdMetadata, bO as DocumentIdType, bN as DocumentIdTypes, dt as DocumentType, $ as DownloadableKycSchema, bV as EmailMetadata, bn as EmailVerificationAnalysisResponse, X as EncryptedKycKey, Y as EncryptedVerifiableCredentialDataSchema, Z as EncryptedVerifiableCredentialSchema, eD as EntrypointDeploymentInput, eE as EntrypointDeploymentResponse, fg as ExecuteChallengeQueryConfig, ff as ExecuteChallengeQueryInput, fi as ExecuteChallengeQueryResponse, ed as ExecuteScenarioConfig, aR as ExtractedFieldSchema, bM as File, aM as GBGAuthenticateSPDataSchema, aY as GBGID3DataSchema, aP as GBGPepIntelligenceDataSchema, aV as GBGPersonalDetailsSchema, aJ as GBGSanctionsEnforcementsDataSchema, aX as GBGScanResponseCompleteSchema, aW as GBGScanResponseSimpleSchema, gq as GenericJsonSchema, at as GenericVerifiableCredentialSchema, G as GetCredentialsRequest, x as GetCredentialsResponse, aZ as GetJourneyAccessTokenOutput, a_ as GetJourneyOutput, dS as GetMediaInput, dT as GetMediaResponse, g3 as GetOrganizationResponse, dN as GetProjectInput, dO as GetProjectResponse, er as GetProjectSmartContractDeploymentsInput, dL as GetProjectsInput, dM as GetProjectsResponse, dj as GetProviderResponse, di as GetProvidersResponse, e4 as GetScenarioInput, e5 as GetScenarioResponse, eq as GetScenarioSmartContractDeploymentsInput, e2 as GetScenariosInput, e3 as GetScenariosResponse, eu as GetSmartContractDeploymentByAddressInput, et as GetSmartContractDeploymentInput, ev as GetSmartContractDeploymentResponse, es as GetSmartContractDeploymentsResponse, eT as GetTransactionInput, eU as GetTransactionResponse, eR as GetTransactionsInput, eS as GetTransactionsResponse, f7 as GetTxAuthDataSignatureInput, f9 as GetTxAuthDataSignatureResponse, f8 as GetTxAuthDataSignatureWidgetInput, M as GetTxAuthSigRequest, N as GetTxAuthSigResponse, aS as GlobalSanctionsAddressSchema, ce as HIGH_RISK_TYPES, eA as HandleEnableScenarioInput, a0 as HostMessage, Q as HostRequestMessage, H as HostResponseMessage, ap as ID3CredentialSubjectSchema, am as IDImageCredentialSubjectSchema, fF as IDInformation, al as IDInformationCredentialSubjectSchema, aq as IDScanCredentialSubjectSchema, ar as IDScanPassportCredentialSubjectSchema, as as IDScanSelfieCredentialSubjectSchema, ds as ISO3CountryCode, dG as IdentityDocumentsType, a1 as IdentityMessage, m as IdentityNotificationMessage, c$ as IdentityProviderOptions, d0 as IdentityProviders, q as IdentityRequestMessage, U as IdentityResponseMessage, ai as ImageUploadResponseSchema, n as InitialDataRequest, t as InitialDataResponse, aG as IntegerOrArrayOfIntegerSchema, bl as IpQualityAnalysisRequest, bm as IpQualityAnalysisResponse, d5 as IpQualityConfig, bp as IpQualityServiceAnalysis, br as IpQualityServiceAnalysisResponse, bq as IpQualityServiceErrorResponse, dd as IpqualityscoreProvider, I as IsVerifiedNotification, J as IsVerifiedRequest, L as IsVerifiedResponse, K as KycCompletionData, e as KycCompletionNotification, f1 as ListScenarioTemplateInput, f3 as ListScenarioTemplatesResponse, bT as LivenessMetadata, ag as MAX_MEDIA_FILE_SIZE, cf as MEDIUM_RISK_TYPES, cy as MatchStatus, cx as MatchStatuses, cF as MatchTypeDetail, dD as Media, ah as MediaDataSchema, a4 as MediaType, a5 as MediaTypePID, d3 as MergedProviders, cD as MonitorSearchInput, fv as NUMERIC_OPERATORS, bF as NestedSession, aB as NexeraCredentialType, da as NexeraIdSSIDProvider, gs as NoteMapObjectType, gr as NoteMapObjectTypes, fw as NumericOperator, ba as OBJECT_TYPES, fj as OPAChallengeQuery, bb as ObjectType, k as OcvSdkInitialized, g as OffChainScenarioExecutionData, fT as OffChainZKP, fl as OffChainZKPRuleResult, fk as OnChainRuleResult, h as OnChainScenarioExecutionData, fZ as OnChainZKP, f_ as OnChainZKPFromNexeraID, g0 as OnChainZKPPayload, f$ as OnChainZKPScenarioFromCms, O as OnboardingLevel, gd as OnboardingLevels, fh as OpaChallengeQueryResponse, fo as Operator, fc as OperatorToChallengeQueryOperator, g2 as OrganizationData, g1 as OrganizationMember, dw as OriginalData, fI as PartialQueryConfigSimplified, aO as PepIntelligenceResultSchema, dx as PersonalData, bU as PhoneMetadata, bo as PhoneVerificationAnalysisResponse, P as PolygonIdInitialized, z as PolygonIdRequest, y as PolygonIdRequestData, E as PolygonIdResponse, B as PolygonIdResponseData, fY as ProjectAuthorizationData, dH as ProjectBranding, dI as ProjectData, a8 as ProofData, bR as ProofOfAddressDocumentType, bQ as ProofOfAddressDocumentTypes, bS as ProofOfAddressMetadata, a$ as ProofOfResidence, ao as ProofOfResidenceCredentialSubjectSchema, b0 as ProofOfResidenceDocumentType, dE as ProofOfResidenceType, dg as ProviderData, dh as ProviderDataProject, d8 as ProviderType, d7 as ProviderTypeOptions, ad as QrCodeLinkWithSchemaType, fG as QueryConfig, fH as QueryConfigSimplified, fJ as QueryConfigSimplifiedParsed, fK as QueryConfiguration, c0 as RESULT_PARSER_ERROR, bL as ReasonCode, bK as ReasonCodes, bw as RequestProperty, a2 as RequiredDataRowSchema, a3 as RequiredVerificationData, g8 as RetrieveDocumentOutput, cA as RiskLevel, cz as RiskLevels, R as RiskScoreType, ga as RiskScoreTypes, bf as RiskSeverity, ea as RuleEngineResponse, f as RuleEngineScenarioExecutionData, a as RuleResultStatus, eg as RuleResultStatusLabels, ee as RuleResultStatuses, e$ as SCENARIO_TEMPLATE_TYPES, cc as SEARCH_FILTER_ADVERSE_MEDIA_TYPE, ca as SEARCH_FILTER_PEP_TYPE, c8 as SEARCH_FILTER_SANCTION_TYPE, cl as SEARCH_FILTER_TYPES, b_ as SESSION_NOT_FOUND, c4 as STEP_NOT_FOUND, ft as STRING_OPERATORS, fB as SUPPORTED_TYPES, aH as SanctionsBodiesSchema, aI as SanctionsEnforcementsResultSchema, dY as Scenario, fW as ScenarioAuthorizationData, eB as ScenarioDeploymentInput, eC as ScenarioDeploymentResponse, i as ScenarioExecutionData, ec as ScenarioExecutionInput, j as ScenarioExecutionNotification, eb as ScenarioExecutionResponse, dX as ScenarioStatus, dW as ScenarioStatuses, f2 as ScenarioTemplate, f0 as ScenarioTemplateType, dV as ScenarioType, dU as ScenarioTypes, S as ScenarioWebhookPayloadSchema, bi as ScorechainAnalysis, d4 as ScorechainConfig, bh as ScorechainError, bg as ScorechainErrorResponse, dc as ScorechainProvider, bk as ScoringAnalysisRequest, bj as ScoringAnalysisResponse, ef as SdkVerificationResponseSchema, co as SearchEntityType, cn as SearchEntityTypes, cd as SearchFilterAdverseMediaType, cb as SearchFilterPepType, c9 as SearchFilterSanctionType, cm as SearchFilterType, cp as SearchFilters, an as SelfieImageCredentialSubjectSchema, p as SendTransactionRequest, bG as Session, bH as SessionWithoutSteps, dy as SignablePersonalData, o as SignatureRequest, u as SignatureResponse, w as SimplifiedCredential, em as SmartContractDeployment, ej as SmartContractName, ei as SmartContractNames, el as SmartContractStatus, ek as SmartContractStatuses, l as StartCompletedNotification, F as StartFlowRequest, bD as Status, bC as Statuses, bX as Step, bJ as StepType, bI as StepTypes, fu as StringOperator, aT as StringOrArrayOfStringSchema, fC as SupportedType, fD as SupportedTypes, df as SynapsProvider, c1 as SynapsSessionErrorResponse, b as SynapsSessionEvent, bZ as SynapsSessionRequest, c2 as SynapsSessionResponse, c5 as SynapsStepErrorResponse, c as SynapsStepEvent, c3 as SynapsStepRequest, c6 as SynapsStepResponse, dZ as TemplateScenario, dp as ToggleProviderInput, eN as Transaction, T as TransactionData, eK as TransactionName, eJ as TransactionNames, v as TransactionResponse, eM as TransactionStatus, eL as TransactionStatuses, f4 as TxAuthData, f5 as TxAuthInput, f6 as TxAuthInputSdk, b$ as UNKNOWN_ERROR, g4 as UpdateOrganizationInput, g5 as UpdateOrganizationResponse, dP as UpdateProjectInput, dm as UpdateProviderInput, dn as UpdateProviderResponse, fN as UpdateQueryConfigurationInput, fO as UpdateQueryConfigurationResponse, e6 as UpdateScenarioInput, e7 as UpdateScenarioResponse, cC as UpdateSearchEntitiesInput, cB as UpdateSearchInput, ew as UpdateSmartContractDeploymentInput, ex as UpdateSmartContractDeploymentResponse, eV as UpdateTransactionInput, eW as UpdateTransactionResponse, g6 as UploadDocumentDataInput, g7 as UploadDocumentOutput, aE as VerifiableCredential, V as VerificationFlowChecksWebhookPayload, bE as WebhookPayload, W as WorkspaceSettings, dB as YYYYMMDDIntegerToDate, fp as ZKPOperator, fR as ZKPRequest, fS as ZKPRequestFromZKVerifier, a6 as ZeroKnowledgeProofRequest, a9 as ZeroKnowledgeProofResponse, ax as cleanObject, aw as countryISO3toISO2Mapping, dA as dateToYYYYMMDDInteger, g9 as getAvailableFields, aC as getCredentialName, aF as getCredentialSchemaLocation, eF as getLatestDeployment, eI as getLatestDeploymentForScenario, eH as getLatestEntrypointDeployment, eG as getLatestTransactionFromDeployment, eh as getScenarioStatus, av as isoCountriesNameFromISO2, ci as mappingMatchTypeToLabel, fq as operatorDisplayMap, aN as parseGBGAuthenticateSPData, aQ as parseGBGPepIntelligence, aK as parseGBGSanctionsEnforcement, ae as parseIden3Message, af as parseSessionIdFromUrl, dz as stringToUint8Array, bY as typeToHumanReadable } from './note-map.schema-34c9c243.esm.js';
import { E as EnvironmentSchema, U as UuidString, A as AddressSchema } from './api.schema-f38a5dcb.esm.js';
export { A as AddressSchema, u as ApiSessionData, k as AuthAccessToken, w as AuthorizationConfig, C as CmsSessionData, o as ENVS, E as EnvironmentSchema, F as FunctionCallData, I as IDENTITY_DOCUMENT_COUNTRY_LIST_OPTIONS, g as IDENTITY_DOCUMENT_OPTIONS, j as Identifier, f as IdentityDocumentCountryListOption, h as IdentityDocumentOptionsType, b as JourneySessionSchema, J as JourneyStatusSchema, L as LOCAL_ENVS, p as LocalEnvironmentSchema, M as MNftId, t as MemberCmsJWT, c as NEXERA_ID_SSID_JOURNEY_STATUS_OPTIONS, N as NexeraIdSSIDConfig, d as NexeraIdSSIDJourneyStatus, e as NexeraIdSSIDJourneyStatusEntity, P as PERSONAL_INFORMATION_FIELDS, i as PersonalInformationFieldsIdentityDocuments, m as PrivateKey, v as RequestLogger, R as RequestType, q as Signature, S as Subgraphs, T as TxHash, U as UuidString, a as VerificationMode, V as VerificationModes, Z as ZodParse, n as coerceBoolean, r as getDashboardUrl, l as isValidAddress, s as short0xString } from './api.schema-f38a5dcb.esm.js';
import { _ as _defineProperty, W as WorkspaceSettings, S as ScenarioWebhookPayloadSchema, V as VerificationFlowChecksWebhookPayload, C as CustomerStatus, R as RiskScoreType, A as Alpha3Country, a as RuleResultStatus, b as SynapsSessionEvent, c as SynapsStepEvent, O as OnboardingLevel } from './note-map.schema-c18cff14.esm.js';
export { bW as AMLMetadata, fE as AMLScreeningsResults, ak as AMLScreeningsResultsCredentialSubjectSchema, b8 as ANALYSIS_TYPES, fr as ARRAY_OPERATORS, r as AVAILABLE_FLOWS, gp as ActivityLogAction, go as ActivityLogActions, du as Age, gm as AlertCategories, gn as AlertCategory, gk as AlertSeverities, gl as AlertSeverity, gh as AlertStatus, gg as AlertStatuses, gj as AlertType, gi as AlertTypes, aU as AliasesSchema, fm as AllCredentialAttributes, fn as AllCredentialValues, fX as AllScenarioExecutionAuthorizationData, au as Alpha2Country, A as Alpha3Country, dv as AmendmentsData, b9 as AnalysisType, fs as ArrayOperator, ac as AuthQrCodeData, aL as AuthenticateSPResultSchema, a7 as AuthorizationRequestMessage, aa as AuthorizationResponseMessage, s as AvailableFlow, bc as BLOCKCHAIN_TYPES, fx as BOOLEAN_OPERATORS, d9 as BaseProvider, gf as BasicCustomerContactInformation, d6 as BigConfig, bs as BigCryptoChain, bu as BigProperties, bt as BigPropertiesLiteral, bv as BigProperty, db as BigProvider, bx as BitRankRequest, by as BitRankVerified, bA as BitRankVerifiedError, bz as BitRankVerifiedErrorResponse, bB as BitRankVerifiedResponse, bd as Blockchain, fy as BooleanOperator, cs as COMPLY_ADVANTAGE_COUNTRY_FIELD_SOURCES, cu as COMPLY_ADVANTAGE_DATE_OF_BIRTH_FIELD_SOURCES, cq as COMPLY_ADVANTAGE_NATIONALITY_FIELD_SOURCES, cj as COMPLY_ADVANTAGE_RESPONSE_MATCH_STATUS, cg as COMPLY_ADVANTAGE_RESPONSE_MATCH_TYPE, b5 as CREATE_JOURNEY_ROUTER_STATUSES, fb as ChallengeQueryOperator, fd as ChallengeQueryOperatorToOperator, fa as ChallengeQueryOperators, fe as ChallengeQuerySchema, d as CloseScreenNotification, c7 as CoerceDateUTC, be as Coin, b1 as CompleteGBGJourneyInput, b2 as CompleteGBGJourneyOutput, aj as ComplianceImplementationStepsInput, cO as ComplyAdvantageAmlFullListing, cN as ComplyAdvantageAmlItemSource, ct as ComplyAdvantageCountryFieldSources, cv as ComplyAdvantageDateOfBirthFieldSources, cM as ComplyAdvantageKeyInformation, cG as ComplyAdvantageMedia, cX as ComplyAdvantageMonitorSearchDataResponse, cZ as ComplyAdvantageMonitorSearchResponse, cY as ComplyAdvantageMonitorSearchSuccessResponse, c_ as ComplyAdvantageMonitoredSearchUpdate, cr as ComplyAdvantageNationalityFieldSources, de as ComplyAdvantageProvider, ck as ComplyAdvantageReponseMatchStatus, ch as ComplyAdvantageResponseMatchType, cI as ComplyAdvantageSearchDataResponse, cH as ComplyAdvantageSearchDataResponseHit, cP as ComplyAdvantageSearchEntitiesDataResponse, cR as ComplyAdvantageSearchEntitiesResponse, cQ as ComplyAdvantageSearchEntitiesSuccessResponse, cK as ComplyAdvantageSearchErrorResponse, cS as ComplyAdvantageSearchRequest, cL as ComplyAdvantageSearchResponse, cJ as ComplyAdvantageSearchSuccessResponse, cU as ComplyAdvantageUpdateSearchEntitiesRequest, cW as ComplyAdvantageUpdateSearchEntitiesResponse, cV as ComplyAdvantageUpdateSearchEntitiesSuccessResponse, cT as ComplyAdvantageUpdateSearchRequest, cE as ComplyAdvantageUser, dF as ContactInformation, fU as CreateAuthRequestProps, b7 as CreateJourneyOutput, b6 as CreateJourneyRouterStatus, dJ as CreateProjectInput, dK as CreateProjectResponse, dk as CreateProviderInput, dl as CreateProviderResponse, fL as CreateQueryConfigurationInput, fM as CreateQueryConfigurationResponse, d$ as CreateScenario, eZ as CreateScenarioFromTemplateInput, e_ as CreateScenarioFromTemplateResponse, e0 as CreateScenarioInput, e1 as CreateScenarioResponse, cw as CreateSearchInput, en as CreateSmartContractDeployment, eo as CreateSmartContractDeploymentInput, ep as CreateSmartContractDeploymentResponse, d_ as CreateTemplateScenario, eO as CreateTransaction, eP as CreateTransactionInput, eQ as CreateTransactionResponse, fV as CreateZKProofRequestProps, az as CredentialNames, ab as CredentialQrCodeData, ay as CredentialSchemas, aD as CredentialType, aA as CredentialTypes, b3 as CustomerContactInformationInput, b4 as CustomerContactInformationOutput, C as CustomerStatus, ge as CustomerStatuses, dC as CustomerTableViewOptions, gc as CustomerType, gb as CustomerTypes, fz as DATE_OPERATORS, D as DataAvailableOnStart, d1 as DataProviderOptions, d2 as DataProviders, fA as DateOperator, dQ as DeleteProjectInput, dR as DeleteProjectResponse, dq as DeleteProviderInput, dr as DeleteProviderResponse, fP as DeleteQueryConfigurationInput, fQ as DeleteQueryConfigurationResponse, e8 as DeleteScenarioInput, e9 as DeleteScenarioResponse, ey as DeleteSmartContractDeploymentInput, ez as DeleteSmartContractDeploymentResponse, eX as DeleteTransactionInput, eY as DeleteTransactionResponse, bP as DocumentIdMetadata, bO as DocumentIdType, bN as DocumentIdTypes, dt as DocumentType, $ as DownloadableKycSchema, bV as EmailMetadata, bn as EmailVerificationAnalysisResponse, X as EncryptedKycKey, Y as EncryptedVerifiableCredentialDataSchema, Z as EncryptedVerifiableCredentialSchema, eD as EntrypointDeploymentInput, eE as EntrypointDeploymentResponse, fg as ExecuteChallengeQueryConfig, ff as ExecuteChallengeQueryInput, fi as ExecuteChallengeQueryResponse, ed as ExecuteScenarioConfig, aR as ExtractedFieldSchema, bM as File, aM as GBGAuthenticateSPDataSchema, aY as GBGID3DataSchema, aP as GBGPepIntelligenceDataSchema, aV as GBGPersonalDetailsSchema, aJ as GBGSanctionsEnforcementsDataSchema, aX as GBGScanResponseCompleteSchema, aW as GBGScanResponseSimpleSchema, gq as GenericJsonSchema, at as GenericVerifiableCredentialSchema, G as GetCredentialsRequest, x as GetCredentialsResponse, aZ as GetJourneyAccessTokenOutput, a_ as GetJourneyOutput, dS as GetMediaInput, dT as GetMediaResponse, g3 as GetOrganizationResponse, dN as GetProjectInput, dO as GetProjectResponse, er as GetProjectSmartContractDeploymentsInput, dL as GetProjectsInput, dM as GetProjectsResponse, dj as GetProviderResponse, di as GetProvidersResponse, e4 as GetScenarioInput, e5 as GetScenarioResponse, eq as GetScenarioSmartContractDeploymentsInput, e2 as GetScenariosInput, e3 as GetScenariosResponse, eu as GetSmartContractDeploymentByAddressInput, et as GetSmartContractDeploymentInput, ev as GetSmartContractDeploymentResponse, es as GetSmartContractDeploymentsResponse, eT as GetTransactionInput, eU as GetTransactionResponse, eR as GetTransactionsInput, eS as GetTransactionsResponse, f7 as GetTxAuthDataSignatureInput, f9 as GetTxAuthDataSignatureResponse, f8 as GetTxAuthDataSignatureWidgetInput, M as GetTxAuthSigRequest, N as GetTxAuthSigResponse, aS as GlobalSanctionsAddressSchema, ce as HIGH_RISK_TYPES, eA as HandleEnableScenarioInput, a0 as HostMessage, Q as HostRequestMessage, H as HostResponseMessage, ap as ID3CredentialSubjectSchema, am as IDImageCredentialSubjectSchema, fF as IDInformation, al as IDInformationCredentialSubjectSchema, aq as IDScanCredentialSubjectSchema, ar as IDScanPassportCredentialSubjectSchema, as as IDScanSelfieCredentialSubjectSchema, ds as ISO3CountryCode, dG as IdentityDocumentsType, a1 as IdentityMessage, m as IdentityNotificationMessage, c$ as IdentityProviderOptions, d0 as IdentityProviders, q as IdentityRequestMessage, U as IdentityResponseMessage, ai as ImageUploadResponseSchema, n as InitialDataRequest, t as InitialDataResponse, aG as IntegerOrArrayOfIntegerSchema, bl as IpQualityAnalysisRequest, bm as IpQualityAnalysisResponse, d5 as IpQualityConfig, bp as IpQualityServiceAnalysis, br as IpQualityServiceAnalysisResponse, bq as IpQualityServiceErrorResponse, dd as IpqualityscoreProvider, I as IsVerifiedNotification, J as IsVerifiedRequest, L as IsVerifiedResponse, K as KycCompletionData, e as KycCompletionNotification, f1 as ListScenarioTemplateInput, f3 as ListScenarioTemplatesResponse, bT as LivenessMetadata, ag as MAX_MEDIA_FILE_SIZE, cf as MEDIUM_RISK_TYPES, cy as MatchStatus, cx as MatchStatuses, cF as MatchTypeDetail, dD as Media, ah as MediaDataSchema, a4 as MediaType, a5 as MediaTypePID, d3 as MergedProviders, cD as MonitorSearchInput, fv as NUMERIC_OPERATORS, bF as NestedSession, aB as NexeraCredentialType, da as NexeraIdSSIDProvider, gs as NoteMapObjectType, gr as NoteMapObjectTypes, fw as NumericOperator, ba as OBJECT_TYPES, fj as OPAChallengeQuery, bb as ObjectType, k as OcvSdkInitialized, g as OffChainScenarioExecutionData, fT as OffChainZKP, fl as OffChainZKPRuleResult, fk as OnChainRuleResult, h as OnChainScenarioExecutionData, fZ as OnChainZKP, f_ as OnChainZKPFromNexeraID, g0 as OnChainZKPPayload, f$ as OnChainZKPScenarioFromCms, O as OnboardingLevel, gd as OnboardingLevels, fh as OpaChallengeQueryResponse, fo as Operator, fc as OperatorToChallengeQueryOperator, g2 as OrganizationData, g1 as OrganizationMember, dw as OriginalData, fI as PartialQueryConfigSimplified, aO as PepIntelligenceResultSchema, dx as PersonalData, bU as PhoneMetadata, bo as PhoneVerificationAnalysisResponse, P as PolygonIdInitialized, z as PolygonIdRequest, y as PolygonIdRequestData, E as PolygonIdResponse, B as PolygonIdResponseData, fY as ProjectAuthorizationData, dH as ProjectBranding, dI as ProjectData, a8 as ProofData, bR as ProofOfAddressDocumentType, bQ as ProofOfAddressDocumentTypes, bS as ProofOfAddressMetadata, a$ as ProofOfResidence, ao as ProofOfResidenceCredentialSubjectSchema, b0 as ProofOfResidenceDocumentType, dE as ProofOfResidenceType, dg as ProviderData, dh as ProviderDataProject, d8 as ProviderType, d7 as ProviderTypeOptions, ad as QrCodeLinkWithSchemaType, fG as QueryConfig, fH as QueryConfigSimplified, fJ as QueryConfigSimplifiedParsed, fK as QueryConfiguration, c0 as RESULT_PARSER_ERROR, bL as ReasonCode, bK as ReasonCodes, bw as RequestProperty, a2 as RequiredDataRowSchema, a3 as RequiredVerificationData, g8 as RetrieveDocumentOutput, cA as RiskLevel, cz as RiskLevels, R as RiskScoreType, ga as RiskScoreTypes, bf as RiskSeverity, ea as RuleEngineResponse, f as RuleEngineScenarioExecutionData, a as RuleResultStatus, eg as RuleResultStatusLabels, ee as RuleResultStatuses, e$ as SCENARIO_TEMPLATE_TYPES, cc as SEARCH_FILTER_ADVERSE_MEDIA_TYPE, ca as SEARCH_FILTER_PEP_TYPE, c8 as SEARCH_FILTER_SANCTION_TYPE, cl as SEARCH_FILTER_TYPES, b_ as SESSION_NOT_FOUND, c4 as STEP_NOT_FOUND, ft as STRING_OPERATORS, fB as SUPPORTED_TYPES, aH as SanctionsBodiesSchema, aI as SanctionsEnforcementsResultSchema, dY as Scenario, fW as ScenarioAuthorizationData, eB as ScenarioDeploymentInput, eC as ScenarioDeploymentResponse, i as ScenarioExecutionData, ec as ScenarioExecutionInput, j as ScenarioExecutionNotification, eb as ScenarioExecutionResponse, dX as ScenarioStatus, dW as ScenarioStatuses, f2 as ScenarioTemplate, f0 as ScenarioTemplateType, dV as ScenarioType, dU as ScenarioTypes, S as ScenarioWebhookPayloadSchema, bi as ScorechainAnalysis, d4 as ScorechainConfig, bh as ScorechainError, bg as ScorechainErrorResponse, dc as ScorechainProvider, bk as ScoringAnalysisRequest, bj as ScoringAnalysisResponse, ef as SdkVerificationResponseSchema, co as SearchEntityType, cn as SearchEntityTypes, cd as SearchFilterAdverseMediaType, cb as SearchFilterPepType, c9 as SearchFilterSanctionType, cm as SearchFilterType, cp as SearchFilters, an as SelfieImageCredentialSubjectSchema, p as SendTransactionRequest, bG as Session, bH as SessionWithoutSteps, dy as SignablePersonalData, o as SignatureRequest, u as SignatureResponse, w as SimplifiedCredential, em as SmartContractDeployment, ej as SmartContractName, ei as SmartContractNames, el as SmartContractStatus, ek as SmartContractStatuses, l as StartCompletedNotification, F as StartFlowRequest, bD as Status, bC as Statuses, bX as Step, bJ as StepType, bI as StepTypes, fu as StringOperator, aT as StringOrArrayOfStringSchema, fC as SupportedType, fD as SupportedTypes, df as SynapsProvider, c1 as SynapsSessionErrorResponse, b as SynapsSessionEvent, bZ as SynapsSessionRequest, c2 as SynapsSessionResponse, c5 as SynapsStepErrorResponse, c as SynapsStepEvent, c3 as SynapsStepRequest, c6 as SynapsStepResponse, dZ as TemplateScenario, dp as ToggleProviderInput, eN as Transaction, T as TransactionData, eK as TransactionName, eJ as TransactionNames, v as TransactionResponse, eM as TransactionStatus, eL as TransactionStatuses, f4 as TxAuthData, f5 as TxAuthInput, f6 as TxAuthInputSdk, b$ as UNKNOWN_ERROR, g4 as UpdateOrganizationInput, g5 as UpdateOrganizationResponse, dP as UpdateProjectInput, dm as UpdateProviderInput, dn as UpdateProviderResponse, fN as UpdateQueryConfigurationInput, fO as UpdateQueryConfigurationResponse, e6 as UpdateScenarioInput, e7 as UpdateScenarioResponse, cC as UpdateSearchEntitiesInput, cB as UpdateSearchInput, ew as UpdateSmartContractDeploymentInput, ex as UpdateSmartContractDeploymentResponse, eV as UpdateTransactionInput, eW as UpdateTransactionResponse, g6 as UploadDocumentDataInput, g7 as UploadDocumentOutput, aE as VerifiableCredential, V as VerificationFlowChecksWebhookPayload, bE as WebhookPayload, W as WorkspaceSettings, dB as YYYYMMDDIntegerToDate, fp as ZKPOperator, fR as ZKPRequest, fS as ZKPRequestFromZKVerifier, a6 as ZeroKnowledgeProofRequest, a9 as ZeroKnowledgeProofResponse, ax as cleanObject, aw as countryISO3toISO2Mapping, dA as dateToYYYYMMDDInteger, g9 as getAvailableFields, aC as getCredentialName, aF as getCredentialSchemaLocation, eF as getLatestDeployment, eI as getLatestDeploymentForScenario, eH as getLatestEntrypointDeployment, eG as getLatestTransactionFromDeployment, eh as getScenarioStatus, av as isoCountriesNameFromISO2, ci as mappingMatchTypeToLabel, fq as operatorDisplayMap, aN as parseGBGAuthenticateSPData, aQ as parseGBGPepIntelligence, aK as parseGBGSanctionsEnforcement, ae as parseIden3Message, af as parseSessionIdFromUrl, dz as stringToUint8Array, bY as typeToHumanReadable } from './note-map.schema-c18cff14.esm.js';
import { E as EnvironmentSchema, U as UuidString, A as AddressSchema, S as Signature } from './api.schema-35f6057f.esm.js';
export { A as AddressSchema, u as ApiSessionData, k as AuthAccessToken, w as AuthorizationConfig, C as CmsSessionData, p as ENVS, E as EnvironmentSchema, F as FunctionCallData, I as IDENTITY_DOCUMENT_COUNTRY_LIST_OPTIONS, g as IDENTITY_DOCUMENT_OPTIONS, j as Identifier, f as IdentityDocumentCountryListOption, h as IdentityDocumentOptionsType, b as JourneySessionSchema, J as JourneyStatusSchema, L as LOCAL_ENVS, q as LocalEnvironmentSchema, M as MNftId, t as MemberCmsJWT, c as NEXERA_ID_SSID_JOURNEY_STATUS_OPTIONS, N as NexeraIdSSIDConfig, d as NexeraIdSSIDJourneyStatus, e as NexeraIdSSIDJourneyStatusEntity, P as PERSONAL_INFORMATION_FIELDS, i as PersonalInformationFieldsIdentityDocuments, m as PrivateKey, v as RequestLogger, R as RequestType, S as Signature, n as Subgraphs, T as TxHash, U as UuidString, a as VerificationMode, V as VerificationModes, Z as ZodParse, o as coerceBoolean, r as getDashboardUrl, l as isValidAddress, s as short0xString } from './api.schema-35f6057f.esm.js';
import { z } from 'zod';

@@ -166,2 +166,4 @@ import { zodToJsonSchema } from 'zod-to-json-schema';

// off-chain signature emmission for on-chain gating
// rules engine related topics

@@ -252,2 +254,18 @@ "RULE_ENGINE"];

var BaseSignatureRequestEvent = z.object({
isAuthorized: z["boolean"](),
wallet: AddressSchema,
signature: Signature.optional(),
blockExpiration: z.number()["int"]().optional(),
cmsProjectId: z.string(),
customerId: z.string(),
time: z.string()
var SignatureRequestEvent = z.object({
topic: z.literal(NexeraEventTopic["enum"].SIGNATURE_REQUEST),
subject: z.string().describe("ProjectId"),
// ProjectID
data: BaseSignatureRequestEvent

@@ -272,3 +290,3 @@ var NexeraSSIDEventType = z["enum"](NEXERA_SSID_EVENTS);

var ACTIVITY_TOPICS = [].concat(NEXERA_SSID_EVENTS, [NexeraEventTopic["enum"].SYNAPS_SESSION_CREATED, NexeraEventTopic["enum"].SYNAPS_SESSION_UPDATED, NexeraEventTopic["enum"].SYNAPS_STEP_CREATED, NexeraEventTopic["enum"].SYNAPS_STEP_UPDATED]);
var ACTIVITY_TOPICS = [].concat(NEXERA_SSID_EVENTS, [NexeraEventTopic["enum"].SYNAPS_SESSION_CREATED, NexeraEventTopic["enum"].SYNAPS_SESSION_UPDATED, NexeraEventTopic["enum"].SYNAPS_STEP_CREATED, NexeraEventTopic["enum"].SYNAPS_STEP_UPDATED, NexeraEventTopic["enum"].SIGNATURE_REQUEST]);
var ActivityTopic = z["enum"](ACTIVITY_TOPICS);

@@ -358,3 +376,4 @@ var nexeraEventTypeToHMR = function nexeraEventTypeToHMR(topic) {

SynapsEvents.SYNAPS_SESSION_CREATED, SynapsEvents.SYNAPS_SESSION_UPDATED, SynapsEvents.SYNAPS_STEP_CREATED, SynapsEvents.SYNAPS_STEP_UPDATED, /** customer info related topics */
CustomerEvents.CUSTOMER_CREATED, CustomerEvents.CUSTOMER_STATUS_CHANGED, CustomerEvents.CUSTOMER_RISK_LEVEL_CHANGED, CustomerEvents.CUSTOMER_COUNTRY, /** rules engine related topics */
CustomerEvents.CUSTOMER_CREATED, CustomerEvents.CUSTOMER_STATUS_CHANGED, CustomerEvents.CUSTOMER_RISK_LEVEL_CHANGED, CustomerEvents.CUSTOMER_COUNTRY, /** off-chain signature emmission for on-chain gating */
SignatureRequestEvent, /** rules engine related topics */

@@ -543,2 +562,2 @@

export { ACTIVE_CHAIN_VALUES, ACTIVITY_TOPICS, ActivityTopic, AllNexeraEventTypes, ChainId, ConnectionHandlingWorkspaceInput, ConnectionHandlingWorkspaceOutput, CreateEndpointInput, CreateEndpointOutput, CustomerEvents, DASHBOARD_STATS_TIME_FRAMES, DeleteEndpointInput, DeleteEndpointOutput, EndpointOut, EventType, GetAlertsMetrics, GetAverageRiskLevelResponse, GetCustomerCountryResponse, GetCustomerCreatedResponse, GetCustomerRiskLevelChangedResponse, GetCustomerStatusChangedResponse, GetCustomerStatusCountsResponse, GetCustomerStatusesResponse, GetNewCustomersResponse, GetRuleEngineResponse, GetSSIDCountsResponse, GetSSIDDurationResponse, GetTop5CountriesByCustomerCountResponse, ListEnpointsInput, ListEventTypeOutput, ListResponseEndpointOut, Member, NEXERA_CHAINS, NEXERA_CHAIN_NAMES, NEXERA_CHAIN_VALUES, NEXERA_SSID, NEXERA_SSID_EVENTS, NexeraEvent, NexeraEventTopic, NexeraEventTopics, NexeraMeterQueries, NexeraMeterQueryParams, NexeraMeterQueryResponse, NexeraSSIDEventType, NexeraSvixEnvironmentConfig, NexeraWebhookEvents, OPEN_METER_WINDOW_SIZES, OmMeterSlug, OpenMeterQueryParams, OpenMeterWindowSize, POLYGON_NETWORK_NAMES, PolygonNetworkNames, RefreshSessionMember, RuleEngineEvent, RuleEngineEventType, RuleEngineEventTypes, SendCodeInput, SendCodeOutput, SendMessageForSendScenarioInput, SendMessageForSendVerificationFlowInput, SessionMember, SynapsEvents, Timeframe, UpdateEndpointInput, UpdateEndpointOutput, WebhookEventType, WebhookEventTypes, nexeraEventTypeToHMR };
export { ACTIVE_CHAIN_VALUES, ACTIVITY_TOPICS, ActivityTopic, AllNexeraEventTypes, BaseSignatureRequestEvent, ChainId, ConnectionHandlingWorkspaceInput, ConnectionHandlingWorkspaceOutput, CreateEndpointInput, CreateEndpointOutput, CustomerEvents, DASHBOARD_STATS_TIME_FRAMES, DeleteEndpointInput, DeleteEndpointOutput, EndpointOut, EventType, GetAlertsMetrics, GetAverageRiskLevelResponse, GetCustomerCountryResponse, GetCustomerCreatedResponse, GetCustomerRiskLevelChangedResponse, GetCustomerStatusChangedResponse, GetCustomerStatusCountsResponse, GetCustomerStatusesResponse, GetNewCustomersResponse, GetRuleEngineResponse, GetSSIDCountsResponse, GetSSIDDurationResponse, GetTop5CountriesByCustomerCountResponse, ListEnpointsInput, ListEventTypeOutput, ListResponseEndpointOut, Member, NEXERA_CHAINS, NEXERA_CHAIN_NAMES, NEXERA_CHAIN_VALUES, NEXERA_SSID, NEXERA_SSID_EVENTS, NexeraEvent, NexeraEventTopic, NexeraEventTopics, NexeraMeterQueries, NexeraMeterQueryParams, NexeraMeterQueryResponse, NexeraSSIDEventType, NexeraSvixEnvironmentConfig, NexeraWebhookEvents, OPEN_METER_WINDOW_SIZES, OmMeterSlug, OpenMeterQueryParams, OpenMeterWindowSize, POLYGON_NETWORK_NAMES, PolygonNetworkNames, RefreshSessionMember, RuleEngineEvent, RuleEngineEventType, RuleEngineEventTypes, SendCodeInput, SendCodeOutput, SendMessageForSendScenarioInput, SendMessageForSendVerificationFlowInput, SessionMember, SignatureRequestEvent, SynapsEvents, Timeframe, UpdateEndpointInput, UpdateEndpointOutput, WebhookEventType, WebhookEventTypes, nexeraEventTypeToHMR };
"name": "@nexeraprotocol/nexera-id-schemas",
"version": "1.10.85",
"version": "1.10.86",
"description": "",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "main": "dist/nexeraprotocol-nexera-id-schemas.cjs.js",

"name": "@nexeraprotocol/nexera-id-schemas",
"version": "1.10.85-dev",
"version": "1.10.86-dev",
"description": "",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "main": "dist/nexeraprotocol-nexera-id-schemas.cjs.js",

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Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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