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@nrk/core-progress - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 2.0.4 to 2.0.5


import CoreProgress from './core-progress.js'
import { elementToReact } from '../utils.js'
import { version } from './package.json'
import customElementToReact from '@nrk/custom-element-to-react'
export default elementToReact(CoreProgress, 'change')
export default customElementToReact(CoreProgress, {
customEvents: ['change'],
suffix: version

@@ -235,96 +235,3 @@ (function (global, factory) {

function elementToReact(elementClass) {
for (var _len = arguments.length, attr = new Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0), _key = 1; _key < _len; _key++) {
attr[_key - 1] = arguments[_key];
var name = || String(elementClass).match(/function ([^(]+)/)[1]; // String match for IE11
var tag = "".concat(name.replace(/\W+/, '-'), "-").concat(getUUID()).toLowerCase();
if (IS_BROWSER && !window.customElements.get(tag)) window.customElements.define(tag, elementClass);
return (
function (_React$Component) {
_inherits(_class2, _React$Component);
function _class2(props) {
var _this;
_classCallCheck(this, _class2);
_this = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(_class2).call(this, props));
_this.ref = function (el) {
return _this.el = el;
attr.forEach(function (k) {
var on = "on".concat(k.replace(/(^|\.)./g, function (m) {
return m.slice(-1).toUpperCase();
})); // input.filter => onInputFilter
_this[k] = function (event) {
return _this.props[on] && closest(, _this.el.nodeName) === _this.el && _this.props[on](event);
return _this;
_createClass(_class2, [{
key: "componentDidMount",
value: function componentDidMount() {
var _this2 = this;
attr.forEach(function (k) {
return _this2.props[k] ? _this2.el[k] = _this2.props[k] : _this2.el.addEventListener(k, _this2[k]);
}, {
key: "componentDidUpdate",
value: function componentDidUpdate(prev) {
var _this3 = this;
attr.forEach(function (k) {
return prev[k] !== _this3.props[k] && (_this3.el[k] = _this3.props[k]);
}, {
key: "componentWillUnmount",
value: function componentWillUnmount() {
var _this4 = this;
attr.forEach(function (k) {
return _this4.el.removeEventListener(k, _this4[k]);
}, {
key: "render",
value: function render() {
var _this5 = this;
// Convert React props to CustomElement props
return React.createElement(tag, Object.keys(this.props).reduce(function (props, k) {
if (k === 'className') props["class"] = _this5.props[k]; // Fixes className for custom elements
else if (_this5.props[k] === true) props[k] = ''; // Fixes boolean attributes
else if (_this5.props[k] !== false) props[k] = _this5.props[k];
return props;
}, {
ref: this.ref
return _class2;
* getUUID
* @return {String} A generated unique ID
function getUUID() {
return + Math.random().toString(36).slice(2, 5);
var CoreProgress =

@@ -408,4 +315,140 @@ /*#__PURE__*/

var coreProgress = elementToReact(CoreProgress, 'change');
var version = "2.0.5";
* closest
* @param {Element} element Element to traverse up from
* @param {String} selector A selector to search for matching parents or element itself
* @return {Element|null} Element which is the closest ancestor matching selector
var closest$1 = function () {
var proto = typeof window === 'undefined' ? {} : window.Element.prototype;
var match = proto.matches || proto.msMatchesSelector || proto.webkitMatchesSelector;
return proto.closest ? function (el, css) {
return el.closest(css);
} : function (el, css) {
for (; el; el = el.parentElement) {
if (, css)) {
return el;
return null;
* customElementToReact
* @param {Class|Function} elem A custom element definition.
* @param {Array} attr Props and events
* @return {Object} A React component
function customElementToReact(elementClass, options) {
if (options === void 0) options = {};
var name = || String(elementClass).match(/function ([^(]+)/)[1]; // String match for IE11
var dashCase = name.replace(/.[A-Z]/g, function (ref) {
var a = ref[0];
var b = ref[1];
return a + "-" + b;
}); // NameName -> name-name
var customProps = options.props || [];
var customEvents = options.customEvents || [];
var skipProps = customProps.slice(); // Keep a copy
var tagName = (dashCase + "-" + (options.suffix || 'react')).replace(/\W+/g, '-').toLowerCase();
return (
function (superclass) {
function anonymous(props) {
var this$1 = this;, props);
this.ref = function (el) {
return this$1.el = el;
customEvents.forEach(function (eventName) {
var on = "on" + eventName.replace(/(^|\.)./g, function (m) {
return m.slice(-1).toUpperCase();
}); // input.filter => onInputFilter
this$1[eventName] = function (event) {
return this$1.props[on] && closest$1(, this$1.el.nodeName) === this$1.el && this$1.props[on](event);
skipProps.push(on); // Skip props that are customEvents
if (superclass) anonymous.__proto__ = superclass;
anonymous.prototype = Object.create(superclass && superclass.prototype);
anonymous.prototype.constructor = anonymous;
anonymous.prototype.componentDidMount = function componentDidMount() {
var this$1 = this; // Do not run connectedCallback before after React componentDidMount, to allow React hydration to run first
if (!window.customElements.get(tagName)) {
window.customElements.define(tagName, elementClass);
customProps.forEach(function (key) {
return this$1.props.hasOwnProperty(key) && (this$1.el[key] = this$1.props[key]);
customEvents.forEach(function (key) {
return this$1.el.addEventListener(key, this$1[key]);
anonymous.prototype.componentDidUpdate = function componentDidUpdate(prev) {
var this$1 = this;
customProps.forEach(function (key) {
return prev[key] !== this$1.props[key] && (this$1.el[key] = this$1.props[key]);
anonymous.prototype.componentWillUnmount = function componentWillUnmount() {
var this$1 = this;
customEvents.forEach(function (eventName) {
return this$1.el.removeEventListener(eventName, this$1[eventName]);
anonymous.prototype.render = function render() {
var this$1 = this; // Convert React props to CustomElement props
return React.createElement(tagName, Object.keys(this.props).reduce(function (thisProps, key) {
if (skipProps.indexOf(key) === -1) {
// Do not render customEvents and custom props as attributes
if (key === 'className') {
thisProps["class"] = this$1.props[key];
} // Fixes className for custom elements
else if (this$1.props[key] === true) {
thisProps[key] = '';
} // Fixes boolean attributes
else if (this$1.props[key] !== false) {
thisProps[key] = this$1.props[key];
} // Pass only truthy, non-function props
return thisProps;
}, {
ref: this.ref
return anonymous;
var coreProgress = customElementToReact(CoreProgress, {
customEvents: ['change'],
suffix: version
return coreProgress;

@@ -412,0 +455,0 @@

@@ -1,3 +0,3 @@

/*! @nrk/core-progress v2.0.4 - Copyright (c) 2017-2019 NRK */
/*! @nrk/core-progress v2.0.5 - Copyright (c) 2017-2019 NRK */
!function(t,e){"object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module?module.exports=e():"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(e):(t=t||self).coreProgress=e()}(this,function(){"use strict";function o(t,e){if(!(t instanceof e))throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")}function u(t,e){for(var n=0;n<e.length;n++){var r=e[n];r.enumerable=r.enumerable||!1,r.configurable=!0,"value"in r&&(r.writable=!0),Object.defineProperty(t,r.key,r)}}function a(t){return(a=Object.setPrototypeOf?Object.getPrototypeOf:function(t){return t.__proto__||Object.getPrototypeOf(t)})(t)}function c(t,e){return(c=Object.setPrototypeOf||function(t,e){return t.__proto__=e,t})(t,e)}function i(t,e,n){return(i=function(){if("undefined"==typeof Reflect||!Reflect.construct)return!1;if(Reflect.construct.sham)return!1;if("function"==typeof Proxy)return!0;try{return,[],function(){})),!0}catch(t){return!1}}()?Reflect.construct:function(t,e,n){var r=[null];r.push.apply(r,e);var i=new(Function.bind.apply(t,r));return n&&c(i,n.prototype),i}).apply(null,arguments)}function s(t){var r="function"==typeof Map?new Map:void 0;return(s=function(t){if(null===t||(e=t,"[native code]")))return t;var e;if("function"!=typeof t)throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");if(void 0!==r){if(r.has(t))return r.get(t);r.set(t,n)}function n(){return i(t,arguments,a(this).constructor)}return n.prototype=Object.create(t.prototype,{constructor:{value:n,enumerable:!1,writable:!0,configurable:!0}}),c(n,t)})(t)}function l(t,e){return!e||"object"!=typeof e&&"function"!=typeof e?function(t){if(void 0===t)throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");return t}(t):e}var t="undefined"!=typeof window;t&&/(android)/i.test(navigator.userAgent),t&&/iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(String(navigator.platform));t&&!window.Element.prototype.toggleAttribute&&(window.Element.prototype.toggleAttribute=function(t){var e=1<arguments.length&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:!this.hasAttribute(t);return!e===this.hasAttribute(t)&&this[e?"setAttribute":"removeAttribute"](t,""),e}),t||global.HTMLElement||(global.HTMLElement=function(){return function t(){o(this,t)}}());var e,n;e="undefined"==typeof window?{}:window.Element.prototype,n=e.matches||e.msMatchesSelector||e.webkitMatchesSelector,e.closest;return function(t){function e(){return o(this,e),l(this,a(e).apply(this,arguments))}var n,r,i;return function(t,e){if("function"!=typeof e&&null!==e)throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");t.prototype=Object.create(e&&e.prototype,{constructor:{value:t,writable:!0,configurable:!0}}),e&&c(t,e)}(e,s(HTMLElement)),n=e,i=[{key:"observedAttributes",get:function(){return["type","value","max"]}}],(r=[{key:"connectedCallback",value:function(){var t,e,n,r;this.setAttribute("role","img"),this.setAttribute("aria-label",this.getAttribute("aria-label")||"0%"),this.type=this.type,t=this.nodeName,e="".concat(this.nodeName,"{display:block;fill:none;stroke-width:15}"),n="style-".concat(t.toLowerCase()),r=e.replace(/\/\*[^!][^*]*\*\//g,"").replace(/\s*(^|[:;,{}]|$)\s*/g,"$1"),document.getElementById(n)||document.head.insertAdjacentHTML("afterbegin",'<style id="'.concat(n,'">').concat(r,"</style>"))}},{key:"attributeChangedCallback",value:function(t,e,n){var r=this.parentElement&&"type"===t&&e!==n,i=this.indeterminate?100:this.percentage;this.setAttribute("aria-label",this.indeterminate||"".concat(this.percentage,"%")),this.toggleAttribute("indeterminate",this.indeterminate),"linear"===this.type&&("".concat(i,"%")),"radial"===this.type&&(*Math.PI)),r&&(this.innerHTML="radial"!==n?"":'<svg style="display:block;overflow:hidden;border-radius:100%" width="100%" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><circle cx="50" cy="50" r="50" stroke-dashoffset="0"/><circle cx="50" cy="50" r="50" stroke="currentColor" stroke-dasharray="314.159" transform="rotate(-90 50 50)"/></svg>'),"value"===t&&Number(n)!==Number(e)&&function(t,e){var n,r=2<arguments.length&&void 0!==arguments[2]?arguments[2]:{},i="prevent_recursive_dispatch_maximum_callstack".concat(e);if(t[i])return;t[i]=!0,"function"==typeof window.CustomEvent?n=new window.CustomEvent(e,{bubbles:!0,cancelable:!0,detail:r}):(n=document.createEvent("CustomEvent")).initCustomEvent(e,!0,!0,r);var o=t.dispatchEvent(n);t[i]=null}(this,"change")}},{key:"indeterminate",get:function(){return isNaN(parseFloat(this.getAttribute("value")))&&this.getAttribute("value")}},{key:"percentage",get:function(){return Math.round(this.value/this.max*100)||0}},{key:"value",get:function(){return this.indeterminate||Number(this.getAttribute("value"))},set:function(t){this.setAttribute("value",t)}},{key:"max",get:function(){return Number(this.getAttribute("max"))||1},set:function(t){this.setAttribute("max",t)}},{key:"type",get:function(){return this.getAttribute("type")||"linear"},set:function(t){this.setAttribute("type",t)}}])&&u(n.prototype,r),i&&u(n,i),e}()}),window.customElements.define("core-progress",coreProgress);

@@ -233,96 +233,3 @@ 'use strict';

function elementToReact(elementClass) {
for (var _len = arguments.length, attr = new Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0), _key = 1; _key < _len; _key++) {
attr[_key - 1] = arguments[_key];
var name = || String(elementClass).match(/function ([^(]+)/)[1]; // String match for IE11
var tag = "".concat(name.replace(/\W+/, '-'), "-").concat(getUUID()).toLowerCase();
if (IS_BROWSER && !window.customElements.get(tag)) window.customElements.define(tag, elementClass);
return (
function (_React$Component) {
_inherits(_class2, _React$Component);
function _class2(props) {
var _this;
_classCallCheck(this, _class2);
_this = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(_class2).call(this, props));
_this.ref = function (el) {
return _this.el = el;
attr.forEach(function (k) {
var on = "on".concat(k.replace(/(^|\.)./g, function (m) {
return m.slice(-1).toUpperCase();
})); // input.filter => onInputFilter
_this[k] = function (event) {
return _this.props[on] && closest(, _this.el.nodeName) === _this.el && _this.props[on](event);
return _this;
_createClass(_class2, [{
key: "componentDidMount",
value: function componentDidMount() {
var _this2 = this;
attr.forEach(function (k) {
return _this2.props[k] ? _this2.el[k] = _this2.props[k] : _this2.el.addEventListener(k, _this2[k]);
}, {
key: "componentDidUpdate",
value: function componentDidUpdate(prev) {
var _this3 = this;
attr.forEach(function (k) {
return prev[k] !== _this3.props[k] && (_this3.el[k] = _this3.props[k]);
}, {
key: "componentWillUnmount",
value: function componentWillUnmount() {
var _this4 = this;
attr.forEach(function (k) {
return _this4.el.removeEventListener(k, _this4[k]);
}, {
key: "render",
value: function render() {
var _this5 = this;
// Convert React props to CustomElement props
return React.createElement(tag, Object.keys(this.props).reduce(function (props, k) {
if (k === 'className') props["class"] = _this5.props[k]; // Fixes className for custom elements
else if (_this5.props[k] === true) props[k] = ''; // Fixes boolean attributes
else if (_this5.props[k] !== false) props[k] = _this5.props[k];
return props;
}, {
ref: this.ref
return _class2;
* getUUID
* @return {String} A generated unique ID
function getUUID() {
return + Math.random().toString(36).slice(2, 5);
var CoreProgress =

@@ -406,4 +313,140 @@ /*#__PURE__*/

var coreProgress = elementToReact(CoreProgress, 'change');
var version = "2.0.5";
* closest
* @param {Element} element Element to traverse up from
* @param {String} selector A selector to search for matching parents or element itself
* @return {Element|null} Element which is the closest ancestor matching selector
var closest$1 = function () {
var proto = typeof window === 'undefined' ? {} : window.Element.prototype;
var match = proto.matches || proto.msMatchesSelector || proto.webkitMatchesSelector;
return proto.closest ? function (el, css) {
return el.closest(css);
} : function (el, css) {
for (; el; el = el.parentElement) {
if (, css)) {
return el;
return null;
* customElementToReact
* @param {Class|Function} elem A custom element definition.
* @param {Array} attr Props and events
* @return {Object} A React component
function customElementToReact(elementClass, options) {
if (options === void 0) options = {};
var name = || String(elementClass).match(/function ([^(]+)/)[1]; // String match for IE11
var dashCase = name.replace(/.[A-Z]/g, function (ref) {
var a = ref[0];
var b = ref[1];
return a + "-" + b;
}); // NameName -> name-name
var customProps = options.props || [];
var customEvents = options.customEvents || [];
var skipProps = customProps.slice(); // Keep a copy
var tagName = (dashCase + "-" + (options.suffix || 'react')).replace(/\W+/g, '-').toLowerCase();
return (
function (superclass) {
function anonymous(props) {
var this$1 = this;, props);
this.ref = function (el) {
return this$1.el = el;
customEvents.forEach(function (eventName) {
var on = "on" + eventName.replace(/(^|\.)./g, function (m) {
return m.slice(-1).toUpperCase();
}); // input.filter => onInputFilter
this$1[eventName] = function (event) {
return this$1.props[on] && closest$1(, this$1.el.nodeName) === this$1.el && this$1.props[on](event);
skipProps.push(on); // Skip props that are customEvents
if (superclass) anonymous.__proto__ = superclass;
anonymous.prototype = Object.create(superclass && superclass.prototype);
anonymous.prototype.constructor = anonymous;
anonymous.prototype.componentDidMount = function componentDidMount() {
var this$1 = this; // Do not run connectedCallback before after React componentDidMount, to allow React hydration to run first
if (!window.customElements.get(tagName)) {
window.customElements.define(tagName, elementClass);
customProps.forEach(function (key) {
return this$1.props.hasOwnProperty(key) && (this$1.el[key] = this$1.props[key]);
customEvents.forEach(function (key) {
return this$1.el.addEventListener(key, this$1[key]);
anonymous.prototype.componentDidUpdate = function componentDidUpdate(prev) {
var this$1 = this;
customProps.forEach(function (key) {
return prev[key] !== this$1.props[key] && (this$1.el[key] = this$1.props[key]);
anonymous.prototype.componentWillUnmount = function componentWillUnmount() {
var this$1 = this;
customEvents.forEach(function (eventName) {
return this$1.el.removeEventListener(eventName, this$1[eventName]);
anonymous.prototype.render = function render() {
var this$1 = this; // Convert React props to CustomElement props
return React.createElement(tagName, Object.keys(this.props).reduce(function (thisProps, key) {
if (skipProps.indexOf(key) === -1) {
// Do not render customEvents and custom props as attributes
if (key === 'className') {
thisProps["class"] = this$1.props[key];
} // Fixes className for custom elements
else if (this$1.props[key] === true) {
thisProps[key] = '';
} // Fixes boolean attributes
else if (this$1.props[key] !== false) {
thisProps[key] = this$1.props[key];
} // Pass only truthy, non-function props
return thisProps;
}, {
ref: this.ref
return anonymous;
var coreProgress = customElementToReact(CoreProgress, {
customEvents: ['change'],
suffix: version
module.exports = coreProgress;

@@ -5,3 +5,3 @@ {

"author": "NRK <> (",
"version": "2.0.4",
"version": "2.0.5",
"license": "MIT",

@@ -8,0 +8,0 @@ "main": "core-progress.cjs.js",

@@ -142,3 +142,3 @@ # Core Progress

### progress.change
### change

@@ -149,3 +149,3 @@ Fired when the progress value changes:

document.addEventListener('progress.change', (event) => {
document.addEventListener('change', (event) => { // The progress element

@@ -152,0 +152,0 @@ })

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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