Core package that, makes requests idempotent and powers
if above packages dont meet your needs, you can utilise the core package directly to tweek it as per your needs.
npm i @node-idempotency/core
The flow for idempotency is simple, you call the onRequest
handler, when you receieve the request from clients before it reaches your business logic/controller.
handler validates request for conflicts, figerprint missmatch, no idempotency-key(when idempotency is enforced) and gives back the response if the key is already seen, you typically give back the "cached" response to the client.
if its a new request, it marks the request as progress generates fingerprint using body
(so that it can validate conflicts for duplicate requests and figure out fingerprint missmatch), and returns undefined, you are responsible here to pass the request to your controller/business logic.
handler is called by you when your business logic completes for the first time, so that the response can be stored and the request can be marked as complete.
import { Idempotency } from '@node-idempotency/core'
import { MemoryStorageAdapter } from "@node-idempotency/storage-adapter-memory";
const idempotency = new Idempotency(new MemoryStorageAdapter(), {...idempotencyOptions});
try {
const response = await idempotency.onRequest({
method: "POST",
headers: { "idempotency-key": "123" },
body: { pay: 100 },
path: "/charge",
options: { ...idempotencyOptions }
if (!response) {
} catch (err) {
const response = await idempotency.onResponse(
method: "POST",
headers: { "idempotency-key": "123" },
body: { pay: 100 },
path: "/charge",
options: { ...idempotencyOptions }
body:{ charge:"success" }
additional:{ status: 201 }
check details about the api here