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@node-red/editor-client - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 2.1.3 to 2.1.4



@@ -62,2 +62,4 @@ {

"hideAllFlows": "Hide all flows",
"hiddenFlows": "List __count__ hidden flow",
"hiddenFlows_plural": "List __count__ hidden flows",
"showLastHiddenFlow": "Show last hidden flow",

@@ -94,2 +96,3 @@ "listFlows": "List flows",

"edit": "Edit",
"settings": "Settings",

@@ -673,3 +676,4 @@ "userSettings": "User Settings",

"uknownNodes": "Unknown nodes",
"unusedSubflows": "Unused subflows"
"unusedSubflows": "Unused subflows",
"hiddenFlows": "Hidden flows"

@@ -1141,2 +1145,3 @@ },

"tourGuide": {
"takeATour": "Take a tour",
"start": "Start",

@@ -1143,0 +1148,0 @@ "next": "Next"



@@ -228,3 +228,3 @@ {

"copy": "导出到剪贴板",
"export": "到处到库",
"export": "导出到库",
"exportAs": "导出为",

@@ -231,0 +231,0 @@ "overwrite": "替换",

"name": "@node-red/editor-client",
"version": "2.1.3",
"version": "2.1.4",
"license": "Apache-2.0",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "repository": {

export default {
steps: [
title: "Create your first flow",
title: {
'en-US': 'Create your first flow',
'ja': 'はじめてのフローを作成'
width: 400,
description: 'This tutorial will guide you through creating your first flow',
description: {
'en-US': 'This tutorial will guide you through creating your first flow',
'ja': '本チュートリアルでは、はじめてのフローを作成する方法について説明します。'
nextButton: 'start'

@@ -11,3 +17,6 @@ },

element: "#red-ui-workspace",
description: 'To add a new tab, click the <i class="fa fa-plus"></i> button',
description: {
'en-US': 'To add a new tab, click the <i class="fa fa-plus"></i> button',
'ja': '新しいタブを追加するため、 <i class="fa fa-plus"></i> ボタンをクリックします。'
wait: {

@@ -22,3 +31,6 @@ type: "dom-event",

direction: 'right',
description: 'The palette lists all of the nodes available to use. Drag a new Inject node into the workspace.',
description: {
'en-US': 'The palette lists all of the nodes available to use. Drag a new Inject node into the workspace.',
'ja': 'パレットには、利用できる全てのノードが一覧表示されます。injectノードをワークスペースにドラッグします。'
fallback: 'inset-bottom-right',

@@ -43,3 +55,6 @@ wait: {

direction: 'right',
description: 'Next, drag a new Debug node into the workspace.',
description: {
'en-US': 'Next, drag a new Debug node into the workspace.',
'ja': '次に、debugノードをワークスペースにドラッグします。'
fallback: 'inset-bottom-right',

@@ -63,3 +78,6 @@ wait: {

element: function() { return $("#"" .red-ui-flow-port") },
description: 'Add a wire from the output of the Inject node to the input of the Debug node',
description: {
'en-US': 'Add a wire from the output of the Inject node to the input of the Debug node',
'ja': 'injectノードの出力から、debugノードの入力へワイヤーで接続します。'
fallback: 'inset-bottom-right',

@@ -76,3 +94,6 @@ wait: {

element: "#red-ui-header-button-deploy",
description: 'Deploy your changes so the flow is active in the runtime',
description: {
'en-US': 'Deploy your changes so the flow is active in the runtime',
'ja': 'フローをランタイムで実行させるため、変更をデプロイします。'
width: 200,

@@ -79,0 +100,0 @@ wait: {

@@ -6,18 +6,34 @@ export default {

titleIcon: "fa fa-map-o",
title: { "en-US": "Welcome to Node-RED 2.1!" },
description: { "en-US": "Let's take a moment to discover the new features in this release." }
title: {
"en-US": "Welcome to Node-RED 2.1!",
"ja": "Node-RED 2.1へようこそ!"
description: {
"en-US": "Let's take a moment to discover the new features in this release.",
"ja": "本リリースの新機能を見つけてみましょう。"
title: { "en-US": "A new Tour Guide" },
description: { "en-US": "<p>First, as you've already found, we now have this tour of new features. We'll only show the tour the first time you open the editor for each new version of Node-RED.</p>"+
"<p>You can choose not to see this tour in the future by disabling it under the View tab of User Settings.</p>" }
title: {
"en-US": "A new Tour Guide",
"ja": "新しいツアーガイド"
description: {
"en-US": "<p>First, as you've already found, we now have this tour of new features. We'll only show the tour the first time you open the editor for each new version of Node-RED.</p>" +
"<p>You can choose not to see this tour in the future by disabling it under the View tab of User Settings.</p>",
"ja": "<p>最初に、既に見つけている様に、新機能の本ツアーがあります。本ツアーは、新バージョンのNode-REDフローエディタを初めて開いた時のみ表示されます。</p>" +
title: { "en-US": "New Edit menu" },
title: {
"en-US": "New Edit menu",
"ja": "新しい編集メニュー"
prepare() {
complete() {

@@ -27,14 +43,20 @@ element: "#menu-item-edit-menu-submenu",

direction: "left",
description: { "en-US": "<p>The main menu has been updated with a new 'Edit' section. This includes all of the familar options, like cut/paste and undo/redo.</p>"+
"<p>The menu now displays keyboard shortcuts for the options.</p>" }
description: {
"en-US": "<p>The main menu has been updated with a new 'Edit' section. This includes all of the familar options, like cut/paste and undo/redo.</p>" +
"<p>The menu now displays keyboard shortcuts for the options.</p>",
"ja": "<p>メインメニューに「編集」セクションが追加されました。本セクションには、切り取り/貼り付けや、変更操作を戻す/やり直しの様な使い慣れたオプションが含まれています。</p>" +
title: { "en-US": "Arranging nodes" },
title: {
"en-US": "Arranging nodes",
"ja": "ノードの配置"
prepare() {
complete() {

@@ -44,8 +66,17 @@ element: "#menu-item-arrange-menu-submenu",

direction: "left",
description: { "en-US": "<p>The new 'Arrange' section of the menu provides new options to help arrange your nodes. You can align them to a common edge, spread them out evenly or change their order.</p>" },
description: {
"en-US": "<p>The new 'Arrange' section of the menu provides new options to help arrange your nodes. You can align them to a common edge, spread them out evenly or change their order.</p>",
"ja": "<p>メニューの新しい「配置」セクションには、ノードの配置を助ける新しいオプションが提供されています。ノードの端を揃えたり、均等に配置したり、表示順序を変更したりできます。</p>"
title: { "en-US": "Hiding tabs" },
title: {
"en-US": "Hiding tabs",
"ja": "タブの非表示"
element: "#red-ui-workspace-tabs >",
description: { "en-US": '<p>Tabs can now be hidden by clicking their <i class="fa fa-times"></i> icon.</p><p>The Info Sidebar will still list all of your tabs, and tell you which ones are currently hidden.' },
description: {
"en-US": '<p>Tabs can now be hidden by clicking their <i class="fa fa-times"></i> icon.</p><p>The Info Sidebar will still list all of your tabs, and tell you which ones are currently hidden.',
"ja": '<p><i class="fa fa-times"></i> アイコンをクリックすることで、タブを非表示にできます。</p><p>情報サイドバーには、全てのタブが一覧表示されており、現在非表示になっているタブを確認できます。'
interactive: false,

@@ -60,5 +91,11 @@ prepare() {

title: { "en-US": "Tab menu" },
title: {
"en-US": "Tab menu",
"ja": "タブメニュー"
element: "#red-ui-workspace-tabs-menu",
description: { "en-US": '<p>The new tab menu also provides lots of new options for your tabs.</p>' },
description: {
"en-US": "<p>The new tab menu also provides lots of new options for your tabs.</p>",
"ja": "<p>新しいタブメニューには、タブに関する沢山の新しいオプションが提供されています。</p>"
interactive: false,

@@ -74,6 +111,12 @@ direction: "left",

title: { "en-US": "Flow and Group level environment variables" },
title: {
"en-US": "Flow and Group level environment variables",
"ja": "フローとグループの環境変数"
element: "#red-ui-workspace-tabs >",
interactive: false,
description: { "en-US": "<p>Flows and Groups can now have their own environment variables that can be referenced by nodes inside them.</p>" },
description: {
"en-US": "<p>Flows and Groups can now have their own environment variables that can be referenced by nodes inside them.</p>",
"ja": "<p>フローとグループには、内部のノードから参照できる環境変数を設定できるようになりました。</p>"

@@ -86,3 +129,6 @@ {

element: "#red-ui-tab-editor-tab-envProperties-link-button",
description: { "en-US": "<p>Their edit dialogs have a new Environment Variables section.</p>" },
description: {
"en-US": "<p>Their edit dialogs have a new Environment Variables section.</p>",
"ja": "<p>編集ダイアログに環境変数セクションが追加されました。</p>"

@@ -92,3 +138,6 @@ {

direction: "left",
description: { "en-US": '<p>The environment variables are listed in this table and new ones can be added by clicking the <i class="fa fa-plus"></i> button.</p>' },
description: {
"en-US": '<p>The environment variables are listed in this table and new ones can be added by clicking the <i class="fa fa-plus"></i> button.</p>',
"ja": '<p>この表に環境変数が一覧表示されており、<i class="fa fa-plus"></i>ボタンをクリックすることで新しい変数を追加できます。</p>'
complete(done) {

@@ -99,5 +148,7 @@ $("#node-dialog-cancel").trigger("click");

title: {"en-US":"Link Call node added"},
title: {
"en-US": "Link Call node added",
"ja": "Link Callノードを追加"
prepare(done) {

@@ -111,6 +162,12 @@ this.paletteWasClosed = $("#red-ui-main-container").hasClass("red-ui-palette-closed");

direction: "right",
description: { "en-US": '<p>The <code>Link Call</code> node lets you call another flow that begins with a <code>Link In</code> node and get the result back when the message reaches a <code>Link Out</code> node.</p>' },
description: {
"en-US": "<p>The <code>Link Call</code> node lets you call another flow that begins with a <code>Link In</code> node and get the result back when the message reaches a <code>Link Out</code> node.</p>",
"ja": "<p><code>Link Call</code>ノードを用いることで、<code>Link In</code>ノードから始まるフローを呼び出し、<code>Link Out</code>ノードに到達した時に、結果を取得できます。</p>"
title: {"en-US":"MQTT nodes support dynamic connections"},
title: {
"en-US": "MQTT nodes support dynamic connections",
"ja": "MQTTノードが動的接続をサポート"
prepare(done) {

@@ -122,8 +179,14 @@ $('[data-palette-type="mqtt out"]')[0].scrollIntoView({block:"center"})

direction: "right",
description: { "en-US": '<p>The <code>MQTT</code> nodes now support creating their connections and subscriptions dynamically.</p>' },
description: {
"en-US": '<p>The <code>MQTT</code> nodes now support creating their connections and subscriptions dynamically.</p>',
"ja": '<p><code>MQTT</code>ノードは、動的な接続や購読ができるようになりました。</p>'
title: {"en-US":"File nodes renamed"},
title: {
"en-US": "File nodes renamed",
"ja": "ファイルノードの名前変更"
prepare(done) {

@@ -138,9 +201,15 @@ },

direction: "right",
description: { "en-US": '<p>The file nodes have been renamed to make it clearer which node does what.</p>' },
description: {
"en-US": "<p>The file nodes have been renamed to make it clearer which node does what.</p>",
"ja": "<p>fileノードの名前が変更され、どのノードが何を行うかが明確になりました。</p>"
title: {"en-US":"Deep copy option on Change node"},
title: {
"en-US": "Deep copy option on Change node",
"ja": "Changeノードのディープコピーオプション"
prepare(done) {
var def = RED.nodes.getType('change')
RED.editor.edit({id:"test",type:"change",rules:[{t:'set',p:'payload',pt:'msg', tot:'msg',to:"anotherProperty"}],_def:def, _:def._})
var def = RED.nodes.getType('change');
RED.editor.edit({id:"test",type:"change",rules:[{t:"set",p:"payload",pt:"msg", tot:"msg",to:"anotherProperty"}],_def:def, _:def._});

@@ -153,11 +222,20 @@ },

element: function() {
return $(".node-input-rule-property-deepCopy").next()
return $(".node-input-rule-property-deepCopy").next();
description: { "en-US": '<p>The Set rule has a new option to create a deep copy of the value. This ensures a complete copy is made, rather than using a reference.</p>' },
description: {
"en-US": "<p>The Set rule has a new option to create a deep copy of the value. This ensures a complete copy is made, rather than using a reference.</p>",
"ja": "<p>値を代入に、値のディープコピーを作成するオプションが追加されました。これによって参照ではなく、完全なコピーが作成されます。</p>"
title: { "en-US": "And that's not all..." },
description: { "en-US": "<p>There are many more smaller changes, including:</p><ul><li>Auto-complete suggestions in the <code>msg</code> TypedInput.</li><li>Support for <code>msg.resetTimeout</code> in the <code>Join</code> node.</li><li>Pushing messages to the front of the queue in the <code>Delay</code> node's rate limiting mode.</li><li>An optional second output on the <code>Delay</code> node for rate limited messages.</li></ul>" }
title: {
"en-US": "And that's not all...",
"ja": "これが全てではありません..."
description: {
"en-US": "<p>There are many more smaller changes, including:</p><ul><li>Auto-complete suggestions in the <code>msg</code> TypedInput.</li><li>Support for <code>msg.resetTimeout</code> in the <code>Join</code> node.</li><li>Pushing messages to the front of the queue in the <code>Delay</code> node's rate limiting mode.</li><li>An optional second output on the <code>Delay</code> node for rate limited messages.</li></ul>",
"ja": "<p>以下の様な小さな変更が沢山あります:</p><ul><li><code>msg</code> TypedInputの自動補完提案</li><li><code>Join</code>ノードで<code>msg.resetTimeout</code>のサポート</li><li><code>Delay</code>ノードの流量制御モードにおいて先頭メッセージをキューに追加</li><li><code>Delay</code>ノードで流量制限されたメッセージ向けの任意の2つ目の出力</li></ul>"

@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@

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