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Comparing version 1.0.0-alpha113 to 1.0.0-alpha114



@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@

export declare function createMigration(name: string, migrationLocationPath: string, classes: any[]): void;
export declare function createMigration(name: string, migrationLocationPath: string): void;

@@ -1,533 +0,440 @@

export function createMigration(name, migrationLocationPath, classes) {
throw new Error("Currently disabled!");
// if (!name) {
// console.error("❌ Name is required for a migration. Use '--name={{name}}' to declare a name of this migration.");
// process.exit(1);
// }
// const migrationLocation = path.join(process.cwd(), migrationLocationPath, "migrations");
// if (!fs.existsSync(migrationLocation)) {
// console.log("• Migration location does not exists... Creating folder.");
// fs.mkdirSync(migrationLocation, {recursive: true});
// }
// const folders = fs.readdirSync(migrationLocation, {withFileTypes: true})
// .filter(f => f.isDirectory())
// .map(f =>;
// let version = 0;
// const migrationName = `${version}.${getDateFormat()}_${name}`;
// let oldSchema!: DatabaseSchema;
// if ((folders).length > 0) {
// // @ts-ignore
// version = ( => +f.split(".")[0])
// .sort()
// .reverse()[0]) + 1;
// oldSchema = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.join(migrationLocation, (folders.sort()
// .reverse()
// .find(x => x) ?? ""), "schema.json"))
// .toString());
// }
// console.log("• Creating schema...");
// const schema: DatabaseSchema = {};
// for (const dbClass of classes) {
// const table = getTable(dbClass);
// if (!table) {
// continue;
// }
// if (!schema[table]) {
// schema[table] = {
// columns: {}
// };
// }
// const properties = getAllProperties(dbClass);
// for (let property of properties) {
// const type = getType(dbClass, property);
// schema[table].columns[getColumn(dbClass, property)] = {
// type: getSqlType(dbClass, property),
// primary: getPrimary(dbClass, property),
// nullable: getNullable(dbClass, property),
// unique: getUnique(dbClass, property),
// unsigned: ['number', 'bignumber'].includes(type) ? getUnsigned(dbClass, property) : false,
// autoIncrement: getAutoIncrement(dbClass, property),
// defaultSql: getDefaultSql(dbClass, property) ?? null,
// foreignKey: getForeignKey(dbClass, property),
// };
// }
// }
// mkdirSync(path.join(migrationLocation, migrationName), {recursive: true});
// fs.writeFileSync(path.join(migrationLocation, migrationName, "schema.json"), JSON.stringify(schema));
// console.log("• Schema created.");
// if (version === 0) {
// console.log("• Creating migration file...");
// let migrationFileContent = MigrationFileBuilder.GetFileTemplate();
// const queryLines: string[] = [];
// for (const table of Object.keys(schema)) {
// const tableSchema = schema[table]?.columns;
// if (tableSchema === undefined) {
// continue;
// }
// const columnSql: string[] = [];
// const primaryColumns: string[] = [];
// const uniqueColumns: string[] = [];
// const foreignKeys: { table: string, column: string, sourceColumn: string, onDelete: ForeignKeyOption, onUpdate: ForeignKeyOption }[] = [];
// for (const column of Object.keys(tableSchema)) {
// const data = tableSchema[column];
// if (data == null) {
// continue;
// }
// let sql = "";
// sql += `${column} ${data.type}`;
// if (data.unsigned) {
// sql += ` UNSIGNED`;
// }
// sql += ` ${data.nullable ? 'NULL' : 'NOT NULL'}`;
// if (data.defaultSql) {
// sql += ` DEFAULT ${data.defaultSql}`;
// }
// if (data.autoIncrement) {
// sql += ` AUTO_INCREMENT`;
// }
// columnSql.push(sql);
// if (data.primary) {
// primaryColumns.push(column);
// }
// if (data.unique) {
// uniqueColumns.push(column);
// }
// if (data.foreignKey) {
// foreignKeys.push({column: data.foreignKey.column, table: data.foreignKey.table, sourceColumn: column, onDelete: data.foreignKey.onDelete, onUpdate: data.foreignKey.onUpdate});
// }
// }
// if (primaryColumns.length > 0) {
// columnSql.push(`PRIMARY KEY (${primaryColumns.join(', ')})`);
// }
// for (const uniqueColumn of uniqueColumns) {
// columnSql.push(`UNIQUE INDEX ${uniqueColumn}_UNIQUE (${uniqueColumn} ASC) VISIBLE`);
// }
// for (const key of foreignKeys) {
// let onDeleteAction: 'CASCADE' | 'SET NULL' | 'RESTRICT' = "CASCADE";
// let onUpdateAction: 'CASCADE' | 'SET NULL' | 'RESTRICT' = "CASCADE";
// switch (key.onDelete) {
// case ForeignKeyOption.SetNull:
// onDeleteAction = "SET NULL";
// break;
// case ForeignKeyOption.Restrict:
// onDeleteAction = "RESTRICT";
// break;
// case ForeignKeyOption.Cascade:
// onDeleteAction = "CASCADE";
// break;
// }
// switch (key.onUpdate) {
// case ForeignKeyOption.SetNull:
// onUpdateAction = "SET NULL";
// break;
// case ForeignKeyOption.Restrict:
// onUpdateAction = "RESTRICT";
// break;
// case ForeignKeyOption.Cascade:
// onUpdateAction = "CASCADE";
// break;
// }
// columnSql.push(`INDEX \`fk_${key.table}_${key.column}_idx\` (\`${key.sourceColumn}\` ASC) VISIBLE`);
// columnSql.push(`CONSTRAINT \`fk_${key.table}_${key.column}\` FOREIGN KEY (\`${key.sourceColumn}\`) REFERENCES \`${key.table}\` (\`${key.column}\`) ON DELETE ${onDeleteAction} ON UPDATE ${onUpdateAction}`);
// }
// const sql = `CREATE TABLE ${table}
// (
// ${columnSql.join(', ')}
// );`;
// queryLines.push(sql);
// }
// migrationFileContent = migrationFileContent.replace("{{{{TEMPLATE-DATA}}}}", => ` this._builder.addQuery('${q.replaceAll("'", "\\'")}');`)
// .join("\n"));
// migrationFileContent = migrationFileContent.replace("{{{{VERSION}}}}", version.toString());
// mkdirSync(path.join(migrationLocation, migrationName), {recursive: true});
// fs.writeFileSync(path.join(migrationLocation, migrationName, "migration-plan.ts"), migrationFileContent);
// console.log("• Migration file created.");
// } else {
// console.log("• Creating migration file...");
// let migrationFileContent = MigrationFileBuilder.GetFileTemplate();
// const queryLines: string[] = [];
// const newTables = Object.keys(schema);
// const oldTables = Object.keys(oldSchema);
// const droptables = oldTables.filter(e => !newTables.includes(e));
// const addtables = newTables.filter(e => !oldTables.includes(e));
// const updateTables = oldTables.filter(e => newTables.includes(e));
// for (const table of droptables) {
// queryLines.push(`DROP TABLE ${table};`);
// }
// for (const table of addtables) {
// const tableSchema = schema[table]?.columns;
// if (tableSchema === undefined) {
// continue;
// }
// const columnSql: string[] = [];
// const primaryColumns: string[] = [];
// const uniqueColumns: string[] = [];
// const foreignKeys: { table: string, column: string, sourceColumn: string, onDelete: ForeignKeyOption, onUpdate: ForeignKeyOption }[] = [];
// for (const column of Object.keys(tableSchema)) {
// const data = tableSchema[column];
// if (data == null) {
// continue;
// }
// let sql = "";
// sql += `${column} ${data.type}`;
// if (data.unsigned) {
// sql += ` UNSIGNED`;
// }
// sql += ` ${data.nullable ? 'NULL' : 'NOT NULL'}`;
// if (data.defaultSql) {
// sql += ` DEFAULT ${data.defaultSql}`;
// }
// if (data.autoIncrement) {
// sql += ` AUTO_INCREMENT`;
// }
// columnSql.push(sql);
// if (data.primary) {
// primaryColumns.push(column);
// }
// if (data.unique) {
// uniqueColumns.push(column);
// }
// if (data.foreignKey) {
// foreignKeys.push({column: data.foreignKey.column, table: data.foreignKey.table, sourceColumn: column, onDelete: data.foreignKey.onDelete, onUpdate: data.foreignKey.onUpdate});
// }
// }
// if (primaryColumns.length > 0) {
// columnSql.push(`PRIMARY KEY (${primaryColumns.join(', ')})`);
// }
// for (const uniqueColumn of uniqueColumns) {
// columnSql.push(`UNIQUE INDEX ${uniqueColumn}_UNIQUE (${uniqueColumn} ASC) VISIBLE`);
// }
// for (const key of foreignKeys) {
// let onDeleteAction: 'CASCADE' | 'SET NULL' | 'RESTRICT' = "CASCADE";
// let onUpdateAction: 'CASCADE' | 'SET NULL' | 'RESTRICT' = "CASCADE";
// switch (key.onDelete) {
// case ForeignKeyOption.SetNull:
// onDeleteAction = "SET NULL";
// break;
// case ForeignKeyOption.Restrict:
// onDeleteAction = "RESTRICT";
// break;
// case ForeignKeyOption.Cascade:
// onDeleteAction = "CASCADE";
// break;
// }
// switch (key.onUpdate) {
// case ForeignKeyOption.SetNull:
// onUpdateAction = "SET NULL";
// break;
// case ForeignKeyOption.Restrict:
// onUpdateAction = "RESTRICT";
// break;
// case ForeignKeyOption.Cascade:
// onUpdateAction = "CASCADE";
// break;
// }
// columnSql.push(`INDEX \`fk_${key.table}_${key.column}_idx\` (\`${key.sourceColumn}\` ASC) VISIBLE`);
// columnSql.push(`CONSTRAINT \`fk_${key.table}_${key.column}\` FOREIGN KEY (\`${key.sourceColumn}\`) REFERENCES \`${key.table}\` (\`${key.column}\`) ON DELETE ${onDeleteAction} ON UPDATE ${onUpdateAction}`);
// }
// const sql = `CREATE TABLE ${table}
// (
// ${columnSql.join(', ')}
// );`;
// queryLines.push(sql);
// }
// for (const table of updateTables) {
// const dbTableSchema = schema[table]?.columns;
// const oldTableSchema = oldSchema[table]?.columns;
// const addColumnScript: string[] = [];
// let dropColumnScript: string[] = [];
// const modifyColumnScript: string[] = [];
// const addedUniqColumns: string[] = [];
// const deletedUniqColumns: string[] = []
// let redoPrimary = false;
// const dropkeys: string[] = [];
// const addedKeys: { table: string, column: string, sourceColumn: string, onDelete: ForeignKeyOption, onUpdate: ForeignKeyOption }[] = [];
// if (dbTableSchema === undefined || oldTableSchema === undefined) {
// continue;
// }
// const columnsToAdd = Object.keys(oldTableSchema)
// .filter(e => !Object.keys(dbTableSchema)
// .includes(e));
// const columnsToDelete = Object.keys(dbTableSchema)
// .filter(e => !Object.keys(oldTableSchema)
// .includes(e));
// const columnsToCheck = Object.keys(oldTableSchema)
// .filter(e => Object.keys(dbTableSchema)
// .includes(e));
// if (columnsToAdd.length > 0) {
// for (const column of columnsToAdd) {
// const data = oldTableSchema[column];
// if (data === undefined) {
// continue;
// }
// let sql = "";
// sql += `${column} ${data.type}`;
// if (data.unsigned) {
// sql += ` UNSIGNED`;
// }
// sql += ` ${data.nullable ? 'NULL' : 'NOT NULL'}`;
// if (data.defaultSql) {
// sql += ` DEFAULT ${data.defaultSql}`;
// }
// if (data.autoIncrement) {
// sql += ` AUTO_INCREMENT`;
// }
// addColumnScript.push(`ADD COLUMN ${sql}`);
// if (data.primary) {
// redoPrimary = true;
// }
// if (data.unique) {
// addedUniqColumns.push(column);
// }
// if (data.foreignKey) {
// addedKeys.push({
// column: data.foreignKey.column,
// table: data.foreignKey.table,
// sourceColumn: column,
// onDelete: data.foreignKey.onDelete,
// onUpdate: data.foreignKey.onUpdate
// })
// }
// }
// }
// if (columnsToDelete.length > 0) {
// for (const column of columnsToDelete) {
// dropColumnScript.push(`DROP COLUMN ${column}`);
// const dbData = dbTableSchema[column];
// if (dbData === undefined) {
// continue;
// }
// if (dbData.primary) {
// redoPrimary = true;
// }
// if (dbData.unique) {
// deletedUniqColumns.push(column);
// }
// }
// }
// if (columnsToCheck.length > 0) {
// for (const column of columnsToCheck) {
// let hasDifferences = false;
// const dbColumn = dbTableSchema[column];
// const migrationColumn = oldTableSchema[column];
// if (dbColumn === undefined || migrationColumn === undefined) {
// continue;
// }
// if (dbColumn.type.toLowerCase()
// .replaceAll(" ", "") != migrationColumn.type.toLowerCase()
// .replaceAll(" ", "")) {
// hasDifferences = true;
// }
// if (dbColumn.autoIncrement != migrationColumn.autoIncrement) {
// hasDifferences = true;
// }
// if (dbColumn.nullable != migrationColumn.nullable) {
// hasDifferences = true;
// }
// if ((dbColumn.defaultSql ? (dbColumn.defaultSql ?? "").replace(/^\'/, "")
// .replace(/\'$/, "") : dbColumn.defaultSql) != (migrationColumn.defaultSql ? (migrationColumn.defaultSql ?? "").replace(/^\'/, "")
// .replace(/\'$/, "") : migrationColumn.defaultSql)) {
// hasDifferences = true;
// }
// if (dbColumn.unsigned != migrationColumn.unsigned) {
// hasDifferences = true;
// }
// if (dbColumn.primary != migrationColumn.primary) {
// redoPrimary = true;
// }
// if (dbColumn.unique != migrationColumn.unique) {
// if (migrationColumn.unique && !dbColumn.unique) {
// addedUniqColumns.push(column);
// } else if (!migrationColumn.unique && dbColumn.unique) {
// deletedUniqColumns.push(column);
// }
// }
// if (dbColumn.foreignKey && (!migrationColumn.foreignKey || dbColumn.foreignKey.column != migrationColumn.foreignKey?.column || dbColumn.foreignKey.table != migrationColumn.foreignKey?.table || dbColumn.foreignKey.onUpdate != migrationColumn.foreignKey?.onUpdate || dbColumn.foreignKey.onDelete != migrationColumn.foreignKey?.onDelete)) {
// dropkeys.push((dbColumn.foreignKey as any)['name'])
// }
// if (migrationColumn.foreignKey !== null && (!dbColumn.foreignKey || dbColumn.foreignKey.column != migrationColumn.foreignKey?.column || dbColumn.foreignKey.table != migrationColumn.foreignKey?.table || dbColumn.foreignKey.onUpdate != migrationColumn.foreignKey?.onUpdate || dbColumn.foreignKey.onDelete != migrationColumn.foreignKey?.onDelete)) {
// addedKeys.push({
// column: migrationColumn.foreignKey.column,
// table: migrationColumn.foreignKey.table,
// sourceColumn: column,
// onDelete: migrationColumn.foreignKey.onDelete,
// onUpdate: migrationColumn.foreignKey.onUpdate,
// });
// }
// if (hasDifferences) {
// let sql = "";
// sql += `${column} ${migrationColumn.type}`;
// if (migrationColumn.unsigned) {
// sql += ` UNSIGNED`;
// }
// sql += ` ${migrationColumn.nullable ? 'NULL' : 'NOT NULL'}`;
// if (migrationColumn.defaultSql) {
// sql += ` DEFAULT ${migrationColumn.defaultSql}`;
// }
// if (migrationColumn.autoIncrement) {
// sql += ` AUTO_INCREMENT`;
// }
// modifyColumnScript.push(`MODIFY COLUMN ${sql}`);
// }
// }
// }
// let lines: string[] = [];
// if (addColumnScript.length > 0) {
// lines = lines.concat(addColumnScript);
// }
// if (dropColumnScript) {
// lines.concat(dropColumnScript);
// }
// if (modifyColumnScript.length > 0) {
// lines = lines.concat(modifyColumnScript);
// }
// if (redoPrimary) {
// let indexExists = false;
// // @ts-ignore
// for (const column of Object.keys(oldSchema[table].columns)) {
// // @ts-ignore
// if (oldSchema[table].columns[column].primary) {
// indexExists = true;
// break;
// }
// }
// if (indexExists) {
// lines.push("DROP PRIMARY KEY");
// }
// const primaryKeys = Object.keys(oldTableSchema)
// .filter(column => oldTableSchema[column]?.primary);
// if (primaryKeys.length > 0) {
// lines.push(`ADD PRIMARY KEY (${primaryKeys.join(", ")})`)
// }
// }
// if (deletedUniqColumns.length > 0) {
// for (const column of uniq(deletedUniqColumns)) {
// lines.push(`DROP INDEX ${column}_UNIQUE`);
// }
// }
// if (addedUniqColumns.length > 0) {
// for (const column of uniq(addedUniqColumns)) {
// lines.push(`ADD UNIQUE INDEX ${column}_UNIQUE (${column} ASC) VISIBLE`);
// }
// }
// if (dropkeys.length > 0) {
// queryLines.push(`ALTER TABLE \`${table}\` ${ => `DROP FOREIGN KEY \`${k}\``)
// .join(", ")}, ${ => `DROP INDEX \`${k}_idx\``)}`);
// }
// if (addedKeys.length > 0) {
// for (const key of addedKeys) {
// let onDeleteAction: 'CASCADE' | 'SET NULL' | 'RESTRICT' = "CASCADE";
// let onUpdateAction: 'CASCADE' | 'SET NULL' | 'RESTRICT' = "CASCADE";
// switch (key.onDelete) {
// case ForeignKeyOption.SetNull:
// onDeleteAction = "SET NULL";
// break;
// case ForeignKeyOption.Restrict:
// onDeleteAction = "RESTRICT";
// break;
// case ForeignKeyOption.Cascade:
// onDeleteAction = "CASCADE";
// break;
// }
// switch (key.onUpdate) {
// case ForeignKeyOption.SetNull:
// onUpdateAction = "SET NULL";
// break;
// case ForeignKeyOption.Restrict:
// onUpdateAction = "RESTRICT";
// break;
// case ForeignKeyOption.Cascade:
// onUpdateAction = "CASCADE";
// break;
// }
// lines.push(`ADD INDEX \`fk_${key.table}_${key.column}_idx\` (\`${key.sourceColumn}\` ASC) VISIBLE`);
// lines.push(`ADD CONSTRAINT \`fk_${key.table}_${key.column}\` FOREIGN KEY (\`${key.sourceColumn}\`) REFERENCES \`${key.table}\` (\`${key.column}\`) ON DELETE ${onDeleteAction} ON UPDATE ${onUpdateAction}`);
// }
// }
// if (lines.length > 0) {
// queryLines.push(`ALTER TABLE ${table} ${lines.join(', ')};`);
// }
// }
// migrationFileContent = migrationFileContent.replace("{{{{TEMPLATE-DATA}}}}", => ` this._builder.addQuery('${q.replaceAll("'", "\\'")}');`)
// .join("\n"));
// migrationFileContent = migrationFileContent.replace("{{{{VERSION}}}}", version.toString());
// mkdirSync(path.join(migrationLocation, migrationName), {recursive: true});
// fs.writeFileSync(path.join(migrationLocation, migrationName, "migration-plan.ts"), migrationFileContent);
// console.log("• Migration file created.");
// }
// console.log("✅ Migration completed.");
import path from "node:path";
import fs from "node:fs";
import { mkdirSync } from "fs";
import { uniq } from "lodash-es";
import { DeclarationStorage, ForeignKeyOption, MigrationFileBuilder } from "../models/index.js";
export function createMigration(name, migrationLocationPath) {
var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g, _h, _j, _k, _l, _m, _o, _p, _q;
if (!name) {
console.error("❌ Name is required for a migration. Use '--name={{name}}' to declare a name of this migration.");
const migrationLocation = path.join(process.cwd(), migrationLocationPath, "migrations");
if (!fs.existsSync(migrationLocation)) {
console.log("• Migration location does not exists... Creating folder.");
fs.mkdirSync(migrationLocation, { recursive: true });
const folders = fs.readdirSync(migrationLocation, { withFileTypes: true })
.filter(f => f.isDirectory())
.map(f =>;
let version = 0;
const migrationName = `${version}.${getDateFormat()}_${name}`;
console.log("• Retrieving old schema...");
let oldSchema;
if ((folders).length > 0) {
// @ts-ignore
version = ( => +f.split(".")[0])
.reverse()[0]) + 1;
oldSchema = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.join(migrationLocation, ((_a = folders.sort()
.find(x => x)) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : ""), "schema.json"))
console.log("• Retrieving current schema...");
const currentSchema = DeclarationStorage.get()
mkdirSync(path.join(migrationLocation, migrationName), { recursive: true });
fs.writeFileSync(path.join(migrationLocation, migrationName, "schema.json"), JSON.stringify(currentSchema));
console.log("• Schema retrieved and saved.");
if (version === 0) {
console.log("• Creating migration file...");
let migrationFileContent = MigrationFileBuilder.GetFileTemplate();
const queryLines = [];
for (const table of Object.keys(currentSchema)) {
const tableSchema = (_b = currentSchema[table]) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.columns;
if (tableSchema === undefined) {
const columnSql = [];
const primaryColumns = [];
const uniqueColumns = [];
const foreignKeys = [];
for (const column of Object.keys(tableSchema)) {
const data = tableSchema[column];
if (data == null) {
let sql = "";
sql += `${column} ${data.type}`;
if (data.unsigned) {
sql += ` UNSIGNED`;
sql += ` ${data.nullable ? 'NULL' : 'NOT NULL'}`;
if (data.defaultSql) {
sql += ` DEFAULT ${data.defaultSql}`;
if (data.autoIncrement) {
if (data.primary) {
if (data.unique) {
if (data.foreignKey) {
foreignKeys.push({ column: data.foreignKey.column, table: data.foreignKey.table, sourceColumn: column, onDelete: data.foreignKey.onDelete, onUpdate: data.foreignKey.onUpdate });
if (primaryColumns.length > 0) {
columnSql.push(`PRIMARY KEY (${primaryColumns.join(', ')})`);
for (const uniqueColumn of uniqueColumns) {
columnSql.push(`UNIQUE INDEX ${uniqueColumn}_UNIQUE (${uniqueColumn} ASC) VISIBLE`);
for (const key of foreignKeys) {
let onDeleteAction = "CASCADE";
let onUpdateAction = "CASCADE";
switch (key.onDelete) {
case ForeignKeyOption.SetNull:
onDeleteAction = "SET NULL";
case ForeignKeyOption.Restrict:
onDeleteAction = "RESTRICT";
case ForeignKeyOption.Cascade:
onDeleteAction = "CASCADE";
switch (key.onUpdate) {
case ForeignKeyOption.SetNull:
onUpdateAction = "SET NULL";
case ForeignKeyOption.Restrict:
onUpdateAction = "RESTRICT";
case ForeignKeyOption.Cascade:
onUpdateAction = "CASCADE";
columnSql.push(`INDEX \`fk_${key.table}_${key.column}_idx\` (\`${key.sourceColumn}\` ASC) VISIBLE`);
columnSql.push(`CONSTRAINT \`fk_${key.table}_${key.column}\` FOREIGN KEY (\`${key.sourceColumn}\`) REFERENCES \`${key.table}\` (\`${key.column}\`) ON DELETE ${onDeleteAction} ON UPDATE ${onUpdateAction}`);
const sql = `CREATE TABLE ${table}(${columnSql.join(', ')});`;
migrationFileContent = migrationFileContent.replace("{{{{TEMPLATE-DATA}}}}", => ` this._builder.addQuery('${q.replaceAll("'", "\\'")}');`)
migrationFileContent = migrationFileContent.replace("{{{{VERSION}}}}", version.toString());
mkdirSync(path.join(migrationLocation, migrationName), { recursive: true });
fs.writeFileSync(path.join(migrationLocation, migrationName, "migration-plan.ts"), migrationFileContent);
console.log("• Migration file created.");
else {
console.log("• Creating migration file...");
let migrationFileContent = MigrationFileBuilder.GetFileTemplate();
const queryLines = [];
const newTables = Object.keys(currentSchema);
const oldTables = Object.keys(oldSchema);
const droptables = oldTables.filter(e => !newTables.includes(e));
const addtables = newTables.filter(e => !oldTables.includes(e));
const updateTables = oldTables.filter(e => newTables.includes(e));
for (const table of droptables) {
queryLines.push(`DROP TABLE ${table};`);
for (const table of addtables) {
const tableSchema = (_c = currentSchema[table]) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.columns;
if (tableSchema === undefined) {
const columnSql = [];
const primaryColumns = [];
const uniqueColumns = [];
const foreignKeys = [];
for (const column of Object.keys(tableSchema)) {
const data = tableSchema[column];
if (data == null) {
let sql = "";
sql += `${column} ${data.type}`;
if (data.unsigned) {
sql += ` UNSIGNED`;
sql += ` ${data.nullable ? 'NULL' : 'NOT NULL'}`;
if (data.defaultSql) {
sql += ` DEFAULT ${data.defaultSql}`;
if (data.autoIncrement) {
if (data.primary) {
if (data.unique) {
if (data.foreignKey) {
foreignKeys.push({ column: data.foreignKey.column, table: data.foreignKey.table, sourceColumn: column, onDelete: data.foreignKey.onDelete, onUpdate: data.foreignKey.onUpdate });
if (primaryColumns.length > 0) {
columnSql.push(`PRIMARY KEY (${primaryColumns.join(', ')})`);
for (const uniqueColumn of uniqueColumns) {
columnSql.push(`UNIQUE INDEX ${uniqueColumn}_UNIQUE (${uniqueColumn} ASC) VISIBLE`);
for (const key of foreignKeys) {
let onDeleteAction = "CASCADE";
let onUpdateAction = "CASCADE";
switch (key.onDelete) {
case ForeignKeyOption.SetNull:
onDeleteAction = "SET NULL";
case ForeignKeyOption.Restrict:
onDeleteAction = "RESTRICT";
case ForeignKeyOption.Cascade:
onDeleteAction = "CASCADE";
switch (key.onUpdate) {
case ForeignKeyOption.SetNull:
onUpdateAction = "SET NULL";
case ForeignKeyOption.Restrict:
onUpdateAction = "RESTRICT";
case ForeignKeyOption.Cascade:
onUpdateAction = "CASCADE";
columnSql.push(`INDEX \`fk_${key.table}_${key.column}_idx\` (\`${key.sourceColumn}\` ASC) VISIBLE`);
columnSql.push(`CONSTRAINT \`fk_${key.table}_${key.column}\` FOREIGN KEY (\`${key.sourceColumn}\`) REFERENCES \`${key.table}\` (\`${key.column}\`) ON DELETE ${onDeleteAction} ON UPDATE ${onUpdateAction}`);
const sql = `CREATE TABLE ${table}
${columnSql.join(', ')}
for (const table of updateTables) {
const dbTableSchema = (_d = currentSchema[table]) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.columns;
const oldTableSchema = (_e = oldSchema[table]) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.columns;
const addColumnScript = [];
let dropColumnScript = [];
const modifyColumnScript = [];
const addedUniqColumns = [];
const deletedUniqColumns = [];
let redoPrimary = false;
const dropkeys = [];
const addedKeys = [];
if (dbTableSchema === undefined || oldTableSchema === undefined) {
const columnsToAdd = Object.keys(oldTableSchema)
.filter(e => !Object.keys(dbTableSchema)
const columnsToDelete = Object.keys(dbTableSchema)
.filter(e => !Object.keys(oldTableSchema)
const columnsToCheck = Object.keys(oldTableSchema)
.filter(e => Object.keys(dbTableSchema)
if (columnsToAdd.length > 0) {
for (const column of columnsToAdd) {
const data = oldTableSchema[column];
if (data === undefined) {
let sql = "";
sql += `${column} ${data.type}`;
if (data.unsigned) {
sql += ` UNSIGNED`;
sql += ` ${data.nullable ? 'NULL' : 'NOT NULL'}`;
if (data.defaultSql) {
sql += ` DEFAULT ${data.defaultSql}`;
if (data.autoIncrement) {
addColumnScript.push(`ADD COLUMN ${sql}`);
if (data.primary) {
redoPrimary = true;
if (data.unique) {
if (data.foreignKey) {
column: data.foreignKey.column,
table: data.foreignKey.table,
sourceColumn: column,
onDelete: data.foreignKey.onDelete,
onUpdate: data.foreignKey.onUpdate
if (columnsToDelete.length > 0) {
for (const column of columnsToDelete) {
dropColumnScript.push(`DROP COLUMN ${column}`);
const dbData = dbTableSchema[column];
if (dbData === undefined) {
if (dbData.primary) {
redoPrimary = true;
if (dbData.unique) {
if (columnsToCheck.length > 0) {
for (const column of columnsToCheck) {
let hasDifferences = false;
const dbColumn = dbTableSchema[column];
const migrationColumn = oldTableSchema[column];
if (dbColumn === undefined || migrationColumn === undefined) {
if (dbColumn.type.toLowerCase()
.replaceAll(" ", "") != migrationColumn.type.toLowerCase()
.replaceAll(" ", "")) {
hasDifferences = true;
if (dbColumn.autoIncrement != migrationColumn.autoIncrement) {
hasDifferences = true;
if (dbColumn.nullable != migrationColumn.nullable) {
hasDifferences = true;
if ((dbColumn.defaultSql ? ((_f = dbColumn.defaultSql) !== null && _f !== void 0 ? _f : "").replace(/^\'/, "")
.replace(/\'$/, "") : dbColumn.defaultSql) != (migrationColumn.defaultSql ? ((_g = migrationColumn.defaultSql) !== null && _g !== void 0 ? _g : "").replace(/^\'/, "")
.replace(/\'$/, "") : migrationColumn.defaultSql)) {
hasDifferences = true;
if (dbColumn.unsigned != migrationColumn.unsigned) {
hasDifferences = true;
if (dbColumn.primary != migrationColumn.primary) {
redoPrimary = true;
if (dbColumn.unique != migrationColumn.unique) {
if (migrationColumn.unique && !dbColumn.unique) {
else if (!migrationColumn.unique && dbColumn.unique) {
if (dbColumn.foreignKey && (!migrationColumn.foreignKey || dbColumn.foreignKey.column != ((_h = migrationColumn.foreignKey) === null || _h === void 0 ? void 0 : _h.column) || dbColumn.foreignKey.table != ((_j = migrationColumn.foreignKey) === null || _j === void 0 ? void 0 : _j.table) || dbColumn.foreignKey.onUpdate != ((_k = migrationColumn.foreignKey) === null || _k === void 0 ? void 0 : _k.onUpdate) ||
dbColumn.foreignKey.onDelete != ((_l = migrationColumn.foreignKey) === null || _l === void 0 ? void 0 : _l.onDelete))) {
if (migrationColumn.foreignKey !== null && (!dbColumn.foreignKey || dbColumn.foreignKey.column != ((_m = migrationColumn.foreignKey) === null || _m === void 0 ? void 0 : _m.column) || dbColumn.foreignKey.table !=
((_o = migrationColumn.foreignKey) === null || _o === void 0 ? void 0 : _o.table) || dbColumn.foreignKey.onUpdate != ((_p = migrationColumn.foreignKey) === null || _p === void 0 ? void 0 : _p.onUpdate) || dbColumn.foreignKey.onDelete != ((_q = migrationColumn.foreignKey) === null || _q === void 0 ? void 0 : _q.onDelete))) {
column: migrationColumn.foreignKey.column, table: migrationColumn.foreignKey.table,
sourceColumn: column, onDelete: migrationColumn.foreignKey.onDelete, onUpdate: migrationColumn.foreignKey.onUpdate,
if (hasDifferences) {
let sql = "";
sql += `${column} ${migrationColumn.type}`;
if (migrationColumn.unsigned) {
sql += ` UNSIGNED`;
sql += ` ${migrationColumn.nullable
? 'NULL' : 'NOT NULL'}`;
if (migrationColumn.defaultSql) {
sql += ` DEFAULT ${migrationColumn.defaultSql}`;
if (migrationColumn.autoIncrement) {
modifyColumnScript.push(`MODIFY COLUMN ${sql}`);
let lines = [];
if (addColumnScript.length > 0) {
lines = lines.concat(addColumnScript);
if (dropColumnScript) {
if (modifyColumnScript.length > 0) {
lines = lines.concat(modifyColumnScript);
if (redoPrimary) {
let indexExists = false; // @ts-ignore
for (const column of Object.keys(oldSchema[table].columns)) { // @ts-ignore
if (oldSchema[table].columns[column].primary) {
indexExists = true;
if (indexExists) {
lines.push("DROP PRIMARY KEY");
const primaryKeys = Object.keys(oldTableSchema)
.filter(column => { var _a; return (_a = oldTableSchema[column]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.primary; });
if (primaryKeys.length > 0) {
lines.push(`ADD PRIMARY KEY (${primaryKeys.join(", ")})`);
if (deletedUniqColumns.length > 0) {
for (const column of uniq(deletedUniqColumns)) {
lines.push(`DROP INDEX ${column}_UNIQUE`);
if (addedUniqColumns.length > 0) {
for (const column of uniq(addedUniqColumns)) {
lines.push(`ADD UNIQUE INDEX ${column}_UNIQUE (${column} ASC) VISIBLE`);
if (dropkeys.length > 0) {
queryLines.push(`ALTER TABLE \`${table}\` ${ => `DROP FOREIGN KEY \`${k}\``)
.join(", ")}, ${ => `DROP INDEX \`${k}_idx\``)}`);
if (addedKeys.length > 0) {
for (const key of addedKeys) {
let onDeleteAction = "CASCADE";
let onUpdateAction = "CASCADE";
switch (key.onDelete) {
case ForeignKeyOption.SetNull:
onDeleteAction = "SET NULL";
case ForeignKeyOption.Restrict:
onDeleteAction = "RESTRICT";
case ForeignKeyOption.Cascade:
onDeleteAction = "CASCADE";
switch (key.onUpdate) {
case ForeignKeyOption.SetNull:
onUpdateAction = "SET NULL";
case ForeignKeyOption.Restrict:
onUpdateAction = "RESTRICT";
case ForeignKeyOption.Cascade:
onUpdateAction = "CASCADE";
lines.push(`ADD INDEX \`fk_${key.table}_${key.column}_idx\` (\`${key.sourceColumn}\` ASC) VISIBLE`);
lines.push(`ADD CONSTRAINT \`fk_${key.table}_${key.column}\` FOREIGN KEY (\`${key.sourceColumn}\`) REFERENCES \`${key.table}\` (\`${key.column}\`) ON DELETE ${onDeleteAction} ON UPDATE ${onUpdateAction}`);
if (lines.length > 0) {
queryLines.push(`ALTER TABLE ${table} ${lines.join(', ')};`);
migrationFileContent = migrationFileContent.replace("{{{{TEMPLATE-DATA}}}}", => `
this._builder.addQuery('${q.replaceAll("'", "\\'")}');`)
migrationFileContent = migrationFileContent.replace("{{{{VERSION}}}}", version.toString());
mkdirSync(path.join(migrationLocation, migrationName), { recursive: true });
fs.writeFileSync(path.join(migrationLocation, migrationName, "migration-plan.ts"), migrationFileContent);
console.log("• Migration file created.");
console.log("✅ Migration completed.");

@@ -534,0 +441,0 @@ function getDateFormat() {

import { propertyType } from "./property.models.js";
import { DatabaseSchema } from "./schema.models.js";
export declare abstract class DeclarationStorage {

@@ -28,2 +29,3 @@ static declarations: {

declareTable<T>(classObject: object, dbTableName?: string | null): DatabaseTable<T>;
convertToDatabaseSchema(): DatabaseSchema;

@@ -66,2 +68,3 @@ declare class DatabaseTable<T> {

getRequired(): boolean;
getNullable(): boolean;
unique(): this;

@@ -68,0 +71,0 @@ getUnique(): boolean;

@@ -43,6 +43,8 @@ import { Factory } from "./factory.models.js";

export function getTable(classObject, declarationName = "default") {
return DeclarationStorage.getTable(classObject, declarationName).getDbName();
return DeclarationStorage.getTable(classObject, declarationName)
export function getColumn(classObject, property, declarationName = "default") {
return DeclarationStorage.getColumn(classObject, property, declarationName).getDbName();
return DeclarationStorage.getColumn(classObject, property, declarationName)

@@ -82,2 +84,26 @@ export class DatabaseDeclaration {

convertToDatabaseSchema() {
const schema = {};
for (const table of this._tables) {
schema[table.getDbName()] = { columns: {} };
for (const columnname of Object.keys(table.columns)) {
const column = table.columns[columnname];
if (!column) {
// @ts-ignore
schema[table.getDbName()].columns[columnname] = {
type: column.getType().type,
primary: column.getPrimary(),
nullable: column.getNullable(),
unique: column.getUnique(),
unsigned: column.getUnsigned(),
autoIncrement: column.getAutoIncrement(),
defaultSql: column.getDefaultSql(),
foreignKey: column.getForeignKey(),
return schema;

@@ -134,3 +160,3 @@ class DatabaseTable {

type(type, length = null) {
this._type = { type, length };
this._type = { type: type !== null && type !== void 0 ? type : "string", length };
return this;

@@ -155,2 +181,5 @@ }

getNullable() {
return this._nullable;
unique() {

@@ -157,0 +186,0 @@ this._unique = true;

"name": "@nyffels/mynodeorm",
"version": "1.0.0-alpha113",
"version": "1.0.0-alpha114",
"description": "A full-fledged ORM framework for NodeJS and MySQL with develop friendly code aimed to handle database migrations, MySQL Query builder / helper and property mapping.",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "private": false,

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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