What is @octokit/types?
The @octokit/types npm package provides TypeScript definitions for GitHub's REST API, GraphQL API, and Webhooks. It is designed to be used with other Octokit libraries to offer type safety and auto-completion in code editors, making it easier to work with GitHub's APIs in a TypeScript project.
What are @octokit/types's main functionalities?
GitHub REST API Types
Provides types for responses from GitHub's REST API endpoints. This example shows how to type an object representing a GitHub issue as it would be returned from the REST API.
import { RestEndpointMethodTypes } from '@octokit/types';
const issue: RestEndpointMethodTypes['issues']['get']['response']['data'] = {
id: 1,
number: 1347,
title: 'Just a test issue'
GitHub GraphQL API Types
Provides types for constructing and receiving responses from GitHub's GraphQL API. This example demonstrates fetching a repository's details using GraphQL and typing the response.
import { graphql } from '@octokit/graphql';
import { Repository } from '@octokit/types';
async function getRepository(owner: string, name: string): Promise<Repository> {
const { repository } = await graphql<{ repository: Repository }>(
repository(owner: "${owner}", name: "${name}") {
owner {
return repository;
GitHub Webhooks Types
Includes types for GitHub Webhook events. This example shows how to handle an incoming webhook event with type safety, specifically for an issue event.
import { WebhookEvent } from '@octokit/types';
function handleWebhook(event: WebhookEvent) {
if (event.name === 'issues') {
const action = event.payload.action;
console.log(`Issue action: ${action}`);