An Angular front-end framework Tailored for your swiss branded business web application, Oblique provides a standardized corporate design look and feel as well as a collection of ready-to-use Angular components. Oblique, through its fully customizable master layout, takes care of the application's structure, letting you focus on the content.
Read the developer docs: https://oblique.bit.admin.ch/
Oblique uses npm, AngularCLI and Sass to fetch dependencies, compile & build assets, compose HTML and serve & watch web content.
Embedding Oblique into your project
Update your project to Angular 9: https://update.angular.io/#8.0:9.0
Install oblique
and its peer dependencies:
npm install @oblique/oblique`
npm install @ngx-translate/core
npm install @angular/localize
npm install @ts-morph/common
ng install @angular/localize
Install jest
and its dependencies (optional)
npm i @angular-builders/jest
npm i @types/jest
npm i jest
npm i ts-jest
npm i jest-sonar-reporter
npm i jest-transform-stub
npm i jest-serializer-vue
npm i jest-preset-angular
Configure Sonar in package.json
"jestSonar": {
"reportPath": "./coverage/sonarQube",
"reportFile": "sqr.xml",
"indent": 4,
"sonar56x": true
Map Oblique's resources and load CSS in angular.json
"architect": {
"build": {
"builder": "@angular-devkit/build-angular:browser",
"options": {
"assets": [
"glob": "**/*",
"input": "node_modules/@oblique/oblique/styles",
"output": "assets/styles"
"styles": [
Configure jest (optional)
"architect": {
"test": {
"builder": "@angular-builders/jest:run",
"options": {
"configPath": "../tests/jest.config.js",
"watch": true,
"verbose": true
"configurations": {
"production": {
"configPath": "../tests/jest.config.js",
"watch": false,
"verbose": false
Configure Oblique in app.module.ts
imports: [
// import others Oblique Module as necessary
providers: [
{provide: HTTP_INTERCEPTORS, useClass: ObHttpApiInterceptor, multi: true}
Embed the master layout in app.component.ts
navigation: ObINavigationLink[] = [];
Embed the master layout in app.component.html
<ob-master-layout [navigation]="navigation">
<ng-container obHeaderTitle>{{'i18n.application.title' | translate}}</ng-container>
<ng-template #obHeaderControl>
<ng-container obFooterInfo>
Checking for updates
- Bump dependencies through Angular cli first:
ng update
- Then update oblique:
ng update @oblique/oblique
- Finally update the dependencies without build-in schematics:
npm update
- New major versions can be discovered through
npm outdated
Contribute to Oblique
- nodejs & npm
- AngularCli installed globally:
npm i -g @angular/cli
Setup the the environment
- Clone the repo:
git clone https://github.com/oblique-bit/oblique.git
. - Install project dependencies:
npm ci
- start the showcase:
npm start
Commit message
We have very precise rules over how our git commit messages can be formatted. This leads to more readable messages that are easy to follow when looking
through the project history. The git commit messages will also be used to generate Oblique's change log.
For better readability, please follow the following rules:
- 1 commit per change, fixes have to be squashed together.
- A change includes its tests, mocks, documentation and schematics.
- 1 commit concerns 1 scope (see below), if a commit spans multiple scopes, split it into several commits. Exception: changes that spans most of the library can be grouped together. In that case, there is no scope
- no line of the commit message can be longer than 100 characters.
- changes to the showcase should NEVER come with another type (see below) as showcase. All showcase changes of an issue should be squashed together
Each commit message consists of a header, a body and a footer. The header has a special format that includes a type, a scope and a
<type>(<scope>): <subject>
The header is mandatory and lowercase only. The scope of the header is optional. There no space between type and scope.
The type is mandatory and must be one of the following:
- feat: Changes that creates, improves or removes a feature
- fix: Changes that fixes a bug
- refactor: Changes to a feature that neither adds, removes nor fixes a behavior
- test: Changes that affect tests and their configuration only
- docs: Changes that affect the documentation only
- showcase: Changes that affect the showcase only
- format: Changes that do not affect the meaning of the code (white-space, formatting, missing semi-colons, etc)
- chore: Anything that do not fit in any previous types (e.g. release, dependencies update, ...)
The scope is optional and should be the name of the Oblique feature affected:
- collapse
- column-layout
- datepicker
- document-meta
- error-messages
- filter-box
- form-control-state
- http-interceptor
- master-layout
- multi-translate-loader
- multiselect
- nav-tree
- navigable
- nested-form
- navigator
- notification
- number-format
- off-canvas
- pop-up
- schema-validation
- scrolling
- search-box
- selectable
- spinner
- sticky
- input-clear
- theme (for either the theme service or global css)
- toggle
- translate-params
- unknown-route
- unsaved-changes
- unsubscribe
- utilities (for utilities.ts)
- toolchain (for configuration, build, releases, schematics,...)
The subject is mandatory and contains a succinct description of the change:
- use the imperative, present tense: "change" not "changed" nor "changes"
- don't capitalize the first letter
- no dot (.) at the end
The body is optional.
Just as in the subject, use the imperative, present tense: "change" not "changed" nor "changes". The body should include the motivation for the change and contrast this with previous behavior.
The footer is optional and should contain a reference to a JIRA issue if any, e.g.: OUI-715
It should also contain any information about Breaking Changes.
Breaking Changes have to start with the words BREAKING CHANGE:
followed by a newline. The rest of the commit message is then used for this. Multiple breaking changes can be displayed with bullet points
* function `funcA` has been removed in favor of `funcB`
* property `prop` has been removed with no replacement
* file `fileName` has been renamed into `myFile`