colors: Any use of prior yellow colors as background or text
colors that were not already variables referenced elsewhere (see:
alerts) will be broken with this change (39951f0)
viewport-panes: don't show at certain sizes (38f9bc9)
links: This will affect all links and should be tested
[Finishes #119321553] (da7b84d)
svgeople: If you were relying upon `fillPeople`, it no longer
exists, nor does the `this.people` array (4f39f45)
iconography: Any case where icon-avatar is being used needs to be
changed to avatar-icon and if there is a sibling icon class, it needs to
be removed (3fa5757)
forms: This could break tests down the line and any
assumptions made when the max value was not set. Originally, the max
defaulted to 99999. If a user had left the `max` attribute out of the
input element, with this change, there is no longer that default max to
fall back on (37cec37)
typography: Header font-weight should be a default, but should be
able to be easily overwritten by an emphasis class, since the weight is
not the primary purpose for it as a class. (de25b14)
typography: the fonts are all different now; Open Sans is bigger than Source Sans Pro at the same font size... (17f628e)
viewport-panes: Adds variables that will affect the header as well (83cc78e)
buttons: (class name) .btn-highlight-alt and .btn-highlight deprecated (8d0647e)