What is @ngrx/component-store?
@ngrx/component-store is a library for managing local/component state in Angular applications. It provides a simple and reactive way to manage state within Angular components, leveraging RxJS for state management and side effects.
What are @ngrx/component-store's main functionalities?
State Management
This feature allows you to manage the state within a component. The `ComponentStore` class is used to define the state and provide methods to update it.
import { ComponentStore } from '@ngrx/component-store';
interface State {
count: number;
class CounterStore extends ComponentStore<State> {
constructor() {
super({ count: 0 });
readonly increment = this.updater((state) => ({ count: state.count + 1 }));
readonly decrement = this.updater((state) => ({ count: state.count - 1 }));
readonly reset = this.updater(() => ({ count: 0 }));
Selectors are used to derive and expose slices of the state. The `select` method allows you to create observables that emit state changes.
class CounterStore extends ComponentStore<State> {
constructor() {
super({ count: 0 });
readonly count$ = this.select(state => state.count);
Effects are used to handle side effects, such as HTTP requests. The `effect` method allows you to define observables that can trigger state changes based on external events.
class CounterStore extends ComponentStore<State> {
constructor(private readonly http: HttpClient) {
super({ count: 0 });
readonly loadCount = this.effect((trigger$) =>
switchMap(() => this.http.get<number>('/api/count').pipe(
(count) => this.patchState({ count }),
(error) => console.error(error)
Other packages similar to @ngrx/component-store
NGXS is a state management library for Angular that is modeled after the Redux pattern. It provides a more opinionated and structured approach to state management compared to @ngrx/component-store, with features like actions, selectors, and middleware.
Akita is a state management library for Angular applications that focuses on simplicity and performance. It provides a more flexible and less opinionated approach compared to @ngrx/component-store, with features like entity stores and query services.
Angular-Redux is a library that integrates Redux with Angular. It provides a way to manage global state using the Redux pattern, which can be more complex and boilerplate-heavy compared to the local state management provided by @ngrx/component-store.