v0.7.2-alpha.1 - 2022-07-05
- chore(versions): 😊 publish v0.7.2-alpha.1
- fix: drop all foreign keys
- fix(plugin-workflow): fix collection trigger config
- feat: filter with variable
- feat(cli): check database version before installation
- fix(database): index invalid
- fix: export association table data
- Refactor(plugin workflow): move client files into plugin
- fix(database): constraints default to false
- fix(plugin-workflow): fix select width
- feat: compatible with old kanban
- feat: display association fields
- Fix(plugin workflow)
- fix:update mysql port
- fix: export of relation blocks
- fix(plugin-workflow): clear options when change collection
- feat(plugin-workflow): add race mode
- fix(client): change toArr to _.castArray in select component
- chore(versions): 😊 publish v0.7.1-alpha.7
- fix(client): comment out useless code
- fix(workflow): merge workflow providers
- feat(client): integer field