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@nrk/core-input - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.1.0 to 1.1.1



import {name, version} from './package.json'
import {IS_IOS, addEvent, escapeHTML, dispatchEvent, queryAll} from '../utils'
import {IS_IOS, addEvent, escapeHTML, dispatchEvent, requestAnimFrame, queryAll} from '../utils'

@@ -102,4 +102,6 @@ const UUID = `data-${name}-${version}`.replace(/\W+/g, '-') // Strip invalid attribute characters

function setupExpand (input, open = input.getAttribute('aria-expanded') === 'true') {
input.nextElementSibling[open ? 'removeAttribute' : 'setAttribute']('hidden', '')
input.setAttribute('aria-expanded', open)
requestAnimFrame(() => { // Fixes VoiceOver Safari focus jumping to parentElement
input.nextElementSibling[open ? 'removeAttribute' : 'setAttribute']('hidden', '')
input.setAttribute('aria-expanded', open)

@@ -126,4 +128,5 @@'GET', url.replace('{{value}}', window.encodeURIComponent(input.value)), true)
req.setRequestHeader('X-Requested-With', 'XMLHttpRequest') //

@@ -1,2 +0,236 @@

!function(e,t){"object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module?module.exports=t():"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(t):e.coreInput=t()}(this,function(){"use strict";var e="undefined"!=typeof window,o=(e&&/(android)/i.test(navigator.userAgent),e&&/iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(String(navigator.platform))),i=function(e){void 0===e&&(e=!1);try{window.addEventListener("test",null,{get passive(){e=!0}})}catch(e){}return e}();function t(e,t,n,r){(void 0===r&&(r=!1),"undefined"==typeof window||window[e=e+"-"+t])||(i||"object"!=typeof r||(r=Boolean(r.capture)),("resize"===t||"load"===t?window:document).addEventListener(window[e]=t,n,r))}var n={"&":"&amp;","<":"&lt;",">":"&gt;",'"':"&quot;","/":"&#x2F;","'":"&#x27;"};function r(e){return String(e||"").replace(/[&<>"'/]/g,function(e){return n[e]})}var a="prevent_recursive_dispatch_maximum_callstack";function u(e,t,n){void 0===n&&(n={});var r,i=""+a+t;if(e[i])return!0;e[i]=!0,"function"==typeof window.CustomEvent?r=new window.CustomEvent(t,{bubbles:!0,cancelable:!0,detail:n}):(r=document.createEvent("CustomEvent")).initCustomEvent(t,!0,!0,n);var o=e.dispatchEvent(r);return e[i]=null,o}function c(e,t){if(void 0===t&&(t=document),e){if(e.nodeType)return[e];if("string"==typeof e)return[];if(e.length)return[]}return[]}var d="data-@nrk/core-input-1.0.4".replace(/\W+/g,"-"),l=13,f=27,s=33,p=34,v=35,m=36,b=38,g=40,y='[tabindex="-1"]',w=500;function x(e,t){var r="object"==typeof t?t:{content:t},i="string"==typeof r.content;return c(e).map(function(e){var t=e.nextElementSibling,n=void 0===r.ajax?e.getAttribute(d):r.ajax;return e.setAttribute(d,n||""),e.setAttribute(o?"data-role":"role","combobox"),e.setAttribute("aria-autocomplete","list"),e.setAttribute("autocomplete","off"),i&&(t.innerHTML=r.content),c("a,button",t).forEach(C),A(e,,e})}function h(a){a.ctrlKey||a.altKey||a.metaKey||a.defaultPrevented||c("["+d+"]").forEach(function(e){var t,n,r=e.nextElementSibling,||r.contains(,o="click"===a.type&&i&&c(y,r).filter(function(e){return e.contains(})[0];o?(t=e,n={relatedTarget:r,currentTarget:o,value:o.value||o.textContent.trim()},u(t,"",n)&&(t.value=n.value,t.focus(),A(t,!1))):A(e,i)})}function E(e,t){var n=e.nextElementSibling,r=c(y+":not([hidden])",n),i=r.indexOf(document.activeElement),o=!1;t.keyCode===g?o=r[i+1]||r[0]:t.keyCode===b?o=r[i-1]||r.pop():n.contains(||t.keyCode===p?o=r.pop():t.keyCode===m||t.keyCode===s?o=r[0]:t.keyCode!==l&&e.focus()),n.hasAttribute("hidden")||t.keyCode!==f||t.preventDefault(),A(e,t.keyCode!==f),!1!==o&&t.preventDefault(),o&&o.focus()}function A(e,t){void 0===t&&(t="true"===e.getAttribute("aria-expanded")),e.nextElementSibling[t?"removeAttribute":"setAttribute"]("hidden",""),e.setAttribute("aria-expanded",t)}function C(e,t,n){e.setAttribute("aria-label",e.textContent.trim()+", "+(t+1)+" av "+n.length),e.setAttribute("tabindex","-1")}function k(e){var t=e.getAttribute(d),n=k.req=k.req||new window.XMLHttpRequest;if(!t)return!1;clearTimeout(k.timer),n.abort(),n.onload=function(){try{n.responseJSON=JSON.parse(n.responseText)}catch(e){n.responseJSON=!1}u(e,"input.ajax",n)},k.timer=setTimeout(function(){e.value&&("GET",t.replace("{{value}}",window.encodeURIComponent(e.value)),!0),n.send())},w)}return x.escapeHTML=r,x.highlight=function(e,t){var n=t.replace(/[-/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g,"\\$&");return r(e).replace(new RegExp(n||".^","gi"),"<mark>$&</mark>")},t(d,"click",h),t(d,"focus",h,!0),t(d,"input",function(e){var r,t,;n.hasAttribute(d)&&(t={relatedTarget:(r=n).nextElementSibling},u(r,"input.filter",t)&&!k(r)&&c(y,r.nextElementSibling).reduce(function(e,t){var n=-1!==t.textContent.toLowerCase().indexOf(r.value.toLowerCase());return t[n?"removeAttribute":"setAttribute"]("hidden",""),n?e.concat(t):e},[]).forEach(C))}),t(d,"keydown",function(e){if(!(e.ctrlKey||e.altKey||e.metaKey)){if( E(,e);for(var,n=void 0;t;t=t.parentElement)if((n=t.previousElementSibling)&&n.hasAttribute(d))return E(n,e)}}),x});
/*! @nrk/core-input v1.1.0 - Copyright (c) 2017-2018 NRK */
(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports = factory() :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(factory) :
(global.coreInput = factory());
}(this, (function () { 'use strict';
var name = "@nrk/core-input";
var version = "1.1.0";
var IS_BROWSER = typeof window !== 'undefined';
var IS_ANDROID = IS_BROWSER && /(android)/i.test(navigator.userAgent); // Bad, but needed
var IS_IOS = IS_BROWSER && /iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(String(navigator.platform));
var HAS_EVENT_OPTIONS = (function (has) {
if ( has === void 0 ) has = false;
try { window.addEventListener('test', null, {get passive () { has = true; }}); } catch (e) {}
return has
* addEvent
* @param {String} uuid An unique ID of the event to bind - ensurnes single instance
* @param {String} type The type of event to bind
* @param {Function} handler The function to call on event
* @param {Boolean|Object} options useCapture or options object for addEventListener. Defaults to false
function addEvent (uuid, type, handler, options) {
if ( options === void 0 ) options = false;
if (typeof window === 'undefined' || window[uuid = uuid + "-" + type]) { return } // Ensure single instance
if (!HAS_EVENT_OPTIONS && typeof options === 'object') { options = Boolean(options.capture); } // Fix unsupported options
var node = (type === 'resize' || type === 'load') ? window : document;
node.addEventListener(window[uuid] = type, handler, options);
* escapeHTML
* @param {String} str A string with potential html tokens
* @return {String} Escaped HTML string according to OWASP recommendation
var ESCAPE_MAP = {'&': '&amp;', '<': '&lt;', '>': '&gt;', '"': '&quot;', '/': '&#x2F;', '\'': '&#x27;'};
function escapeHTML (str) {
return String(str || '').replace(/[&<>"'/]/g, function (char) { return ESCAPE_MAP[char]; })
* dispatchEvent - with infinite loop prevention
* @param {Element} elem The target object
* @param {String} name The source object(s)
* @param {Object} detail Detail object (bubbles and cancelable is set to true)
* @return {Boolean} Whether the event was canceled
var IGNORE = 'prevent_recursive_dispatch_maximum_callstack';
function dispatchEvent (element, name, detail) {
if ( detail === void 0 ) detail = {};
var ignore = "" + IGNORE + name;
var event;
if (element[ignore]) { return true } // We are already processing this event, so skip sending a new one
else { element[ignore] = true; } // Add name to dispatching ignore
if (typeof window.CustomEvent === 'function') {
event = new window.CustomEvent(name, {bubbles: true, cancelable: true, detail: detail});
} else {
event = document.createEvent('CustomEvent');
event.initCustomEvent(name, true, true, detail);
// IE reports incorrect event.defaultPrevented
// but correct return value on element.dispatchEvent
var result = element.dispatchEvent(event);
element[ignore] = null; // Remove name from dispatching ignore
return result // Follow W3C standard for return value
* requestAnimFrame (super simple polyfill)
function requestAnimFrame (fn) {
(window.requestAnimationFrame || window.setTimeout)(fn);
* queryAll
* @param {String|NodeList|Array|Element} elements A CSS selector string, nodeList, element array, or single element
* @return {Element[]} Array of elements
function queryAll (elements, context) {
if ( context === void 0 ) context = document;
if (elements) {
if (elements.nodeType) { return [elements] }
if (typeof elements === 'string') { return [] }
if (elements.length) { return [] }
return []
var UUID = ("data-" + name + "-" + version).replace(/\W+/g, '-'); // Strip invalid attribute characters
var KEYS = {ENTER: 13, ESC: 27, PAGEUP: 33, PAGEDOWN: 34, END: 35, HOME: 36, UP: 38, DOWN: 40};
var ITEM = '[tabindex="-1"]';
var AJAX_DEBOUNCE = 500;
function input (elements, content) {
var options = typeof content === 'object' ? content : {content: content};
var repaint = typeof options.content === 'string';
return queryAll(elements).map(function (input) {
var list = input.nextElementSibling;
var ajax = typeof options.ajax === 'undefined' ? input.getAttribute(UUID) : options.ajax;
input.setAttribute(UUID, ajax || '');
input.setAttribute(IS_IOS ? 'data-role' : 'role', 'combobox'); // iOS does not inform user area is editable if combobox
input.setAttribute('aria-autocomplete', 'list');
input.setAttribute('autocomplete', 'off');
if (repaint) { list.innerHTML = options.content; }
queryAll('a,button', list).forEach(setupItem);
return input
// Expose helper functions
input.escapeHTML = escapeHTML;
input.highlight = function (haystack, needle) {
var escapedRegExp = needle.replace(/[-/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&'); // From lodash
return escapeHTML(haystack).replace(new RegExp(escapedRegExp || '.^', 'gi'), '<mark>$&</mark>')
addEvent(UUID, 'click', onClickOrFocus);
addEvent(UUID, 'focus', onClickOrFocus, true); // Use focus with capturing instead of focusin for old Firefox
function onClickOrFocus (event) {
if (event.ctrlKey || event.altKey || event.metaKey || event.defaultPrevented) { return }
queryAll(("[" + UUID + "]")).forEach(function (input) {
var list = input.nextElementSibling;
var open = input === || list.contains(;
var item = event.type === 'click' && open && queryAll(ITEM, list).filter(function (item) { return item.contains(; })[0];
if (item) { onSelect(input, {relatedTarget: list, currentTarget: item, value: item.value || item.textContent.trim()}); }
else { setupExpand(input, open); }
addEvent(UUID, 'input', function (ref) {
var input =;
if (input.hasAttribute(UUID)) { onFilter(input, {relatedTarget: input.nextElementSibling}); }
addEvent(UUID, 'keydown', function (event) {
if (event.ctrlKey || event.altKey || event.metaKey) { return }
if ( { return onKey(, event) } // Quick check
for (var el =, prev = (void 0); el; el = el.parentElement) { // Check if inside list
if ((prev = el.previousElementSibling) && prev.hasAttribute(UUID)) { return onKey(prev, event) }
function onKey (input, event) {
var list = input.nextElementSibling;
var focus = queryAll((ITEM + ":not([hidden])"), list);
var index = focus.indexOf(document.activeElement);
var item = false;
if (event.keyCode === KEYS.DOWN) { item = focus[index + 1] || focus[0]; }
else if (event.keyCode === KEYS.UP) { item = focus[index - 1] || focus.pop(); }
else if (list.contains( { // Aditional shortcuts if focus is inside list
if (event.keyCode === KEYS.END || event.keyCode === KEYS.PAGEDOWN) { item = focus.pop(); }
else if (event.keyCode === KEYS.HOME || event.keyCode === KEYS.PAGEUP) { item = focus[0]; }
else if (event.keyCode !== KEYS.ENTER) { input.focus(); }
if (!list.hasAttribute('hidden') && event.keyCode === KEYS.ESC) { event.preventDefault(); }
setupExpand(input, event.keyCode !== KEYS.ESC);
if (item !== false) { event.preventDefault(); } // event.preventDefault even if empty list
if (item) { item.focus(); }
function onSelect (input, detail) {
if (dispatchEvent(input, '', detail)) {
input.value = detail.value;
setupExpand(input, false);
function onFilter (input, detail) {
if (dispatchEvent(input, 'input.filter', detail) && !ajax(input)) {
queryAll(ITEM, input.nextElementSibling).reduce(function (acc, item) {
var show = item.textContent.toLowerCase().indexOf(input.value.toLowerCase()) !== -1;
item[show ? 'removeAttribute' : 'setAttribute']('hidden', '');
return show ? acc.concat(item) : acc
}, []).forEach(setupItem);
function setupExpand (input, open) {
if ( open === void 0 ) open = input.getAttribute('aria-expanded') === 'true';
requestAnimFrame(function () { // Fixes VoiceOver Safari focus jumping to parentElement
input.nextElementSibling[open ? 'removeAttribute' : 'setAttribute']('hidden', '');
input.setAttribute('aria-expanded', open);
function setupItem (item, index, items) {
item.setAttribute('aria-label', ((item.textContent.trim()) + ", " + (index + 1) + " av " + (items.length)));
item.setAttribute('tabindex', '-1');
function ajax (input) {
var url = input.getAttribute(UUID);
var req = ajax.req = ajax.req || new window.XMLHttpRequest();
if (!url) { return false }
clearTimeout(ajax.timer); // Clear previous search
req.abort(); // Abort previous request
req.onload = function () {
try { req.responseJSON = JSON.parse(req.responseText); } catch (err) { req.responseJSON = false; }
dispatchEvent(input, 'input.ajax', req);
ajax.timer = setTimeout(function () { // Debounce next request 500 milliseconds
if (!input.value) { return } // Abort if input is empty'GET', url.replace('{{value}}', window.encodeURIComponent(input.value)), true);
req.setRequestHeader('X-Requested-With', 'XMLHttpRequest'); //
return input;

@@ -1,2 +0,303 @@

!function(e,t){"object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module?module.exports=t(require("react")):"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(["react"],t):e.CoreInput=t(e.React)}(this,function(a){"use strict";a=a&&a.hasOwnProperty("default")?a.default:a;var e="undefined"!=typeof window,o=(e&&/(android)/i.test(navigator.userAgent),e&&/iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(String(navigator.platform))),r=function(e){void 0===e&&(e=!1);try{window.addEventListener("test",null,{get passive(){e=!0}})}catch(e){}return e}();function t(e,t,n,i){(void 0===i&&(i=!1),"undefined"==typeof window||window[e=e+"-"+t])||(r||"object"!=typeof i||(i=Boolean(i.capture)),("resize"===t||"load"===t?window:document).addEventListener(window[e]=t,n,i))}var n={"&":"&amp;","<":"&lt;",">":"&gt;",'"':"&quot;","/":"&#x2F;","'":"&#x27;"};function i(e){return String(e||"").replace(/[&<>"'/]/g,function(e){return n[e]})}var u="prevent_recursive_dispatch_maximum_callstack";function l(e,t,n){void 0===n&&(n={});var i,r=""+u+t;if(e[r])return!0;e[r]=!0,"function"==typeof window.CustomEvent?i=new window.CustomEvent(t,{bubbles:!0,cancelable:!0,detail:n}):(i=document.createEvent("CustomEvent")).initCustomEvent(t,!0,!0,n);var o=e.dispatchEvent(i);return e[r]=null,o}function c(e,t){if(void 0===t&&(t=document),e){if(e.nodeType)return[e];if("string"==typeof e)return[];if(e.length)return[]}return[]}var s="data-@nrk/core-input-1.0.4".replace(/\W+/g,"-"),p=13,d=27,f=33,h=34,v=35,m=36,g=38,b=40,y='[tabindex="-1"]',x=500;function E(e,t){var i="object"==typeof t?t:{content:t},r="string"==typeof i.content;return c(e).map(function(e){var t=e.nextElementSibling,n=void 0===i.ajax?e.getAttribute(s):i.ajax;return e.setAttribute(s,n||""),e.setAttribute(o?"data-role":"role","combobox"),e.setAttribute("aria-autocomplete","list"),e.setAttribute("autocomplete","off"),r&&(t.innerHTML=i.content),c("a,button",t).forEach(S),C(e,,e})}function w(a){a.ctrlKey||a.altKey||a.metaKey||a.defaultPrevented||c("["+s+"]").forEach(function(e){var t,n,i=e.nextElementSibling,||i.contains(,o="click"===a.type&&r&&c(y,i).filter(function(e){return e.contains(})[0];o?(t=e,n={relatedTarget:i,currentTarget:o,value:o.value||o.textContent.trim()},l(t,"",n)&&(t.value=n.value,t.focus(),C(t,!1))):C(e,r)})}function A(e,t){var n=e.nextElementSibling,i=c(y+":not([hidden])",n),r=i.indexOf(document.activeElement),o=!1;t.keyCode===b?o=i[r+1]||i[0]:t.keyCode===g?o=i[r-1]||i.pop():n.contains(||t.keyCode===h?o=i.pop():t.keyCode===m||t.keyCode===f?o=i[0]:t.keyCode!==p&&e.focus()),n.hasAttribute("hidden")||t.keyCode!==d||t.preventDefault(),C(e,t.keyCode!==d),!1!==o&&t.preventDefault(),o&&o.focus()}function C(e,t){void 0===t&&(t="true"===e.getAttribute("aria-expanded")),e.nextElementSibling[t?"removeAttribute":"setAttribute"]("hidden",""),e.setAttribute("aria-expanded",t)}function S(e,t,n){e.setAttribute("aria-label",e.textContent.trim()+", "+(t+1)+" av "+n.length),e.setAttribute("tabindex","-1")}function j(e){var t=e.getAttribute(s),n=j.req=j.req||new window.XMLHttpRequest;if(!t)return!1;clearTimeout(j.timer),n.abort(),n.onload=function(){try{n.responseJSON=JSON.parse(n.responseText)}catch(e){n.responseJSON=!1}l(e,"input.ajax",n)},j.timer=setTimeout(function(){e.value&&("GET",t.replace("{{value}}",window.encodeURIComponent(e.value)),!0),n.send())},x)}E.escapeHTML=i,E.highlight=function(e,t){var n=t.replace(/[-/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g,"\\$&");return i(e).replace(new RegExp(n||".^","gi"),"<mark>$&</mark>")},t(s,"click",w),t(s,"focus",w,!0),t(s,"input",function(e){var i,t,;n.hasAttribute(s)&&(t={relatedTarget:(i=n).nextElementSibling},l(i,"input.filter",t)&&!j(i)&&c(y,i.nextElementSibling).reduce(function(e,t){var n=-1!==t.textContent.toLowerCase().indexOf(i.value.toLowerCase());return t[n?"removeAttribute":"setAttribute"]("hidden",""),n?e.concat(t):e},[]).forEach(S))}),t(s,"keydown",function(e){if(!(e.ctrlKey||e.altKey||e.metaKey)){if( A(,e);for(var,n=void 0;t;t=t.parentElement)if((n=t.previousElementSibling)&&n.hasAttribute(s))return A(n,e)}});var k=function(t){function o(e){,e),this.onFilter=this.onFilter.bind(this),this.onSelect=this.onSelect.bind(this),this.onAjax=this.onAjax.bind(this)}t&&(o.__proto__=t),(o.prototype=Object.create(t&&t.prototype)).constructor=o;var e={defaultProps:{configurable:!0}};return e.defaultProps.get=function(){return{open:null,ajax:null,onAjax:null,onFilter:null,onSelect:null}},o.prototype.componentDidMount=function(){this.el.addEventListener("input.filter",this.onFilter),this.el.addEventListener("",this.onSelect),this.el.addEventListener("input.ajax",this.onAjax),E(this.el.firstElementChild,this.props)},o.prototype.componentDidUpdate=function(){E(this.el.firstElementChild)},o.prototype.componentWillUnmount=function(){this.el.removeEventListener("input.filter",this.onFilter),this.el.removeEventListener("",this.onSelect),this.el.removeEventListener("input.ajax",this.onAjax)},o.prototype.onFilter=function(e){this.props.onFilter&&this.props.onFilter(e)},o.prototype.onSelect=function(e){this.props.onSelect&&this.props.onSelect(e)},o.prototype.onAjax=function(e){this.props.onAjax&&this.props.onAjax(e)},o.prototype.render=function(){var n,i,e,r=this;return a.createElement("div",(n=this.props,i=o.defaultProps,void 0===(e={ref:function(e){return r.el=e}})&&(e={}),Object.keys(n).reduce(function(e,t){return i.hasOwnProperty(t)||(e[t]=n[t]),e},e)),,function(e,t){return 0===t?a.cloneElement(e,{"aria-expanded":String(Boolean(}):1===t?a.cloneElement(e,{hidden:!}):e}))},Object.defineProperties(o,e),o}(a.Component);return k.Highlight=function(e){var t=e.text,n=e.query;return void 0===n&&(n=""),a.createElement("span",{dangerouslySetInnerHTML:{__html:E.highlight(t,n)}})},k});
'use strict';
function _interopDefault (ex) { return (ex && (typeof ex === 'object') && 'default' in ex) ? ex['default'] : ex; }
var React = _interopDefault(require('react'));
var name = "@nrk/core-input";
var version = "1.1.0";
var IS_BROWSER = typeof window !== 'undefined';
var IS_ANDROID = IS_BROWSER && /(android)/i.test(navigator.userAgent); // Bad, but needed
var IS_IOS = IS_BROWSER && /iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(String(navigator.platform));
var HAS_EVENT_OPTIONS = (function (has) {
if ( has === void 0 ) has = false;
try { window.addEventListener('test', null, {get passive () { has = true; }}); } catch (e) {}
return has
* addEvent
* @param {String} uuid An unique ID of the event to bind - ensurnes single instance
* @param {String} type The type of event to bind
* @param {Function} handler The function to call on event
* @param {Boolean|Object} options useCapture or options object for addEventListener. Defaults to false
function addEvent (uuid, type, handler, options) {
if ( options === void 0 ) options = false;
if (typeof window === 'undefined' || window[uuid = uuid + "-" + type]) { return } // Ensure single instance
if (!HAS_EVENT_OPTIONS && typeof options === 'object') { options = Boolean(options.capture); } // Fix unsupported options
var node = (type === 'resize' || type === 'load') ? window : document;
node.addEventListener(window[uuid] = type, handler, options);
* escapeHTML
* @param {String} str A string with potential html tokens
* @return {String} Escaped HTML string according to OWASP recommendation
var ESCAPE_MAP = {'&': '&amp;', '<': '&lt;', '>': '&gt;', '"': '&quot;', '/': '&#x2F;', '\'': '&#x27;'};
function escapeHTML (str) {
return String(str || '').replace(/[&<>"'/]/g, function (char) { return ESCAPE_MAP[char]; })
* exclude
* @param {Object} target The target object
* @param {Object} exclude The source to exclude keys from
* @return {Object} The target object without keys found in source
function exclude (target, exclude, include) {
if ( include === void 0 ) include = {};
return Object.keys(target).reduce(function (acc, key) {
if (!exclude.hasOwnProperty(key)) { acc[key] = target[key]; }
return acc
}, include)
* dispatchEvent - with infinite loop prevention
* @param {Element} elem The target object
* @param {String} name The source object(s)
* @param {Object} detail Detail object (bubbles and cancelable is set to true)
* @return {Boolean} Whether the event was canceled
var IGNORE = 'prevent_recursive_dispatch_maximum_callstack';
function dispatchEvent (element, name, detail) {
if ( detail === void 0 ) detail = {};
var ignore = "" + IGNORE + name;
var event;
if (element[ignore]) { return true } // We are already processing this event, so skip sending a new one
else { element[ignore] = true; } // Add name to dispatching ignore
if (typeof window.CustomEvent === 'function') {
event = new window.CustomEvent(name, {bubbles: true, cancelable: true, detail: detail});
} else {
event = document.createEvent('CustomEvent');
event.initCustomEvent(name, true, true, detail);
// IE reports incorrect event.defaultPrevented
// but correct return value on element.dispatchEvent
var result = element.dispatchEvent(event);
element[ignore] = null; // Remove name from dispatching ignore
return result // Follow W3C standard for return value
* requestAnimFrame (super simple polyfill)
function requestAnimFrame (fn) {
(window.requestAnimationFrame || window.setTimeout)(fn);
* queryAll
* @param {String|NodeList|Array|Element} elements A CSS selector string, nodeList, element array, or single element
* @return {Element[]} Array of elements
function queryAll (elements, context) {
if ( context === void 0 ) context = document;
if (elements) {
if (elements.nodeType) { return [elements] }
if (typeof elements === 'string') { return [] }
if (elements.length) { return [] }
return []
var UUID = ("data-" + name + "-" + version).replace(/\W+/g, '-'); // Strip invalid attribute characters
var KEYS = {ENTER: 13, ESC: 27, PAGEUP: 33, PAGEDOWN: 34, END: 35, HOME: 36, UP: 38, DOWN: 40};
var ITEM = '[tabindex="-1"]';
var AJAX_DEBOUNCE = 500;
function input (elements, content) {
var options = typeof content === 'object' ? content : {content: content};
var repaint = typeof options.content === 'string';
return queryAll(elements).map(function (input) {
var list = input.nextElementSibling;
var ajax = typeof options.ajax === 'undefined' ? input.getAttribute(UUID) : options.ajax;
input.setAttribute(UUID, ajax || '');
input.setAttribute(IS_IOS ? 'data-role' : 'role', 'combobox'); // iOS does not inform user area is editable if combobox
input.setAttribute('aria-autocomplete', 'list');
input.setAttribute('autocomplete', 'off');
if (repaint) { list.innerHTML = options.content; }
queryAll('a,button', list).forEach(setupItem);
return input
// Expose helper functions
input.escapeHTML = escapeHTML;
input.highlight = function (haystack, needle) {
var escapedRegExp = needle.replace(/[-/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&'); // From lodash
return escapeHTML(haystack).replace(new RegExp(escapedRegExp || '.^', 'gi'), '<mark>$&</mark>')
addEvent(UUID, 'click', onClickOrFocus);
addEvent(UUID, 'focus', onClickOrFocus, true); // Use focus with capturing instead of focusin for old Firefox
function onClickOrFocus (event) {
if (event.ctrlKey || event.altKey || event.metaKey || event.defaultPrevented) { return }
queryAll(("[" + UUID + "]")).forEach(function (input) {
var list = input.nextElementSibling;
var open = input === || list.contains(;
var item = event.type === 'click' && open && queryAll(ITEM, list).filter(function (item) { return item.contains(; })[0];
if (item) { onSelect(input, {relatedTarget: list, currentTarget: item, value: item.value || item.textContent.trim()}); }
else { setupExpand(input, open); }
addEvent(UUID, 'input', function (ref) {
var input =;
if (input.hasAttribute(UUID)) { onFilter(input, {relatedTarget: input.nextElementSibling}); }
addEvent(UUID, 'keydown', function (event) {
if (event.ctrlKey || event.altKey || event.metaKey) { return }
if ( { return onKey(, event) } // Quick check
for (var el =, prev = (void 0); el; el = el.parentElement) { // Check if inside list
if ((prev = el.previousElementSibling) && prev.hasAttribute(UUID)) { return onKey(prev, event) }
function onKey (input, event) {
var list = input.nextElementSibling;
var focus = queryAll((ITEM + ":not([hidden])"), list);
var index = focus.indexOf(document.activeElement);
var item = false;
if (event.keyCode === KEYS.DOWN) { item = focus[index + 1] || focus[0]; }
else if (event.keyCode === KEYS.UP) { item = focus[index - 1] || focus.pop(); }
else if (list.contains( { // Aditional shortcuts if focus is inside list
if (event.keyCode === KEYS.END || event.keyCode === KEYS.PAGEDOWN) { item = focus.pop(); }
else if (event.keyCode === KEYS.HOME || event.keyCode === KEYS.PAGEUP) { item = focus[0]; }
else if (event.keyCode !== KEYS.ENTER) { input.focus(); }
if (!list.hasAttribute('hidden') && event.keyCode === KEYS.ESC) { event.preventDefault(); }
setupExpand(input, event.keyCode !== KEYS.ESC);
if (item !== false) { event.preventDefault(); } // event.preventDefault even if empty list
if (item) { item.focus(); }
function onSelect (input, detail) {
if (dispatchEvent(input, '', detail)) {
input.value = detail.value;
setupExpand(input, false);
function onFilter (input, detail) {
if (dispatchEvent(input, 'input.filter', detail) && !ajax(input)) {
queryAll(ITEM, input.nextElementSibling).reduce(function (acc, item) {
var show = item.textContent.toLowerCase().indexOf(input.value.toLowerCase()) !== -1;
item[show ? 'removeAttribute' : 'setAttribute']('hidden', '');
return show ? acc.concat(item) : acc
}, []).forEach(setupItem);
function setupExpand (input, open) {
if ( open === void 0 ) open = input.getAttribute('aria-expanded') === 'true';
requestAnimFrame(function () { // Fixes VoiceOver Safari focus jumping to parentElement
input.nextElementSibling[open ? 'removeAttribute' : 'setAttribute']('hidden', '');
input.setAttribute('aria-expanded', open);
function setupItem (item, index, items) {
item.setAttribute('aria-label', ((item.textContent.trim()) + ", " + (index + 1) + " av " + (items.length)));
item.setAttribute('tabindex', '-1');
function ajax (input) {
var url = input.getAttribute(UUID);
var req = ajax.req = ajax.req || new window.XMLHttpRequest();
if (!url) { return false }
clearTimeout(ajax.timer); // Clear previous search
req.abort(); // Abort previous request
req.onload = function () {
try { req.responseJSON = JSON.parse(req.responseText); } catch (err) { req.responseJSON = false; }
dispatchEvent(input, 'input.ajax', req);
ajax.timer = setTimeout(function () { // Debounce next request 500 milliseconds
if (!input.value) { return } // Abort if input is empty'GET', url.replace('{{value}}', window.encodeURIComponent(input.value)), true);
req.setRequestHeader('X-Requested-With', 'XMLHttpRequest'); //
var Input = (function (superclass) {
function Input (props) {, props);
this.onFilter = this.onFilter.bind(this);
this.onSelect = this.onSelect.bind(this);
this.onAjax = this.onAjax.bind(this);
if ( superclass ) Input.__proto__ = superclass;
Input.prototype = Object.create( superclass && superclass.prototype );
Input.prototype.constructor = Input;
var staticAccessors = { defaultProps: { configurable: true } };
staticAccessors.defaultProps.get = function () { return {open: null, ajax: null, onAjax: null, onFilter: null, onSelect: null} };
Input.prototype.componentDidMount = function componentDidMount () { // Mount client side only to avoid rerender
this.el.addEventListener('input.filter', this.onFilter);
this.el.addEventListener('', this.onSelect);
this.el.addEventListener('input.ajax', this.onAjax);
input(this.el.firstElementChild, this.props);
Input.prototype.componentDidUpdate = function componentDidUpdate () { input(this.el.firstElementChild); }; // Must mount also on update in case content changes
Input.prototype.componentWillUnmount = function componentWillUnmount () {
this.el.removeEventListener('input.filter', this.onFilter);
this.el.removeEventListener('', this.onSelect);
this.el.removeEventListener('input.ajax', this.onAjax);
Input.prototype.onFilter = function onFilter (event) { this.props.onFilter && this.props.onFilter(event); };
Input.prototype.onSelect = function onSelect (event) { this.props.onSelect && this.props.onSelect(event); };
Input.prototype.onAjax = function onAjax (event) { this.props.onAjax && this.props.onAjax(event); };
Input.prototype.render = function render () {
var this$1 = this;
return React.createElement('div', exclude(this.props, Input.defaultProps, {ref: function (el) { return (this$1.el = el); }}),, function (child, adjacent) {
if (adjacent === 0) { return React.cloneElement(child, {'aria-expanded': String(Boolean(this$}) }
if (adjacent === 1) { return React.cloneElement(child, {'hidden': !this$}) }
return child
Object.defineProperties( Input, staticAccessors );
return Input;
Input.Highlight = function (ref) {
var text = ref.text;
var query = ref.query; if ( query === void 0 ) query = '';
return React.createElement('span', {dangerouslySetInnerHTML: {
__html: input.highlight(text, query) // We know coreInput escapes, so this is safe
module.exports = Input;

@@ -5,10 +5,6 @@ {

"author": "NRK <> (",
"version": "1.1.0",
"version": "1.1.1",
"license": "MIT",
"main": "core-input.min.js",
"main": "core-input.cjs.js",
"jsx": "jsx/index.js",
"optionalDependencies": {
"react": "*",
"react-dom": "*"
"repository": {

@@ -15,0 +11,0 @@ "type": "git",

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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