npm i @nexssp/cli -g
Welcome to ____
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Nexss Programmer is a cli tool which allows to compile, compose over 50 programming languages.
Overview |
List of Languages |
Installation |
Documentation |
Nexss Programmer Presentation (Youtube video):
Nexss Programmer functionalities:
✔ Easy programming for multiplatform in over 50 programming languages,
✔ Windows, Linux: tested on: Alpine, Amazon, Arch, CentOS, Debian, Fedora, Mint, Oracle, Rhel, Suse Leap, Suse TumbleWeed, Ubuntu and soon MacOS,
✔ NodeJS versions: 10+ => 10.x, 12.x, 14.x, 15.x
✔ Over 50 programming languages: Ada, Auto Hot Key, Autoit, Bash, Basic, Batch, C, Clojure, Coconut, Coffee Script, C++, Crystal, CSharp, D, Dart, Elixir, Erlang, Fortran, Go, Groovy, Haskell, Haxe, Hy, Java, JSON, Julia, Kotlin, Lua, Nexss, Nim, NodeJS, Octave, Perl, PHP, PowerShell, Pure Data, Python 3, R, Racket, Raku, Ruby, Rust, Scala, TCL/TK, Typescript, V, VBScript, Windows Scripting Host, Zig
✘ WIP - Add more here later..
- --nxsI - interactive mode