New cursor functions
- now you can do up, left, right, down with the number of lines/columns.. eg. ansi.up(5)
Available colors
bold, underscore, grey, greyBG purple, purpleBG, red, redBG redBG2, green, greenBG, greenBG2 blue, blueBG, blueBG2, yellow, yellowBG, yellowBG2, magenta, magentaBG, magentaBG2, cyan, cyanBG, orangeBG, white, whiteBG, black, blackBG
Other functions
- up, down, right, left: moves cursor,
- saveCursor: save cursor position,
- restoreCursor: restore last savd position,
- clearScreen: clear screen,
const ansi = require("@nexssp/ansi");
console.log(ansi.red("My red text"));
const { red, blue, yellowBG, bold } = require("@nexssp/ansi");
console.log(red("my test" + yellowBG(bold("red bold and yellow background"))));