An Amazon SQS transport adapter for @node-ts/bus
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Install packages and their dependencies
npm i @node-ts/bus-sqs @node-ts/bus-core
Once installed, configure Bus to use this transport during initialization:
import { Bus } from '@node-ts/bus-core'
import { SqsTransport, SqsTransportConfiguration } from '@node-ts/bus-sqs'
const sqsConfiguration: SqsTransportConfiguration = {
awsRegion: process.env.AWS_REGION,
awsAccountId: process.env.AWS_ACCOUNT_ID,
queueName: `my-service`,
deadLetterQueueName: `my-service-dead-letter`
const sqsTransport = new SqsTransport(sqsConfiguration)
const bus = Bus.configure().withTransport(sqsTransport).build()
await bus.initialize()
Local development can be done with the aid of docker to run the required infrastructure. To do so, run:
docker run -e SERVICES=sqs,sns -e DEFAULT_REGION=us-east-1 -p 4566-4583:4566-4583 localstack/localstack
This will create a localstack instance running and exposing a mock sqs/sns that's compatible with the AWS-SDK. This same environment is used when running integration tests for the SqsTransport