Welcome to mail-bundle
Register and Configure mail Bundle (Core Bundle)
For a Register mail-bundle add mail: true in config framework
module.exports = {
system: {
mail: true
Override mail-bundle configuration your bundle
"mail-bundle": {
nodemailer: {
default: "free",
transporters: {
free: {
host: "smtp.free.fr",
port: 465,
secure: true,
auth: {
user: "username",
pass: "passwd"
gmail : {
host: "smtp.gmail.com",
port: 465,
secure: true,
auth: {
user: "user@gmail.com",
pass: "xxxxxxxxx"
tls: {
rejectUnauthorized: false
Example to use :
Check transporters with sendTestMail
mailAction() {
return this.mailer.sendTestMail("admin@nodefony.com", "gmail", this.context)
.catch((e) => {
throw e;
Complete example
const vCardsJS = require('vcards-js');
const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');
async indexAction() {
case "POST":
if (this.query.mail){
return this.sendEmail(this.query.mail)
.then((info) =>{
this.logger(info, "INFO", "EMAIL");
return this.redirectToRoute("route-after-sended");
return this.redirectToRoute("myroute");
async sendEmail(to) {
let res = await this.twigToHtml();
const message = {
to: to,
from: `"${this.mailer.authorName}" <admin@nodefony.net>`,
subject: `${this.kernel.projectName} ✔`,
html: res,
attachments: [{
filename: 'nodefony.pdf',
content: await this.renderPdf({}, {
queryString: {
mail: true
}, {
filename: 'nodefony.vcf',
content: this.renderVcard(),
contentType: 'text/vcard'
return await this.sendMail(message);
async twigToHtml() {
let file = path.resolve(this.bundle.viewsPath, "index.html.twig");
let res = await this.renderTwigFile(file)
.catch((e) => {
throw e;
return this.mailer.juiceResources(res, null, this.context);
renderVcard() {
let vCard = vCardsJS();
vCard.firstName = 'admin';
vCard.lastName = 'admin';
vCard.organization = 'Nodefony';
vCard.photo.attachFromUrl('https://cdn.nodefony.com/app/images/app-logo.png', 'JPEG');
vCard.logo.attachFromUrl('https://cdn.nodefony.com/app/images/app-logo.png', "PNG");
vCard.workPhone = '+033xxxxxxxxxx';
vCard.birthday = new Date(xxxx, xx, xx);
vCard.title = 'Software Developer ';
vCard.url = this.generateAbsoluteUrl("myurl", true);
vCard.gender = 'M';
vCard.email = 'admin@nodefony.net';
vCard.source = this.generateAbsoluteUrl("render-vcard", true);
vCard.homeAddress.label = 'Home Address';
vCard.homeAddress.street = '';
vCard.homeAddress.city = '';
vCard.homeAddress.stateProvince = '';
vCard.homeAddress.postalCode = '';
vCard.homeAddress.countryRegion = '';
vCard.socialUrls.github = 'https://github.com/nodefony';
return vCard.getFormattedString();
async renderPdf(options, query = {}) {
const browser = await puppeteer.launch({
headless: true,
options = nodefony.extend({
scale: 0.8,
printBackground: true,
preferCSSPageSize: false,
displayHeaderFooter: false,
landscape: false,
margin: {
top: "30px",
}, options);
const page = await browser.newPage();
await page.goto(this.generateAbsoluteUrl("route_page_to_transform", query));
await page.emulateMedia("print");
let buffer = await page.pdf(options);
await browser.close();
return buffer;